zeeverseconfession · 2 months
waiter! waiter! more dynamite please!
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dark-wackademia · 4 months
Time to stop procrastinating. Here’s how.
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gluzzo · 5 months
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Brennan Lee Mulligan during the fireside chat for The Wizard, The Witch, and The Wild One - Episode 9
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Screenshots of excerpts from the transcript of the Worlds Beyond Number podcast’s fireside chat on The Wizard, The Witch, and The Wild One - Episode 9.
Brennan Lee Mulligan: And, to me, that describes so many heartbreaking situations, where something deep and true does come, like- the number one belief I have, in terms of like, whatever my secular morality is— is that there's a weird attitude in some parts of our culture, that like, impulses are sinful, and morality is like a structure?
Aabria Iyengar: YES!
Brennan Lee Mulligan: And that bullshit. Moral impulses are incredibly real. Nobody needs to explain what's wrong with-think of the first age you are, where someone's mean to another kid, or an animal, and something in you goes, "Wrong!!" And that's primal.
Brennan Lee Mulligan: And like it's-it's brutal! It's very Imperial. It's like this oppressive weight, from a very smart opponent, who is convincing themselves. Like, the reason the arguments have that urgency, is that Suvi is also self-indoctrinating, and it's part of that thing that comes back up. And I think the big, sinister part of, of….. The idea of principle. Like, what, in principle, is different from a demon being bound in a circle of salt, and what you saw happening to Naram out under the derrick. This is-I don't have time to explain this in this talk back. I have issues with the philosophic concept of principle, point blank.
Brennan Lee Mulligan: Yes. And I think that the idea of principle, from-especially to a wizard, who is all about organization, taxonomy, patterns, and systems-principle is this idea that, maybe is built on sand, right?
Aabria lyengar: Yeah.
Brennan Lee Mulligan: When we think about "what are your principles," we use it as a synonym for being a good person. "Are you principled?" But the idea of principle being like, maxims, axioms, "What are some rules that I can ALWAYS follow?" And speaking of them, like, if you go back to Aristotle's Golden Mean, maybe living by principles produces bizarre, immoral edge cases.
Brennan Lee Mulligan: So it's this idea of, like-but it's unexamined by Suvi in that moment, and the reason it's unexamined, is because I think it's one of the main tools of the indoctrination of the Empire. What have you already accepted? Right? I see this in ethical discourse all the time, which is why whataboutism is so powerful, in modern philosophical discourse, is people go like, "Okay. You've made a moral point. You've made a call to action. You've said, 'we need to do something to make the world better.' So what I'm going to do is find some other moral failing of yours, hold it up in front of you and say, 'but you did this bad thing like this,' or this other situation occurred that was similar to this, where you did not act. So wouldn't you in fact, be a hypocrite by acting or not acting in a similar way this time?'''
Brennan Lee Mulligan: Which sounds, when you see it in the world, like sound moral reasoning, and it's garbage.
Taylor Moore: [Laughs]
Brennan Lee Mulligan: Because it's basically saying, like, "Instead of helping, why don't you be consistent?" And it's like-
Brennan Lee Mulligan: It's like stupid. What the fuck is the point of consistency? Like principle as a measurement of consistency, and the Fox's whole deal would be like, "Yeah, yesterday I did something bad and today I'm going to do something good because I want to." That's all.
Erika Ishii: Yeah.
Brennan Lee Mulligan: And someone would be like, "You're a hypocrite." And he'd be like, "Okay! I'm gonna get some fish slurry."
End ID.]
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princesschubbi · 6 months
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pointm4n · 10 months
the housemate has suggested mister m.atthew m.cconaughey as a replacement for leon di caprisun as cobb in i.nception and this is now canon on this blog. that is all.
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welcome-to-green-hills · 10 months
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makeupinthedrawer · 1 year
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bri-sonat · 1 year
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“Two quick deaths?”
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mgbbsnk · 1 year
the thing is (and i take back everything i said about Gideon being something like a himbo) that gideon is so excellently eloquent. her entire narrative voice in book 1 is littered with Words I Do Not Recognize. Those Are Big Words. and she does get necromantic theory. she can follow along harrow's ramblings. she's very good at mapping out the political vibes in the room and fully grasp a situation. like. she just thinks shes funny. that's my only thing. she also memorizes bone anatomy. and idk maybe it's just very socialscience student of me but that is very impressive.
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voxiiferous · 2 years
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ctntduoarchive · 2 years
not even to mention when c!q and c!tubbo were first opening tubburger and c!q went on several psycho competitive rants about c!wilbur. and also at a raw salmon. like come on we all know what the raw salmon moment was about. saying c!q genuinely doesn't care/think about c!wilbur all just ISN'T TRUE 😭
THAT . THATTTTTT (i have been scratching to rewatch that!!!!) they are BOTH wild about it.
i despise it when people make it one-sided or make one worse than the other. YOU HAVE MISSED THE POINT . never talk about c!tntduo again or revaluate your whole life purpose
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babegroot · 2 years
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footballffbarbiex · 2 years
tp the virginity anon, I lost mine when I was like, 16 and I went through a moment where I fucked everyone I met at parties and stuff like that, if it eases your mind, it's not cool, it's not nice, I did it because I was struggling. It's totally okay to respect your timing, what's not okay is to force yourself to do something just because you're "getting too old".
sex is supposed to be enjoyable, and you'll lose your virginity when time comes <3
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inazumaneko · 2 years
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IM SO HAPPY I FINALLY FINISHED THIS. I started it in March and have worked on it little by little whenever I had motivation, I am so happy that it’s done I’ve been really excited about this. AAAAH GET GOTTEN!!!!
I was originally just gonna send it to you through asks but it’s one of my first times trying something new with my shading and I’m really proud of it, so would it be cool if I could post it on my Instagram? I’ll still tag you for credit and everything!! :}}
This?!?! THIS IS SO COOL?!?!?!
This is AMAZING!!! Thank you SO much for sharing your amazing work!! And you 1000% can post!! I can’t wait to give it love on Instagram too because this is SO COOL!!! 💗💗💗
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trennoandgreggo · 2 years
happy two years anniversary to our starboy
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moodygirlll · 2 years
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