contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
an eye for an eye, an unfriend for an unfriend. what kind of nonsense that i've got today? such ironic
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
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I keep hitting the space bar but I’m still on Earth ……..
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
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forsaken of the universe. do good, and be good; recycle now :)
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
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I want another cat :( -- random doodle
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
Loopity loop: Re:Cycle -fun- facts
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courtesy of microsoft clipart ;;)
Well you might familiar about this one tiny itsy bitsy fella, but it will pileddup like a peak of mountain and hell yeah goes everywhere? I mean like really, everywhere in our country???
Then i guess you might be right, trashes!
What if i told you if this guy is mean Or maybe what if i told you that you are yourself, is a trash?  Well it depends *winkwonk*
But hey trashes aren’t that evil yo, lemon is
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((courtesy of jeffcrazy @ redbubble))
thats right, Every Villain Is Lemons xD
Whoopsie, sorry, back again with recycling content. Recycling is a one of a kind process to create a new item from an used particular materials. Perhaps, its not only a part of waste disposal hierarchy – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ; consider this, to reduce energy, and potentially using materials from trashes. We mostly do recycling things from using plastic bags as our shopping bag, to using old papers as our scribbling notes.
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(courtesy :  iCreativeIdeas.com)
We could probably do things creatively using bottles to make a kind of this vertical garden stuff, for example.
Thus I would like to give you some fun facts about ‘recycling inventions’ in our entire beloved universe, Earth!
1. A Newspaper that could turn into a plants while it teared up
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((courtesy: yoshinakaono.com))
Japan, the country of the rising sun again, made another wonderful invention called ‘Green Newspaper’ And was invented by the publisher of the famous Japanese daily, The Mainichi Shimbunsha. 
I’ve heard this was also a part of campaign to reduce paper and ink waste. Thus it will grew you some beautiful flower, it was ideal to decorate your households and outdoor living.
The idea was conceived by Dentsu Inc, one of Japan’s largest advertising agencies, which works with “The Mainichi”. The green newspaper is not the first sustainable initiative undertaken by the Japanese daily. Its commitment to environmental protection is already well-known thanks to a previous advertising campaign on water donations for populations suffering from thirst. “The Mainichi doesn’t take action only through information, but also by solving global issues”. - Lifegate.com
Pretty rad huh? :> Wanna get your own? Go to japan then lol
2.  Edible Rings On Six-Packs Cans
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((courtesy of we believers))
YES I TOLD YOU, ITS EDIBLE. Thank god there would be no more problems for sea creatures. Oh did i mention, sea creatures? Yep, A craft beer company has brewed up a brilliant idea.Saltwater Brewery in Delray Beach, Florida, has created edible six-pack rings that feed, rather than kill, marine life if the rings end up in the ocean and an animal happens to eat it. The rings are created from beer by-products during the brewing process such as barley and wheat and are completely safe for humans and fish to eat.
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((courtesy of we believers)) oh my god SIGN-ME-THE-F***-OUT
3.  Edible Food Packaging Made From Milk Proteins
Much of the plastic packaging we see in the grocery store can be recycled, from egg containers, to milk jugs, to butter tubs. But what about that thin plastic film stretched around wedges of manchego in the cheese bin or the 16-ounce rib-eye in the chiller case?
This case, U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers have discovered that a milk protein called casein can be used to develop an edible, biodegradable packaging film. The casein-based film is up to 500 times better than plastic at keeping oxygen away from food because proteins form a tighter network when they polymerize, the researchers found. It’s also more effective than current edible packaging materials made from starch and protects food products that are sensitive to light.
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Checkout the video here
4. This designer invented a new way to recycle
27-Year-Old Dave Hakkens revolutionize recylcing by inventing machine. He making a project based called “Precious Plastic” He invent a series of machine to create some particular objects.
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Interested to join? go visit his website :)
5.  Making women's shoes from recycled water bottles
Rothy's, a US fashion startup, are making women's shoes out of recycled plastic bottles. The shoes are made completely from recycled materials and can be put together in just 6 minutes by a 3D knitting machine.
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Didn’t think it’s possible to get a perfect balance of fashion and function? Think again.
6. These new down jackets and vests made almost entirely of recycled materials
Patagonia is one of the most trusted clothing brand in outdoor and cold-weather clothes and accessories. This season, Patagonia is taking another big step in the right direction in terms of keeping the earth clean, debuting its re\\\collection line of clothing.
The re\\\collection line expands on Patagonia's most recent efforts to produce sustainable clothing. This new line takes resourcefulness to another level, constructed from 100% recycled wool and 100% recycled polyester, as well as 85% recycled polyester labels, 80% recycled zippers, and 50% recycled buttons.
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7. Environmentalists made a prototype bike using recycled paper
A group of mexican environmentalists designed a bicycle that is made mostly from recycled paper.
The Urban CG1 also contains parts made from rubber, plastic, and metal - which the creators say can be reused. The designers say the bike is waterproof, thanks to a polystyrene paint which they claim is "ecological."
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I ‘ve heard they had been passing this project to kickstarter, go check it out!!
8. The new Olympic medals might be made from recycled smartphones
The medals for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo may be made from an unlikely source: discarded smartphones.
According to Nikkei Asian Review's Ken Sakakibara, Japan's "urban mine" is home to millions of smartphones and other discarded electronics. That mine contains enough precious metals to create all the gold, silver, and bronze medals necessary for the Olympic and Paralympic games in 2020.
The amount of gold, silver and copper sitting in that mine is staggering: the report claims that in 2014, 143kg of gold, 1,566kg of silver, and 1,112 tons of copper were recovered from electronic waste in Japan. Compared to the 9.6kg of gold, 1,210kg of silver and 700kg of copper used to produce the 962 medals awarded in the 2012 London Olympic Games, Japan is sitting on more than enough materials to produce the medals. - Insiders UK
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Swimmer, Maya DiRado of the United States poses for a photo with her four medals. ((source: How/Getty))
9. A device turns bottles into plastic string.
Enough plastic bottles are thrown away each year to circle the earth four times. The Plastic Bottle Cutter hopes to help change that, and found an innovative way to recycle bottles.
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((from: Gizmondo))
Pretty Rad? grab for your own device on the link above, and check this out.
10. A micro-library made of 2,000 recycled ice cream containers
Finally, the last fact. This fact was finally take an insight in our beloved country, Indonesia.
An architect Florian Heinzelmann traveled around Indonesia, he noticed that many villages lacked communal spaces.That's why he - and his Netherlands-based design firm, Shau - decided to create a small public library in the village of Bandung.Like most libraries, the goal is to foster a love of reading and encourage community members to hang out, Heinzelmann tells Tech Insider. But unlike most libraries, it's made of 2,000 used ice cream buckets.
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Located in Bandung, Indonesia, the micro-library measures just 1,720 square feet — about half the size of a one-car garage. It was completed in July 2016.
Take a peek of the full article here :>
That’s it for the facts today. Well as a human, I may conclude that human creation is great. As a monotheist, God creation is Absolute than ever!! We, human, must keep and mantain the creation of the universe, earth to keep it living in decades. Human may create, but they had to remember....
Human must keeping it sake alive.
Thank you for reading, and please, keep your trashes to its belongings. Have a nice day :)
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
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When did time pass by so fast? I did know it’d be this way, though. But if wishes did come true, then I’d wish to be forever by your side. I shall no longer be frightened of that one single piece of happiness . The vague anxiety I felt is dissipating into this brand new world So let me change out of these grimy clothes, for I know I won’t be all by myself tomorrow
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
Re:Winding - 1996
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taken in 2016 by syararo and mutyasu
Welllll I have trust issues to write about this but. . . forsaken of my homework, I MUST wrote this thing down.
This WAS about me and only me; Aisyah Luna Maydinar Sutisna
((sorry of my wholesome crap english writing, I’m here to improve my english :’) ))
Yea its like. . . funny name right? let me interpret my name Aisyah > The youngest Wife of Prophet Muhammad SAW; The most intelligent and creative Wife Luna > Moon in latin May > the 5th month Dinar > the main arabic currency before independency of Islam (also known as blessings, i believe) Sutisna > pop’s surname
In which, my name means  “Aisyah, born in May with full of blessings”
Biologically born in 4th of May 1996, have 2 biological elder brother, the only daughter in ‘Sutisna’ clan.
When I’m 7 years old, I just realised that i have 3 other elder brother. I kept asking my mother who are they until 2 years later my mother shows up my birth certificate. It says I have 5 elder brother.
My mother (mak) told me she once married with someone at Surabaya in early 80′s. And they gave birth to my eldest brother (1st child). and they separated in late 80′s Meanwhile my father once married with someone about 80′s in Bandung and about 6-7 years later my father (pop) divorced with his former spouse in late 80′s. They have child (which is my 2nd and 3rd elder bro). Then my father moved around Bandung - Jakarta - Surabaya to work aboard. Suddenly in 1989, my pop met my mak at the local Discotheque. They’re having a relationship for about 3 months and they were married.
At 1991, they gave birth to my 1st biological brother (4th child) At 1994, they gave birth to my 2nd biological brother (5th child) At 1996, they gave birth to myself lol (6th child)
So . . . i have 3 Step brother but I’d never know about it earlier. This was the emotional thing in my life. I’d never had seen them entirely after I’m 16 years old.
Back in my childhood life. My parents (my mak mostly) venting about me. They have told me that i’m the cutest, the friendliest, and the most intelligent of all. I can read fluently in 2 years and 10 months old. That time I was living in Jakarta; surprisingly reading Megawati’s speech backwards in the newspaper.
My mother works at the USAID (United States Agency for International Development) as a General manager, so she forced me to take me to this and that place (Jakarta - Bandung) until i’m 6 / 8 years old (sorry i had blurry memories i can’t remember it well) Jakarta once was a harsh place to live, I was survived from ‘orde baru’ thingy haha. But nevermind actually, I’m in safe condition.
My father permanently works in Surabaya as a Lieutenant (2001) in The National Department of Transportation. He was taking a good care of my brothers.
After my mom moving department to Surabaya permanently, I live in Sidoarjo, which is slightly far away from central of East Java, Surabaya. We live NORMALLY in a small house. At 4th grader I got scars and bruises from motorbike accident. I’m just a passenger from my housemaid. She was taking me to the school and someone with a motorbike hit me. In result I can’t walk for 1 week. haha what a shame. This time THEY WON’T LET ME DRIVE OR RIDE ANY KIND OF VEHICLES EVEN I LEARN HOW TO DRIVE RIGHT NOW.
There was nothing special, because I didn’t do my homework most of the time, and I’ve been grounded by School once a week. I didn’t mind my parents very angry at me, because I didn’t like to do things what I don’t like.
At Junior High School most of the time I didn’t communicate with a lot of people. I hate that so-called-sociallita friends. Most of the time I spend my life for playing Multiplayer games, reading books, and drawing.
I’m enjoying socializing with seniors in the library. Then we became best friends until now. I got scolded and almost get expelled for doing things riskfully.
at 2011 My father are promoted to 1st Division Major, back again I’m graduated from Junior High School to Senior High School. My parents decided to take me to another private Islamic School (sigh, again) for 1 semester, and they moved me to local public school for 1 semester.
Then in next year when i’m in 11th grader, they moved me to central public school (SMA N 6)
We decided to move at the apartment in a while Surabaya because we had location issues. Nevertheless, we’re moving back to Waru (in between of Surabaya - Sidoarjo)
Also got scars and bruises from a car accident (again, lol) My car got hitted by a truck. In result I had fractures of glasses inside my knee (i didn’t remember well) but I’m fine with it, ridiculously. 
At this time. . . I finally found my true self. I could communicate with people that really understands me a lot. I became best friends with several people, and it makes me happier. This point was, the happiest day in my life. Even they help me doing chores, math, and things I don’t like turning into things that I Loved.
I missed this moment. Honestly.
2014 was the time I enter the college. I didn’t pass on Invitation based exam, but I passed on Test based. The test was about drawing and spatial examination for College. I was excited to enter This college and doing my chores completely forwards even there was a lot of obstacles. The timing, also... was perfect for me to get salary of my own.
2014 - 2015 was a bit harsh, I found life were merely difficult. I fought with my 1st client from overseas, I’ve got another motorbike accident (unlucky passenger again), I got multiple friendship problems. got bipolar depression based on doc’s diagnosed.
late 2015 - 2016 was the point I stand by myself. I got friendly clients, got a healthy relationship, got promoted to this and that, bonds more connection with people. CURED FROM DEPRESSION AND VERTIGO IN 2016.
I was hoping in future, I am getting stronger from any kind of obstacles that I have now. I was glad to what I have now.
My advice is. . . to be happy is important. Do what you love, leave what is toxic on your mind.
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Evolutions 1998-ish - 2005-ish - 2010 - 2014
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Sutisna 5th, Mrs Sutisna, Mr President (?), Sutisna 6th, Sutisna 4th.  taken while visiting EU in Volendam - Holland, 2016 (colored)
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Best friends since 2009. I am still keep in touch with these two.
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S. Highschool bros. It was ramadhan dinner at my house. Not that full team but I’m happy with it :)
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college bros damn i loved them. some of them (bella and lara) are friends that I’ve known well since 2012 from the internet. Internet rules!!! DeviantArt rules!!! TWITTER RULES!!!
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so called fiancee(?) #longdistancewarrior
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
schierke is bae :3
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old drawing in oct 2016. tbh i don’t have intentions to upload it because its too ugly but … oh well :’)
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
imma unpiling some WIPs :')
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As a request from someone special. He wants me to draw his favorite jointed dolls named Bianca. Actually it was a WIP from 2016 but i have intentions to continue the drawings :3
Keep reading
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
reblogging my art tumblr page uwu
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been a while didn’t post monster hunter related stuff. I was hyped on MHXX earlier, I can’t wait for MHXX released in my region :’D I draw @/Aevanko and his daughter, Yuna. wearing hunting costume. also, Yuna seems pretty adorable for wearing meowstress (( ネコ嬢 )) costume ‘w’) thank you Gaijin Hunter for making monster hunter’s guidance quite fun and enjoyable. I’m looking forward to your next weapons tutorial and stuff :>
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
Fading Polaroid
My eyes were first to forget
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The face I once Cradled between my hands now a blur. And your foice is slowly drifting from my memory like. . . a fading polaroid. But the way I felt is still crystal clear. Like it was yesterday.
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There are philosophers who remain in the past, present, and future. All exist in one time. And the way I felt, the way I feel; that bittersweet ache between wanting and having; is evidence of their theory.
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I felt you before, I knew you, and I still feel you now. And in that brief moment between; wrapped in your arms thinking.
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How lucky I am
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How lucky I am
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How lucky I am
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How lucky I was. . . .
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thank you for your lingering memories, i will always be here with you. I love you from my moon to back.
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
Jangan Tinggalkan Aku, Aku Ketakutan.
Namaku Mika.
Aku terlahir di keluarga yang biasa saja..... hingga suatu hari, menurut orang tuaku, aku memiliki kebutuhan khusus yang luar biasa sehingga mereka memindahkanku ke sekolah berkebutuhan khusus di St. Maria, sekolah yang berkebutuhan khusus dengan teman yang luar biasa (menurut judul pada plakat besarnya). Orang tuaku memindahkanku kesini karena menurut mereka aku bisa berbicara dengan mahkluk aneh sejak setahun yang lalu.
Sekolah itu terlihat seperti gedung benteng besar yang menyenangkan. Setahun tinggal disini terlihat menyenangkan juga. Teman - temanku sangatlah ramah. Tentu juga, sekolah ini ada setiap 3 hari dalam seminggu.
Mengenai temanku di sekolah, mungkin ketika aku bercerita ini kamu tidak akan percaya bahwa ada seekor lochness yang ikut bersekolah. Ah, tentu, banyak monster lainnya seperti Cthulhu, Fafnir, dan kelas Wyvern naga lainnya. B A H K A N, mahkluk aneh seperti batu stoneage ikut bersekolah. Iya, semuanya hidup di sekolah ini.
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Awalnya aku takut karena semua monster memandang dengan muka yang menyeramkan. Mungkin karena aku satu-satunya manusia? Beberapa hari setelah mereka mengetahui bahwa akulah satu-satunya manusia yang bisa menghubungkan dunia antara monster dan manusia, mereka terkagum. Monster yang awalnya besar, menyeramkan, dan menjijikkan menjadi temanku dalam hitungan hari. Enaknya di sekolah ini, tak ada guru yang menegur ketika aku berlari kencang di setiap koridor kelas. Karena semua monster disana mempunyai kemampuan yang aneh juga.
Oh? Mengenai teman di foto itu? Iya mereka adalah sahabat yang aku kenal di awal masuk sekolah ini. Setiap pagi aku selalu menemui mereka di pintu masuk sekolah, dan tentu klub sekolah, jam istirahat, bahkan teman tongkrongan setiap sehabis sekolah selalu bersama mereka.
Setiap malam berpisah aku selalu melihat foto kita bersama. Seakan dalam foto itu, aku ingin mengatakan kepada mereka. “aku ingin bersama kalian selamanya”
Keesokan hari disaat minggu pertama sekolah, ayah dan ibu menyiamkan sarapan dan suplemen seperti biasa untukku. Aku membenci suplemen ini karena rasanya pahit sekali, karena terpaksa aku hanya meminum satu butir dari 13 butir lainnya. Obat suplemen tak masalah buatku, karena nanti aku akan telat sekolah. Lalu mereka mengantarku ke sekolah hingga pintu masuk saja. Aku tidak menemui Lessy hingga aku berjalan ke koridor, semua penduduk di sekolah panik berteriak ketika menemui Lessy tak sadarkan diri karena badannya yang besar terhimpit antara koridor dan pintu kelas.
Aku, Benny, Muu dan siswa lainnya mencoba mendorong keluar kepalanya sedangkan Stony mendorong bagian belakang tubuhnya yang terhimpit pintu koridor. Sepertinya kepala Lessy berhasil tertarik, dan aku mencoba mendorongnya lagi sehingga Lessy berteriak kesakitan dan tak sengaja menendang Stony hingga terpental keluar gedung.
Teriakan terakhir Lessy membuat Lessy menjadi lesu, dan tidak bernafas lagi meskipun kepala Lessy keluar dari kelas, dan badannya yang sobek karena terhimpit koridor. Aku terkejut ternyata Stony pun tidak bernafas lagi. Aku, dengan beberapa temanku membawanya ke dokter namun mereka sudah tidak bisa ditolong lagi.
Kami turut sedih karena dua monster telah kehilangan nyawa karena hal sepele. Teman-teman di sekolah tidak ingin aku berlarut dalam kesedihan sehingga mereka memberikanku pesan moral dan semangat. Aku, akhirnya bangkit dari kesedihan ini setelah tiga hari kemudian.
Seminggu berlalu, aku memutuskan untuk berangkat sendiri ke sekolah. Sesampainya di gerbang masuk aku melihat Benny dan Muu menyebrangi jalan. Aku berteriak menyapa mereka, lalu mereka berlari ke arahku.
Tak disangka ada mobil yang tidak bisa mengendalikan rem di hadapan mereka sehingga mobil itu menabrak 2 monster yang tak bersalah itu.
Aku bergegas lari ke arah mereka ketika semuanya mengerumuni mereka. Hanya Benny yang bisa berpesan kepadaku. . sebelum Benny menghembuskan nafasnya terakhir “Pergilah kembali ke ayah dan ibu. . . karena kamu belum pamit dengan mereka” Terdengar konyol, aku berlari kencang. Tetapi aku tidak menyadari diri. . . aku berlari di tengah jalan sehingga ada mobil kencang menabrakku.
Ibu : Dok, apakah Mika Sudah bangun? Dokter : Belum nyonya Mika : . . . . Ibu? Dokter : Mika, Syukurlah. . . . Mika: Ada apa ini?! Kenapa aku di ikat semua? Apa salahku? Dimana teman-temanku?! Ibu : Mika . . . . Sayang . . . Mika : Ibu jangan menangis . . . Ibu, tolong aku . . . Ayah : Ibu, keluarlah, biar ayah dan dokter yang membantu. [ . . . . . ]
Dokter : Mika, apakah kamu tidak sadar? Di usiamu yang 25 tahun ini? Mika : Terus kenapa?! Aku masih mau sekolah! Aku masih mau bermain dengan mereka Dokter : Mika, kamu terkena schizophrenia, teman-temanmu itu kognitif dari pikiranmu semua. Ayah : Itu imajinasi kamu nak. . . kamu sudah 10 tahun rehabilitasi. Ayah nggak mau lihat kamu lagi kemarin merusak barang-barang rumah sejak setahun yang lalu. Ibu : Ibu salah memberi kamu obat setiap hari. . . semuanya membuat kamu jadi ketergantungan. . . . Dokter : Sejak itu, kamu meminum semua obat yang ada dirumah biar kamu bisa tidur lelap. Mika : Semuanya bohong . . . huhuhu!!!  Dokter : Kamu sudah merusak semua mainanmu, dan kamu merusak sebagian barang di gedung ini. Kamu juga tidak mau meminum obatmu lagi sejak seminggu yang lalu. Mika : Dokter . . . Tunggu!! Mereka nyata!! Tolong jangan pergi . . . aku merasa sendiri. Tolong jangan tutup pintunya!!! Ayah : Ayah mau kerja besok, dan Ibu menemani ayah juga. . . nanti kamu akan ditemani suster. Mohon mengerti kami yah, Mika. Mika : Ayah, Ibu. Tolong, Tolong aku . . . . aku mau sekolah lagi.
Tolong jangan tinggalkan aku.
Tolong jangan tinggalkan aku sendirian, aku ketakutan. . . .
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
A boy that never know his own ‘unsung’ hero
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My apologise for the inconvenience, Sirs and Ma’ams. It seems that this homework is kinda late, but fortunately I drop by to rewrite my autobiographic review due to the malware crash. Also my deepest down heart, I’m sorry today the review was using Bahasa instead of English.
Dreams From My Father merupakan autobiografi mengenai interkultural yang dibahas oleh Barack Obama ketika ia masih kecil. Interkultural yang dimaksud yaitu perbedaan antara ras afrika dengan ras kulit putih, atau yang disebut juga dengan kaukasia.
Story Brief
Berawal dari kematian seorang bapaknya, Hussein Onyango Obama, yang mati karena kecelakaan mobil yang dialaminya. Barack mencoba mengingat kembali peristiwanya dengan bapaknya ketika ia masih kecil. Barack selama ini memikirkan sosok ayahnya yang misterius. Kakeknya sempat bercuap-cuap tentang Hussein, bahwa beliau merupakan pekerja keras namun ia suka mengatur orang lain.
Kakeknya menceritakan bahwa Hussein merupakan orang Afrika asli. Lahir di pinggir danau Victoria, Kenya dengan suku asli Luo, Hussein menjalani hidupnya dengan kesederhanaan karena penduduk suku Luo sangat miskin. Sekian lama kemudian, Hussein mendapatkan beasiswa di Nairobi, lalu terpilih menjadi salah satu orang Afrika yang studi ke Amerika. Lalu Hussein mengenyam pendidikan ekonomi di ‘University of Hawaii’
Setelahnya, Ia menikahi seorang gadis dan melahirkan anak yaitu Barack sendiri, bertepatan dengan Hussein yang mendapatkan beasiswa. Ironisnya ia meninggalkan anak dan istrinya setelah ia mendapatkan beasiswa.
Pada awalnya, Hussein bekerja di perusahan minyak besar dunia, Shell. Namun hal itu kemudian berubah dan dia pindah kerja menjadi menteri pariwisata akibat kecintaaannya pada politik. Namun, hal itu tak dapat berlangsung lama. Karena, pemerintah saat itu dianggap korup.
Ketika Barack beranjak dewasa, ia menyadari bahwa kulit hitam pada saat itu memilik imasalah yang besar di negara yang ia tinggal. Barack akhirnya berpindah tempat ke Chicago dan bekerja sebagai organizer komunitas. Disana ia mengalami banyak konflik ras karena saat itu maraknya rasisme di Amerika sangat berbahaya hingga menimbulkan perilaku yang anarkis.
Rasisme itu terjadi ketika Barack, mengunjungi undangan pertemuan dirumah rekanannya, Rafiq. Disana ia bertemu dengan banyak sekali pejabat2 pemerintah. Ia pun melakukan perjanjian dengan walikota tentang jadwal rapat umum. Namun, perdana menteri tersebut malah mempermainkannya denganberkata “rapat apa?”. Barack muda yang kecewa pun bergegas meninggalkan tempat pertemuan tersebut.
Barack sendiri bekerja keras hingga ia menyadari bahwa ia sendiri mirip seperti ayahnya, bahkan sifat mengatur orang lain sekalipun. Namun ia tetap bekerja sangat keras sehingga ia mendapatkan beasiswa.
Hingga akhirnya, Barack memutuskan untuk kembali ke Kenya. Ia bertemu dengan saudaranya, Auma. Barack menaiki kereta dari stasiun Nairobi lama menuju Kisuma. Disana dia bertemu dengan neneknya serta beberapa saudara-saudara jauh nya.
Di sana ia mengunjungi makam ayahnya dan juga kakeknya. Seiring perjalanan pulang, Barack bercerita tentang kisah hidupnya di Chicago, dan New York serta pekerjaannya. Di Kenya juga, Barrack meminang Michelle. Namun kisah sedih datang tak jauh setelah pertunangan mereka. Ayah Michelle, meninggal sebelum sempat melepas putrinya ke jenjang pernikahan.
Barack memutuskan untuk tinggal di Kenya 2 minggu lebih lama. Disana mereka membuat foto keluarga dimana para wanitanya memakai gaun berwana hijau cerah, kuning, danbiru. Sementara prianya menggunakan setelan-setelan yang rapi.
Literature Review:
Bahasa yang digunakan pada auto biografi ini untuk orang awam lumayan komprehensif. Untuk cerita sendiri cukup mudah di mengerti, dan sangat menyentuh karena membahas krisis multikultural dan interasial.
Cukup sudah sampai disini review saya, semoga bermanfaat :)
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
Heritage Tracker: Surabaya
Hey! How’s it going? Ya guys good? Uh, actually I’m being honest today, since I didn’t know how to start this blog for a while so . . . .
This is some ‘vent’ from my ‘hari kecepit’ vacation day ((please do read for some more ‘fun’ i guess lol))
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So back in last Tuesday, me and my friends were going to the Surabaya heritage track. Well, it was based on my traveling partner’s recommendation, Lara. She told us to go to heritage track because most of us never go to the certain places and landmarks in Surabaya.
She heard that there was a bus track that willing to go to the heritage landmarks like old government buildings, and monuments. 
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House of Sampoerna (HoS) the land of kretek 
HoS itself, was actually a museum of originally-Indonesian-made kretek cigarettes. It contain many types of tobacco, and how kretek’s made. 
Since the museum won’t open on that time, we decided to buy some ticket to Heritage Tracks.
Unfortunately, the seats was limited for four persons each group . 
Wow it was pretty saddening tho lol. Later on, the ticket guy informed me to attend in 1 pm noon because there will be some ‘secret tracks’. So he reserved our group (which contains 8 person to go) to join in noon tracks.
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this is the only bus that we can go to many heritage tracks.
well, bummer.
afterall, we’ve been deciding to go to certain landmark earlier. and we are going to ‘Tugu Pahlawan’
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We arrived here, finally. This is the main gate monument,
I remember the time I went to this place like . . . many years ago when I’m still 3rd grader. I didn’t remember much but I know this signature places like I used to visit. There were a lots of significant changes. but anyway, still pretty.
National Monument (or tugu pahlawan) is a commemorative landmark based on WWII tragedy in 10th November 1945. After independence, Indonesia built a monument to remember that they’ve had been declaring their own independence.
This place is so huge! It has replicas from WWII like tanks etc, and a underground museum not far from here.
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Museum entrance, cool huh
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there was also a large cooper sculpting.
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a statue that represent our national army in order to fight for own resistance.
there was also a cinema that plays a national documentation. I didn’t take a picture of it, because well  . . . you know, copyright issues.
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sneak peak of the museum. the museum contains a lots of memento during WWII
then we went to the 2nd floor. the 2nd floor of the museum contains real weaponry and dioramas
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since i was used to visit here, i didn’t know there was a large triad cube in the ceilings
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Ridya, and dioramas.
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huge huh
Then at 11 pm we go back to HoS. Since we had 2 hours to join the track, we’ve decided to visit the HoS museum
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The interiors were awesome!!!! I really liked the ethnicity that shown trough the walls, the floor, the artifacts, and other miniature stuffs. I was really happy to see the warmth tone inside the building.
There was a passage to go up. I wonder what’s on the upstairs.
Woah it was a store, but sadly they won’t let us to take a picture. And most importantly, I was shocked that HoS is actually a kretek factory. There was a working desk if I peep down to the balcony.
Ah but if you do, please visit HoS and see for your own since they didn’t let me to take a picture upstairs.
And also I visited the gallery, it was astonishing.
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aaand finally, we are joining the national tracker
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t r a c k e r
we went on 2 routes, the ticketing guy never told us the route. so we went back to national monument.
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it was too hot outside, so we decided to stay in the bus.
then we went to the old government building. this building as actually a sugar factory from the dutch republic. after independence, out government make it as an national private office of plantation.
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i heard this building are quake-proof.
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inside the building.
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the aisles are so damn aesthetics !
but did you know? they even had bunkers below. connected to the police station. i didn’t take a good picture in there, it was very dangerous :’)
and our last trip was going back to the gathering point (HoS)
this trip i may conclude that our trip are bit unsatisfying since they didn’t told us our trip.they also didn’t inform us since our first register via telephone that they had limit people on the bus. we were bit upset back then, but we are fine. the ending was awesome, the bus services are great. and the view of the landmarks are very satisfying.
thank you heritage track, and thank you to our national heroes <3
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contraomnes-blog1 · 7 years
Ah, Bummer :/
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thanks so recently there was something bad happens on me *sigh*
I’m sorry Mr. and Mrs. Lecturer for being late during submitting my digital data via this blog.
I’ve lost my data, the files contain my autobiography reviews, new media projects, and later 2017 projects. i tried to restore it with many methods yet there’s no result during the recoveries. like ITS_BEEN_2HOURS.jpg
but luckily, I’ve got some backups like um . . . . 3D projects, some raw files from my daily paintings, and important documents for work permits etc
lesson that I’ve learnt from this oh-so-exhausting maybe I should be veeerry very careful to put on data(s)
also, please mind my words but. . .
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fucc u seagate driver i don’t recommend you guys for using seagate external driver. use western digital instead!!!!
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