copper-pajamas · 7 years
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via weheartit
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copper-pajamas · 7 years
A good video
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copper-pajamas · 7 years
why must I allow my thoughts control my feelings am i really lonely or do i just long for you? i crave something that doesnt exsist forever lost in a vast darkness the expansion of a universe i am lost in broken by a slave to all I want is to know the truth is it really expanding? am i lost? i feel it but i only have half of the answer your presence your voice your touch why cant i be strong enough to know it's over? that I have the answers but my mind wont let me put the puzzle together or am i overthinking do you really forgive me? because im still suffering god im still suffering
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
in this great wide world there will never be a single moment where you will find yourself alone there will never be a moment in this vast universe that will hold all of the answers never in the night sky will stars spell out the directions the sun will not guide you the moon will not always be a shining slice of sky dawn and dusk hold no significance to the dimension in your own skull we wonder why we feel lost that life is unfair but we fail to know what we are given and that is simply ourselves
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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Jimi Hendrix at Monterey Pop, by Bruce Fleming
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
Don’t you love her madly Wanna be her daddy Don’t you love her face Don’t you love her as she’s walkin’ out the door Like she did one thousand times before.
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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lost my mind
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
me, with tears in my eyes: time to make a joke
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
if she is really poetry in motion why does she stumble under the pressure of her own thoughts why must she release them with her own blood why must she be so vague if she is claimed to be colorful and why must she place her thoughts only in words to be read by nobody perhaps she is poetry in the way she moves, but only her poetry because there is no rhyme or reason to it and maybe she wears the colors that remind her of better times but one thing is for certain she is broken and put back together but she will never be the same never as good as she once was
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
They held each other and kissed and pushed each others’ darkness into the corner, believing in each others’ light, each others’ dream.
Hubert Selby Jr. - Requiem for a Dream (via eplery)
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
how i wish to find the beauty in the art of demolition when i am so far beyond my train of thought that the fractures made in glass slamming on the linoleum ease my mind how i wish to find the beauty in the art of destruction when hot tears are streaming down my face and all i wish to do is draw my fist back and put it straight into the wall to make me forget how i wish to find the beauty in the art of deception although i have tried and always with certainty succumb to the shallow exsistence in my veins and dig myself deeper into an abyss and god how i wish to find the beauty in the aftermath but when my mind is eased, and the tears no longer stream im left with nothing but a reminder of what is actually inside and it is not beautiful
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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copper-pajamas · 8 years
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