cottagec0relover21 · 9 hours
Just wanted to say that there are a very few requests that I am not able to write. Partly because I don't know how to do it yet, because I'm an anime only fan and I'm not sure how to go about them (though I plan on reading the manga) and partly because I feel very stressed.
I will keep them in my ask box so when I am ready I can write them.
I need to study and that makes me anxious. I'm torn between writing all the requests you guys have sent and stop making you wait, or studying for my class. I hate anxiety so damn much, but I hope you understand. (I know it sucks to wait, I really understand ;-;)
In the meantime, if maybe you have something you want to ask about me, I'd be glad to try to answer your question so we can get to know each other a bit better ✨️
I hope you guys have an awesome day 'cause you sure as hell deserve it
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cottagec0relover21 · 2 days
Hi! How's everyone doing? I've been a bit busy and stressed (as always, no big news there) but also thinking about Chilchuck. And today an idea came to my mind.
Would you guys like me to write a fanfic/scenario just like I did for my Laios post, but with Chilchuck instead?
It'd basically be the same prompt: using cannibalism as a way of expressing some actions/feelings and such. As last time, I'll give you guys a week to vote here while I work on some other things.
And to everyone who has requested: thank you for your patience. It will bear it's fruits, I promise.
Thanks for your time! ♡
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cottagec0relover21 · 8 days
Hello! I'd like request a Chilchuck scenario or hcs, whatever works best! (Or both kanfkanfj) Reader is a tall-man and GN.
The reader told him once about how they liked how he looked when he didn't shave, and he just basically doesn't shave for a hot minute because of it. And he actually almost tries to make himself "look better" by taking care to not stain his clothes and brush his hair or something, all because he's crushing on reader. He won't say it out loud unless pressured to, but he desperately wants to make a good impression on them.
Reader ends up asking him why he's taking care of his appearance all of the sudden, and he basically admits he's into them and so on-
(I'm craving fluff so hard, please please please make it as tooth rotting as you can,,,)
Hi anon!! I loved your request so much! I'm sorry this took so long to post, but I hope you like it.
I see you asked for a side of extra fluff, so I made sure to made this as cute as I could right now! 💖💖
(The last part is based off something I can't help but do when my boyfriend has a beard, so shout-out to my boyfriend for the inspiration lol)
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"Love makes you act a bit stupid"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: none - fluff
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One comment. That's all it took for him to leave his beard grow, even if just a little, after that one time where (y/n) had mentioned they liked how he looked when he had left his beard grow before shaving it all off again. Usually, it took a long while for his beard to show, half-ling's were known for having mostly "baby faces" so Chilchuck didn't really need to shave that often. But that time when they did catch a glimpse of his face with a little bit of hair growth, they couldn't help but compliment him.
It made his heart flutter, to be honest. No one really had commented about his beard before, so the comment really stuck out to him, replaying in his mind sometimes even in the middle of battle (which was very distracting).
He began to take care of his looks more than he usually did before. Always making sure his hair looked nice and tidy in case (y/n) wanted to run their fingers though it, or getting overly upset if he ever stained his clothes in the slightest when he ate.
This change in behavior didn't go unnoticed by the members of the party, much less to (y/n), who looked amused every time he fussed over the slightest stain on his shirt or scarf. They noticed, as the weeks in the dungeon went by, that the area around his chin was getting a bit darker. Maybe it was a bit or dirt. Or was it his beard again?
The days kept passing, and eventually (y/n) found the answer to that question. Chilchuck had been letting his beard grow, and what was even weirder, he didn't seem interested on shaving it this time.
Approaching him from behind as everyone walked, they tugged softly at his scarf, definitely catching his attention as he looked around, and finally up to find their face.— Hey, can I talk to you?— of course you could, anytime was all he wanted to say, but he swallowed it down along with the light feeling of embarrassment he began feeling, and composed himself.
—Of course... but don't tug at my scarf like that again, I'm not a child— he faked indignation, but inside he wanted them to do it as many times as they wanted. Only they were allowed to, but if they kept doing it he'd just be a flustered mess everytime, so it was best to just pretend he hated it. For now.
(y/n) chuckled, letting go of the fabric as they began to walk side by side, falling slightly behind from the rest of the group.— Are you letting your beard grow?— they pointed at his chin, and his eyes widened softly. They really had noticed?
He cleared his throat before speaking— w–well, yeah, I am. Why do you ask?— he answered, shifting his gaze somewhere else.
— Is it because I said you looked good that time you were shaving it off?— (y/n) asked, and he swore he could hear the amusement in their voice.
He placed his arms behind his neck, looking towards them again, getting ready to answer when he was cut off by them once again— And I swear, all of us have noticed you fuss over your appearance more than usual. Are you trying to impress someone?— God was it that obvious? he bit his lip, embarrassment flowing through him, this time his cheeks definitely burning up.
—N–no! What makes you think that? Maybe I just want to look better for myself!— he protested, unable to hide the fact his face was getting redder by the second.
They chuckled— come on, you're not fooling anybody Chil, who's the lucky one?— they wanted to know, but at the same time, they didn't. There were very slim chances it was them, after all. Maybe it was for Marcille? Senshi? God, maybe even Laios for all they knew! They would be heartbroken if it was anyone else but them, but they weren't about to let their feelings get in the way of Chilchuck's happiness.
He stared at them, stopping in their tracks as the group kept getting further and further away.— C–Chil, the rest, we gotta catch up— they were about to start running towards the rest when the half-foot suddenly grabbed their hand, stopping them from doing so.— What are you doing?! We'll fall behind and get lost!— they blurted, looking down at him.
—Well it wouldn't be that different from getting lost in your eyes— he hadn't meant to say that. Why was he flirting all of a sudden?!
He began to panic, stuttering as he tried to come up with an excuse for whatever what he just said was.
—Wow... didn't know you were like that...— (y/n) chuckled, feeling embarrassed already but trying not to let that show.— So, um... who's the lucky one who's got you acting like this?— he deadpanned. Were they serious?
—Are you joking?— he raised an eyebrow, still not letting go of their hand.— I literally just– ugh... (y/n)— they were doing this on purpose. They had to be.
They fell silent for a moment as he took in a deep breath, preparing himself for whatever outcome was next after this.— You are. You've got me acting all... stupid. Fussing when I stain my clothes, making sure I'm clean and tidy, gods! I even let my beard grow because of what you said!— he confessed, the grip on their hand tightening as he looked up at them, determined to get his feelings across clearly.
Now it was time for (y/n) to blush.— You're joking— that couldn't be right. Chilchuck liked them?— B–but why me? I've got nothing special!— he sighed, letting go of their hand.
— You're... very caring towards me, to be honest— he wanted the earth to swallow him. You'd think that after a wife and three kids, a confession would be easy. But not for him it seemed.— You're beautiful. Gorgeous even goddammit. Every time you compliment me I get all... fuzzy inside, and I feel like I just want to kiss you right then and there. It's not fair you make me this nervous and you don't even know it!— he stomped his foot on the ground, looking down at it.— Perhaps you don't feel the same way but–! —.
(y/n) grabbed his face softly, tilting his head up and making him look up at them— Woah, woah, hold your horses, who said I don't like you?— another silent pause.
So it was reciprocated?
Chilchuck had a dumbfounded look written all over his face. His eyes seemed brighter and the way his blush spread across his pretty face guided their gaze down to his thin, soft lips. (y/n) had to bend down slightly to look at Chilchuck closely, still holding his face in their hands. The gap between their faces closed as they pulled him into a kiss. A sweet and slow moment as Chilchuck raised one arm to place one of his hands over theirs, standing on his tiptoes to reach better for the kiss.
Chilchuck stared into their eyes, unable to look away— so you mean... I'm not– the only one...?— he mumbled. They were so focused on each other they hadn't noticed the party had walked back to look for them once they had noticed they weren't following anymore and were now looking at the scene from a few feet away, as they held their breaths to not interrupt.— Hold on, what the hell do you see in me?!— he couldn't believe it, his heart was leaping around his chest with joy but it was all so sudden and it seemed so surreal too. Maybe this was all a dream...
They sighed, looking to the side— What's there not to like, Chilchuck? You're just so... cool— his ears must've been deceiving him, he thought, buy they continued— You try your best to express your feelings despite the fact it can be hard for you at times, and that shows just how much you care, even if you say otherwise. You're always so funny and witty when you tease too— they couldn't help but chuckle, their eyes finding his once again.
Pulling away after a moment, they both stared at each other, smiling incredulously.— So... what was that about getting lost in my eyes?— (y/n) tried to tease him, but failed, as he just chuckled and pulled them in for another sweet kiss.
—I'll tell you later. I have plenty of opportunities to openly flirt with you now— he couldn't help but tease them back.
The group cheered softly from afar, catching their attention and making them take a step back, creating some distance between them.
Blushing furiously, Chilchuck raised his fist and began protesting— How long have you been standing there?! Don't you know to give people some privacy!?— everyone began apologizing despite finding his reaction somewhat funny and endearing.
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(y/n) reached a hand down to his face and began scratching his beard, giggling. From everyone's perspective, the gesture looked just like a puppy getting scratched by their owner.— L–love! Don't do that in front of everyone!— Chilchuck didn't know whether to protest and yell at the rest of the party, or protest against them scratching his beard like a dog's. It felt nice but why did you have to do it in front of everyone, and even worse now?!
He ended just pouting and enjoying the attention as he stood there, an embarrassed mess as he crossed his arms and the rest of the party decided to settle down by a corner and call it a day.
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cottagec0relover21 · 12 days
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We reached 100 followers!! 🎉✨️💖💪🏻
Ahh! I'm so happy and thankful for y'all! Your support means so much to this anxious/stressed nineteen year-old girlie! 💖
It might not be a lot but I'm glad people like what I write and decide to follow (and even ask me to write for them, knowing that it might take long due to my mental health)
Believe me when I say that it is so satisfying when I publish one of your requests after stressing so much because I didn't post it earlier.
I will continue to try my best and persevere! I am so happy this is a safe place for me (and hopefully for you too) and that I am allowed to do what I like without being pressured. I love y'all so much!! Stay safe and keep an eye out for all the new posts that are coming soon!! 💖💖💖🌸
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cottagec0relover21 · 14 days
Ok so, the idea just popped in my mind and I RLLY need someone to write it LMAO
Your Chilchuck fics give me LIFE so you were me go to, no questions asked
Could I get Chilchuck with a reader (preferably male, but gender neutral is also ok!) who miscalculated the ammount of anxiety medication they had left and ended up running out in the middle of the dungeon? Reader is having a hard time with their anxiety ticks and one of the side effects of going a bit too long without them is his body starting to "shut down" and become slightly like a ragdoll. Reader is still talkative and behaves as normal besides their head going to the side aggressively, flopping to the side and body parts just going all weak when they sit, flopping legit like a ragdoll (this os very self indulgent and has happened to me once, it is not good to say the least LMAO)
I completely understand if this makes you uncomfortable to write! And if so, a reader with severe generalized anxiety would work in the place of this request!
Hii! I'm sorry if this took too long ;-; since I have generalized anxiety and therefore I'm more knowledgeable about that subject, I'll write for a reader with severe generalized anxiety. I don't want to fuck up the other option with the ticks and such, because I don't know about the condition and I don't want to offend anyone. So hopefully this is okay!! love y'all thanks for being patient!
(Also changing my POV today) I'm so glad you love the way I write, it means the world to know that💗
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"A Comforting Half-ling"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: none - fluff
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Your hands were sweaty. You had been fidgeting with your fingers for a while, feeling a pit at the bottom of your stomach that made you even more anxious that you already were. The slight pang of pain in the chest that came from time to time the more you thought about the problem at hand bothering you as you sat on the corner of one of the rooms of the dungeon that the group had stopped by. Why were you so anxious? Simple. There was another party in that same room, and the rest of the group had decided to be all social and chat for a bit as they sat down to take a break from walking around.
Gosh I must look really weird sitting alone in this corner. I think they didn't hear me when I said "hi." What if they think I'm an asshole? Or a weirdo? Or a weird asshole?! you thought, looking around the room.
—Oh yeah, and that one there is (y/n), they're kinda shy— you jumped, your head snapping back to stare at the middle of the room as Laios pointed a finger back at you. Everyone's eyes were on you. Never had you wanted earth to swallow you whole and never come back so desperately before.
As the conversation resumed, the half-foot's eyes stayed on you, a curious and worried expression on his face as he watched you fidget with your hands.
He excused himself softly and walked up to them.
—Hey, why don't you come with me for a second? I need your help with something— Chilchuck pointed to the door, and your feet hurried to stand up and get out of the room as quickly as possible. Once outside that room, and away from the hearing range of the others, he sat against the wall, patting the space beside him.— What's got you so jumpy?— he looks at you, genuine curiosity in his voice.
Looking at him, you wonder if it's okay to admit out loud how anxious you were about, not just talking to people, but almost anything that had to do with being in public.— You're always behind us when we encounter other parties, and you don't seem to want to be there. I'm starting to think you're not just "shy"— Chilchuck called you out.
Beginning to explain to him how you were always on edge around people wasn't the easiest task. Admitting that, you were afraid of not being seen as capable, but being seen as a bother or even a burden ate you up every second of your life to Chilchuck was hard but worth it, because now you had someone that understood you better than any of the rest of the group. Everyone gets a little anxious at times, but you were a little extra anxious about everything.
Sitting cross-legged and now intently staring at you as you finished your through explanation of how you felt almost all the time, Chilchuck sighed and placed a comforting hand over your shoulder.— I'm really sorry you have to feel like that. I get anxious for five minutes and I hate it, so you being on edge all the damn time must suck— he offered a sympathetic apology, understanding you easily.— Whenever you feel like that, just... uh– try and tell me, or nudge me, whatever works best for you— he smiles softly, and the look on your face makes him huff softly in embarrassment and look away, retrieving his hand from your shoulder. When you give a soft laugh at his reaction he starts protesting and huffing at you, although we all know he wasn't seriously that upset.
When you hug him, however, he falls silent and sighs, taking a moment to return your embrace.
From then on Chilchuck tries his best to comfort you and help you everytime he notices you feeling anxious.
You need to buy something but can't because you're afraid of taking too long and upsetting the line behind you? He'll go with you and hold your hand. Maybe you're afraid of the guy at the stall, selling whatever it is you want to buy. Don't worry, he'll talk for you when you get nervous and start to stutter. Or even if you don't even want to talk at all.
Afraid someone is judging you? He's jokingly rolling his sleeves up and asking "Who? Who is it? Point at them and they'll never see what got them!" (They won't but that's because he's small and he kicks their knee from behind)
If you feel like everyone is judging you, though, he holds your hand and guides you away into a corridor/hallway where it's less crowded
Ever start hyperventilating? The first time he'll panic, and he'll struggle to find the words and actions to properly help you calm down. But it doesn't take him long before he has it memorized.
You're basically the only one on the group who's got Chikchuck breaking his rules about innerparty relationships, because he's grown very close and attached to you.
You're such an amazing person, you shouldn't have to struggle like this.
He gets very happy for you when you manage to do something that makes you anxious on your own. Maybe you spoke up to a whole group of people completely alone, or maybe you went and bought something that you really wanted without struggling at all.
When that happens he's sure to give you a smile and a thumbs up or a pat on your leg (you're taller than him, don't tease him about it or he'll get all red in the face and start mumbling to himself)
Overall, Chilchuck would understand you and try to help. He struggles, and sometimes you might think you're being a bother for him, but he makes sure to tell you that "no, you're not a burden nor a bother. I'm simply... not used to comforting people that often."
+ romantic established relationship headcannons
If you tell him that having him by your side is comforting, even in the slightest, he'll cough and look away, hiding his growing embarrassment.
If you ask to borrow something of his to comfort you, he's scrambling all over his words but eventually giving said item to you gladly.
You hide your face in his scarf after wrapping it around your neck and softly inhale his scent— Ah... you smell so nice. And the scarf is so warm— so is his face. A beautiful tomato red all over his cheeks and ears as he looks at you, genuinely feeling better just by borrowing his scarf.
Or maybe you borrow his gloves (if they fit) and put them on.— Okay... but why my gloves?— he asks curiously, waiting an eyebrow as he looks up at you.
You smile, wiggling your fingers after putting the gloves on— Makes me feel like I'm holding your hand— he falls silent, and he opens his mouth to speak, but the only thing that comes out is a flustered exhale as he turns around and walks away from you as he mumbles a "you're unbelievably.... cute" that you're sure he didn't mean for you to hear.
A few minutes later he'll return by your side as you're walking and extend his hand up, looking ahead— You can just hold my damn hand, you know?— he mumbles, and you notice how his cheeks tint with red once again.
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cottagec0relover21 · 15 days
Hi, nothing interesting here to say except that I'm sorry if writing requests takes so long!
My anxiety is pretty damn bad, I hope you don't hate me for taking too long (honestly I'm torn between giving up and doing it, but I'm obviously not quitting on what I love, anxiety sucks, i feel so bad for making everyone wait)
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cottagec0relover21 · 15 days
Hiii!!! How about Chilchuck teaching you how to pick locks after you got locked inside a chest and the party couldn't find you? This is how he shows that he cares and worries about the reader lol.
With a halfling reader if that's oki with you....
Bonus points if after chatting for a while, they both started talking about locks and keys, not realizing it sounded like a sexual innuendo, then it got awkward lol
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"Lost and Found"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!half-ling!reader]
Warnings: slight sexual innuendo - fluff
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You had gone missing. Missing. In the dungeon. From one moment to another you had disappeared from everyone's sight. You had been walking around with the group when you'd spotted a room full of chests and decided to enter to take a look around.
Chilchuck had groaned loudly at all the work Laios intended him to do to open every single one of them.— First of all, what if one of these is a mimic?!— Chikchuck protested, pointing a finger up towards the tall-man's face. Honestly he had a really good point.
That's when from behind them, they heard (y/n)'s voice speak and a sudden slam. Everyone turned around to see they were gone.
—(y/n)?— Marcille spoke up. Calling them a second time, when they didn't speak up everyone started to panic and look around. Were you outside of the room? Maybe on a room next door? but nothing, you had just dissapeared in the blink of an eye.
Groaning in discomfort and some pain, (y/n) rubbed the back of their head, where they had collided roughly against the inside of the wooden chest. Chilchuck fumbled to grab his tools as Laios, Marcille and Senshi looked at him expectantly when they had heard (y/n) knock from inside of one of the chests, making him even more anxious.
—Let's try this one!— pointed Laios.
—No! I think it's this one!— the mage contradicted him.
—Everyone shut up! Let me hear!— Chilchuck yelled, agitated as he stood silently in the middle of the room.—(y/n) can you knock once again for me?— he raised his voice so they could hear, trying to speak calmly, hoping you were still conscious.
When they knocked on the inside of the chest they had fallen into, Chilchuck hurried to help to unlock it and get them out.— It's okay, I'm here! Can you breathe well? I'm going to get you out! Don't panic!— no one had ever seen Chilchuck so... worried before. So seeing him stumble with his words and fumble with his lockpicking tools made everyone stare at him with curiosity and worry for (y/n).
After a minute or two Chilchuck successfully opened the chest to find them curled up inside. He helped them up and out with a worried expression on their face as he looked over their features. Where you hurt anywhere? How had that even happened in the first place? Was it a monster? Did someone accidentally push you? Did you fall??
—Uh– Chil, I'm okay...— they speak softly, reassuring him as he squished their cheeks to move their head to the side.— I saw a chest was slightly open and I wanted to take a closer look, but somehow I kind of fell in...?— they sheepishly admit with a chuckle.
Chilchuck hits their shoulder, protesting that he was worried. The faint redness on his cheeks didn't go unnoticed by the group as he fussed at them. How sweet. And grumpy everyone thought as they watched the scene unfold in front of them. (y/n) couldn't help the giggle that erupted from their lips and hugged Chilchuck by the neck.— It's okay now, thank you for saving me— they speak sweetly, which only makes the half-foot more red in the face as he reciprocates the hugs slowly.
—Don't do that again or I'm not getting you out...— he mumbles, obviously not being serious. They would save them a thousand times if it was ever necessary.
Much later, when dinner was almost served, (y/n) and Chilchuck were sitting aside on the ground, legs crossed as he held up his lockpicking tools for them to see.— Why does the tip look like that?— (y/n) pointed at something the group could not see, for they were sitting with their backs facing them. That made half of the party look up with wide eyes in their direction.
Chilchuck calmly explained— Every keyhole is different, sometimes you need a bigger one, sometimes you need it to curve or to lay flat— he grabs (y/n)'s hand and brings it closer— Here, feel it— as soon as he says that, Senshi coughs loudly, catching their attention.
Both of them turn around— Are you okay, Senshi?— (y/n) asks, noticing everyone's flustered look—...what?—.
—Kids, you should look for some privacy if you're going to be doing such a thing. I understand you're curious, but please respect everyone else in the room— the bearded dwarf speaks, returning his attention to the food. Their cheeks become as red as a pomegranate as Chilchuck protests that, first of all, they're not kids, and second, that's not what's happening at all.
One can't even explain lockpicking in peace anymore, geez.
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cottagec0relover21 · 17 days
(This is my first time writing NSFW, and a over 2k words, so I'm excited to see if you guys like this)
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"Hungry Love. Let us Feast"
[Laios Touden x gn!reader]
Warnings: NSFW content below - long fic? - mentions of reader having AFAB genitalia - mentions of cannibalism (nothing gory don't worry)
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Laios liked monsters. And he liked eating them. He had an... odd fascination with them, but who were you to judge, when you liked the idea of cannibalism as an analogy for love? Exactly, you were in no position to judge your partner.
You hadn't told him that, though. That you liked the idea of "consuming each other", or that you wanted him to bite each other as you were in bed, treating each other like a fine dish.
—Is everything okay, love?— Laios placed a gentle hand over (y/n)'s shoulder, stirring them away from their thoughts.
They nodded, smiling up at him softly.— Yeah, just thinking— he sat by their side, crossing his legs. He had taken off his armor, wearing the clothes from underneath. They couldn't help their eyes traveling down towards the v-neck of their shirt, the strings loose for comfort.
—Thinking of what?— he asked curiously.
—Just...— should they tell him? No...— about us— they kept their soft smile as they talked for a while about different topics, relating one with another, love, food, monsters. Ugh, monsters. Don't eat them, eat me (y/n) thought to themselves, unable to hide the expression of slight annoyance on their face as the topic was brought up.
He noticed this and mid-rant stopped— Are you alright? Are you tired? We've been walking a lot today, maybe you should rest— if there was something he liked more than talking about monsters in this world, that would be you. He cared about (y/n) more than anyone could imagine or describe.
—Ah, yes... well— they hesitated, looking at their hands, then at his face, and then back at their hands as they fidgeted with their fingers in an attempt to calm their nerves.
They wanted to say how much they wanted to be... consumed, devoured. But would it be weird? Maybe for Laios not too much?
—I've. .. wanted to tell you something for a long time— they mumble— I– It's nothing bad... I think— they waved their hands as they tried to not scare him with their seriousness. Laios looked at (y/n), silently waiting for them to speak.— Have you ever heard of cannibalism as a metaphor or analogy for... love? Or sex even?— they closed their eyes as they said that, bracing for something bad that never came.
Laios put a finger to his chin in thought— Well if I'm being honest, I think I heard of it once or twice, when I was younger and studying literature, but I never delved in much deeper than the fact that it's a thing— he answered with their usual tone.— Why do you ask?— Laios looked at them for an explanation, curiosity clearly sparked in his honey eyes.
(y/n) gulped, trying to ignore how their cheeks started to burn with an incoming blush. Were they really gonna talk about this? They had already told Laios and piqued his curiosity, and he probably would try to pick up the subject sooner than later if they decided to just leave it at this. So gathering courage, they spoke.— I would like for us to– uh– how do I put it?— (y/n) searched for the right words to voice their ideas— to treat each other like a meal when we have intimacy— they blurted, trying to finish the sentence as soon as possible.
—Treat each other... like a meal...— he echoed, raising an eyebrow— so you mean you want me to eat you?— he concluded.
—Ah– well, yes and no, I mean it not in the literal sense, but in a figurative one obviously— they explained— you see, I'd love it if you spoke to me more...no– I...— they sighed again. Gods above was this difficult.— I want you to describe or treat me like a meal. I want us to enjoy ourselves as if we were... "feasting on each other"—.
Soon enough their explanations worked their way into Laios's brain, and he understood exactly what (y/n) was asking for. He smiled, already coming up in his brain with a few ideas. He'd have to think more about the subject though, after all, he always wanted the best for you.
That night, when everyone had gone to sleep in the rooms of the abandoned house they had chosen to pass the night in, Laios approached (y/n) from behind as they were getting into bed.
—Sleepy?— he whispered in their ear, their strong arms hugging them by the waist. They froze at the sudden interaction and slowly relaxed.
—Not really, but we need the rest, don't we?— they smiled, trying to turn around to hug them back, but Laios didn't budge in their hold. —Uh, dear?— they mumbled, this time trying to look behind them.
That's when they felt his lips softly spread kisses on their shoulders, going to the back of their neck and ending their path under their ear. His breath was warm as he spoke— I'm hungry...— he mumbled against their skin. His voice didn't sound like it usually did. This time it sounded... dominant almost.
(y/n)'s breath hitched at this, suddenly feeling themselves grow hot in the cold of the night.
—Should I see if Senshi has any leftovers?— they asked despite their nerves.
—What for? I've got a whole meal right in my hands already...— he let his hands wander, one going down to grip and squeeze at their thigh. The other one traced its way over their neck and up to touch their lower lip.— It would be a waste if I didn't eat you, don't you think? ...so much to delight myself with—.
He let go of them and guided (y/n) to lie down on the bed. They obliged, excitement and pleasure already cursing through their veins as Laios crawled and watched from on top of them how they looked at him with a shy expression, their hair all messy over the soft pillow, a few strands on their face.— Oh how beautiful you are...— Laios whispers, licking his lips and moving the strands of hair away from their pretty face. His lips softly collided with (y/n)'s, who returned the kiss as they tangled their fingers at the back of his honey haired head.
Licking at their bottom lip, silently asking for permission, (y/n) parts their lips, allowing their tongues to dance lovingly. One of his hands stays by the side of their head to keep himself up, while the other moves the spread their legs a bit further, allowing him to come closer, his chest now pressing against theirs.
A string of saliva connects their lips when they break the kiss, and they're both left already panting, thinking about what's next. Laios stutters for a moment as his fingertips touch slightly under (y/n)'s shirt— May I?— he looks up at them through lidded, yet soft eyes.— I'm dying to discover what my meal is for tonight— he let's his hand further under their shirt once (y/n) gives them the okay to go ahead.
His big and somewhat calloused hands cup one of their breasts, massaging it for a moment, his index finger reaching for their nipple and flicking lightly at it. —Mhh... you're so perfectly soft, my love— he uttered, peppering kisses all over their collarbone.
(y/n) sighed, a hand coming up to their lips to contain the moan that wanted to escape from their lips, caused by all the attention they were suddenly receiving.
—Don't...— Laios said firmly, looking up at them from their collarbone.— I want to feast your flesh, and I want to listen to the way you feel when I'm devouring you. So don't— his hand traveled slowly down from their chest to the hem of their pants, feeling the goosebumps on their skin.
Laios felt his erection twitch in the captivity of his own pants, but he bit his lip, focusing once again on the task at hand. Eating.
He slid their pants off easily, underwear gone along with them, taking the opportunity to get rid of his own shirt as well. His breath already agitated, he gulped down the sudden urge to just dive in between their legs and taste them without a word. He continued to gently massage one of their breasts and kissing their neck. Lips starting to trail downwards, he pinched softly at one of their nipples, kissing his way down towards the other breast and sticking his tongue out to play with the nipple of the other.
When their legs twitched, threatening to close in the slightest around him, he moved his hand to hold their thighs open with a strong grip. It wasn't enough to hurt, no. But it was strong enough to let them know, without a word, that it was not happening under his watch.— Can't have a feast without the main course, can we?— he chuckled, trailing kisses down their body and finally positioning his face in between their legs. (y/n) looked away, but quickly looked right back down at him, embarrassment and excitement mixing in their stomach.
He slid a finger over the slick of the entrance, watching mesmerized at their juices as he heard a soft gasp of surprise come from their lips.
Kissing both of their thighs for a few moments first, he looked up to them and whispered— Thank you for the meal, my love— and closing his eyes, his tongue stuck out to lick in an upward motion, testing the waters. Once he heard another gasp, accompanied of a soft whimper, he pressed his face right into their cunt, tongue lapping at the juices as his nose pressed against the soft bundle of nerves slightly above.— Gods, I've been starving— he mumbled against their clit, his warm breath making them shiver.
Sticking his tongue inside of them, then swirling it around their clit, their flavor stuck to Laios's tongue and lips, smearing itself around part of his cheeks and nose as he hummed eagerly against their pussy.
It went on for a while, a long while. And he seemed thrilled at their reactions. What if he licked like this? What if he bit their thighs? What if he raised their legs and pressed his face as much as he could into the sweet liquor of their pussy? What if he held your hips in place with enough strength to make you unable to stop yourself from being completely devoured by him?
He shifted his gaze up towards their face— Gods you sound divine. You're so perfect— lidded eyes looked at them, as one of his hands moved towards the entrance his tongue was just exploring.— Can I?— always so polite, he asks for permission to keep exploring more.
— You shouldn't play with your food— (y/n) says in a breathless whisper. Looking back down at him— but... I'll allow it— Laios smiled softly at their words.
His finger teased the clit first, procuring they were even more wet than before as he slowly pressed kisses all the way back up their abdomen and across their chest until they reached their lips.
Gently teasing the entrance and then pushing his middle finger in, he was met with the warmth and the tightness of their insides as they moaned into his mouth.
—Relax sweetheart...— he whispered near (y/n)'s ear, moving to press a kiss on the space between their ear and their jawline— We're going to be here a while. I like taking my time to enjoy a good banquet— his finger pumped in and out of their pussy beautifully, their slick only providing them with lewd sounds everytime he dipped his finger back in or out. Laios bit down onto their neck, procuring to leave a hickey that everyone was most probably going to be able to see in the morning, and (y/n)'s hips stuttered upwards against his fingers.— You sound so delicious sweetheart— he praised, moving a second finger up to their entrance and penetrating them with both now, eliciting a rather loud moan to escape from them.—Take your time, I'm not stopping until I get to taste your sweet release— Laios mumbled against their jaw.
Gods was that night going to be a beautifully long one.
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cottagec0relover21 · 17 days
HII it's anon from the last rq :3 im probably gonna call myself bard anon cause that just works i think!! i come bearing another request 🤲 once again its chilchuck cause i love him and the way you write for him!! maybe a scenario where the reader is very VERY scared of water due to them nearly drowning in the past or something, and because of that they avoid bathing unless it's washing their hair and chil takes it upon himself to help them bathe (they're pretty close at this point so it's not awkward, just sweet and loving <3) again, have a lovely day and take care of yourself!!
- 🎻 (bard anon)
Hiii bard anon! So glad to see you requesting again! ^-^ makes me so happy. I struggled with my anxiety the whole week, postponing my writing since the requests are piling up (they're only 4 but I get stressed) so today I noticed that I hadn't posted for a whole week and tried my best to write this little something. I really hope you and everyone else likes it, and that it doesn't seem rushed. Have an awesome day! 💖 (I feel like this sucks ;-;)
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"Calming the waters"
[Chilchuck Tims x gn!reader]
Warnings: implications of drowning - gender neutral reader ‐ fluff
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The party had reached a point in the dungeon where everyone was exhausted and sweaty. All everyone wanted was to eat, rest, and hopefully find somewhere to freshen up. But that last part was optional, since the dungeon didn't really have many places like that.
Luckily for them, walking around they had found a room with only an onsen in the middle, so they decided to settle just outside of the room to rest for the night. Marcille and Laios took turns washing themselves up, except for Senshi and (y/n).
Chilchuck had decided to wait until everyone was asleep to enjoy the onsen with a bit more privacy, but he couldn't help but notice how (y/n) barely even came close to stepping into the room. So he approached them, tugging them away from the rest of the group.
—I was thinking about cleaning myself up while everyone was asleep— he clears his throat, slightly flushed at the fact he was admitting this— and since you haven't gone yet, I wondered...— he stretched the sentence, making a circular motion with one of his hands as the other rested on his hip, his gaze looking at the oh so interesting wall.
(y/n) looked at him, piecing everything together easily, and even though they were touched by their partners gesture, they declined.— Sorry Chil, I– um... I'm fine, you know? I don't think I need a bath— they did though. They stank to be fair. But they were too scared to step into the room where the onsen was. Much less get into the water.
Chilchuck felt sad at first, and he was ready to let it go. Maybe they didn't want to bathe together. Perhaps it was a big step for intimacy, but upon noticing the expression on their face, he stopped and grabbed their hands.— You don't have to lie. You um... look very sweaty to be fair. And I know you don't want to be all dirty forever. So what's the truth?— he spoke softly, looking up into their eyes with nothing but care, curiosity and a pinch of worry.
—N-Nothing's wrong, what do you mean?— (y/n) notices how Chilchuck raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing them, and they sigh, defeated.— I guess I could wash my hair at least. Wouldn't want Marcille's spells to not work on me in case of an emergency— they mumble, raising a hand up to touch their hair.
Chilchuck sighed, not really content with the answer, but decided to let it go for now and talk about it later when they were alone.
After having a delicious monster meal, cooked by none other than Senshi (and a little help of the forever enthusiastic Laios), everyone prepared their bedrolls and happily went to sleep.
Except for our lovebirds. Who sneaked away into the next room silently to enjoy some time alone and relax away from the rest for at least a while.
Chilchuck didn't doubt getting rid of his clothes and getting into the onsen for a second, his skinny body relaxing under the calming hot water as he sighed, closing his eyes and relishing on the pleasant feeling and the silence of the night. (y/n) sat on the edge fully clothed, and although they couldn't deny how their legs had trembled as they walked closer to the onsen, they were a bit relieved to have Chilchuck's company, his presence providing a small sense of safety despite the whirlwind of emotions in their chest.
Dipping their fingers in the water and then their whole hand, they scooped some water and patted their hair, very slowly, but surely, wetting it.
—What are you doing?— Chilchuck spoke after watching the scene for a moment. He was somewhat amused, he wouldn't lie. Why not just get into the water?— I assure you, there are no monsters in here if that's what worries you— he chuckled.
—No... I know. It's not that— (y/n) mumbled as they looked at him.— I'm just...— they bit their lip. Was it safe to say it? To tell him they were scared? Chilchuck had a reputation for being teasing sometimes, but he didn't usually mean anything bad by it.— I'm scared of the water, Chil— they admitted eventually.
Chilchuck perked up at the comment, not expecting that answer. He had expected them to say sometimes like: "I'm embarrassed to show my body" or "You're making me nervous" but not that they were afraid of getting into the onsen.— What do you mean, love?— he whispered, moving a bit closer to them, the water splashing gently around as he swam.
(y/n) took a deep breath, and exhaled shakily— When I was younger... I went with my friends to a forest. There we found a pond, and my friends and I decided to get in, since it was a very hot day— they began explaining, fidgeting with their fingers and the hem of their clothes— we swam for a while and it was fun splashing each other in the face, until one of them splashed me and, to avoid it, I dipped under the surface of the water. I was too close to the edge so something got tangled between my feet, and– I started to–...— they took another shaky breath in.
—Hey, hey, it's fine— Chilchuck stood up, not minding the fact that he was naked, and placed a hand on their shoulder.— I know it must've been scary, but that's not going to happen here— he lifts their head to make them look at him.
—But what if– —Chilchuck pressed a gentle kiss to their lips, now fully understanding why they didn't want to get in.
—No buts. You're here with me, and I'll take care of you. Besides, this is an onsen love, there's nothing that can hurt you— he looked into their eyes, brushing his thumb over their cheek— I want to help, if you'll let me— he whispers.
And for a moment they stop to look around, evaluating, thinking. The onsen isn't deep at all. If Chilchuck can stand in there properly, they could too. But what if a monster came and attacked? The rest of the party was outside. Sleeping, yes, but they would wake up and kill it.
Standing up with a newfound sense of safety, they slowly got rid of their clothes, folding them nicely and leaving them beside Chilchuck's. The half-foot stood inside the onsen and by the edge, looking at them with a reassuring smile and extending one hand in their direction.
—That's it love, take your time— Chilchuck took their hand once they were near the edge, and held them as they very slowly dipped one leg in. Once (y/n) had decided it was in fact safe, they stepped in with the other leg and crouched, their body thanking them for the warmth of the water.— You're doing great already, (y/n)— he pressed a kiss to their forehead.
Taking the soap Marcille had made before, he lifted one of their arms and started helping them get clean.
—Thank you...— after a moment of silence, they looked at him with gratitude, and he chuckled, shaking his head with a smile.
—Nothing to thank me for, love. I care about you— the feeling of his hands roaming through their body felt as calming as the temperature of the onsen, helping their muscles relax after so much fighting in the dungeon. Perhaps now the idea of getting bathed more often didn't sound so scary in their mind, but only if Chilchuck was there to provide some company and kisses. That part was essential.
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cottagec0relover21 · 24 days
Hi guys! So, I'm currently in the process of writing a NSFW (spoilers) fanfic with Laios, but it's longer than what I'm used to writing. More specifically, it's already 1,4k words and it's still not finished. (Though I'm almost there)
So I came here to ask:
I'm giving you guys a week to decide, so hopefully you'll comment/vote what you'd prefer.
That's it for now! Read ya soon! 🌸
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cottagec0relover21 · 25 days
hii!! i first wanted to say that you're doing well and taking care of yourself :) could i request headcanons for chilchuck from delicious in dungeon where the reader is kind of like the bard of the party? and maybe they stay up late writing songs and chil ends up saying up with them? you can do what you like with it other than that but i like sharing ideas (and i love chilchuck :3) i hope you have a good day!! 💜💚
Hiii! I'm so happy to get a request, I forgot how exciting it was to open my askbox and read that someone wanted me to write them something (can you tell youre the first one yet?). I know you asked for headcannons, but I got carried away and ended up making it a fic I believe, by the way I wrote it. I still hope you like it! If not I'll try my best to specifically do headcannons next time if you ask 🌸✨️ (also have a good day too)
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"Late Night Songs"
[Chilchuck Tims x Bard!reader]
Warnings: none - gn!bard!reader - fluff
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Being the bard of the group was rather hard. Why? Well, writing songs and seeing if they ended up sounding good wasn't easy. (y/n) needed a lot of creativity for that. Luckily for them, they had a source for it: Chilchuck.
Yes, that guy in their group everyone treated like a child sometimes just because of his height. And while it was very adorable, yes, (y/n) saw a lot of depth in his personality.
Tonight they had decided to stay up, which many might say was not a good idea considering the fact they were exploring a dungeon. But they didn't care, they wanted to write, to compose something new.
And so they stared at the sheet of paper in front of them, their instrument by their side as they sat away from the fire so as to not bother or wake up the rest.
Entranced in their thoughts, they didn't notice when Chilchuck stirred in his bedroll to then wake up with a huff at the inability of going back to sleep, sitting up and looking at the fire that had not gone out yet.
That's when with his amplified hearing, he heard the sound of a pen writing down on a paper.
He looked behind him and found (y/n), sitting rather far from them. When had they woken up? Or had they not been able to sleep at all? What were they writing that was so important at this time?
All those questions filled his head as he got up slowly, trying to not make much noise for everyone's sake.
(y/n) raised their head at the sound of rustling and found their muse, standing up and looking at them, now approaching. He rubbed the sleep off of his eyes as he walked to them and sat by their side. —What are you doing up so late?— His groggy voice asked softly.
—I'm trying to write a song, or to at least think of a new melody, but I can't seem to come up with anything— they said as they looked at him, noticing a sleepy smile.
Chilchuck sighed, looking at the rest of the party, all in a deep sleep. —Well I can't seem to fall sleep anymore, I'm really not comfortable with how hard the floor feels today. Mind if I stay up with you?— He took a quick peek at the paper, but saw nothing written. They really had some artistic block, huh?
(y/n) smiled at their question, excited to finally have spend some peaceful time alone with him— Not at all, you might help inspire my new song in fact— they winked, and Chilchuck felt his heart leap in his chest at the gesture. He really hoped the darkness of the night helped hide the embarrassment in his face. It was a simple wink, what was wrong with him? he thought, shaking his head.
He chuckled softly, his gaze moving away from them for a moment in embarrassment— Don't say those things— he rubbed the back of his neck— thank you though, it's... flattering— he admitted with a sheepish smile.
—In fact, you've always been my inspiration. I'm not gonna lie to you— God his heart was about to stop. Had he heard them right? What did that even mean?
—I have?— He didn't know how to ask without looking too excited about it.
—Of course, you're practically my muse— they noticed him staring with slightly wide eyes at their sudden confession.— I don't know but– you just have something that always makes me stare and it makes the inspiration bubble up inside of me— okay today was definitely going to be his funeral. Chilchuck swallowed harshly, a blush definitely burning bright on his cheeks as he kept silent, his brain failing to come up with an answer.
He watched them suddenly gasp and start to write down something on the paper that rested on their thighs. (y/n) mumbled to themselves as they kept writing, a sudden urge of inspiration rushing through them.
They look up again quickly at him, a light in their eyes.— Ah– I almost forgot to thank you.— they smiled at him with sincerity and gave his hand a quick squeeze, at which he just nodded, humming in response as they watched them write down their ideas, praying to whatever deity was out there to make his blush go away.
He would've never guessed he was helpful in more ways than just picking locks and finding traps. But thanks to them, now he knows he is, for (y/n) at least, a source of inspiration. And their heart swelled with emotion and pride at that.
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cottagec0relover21 · 26 days
Hi everyone! It's been a while hasn't it?
Just came around to announce that I am trying to start writing again, but since I have no idea what scenarios to create, I am re-opening my requests!
For now I am only hoping to write for Chilchuck, from Dungeon Meshi (he's been stuck in my brain for days) so please don't request for any other character or fandoms.
I might consider writing NSFW if I am comfortable (still it might not be too detailed). So if you have any scenario you want me to help come to life, I'd love to read you in my askbox!💗
(Remember to be patient if you do request, writing requires time and obviously inspiration ♡)
That's all you need to know my dear people! Have a good day!
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cottagec0relover21 · 26 days
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"A slip of the tongue"
[Chilchuck Tims x gender neutral reader]
Warnings: none ‐ fluff ahead - one suggestive comment
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At some point during the group's adventuring themselves deep into the dungeon once again, although he wasn't sure when, Chilchuck grew accustomed, in a way, to the way you treated him so differently from the rest.
You always liked to tease him and compliment him. Not like you didn't compliment the others. But you seemed to have a knack for sparing all your attention for when he was near you.
And despite his own rules of not mixing his personal life with work, he found himself sighing in annoyance at himself when he noticed how everyday he'd expect, almost too happy for his own liking, a compliment from you.
Today was no different for everyone. They'd been wondering through the halls of the fourth floor when Marcille's stomach rumbled, catching the attention of everyone.
—Sorry... so much walking is making me hungry again— she huffed, knowing damn well that Senshi would probably make them stop to cook another hearty monster based meal.
—Yeah, me too. After all, we've only had those coinbugs today as a snack. They were tasty but not that filling— (y/n) said as they placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder. Everyone agreed to keep walking a bit more and then they would stop to eat properly this time.
And when they reached to that point, Senshi murmured something about "keeping the young ones well nourished" and he got to work on the cooking.
Chilchuck offered to help by peeling something he didn't remember the name of right now, and (y/n) couldn't help but stare as he worked skillfully with his hands.
—Those hands would be good with a partner— they mumble to him as they decide to sit by his side. The comment makes his hands falter for a quick moment, and he looks up at them perplexed.
—Don't go around saying things like that!— he huffs to them, a spark of a blush blooming on his frowning face.—That is so inappropriate...— he mumbles with embarrassment as he goes back to peeling, and (y/n) doesn't bother containing the giggle that erupts from them.
—You're so handsome when you blush, you know that?—.
—I'm not blushing— he denied the fact— and yes I am handsome, you don't need to tell me.— Despite his own embarrassment, he didn't pass the opportunity for playful or teasing banter. That's just how he was. And that's just how they loved him.
Marcille watched them and nudged Laios, excited as if she were reading another one of the chapters on her romance novels. Laios just smiled and went back to watching Senshi cook, more interested in the food than in their companions flirting with each other.
Marcille was glad she had something else to pay attention to beside the monster cooking in front of her that she had to consume later.
—You took your gloves off...— (y/n) noticed, paying that much attention to him.
—Well I wouldn't want to... contaminate the food— he mumbled. (y/n) looked at his hands, and then at the gloves, and then at their own hands. They wondered if he wouldn't mind if they just...
Slipping the finger-less gloves on one hand and then the other, the leather cold to the touch, they gasp in an exaggerated manner just to catch his attention.
—They're so comfy— they close and open their hands, and Chilchuck turns their head to see what they were talking about.
—What is–? Hey! Who said you could borrow my gloves?— he forgets the knife and the food he finished peeling and goes to grab their hands— you desperately want to be me that much?— he chuckles teasingly, observing their fingers. —honestly they don't look half bad on you— he places the palms of his hands softly against (y/n)'s, looking at the difference.
—Oh my spells, just kiss already!— shouts an incredibly happy Marcille as she watches them interact in such an adorable way, interrupting their moment.
Chilchuck scoffs, looking away but not letting go of their hands— as if— he mumbles pretending to be upset by her "stupid" comment. In reality, his heart pounded in his chest as the idea flashed on his mind, igniting a blush on his cheeks once again.
—Ouch, you think I'm that ugly?— they pout playfully, placing a hand over their chest in fake hurt.
—I–! stop it!— he tsked, his eyes flying to look at them—I never said that!— he admits aloud.
His cheeks flush further in realization, even his ears going red at his slip.
—Aww— Marcille and Laios watch from the sidelines, amused by how they joked with each other.
—Thank you— (y/n) mumbles to him, sort of embarrassed by the sudden compliment as they watch Chilchuck cross his arms.
—Whatever...— he stands up and walks to where Senshi is, faking sudden interest in the food that was almost done.
His heart beat wildly inside his ribcage, and the thought that, maybe growing closer to one party member wasn't that bad, crossed his mind to stay there for a while.
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cottagec0relover21 · 27 days
It's been too long since I posted
I recently got into Dungeon Meshi and, well, to say I'm obsessed with it is an understatement.
I decided to create a playlist for my fav character so far, so feel free to check it out! 💖🧤✨️
(Edit: I just found out today is his birthday. What a coincidence. Happy Birthday Chil! 🎂✨️❤️)
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cottagec0relover21 · 2 years
Hello everybody! Once again I have created another playlist
I hope everyone is doing great and that you're having a good day/morning/night.
Hope you enjoy the new playlist!🌼
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cottagec0relover21 · 3 years
Yes, hello everybody, I have yet again made another playlist... Hope you guys have a lovely day. Enjoy!
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cottagec0relover21 · 3 years
Hey there everyone! Hope you're having a good day. I made this playlist for Venti, since he is one of my many favorite characters. I hope you enjoy it.
Have a beautiful day💙
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