#recycling facts
i’m genuinely of the belief that the megamind sequel/tv show was meant to premiere on nickelodeon in like 2011 alongside their other spinoff shows, but then got shelved after the movie flopped financially and has been sitting around in some archive gathering dust until peacock decided to release it as “new content.”
like, can we just look at the visual evidence alone?
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he fits right in with this lineup. peacock, i’m onto you
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etrevil · 9 months
Atsushi and Tecchou thinking about their MIA, now-vampire partners:
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bunnieswithknives · 1 year
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softchouli · 10 months
Peeta's way of explaining to his daughter that she was going to become a sister was holding the little one close in his arms while pointing excitedly to his wife's belly, which was soon to be visibly growing under her garments, as he said "Baby did you know that mama is baking you a best friend?". And as the child's eyes, pure and vivid mirrored his own he couldn't predict that their daughter would bring toys to the kitchen floor, right by the stove, and answer a puzzled Katniss that she was just waiting for her new best friend to arrive
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starlet-sky · 1 year
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These bad babies can eat plastic. Oyster mushrooms will save the planet.
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vodid · 4 months
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oh the urge to take this extremely obscure term and run away with it to slap on a blitzbee fic...
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jessieren · 5 days
A trio of recycled tux pics for Tux Tuesday... I give you
Serious Evans
Thoughtful Evans
FRECKLES! (with bonus messy hair)
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pics by the amazing endeavourneverland
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piningprecussionist · 1 month
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Incase you forgot to bring lunch to work
Oh, thanks.
I usually just go someplace nearby on my break, but this saves me the trouble- and the cash. Appreciated!
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NPT recently got some green recycling bins that lock. I assume it's because the recycling collectors kept lobbing our bins like it was a sport. I once found my recycling bin half way down a street that I didn't even live on.
Yeah that's just the NPT way. The bin men empty them into the lorry and then are suddenly possessed by the spirit of Barry John, but, and this is a crucially important detail, not the skill of Barry John. So rather than replacing the bin on the pavement and moving calmly to the next they are compelled to drop kick them. This results in plastic food waste bins being punted at an average speed of 67mph through hedges, cars, and occasionally living room windows.
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sunnidear · 5 months
oh lord people cannot write blade they can't they have to be allergic to it or SOMETHING
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justdalek · 4 months
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Ask and ye shall receive! One Mrs. Potts as Rosie!
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guard-ener · 4 months
literally one person asked for this, so you get to see all the talk sprites i have (so far, i'll make more at some point, maybe tomorrow)
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yeah, i made the flowers wild or go up depending on expression
edit: please for the love of... idk... Guardener having a broader spectrum of expressions..? tell me some feelings that she might need... i suck at picking expressions that aren't inherently negative and or neutral, there's only 1 that she's happy in TLDR: tell me some faces that are happy. (it's 1am, i can't think of anything rn)
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sunshinereddie · 1 year
ok this idea has been swimming around my head forever so!! hc where richie is an elementary or middle school teacher or wtv and the school decides to do these safety lesson things for the kids by inviting a bunch of firefighters to the school to teach the kids about safety!! at first richie doesn’t really care too much about it, honestly he’s just happy that he won’t have to actually teach for a few hours every day for a week and that he’ll be able to catch up with work...
...until the firefighters arrive, and the one that is assigned to richie’s classroom is a man named eddie, who richie thinks happens to be the (no pun intended) hottest person richie has ever seen. 
so for that week, eddie comes to richie’s classroom every day for a few hours and does some activities and lessons with the kids and richie is at his desk desperately trying to work on his lesson plans and reply to emails, but it’s a little hard to focus when eddie is standing directly in front of him, smiling and laughing with the kids and looking... like that. 
it’s even worse the one time the kids ask eddie if he’s ever carried a person out of a burning building, and eddie says yes, and so the kids ask how strong he is. eddie laughs embarrassingly and humbly just says “pretty strong, i guess!” and the kids start asking him to lift things to prove how strong he is. even after eddie has picked up a stack of chairs, a desk, and even some of the students (richie watched in amazement as he somehow managed to pick up 4 students at the same time), the kids still aren’t impressed.... until one of them asks “what about if you pick up mr tozier!!!” before richie can even really process what they just said, the kids are running over to his desk and pulling him up from his chair, pushing him towards eddie and begging eddie to try and carry him. 
eddie looks almost as embarrassed as richie, his face as red as the fireman’s jacket he’s wearing. “it’s okay,” eddie says quietly. “you don’t have to if you don’t want to...” 
but richie can feel 20 little pairs of eyes staring up at him, and he sighs. “no, it’s fine... they won’t leave me alone unless you do it, so, go on then...” eddie nods, and all the kids are eagerly watching, and richie’s just expecting eddie to quickly pick him up and put him down... which is why he’s pretty much lost for words when eddie picks him up bridal style completely effortlessly. the kids all cheer, finally impressed with seeing how strong eddie actually is, and they all quickly go back to their work as eddie puts richie down- and richie isn’t sure who is blushing more, himself or eddie. 
over the course of the week, richie can’t deny that he starts to feel something... more for eddie. especially when eddie hangs around a little bit later than he has to after school, or when he comes in earlier to “get things ready” but just ends up talking to richie the entire time, or when richie spends his lunch break with eddie instead of going to the teacher’s room. 
it doesn’t take long for richie to finally accept the facts. he has a crush on eddie- a burning crush. now he just has to figure out what to do about it. 
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silvermoon424 · 1 year
At least Naoko got her wish of killing off of all the Senshi in the Stars arc 😭
Naoko writing the first arc: I want to kill off all the Senshi
Her editor: wtf you can't do that
Naoko: ugh FINE
*a few years later*
Naoko: Btw I'm going to gruesomely kill off all the Senshi one by one and traumatize Usagi in this final arc, don't try and stop me this time lmao
Her editor: I'm tired of fighting you on this, just revive them in the last chapter or something
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celestialspritz · 4 months
so my dad gave me a box of harddrives that are almost older than me and my computer has so far detected almost five fucking trojans LMFAO
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monodive · 30 days
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