Hi everyone! Maple here!
As you can see this was a "Part 1" to the map problem and I was working on the next part, however, fate seemed to have other ideas because like an annoying jelly worm in the garden...
Now, usually this wouldn't be a problem. They at least kept the same shape right?
... Right?
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Yes, it may be a simplified version of the map but you do not understand how hard Spiced and I have worked looking tirelessly at the other one so there will be a delay in part 2 of the map problems coming to light as we try to register that they basically just cursed the map once more by changing the overall anatomy of this.
Anyway, I need my seventh cup of coffee before I decide to write any more on this, it may only be noon, however, that will never keep me from the energy I desperately crave.
Till we meet again, fated reader. - Maple Pecan Cookie
Map Problems: Part 1
Map Problems: Part 1
So, I was looking at the canon map that was released for some of our theories and just… Just no. It hurts me to even look at as it is widely inaccurate and outdated. Some places don’t even exist anymore or they haven’t even been added, so enjoy the rant I am about to go on. 
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literally what is up with this
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Hi! Maple here! I'm assuming you're quoting the book from the Cacao Kingdom segment in which yes, coffee cookies do have constricted pupils! You are quite right there. However there is a small problem with this and the theory overall.
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While this explains the constricted pupils, you are actually incorrect in your milk to coffee ratio theory as Affogato is made of mostly milk and cream and he still possesses the coffee cookie eyes.
And for the Choco and Cacao theory I understand where you are coming from but it would actually be impossible for this, as a tablespoon of cacao nibs, even extremely bitter ones, contain up to 4.6 milligrams of caffeine while coffee, in any capacity, starts at and sometimes mellows at 96 milligrams of caffeine for an 8oz cup. And I know I'm bringing technicalities in but it is important to look at the facts that are presented.
Most of all, besides Affogato, there is not much evidence tying Latte or even Espresso back to the coffee tribe as they work mostly with Parfaedia, the Vanilla Kingdom, and the Creme Republic (where Espresso is apparently from). It is never solidly stated where their origin of birth is, nor do we hear of any other coffee cookies, however, the coffee tribe, as well as the milk tribe, are struggling.
With this it could mean they simply moved or ran away but Espresso is literally sleeping and living in his lab back at the Creme Republic, so something tells me he has lived there since he was extremely young and therefore could have different origins. But that is another explanation for another day.
Here is Espresso's page for reference:
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So while it is true most coffee cookies will have constricted pupils based on caffeine content, it is extremely unlikely that the citizens derived from Cacao would. It is mostly based off the caffeine content rather than the percentage of milk or dilutes.
So therefore Cacao and Crunchy Chip are mostly still unexplained.
Anyway, I must go as Spiced is calling me for some tea. Until we meet again. - Maple Pecan Cookie.
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literally what is up with this
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Two Words: Kouign-Amann Cookie.
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I’d like an explanation for that one. And Dark Cacao is not guaranteed to have Caffeine in him. If that were the case, the pupils would always be there instead of showing only when he’s angry.
Latte’s argument is cancelled out by Affogato being half ice-cream.
Coffee is COFFEE so why not the same eyes.
I could go on and on. I really am curious your opinion on them. *curious glint in their eyes*
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literally what is up with this
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Another pitaya post
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I guess it’s Cookie Run Fact then. - Spiced
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Map Problems: Part 1
So, I was looking at the canon map that was released for some of our theories and just… Just no. It hurts me to even look at as it is widely inaccurate and outdated. Some places don’t even exist anymore or they haven’t even been added, so enjoy the rant I am about to go on. 
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Map Problems: Part 1
So, I was looking at the canon map that was released for some of our theories and just... Just no. It hurts me to even look at as it is widely inaccurate and outdated. Some places don’t even exist anymore or they haven’t even been added, so enjoy the rant I am about to go on. 
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The problem with this map is, however, it makes no logical sense... 
First of all; we are told in the game that Beast Yeast is North-East of Dragon’s Valley (DV), no biggie, right? Well, actually, it’s also supposed to be connected. It is NE of DV and resides in/near the Licorice Sea as stated in the game, however, here it is just floating away near Crispia and the Jellyfish Ocean. The Licorice Sea does not exist and therefore, it cannot be in the right position regardless. 
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A secondary problem that occurred was that the Giant Icing Ridge is too close to a tropical climate to be considered to be what it is, meaning that, while the Cacao Kingdom would be cold, it would not get to the temperatures to become an icy wasteland where cookies cannot reside without help. It would be a cooler climate, yes, but it wouldn’t be considered an artic or even all year round snowy place. 
Realistically, the City of Wizards (CoW) is placed in a weird spot, it is coastal and by the sea, however, it would be much closer to Cacao’s Kingdom (CK) than Hollyberry’s (HBK) as it also holds the Tower of Frozen Waves, which shouldn’t exist anymore by the way. The CoW also has a much cooler climate compared to the tropical, Venice-like weather the HBK has. Not to mention, the CoW is told to be in the mountains, which is not here. 
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Another possible problem is that the Vanilla Kingdom (VK), is that it is close to the Lake of Truth. Now, this wouldn’t be a problem, but unfortunately it is as the VK is a barren wasteland. After the attack there has been no vegetation growth, there are only dead trees and they are in a severe drought to the point only raisin birds and old raisin residents could survive, the rest of the Vanillians high-tailed it out of there. (Also has anyone even heard of the Blood Jam mountains...?) If they live close to a lake, sure it would take over a hundred years to rehydrate, there would be vegetation growth. However, later in the game, during the Council episodes, it’s shown that the plants have nearly grown back. But that is a problem for another time because I’m not going into the map of tree growth right now. (Picture is to show the drought.)
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Even the Sugar Free Road makes no sense as it is shown that Vanilla goes through multiple mountain ranges to reach what is basically “enlightenment”, however, the map never goes through mountains. It is shown they go around through valleys. So this man is either a liar or a fake (/j). It is a possibility but could be the Judgement Ravine, however, this is shown to be nowhere near the mountain ranges. If we wanted it to make more sense climate-wise and just in general, move it more towards the Secret Fig Forest, as well as the Dessert Paradise. 
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While Golden Cheese hasn’t been released yet, the original positioning is not up to date and is a major issue with the map. We can assume Golden Cheese’s Kingdom is the one nestled between the Cream Cake Mountains, as originally her kingdom was to be in a Valley. Now that wouldn’t be a major issue because it’s in a valley, it is supposedly in a tropical climate, it’s sorted. 
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The map is too small to hold everything and if you want us to believe anything you say, there is either no desert or you’ve moved GC’s Kingdom into a place it cannot possibly be. 
Deserts are formed in mountain ranges in which rain clouds cannot reach, however, this is the secondary problem, they have slapped it smack bang next to... You guessed it... THE OCEAN. 
But anyway, this is going to have to wait for another day, Spiced is wanting to tell me about a lizard they found at the entrance. 
Till we meet again, reader. - Maple Pecan Cookie 
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If you don’t mind me asking, I ask your opinion on Rabutan and Lychee. Lychee has Holly’s fringe, which could be an inherited trait like the widow’s peak, while Rambutan is widely thought to be Holly and Pitaya’s child.
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If they are siblings with Royalberry, this does give the lineage more clarity on traits? No? I am honestly curious how adding these two to the line adds to this theory, as Lychee not only looks like Pitaya and Holly but slightly like Longan as well.
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It is just incredibly interesting to me. Feel free to ignore this, but I thought I’d ask.
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do u got a better explanation. huh. do u 🤨🤨
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Buttercream Wyvern; Impromtu Cookie Parent?
A Series of Observations by Spiced Orange Treacle Cookie
Okay, before I go into detail about how I am not a fan of the Gaston cookie, can we just look at the Wyvern?
Buttercream seems incredibly fond of Royal Margarine, but is also strangely tame for her origins.
In the main story, Royal Margarine admits the story of how he meets Buttercream Wyvern:
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He doesn't tame Buttercream, he just stumbles upon her. He even states that he's afraid of wyverns, which makes this story even stranger. Why would a wyvern―which all others of her kind are known to attack cookies―not kill him on sight? Why did she let him live?
This gets even more interesting when you look at the snippets of lore you can obtain as the story progresses:
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Now the first two notes are rather nonimportant to our discussion today, though they show that Buttercream is most certainly sentient and that the only thing keeping her from communicating is the fact that she doesn't speak the Common Tongue.
But should you continue, it states that Buttercream believes, "Royal Margarine Cookie should be happy to be under my protection...!" and, "I'm not afraid to face the biggest monsters! After all, I've Royal Margarine Cookie to protect!" This is incredibly significant, as it shows that Buttercream sees the cookie as a charge to protect instead of a master, ally, or anything else. She sees him as something to protect.
Why is this important? Well, look back to how they met again. A young cookie stumbles upon a wyvern after running away in fear. A child was scared and alone, and the wyvern found him and decided he was worth protecting. A little odd, no?
Add in more little details, and this picture gets even clearer. Royal Margarine is the last of his clan, as stated by the fact that he is the last dragon rider. He's a coward, afraid of going into danger, but why? He's trying to save space and be seen as a hero, but for what purpose?
It seems like we have a traumatised adult who is simply trying to find somewhere safe to be while avoiding the pain of his past, and a wyvern that either adopted him for whatever reason. This is going into speculation, but I can see Buttercream either being a mother who lost a clutch and took in the child instead, saving him from the extinction of his clan and taking care of him since, or Buttercream being the same age as him, though the latter fails to explain why Buttercream decided not to attack him.
Also, Buttercream is much smaller than the wyverns you fight, which may be a factor to add to the young Wyvern theory, but I am unsure of which one has more merit. Feel free to add your thoughts. For now, Maple is calling me, and I'm hungry. See you another time!
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Hm... I would agree with most of this. Also, it seems those in the vicinity of Soul Jams or who are related to them are the ones who age the slowest. We don't actually know who put Crepe in that cryotube as well, as Crepe seems to have amnesia from the degradation of the equipment, but we know that it had to happen before the final battle of the Dark Flour War, so we can assume that Crepe was in proximity to at least Pure Vanilla (if not White Lily, but that is a theory for another day).
The one thing I would like to dispute is that Elder Custard is the BROTHER of Premier Custard Cookie, and the baby in that flashback is confirmed to be Premier Custard Cookie's son and Custard Cookie III's father, which means Elder Custard would in fact be OLDER than all three of these other cookies. How this works, I do not know, and I can only assume that being closely related to Vanilla has impacted Elder Custard's longevity.
And yes, Royalberry is likely the same age as Choco. Seems reasonable that Holly and Cacao had kids around the same time.
Interesting theory time!
(Aka me coping with the fucked up timeline of crk)
These four seem to be around the same age.
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Hear me out
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in chapter 10 there's a flashback of Premier custard cookie holding a small child (around 2-4 months, maybe) and custard III points out that small child is his dad, which leads me to believe that the small kid in chapter ten is bastard ii, hate his ass but I'm going to keep going.
Now it's not stated how long before the events of the attack on pure vanilla's castle was when white lily became dark enchantress, I'm thinking about a month or like a year before, but in the flashback we're shown through the eyes of pastry cookie, red velvet is a small child (ages 4-7 (which is debatable since red velvet has seem to just/recently came out of the oven)) and is given a cake arm by dark enchantress.
Now it's know that crepe was in a cryogenic sleep pod for the length of time between de's attack on pv's Castle and her being released, which is roughly about 20 years at least to forty years at the most. While it's unknown the exact age of crepe (like every character, besides gingerbrave) they seem to be around 10-13 years of age when they were put to sleep.
Now I'm just going to out loud that dark choco was created as a coping mechanism by cacao, and was in my mind created after the dark flour war. So he would have been born(?) About a year to ten years after the dark war.
(I forgot to include this when I made the comic, but also royalberry cookie is also probaly closest in age to choco)
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This also brings up the question of: why don't they all look the same age wise?
Well I have an (bs) answer for you!
People who were baked in the oven seem to age quite slower than normal cookies, and the strawberry jam sword might also have the same properties to keep their host alive.
Also crepe got shadow the hedgehoged so we dont take them in to this equation.
Anyway, be Free to add on stuff if you feel like it.
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That's odd...
Okay, pillow thoughts here. Was thinking about the Blueberry Academy disaster that turned everyone into ghosts (or whatever they are now) when it hit us:
There are only two confirmed escapees of that disaster: Pure Vanilla and White Lily. We have no proof that anyone else escaped the spell. This in and of itself is odd. Maybe it's a soul jam thing, but this spell KILLED everyone else and was so bad that Lily had to "atone" for it. Weird, no?
But then it gets even deeper. These are the two characters who canonically die to a degree. They were at the epicenter of an explosion, and Lily was essentially baked alive. Sure, they come back, but no one else has had this happen to them. Even Cacao survived the fall off the wall.
And then we realised... they didn't escape unscathed. Where does Lily end up trapped? In the Moonstone at the top of the Blueberry Academy, the same Moonstone that woke up Vanilla when it was destroyed.
That spell Lily cast in the academy didn't kill her and Vanilla; it accidentally saved their lives.
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Thank you. We actually have had a theory that Pure Vanilla was a phoenix for a while now, as the ancient heroes’ soul jams are very reminiscent of the Dragons’ gems as they have gems embedded in them that seem to be sources of power. Cacao’s eyes in his rage sprite are just icing on the cake. The soul jam leaving a mark and stopping his heart just fit into this theory quite nicely.
I am surprised you didn’t look not only into cursed scars, but Lichtenburg scars for Cacao. If you notice, his sword summons lightning when he slams it down with both hands, so my best guess would be you’d see electrical (Lichtenburg) scars on at least the cursed arm, if not both. Also, the skin looks necrotic for both Holly and Cacao, meaning that the blood no longer travels to those areas as easily. It is highly likely that they have at least a pins and needles feeling in that arm, if not numbness or total lack of feeling, likely how both seem to not feel great pressure from others’ attacks as long as they are on said limbs. They feel it everywhere else, but those arms seem to be immune to damage. The skin probably feels scaly and smooth from scar tissue, a strange sensation to anyone who would see beneath the gloves they both wear. To any who don’t know them, such a sight would almost feel…
so i drew this in another post but didn’t elaborate on it. i HC that Soul Jam has physical/mental effects on the wielder, which is one of the reasons why only their respective cookies can handle it. Dark Cacao’s arm, the one that holds the sword, has become discolored and purple, scarring up from how powerful the Soul Jam is
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it’s pretty painful for him and he sometimes shows it to his warriors to send a good message about the sacrifices he has to make for his kingdom. The Soul Jam gives him his power, but since it’s more like a curse, it has an effect on his emotional state as well. (I kinda didn’t like how he went Berserk at the LAST second at the end of his story via Pomegranate, therefore I changed it so the Soul Jam is why he’s Like That.) If he gets too stressed, angry or upset, he could transform into his Berserk mode due to his emotions/power getting out of control. He’s learned to control it after a long time of dealing with it, but sometimes things just happen
for the others, i don’t know the full scope for their curses, but i imagine that Hollyberry could overexert herself and end up “blowing a fuse” where she becomes completely weak for a while because she was overwhelmed with her own power.
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If the curse is directly over his heart... Is his heart still beating? Is he still truly alive? Perhaps that why he survived the attack by Dark Enchantress because the soul jam had stopped his heart long ago, the magic coursing through his veins instead of blood, and leaving a man unable to perish.
After all, can your heart really stop if it was never beating at all?
so i drew this in another post but didn’t elaborate on it. i HC that Soul Jam has physical/mental effects on the wielder, which is one of the reasons why only their respective cookies can handle it. Dark Cacao’s arm, the one that holds the sword, has become discolored and purple, scarring up from how powerful the Soul Jam is
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it’s pretty painful for him and he sometimes shows it to his warriors to send a good message about the sacrifices he has to make for his kingdom. The Soul Jam gives him his power, but since it’s more like a curse, it has an effect on his emotional state as well. (I kinda didn’t like how he went Berserk at the LAST second at the end of his story via Pomegranate, therefore I changed it so the Soul Jam is why he’s Like That.) If he gets too stressed, angry or upset, he could transform into his Berserk mode due to his emotions/power getting out of control. He’s learned to control it after a long time of dealing with it, but sometimes things just happen
for the others, i don’t know the full scope for their curses, but i imagine that Hollyberry could overexert herself and end up “blowing a fuse” where she becomes completely weak for a while because she was overwhelmed with her own power.
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a bunch of people do their takes on the gods of the cookie world, so heres my go of the pantheon. it includes every cookie whos rarity is above epic, which is why clotted and oyster are present!
also i uh. dont know if capsaicin is in the right place? i havent gone through the tri-cone cup story yet ;^^ but he doesnt seem to be exactly mortal.
maybe the spirit section is a hot-take, but when sherbet and stardust came out, it struck me that they looked a lot like wind archer and fire spirit!
(click to read clearer!)
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Better finish that wyrmjam theory…
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literally what is up with this
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so if I’m being honest, the first time I played through episodes 11-12 it was right around the time I first got into the game and was still getting used to the story and characters, so I didn’t really *get* Hollytaya. So with the Hollytaya fanbase currently going insane as we speak I figured it was about time to finally revisit the cutscenes and see what the big deal is and…
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…yeah something definitely happened between these two didn’t it
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