#[sorry for the wait! im slowly bringing this blog back from the dead!]
olympianroyals · 2 years
- April 13th, Wednesday Afternoon -
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-Callista phone rings-
Callista answers her phone: Hello... Hey Alyssa.
Callista: …. Wait, what do you mean?
Callista: What?...…Your joking! Where?
Callista: Send it to me!
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-Callista phone pings loudly-
Callista looks down at her phone: Are you fucking kidding me?!
Assistant staff: Your highness, please were in public..
Callista ignores her and speaks on the phone: Alyssa I have to go!
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Callista: I honestly cannot believe this is happening right now! Look! -She points at her phone screen- Donnie look at what Alyssa sent me a screenshot of! Its already all over the blogs.
Adonis: Mhm,
Callista: She's barely been back less than 3 days and she’s already on the cover of US Weekly.
Adonis starts reading over her shoulder: To be fair, its not a good cover though.
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Callista: So? Good cover or not, she’s fu- freaking on the front page.
Adonis: You know how the people are with Pandora, they gobble up anything and everything that's out there about her. 
Callista: Yeah but they never put her on the front page before.
Adonis: Well they never had a picture of her before so I think that paid a huge part.
Callista side eyes Adonis: Who side are you on?
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Adonis mumbles: The side that makes the most sense,
Callista typing rapidly, phone pinging constantly: Donnie!
Adonis: Look, maybe speak to auntie Dimi and see if she can set something up to get you your own magazine cover or even your own magazine spread or something.
-Callista hums, distracted-
Adonis: See, there you go. World ending disaster prevented.
Callista: I feel like your still missing the point.
Adonis: Was there one?
Callista: She leaves us for years and then takes one step back in Olympia and now she’s on the front cover of a magazine? I'm gonna see if Alyssa can get me a physically copy of it, I wanna know what it says exactly.
Adonis: Yeah but one glance at that cover and I already know the magazine is problematic as hell and its not like she chose to be away for so long. We shouldn't put that on her.
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Callista mumbles loudly: The magazine being problematic is probably cause she’s problematic as hell.
Adonis: Wow, and that's coming from you?
Callista: Oh come on. You saw how she acted the day before! Oh that right, you ditched us first the chance you got.
Adonis: I had enough of you and Pandora’s arguments as a child. It was only a matter of time before you brought me into it. I refuse to suffer more than I already am. 
Callista: She damn near almost bit my head off from me telling her, she was wearing the wrong clothes. When I tried to tell her how disrespectful she was being to her dead mother for not wearing the proper mourning attire, she wouldn't hear a thing of it.
Adonis: Yeah I don't... I don't know why she's wearing regular clothes either during this time. 
Callista: At least she’s wearing black today although 85% of her skin is showing but still that's progress I guess.
Adonis: Well maybe she doesn't know although its more than likely she doesn't even have the proper clothing at all. Remember she grew up without all of this. We should bring this to mother’s attention and have her speak to Dorry about it.
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Callista: Then why is Grandfather letting her walk around ignorant and risk her embarrassing the family?
Adonis: That's one fight I don't even want to be in the country for.
Callista: She always has been disrespectful, i don't understand why Grandfather keeps letting it slide. What she did to him last night, how she stormed off-
Adonis cuts her off: She didn't storm off Callie. Don't twist it into something its not. You know what their relationship is like.
Callista sneers: Of course, It was only a matter of time before Pandora’s Defender is here to her rescue.
Adonis: Will you stop being childish. We shouldn't even be talking about family matters in public anyway, so chill the hell out.
-Callista rolls her eyes hard-
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Pandora slowly wonders over: Hey,
Adonis: Hey, How your feeling?
Pandora: Ehh, im alright. Sorry for making you two wait so long.
Adonis: Its no problem.
Pandora: I'm about to head to the cafeteria, you two wanna come along? I'm getting hungry.
Adonis: Sure, I can eat.
Callista: Ew, cafeteria food?
Adonis: That's Callista for ‘I would love to!’
Pandora: You know, I got that exact impression as well.
-Callista huffs-
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Book 1: Chapter 1, Episode 11
|The Beginning of Chapter 1 | Previous Episode 10 | Next |
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Anon asked: hello hello! if you could,,, could you write a scenario or headcanon (all up to you~) in which kisumi’s s/o spends a lot of time over at the shigino residence and he gets jealous over the fact that his love spends a lot of their time with hayato instead of him...? i’ve just recently come across your blog and it’s been bringing me so much happiness! thank you so much for your hard work~! you’re amazing!!
Jealous Kisumi makes me 😣🤚✨🙈
Me Too! | Kisumi Shigino x Reader
Genre: cute jealousy, fluff
Word Count: 463
“Hey Hayato!” You greeted the little boy at the door with a huge smile. For the last 2 weeks, you had been visiting the Shigino residence more often upon your little friend Hayato’s request. The first time you had been introduced, Hayato had been quite shy, hiding behind his big brother, but eventually you were able to warm up to the boy and now you had become his new bestie.
“You gotta start waiting for me (y/n)!” Kisumi came up, not too long after, behind you. Waving him off, you entered the house, your finger immediately being tugged away by Hayato.
“Man, not even a hello.” Kisumi pushed back his hair, shaking his head as he slipped off his shoes. He stalked around the house for a bit, when he heard squeals of joy and laughter coming from the room next door. Kisumi made his way over, leaning against the door frame.
“Well you two look like you’re having a good time…” Kisumi remarked, brows raised.
“What are you talking about? Me and Hayato always have a good time!” You high fived Hayato, who was currently bouncing up and down in joy. Kisumi sighs, making his way to sit down next to you, an arm around your shoulder.
“Not now Kisumi! You’re going to- AH! IM DEAD!” You threw your hands up in frustration, Hayato still focused on the game with his tongue stuck out.
“Sorry Hayato...you’re going to have to get through this one without me…” you turned to glare at your boyfriend, who had an apologetic look, hands up in his defense. The next few hours consisted of more video games, soccer, and countless other activities with you and Hayato having the time of your lives and Kisumi stalking in the corner, his smile faltering little by little, until a bored expression overtook his features.
“(Y/n)! I’m borrrred! talk to me too!” He whined, making cute pouty faces to catch your attention. You however, were in your own little world, currently playing a card game with Hayato. Kisumi looked out the window, now slightly frustrated. ‘My own little brother hogging my s/o’ He huffed, checking his watch.
“Come on (y/n), it’s getting late we have to go.” You nodded, getting up slowly and ruffling Hayato’s hair.
“See you next time, okay little man?” He smiled, nodding his head up and down enthusiastically as you bent down and placed a small peck on his cheek. Kisumi immediately tensed, moving closer and nudging you.
“Me too (y/n)! Kiss me too!”
“....Yes, we know your name is Kisumi, now let’s get going, it’s getting late. See you Hayato!” You waved at the boy, currently holding in his giggles as Kisumi watched you, slack jawed, walk out the door.~
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
The Last Nugget (Hawks x Reader) pt. 2
So, this here is the part 2 of The Last Nugget :’) This was doing pretty well and @rynxenvy​ would kill for a part 2 so... here you go :) 
link: part 1, part 3
warnings: fluff(?), slight angst(? but ya’ll im bad at angst huhu)
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Now that you were out of the meeting and up in the sky, your eyes took in the amazing view of the city. The cool wind and the warmth of Hawks arms around your body was not helping at all. You had already passed by a few branches of McGonald’s so you were pretty sure Hawks had other places in mind.
With that, you gave in and closed your eyes.
Hawks, on the other hand, did the little joy ride on purpose. Of course, he did this not only for you but also for him. He had a lot going on in his mind. There was a tugging feeling in him that something horrible was bound to happen in the months to come.
Unconsciously, his hold on you tightened and his jaw tightened. He stopped moving forward and stayed suspended in the air. Looking at your sleeping figure, he couldn’t help but grit his teeth at frustration. Damn the committee for making him into a spy. Adjusting his hold on you, he moved once more and went to the nearest McGonald’s he could find.
“Can I get 2 boxes of 20 pieces Nuggets?” Hawks ordered quietly. Making sure not to disturb your dreams. The cashier was all too stunned at the sight before her. Hawks carrying Pro-Hero #15. Asleep.
“Oh. And an Oreo Flurry as well.” Smirking at you then to the cashier. “She likes Oreo, in case you didn’t know.”
So the rumors were right, the cashier thought. There had been some activity in the grapevine that #2 and #15 had a thing going on. Yet because of how Hawks had the power to wipe out any article and how you preferred to remain lowkey (despite being ranked high) there weren’t that many blogs. Save for eyewitnesses who saw first hand how you two would interact.
Giving the payment, Hawks made his feather hand over his card. Finally moving to the last window, the employee handed the meal to the same feather as well. This time, curiosity got over him and he couldn’t help but ask.
“Uh. I’m sorry for asking, Mr. Hawks.” He began to fidget a bit with his fingers. “Are you two dating?”
Hawks eyes widened for a wee bit. He was not expecting that question. But there was no running away from the curious minds of people.
“I wish we were.” A ghost of a smile on his face.
Not wanting to answer any more questions, he excused himself and flew away. Heart clenching at the next months to come. Adjusting his wings, he swooped in faster than intended. His eyes now focused on the opening of his penthouse.
Landing gracefully, he made the feather place the meal on the table while he made his way to your room. Despite turning his offer down, he still chose to give you a room in his space. But, you would be lying if you said you had never slept in that room.
Whenever you two would have dinner, Hawks would always manage to persuade you to stay the night. And that happens more often than not. Besides, the two of you liked the quiet moments shared between breakfast.
Placing you gently on your bed, he couldn’t help but let out a sigh. You were one, if not the most, important person in his life. The one thing he looked forward to when he would finish his patrol or come back home from spending time with the LoV. To him, you were what kept him sane from his fast ways.
Letting you get your rest, he closed your door and readied the plates and utensils.
When you finally realized that you fell asleep, you woke up with a recollection that you were just in his arms and in the sky. Now, you were inside Hawk’s penthouse. Feeling heat beside you, you were not expecting him to be beside you. His eyes closed shut and with even breathing. Turning to face him, you noticed he had taken his jacket off.
You always loved it when he was without the jacket. The body suit complimented him well and his cuts were always lovely to stare at. Not able to resist, you began to trace his jaw. Booping his nose, you let yourself smile at how you ended up falling for such a cocky and teasing bastard who has wings.
Not noticing, he had wrapped his arm around you and in turn, you shuffled in closer and wrapped your arm around him. That seemed to wake him up.
“You awake now, lovebird?”
“Yeah. Did I wake you up?”
Pulling you into a tighter hug, you were now buried in his suit. His chin rested on your head.
“Nah. I just drifted off.” His voice had a teasing tone to it. “You were touching me, lovebird.”
“Shut up.” But you were smiling and he knew it.
“Shall we eat? Bet you’re hungry.” Hawks offered which you gladly accepted. Unwrapping each other, he led the way to the dining area despite you knowing perfectly here it was. This did give you the perfect opportunity to stare at his wings from behind.
Up close, they seemed to be quivering. For some reason, they seemed to be fuller as well. Almost as if he were saving them for something. Chewing on your lower lip, your brows furrowed at the unease growing with your tummy.
Pulling your chair for you, you sat down and snickered at the fancy dinnerware he used. Even though it was just iced tea, he still placed them in expensive wine glasses. This would seem all too amusing but you knew this was his way of conveying a message.
“You wanna talk about it?” You offered. Biting a piece of nugget.
“I feel like I’m flying too close to the sun, lovebird.” His eyes were focused on the view his balcony offered. They were distant and closed off. His fingers tapped the edge of the table.
Sadness coated the both of you. You knew this day would be coming, there was just this selfish part of you that it would be later rather than sooner. Losing your appetite, you stood up. Catching his attention, Hawks eyes followed your every movement. Seeing that you were moving towards him, he pushed his chair back and let you sit on his lap.
“You know I’ll always catch you no matter how fast you’ll fall, right?” You nuzzled into his neck. The stubble on his chin a little ticklish on your skin. You saw how he made his feathers cocoon the two of you. “I’ll come catching you with a first aid kit…”
“I know, lovebird.” Hawks began to draw circles on your back. “Say, if things go according to plan, go on a proper date with me?”
“And what kind of date do you have in plan?” You went with the flow. If there’s something he needs, he needs his mind to be taken off of the gigantic weight on his shoulder. “I think nuggets in fine dinner plates is an amazing date.”
��Oh yeah?” The sadness in his voice was something he couldn’t hide from you. “I’m still taking you out to a fancy private restaurant. And there, that’s where I’ll ask you to be mine. Properly.”
“Is that your way of saying you’ll come back?”
“Perhaps. I just want you to know I like you”
“I know you do.” Wrapping your arms tighter around his neck. Your hands find the base of his wings. Giving him a small massage, Hawks let out a small content moan from all the tension being released. “How long will you…”
“In about 4 months.”
“Oh.” That’s all you could say. Any further and you were bound to release the waterfalls. Your lower lip began to quiver and despite your effort, a few stray tears ran down your cheek.
Pushing you a bit, Hawks wiped the tears away and gave you a small kiss on the cheeks. His heart ached when he saw that had only made things worse. The waterfall had flowed and the only sound that filled his dining area were your quiet sobs. Pulling you back into his arms, he hated himself for having to see you in this state.
Whispering sweet nothings in your ear, the shaking and crying subsided.
“I’ll come back, my sweet birdy.” Tucking in a strand of hair behind your ear.
“In one piece I hope.”
“You can bet on that, love.” Now that the mood was better, Hawks refused to let you stand up. Making a feather push your plate to his side and have you eat from there. From time to time, you would feed each other earning a few fits, tickles, and giggles.
Night had fallen and Hawks managed to persuade you to stay in his unit. Not knowing what’s to come in the next 4 months, you agreed and the two of you stuck like two peas in a bod. Now, you were using his chest as a pillow and taking in his scent as much as you could. You were certain that once you wake up tomorrow, you would be alone with his side of the bed cold.
“What do you want for breakfast tomorrow, dove?” Hawks silently asked.
“I want to wake up with you beside me.” That was the truth.
Silence hugged the both of you. Slowly, you began to drift on and off. Using your last bit of strength, with eyes closed you whispered his name. Tears forming a puddle on his shirt. The rapid beating of his heart in your ears. His fists clenching tightly on his shirt you wore, hoping that tomorrow wouldn’t have to come.
“Don’t go…”
Hawks said something but you were now dead to the bone. Fatigue had won. Even in your sleep, you regret giving in to your body. All you wanted to do was wait till the morning sun would shine through his windows. All you wanted was to spend the remaining hours awake before who knows how long Hawks will be gone.
When you woke up, the other side was now cold. A lone red feather took his place. With trembling hands, you gripped the feather and held it against your chest. The room was now filled with your wails and cries. Damn the community. Fuck the LoV.
Not too far from the unit, Hawks had been cursing at the sight of you. All he wanted to do was to fly to you and bring you into his arms but both of you know it would be selfish. With a heavy heart, he turned his back on you and flew towards his demise.
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war--lords · 4 years
hi im such a fangirl of yours and i screamed softly when i saw your asks were open ,, first off, i'm sorry you feel that your writing quality has dropped, i promise you that it has not!!! 😤😤😤 I would like to request "distracted by the sexy" for Shingen ~ can't wait to see what you do with it ❤️
I was rereading @ikesenhell‘s series Hostile Takeover (PLEASE read it if you haven’t already, I beg you) and I believe that was where I first encountered the term “titty window”. Didn’t know that that’s what it’s called thanks Yesha lol
@mythiica I’m also such a fan of your work, so your saying that means a lot! I hope you enjoy this one.
Also it’s a double update, which in my blog happens as often as a shooting star. I hope this makes your self-quarantine days more bearable.
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“I’m not complaining, but you’re looking at me a whole lot.”
The banquet is in full swing—in fact, if the banquet is to be compared to an actual swing, it resembles one that is about to have the chain links snap. Almost everybody is drunk except for the two Uesugi-Takeda patriarchs. The only noticeable difference is the speed at which Kenshin is finishing his drinks (faster, not slower) and the faint flush on Shingen’s face—but that’s only because he hasn’t been drinking a whole lot.
You’re somewhere in between Yukimura’s slightly slurring speech and Sasuke’s unconscious body at the side of the room: almost drunk, but still ahold of your consciousness.
Which is why your answer to Shingen’s question was: “Nothing. Sorry, I didn’t realize I was staring.”
He’s obviously still sharp enough to tell that something’s off, but not in a way that he doesn’t like. So when he opts to go for it and scoot over closer to sit next to you, you feel mild panic rising into your chest at the now almost non-existent distance between the two of you. And speaking of chests…
“You like what you see?” Of course he’s not pulling back any punches. You’re definitely blushing, if you weren’t already pink in the first place. Looks like he’s liking what he’s seeing on your face.
“It’s just that—I never realized you wear your kimono so… loosely.”
“Yes, it’s a habit I’ve garnered since my younger days. I’ve always disliked being suffocated by my own clothes.” And at that he leans backward, propping himself up with a hand and allowing more of the expanse of his chest into view. 
Yep, he knows definitely knows what he’s doing. You take another swig of your drink before shooting a disdained look towards him. He laughs, thoroughly enjoying the show like he’s not putting on one himself.
“Thirst traps and their titty windows,” you mutter underneath your breath. Shingen, only understanding the words used in that sentence without context, raises both eyebrows before his expression turns back to looking entertained.
“Explain those concepts for me,” he says, using his other arm to coax you closer to him by the shoulders—something you don’t usually allow, but the alcohol in your system has broken down the wall in you that stops him from getting to close, so you move to sit right next to him. Even from your spot you can feel his warm.
“A thirst trap would be you,” you say, sounding as severe and sober as ever, “and a titty window… is this.”
He watch as you boldly tap your pointer finger to the skin of his bare chest. A shiver travels up his spine at your touch. 
“Oh,” is the only response he can muster, for how can he find the strength in him to not bring you into his arms right then and there? He’s not as alcohol-hardy as Kenshin, and the heat from the sake is significantly stripping his self-control away. Defeated, he opts to pinch your cheek with just enough force to surprise you.
“You should quit being so cute,” he says, murmuring your name, “or else this man won’t stop at just showing you his titty window.”
“Shingen,” you pout, and he just has to chuckle at the face that you’re making, masking his surprise as he welcomes you when you walk right into his arms. He pats your back, consoling. 
“You should consider yourself lucky that I’m not pressing sexual harassment charges,” comes your muffled reply. He hums with glee.
“Because you’d actually like to see more than this titty window?”
“No, moron. Because I like you a lot.”
At that he freezes, yet his heart begins beating excruciatingly fast he fears for his own life. Something washes over him slowly—half-sobriety, half-realization, and a pinch of some cynicism: you must be saying that only because you’re drunk.
But when you look up at him, the look on your face is dead serious, though your cheeks are red. He feels the inside of his mouth becoming dry—he hasn’t felt this sensation in a long time, this feeling of helplessness from falling so deeply for someone. He notices your eyes, devoid of the usual veil that is evident of intoxication. They’re as clear as day, and so are your words to follow.
“And stop saying titty window so much. It’s weird coming from you.”
He takes another plunge—far too many for the chance of being heartbroken, in his opinion, but never too many for an angel like you—and kisses you. The only thing he can think of as he feels you melt against him is that it’s all worth it. 
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for-ests · 5 years
Lost In Your Light: Peter Parker x Reader (Part 3)
Part 1 / Part 2
[ my masterlist ]
(ugh im sorry my blog was glitching so im re-uploading,, my apologies for everyone on my tag list this version will stay up so give it some love <3) 
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Like the many nights before, the once chaotic city was now silent.
Yet, something wasn't sitting right with Y/N as she crept between the shadows, her senses tingling, searching far and wide for a desperate soul.
Silent didn’t necessarily mean vacant, but for some odd reason the streets were deserted. The girl could not find anything, not a person crossing the street, not a pigeon with a broken wing. The telepathy link was cold.
Y/N sighed breathlessly, stopping in her tracks. She had been running around for over an hour, miles from home without a single interaction. Most times, she would only be outside for five minutes and she would sense something.
The air hung thick with an unfathomable dread, almost as if someone was watching her. Should she turn back now and try to get some sleep?
That was a good idea. She was tired and had school in the morning. For once, Queens seemed to be peaceful. These days were odd, but they happened every once in a while. 
Y/N’s eyes scanned the street, second guessing herself. Was she really alone? It was rare not to be. 
Shaking away her nerves when she was positive nobody was tagging her, the girl turned to head back home. She barely made it down the end of the street before her hands suddenly burst into a bright, golden light. It was so powerful that she could physically feel the heat surging through her veins. It stung, causing her to wince forcefully as she tried to locate the signal.
Pure sensory overload consumed her mind. 
Where was it coming from? Y/N could almost hear the screams of pain in her ears, the agony becoming too much to bear. It was as if she was there, it was like she could feel their souls connecting, the mending soon became the most satisfying one she'd ever felt.
The power seemed to bring her new life, and she was ready to share it with the person or animal in need. Y/N held her hands in the air, her arms shaking from the intensity.
She started to panic.
Where are you? She called out desperately. Tell me!
The answer never came.
The light illuminating across her skin started to fade. The heat radiating off her body cooled.
Just as fast as it had come, the healing touch was gone. And that meant whatever had called out to her was dead.
Her heart felt cold. Almost as frozen as the air.
She had failed.
Y/N hung her head low, clenching and un-clenching her fists, as if doing so would ignite the capability resting in her atoms.
Tears pricked along her eyelids. She hadn't cried since her mom died.
The memory of her mother made her feel just as empty and hollow.
The girl wiped her tears away, wondering what had just happened. That feeling was so beautiful. The glowing, the heat, the connection. She needed to feel it again. And now that it had disappeared, sadness and dread came flooding back. 
No. Not yet. 
Senses alert and eyes focused, Y/N bolted down the street. Tears streamed down her face, but she kept running. She needed to feel that power again. Whatever had happened was an unexplainable experience. She had to know more. Where did it come from?
Y/N kept running as fast as her legs allowed her. She passed multiple trashed lots and run-down houses. Not a single light shown through the abandoned buildings.
She kept running until the lights of Queens were a silhouette in the fog. The cement beneath her feet started to erode. Wider cracks criss-crossed through the pavement. She dodged potholes left and right.
Once she couldn't see in front of her, Y/N came to a stop. Her skin crawled.
Where was she? The girl blinked in confusion. She couldn't recall the last five minutes. It seemed like a blur. The girl pulled her phone out of her pocket and checked maps. Did she really just run another three miles out of town?
Fearful, Y/N stopped breathing. She tried to focus on the sounds around her.
It was complete silence. Not even the crickets were chirping. Her stomach wrenched. She was in the most dangerous part of town, the abandoned part of town. Whatever telepathic link caught her attention had unfortunately come from here. 
Y/N started to panic. Why did it seem like she was alone, yet feel like someone was watching her?
She took another step forward, soles crunching against the uneven payment.
And that's when a whimper echoed down the street. Y/N lifted her head in surprise, her senses erupting with a loud buzz.
She lurched forward with power, stumbling towards the sound. Y/N tried to keep her mending at bay. But she couldn't control it, the golden light starting to leak out of her fingers, floating into the air and swirling in the nighttime breeze.
The girl was in awe, eyes focused on her hands as they pulsed with light. What was happening? She had never felt this robust.
She clenched her fists and advanced forward. She wasn't going to fail this time.
Y/N ran to the end of the street, the power fluttering around her, lighting the way.
She stopped and listened to the sound again. A chain link fence stood in front of her. There was no grass from what she could see, only a sad looking dirt covered lawn. It was parched and littered with trash.
The change of atmosphere was odd. Usually she was in the heart of the city, where most of the abuse happened from public saturation. But now, she was in the middle of nowhere.
Y/N's eyes fell on the master lock a few feet away. She stepped towards it and held it in her hands. It was warm.
Her eyes drifted toward the house, and that's when she noticed a cigarette blunt laying on the ground, still burning.
A curse slipped through her lips. Y/N could feel the dog only yards away, waiting to be rescued. But she could also tell she wasn't alone with the animal. Someone was there.
She debated for only a second, then unhooked the lock from the gate.
It happened in a flash. Her hands were fiddling with the dog's collar before she even had the chance to look at it's face, before she even had the chance to stop herself. 
The sweet pit bull was laying on it's stomach, barely moving. Y/N held its face in her glowing hands and almost gasped. Deep lacerations were visible, covering her black muzzle.
"I’m so sorry.." Y/N empathized, brushing her fingers along the wounds and closing them immediately. After a moment of brief alertness, the pit bull relaxed in her arms. "That's it..." She cooed, checking the dog for any life threatening injuries. But she seemed fine, just thirsty and malnourished. She was in very bad shape. Was this what she had witnessed before? 
Y/N scooped the dog in her arms with ease. It worried her. She was so light, her condition making her useless for fighting. Why was she here? It was obviously a gang hideout. There was no other purpose.
And as if she jinxed it, the front porch lights flickered on.
The hairs on the back of her neck stood up. There were rumors that the electricity on this side of town had been shut off, but apparently that wasn't the case.
The girl started to slowly take steps toward the gate. She kept her eyes locked on the door, her heart racing in anticipation.
And then it flew open, revealing the dog's abusers. Disgruntled middle-aged men, all of them extremely angry to see their dog clutched in a teenage girl's arms.
Y/N bolted. She didn't even look behind her. Though she was almost an adult, she was too naive to contemplate the consequences of her well-mannered actions. Not everyone was kind, not everyone would let something like this go-- because their businesses depended on it, their lives did. 
She had a head start, at least it was something. She was quick, but she knew she couldn't hold the distance forever, especially with a dog in her arms.
She heard the men shouting and cursing. She heard their feet scuffing against the pavement. All five of them were coming after her.
"Fuck.... fuck... fuck fuck fuck!" She gritted her teeth, rounding the block and running back towards the city.
The criminals were hot on her trail. She started to regret her decision as images of her bludgeoned body flashed through her mind. There was no way she could get out of this. She was already exhausted, and she didn't have much energy left, the dog weighing her already sore legs down. They were going to kill her...
Y/N was too panicked and terrified to cry. All she could think about was surviving. And it was her own damn fault.
"Help!" She screamed, voice hoarse from lack of water. Her throat burned with each cry for help. 
"Somebody please help me!" She pleaded, almost stumbling over her own two feet. The main road was closer now, but she still had a ways to go until the police station. She wasn't going to make it.
The pit bull in her arms stirred. It whined softly, as if it was urging the girl to continue. Panting coarsely, Y/N kept up the pace. But with each six steps she took, her pursuers took twelve. She was running out of gas.
She yelled again, this time with more familiar surroundings. She was on the edge of town. Someone had to be around, even this late in the evening. Anyone...
"HELP ME PLEASE!" Y/N screamed at the top of her lungs, the men right on her heels. She heaved hoarsely, shaking with each step she took.
The girl felt like she was running in slow motion. Each step took a great amount of force, but she managed to round an alley corner.
She couldn't move her legs after that. It felt like she was swimming, the air so thick it was if she was inhaling smoke. 
The men were faster, and they surrounded her with ease. Y/N gasped for air, her back touching the brick wall of an abandoned corner-side store, stopping her fully.
This time she got a better view of their faces. Some had beards, some did not. One had no hair. One was wearing sunglasses. They were all different races. There was no way she was going to remember every detail after they raped and beat her into a pulp.
"You stupid bitch." One of them snarled, flicking his switchblade menacingly. "Whatchu on about? You gotta problem with how we run things round here?"
The dog whimpered.
They seemed just as tired, all of them panting heavily with slumped shoulders. Y/N scanned her surroundings just like the time before, but she came up with nothing. Not a single advantage over her attackers.
The tallest man held open his jacket, revealing a pistol holstered on his belt. "We're gonna make this easy okay?"
"You're really going to threaten me with a gun?!" She teased out of nerves, backing even farther down the alley. "Why don't you at least fight me like a man?" The words flew out of her mouth before she could hold her tongue. Y/N had never been so scared in her life, but something about these men made her so angry. She wanted to fight them, and she wanted to win. This situation may be straight out of a nightmare, and her biggest fear; but she wouldn't go down without a fight. There had to be some way out of this, yet her options were stretching thin.
The gang advanced simultaneously. Her words had no effect on them.
"O-or you could leave me alone." She had to stiffen her posture to hide how badly her legs were shaking. 
The obvious leader opened his mouth to speak, but was stopped abruptly by another.
"Didn't you hear the lady?" A voice asked sarcastically. The voice was music to her ears. "Leave her alone!"
All five heads whipped around in annoyance. Y/N's eyes followed their lead, her jaw unhinging at the sight of a masked man.
He was suspending upside down by a clear thread.
Her heart almost stopped beating at the sight of Spider-Man. He was there to save her, like the many others before her. 
There was no way this was happening.
Y/N didn't feel so hopeless after all.
"What the hell?" The man with the gun whipped it out from underneath his jacket and pointed it at Spider-Man, recognizing the individual immediately. He pulled the trigger, sending an ear piercing sound through the alleyway.
Y/N stumbled backwards in shock. The dog yelped in pain.
She fell to the ground, her ears ringing. The girl blinked, eyes focusing on the scene unfolding in front of her.
Bodies flew left and right. She watched punch after punch, kick after kick, but each attempt seemed pathetic compared to the agile and skillful masked man.
As the ringing dissipated, she heard the sound of his sweet laugh. It was weird, out of place, but it seemed youthful and it calmed her down.
Her eyes fell upon the silver pistol, laying just inches from where she was cowering in fear. It kicked her into action.
Y/N set the dog on the ground and weakly picked up the gun. She pointed it at the last standing gang member.
But Spider-Man was faster. The girl watched his foot collide against the criminal's skull, sending him to the ground in less than a second.
Spider-Man turned to her and held up his hands.
She gave him a confused look.
"Can you set down the gun?"
Y/N gulped and tossed it down the alley. It skidded against the pavement awkwardly. "I-I..." She stuttered, still exasperated that she was talking to him. He just saved her. This had to be a dream.
"Are you okay?" He asked, stepping closer cautiously.
She was safe.
Y/N blinked away tears, nodding her head furiously. "Y-yes..." She literally thought she was going to die, her heart still pounding in her chest. "Thank you so much... Spider-man." The words sounded so beguiling on her lips. She was very attracted to him, and she didn't even know what he looked like.
She stared at him, blushing like mad as she studied the way his muscles moved flawlessly with each movement. He was so graceful, truly a hero.
The dog limped out of the shadows, as if knowing the fight was over. She looked a little better than before. But Y/N still had some work to do.
"You saved us." Y/N whispered, gesturing to the dog. "Thank you so much."
Spider-Man nodded. He was silent for a moment, as if putting the pieces together. If anyone knew about gang crime, it should be him.
"Did you steal their dog?"
Y/N shrugged her shoulders and leaned down to pet the animal. "Maybe."
"Why?" He asked with a curious tone in his voice. He still hadn't moved.
"Someone had to do something. She was going to die." The girl ran her fingers along a cut on the dog's ear. The wound closed slowly, but Spider-Man didn't seem to notice.
"The dog looks fine to me."
"That's because I healed her." The girl huffed. Did she have to be obvious about it? Why else would she be out on the streets at 2am?
He laughed.
Y/N glared at him. "I'm serious."
"Then show me." He lifted his arm, revealing a deep gash across his torso. It looked like the bullet had grazed him.
The girl stood back up, accepting the challenge. His dialogue was playful and she was still tingling with power.
Spider-Man set his arm down, wincing. He could be hurt in other places too. He had just fought off five men, who were now lying unconscious on the ground. There was no way he came out of that without wounds. She was worried, but made sure to keep her emotions hidden.
"Where else are you hurt?" Y/N asked innocently, even though the indications were clear. His knuckles were bleeding.
He stepped towards her, closing the proximity between them.
Y/N's heart started to race again. She had never healed a human.
Spider-Man lifted his arm again, his face contorting with pain.
The suit had been torn open in multiple places, revealing his glistening white skin. She could feel his muscles underneath the fabric. He was toned beyond belief. She blushed, feeling his gaze on her as she hesitated.
Embarrassed, Y/N kept her eyes away from his, and focused on the texture of the suit. It was rough, but flexible. Only a genius could have made something like it.
She ran her fingers along it to find a seam, and she felt him shudder underneath her touch.
"How are you going to fix your suit?" She asked, ripping it open further to take a look at the whole wound.
"Hey!" He whispered-yelled, almost elbowing her in the face. "What are you doing?!"
"I need to look at the whole wound." Y/N rolled her eyes, pushing his arm back up. "Now stand still."
"I'm a little woozy." He breathed. "You better hurry up with whatever you can do."
The tone in his voice indicated that he still didn't believe her. How annoying.
And with that thought, she channeled the power from deep within.
Y/N gasped, the glowing yellow light seeping from her fingers, much easier than before. She hadn't even felt any pain.
She glanced up at Spider-Man as she worked. He was still, but watching. She couldn't see his reaction because of the mask. She wanted more than anything to pull it off.
She set her hand on his wound.
He flinched.
If fate was real, and controlled by a higher power, she believed they wanted this moment to happen. He was supposed to save her, and she was supposed to heal him.
Y/N's fingers ran across the lacerated edge, commanding it to close.
It did, and the blood flowed back into his body. She pulled her hand away with a smile, proud of her work. Actually, she was overwhelmed with joy, but she managed to hide it. Spider-Man already had to save her, she didn't want him to think she was crazy for being so excited. 
There was a slight indication of bruising, but otherwise, it looked like nothing had happened. There wasn't even a scar.
The girl stepped away, nodding triumphantly.
He stared at her hands as the glowing disappeared.
"Incredible." He whispered, touching the spot where the cut once was. All he ran his fingers across was soft skin.
She glanced at his hands. "May I?"
He nodded, fascinated by her power. His was by accident, but hers—this girl seemed to have been born with a gift.
And she was attractive. A literal angel if he could say it. The most beautiful girl he had ever seen, and so, so powerful in a way he had never witnessed. 
Being in her presence made him feel dizzy, but that could also be from the loss of blood.
Y/N took his hands in hers. His hands were bigger, rougher, and much more masculine.
She smiled at him. And with ease, relieved him of his bruises. There was a moment of hesitation as she touched his skin. Y/N felt more powerful than ever, a new feeling pulsing through her veins. She felt like she was on fire in the best possible way.
The girl flipped over his palms in shock, just to get a better look at them. Her skin left his, but he didn't notice; he was too infatuated with the girl.
Spider-Man felt a burning sensation, but it was somehow comforting. How did she do it?
Y/N watched his movements closely. "Do you have any more wounds?" She tilted her head, awaiting his answer.
He couldn't speak.
"On your face?" She reached up, inches away from his mask. Spider-Man watched her lips, her tongue glossing over as she stared him down, intently and sensually. The boy’s eyes flickered down, and then up-
His spider senses flared loudly, snapping him out of the trance. His hands shot up and grasped hers.
Her eyes widened, but not in surprise. It seemed she had anticipated his actions.
"It's there for a reason." He warned. But the tone wasn't angry, it was gentle.
He released her, and added, "Thank you."
She grinned, unable to deny the excitement she was feeling. She felt alive. "I'm only giving you what you deserve."
The compliment sent his senses into a frenzy. He had to remind himself that he was in costume, this wasn't like school, this wasn't a silly crush. He had to hold an image in the suit, and he knew that if he spoke-- he would stutter. So to keep that from happening, he remained silent.
They stared at each other for a long time.
"My name is Y/N, by the way."
He turned to leave, but she was persistent.
"What's yours?"
Spider-Man looked over his shoulder. Her eyes twinkled under the dim lighting when he turned back to look at her. He had to admit Y/N was convincing.
But he knew she was different. She was just like him.
So for that advantage only, all emotional feelings aside, he told her.
"It’s Peter."
Her lips curved slightly at the edges. "Well Peter-" His name sounded like a spell when she spoke it. "I'll see you around."
Tag list! comment if you want to be added! part 4 will be coming in the next few days
@spn-assemble-seven​ @eridanuswave​ @fallisflame​ @used-avocado​ @pluckypete​ @vanillanestor​ @averyfosterthoughts​ @wherewecomealive​ @magicalturmoil​
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danurso · 5 years
(Im not the hugest fan of rule 63 characters like leia ren, carla winchester or sunny wukong, but for some reason mercuria hit me in a soft spot {no, not that soft spot you pervs (≖_≖ )} and i really liked some stuff between her and jaune, and so she's from now on a part of jaune's massive harem here in my blog, and this will be her first appearance, although i want to make something later just for her)
*CEM(N), JNPR and RWBY are out in a forest for a field mission*
Emerald: ugh...i can’t believe it's finally over. If i ever see those kids again i’ll either kill myself or kill them.
Mercuria: then you better let your testament ready, we still have to take a trip back to beacon with them, have you forgot?
Emerald: *head falls in depression*
Cinder: focus, we can’t let anyone notice us before our plan is complete, and if that means that we’ll need to be friendly with those eight then we’ll have to bear it for now.
Emerald: i know, it's just...how can they be so happy all the time?
Mercuria: *with a grin* dunno, how can you be so annoying all the time?
Emerald: shut up mercuria! I'm not in the mood for that!
Mercuria: come and make me.
Emerald: you...
Cinder: if you two don’t stop right now, i’ll get rid of both. *flares the flame in her right eye*
Emerald: r-right, im sorry.
Mercuria: sorry.
Cinder: *sighs* forget about it, just stop bickering.
Emerald: y-yes ma’am.
Cinder: it won’t take long until we reach the meeting point, don’t drop your facade, no matter how unbearable they are.
Emerald: *sighs* yes ma’am.
Mercuria: well...not all of them are unbearable, that blondie is kinda cute.
Emerald: arc? Of course you would like him.
Mercuria: i don't like him, he’s too much of a spineless coward for my liking, we all studied he and his team, we know how innocent and pure he is, i just think i could have some fun teasing him.
Emerald: *rolling her eyes* it had to be.
Mercuria: come on, you saw how he blushed when i showed a little bit of cleavage back on the ship, i wonder what other faces he can do.
Emerald: you’re not going to start are you?
Mercuria: for real now emmy, are you going to say that he doesn’t interest you in any way?
Emerald: physically speaking, he seems decent enough, everything else is just uninteresting, he’s too much of a goody two shoes for me, if he had at least one evil bone in his body i could have some interest, but since he doesn’t i’m not interested.
Mercuria: what about you boss? What do you think about arc?
Cinder: just like emerald said, he’s physically decent enough, but everything else about him is just uninteresting. he’s stupid, coward, weak and sickeningly kind, i could never have interest in someone like him.
Mercuria: thought so.
Emerald: you’re not really planning to get involved with arc are you? You know we have our own plans to focus right?
Mercuria: nah, i was just thinking it could be fun to tease him. If i ever get interested in a boy he would need to be cruel, dominant, sadistic and merciless, he would basically need to be arc’s direct opposite.
Emerald: that does sounds more like your kind of man.
Mercuria: not only my kind, i know you two have the same taste for men as i do.
Emerald: mens like this don’t exist. They are either corrupted cowards or completely insane psychos, a man who can be both good looking, strong and cruel to the right degree is probably rarer than a maiden.
Cinder: and that's why you should stop talking about mens and start thinking more about our plans, it's not like any of us will ever find someone like this.
Mercuria: well, i can dream can’t i?
Emerald: dream later, we arrived. *walks inside a clearing to see all members of team RWBY injured on the ground*
Cinder: *with a fake concerned tone* what happened? Are you okay?
Yang: *coughs weakly* a group of five mercenaries showed up out of nowhere and sent a barrage of explosives in our direction.
Pyrrha: we heard the explosions and found them like this.
Ren: apparently they were fighting the mercenaries before we got there.
Nora: we managed to pick them up and run away, but jaune stayed back to hold them.
Emerald: where is he now?
Pyrrha: we don’t know exactly, somewhere towards north.
Cinder: we’re going after him, don’t worry. *bolts away*
*a few minutes later*
Mercuria: you think he’s still alive?
Emerald: he’s facing five mercenaries on his own, he’s for sure dead right now.
Cinder: still, if we bring arc back alive they will trust us more easily, and that can help in our plans.
Mercuria: so we kick some asses and save the blondie, sounds good to me.
???: AAAHHHHH!!!
Emerald: over there!
Mercuria: bye bye arc, it was good while it lasted.
Cinder: even if arc is dead, let's at least capture the mercenaries so- *freezes*
Mercuria: .........i think we won’t be able to capture them. *starting at the three corpses on the ground, the first one with a large gash on the stomach and guts spilling out, the second with the head split in half and the third was cut in half by the torso.*
???: i’ll ask you one last time. Who. sent. you?
CEM: *looks ahead to see jaune without his chestplate, with ragged clothes and covered in blood while two mercenaries backed away fearfully from him*
Mercenary 1: *holding the bleeding stump that was once his right arm* n-no one sent us, p-please just let us g- *sword pierces his mouth and through the back of his head*
Emerald: is that really jaune arc?
Mercuria: i don’t know.
Jaune: *kicks the now dead body and pulls out his sword, glaring at the last mercenary*
Mercenary 2: *backing up on the ground with a terrified expression* w-wha- he was telling the truth! W-we don’t work for anyone! We just bait huntsmans here to steal them!
Jaune: *slowly walking towards him* ohh but i know he was talking the truth.
Mercenary 2: *panicked* t-then why did you killed him!?
Jaune: *grabs him by the throat and slams him against a tree* do you know who i am?
Mercenary 2: w-what? O-o-of course not.
Jaune: my name is jaune arc, son of alexander arc and grandson of john arc.
Mercenary 2: arc? B-but they are a family of heroes.
Jaune: i know...
Mercenary 2: how can someone like you be part of that fami-AAARGGH!!
Jaune: *with his sword through the mercenary’s left shoulder and twisting it slowly* don’t interrupt me when i'm talking, okay?
Mercuria: *blushes* w-when did he got so...
Emerald: dominant? *also blushing* cruel? I have no idea.
Mercenary 2: *nods frantically*
Jaune: yes the arcs are most known as a family of kind hearted heroes, but i’ll let you know a little secret about us. *smirks darkly* once you hurt someone dear to us, we set the honor, the kindness and the mercy aside and turn into vengeful blood-thirsty monsters.  *starts to twist his sword again with an unsettling smirk*
Mercenary 2: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!
Cinder: something is wrong, when did arc became so *blushes* attractive?
Jaune: do you understand now? Why did i killed your friends and why i’m doing this to you? *tightens the grip on his neck*
Jaune: ............okay. *let go him*
Mercenary 2: *falls on the ground coughing before looking back at him surprised*
Jaune: what?
Mercenary 2: y-you’re not going to kill me?
Jaune: no. *sheathes sword*
Mercenary 2: *confused* r-really?
Jaune: i already said that no, i won’t kill you. and an arc never goes back on his word.
Mercuria: *sighs* i knew it was too good to be true.
Mercenary 2: t-thank you. *gets up and tries to run but gets yanked back falling on the ground* wha-AAHHHH!!
Jaune: *stomping his legs, breaking both of them*
CEM: *eyes widen in surprise*
Jaune: and i won’t kill you *smirks pointing at a ursa coming towards them* but i can’t say the same for him.
Mercenary 2: w-wait! Nononono! Please-
Jaune: *grabs him by the hem of his shirt* fun fact, ursas have a extremely painful bite, and they chew a lot too. *smirk gets wider* Hope you two have fun. *throws him at the ursa*
Mercenary 2: NOOO!! PLEASE!! *gets bitten in the shoulder* AAAHHHH!! *gets dragged back into the forest*
Jaune: *still smirking* bye-bye you fucker. *turns around* now i need to get back to- *freezes*
CEM: *staring at his ragged post-battle form covered in blood*
Jaune: d-did you...just saw that?
CEM: *nods*
Jaune: oh god, l-look, i know what you’re thinking but please don’t panic. I-it's just that-
Cinder: *grabs him by what's left of his hoodie and pulls him into a heated kiss*
Jaune: *blushes*
Cinder: *breaks the kiss and stares at him with hungry amber eyes* You and Me. Bed. Now!
Jaune: w-what!? C-cinder i-
Mercuria: hey! You’re not planning to let us out are you? *hugs jaune’s arm between her breasts* i also want a piece of him. *licks her lips and opens a perverted grin*
Jaune: *blushing deeply* w-what!?
Emerald: *hugging his other arm between her breasts* i want a piece of him as well. *with a sultry look*
Cinder: of course, you can have a piece once i get mine’s
Jaune: *blushing to a atomic degree* w-what!? What do you mean with that!?
Mercuria: we mean that all of us have been pretty naughty latelly, and you look like you know a lot about punishing other peoples, mind showing us how would you punish some bad girls?
Jaune: *blushing to a solar level* WHAT!?
Emerald: we’re just curious to see how rough you can be, think you can show us?
Jaune: l-look, as flattered as i am feeling right now, we just know each other for about a month and-
Cinder: it doesn’t matter. Let's make a deal, you give us what we want and we won’t tell anyone what just happened, deal?
Jaune: i...... *sighs* i guess i have no choice right?
Emerald: no.
Mercuria: nope.
Cinder: i don’t think so.
Jaune: *sighs again* your funeral. *wraps hands around theirs waits and pins them on the ground* and don’t blame for what happens next *smirks sultrily* once i start i won’t stop, okay?
CEM: *blushes and shudders* okay.
*two hours later*
Pyrrha: they’re taking too long, shouldn’t we search for them?
Ren: but we can leave them like this.
Ruby: we’re already better, our aura healed most of the damage.
Weiss: go search them, we’ll be fine.
Pyrrha: okay *gets up* we’ll be right ba-
Jaune/CEM: we’re back.
Pyrrha: thank god, are you oka- *stares at jaune covered in bruises, blood and hickeys and CEM in a similar state while smiling brightly*
Ruby: err...what happened?
Cinder: the mercenaries were tougher than we expected, it took us a while to take them down.
Blake: and where are they?
Emerald: they escaped, unfortunately.
Yang: oookaay...but why are you all covered in hickeys?
Mercuria: they had some kind of gun that was really powerful, our aura protected us from the real damage but the bullets still marked us wherever they hit.
Weiss: really? Because none of us saw any guns with them when they attacked us.
Mercuria: i know right? Those guns came out of nowhere. we tried to take the mercenaries down quickly but they kept coming back, we put them down several times but they just kept coming and coming *drooling with a perverted smile a blush* and coming and coming and coming *shivers* until we couldn’t take anymore.
RWBY/NPR: *raises eyebrow*
Cinder: *hugging jaune’s arm* but thanks to jaune we managed to win them, he was just like one of those heroes we see in the movies.
Emerald: *hugging his other arm* yeah, he really was.
Weiss: *sighs* whatever, we don’t have time to deal with this, we’re all dirty and tired so can we just take the bullhead and go back to beacon?
RBY: *groans and nods*
Pyrrha: let's go then, the extraction point is nearby. *walks away*
RWBY/NR: *nods and starts to walk away as well*
Jaune: *sighs in relief* looks like they didn’t suspect anything, thanks for keeping my secret girls.
Emerald: no problem but... *blushing a bit* do you think we deserve a reward for that?
Jaune: *raises eyebrow* you want a reward?
CEM: *nods*
Jaune: well...you did kept my secret like you promise, and you also did a great job answering their questions, you made more than enough to deserve a reward, so don’t worry *smirks* once we get back to beacon i will make sure to give you three loads of reward, is that okay to you?
CEM: *blushes and shudders* yes daddy.
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onepunchmiss · 5 years
OPM s2e6 Live Blog
“The Monster Uprising”
Sorry this is later than usual. I’ve been having some personal issues lately that have been rather time consuming. But anyway yall ain’t here for that! So let’s get on with the episode. As always, I’m watching from the perspective of someone who has read both the manga and web comic
Once again, picking up right where we left off! Suiryu finally makes his fighting debut. He’s been introduced like what, 3 episodes ago? But honestly idgaf about him nearly as much as
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MAX MY BOI I KNOW HOW THIS ENDS FOR YOU BUT I’M ROUTING FOR YOU ANYWAY. Oh god I gotta say, I forgot Suirya has a couple nightmare faces yikes. Also, I love how the Sea King keeps having an impact on heroes so long after his defeat. First Prisoner during the alien invasion, then Max and I know in just a bit Snek too. What a villain. Jeez, the mildly ominous music really isn’t subtle about making Suiryu out to be antagonistic, yeah? Also, this is the most we’ve heard him talk so far- Suiryu’s voice is exactly what I imagined I love it. MAX NO ITS OK I LOVE YOU ANYWAY AND SUIRYU IS A DICK ITS FINE YOU DID GREAT
hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is the sixth episode this season and i STILL pause every time Zombieman is in the intro. Even his tiny silhouette at the end. just
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Ok ok back to the action. Genos makes a good point and I wonder that, too. Saitama broke his limiter through sheer willpower right, like thats crazy but also not THAT crazy. Is he REALLY the only person EVER to have done that thus far (aside from probably blast)? Thankfully no monster ever has otherwise we’d surely know about it. Is Saitama really just THAT insane? Its not even like he had an extreme desire his whole life, he just beat some crab guy and snapped one day? OH OH GENO’S PHONE OS RINGING MONSTERS! MONSTER! MO N S T ER S ! aw wait no go to the monsters hey
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OH WAIT NEVERMIND THIS IS OK SNEK SNEK S N E K OK I actually really like him?? He’s like they show’s resident butt-monkey but also just a good guy.
OH HEY THAATS DIFFERENT!?!? Wow ok so in the manga, it just happened by chance that the cheering in the stadium was so loud that no one heard the monster evacuation alarms, but here they’re setting up Bakuzan preemptively as an asshole who actively disregarded the alarm and everyone’s safety (although he kinda has a point?). Because the way he acts later on is clearly not evil enough already? I feel like that’s unnecessary but it doesn’t add or detract from anything really so whatever I guess?
FUCKIN KEK DAVE. Top tier humor ffs the random mundane name joke will never get old fite me ooh Oh good god OK Choze’s face is also terrifying oh no. Dude you don’t need a monster cell you ALREADY LOOK LIKE ONE but OK
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YASSS GENOS SLAY YAAASSSSS He finally wins a few rounds WITHOUT losing any limbs! IM JUST! SO EXCITED TO SEE HIM FIGHTING YASSS WAIT NO GO BACK HEKK so much jumping around is making this more difficult to maintain any semblance of coherency asdfghjk
HAH you know what? When I was rereading the manga and came across face ripper, I thought to myself he looks like he would be some tan/ olive/ pale purple color or something so I bet the anime will be like HAHA RED BITCH. and looky here. I’m catching on finally. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Genos my boy my son you are such a bad ass and I love you hhhhhhhhhhhhhh HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAAAA AWAKENED COCKROACH AWAKENED COCKROACH ALREADY FUCK THIS EPISODE IS HAPPENING FASTER THAN I ANTICIPATED HECK HECK THERE GOES MY HEART RATE I THOUGHT I WAS PREPARED ALAS I AM BUT A FO O L
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HAH I think this is anime-only too?? I dont remember it Why is this so funny what the fuck?? “Dark Hell Killing” Juijitsu omg calm down you absolute edgelord literally half of that name would have been sufficient.
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FFFFFFFFFF The slowly building intense music just cut off like- I was so distracted by Bakuzam’s freaky murder face i forgot this happened DAMNIT SAITAMA i NEED my LUNGS to BREATH but no i LAFF and then the silence in the stadium turns to TRIUMPHANT MUSIC as if that was some valiant victory and THAT SOUR FACE FACE FUCK IM DEAD ITS TOO GOOD IM DEAD
Aw Tareo Sweetheart its ok noooooo also side note don’t they also mention Metal Bat is hospitalized? Hey! HEY! TALK ABOUT MY OTHER SON WE DONT EVEN SEE HIM FOREVER HEY oh oh I spoke too soon my b my b
Well shit it’s Shiny vs Shiny jeezus. I don’t have a particular issue with the coloring of Genos’ arms and such but this is just very noticable- Roach could’ve done without the SHINE. Eyyyy a complimentary Sonic for all yall SOS fans out there HAH “No matter it’s still fatal” r u sure about that child r u sure
AAHHH THE WIFE AGAINNNN yo I have A Lot Of Thoughts ™ about the females in OPM that I think I’ll make a separate post about because of the inevitable backlash of Super-S’ design.
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OH FUCK COOL SHOT COOL COOL OH FUCK THAT WAS COOL TOO OUT OF NO WHERE hey wait was that supposed to be the Hell Storm attack? WHAT REALLY. AW MAN I was getting hyped about how that would look cmon
Super-S with messed up hair is perfection just saying
Also, Tatsumaki is the definition of Yandere and its terrifying jeez.
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Terrifying, but also this. HEK
Oh weird dude seeing the Madhouse animation in the middle of season 2 is weird  not jarring which is good because at least to me that means JC staff is keeping up well enough but still weirdddd
“Everything about you disgusts me” me too snek DONT LISTEN TO HIM HES A DICK
((((((((((((((((((((ew amai mask go away)))))))))))))))))))))
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ok post credits scene i have an idea of what it might be and I’m shaking in my seat but hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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Good Episode GOOD EPISODE OK so my least favorite thing easily was the cop-out on Fubuki’s Hell Storm attack but otherwise my favorite thing was??? I dont know?? Like this episode was a lot of build up for next week’s episode but also so much happened anyway?? I loved seeing Genos in action and also BDSM Wife AND OROCHI AND GYORO and also also I know a lot of people have an issue with the existence of the tournament thing in general but I don’t mind it because its hilarious honestly and all of the happenings otherwise feel well balanced enough sooooooooo yeah I’m SO PUMPED for next week like bring me THE S CLASS BRING ME BRING 
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kikithedeceiver · 6 years
Are you going to translate kagerou daze last chapter? I can’t wait
Well...okay. I’m gonna be honest with the Kagepro Fandom here.
It is not likely Iwill post the RAW manga for the fandom anymore
I will get the manga, yes. But at this point, I don’t evenwant to contribute anything to do fandom to help with access to officialcontents.
It was a very hard decision to make, but with how theKagepro fandom is acting today, I have decided I will not post the Kagepro RAWson Tumblr anymore, and will remove all RAWs I have scanned once I get thesubscription.
TL; DR: At thispoint, the fandom is too toxic, therefore I have no more desire to provide themanga chapters even though there is only one chapter left. Sorry to those whowere not involved in this, but screw it with the antis who now run the fandomand hope you’re happy.
Also still shipKanoKido and don’t see HibiMomo as a “pedophilia ship”
Listen. Back when I joined the fandom, it was a simplertime. Yobanashi Deceive came out, followed by Lost Time Memory and Ayano’sTheory of Happiness shortly after. Those days were simple as we all cried overKano and Ayano, and think of the potential plot LTM revealed as we all waited forMekakucity Actors to come out. We also had awesome contents on translatorstranslating some fancomics (with permission) and a good amount of fanfics andfanarts provided by the fans in this fandom.  
Of course, we had some discourse over which was better:KanoKido or KanoAya; and over Shounen Brave’s MV being leaked online. And wehad major discourse over how MCA went, but in the end it’s just agree todisagree and move on to focus to other medias Kagerou Project was released in,or just move away from the series in general.
Right now with the fandom, however, they cannot agree ordisagree over ships. Majority of the fandom anyway. Today the fandom…other fandoms really, just love to throwthe word ‘incest’ and ‘pedophilia’ left and right with ease and spread theirflames in their posts, tags and replies. In everything, really. Even when theyposted official art, they feel the need to scream in their tag to tell usshippers to fuck off and die for shipping what they think is ‘incest’. I also knowthere are those who are disgusted over my display picture of Kano and Kidokissing, which an old friend of mine edited when that episode of MCA aired(won’t reveal name because I don’t want you to attack them). And even feelgross out over the pic in my blog of Kano petting Kido’s kitty ears.
I want to ask, how can the antis who claim Kano and Kido aresiblings, can see petting as sexual? You could have chosen to see it as abrother petting his sister’s kitty ears because it is cute and fun to tease herfor that, but no. Just because Kano and Kido are alone within a picture…or apanel frame really, you guys choose to view it as a romantic relationshipinstead of a sibling relationship, getting angry over it and spreading hate.
Ironic for antis who claim Kano & Kido are siblings, butjust seeing them together doing something makes you think it’s romantic anyway.
What’s more. Age gaps. Ever since another discourse over ships happened when my friend tried to makepeace with shippers (and sadly failed and upset over it when you guys flamedher), I have heard of this thing called “Half your age + Seven” to dictate whoto date with, and what is appropriately shippable, like HibiMomo. Honestly thispost have the best response over it, but I will quote the replyhere.
so a 16 year old can’tdate a 14 year old? so an 18 year old can’t date a 16 year old? so a 40 yearold can’t date a 27 year old? a math expression should not be the regulation ondating ages…
and if it’s shippingwho tf cares? not hurting anybody because they all fictional…
To be honest, this reminds me of Dead Poet Society. Ifanyone had seen the film, maybe you recall a scene where poetry is calculatedby math as well. This is that level of stupidity. The fandom today is doingsomething what could be considered excrement on what is acceptable over whatis fiction and bringing that over to reality. The reality where your parents,grandparents, classmates or anyone you know also have age gaps, and that reallyyou are more upset over fictional characters dating instead of real-life issuesof incest and pedophilia.
Other than that little discourse fiasco, there are otherthings, but I will not go into detail. Instead just says this tiny fandom justfeels too entitled with their belief and doing uncalled for things likebackstabbing and limiting others to enjoy supporting the fandom in their ownway. Also to let the antis go free by just sit by and watch. I understand thosewho are just tired and don’t want to deal with them. But for those who actuallyenable the antis to do what they want because you guys just don’t care, youguys are part of the guilty party as well by letting them grow and think it’sa-okay to be like this.
With that being said, I do not feel the need to post thefinal chapter anymore. You guys will have to figure it out yourselves or justwait and hear bits and pieces of it maybe. But I don’t even want to post what Iknow. Instead I will just share those RAWs with who I am friends with and whomI trust, plus those who are more mature because instead of flaming, they justlet others enjoy what they ship and do their own things.
The chapters being taken down will also remove myself as aRAW provider to the fandom, which I am thankful because I do not need to dothis anymore, as I, again, I hate scanning and always believe I would get intotrouble.
I know there are those, like my friends and mutuals I havehere on Tumblr, who wanted to read the manga since they do not have access tothem where they live. I am sorry for doing this to them too, but it just isn’tworth it in the end.
Instead, I will spend my remaining days in the fandom asjust someone who hears bits and pieces of Kagepro fandom here and there while Iam enjoying myself more in another fandom or doing other things I enjoy inlife, instead of spreading hate when someone doesn’t agree with you. I willstill look forward to Jin’s next album and when Mekakucity Reload to come out, andalso I might finish my KanoKido Oneshot requests and multichapter stories Iwanted to finish, but that will take a longtime since I’m planning to focus other writing instead.
But what I look forward to the most is when the series’ end,so then it can be put to rest for real and I can officially leave and let thefandom to slowly die. Might hear some things, but it will be a dying fandom atthat point.
The asks are still open for yelling. But it will just provea point. But right now, I believe I have blocked a lot of anti, which goes toshow how toxic this fandom has become. If I do get any asks/anon hate though,feel free to blacklist #discourse and #negativity, dear followers. Tumblralways had that option at least, you guys just need to use it when you’re onthe app without xKit. Also I will just answer those asks once, then block them afterwards (if you’re sending an ask through anon, you’re IP blocked).
If you guys read this whole thing (over 2 pages at thispoint), then I thank you for reading this. And more so if you understand what Iam doing. Sorry to those who are upset over this, but not to the antis who areupset and possibly raging if they read this.
Because with antis running the fandom, I want no part in itby providing them the last manga content.
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landcfstxries · 5 years
Good As New (Pt. 1)
{ hi henlo
Uhhh i wrote this up at maybe 4-5 AM and im just now posting it djdhhdbd
Y'all know im into Critical Role but I'm not gonna put this in the main tags jdndbhdhd too scared
Tags: @maybesortaahazel @shadlicious @vampire-fucker-3000
Varan Luro is a dnd oc of mine. He's,,,, an odd one, let's just say that.
Mollymauk Tealeaf is a character off of Critical Role, and belongs to his creator Taliesin Jaffe. This is purely just fun writing, and I'm not trying to claim the character in any way. Even though this blog has a small following, I felt I should preface this for future followers. "^^
Enjoy, y'all!
Usual warning: some possible misspellings bc I did write this pretty late at night }
He remembers passing out.
Was it passing out? He wasn't sure.
He had felt the pain in his chest for only a moment, yet he still hasn't grasped what happened.
It was just...
Crimson eyes opened once more.
Everything was a blur for many moments, he didn't dare to try and sit up. He would let it pass for a moment before he felt comfortable.
Said moment felt like ages, but it came eventually.
The tiefling slowly sat up, feeling the cloth over his body shift down slightly. He caught it before it could easily fall off and reveal his full form....
He wasn't wearing any clothes.
No wonder it was so cold in the room.
He looks around, hearing the familiar soft jingle of the jewelry that decorated his horns. Well, He thought, at least no one took those.
But the more important questions at hand: Where did everyone go...?
Where was he?!
"Ah! You are awake! Finally!"
The tiefling's head snapped into the direction of where the sudden voice came. The accent sounded familiar. Like a wizard friend he knew... But this definitely wasn't him.
Standing in the doorway was a Drow Elf, with dark purple skin; a very stark contrast from the tiefling's own lilac skin. He had white hair that reached a bit past his shoulders, red irises that seemed to stand out against the black scleras of his eyes. He wore some sort of fancy garmets, as if he was of high regard.
It took a very long time before the tiefling spoke up. "Uh... Hi," He started. He took a moment to look around before looking back to the Drow. "Where... Am I? Who are you? How am I here?"
Too many questions. Time to take it down a bit.
He rubs the back of his neck a bit. "Ah, sorry for the amount of questions. I guess I'm just... A bit confused, to say the least."
The Drow chuckles. He isn't sure if it's all in good fun or if it's quite the opposite. "It's quite all right. I'll answer as best as I can... Allow me to introduce myself first. My name is Varan Luro. And who might you be, colorful one?" The Drow says, holding out his hand for the tiefling to shake.
Molly. That's it. You actually remember this time.
"... Mollymauk Tealeaf. Molly to my friends... Since I, uh... I guess we're friends now, aren't we?" The tiefling speaks up, gently taking Varan's hand and giving a small shake.
"Huh... Mollymauk... Molly... Peculiar, but unique name. Almost familiar, and rolls off the tongue." Varan says, with that weird chuckle again. "Beautiful tattoos, by the way. Thought I would mention that."
Oh, right. He wasn't wearing anything besides a sheet over him. Molly smiled sheepishly. "Uh... I think this conversation might continue better if I had my clothes back. You got those anywhere?"
It was surprisingly quick, and Molly was back to his old look in no time...
Save for the giant scar across his chest.
He shuddered a bit. Is that what happened to him...?
Damn Lorenzo-!
"Mr. Tealeaf? You alright?"
Molly quickly snapped out of his conflicting thoughts, turning to look at Varan. "Oh. Sorry. Just... Trying to figure out things. This definitely isn't the first time I've experienced this sort of thing, but I'm surprised I'm still... Myself."
"You... Have been through resurrection before?"
"Something like it. Wasn't my body before. Thought it was gonna end with two years of having it... Guess not." Molly explains. He then gives a chuckle. "I don't know whether to thank you or be actually creeped out."
"Both would be natural reactions."
A laugh was shared between the two. Varan then spoke up. "Come, Molly. We should... Discuss this whole thing and I should catch you up to speed. Sure you've been dying to know."
"You could say that."
"... Huh."
"... Is that all you can say?"
"Well, Varan, forgive me if I'm taking a moment just to think about it."
Molly sighs, then chuckles. "Never thought I'd end up meeting a warlock that could bring me and practically almost anyone back from the dead... With a little work, of course. Necromancy, man. Wild... I've only ever been near one warlock in my life, and his powers were vastly different from yours. Something with the ocean or whatever, long story I probably wont get to know." He rambles, laughing softly... Followed by a sigh.
Varan knows that sigh. "... You... Miss your companions?" He says, genuine worry in his voice.
"Is it that obvious, my friend?"
"... Heartbreakingly."
Molly chuckles again, and proceeds to sigh once more. "Yeah... They're miles away now, I know that. There's no way I'll be able to catch up with them. I just hope they're doing alright without me... And no one's blaming themselves..." He goes on, putting a hand over his face and leaning against it. "Oh, gods... Yasha... I can't imagine how she took it..."
Varan could only offer a small, hopefully reassuring pat on the back. "I'm... I'm sure they miss you dearly, Molly. You seem like you were the light of that group. Sure, some... Mistakes here and there, but you likely brought joy to their lives. I'm sure you'll cross paths with them eventually... Everyone finds their way."
Molly looks up at Varan, smiling sadly. "I... I guess you're right, my friend... I just hope that meeting isn't too long from now. Maybe it's just right around the corner... We can only hope."
"I suppose...."
Molly suddenly remembered something. "Say," He started, "You... Didn't perhaps see a long, red and beautifully gaudy coat where I was buried right? Bunch of symbols on it?"
"Hm... I'm sorry, no. However, there was something there that I figured had it resting. A staff or something... A log? I don't know. All I can figure is that it was holding up something. Perhaps your coat?"
"No. No one would just... Steal the damn thing. I mean... Who would even dare to off of a grave? It was either one of my group, or an old friend."
He hoped this was the case. He really hoped.
Molly then switches gears. "Hey... Varan. You'll let me stay here until I get my bearings... Right?"
"Of course! What reason would I have to deny hospitality now?"
"... Fair point."
Varan had secretly formed a plan in mind as Molly rambled on. Really, he had one in the works ever since he heard the tiefling's name fall from his lips. That's why it was so familiar to him. He knew why now.
Because of her.
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askjaaryl · 6 years
Episode #10: Brave New World
Paul spends some much-needed time with Maggie and Sasha as Glenn and Daryl go scouting for a new location for the New Frontier group from Richmond. A meeting of the communities are held, resulting in some tension between Paul and Rick. Paul realizes that he’s a parent.
This is the start of season 2 of this blog.
“Look,” Paul sighed, lying on the couch in Maggie’s office, “I’m sorry for not asking you first...but their community is in shambles,” he explained, “Their walls were down. We put temporary ones up, but they won’t hold forever. And these...Free Men...they have provisions, I can tell.”
“No,” Maggie sighed, leaning on her desk, “You were right to do what you did. It might take some rationing for a while ‘til everyone gets used to taking on another community to supply, but it was the right thing to do,” she explained, “I’ve already sent for the leaders of the other communities, so we can talk about this.”
“It’s not gonna be pretty,” Sasha added, looking out the window, “We haven’t had to ration in a while. People are going to get angry.”
“Let ‘em be,” Maggie said simply, “Ain’t the worst we’ve been through,” she said, finishing what she was writing before putting her notebook down. She walked over and flopped beside Paul, “Okay, spill.”
“Spill what?” Paul raised an eyebrow, scooting over a little to give her room.
“How’s it going with your boyfriends?” Maggie asked.
“Boy talk while we’re having a strategy meeting?” Paul snorted.
“Oh, definitely,” Sasha said, sitting on his other side and making him scoot over as well, “Your happiness is the second highest priority of our meetings...first is keeping everyone alive.”
Paul rolled his eyes and looked down, biting his lip to conceal a smile, “It’s going really well,” he looked up at the ceiling, avoiding their waiting eyes, “We say we love each other all the time now.”
“Oh my god,” Maggie pulled him into a tight hug, laughing, “I knew it. I knew you could be happy,” she looked at Sasha, “Look at this smile on him!”
“It’s a good smile,” Sasha agreed.
Paul rolled his eyes, shoving his friend off of him, “Okay, okay,” he said quickly and sighed, “One worry though.”
“Isn’t there always?” Sasha sighed.
“Gracie,” Paul said, ignoring her comment, “Gracie’s my worry.”
“Why?” Maggie asked, “Paul, she loves you. When you come to pick her up from playing with Hershel, she’s the happiest. She loves getting to walk home with you. She always says in the proudest voice ‘Paul is walking me home from school today!’!” she laughed.
Paul sighed, “Yeah...I’m okay being Paul to her. I have no idea how to be a father though,” he put his head back, “My father barely ever interacted with me...the foster homes I was in never had the best and even the one I was in that was good...I didn’t pay much attention to him,” he pursed his lips, “What if she comes to me with genuine advice and I don’t have the answer?”
“Paul, there ain’t no book to parenting...well, there are...but most of them are garbage,” Maggie told him, “Hell, half the time Glenn and I have no idea what the hell we’re doin’ and both our parents were great.”
“You have her best interest at heart, right?” Sasha asked.
“Well, yeah,” Paul sighed, “I love her.”
“So there,” Sasha said simply, “You have the right grounds to be a parent.”
“It’s not that simple,” Paul groaned.
“Yes, it is,” Sasha said, “Besides, I’m pretty sure Daryl doesn’t know how to do laundry...so you’re already a step ahead of him on that.”
Paul laughed, putting his head back, “He can, he just chooses not to.”
“Hey, are you wearing one of his shirts?” Maggie asked, looking at him with a fond smile on her face, “That’s way too big for you.”
“Aaron’s actually,” Paul said, rolling the sleeves up, “Daryl didn’t do the laundry.”
Paul was met with two “aw”s and more hugs from his friends.
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“We’ll get a filter for all that water,” Daryl said, kneeling down by the docks, “Then we’ll get the herd crew out here to start clearin’ them buildings.”
“Agreed,” Glenn said, looking up at the three large buildings, “It’ll be more than enough for them.”
“Place used to be a park,” Daryl said, hitting the sign that said Montgomery Park, “Probably gonna just be office buildings in there. Hopefully that means people cleared out ta go home before the outbreak.”
“Hopefully,” Glenn agreed, “This place is just down the road from Alexandria,” he said, looking at the map, “This’ll be great if they need anything starting out,” he said, “Hey, we should stop by and say hi to Rick and the others. We haven’t seen him in a while.”
“Nah,” Daryl said simply, “Gotta get the fences up around here then get back to Hilltop.”
Glenn sighed, following him, “Daryl, you can’t avoid Alexandria forever. Your brother lives there. Hell, I’ve been there since everything. It’s been years.”
Daryl just grunted, continuing to work on the temporary fence around the courtyard. They’d already cleared out a few straggling walkers and now they wanted to keep more from getting in.
“Daryl-” Glenn started.
Daryl whipped around and shoved him a little, “I ain’t got a mirror, but ya know what he did to you!” he snapped at him, “You can’t see outta that eye now ‘cause of him. Abe’s dead ‘cause of him,” he yelled and pointed to the side of his head, “Guy drove me half insane...prolly more,” he snorted, “Then the guy cuts of some lady’s head and Rick gives ‘im an outpost of ‘is own with no supervision,” he laughed bitterly before going back to the fence.
Glenn sighed, “Look, I know it’s not fair...but we just need to accept it.”
“Nah,” Daryl said simply before stopping, not looking up at him, “I love Rick. He’s my brother...ain’t gonna act like I ain’t happy to see ‘im when he comes around...but doesn’t make me any less mad.”
“I know,” Glenn said soothingly, putting a hand on his shoulder, “Trust me, I get it, man. But we’ve been through so much...it’s time to move on and be happy.”
Daryl just grunted again and went silent for a moment before speaking up again, “Sorry for shovin’ ya.”
“No problem,” Glenn said, an amused smile on his face, “And you do seem happy, by the way...with Jesus and Aaron.”
Daryl finished tying what he was doing before sighing, ignoring his comment, “‘Kay, we should get back.”
Glenn raised an eyebrow.
Daryl huffed, “Yes, m’happy, okay? Can we go now?”
“Yes,” Glenn said, obviously satisfied with himself.
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Paul sat on the steps with Aaron, leaning on him slightly. Neither of them really minded the PDA. It earned them a few odd looks now and again, but they’d been slowly working on subtly letting their community know of their relationship now.
Paul put his head on his shoulder, watching Gracie play with Hershel, smiling slightly at his daughter and his godson. He pressed his face against Aaron’s shoulder to hide his wider smile when he thought of Gracie as his daughter.
“What?” Aaron asked with a laugh, leaning down to see his face, “What’s going on in that head of yours?”
“Just how much I love you all,” Paul said, leaning up and pecking him on the lips.
The gates opened suddenly and Rick’s truck drove in.
“Great,” Paul huffed, hiding his face in Aaron’s shoulder for another minute before jumping up when Maggie walked out as well.
Aaron got up as well, walking over with them and Sasha.
“Thanks for comin’,” Maggie said, pulling Rick into a hug, then Michonne. She kneeled down to Judith, “How’s it goin’, sweetheart?”
“Fine,” Judith said simply before hugging her neck. She didn’t remember Maggie very much, but she knew Rick called her her aunt and said that she helped her mom give birth to her. She only ever really saw her at holidays or meetings like this because Maggie and her husband, Glenn, didn’t come to Alexandria often.
Maggie hugged her back, smiling.
“Dad!” Carl called, running over from where he’d been working with Henry. He took the apron off before pulling him into a tight hug.
Paul smiled slightly, watching them reunite, as Judith walked over to talk to Hershel and Gracie, obviously bored with the adults around already.
Rick pulled away and his eyes fell on Paul, “Why did ya think it was okay to bring these people in without askin’ all of us first?”
“Because they were struggling,” Paul said simply, “With these Free Men out here, we can’t be too safe. It’ll be better to have our allies closer. You know Javi, we’ve talked about him before.”
“Talked out ‘im, never met ‘im,” Rick grumbled.
“Well, hot damn, been a while since I saw this place,” a familiar voice said.
Paul’s eyes widened and Aaron grabbed his hand immediately, pulling him back to his side as Negan jumped out of the back of the truck.
“What the hell?” Paul demanded.
“I called all the outposts here as well,” Maggie said, “Him included...under supervision,” she explained, “We can’t have people killin’ the New Frontier, so we need to let ‘em know about ‘em in advance...even him.”
“Yeah, it’s great to have our allies close, isn’t it, Rick?” Paul snapped at him.
“Is there somethin’ you wanna say?” Rick demanded.
“Oh, there’s so much I’d love to say to you, Rick Grimes-” Paul started.
“Paul, take a walk,” Maggie said quickly, looking at Aaron, who nodded.
“That one always was a fuckin’ firecracker,” Negan laughed as he walked away.
Paul went to turn back around, but Aaron put his arm around him in a tight grip, continuing to walk them away, behind the trailers.
“You should have let me slit his throat,” Paul said immediately, turning to him once they were alone.
“No,” Aaron said firmly, “I shouldn’t have. That would have just caused problems between our communities, Paul. We...We have to listen to Rick, okay? He’s Daryl’s brother.”
“Daryl’s brother. Not mine,” Paul said quickly, “Imagine if Daryl was here right now...seeing him not even twenty feet from our daughter, Aaron. From Glenn’s son. Do you know how fucked up that is?” he took a shaky breath, “He looked in their general direction and I wanted him dead more than ever before.”
Aaron pulled him into a hug, “It’s just a short meeting to make sure that no one accidentally kills your friends, sweetheart...deep breaths. Then they’ll be gone.”
“I wish he was gone,” Paul grumbled against his chest, “Dead, in the ground.”
Aaron continued to hold him, not saying anything, letting him calm down in his arms.
“If he breaths in the wrong direction, I’ll kill him,” Paul said simply, going back in the direction of Barrington.
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“We can tell just by how they were talking that they know there are communities out there,” Paul explained, “They most likely know about ours, given how they were talking. They know about our circle and they don’t like it,” he sighed, “We saw their armory, briefly...they have a lot, but not as much as us. They also have a good number of people, but not as much as us.”
The tension in the room was evident, ever since Cyndie and Beatrice arrived after Ezekiel and Jerry. Cyndie kept looking over to Negan, but Beatrice kept a hand on her arm.
“If they don’t have as much as we do, why are you bringin’ the New Frontier up here?” Negan asked suddenly, “It’s a waste of resources.”
Paul gritted his teeth, “Because they might not have as much as us, but they have more than the Frontier,” he said simply, “They took down their walls. We put up something temporary for them, but it’s not going to last. Who knows when they’ll attack them again?”
The door opened and closed and Glenn and Daryl walked in, quietly taking a seat in the back of the room. Paul felt a pang in his chest when he saw Daryl’s eyes flick from Negan to Rick.
Paul nodded for Maggie and Sasha to take over with their provisional plans before he walked over and sat on the couch, on Daryl’s other side, “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d be back this soon.”
“S’fine,” Daryl said simply, grabbing his hand in a tight grip.
“We’re going to ration our resources by a quarter each until everyone can start producing enough to take on another community,” Sasha explained, “Same story as when Oceanside and Sanctuary came back into the fold; fuel, food, and ammo.”
“We can start producing more as soon we get back and get the orders filled,” Dwight explained, just as uncomfortable as everyone else as he stood beside his lieutenant, Laura. Sherry was there too, as a representative of one of the outposts, standing with Amber.
“We were already planning on expanding our crops this season as well and we have more than enough seeds for food,” Maggie added, nodding with him, “Then we’ll get the orders to Eugene for more bullets for them.”
“This isn’t something new, it’s just us taking on more people,” Sasha added, “Keep your communities in check, we’re going to give you all a list of names of everyone in the community as soon as it’s available and getting them their IDs once they’re all set up.”
“The New Frontier is in the council now,” Maggie said seriously, “You know the rules...harm anyone in a community under us, you face the consequences,” she cleared her throat, “Thank you all for coming. If you’re from further out and want to spend the night, we’ll show you to the guest rooms in Barrington. This meeting is adjourned.”
Paul smiled when the meeting ended and Aaron walked over to talk to Daryl. When he was hugging him, he walked over, smiling at Ezekiel, “Hello, your highness.”
“Hello, my friend,” Ezekiel said, pulling him into a tight hug, “You’re well, yes? Watching over my son as he trains with Earl?”
“Always,” Paul smiled, “And you?”
“We’re good, getting things up and running in the Kingdom again,” Ezekiel nodded, “A slow but valiant process!” he announced loudly.
Paul pursed his lips to keep the smile off his face, “Well, if anyone can handle it, it’s you, your highness...and Carol and Jerry, of course.”
“Damn right,” Jerry said, giving him a hard pat on the back.
“Jerry,” Ezekiel scolded before turning back to Paul, “It’s good seeing you, but we must get back before nightfall. I apologize that our reunion is brief,” he said, leaning down, kissing his cheek softly.
“We’ll come and visit soon,” Paul agreed, watching him walk out. He walked back over to Aaron and hid his face in his chest to conceal his laughter.
“Let’s get outta here,” Daryl grumbled, looking to where Rick was still talking with Maggie, Michonne, and Negan. Oceanside and the Sanctuary had immediately made themselves scarce from the room, practically out the door before Maggie said the meeting was done.
“Agreed,” Paul said, giving Negan one last look before he left with his boyfriends.
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“I just don’t understand how he could think that was okay-” Paul was saying as they walked down the steps, only to be cut off by Gracie and Judith yelling.
“Shove him again and I’ll-” Gracie started, shoving at Judith who was shoving right back.
“Gracie!” Aaron said quickly, jogging over, “Hey, c’mon...we don’t shove,” he said quickly, pulling her away.
Rick was there suddenly, with Michonne, who pulled a struggling Judith away, Carl mumbling “Judy, what the hell?” as they did.
“She shoved Hershel!” Gracie yelled over Aaron’s shoulder, “Asshole!”
“Hey!” Aaron said quickly, “Language, Gracie.”
Paul quickly followed Aaron back to the trailer, letting Daryl talk to Rick as he did.
“Go to your room, timeout,” Aaron said quickly, pointing in the direction of Gracie’s bedroom.
Gracie immediately stomped away, slamming the door behind her.
“She never curses like that, even with Daryl running his mouth as much as he does,” Aaron sighed, scrubbing his hand over his face, “And she definitely never gets violent.”
“I dunno, she kicks some serious ass in my children’s class,” Paul smirked slightly.
Aaron peeked through his fingers, giving him a now’s not the time look.
Paul pursed his lips, “Can I say something?”
“Of course you can,” Aaron rolled his eyes.
“Look,” Paul took a deep breath, “It’s not really my place, she’s your daughter, but...she was defending her friend, I think you should take that into account.”
“Paul,” Aaron sighed, putting his hand on his shoulder, “She’s your daughter to...no less than mine or Daryl’s. You obviously have a say in this kind of stuff.”
Paul smiled weakly at him, “I’m just saying...from experience...kids always have a reason for why they do what they do. They just need the right adult who will actually listen to them.”
Before Aaron could say anything, Daryl came into the trailer.
“She okay?” Daryl asked.
“She’s in her room,” Aaron said, glancing at Paul, “But...she’s not in trouble, so I’m going to go tell her she was only in timeout for the language...and that shoving is bad...unless you have a reason.”
Daryl nodded, watching him walk away. He raised an eyebrow at Paul.
“What?” Paul laughed.
“What are we gonna do with both you and me lettin’ that kid get away with everything, huh?” Daryl snorted, taking off his jacket, flopping on the couch.
“Rick gone?” Paul asked.
“Yeah,” Daryl said simply, “Hershel’s completely fine too, Gracie overreacted. They were playin’ tag and Judith tagged ‘im too hard, he fell down.”
Paul snorted, sitting beside him, “You okay?”
Daryl just shook his head, “Later?”
“Yeah,” Paul nodded, holding his hand, “Later.”
“Dad’s back!” Gracie yelled as she walked out with Aaron, throwing herself into Daryl’s arms, “Have a good trip?”
“Yeah, I did,” Daryl said, “We’re gonna have to take you swimmin’ in that lake the Frontier’s gettin’ sometimes. There was tons ‘a ducks.”
“Really?” Gracie asked with wide eyes, “Can we get a pet duck?”
“Hell no, Dog would eat it,” Daryl snorted.
Aaron sat down on the opposite couch, turning on their old little box TV and starting up one of the VHS tapes of Homeward Bound they had, the talking dog making Gracie gasp.
“This is Dog’s favorite movie, he needs to watch with us!” Gracie called, “Dog! DOG!” she yelled at the top of her lungs.
Dog immediately came running out from wherever it was he’d been hiding, jumping up on Paul’s lap, causing him to grunt in pain.
“You are way too big to be a lap down,” Paul huffed, squirming out from under the dog and moving to sit beside Aaron, curling up to his boyfriend’s side immediately.
Daryl put his feet up on the coffee table, Gracie laying on him slightly, her hand on Dog as she watched the movie.
Paul smiled at how domestic the whole thing was, curling closer to Aaron and putting his head on his shoulder.
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honeyparker · 6 years
waiting with the moon — p.p.
summary: you don’t even know if he’s alive, but you find comfort in the solace of the moon and her children.
a/n: i have at least ten requests in the box rn. some of them are from when i first began my blog and im slowly powering through them be patient w me!!
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“Hey, Peter.” The stars, barely visible in the city, twinkle overhead. The sky is clear for once, perhaps shining in honor of Peter. The air only gets colder on the roof, nipping at your face harshly. “I don’t know where you went when you left the bus, but then I saw Tony Stark was missing and I just, I knew you were with him. You just can’t stay away from trouble, can you?” A little chuckle escapes your lips.
You know he can’t hear you. You don’t even know if he’s alive, but you find comfort in the solace of the moon and her children. You find numbness within the night, the only thing that can stop your pain, if only temporarily. “I’m asking you, no, I’m begging you, you gotta come home. I need you. Earth needs you. And, and I have absolutely no idea which one of these stars you may be on, or a planet invisible to the naked eye, but I’m asking you to leave it behind. For me. Please?”
A choked sobs leaves your throat, and all of a sudden the stars are no longer shining — they’re burning. They’ll eventually go out, become dull and lifeless — die. They look ferocious opposed to their usual golden light. “As good as a listener the moon is, I want you. I want you and your interruptions and your stories. I’m sorry that I need you so much, I really am, but I do. 
It’s been hard. I’m not sure what to do without you here, it’s kind of a mess. It’s hard to function, I never really knew how much I rely on you until now. Now you’re gone. Maybe, dead, even. I’m praying you’re not. Because you are the only source of light left in this goddamn world. And I can’t live in darkness.
So, please. Please be safe. I love you, I love you so much. Come back to me.”
And then you're gone, leaving the moon to her own devices, teardrops staining the roof.
Peter’s terrified. He has no idea where he is, only that Bucky is there and so is Sam, and Wanda, and most of his teammates and he’s terrified. He’s left you alone. He’s abandoned you. Peter has nothing to point him to the conclusion that you’re alive. For all he knows, you’re somewhere here with him.
It’s all orange and dusted, no buildings, only small huts. The sky is rusted and the ground is of turmeric powder. It’s relatively quiet, apart from the cries he hears of others. People who’ve lost their Y/N’s, their kids, everything. And all he wants to do it scream and shout but he knows the team is too busy to take care of him.He can’t be a kid here, no. He can’t be a liability nor a responsibility. He takes a seat on the sand.
“Hey, Y/N. I know you can’t hear me. I have no idea where I am, I don’t know if you’re here with me. I thought—“ His voice is cracking and he can barely get the words out between sniffles. “I thought Heaven was supposed to be beautiful. But, maybe this is purgatory, or hell, maybe I don’t deserve Heaven — I let you down.
I let everyone down. Mr. Stark, the team, the weird space alien team, all of Earth. Aunt May. Ned. I couldn’t stop him, we couldn't stop him, no matter how hard we tried, and god, Y/N, we tried. We really did. I have no idea what to do now, all I know is I want to come home. See you. I can’t do this without you.”
He doesn’t notice Bucky coming up behind him, listening intently. He doesn’t notice Bucky sighing behind him. “Hey, kid, can I sit?”
“Mr, Mr. Barnes. Yeah, yeah, go ahead.” He tries to hide the pain in his voice, tries to be strong, tries to be resilient. He comes up short.
It’s quiet, for a moment. Mutual basking in the situation and people they both left behind, people they failed to save. “Who’s Y/N?”
“She’s, uh, my girlfriend. Yeah.”
“Yeah? What’s she like?” Bucky inquires.
“Oh, she’s the best. Real smart, and she gets along with my Aunt great — she loves her. She gets along great with my friends, too. Loves kids. She’s, she’s the best. And she deserves someone that’s going to come back to her at the end of the day.”
“You love her?”
“So much.”
“Well, don’t tell Steve I said this, but I’m kind of a sucker. And I also know this world sucks. And whatever is up there, God, the Universe, whatever you want to be up there, they're rooting for you. I promise. Y/N is here, wherever here may be, waiting for you to find her, or, she’s on Earth, waiting for you to come back to her. Either way she's waiting for you, and you gotta go to her. It isn't a question, it isn't an option. If you really love her, kid, get off your ass and find her. Go back to her. It’s the end of the day, and if she’s everything you say she is, she’s waiting for you.”
And he watches as a powder sun sets on a world of death, eyes puffy and swollen. He watches as another day goes by without you, and as you await another day without him.
The moon is attentive that day. She’s full, spreading all the light she possibly can over a world that’s lost so much. She’s trying. Sometimes trying is all you can do. “Hi, Peter. I hope you’re doing well. I miss you, we miss you. Mr. Delmar asked where you were today and I just, I didn’t have the heart to tell him. I couldn't look him in the eye and say ‘I don’t know.’ So I didn’t. Told him you were sick.”
It’s solemn. The cars honk on the street below you, the noise almost drowned out by your sobs. Almost. You wish for the city to stop, to mourn for a minute, but it continues on its way as if you’re not falling apart on a rooftop above. It doesn’t care.
“I’m scared, Peter. I’m scared of this world without you, and I’m scared of you without this world. It’s horrible and it’s painful, but you — you made it better. You could make the most heartless people smile. Peter, god, I can’t do this without you. I can’t live. Living and being alive are two different things and I’ll only be alive without you. I won’t — I can’t, not without you. We can’t.
You gotta come home. You gotta fight your way out of wherever the hell you are and you've gotta make it back. I don't know what I’d do if you didn’t. I don’t. I can’t live like this, I can’t live without your smile, or your laugh, or your presence. I can’t. It’s not up to me.” You’re unsure if your voice will hold up under all the tears. “I— I saw a shooting star earlier and I swear you were brighter. It made me think of you and I just can’t get you out of my head. I wonder if you can see the moon where you are, I wonder if she’s just as beautiful. Miles and miles of radiance. And the stars — god, can you see the stars?
“You have to graduate. Apply to colleges. Drive. If you — if you come home, in a coffin, I—“ you can’t finish your sentence. The image of Peter’s body, limp and cold, rotting six feet under is too much to fathom. “Goodnight, Peter. And you—“ you point to the moon. “Take care of him.”
And you go to bed, another night without Peter, another night where your tears stain your pillow.
Peter’s beginning to give up. He’s spent the whole day separating people into countries, regions, states, cities, reuniting families and helping children find their mothers. He doesn't know if you're disappointed or happy that he hasn't found you, maybe you're even still alive. But there’s no reassurance, not yet.
“Kid,” Bucky calls. “Dinner!”
Dinner is a generous term. It’s just rice and some things Wanda had been able to find, and although he’s starving, Peter can’t bring himself to eat.
“Eat up. Gotta be strong for when we get you back to Y/N.”
“Y/N?” asks Mantis. “You — you feel attraction for her.”
Peter’s eyes begin to well up, and he knows he shouldn't be crying, everyone else here left people behind, but he can’t help it. “She’s my girlfriend,” he mutters. “Or, or was. She probably thinks I’m dead, which I think I am, so…”
He hears Sam’s voice from the left of him, “It’s only been a couple of days. Give her a chance and give the rest of them, Tony and Nat and all, give them a chance to fix this.”
“It’s over. Thanos won. But at least she's safe. That’s the most important—“ He chokes on his words, unable to get them out. And then he's running, running to the moon and taking a seat underneath her shelter.
“Hey, sweetheart. I hope you’re doing alright, I hope you're taking care of yourself. Knowing you, you're not, but I need you to. I need you to check on May, god knows she's killing herself, and Ned. It seems like forever ago I was holding your hand on the bus.
I miss your warmth, and your smile. But you just gotta wait, just wait a little longer, cause I’m gonna get out of here. I promise, you'll see me again. I promise. I won’t leave you there, I couldn't forgive myself if I did. You just gotta hang on a little longer cause I’m coming.”
He doesn't know what you're doing. Perhaps you're acting like you're just fine, maybe you're falling apart at the seams. He has no way to tell and all he can do is fight and all you can do is wait. And that’ll have to be just fine for now.
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yourjughead · 7 years
Window Watchers
Requested: “ Could you do a fanfic thing (never requested before don't know what its called ) where the reader is best friends with Jughead and confesses she likes him but he gets nervous and rejects her then he sees from Betty's room when he's talking to her about it that Archie and the reader kiss. I don't know I came up with it and id like to see how you would write this also I looooovvvveeee your blog ❤ “
Pairings: jugxreader, archiexreader
 Warnings: None? fluff?
A/N: Sorry guys, thats all I can say. really cute fic called Sunday should go up tomorrow....hopefully also sorry if the geography of this fic doesnt make sense, dont be mad.
As always ((things written in brackets throughout are me speaking)) 
3rd person.
You, betty, Archieand Jughead. Inseparable 4. Well since the addition of Veronica and Kevin, the inseparable 6. The way you all liked it. Well most of you.
Archie had been pining after you since his break up with Val. Known by all but you, approved by all but Jughead.
You had been a subject of conflict in their friendship for some time. Archie having only eyes for you, you only having eyes for Jughead and Jughead only having eyes for burgers...and cluelessness. No matter how many hints you dropped, the beanie wearing boy was blind to all. Much to your frustration and Archie's delight.
Archie attempted to flirt with you all the time but you could only ever see him as a friend, one of your best friends, but this did not discourage him.
“I think I'm going to tell him V” you proclaimed closing your locker. Veronica rolled her eyes in response. Your sweeping declarations were always fleeting and never went into action.
“Sure you are y/n, sure you are” she sarcastically said while patting your shoulder.
“No, nope I'm going to do it, tonight.” Veronica once again met you with a roll of her eyesand a grin  as the final bell rang out.
Jughead sprawled himself out on my bed writing his novel, the usual Friday activity before moving it to Pops. I'm going to do it.
I span around in my desk chair, took a deep breath, panicked and spun back around. Okay okay okay try again.
I span, gulped, span around again faster and exhaled. Nope nope nope.
“I'm sorry are you trying to win an award for most annoying writing companion or something” I heard Jughead laugh from behind me. Just do it just do it just do it. I am Nike, just do it. ((I'm so lame)).
I spun around in the chair and dug my heels into the carpet, I will not let me spin around again. Okay. Let's do this.
Jughead POV
“Yes….” I mimicked her. Why is she so wonderfully weird... wait..something's different,she has to tell me something. Oh god oh god oh god.
“Oh God who died?!” She smiled to my question, standing up. I could see her legs shake from here. She's like Bambi. I resist the urge to take advantage of  her shaky stance to push her over.
“JUGHEAD I REALLY REALLY LIKE YOU AND IF I DONT SAY IT NOW IM GOING TO EXPLODE!” she blurted. Did I even hear her right? I have no words. Where are my words. WHERE ARE MY WORDS?!
“I'm sorry I just had to say it but I can't just be your friend anymore Jughead, I mean I love being your friend but I love you more”
Okay am I drunk? Is this a dream? Where am I? Where are the hidden cameras?
Her eyes were searching mine frantically and it was then I realised I hadn't said anything. I could feel my body shaking on the bed. I want to say I love her but my voice is betraying me.
So I did the worse thing I could do but also the only thing I could do. Fight or flight and I picked flight. I just took off out the door, running and hating myself for it. I just bolted out the door and ran directly over the road to betty’s.
I'm an idiot, I'm an idiot. Why did I think this was a good idea. Ughhhhhh
*Sms:Archiedoodles: Arch, I'm coming over. No questions asked.
I could feel the tears swell in my eyes as I ran downstairs and out the door, over the road to Archie. I don't know why I chose Archies, Veronica would have been a better choice but she has her own drama and I knew Jughead had run to betty, either to her house or pops to meet her. He was my only choice.
I jogged around the back of Archie's and let myself in the back door, passing Mr.Andrews with a small wave as quickly as possible so he wouldn't question my reddening eyes.
I burst in the door of archie's bedroom as he stood startled, I ran into his arms. He cuddled me in close without question as requested. I cried a little into his chest.
“YN...what happened?!”
“No no, no questions asked.” I reminded him.
“Okay okay, I'm not complaining” he squeezed me again. I'm so confused. I don't know what to do. Im a flood of feeling while simultaneously feeling nothing. What fresh hell is this.
I pulled slightly from Archie to meet his eyes. He's such a good friend to me.
Archie slowly moved in, moving hair from my eyes and kissed me.
Jughead POV simultaneously
I'm a terrible person. I laid out on Betty's beds and recounted what had happened to Kevin and Betty.
“Oh you're a jerk” Betty concluded and I nodded in agreement. I am. I am such a terrible person.
“Wait wait I thought you liked yn?” Kevin raised an eyebrow to me in confusion.
“I DO! I REALLY DO! I JUST PANICKED!” I let my feelings transpire through to my voice. I'm a disgrace to the human race.
“Okay, what are you going to do about it?..besides hide from Veronica once she finds out what you did to her best friend” Betty asking the hard questions and making me fear for my life all at once, classic Betty.
“I don't know” I'm so lost.
“I think now you've had a second to process it you should tell her the truth, that you love her too...and with regards to Veronica, well... Australia isn't far enough” Kevin sat down beside me.
Okay. I'll do it. I stood up with purpose and nodded at both of them.
That's when I saw it.
Through the years of growing up I loved how Betty’s and Archie's windows faced dead on to each other. It was the catalyst for many games and stories. But now. Now I wish Betty's room was in the basement….in Australia.
Australia isn't far enough.
Betty followed my gaze and saw the same thing, half gasping and lunging for the blind, snapping it down in one rattled movement.
YN and Archie.
YN and Archie kissing.
My YN kissing Archie.
I'm going to be sick. Betty slowly moved to me with hands out to stop me from moving. Like trying to stop a wild horse from trampling you. ((oh sweetie if a horse wants to trample you, you're dead))
“Jug…” she drawed out. Too late, I was once again gone like a flash.
I pushed Archie into the chest separating him from me.
“Archie…” I breathed.
“I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so confused” he sat down on the edge of the bed, head in hands. That's fine he's confused but he shouldn't try to confuse me then, he knows I like Jughead. I slowly sat down next to him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“I uh I think you should call Val….i think you're using me as a distraction from the reality of a problem...you need to call val” I said gently.
Archie turned his head in his hands and met my eyes. He bit his lip.
“Yeah, I think I will….I’m sorry yn, you were upset and I took advantage of you…” I patted his shoulder in forgiveness before standing and slipping out of the boy who had a lot of explaining to do’ room.
I walked out the front door and saw Jughead fly out of Bettys in pure anger. Woah what happened there.
“Jughead?” I called after him before chasing him, thoughts of my mistake earlier gone, my friend clearly needs me. His pace quickened at the sound of my voice.
He kept going till he was standing on the bridge that separated the Southside from us.
“Juggy stop!” I screamed and he turned in his heels and i practically slammed into his chest.
“What?! What the hell do you want?!” He bit. How dare he be mad at me right now!
“Em excuse me? Wanna try that again in a different tone?” I returned in the same inflection. He just huffed in response, crossing his arms. Okay time to change tactic.
“Jug, what's wrong?” I say softly moving closer to him.
“What's wrong?! What's wrong is the girl I love is off kissing my best friend minutes after saying she loves me!” he practically screams.
“You don't get to be mad at me!” I shouted back.
“Wait….did you just say you love me?” He looked panicked again at my question. I could see him slowly backing away before I caught his arm.
“No no you're not a allowed to run this time” I say much softer. “Please” I whisper.
In one swift movement he met my lips, bringing his hands to my cheeks as mine went to his sides. Suddenly he pushed me backwards.
“No no no we can't...you can't...Archie and you... arggghh” he ran his hands through his hair frustratedly before backing away again.
“No, no Juggie please, it's not like that it's not that I promise! He kissed me! I didn't want to kiss him! I only went to him cause I needed a friend! I didn't want what happened to happen! It's not like that!” I was crying now as I clung to Jugheads hoodie.
“Jug, I still love you. Please”
I could see the inner fight happening in his eyes.
“So you don't like Archie?”
“Not like that, never like that” I say half frantically.
“oh thank god” in one sweeping motion he meet me in a kiss again.
“If you ever kiss Archie again I will end his life” he half joked breaking from me.
“If Archie ever kisses me again I'll end his life” I laugh back before we meet again.
Much love Xx
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ohsweetkiwi · 7 years
Dr Styles
Dr Harry Styles was an elite cardio thoracic surgeon and the best in the field, he was also the hottest doctor in the hospital and you were the surgical intern who happened to have a huge crush your boss. 
There was no denying that being a surgical intern was hard. The hours, the being a slave to your attending, the blood, the competition to be the best against every other intern, the constant expectation to not kill anyone. So when starting out at a new hospital after moving across the country you never expected to add falling in love with your attending to the list of things making being an intern hard. Dr Harry Styles was not only one of the best cardio surgeons in the country, a badass in the OR constantly trying new techniques and letting the interns try things way above their skill level, but he was extremely attractive. You’d always thought that the thing about no one ever looking good in scrubs was true, but the second you had seen Dr Styles in those blue scrubs post heart transplant you knew they’d never seen him. You were in awe of him as were so many other interns, people fought over who would be in surgeries with him argued over who sat near his table in the cafeteria and there was waiting list to watch him do a teaching lab, and you were on it.
You were late, running through the hospital avoiding crashing into any nurses, patients or anything else than may have been lining the hallways. The first day of being taught by Dr Styles and you had to have been thrown up on by someone in the emergency room after picking up an extra shift to try and pay off the medical school bills you had ,requiring you to change scrubs and run 3 minutes and 45 seconds late to pre rounds. You had hopped you’d be able to sneak in ad go unnoticed, there was 6 others being taught by him today, you were an intern, so unimportant he’d never even realise you were gone. “ Dr Y/L/N, please explain to me, your fellow interns and Mrs O’hare who is in heart failure and needing surgery today why your 3 minutes and 47 seconds late” he didn’t even make eye contact with you while the words laced with venom slipped out causing everyone in the room stare at you, wild eyed and out of breathe from running. “ Im sorry Dr Styles, Mrs O’hare, I was thrown up on in the ER I didn’t want to show up covered in vomit” you scrambled out apologising, the interns snickering away before Dr Styles shushed them and continued on talking about the patient.
The day dragged on, between checking on patients and taking blood samples from Dr Styles to the labs to patients from their rooms to CT, MRI or x-ray you were exhausted. The main competition between interns was who could clock the most hours in the OR and being the new girl the attending’s didn’t know you as well as the others therefore not trusting you in their surgeries like the others. You were at the nurses station outside Mrs O’hares room updating her chart downing your 4th cup of coffee when you heard someone clear their throat. “ Dr Y/L/N , an update on Mrs O’hare please” his accent was so dreamy to you as someone who had grown up in another country that it took you a second to register what he said before snapping back to focus and giving him an update “ Hmm, have you ever seen a heart transplant y/n?” Harry spoke staring at you with such intense eyes, ones that you knew had been at the hospital much longer than your average surgeon. “ No Dr Styles Ive seen videos and read about it in medical journals but never in real life” you spoke shakily, there goes another surgery you thought, experiencing a heart transplant was a major benefit, one you knew the others in your intern year had seen and you hadn’t. “ That settles it then, prep Mrs O’hare for surgery in an hour and bring her to OR 4, you’re assisting me” you thanked him as he walked away like he had asked you to grab him a coffee rather than offering you a case that could put you in the lead of your intern class. You were ecstatic over the moon to be able to see the surgery let alone be in the same room as such an outstanding surgeon.
The surgery had been amazing, you were allowed to open the patient and was allowed to stay next to the table to assist with clamps and suction the whole surgery, until Mrs O’hare’s heart stopped beating and she died. You’d never lost a patient before, never been in the room when a patient coded or was shocked, sure you knew how to do all the things if need be they happen, but you’d never been in the situation to realise how much it hurt. You stood at the basin scrubbing trying not to cry, you had no idea how hard this would be, especially  now when your surgical icon was in the other room signing a piece of paper to hand over the patients body to the morgue before he walked into the scrub room and started washing next to you. “ You did great in there today Dr Y/L/N, losing a patient is hard, but you have to remember they knew the risks and that you did everything you could to save them” he spoke quietly into the room sensing that you weren’t the same bubbly girl you had been when the surgery had started 4 hours ago. A tear had slipped down you cheek, you couldn’t wipe it away till you had finished scrubbing which meant you couldn’t also stop the stream of little  tears that decided to flow. “ How do you do this Dr Styles? How do you get over it , I wasn’t even the lead surgeon and all I feel like doing is crying because she’s dead” you just about sobbed. “ You don’t get over your first death Dr Y/L/N, you learn that you did your best like you swore an oath to do and that you learnt from that a patient and you will try harder next time” he spoke calmly finishing scrubbing and leaning against the basin to look at you. “ She was someones mum, and grandma and wife and sister and daughter and she’s gone because we couldn’t get her back” you couldn’t help the tears from flowing now and you were thankful it was just the two of you in the room to see you sob over the basin. “ Please don’t cry y/l” Dr Styles spoke so sweetly causing you to look up at him. You’d never realised how young he was before now, he’d only just be a few years older than you but you’d completely over looked it due to his success in the field. “ Im sorry Dr Styles, I just wanted to do so well today, I didn’t think she’d die” you cried and before you could even register it he had pulled you into his scrubs covered chest rubbing  his hand on your back to sooth you while shushing you and telling you everything would be okay.
You had stayed like that in the scrub room for a few minutes as you slowly calmed down while Dr Styles had held you. “ Thank you” you said wiping your eyes as you pulled away from his embrace tears now on his dark navy scrubs. “ Your welcome y/n, but Im your attending so this cant happen again. Im here to teach you, and if I come to believe you cant recover from a loss of patients well in the future, I will have to let the hospital know your inability to be a surgeon death is something you need to come to terms with, understand?” the kind, sweet man who had just been there comforting you was long gone and in his place took a surgeon who could barely look you in the eye. “ Yes, sir I understand” you spoke looking down at your feet suddenly feeling embarrassed of what had just happened. “ Good, I want notes on what happened in the surgery and what could have changed the outcome in Mrs O’hare’s file in an hour” he curtly spoke before exiting the room, the sudden realisation that Dr Harry Styles had the inability to make or break your career, and despite your major crush and the sweetness you had just encountered, it had dawned on you that ,this precise moment could give him reason to end your career.
Please reblog if you liked this it really helps my blog! also please feel free to request any writing!
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wolfchan · 7 years
“Wait, why does this grave have your name on it?”
(Hi anon! Thanks for the request
My Arcana blog is over at @arcananas and this starter said “creepy” but I couldn’t think of a way for it to be creepy so it just became sad im sorry. The pairing is Nadia & Nimair, who is some girl I made who isn’t necessarily the apprentice but she’s friends w/ my apprentice? Also has my own stupid bits of lore ‘n’ shit I guess, and is self-indulgent as hell, bye) 
Creepy/Halloween sentence starters & prompts
To be fair, a part of her died when she was a little girl. 
Nimair wouldn’t exactly say she’s lived the kindest life, or the most fulfilling. She – a girl who, by all accounts, is still considered a dirty street rat, a child in a woman’s pale skin – never truly grew up, for growing up in Nimair’s mind includes the prospect of living in a home, under a roof, with a family. For the longest time, she spoke brokenly, in fragmented sentences. For the longest time, she had been unable to read, because reading wasn’t a luxury you received when you’re no better than dirt smeared on the bottom of someone’s shoe. 
Nimair isn’t even her real name. Nimair is the name of the demoness who she bound her soul to at age ten, so that she could have power beyond her wildest dreams. 
The power of a Hunter. 
It takes effort. 
Effort to bind one’s soul to that of a demon. Effort to use that wild power not for evil, but for good. Effort to, however ironic it was, purge other such supernatural entities, for the betterment of the world as a whole. Nimair? Nimair had wholeheartedly accepted this and, fifteen years later, still wholeheartedly accepts it, for better or for worse. 
She’s still the same street rat she used to be – merely a rodent with a scythe now. 
Yet, despite a haphazard and ragged appearance, accentuated by a layered white dress so torn that one would think it was originally built from scraps, people found her… Intimidating. Perhaps it was her manner of speaking, clipped and to the point. Perhaps it was the way she cut her black hair – with a knife, quick and easy, though it left shoddy ends – or the scars over every visible inch of her skin. Perhaps it was the massive stigmata on her back that peeked out through the fabric of her dress. 
…or, perhaps, it was because Nimair had been sighted quite recently around the palace; she had sensed through that demoness’ granted power the appearance of… supernatural entities. What, she didn’t make known. Secrets were well-kept amidst the few and far-between Hunters of the world. Secrets tended to be well-kept amidst even lovers. 
Frankly, if the Count had come back as some sort of ghost, she would be the first to send him back. The world needed no such infiltrations. 
Some part of her, however, tells her that her rash actions might cause her to lose Nadia instead – the absolute worst-case scenario.
“I am dead,” she tells Nadia over dinner, finger tracing the delicate edge of a wine glass. “I died. My name is embedded on a grave.” 
Nadia casts her an incredulous glance. The empty air of the dining hall is cumbersome, an invisible weight atop both their shoulders. The Countess muses after a long moment’s pause, “Why ever is your name on a gravestone?”
“’Nimair’ is not my real name,” she says, and Nadia nods once, You’ve told me before. “My real name is Mareike Reynder. Legally, I am dead.” 
There’s a brief moment of pause, of silence, filling the room like a dense fog. Then, Nadia’s confused gaze clears; she knows what Nimair means. What Mareike Reynder means. “That…” The words roll from Nadia’s tongue, honeylike, “was your name before you bound to her…” She trails off. 
She brushes a few loose strands of hair out of her face and idly twirls it between her thumb and forefinger, images flashing through her mind. Of her hometown, ablaze. Of her mother and father, pushing her away from the consuming flames. Of the vengeful spirit, whose name she never learnt, but whose will destroyed everything she ever knew. 
“It was,” she tastes the syllables, mulls over them, should I say this?, “my name before my hometown burned. I am dead. Nimair is not dead. Does that make sense?” 
“No, hardly,” Nimair intercepts, now lost in her own thoughts, “it’s difficult. Mareike is dead. She died in the fire. They never found her body. Nimair is not dead. She is a demoness. Her soul is my soul.” 
Nadia leans forward against the dining table, seemingly interested, glass tilted in one hand. “It sounds as though Mareike is still alive, and sitting right in front of me.” 
Nimair shakes her head, wryly retorting, “If she is, she became that which she hates the most. But, she’s happy,” a light sparks behind her eyes, “because she fell in love with the Countess.” You seem to have no luck with the living, my love. What is it about you that brings death to your door?
“The Countess and the Hunter,” Nadia muses with a thin smile. “It sounds like a storybook.” 
Nimair shifts uncomfortably in her seat, pulling at the tattered remains of her clothing. She never had been one to dress conventionally – too often, something would appear that she’d have to purge, and that usually ended in disaster for her clothing. “If I asked you to come with me to my hometown,” she begins slowly, “would… would you?”
The Countess’ expression softens, sombre, like the colours of the sunset. “Of course. Though, why bring this up now?” 
The Hunter wonders briefly how she got to this point, how those crimson eyes set upon her with love and wonder and curiosity, rolled together all at once. She’d learnt to love every look, every shift in the Countess’ expression, all of it; she’d drink it in like the rays of the sun, remember that she has a roof over her head here. Safety. Here. Because of Nadia.
“I–” Nimair chokes on the words as they rise into her throat, “I trust you. I lo– nevermind. We set out whenever you are ready.” She stands, rather abruptly, and beings to haul herself off to the guest room. Before she finishes her trek, Nadia’s hand lashes out and catches her wrist. Nimair visibly flinches, relaxing only after her brain registers the fact that she’s not in danger. 
Playfully, the Countess replies, “I trust you, and I lo– nevermind.”
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Hello I'm new to this whole lore thing and it looks REALLY confusing, can you give me a summary of what's happened?
aLRIGHT lads strap in cos this is gonna be long as shit. before i get into this i want to give a disclaimer, theres a 100% chance i’m going to miss at least one thing and i can’t give you a definitive timeline, so i encourage other people to reblog this and add anything i’ve forgotten/overlooked. im gonna put this under a read more, cos like i said, this is gonna be long
so the name “beatles cartoon lore” popped up a little bit after everything started - it was either an anon (as i remember getting an anon using the phrase for the first time that i personally saw it) or @icasms​ used it first, as they’ve stated such. either way, the actual storyline starts before that point. I am 99% sure @beebleborps​ is the root cause of all this, and I wasn’t actually there for the very start, but I was there before everything exploded. I’m not sure exactly what happened before I dove headfirst into the void, but I know that the castle from the first episode was already the main scene, and that Beebs had already been dragged into the cartoon beatles’ universe, was forced into occupying dead George’s body and became a vampire during the process. You see, at the end of the very first episode, the Beatles all die, for no reason. So at this point, there were four ghost Beatles, four dead Beatle bodies, and the characters in play at this point were Beebs, @beatles-fan-13​ , and possibly others. I’m not sure, but I know there were far fewer cartoon beatles blogs back then, and most of them weren’t part of this (at the time) little storyline.
still pre-lore, I made my blog and beeble sent me an ask on how i’d died (see my username for reference) and I detailed that I’d been brought to the cartoon beatles universe by force, had witnessed the cartoon beatles’ final form, and that they’d killed me for it by inviting me to a concert, bringing me backstage, and dismembering me using George’s chin like a knife. Since there were mainly the ghost beatles at this point, that brought more attention to a second set of Living Beatles that were in the castle, which were also keeping beatles-fan-13 stuck in the dungeon. So right now, as far as I remember, it was me, them, and Beeble in the storyline, with two sets of Beatles - ghost Beatles and living, second generation Beatles. These aren’t the Eldritch Beatles, but are instead basically the same characters from the cartoon post episode 1, but crueler. A lot of the characterisation and early inspiration comes from @wtfbeatlescartoon​ , who often points out how needlessly cruel a lot of the Beatles are in the episodes. The lore has mostly spun away into its own beast at this point though. 
so pretty soon after I made my blog, like within a few days, other beatles cartoon blogs began popping up to join in on the fun. around this same time, i’m fairly sure @spookycryptidgeorge​ aka Grey began to get in on the story, and that’s when I got the ask/icasms coined the phrase, “beatles cartoon lore”. (In case you are curious, here is the ask, dated July 8th) Now around here I’m likely going to become more of an unreliable narrator, because a lot of things were happening at once. @cursedbeatlescartoon​ and @crypticbeatlescartoon​ came into inception, with the latter joining the madness of the story, and not long after that, @vampiregeorgeharrison​ and @eldritchgeorgeharrison​ appeared and the eldritch beatles became part of the story. It was also around this time that everything started to get more crazy and everyone was becoming a cryptid/inhuman/etc. The main players at this point that were making most of the threads were me, Grey, George, and Beeble, but the others were also contributing, and I might have missed some other story points.
The story so far here was that it started with Beeble (?) when he was transported to the Transylvanian castle in the first episode by the ghost Beatles, also known as the original Beatles. They were trying to recruit him to join the band, and George was trying to teach him the guitar, but Beebs refused cos they were forcing him into it. Eventually, George shoved Beeble’s ghost into his dead body (the other corpses are still in the same place and haven’t decayed at all) which caused him to forcibly possess George’s corpse, which also became vampiric, probably because he was dead for so long. Beatles-fan-13 was brought to the castle somehow and ended up trapped in the dungeon, was subjected to experimentation, and Beebs was trying to get them back when I became part of the story. I was a ghost which, story-wise, had been wandering the castle, but was mostly tethered to the Beatles and couldn’t go far. I met Beeble first, I believe, and relayed my story, as well as the fact that the second generation Beatles had tethered my spirit to them so that I would preform menial tasks for them, and that one of the experimentation processes they had people undergo was cartoonisation, and that they’d done as such to me, which was a process that allowed someone from outside of the cartoon beatles universe to assume a cartoon form in their universe and switch out of it when leaving. (it was later discovered that only I would need to go through this process, since it was not a Roger Rabbit situation and everyone else turned into a cartoon automatically. I was a special case because of what species I am, which was not known at this point and assumed to be human) Most of our time was spent trying to find the dungeons and get beatles-fan-13 out of there, and at some point they’d stolen some of Beeble’s blood and given it to beatles-fan-13? I’m not entirely clear on if that worked, but I know soon after they became a ghost and now reside in Beeble’s tophat.
When Eldritch George appeared, we all learned that there were an even higher class of beatles, and the second generation beatles were more or less pushed to the side story-wise. The most powerful beatles are the True/Eldritch Beatles, but there were only two True Beatles - John and Paul. They had converted Eldritch George and an (unseen) Eldritch Ringo to become like them, but they weren’t truly like them, which was why they were defecting. the True Beatles were waiting for True George and True Ringo, who at this point have not shown up yet. Soon after Eldritch George appeared, @eldritchpaulmccartney​ , the first True Beatle, came into existence and began to pull the strings. Nobody’s sure exactly what their plan is, but Paul (typically referred to as Luap so as not to “summon” him, in a voldemort-esque situation) revealed that most of the people in the story aren’t human. Me, Serena, was never human to begin with and is instead some sort of powerful being called a Star Child, but events I’m not aware of resulted in me losing my memory and assuming that I was a human. I’m not even actually a ghost, but assume the form and abilities of a ghost because I thought I was dead. Grey was human at some point I believe, but they became corrupted by the True Beatles and the Cartoon Beatles Universe itself, which slowly corrupts anyone who doesn’t belong. Grey has mostly unseen powers/abilities, and so far, True Paul has let slip that he and True John need me and Grey for some sort of ultimate plan because of the power output we can give.Vampire George (separate from Beeble, who is also, somewhat confusingly, a vampiric George in appearance) is typically seen doing True Paul’s bidding and trying to find the full extent of Grey’s abilities and keep me/Serena in check.
Other parts of the story that didn’t really fit into that summary are that icasms can be possessed by a John, not sure which, and she stays away from the castle for that exact purpose. There’s some sort of rune on her arm(?) that allows John to possess her more easily, and keeps other ghosts/beings from being able to take her over. Beeble, after a while of keeping in George’s body, became unstable, and Eldritch George “fixed” this by merging Beeble with George’s ghost, so now only three ghost Beatles roam the castle. Ghost Paul typically hangs around Beeble and will sometimes possess him in order to get attention, though i’m not sure if there are any other reasons for this. More recently, @elemental-icee-cattt​ , some sort of doctor who may or may not be from the cartoon beatles’ universe itself showed up and has been helping keep Grey and me from basically dying, since certain events (like Grey somehow becoming irradiated after being possessed by Vampire George and Eldritch George letting me/Serena read from the book on Star Children in the Eldritch Library) almost led to our deaths and, due to our abilities, possibly the destruction of the castle and/or universe. 
NOW, that’s the story part of the Lore. The other half of the Lore has to do with the Cryptids, which are born from finding screenshots where the animators fucked up and everyone spins a story from it. I already made a post on the origin of the First Cryptid, Glitch John, and there’s a whole blog dedicated to the cryptids that’ll tell you their history, @glitch-john-and-friemds​ . At the mo, there’s Glitch John, Glitch Paul, Glow George, Octoringo, Eyeless John, Supereye John, and I’m sure there are others I’m missing. People who contribute to this part of the lore include @abandonedstage , @404bot , @lenshitposting , @beatles-cartoon-analysis , @constantcascades , @ringodidnothingwrongo , @foolishgrippy , @agesnotyetwritten and anyone else who produces art and fics for it, as I’m sure I’m missing people and I’m sorry if I missed you!!! If you’re curious, yes, the cryptids ARE technically part of the lore story, but none of them have really appeared (aside from a few asks from Glow George) so they don’t play much of a main part.
SO that is a Quick and Probably Incomplete summary of The Lore, and it’s really long but here it is and I hope you can understand it! if i’ve missed anything, again, feel free to reblog this post and add things, and if you have any further questions, just ask beeble or anyone else you see contributing a lot!!! :::)
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iinkpaint · 7 years
slight ramblings and snippets of hopeful plans under the cut (actually looking back now it’s also a slight sort of.. gush/rant thing?) it’s about this blog which is the only reason i’m posting it, feel free to ignore
kicks this blog  now i know this baby’s dying out slowly, probably due to me not running it right or whatever, but. i’m not giving up hope on this blog somehow lotsa things might change when i get my laptop, i may start uhh.. i dont know, voicing some lines for Blot to develop them more (cause god knows i need to blow my voice out with their high pitch), add a new muse or two or something. honestly this is my first go at a multimuse blog, in the past it’s always been one blog per muse with some featured occasionally in individual plots. so im not exactly sure what i’m doing as far as all this goes?
at the same time, the muses i have are just dying off. and this is gonna get a little personal so yeah heads up- i feel like most of my writing has gone off somewhere, i have little inspiration anymore; when i do, it’s because i write ficlets for my best friend to make her happy or what have you. not to mention that i’m still really fucked up from a toxic person in my life who got cut out around january-february ish, leaving me with a tainted outlook on life and a lot of bitter tendencies. the muses i pick now are always side characters, i introduced mickey in hopes that it would help this blog stay afloat- not that i don’t love him but i don’t play him enough to have him as a main inspiration. all the writing i do with him is incredibly hollow, masked with fancy words and long paragraphs. my writing with blot still hasn’t gone anywhere because they’ve had almost no interactions, so that’s going down the drain. 
and i was thinking of adding in Skullduggery from wild west c.o.w.boys of moo mesa, but i have no doubt that no one would want to interact with him. he’s a two-time villain with no development in show, and sure i’ve got backstory and all kinds of hopes and dreams for him but what does it matter? this blog is going to die off eventually and i really feel like i’m beating a dead horse trying to revive it. it makes me sad mostly because this isn’t the only thing in my life petering off, i’ve reached a crossroads in that i’m at the age wher emy life should be changing, i should be doing things and making my future, but everything is at a standstill. the blog was exciting, then i thought it would get better, and now it’s stagnant. it’s waiting for something that may or may not ever happen. i guess it’s just a sort of personal echo of me right now, and that’s stupid or whatever right? i don’t care. i’m so tired. i just want to write fun stories, have my little toons bring some joy back into my life. but i guess that will never happen, yknow?
oh well, congrats if you made it this far. sorry about all this rambling, i’ve got no excuse. it’s pretty unprofessional, haha.
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