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How I recommend books that will literally destroy you and your emotions
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I See London...
14/ 100 “I See London, I See France” by Sarah Mlynowski Pages: 378 2017 5 out of 5
I LOVED THIS BOOK! I had purchased it over the summer (2017) and I’m pissed at myself for letting it sit on my shelf for so long. This book was everything! I now want to backpack around Europe and have an amazing adventure. It did make me miss my best friend though, shout out Jasmine! I really liked how it wasn’t just a romance novel but also touched on other issues, like Sydney’s mom’s mental health issues. A very strange coincidence that this story dealt with Agoraphobia like in “Follow Me Back”. I had never heard of this and here I was reading my second book (in a row) about it. Some other felt like this was thrown into the story and was basically an afterthought but this story wasn’t suppose to be focusing on this health issue, it was about Sydney and her journey. Through this book I had felt like I was traveling with Sydney and experiencing everything along side her. It really put me in the moment. Reminded me of a modern day Euro- Trip but less forced. I did find it a little to happy that they didn’t have any real problems while on their trip. I feel like backpacking for a month would have a little more bumps in the road. Not that I wanted them to have some crazy hardship it just would’ve felt more real. The only real hardship they had was when Leela’s luggage was lost for a couple of days. I loved the growth in the story; Leela finally was becoming independent, Sydney’s mom was doing better, and Sydney was able to finally do something for herself. I’m not sure what the next book in this story brings but I’m ready for it! I just hope there is more details about Sydney and Jackson!
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13/100 “Follow Me Back” by A.V. Geiger Pages: 359 2017 4 out of 5
I love seeing a Wattpad story become a book. I originally purchased this book for my best friend for Christmas, she had gotten me started on Wattpad so I love sending her new stories. After a couple of weeks after Christmas I had to purchase this book for myself, I couldn’t stop thinking about it ha. I gave this story 4 out of 5 because it took me a second to get hooked, but once I got into it I was totally mesmerized. I was so curiously how this was going to play out, how was she going to react when she found out who she was really talking to? I did find Tessa a little naive in some ways. I also wish they had talked more about what had happened to her the previous summer. It felt too much like a forced plot driver at times, like keep reading so you’ll find out why she refuses to go outside. They mentioned it too many times before saying what actually had happened. I’m so ready for the next book to come out though! The next book doesn’t come out until the summer (2018) and Im so ready to read it. The cliffhanger was so painful! I NEED ANSWERS!!! WHERE IS ERIC! How did Tessa leave her house?! AHHHHHHH
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Eliza and her Monsters
12/ 100 “Eliza and her Monsters” by Francesca Zappia Pages: 385 2017 4 out of 5
Such a cute story! I loved this. It reminded me of Rainbow Rowell’s “Fangirl”. I personally have read books on Wattpad where I had to wait for weekly updates on stories and how I would be happy or sad depending on the amount of pages uploaded. It was cool to kinda see the other side of things. I really enjoyed Eliza and Wallaces relationship. He was understanding of her little quirks. They accepted each other. I didn’t like that she never told him the truth when he had divulged so much about himself. He had to find out because her parents let it out. It also really annoyed me how much her parents didn’t understand her, or try to understand her. They just shrugged it off and left her alone. I just wanted to reach through the book and shake them and be like pay attention to your daughter and how amazing she is. This book highlighted a lot of issues like anxiety, depression, neglect, and just high school in general. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone!!
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So i unintentionally took a small hiatus from my reading journey and blog. For a while I was having a reading block. Even though I have so many books in my to-be-read bookshelf nothing was jumping off the shelf and I couldn’t lose myself in a book. So for the month of March/ part of April I was stuck in a weird no reading limbo. I also was so busy with work and school so that could’ve been a big factor. I didn’t have a whole lot of time to read and any time that I had to read I just wanted to relax or had to catch on things in my personal life. 
-I’ve read around 22 books so far- I AM WAY SLACKING ON MY GOAL.- UGH -I graduated with my associates at Three Rivers Community College and finished the spring semester with a 4.0 -I got into the University of Rhode Island!!! -I went back home to Texas for a week -I went to the Jersey Shore and toured the Jersey Shore House -I went to the Belmont Race and witnessed a Triple Crown!  -I met one of my favorite authors, Morgan Matson -I celebrated my 8 year anniversary with my boyfriend -I’m moving to Rhode Island in August
I think that is all the major things that have happened since like March
But now that it is summer and school doesn't start for 2 months I plan on getting back to posting more! I’ve missed this :)
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Burn for Burn Series- Books 9 through 11
9/100 “Burn for Burn” by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian Pages: 356 2012 4 out of 5
10/100 “Fire with Fire” by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian Pages: 517 2013 5 out of 5
11/100 “Ashes to Ashes” by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian Pages: 387 2014 10 out of 5
So I’m completely in love with this book series! I read it in the middle of January and I’m still not over it! It has actually been so hard to write a review for this series. It was so good I wish this series was longer! Everything about had me hooked (minus the epilogue, in my mind it ends differently haha). I’m actually mad at myself for not discovering it sooner -___-
It’s hard for me to give a decent review for each of them without repeating myself so I’m gonna lump them all up
** Some spoilers ahead**
“Burn for Burn” (B4B) was a great start to this series. it had me hooked just on the concept alone. Three girls, who are NOT friends, teaming up to get revenge on three people that have wronged them. The way Kat, Lillia, and Mary group together on this mission was great. They all had things to bring to the table. I did feel like Lillia’s choice of person to get revenge on, Alex, was a little eh. I wish it would’ve been the guys from the college party, but I can see why it had to be Alex for storyline purposes. I also felt like Lillia had the most to lose out of everyone because they were planning revenge on 3 of Lillia’s closest friends. And I found that a little unfair. If things went bad (which they did) Mary could just leave the island, and Kat could return to her life before this, but Lillia would’ve potentially lost 3 friends and probably her whole social circle. This book also introduces that something might be off with Mary after she gets all the lockers in the hallway to shut around her, and at the dance when she messes with the electricity. I honestly didn’t think anything of it at first and wish I did because it because super important later on.
“Fire with Fire” (FwF) had me on edge the whole time. Will they find out about drugging Reeve’s drink? Will they be caught? How is this going to affect them? Just AHHH chaos. This book picked up a couple of days after the end of B4B. It opens with Lillia going to visit Reeve in the hospital and her having to face him and Rennie. At first I didn’t feel sorry for Reeve and his injury, he deserved what he got after what he did to Mary. I did feel like it was a little much for them to try and go after Reeve again when they figure out that he is in love with Lillia. Like the kid is already dealing with so much. But I’m not gonna lie I love Reeve and Lillia so much. I began to love him more and more throughout this book. The chemistry they had during their swim scenes, and when you find out that he knew about what Lillia did at the party at the end of summer. So heart breaking and lovely at the same time. I did dislike that he didn’t own up to their relationship in front of everyone and especially Rennie. I had grown to love them and he let me down. *sighs* Also we are given more of a glimpse into what is going on with Mary. Once again i didn’t pay as much attention as I should’ve. I just thought her aunt was being a whacko and that Mary was just being moody. I was actually kind of annoyed with it. Like let it go woman. I was also high-key annoyed with Rennie. She was on a war path to figure out if the results of the Homecoming vote were tampered with. I mean ya she did have a reason to be paranoid because the results were tampered with but at some point she just needed to let it go. It was also such a shit move to cut out Lillia like that. I hated her character more and more as I read this book. Like when she acted really drunk so Reeve would take care of her and when she wouldn’t let Lillia in Reeve house during his lil house party. Like ok you hate Lillia but do you have to hurt Reeve too, just because he doesn’t like you the same way you like him. I hated how vengeful she became. I also felt like she was using Kat when she was trying to become friends with her again. Like she was trying to replace Lillia. I thought the ending was CRAAZZZZYYYYY! Freaking crazy Mary!!!  
“Ashes to Ashes” (A2A) So I was not expecting that supernatural twist in this story! I was truly surprised. I think I had shrugged off Mary’s crazy behavior because I didn’t think this was book was supernatural, but was seriously wrong. Now I dont want to say that Rennie got what was coming to her, but I did enjoy her character being gone. I felt really bad for her mom though, so sad. Rennie’s death did help bring Reeve and Lillia back together, so YAY! Even though they received backlash from their friends I love how he stood by her on Valentines day. He cared for her so much. The dramatic irony in this book had be going crazy though. I just wanted Kat and Lillia to see what Mary was doing and how she was torturing Reeve. I hated when she blackmailed Lillia. I slowly started to hate Mary throughout this series and in this book I HATED HER! So psycho. I did find it a lil weird how quickly she was to accept what she was. And I couldn’t understand why she was returning to get revenge at this moment? but oh well. I will say again that I hated the epilogue WITH. A. PASSION! not how I wanted it to go. I still say Reeve and Lillia forever. I feel like his character didn’t get the ending he deserved! #JUSTICE4REEVE  
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Infinite In Between
8/100 “Infinite In Between” by Carolyn Mackler Pages: 480 2015 4 out of 5
This book follows the lives of 5 high school students who met at their freshman orientation. They each write down what they want to achieve in high school and plan to meet up in 4 years at graduation and read the letters. It is told in 1st person omniscient which is really cool. Not only are you getting the inner thoughts and actions from 1 character but from all 5 and even know more about whats going on then some of the characters. I really enjoyed that part. The use of dramatic irony was pretty fun. I did expect the characters to cross over a little more and share more bonds but that wasn’t always the case, well not until it got closer to the end. It was a big undertaking to follow 5 students through all 4 years of high school but I feel like this book did a really good job. I feel like it portrayed high school very well. This book showed how much life can change in 4 years. Because the book did have to cover the lives of 5 students over 4 years but not make the book crazy long, it was kinda hard to get fully invested in the characters. 
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Review #8: Infinite in between by Carolyn Mackler
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7/100 “Run Away with Me” by Mila Gray Pages: 352 2017 4 out of 5 stars
YAY! Another hockey book! I found this book at Wal*Mart. I was actually looking for a book for my friend for Christmas and I ended up purchasing this book for myself. It’s a hockey book so I had to get it. This story had me hooked from the beginning. This book was almost like 3 stories lines in one. It starts off with the wondering, will the Emerson and Jake be friends again? Yay they are together, now what? Oh no they have faced legal trouble, what does this mean for their relationship? And then throughout the book you are left wondering what happened years ago that ended their friendship? The book not only flips between Jake and Emerson’s POV but also their flashbacks. You get the story of young Emerson and Jake. This books has love, hockey, friendship, and even brings awareness to sexual assault. You will be hooked from the first chapter. I highly recommend this book! 
My only reason I gave this 4 stars and not 5 was the editing. Towards the end it felt like the editing was an after thought. There were moments where characters names were getting confused, storylines didn’t match up, and some timing aspects weren’t thought out. It reminded me of something off of Wattpad (not to dis Wattpad I’ve read some really well edited books on Wattpad but this felt like it one of the bad ones)
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Review #7- Run Away With Me!
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