cosmic-gate · 4 years
I think when he said he had died 17 years ago, it was because of the 3 years spent in Dallas. So, 13 years + 3 years = 16 years, but maybe there’s a few months difference so it’s about 17 years of being dead for Ben. 
there is something that doesn't make sense on the umbrella academy, and it's the funeral of Ben. in season one on the portrait they look older, like 16 or 17
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BUT on s2 episode ten they look WAY more younger.
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
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I’m really glad you’re okay in Heroes, Part 2.
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
my blog is so multifandom and it’s so baffling that people actually go out of their way to make sideblogs for new content like i will literally shove all my random hyperfixations down y’alls throats
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
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[Part 2] Ben Hugreeves
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
headcanon that when the hargreeves realize they never threw a debutante ball for vanya, they then spend the entire year leading up to their birthday planning the best party ever, all for her:
but of course, klaus can’t keep a secret when he’s ‘self-medicating (with moderation!!!!)’ so he goes ahead and tells vanya one night when they’re out drinking, and pinky-swears her to secrecy right after.
so imagine vanya having to pretend to be surprised, but being surprised for real anyway because holy shit, there are balloons and streamers and banners everywhere, and is that an honest-to-goodness chocolate fountain?
and after they’ve blown out the candles on their cake, luther pulls out three white roses from nowhere, hands them to her, and leads her onto the dance floor while strains of classical music play in the background. it’s slightly awkward, but luther is just as clumsy as her, if not more so, and she finds herself laughing along with him.
diego’s next, and where luther was lumbering and slow, diego is nothing but lithe and graceful. he spins her around and around until she’s giddy with dizziness. when he presses his roses into her hands, he gives her nose a little tweak, just like he used to do when they were children.
then there’s allison and she forces klaus to change the music, and they spend their moment twisting and turning around the dance floor because her sister has clearly learned a thing or two from her time in the ‘60s. it’s wild and messy and fun, and by the end of it, they’re simply swaying from side to side with their arms wrapped around each other.
five lets her lead, just like he did when they were children because he knew just how much she loved feeling in control, and it’s weird because he’s so much taller than her now, even at fifteen (sixty? oh well, who even bothers to count by this point), but they manage, and the roses he hands her are the same shade of blue as sissy’s eyes. in return, she kisses his cheek, genuinely touched at his thoughtfulness, and laughs when he makes a big show of scrubbing at the spot with his sleeve.
finally, klaus struts onto the floor, twirling around a couple of times with his arms spread wide, acting as if they’re in a theater filled with people instead of their childhood home with its last six inhabitants. he bows low and deep, all his movements exaggerated, and vanya plays along with a curtsy. the music changes to something more modern, so she lets klaus lead, ignoring diego’s jokes about how tiny she is compared to their brother, and when it’s time for his roses, he hands her twice the amount their siblings have already given her, and whirls away before she can ask why.
before she can go after him, allison cranks the stereo as high as it can go, and vanya feels another smile creep onto her face when she hears that familiar beat followed by “children, behave…” and she barely gets to set her bouquet aside before they’re all crowding around her, jumping up and down like a bunch of teenagers at a rave, hollering the lyrics at the top of their lungs, and despite the fact that diego can’t keep a tune to save his life, vanya just closes her eyes and loses herself in the music.
later that night, when they’re all cuddled together in the living room after klaus had insisted on building a fort (”it’s tradition!” “liar, we’ve never done anything like that!” “well, we do now!”) and she’s sandwiched between a snoring luther and him, she taps his cheek and asks “why six?” and her brother simply smiles at her, those familiar green eyes twinkling even in the dark, and gives her forehead a light peck: “well, of course, vanny. you aren’t alone at the table anymore. and ben says hello.”
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
Ben and Vanya plan on running away. They have a stash of money and know where to go. They’ve been planning for nearly a year. They’re ready to go.
Vanya leaves the house alone.
I finally got around to writing a fic for The Umbrella Academy! Heavily centered around Ben and Vanya because I love them. 
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
Was tagged by @wolfshadow16 and @electricrogue so thank you :3
Tag some people you liked to get to know better!
Favorite colors: I like shades of purple and pastel pink. I love shades of blue as well. 
Last song I listened to: You’re Somebody Else by flora cash
Favorite musician: I don’t really have one? I just, I listen to songs sporadically and my favorites are constantly changing. 
Last film I watched: ...when was the last time I watched a movie? I think I watched an anime film last? A few weeks ago? Maybe? I don’t know, everything in quarantine has blurred together for me. What day is it?
Last TV show I watched: StarTrek Voyager
Favorite Character: One favorite character? ONE? Out of all my fandoms? *Appalled gasp* Nope, you’re getting my top 10(in no particular order). Fair warning: My favorites are constantly changing so the list might not be accurate for long XD(Whoops, four of them ended up being from The Umbrella Academy. I’ve been really into that lately). 
Samantha Carter(Sg1), Jonas Quinn(Sg1), Carson Beckett(Sga), Helen Magnus(Sanctuary), Henry Foss(Sanctuary), Vanya Hargreeves(TUA), Klaus Hargreeves(TUA), Diego Hargreeves(TUA), Ben Hargreeves(TUA), and Norman(TPN).
Sweet, Spicy, or Savory: Savory
Sparking water, Tea or Coffee: Tea. Tea is like, a godsend. The best beverage. Superior to all else. 
Pets: I have a dog named Sagan. He’s a yellow lab and I love him very much. 
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do it? Ooh! All of my mutuals! I haven’t actually been active recently so I don’t know who’s already done it 😅
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
I hope I'm not too late, but for the cool new ask meme I send you Stargate SG-1 (what else? XD).
Character I’d like to see in a flower crown Hmmm, I’d like to see Vala in a flower crown. I imagine her making a flower crown and twirling around the other Sg1 members. 
Character I’d like to see have an emotional breakdown Ouch. I love all the characters. I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t know. Jonas probably. Don’t get me wrong, I love him and would never want to see him hurt, but he also left all he knew behind and it took a while for him to be fully excepted into Sg1. He deserves to be upset and overwhelmed by this new world with no one to talk to. 
Character I’d like to see get punched in the face Haha, Maybourne? Kinsey? Both of them. Ooh, Five as well. Maybe 99% of the ascended ancients. I listed multiple characters but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Character most likely to sing along to journey songs in the car Tough choice between Vala and Jonas. They would both do it. Sam would probably smile fondly. Teal’c and Daniel probably wouldn’t do anything. Jack might join in, but it depends how he’s feeling. Cam would probably laugh in amusement. 
character who refuses to pull over and ask for directions on roadtrips Jack. Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack.  Daniel: Shouldn’t we stop for directions?  Teal’c: I do believe we are lost, O’Neill.  Jack: No, we’re fine.  Sam: *Gets the GPS ready anyway*
Character who always stubs their toes on the washing machine Daniel. Half of the time he’s just so sleep deprived that he loses his spacial awareness. 
Character who changes their Starbucks order ten times Vala. While the others are happy with just coffee, she wants to try everything. Starbucks runs take a long time when she comes along. 
Character who shows up late for everything They’re all usually punctual. At least for mission briefings and the like. If it’s a normal team gathering or just an event that doesn’t have to do with the Stargate, Sam usually shows up last. She doesn’t try to be late because she likes being punctual, but she always gets caught up in a project. 
Character who is the worst kisser Jonas. He’s not bad, but he’s inexperienced. I head-canon him as ace so it’s not like he wants to kiss people anyway. 
Character who takes 45 minutes showers When she has the time, Sam. She likes to unwind after a long day and just likes to stand under the running. Janet also likes taking long showers. Mostly for the same reasons. 
Character who gets most bent out of shape over the pronunciation of gif Daniel. Vala likes to tease him about it a lot. Cam doesn’t tease him necessarily, but he pronounces gif differently than Daniel so he just happens to annoy Daniel without meaning to. Sam agrees with Daniel’s way to pronounce it, but no matter how many times he asks she never backs him up in an argument. 
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
Please reblog this if fanfiction has been beneficial to your mental health.
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
cool new ask meme
send me a fandom and i will tell you
character i’d like to see in a flower crown
character i’d like to see have an emotional breakdown
character i’d like to see get punched in the face
character most likely to sing along to journey songs in the car
character who refuses to pull over and ask for directions on roadtrips
character who always stubs their toes on the washing machine
character who changes their starbucks order ten times
character who shows up late for everything
character who is the worst kisser
character who takes 45 minutes showers
character who gets most bent out of shape over the pronunciation of gif
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
send me song recs and i'll respond with:
couldn’t listen all the way through | not my thing | it’s okay | kinda catchy | ok i really like this | downloading immediately | already in my library
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
This sounded fun, so I decided to do it.
Type I got: The Dreamer
Type I match with: The Innovator
I think everyone should try this :)
Creative Types/Finding Your Match
Tagged by: @locke-writes
Rules: Take this test on what creative type you are, and make a note of your results as well as the type you are theoretically best matched with. Then tag 7 people!
Type I Got: Thinker
Type I Match With: Adventurer
Tagging: @mrsrafaelbarba, @jonedwardbernthal, @junieyes, and whomever else wants in!
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
what is a writer, if not a miserable little pile of ideas and half written google docs
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
sometimes I stop and remember Stargate SG1 and just
how good it was.
Ahh, Stargate.
beneath the cut is just a bunch of nostalgia gifs cleverly disguised as incentive to go watch this awesome show if you haven’t yet
Keep reading
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cosmic-gate · 4 years
20 Fandom Asks Memes
if you could hit any character without repercussions, who would it be?
what fandoms were apart of that you aren’t any longer?
characters you would marry in an instant?
are you likely to blush when a sex scene comes up or can you read/watch it with a straight face?
what is your favorite overused trope?
do you read fanfiction? If so, do you have any favorite authors or fics?
name a character you wouldn’t mind naming someone after.
do you prefer happy, bittersweet, or sad endings?
do you like prequels?
characters that deserved worse? >:]
do you mind sex scenes or do you skip over them?
if you could change one ending to a book/show/game/etc, what would you change about it?
do you mind sequels that are completely different with a new plot and new characters or do you prefer they stay with the same story and characters?
name a fandom, ship, or character that you love that others would send you hate mail for liking.
does it bother you if a character shares the same name of someone you know well?
do you block people who like fandoms/characters/ships that you dont?
are there any tropes you wished were used less often?
characters you want to wrap in a blanket and tell them they’re going to be okay?
if you could be a part of any story, which story would you want to tag along in?
name a song that reminds you heavily of a specific fandom or character.
Bonus+ Create your own question.
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