copperkid3 Ā· 3 years
Blog Post #9 Proof 2
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copperkid3 Ā· 5 years
Week 13
All in all, Iā€™m pretty pleased with the final results.Ā 
This was a challenging project in that It took so many different twists and turns, but I think just all a part of the design process.Ā 
At first, I felt I had a very strong idea but in the first critique I was given some tips on what to change. I tried a different design based on the group session critiques.
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1. The Idea
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2. First Draft
Then once I implemented those changes and presented them to The Hired Guns they gave me some critiques. They didnā€™t think it looked delicious enough and they gave me quite a few suggestions on what I could improve on.Ā 
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3. Grand Finale.Ā 
The final design ended up looking pretty similar to what I had in the beginning. With a band around and the cloud illustration. I guess that just goes to show how design work can pull a total 360 in order to get to the desired result.
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copperkid3 Ā· 5 years
Week 12
There were a few different challenges I encountered this week in the design process. The first mistake I made was accidentally re-sizing my artboard mid-project. I did a test print a few days before and it was the perfect length to fit all the way around my bottle but I fond it was too tall which didnā€™t allow it to lay flat against the bottle. When I reprinted I resized the label vertically I also accidentally re-sized it horizontally and it no longer fit around the bottle.Ā 
Another challenge was gluing the label to the bottle and to the cap. I had a hard time sticking it to the glass bottle so I think Iā€™ll try a different glue for my final product.
The third challenge I encountered was putting the liquid in the bottle. Because they didnā€™t have the proper drink types at Man Lee I mixed a few different ones together. Unfortunately, this created some separation which doesnā€™t look very attractive for photos, for my final Iā€™m going to try almond milk and food coloring. I think this combo will work better.
Based on the critiques I received from The Hired Guns I think I may go back to my original design or at least something similar.Ā 
I liked the idea of upping the size of the cloud and giving the star beam some moreĀ ā€œstar juiceā€. They said to ā€œmake it look deliciousā€ so Iā€™m going to make it look delicious dammit!Ā 
They also said that thereā€™s a lot of competition with attractive labels in the beverage market and I need to make mine stand out amongst the others. Based on the time I have left to complete it this may be a bit of a challenge to completely go back to my old plan, but I think I can use bits and pieces from my current design.Ā 
I want this beverage to be chosen over its competitors. To do that I have to make it look delicious. After all, when I make purchases on things that Iā€™ve never owned before, I make my purchases with my eyes. Though I was happy with my current design I think I should probably take the advice the Hired Guns gave to me.Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 5 years
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This week we jumped into packaging design right off the bat and I really enjoyed the first egg-cercise. There was definitely some amazing creativity flowing through the classroom that day.Ā 
I was so inspired by the exercises that day that I jumped right into assignment one when I got home. At first, I thought that I wouldnā€™t enjoy packaging class because it seems incredibly tedious, but so far Iā€™m actually enjoying the intricacies and subtle nuances that building and designing packaging entails.
So far so good!Ā Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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My rendition ofĀ ā€œSK8 or Die!!!ā€
I was never a good skateboarder, I always wanted to be, but scooters were more my speed. When I was a kid, all my friends skateboarded and I was so envious, but unfortunately I have two left feet so I never became Tony Hawk.
The end. Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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Playing with some plant life on Procreate, the top is Giant Hogweed and the bottom is Scotch Broom. Although these are beautiful plants they are invasive species, I find it interesting that something so beautiful can be so harmful to our native plantes.Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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This week I decided to work on some patterns, as Iā€™ve never really tried doing aĀ  pattern before so this was new to me.Ā 
My inspiration was oranges obviously, I canā€™t get enough of them Mandarin Oranges I tells ya, soon as theyā€™re in stores I snatch emā€™ up (YAY VITAMIN C!).Ā 
I worked in Procreate, and tried a few different textured brushes. I also noticed that there were some updates to the program, Iā€™m so glad Procreate finally took the hint and developed some new features like the simple shape function that turns my hand-drawn circles more circle-y-circles (yep thatā€™s a word now, take that Websterā€™s)
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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This week I wanted to play some more with Adobe Illustrator so I doodled a little logo. I wanted to practice using some graphic styles from TrueGrit so I applied one of them to this little logo. I had a lot of fun with this one, its simple but I enjoyed trying something I wasn't really used to.Ā 
Then after I was done I kind of wanted to see what it looked like on a mug, so I popped it into a mug mockup.
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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Just a little something Iā€™m working on for a client. Going for lighter line work and a watercolour feel. I really want to try something completely different for this coming week though. Iā€™m really digging some of the ā€œanti-line workā€ style Iā€™ve been seeing in class lately. Where thereā€™s a whole lotta shapes and textures, but barely any lines containing them. Imma try that for my next post. āœŒļø
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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So for this week we were given the challenge to draw people doing stuff. So hereā€™s an illustration of me drinking some coffee. Iā€™m definitely feeling pretty proud of this one.Ā 
I worked exclusively in a digital format this time, and I used a bit of a different method then I usually do.Ā 
I started out by sketching with a super light pencil brush in a reddish colour, I noticed a lot of tattoo artists use this method when theyā€™re free handing without a pre-made stencil so I thought Iā€™d try it out. Iā€™m super satisfied with this method and I definitely think iā€™ll keep doing that for future projects.
After I was happy with a basic sketch I moved on to a new layer and fine lined the sketch, and once I was happy with that I moved on to a new layer for each different section of the illustration.Ā 
After I was satisfied with the final illustration I brought it in to Adobe Illustrator and added the text. Then I posted a blog about it.Ā 
The end...Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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For this week we were asked to work with texture, I had no idea what to do at first but I gave it a go and was inspired by a show I recently watched called Over The Garden Wall, itā€™s pretty cute and I thought Iā€™d draw one of the main characters, Greg. The style of the show is illustrated so the characters are very one dimensional but the backgrounds are detailed and textured so I decided to keep him pretty simple ( also he ended up looking pretty simp because drawing in illustrator is hard :(, now that I have my Ipad I canā€™t stand using Illustrator for Illustrating, but I thought Iā€™d give it a go so I donā€™t get completely out of practice).
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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I brought my little house into Procreate to make more of a finished product. I guess I could make it into a Christmas card. Playing with the different kinds of brushes was fun, but in hindsight I think next time Iā€™ll stick with a select few.
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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My Happy Place:
My happy place would be a home of my own, not too big, not too small.Ā  Christmas time is my favorite time of year so I added some Christmasy elements. Iā€™m going to take this into a digital medium and change it up.Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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Ok so, I figured out how to stabilize my paint brushes! Thank you sweet baby Jesus! Today is a good day...Ā 
I wish I knew how to do this before I submitted my B&W Illustration for the coloring book...Iā€™ll definitely be going over that project again... Also, Iā€™m officially in love with Procreate! Thanks to its flexibility, ease of use and awesome brushes, my spaceman is now complete! My dad dug this illustration so much he wanted a print. I used a bunch of really cool sparkly brushed to do the light beams and the spray cans for the galaxy.Ā 
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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Space man (WIP). This is one of the first digital drawings Iā€™ve done digitally so Iā€™m still kind of learning the Procreate App. It still needs a lot of work, but I thought Iā€™d show you what Iā€™m working on this week anyhow.Ā 
I canā€™t figure out how to make perfect circles in this program so Iā€™m going to have to do some researching. It would be nice if there were some like basic shapes nested in the paintbrush tools, or even if I could figure out a way to make the brushes a little more smooth or something. Iā€™m hoping to work a lot more with Procreate as I think itā€™s pretty well done as far as apps go.
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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Hereā€™s my blog post illustration for this week. I decide to step a little bit out of my comfort zone and try some watercolour work. Itā€™s a tricky medium in my opinion because it can be really unpredictable. I started out by drawing the girl out in pencil, and then after I was happy with her, I filled her in with water colours. I just got some new watercolours so it was nice to try them out, they were capable of some really vivid colours so thatā€™s sweet. After I filled her in, I outlined with black Micron pens and added the flower petals. The flower she was holding kinda ended up looking more like a spray nozzle but Iā€™m ok with that cause the petals look like water droplets anyways. Iā€™m digging the contrast between the black and the blue.
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copperkid3 Ā· 6 years
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Hereā€™s an older illustration I did a few years ago in pencil. Iā€™ve been planning for a while to bring it into a digital environment and kinda around play with it.Ā 
To make the background I stuck some iridescent cellophane in a scanner and moved it around. Itā€™s kinda crazy and in your face, but I had fun with it I think I might tweak it some more.
Ā It kind of makes me think of that theory that if you play Pink Floydā€™s Dark Side Of The Moon at the same time as The Wizard Of Oz it syncs up perfectly... Never tried it, but I suppose itā€™s possible.Ā 
#art #dorothy #thewizardofoz #pinkfloyd #darksideofthemoon #greatgiginthesky #dorothygale #illustrator #photoshop #iridescent #breath #somewhereovertherainbow #illustrationĀ 
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