crazylucciola · 4 months
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— via The Slow Factory on Instagram !
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crazylucciola · 5 months
The indifference is the killer
For years we saw infront of us people victims of genocide. Since 1947 where a strong intra-communal conflict broke out between the militias of the Jewish Yishuv and the indigenous Palestinian Arab militias.
We saw the end of a population, the Palestinians, and didn't react.
Today we are seeing more than we did before, and I think we should realize who's the real victim.
Italy (the Parlament) voted to not saying "Hold your fire". And I'm for ninth time ashamed of this government. "Hold your fire" should be always said.
Not for being with the right side. But for being with the innocent people.
"Wars are declared by the rich but the children of the poor die"—Gino Strada.
I'm not gonna stand here seeing people doing like it's nothing.
I don't care who's right, I care about all that children losing everything, those parents finding the corps of their child and all those ones who didn't decide to be the victims.
And I'm concerned about those ignorant people who says that Palestinians deserve it.
And I'm concerned about all of the nation who said yes to the war, yes to the conflict and for me saying yes to that is saying yes to deaths, for me agreeing with the fight is justifying bombs attacks.
For me agreeing with any war means making a step towards a distopyc world. Without love. Without compassion for this people.
Kids cry in one language and it doesn't matter where they are from, it's no their fault.
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crazylucciola · 11 months
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10 seconds.
According to the judges "the fact does not constitute a crime",the school collaborator of the Cine Tv Roberto Rossellini Institute in Rome, accused of harassment by a seventeen-year-old, did not commit any criminally relevant gesture. Yet the girl said she heard someone who, as she climbed the stairs of the school, put his hand in her pants and lifted it. The 66-year-old janitor had justified himself with a "You know I was joking", but she had chosen to report anyway relying on justice.
It would have been, therefore, only "a clumsy maneuver of the accused" who had no intention of harassing or "groping" the girl. So the will of the accused is missing. The sentence, however, while questioning the intent of man, does not take into account the girl's consent to let herself be touched and her freedom not to suffer clumsy gestures with intimate areas touched quickly. What remains is a ruling made to a seventeen-year-old girl who seems to legitimize the groping as long as it is fast (between "5 and 10 seconds", say the judges) and random.
He said that any contact with the intimate areas would only be there by mistake.
People on TikTok Italia started a trend where they replicate the gesture of groping on their breasts with a timer in plain sight as a protest.
Ten seconds can change your life in better and in worse.
You are in an elevator with other people and there's silence and awkwardness for the 10 seconds that the elevator go Downstairs. You would feel those 10 seconds like an hour. And think about if you are being groping for ten seconds, how much would it last I you mind? Even just the unauthorized contact should be put in court despite lasting 1 second 10 or 1 hour, no one should allow themselves to innately touch another person who does not want their attention much less if you are an old man.
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crazylucciola · 1 year
Do you want to come to Italy to study? Prepare yourself.
I was scrolling on Instagram yesterday and I came across an italian account: toxicschool. In their posts I saw one talking about the differences between Italian school or American school. I agree with them school Is toxic we have to Improve it. But should we see deep the world of scholarships in our globe?
State grade Percentage of GDP spent on education
1 Guinea Equatorial 0.7%
2 Myanmar 0.8%
3 Central African Republic 1.2%
4 Zambia 1.3%
5 United Arab Emirates 1.3%
6 Monaco 1.6%
7 Lebanon 1.6%
8 Liberia 1.9%
9 Sri Lanka 2.0%
10 Eritrea 2.1%
11 Liechtenstein 2.1%
12 Guinea-Bissau 2.1%
13 Dominican Republic 2.2%
14 Libia 2.3%
15 Iraq 2.3%
16 Pakistan 2.4%
17 Zimbabwe 2.5%
18 Qatar 2.5%
19 Antigua and Barbuda 2.5%
20 Democratic Republic of the Congo 2.5%
21 Chad 2.6%
22 Peru 2.6%
23 Cambodia 2.6%
24 Sierra Leone 2.7%
25 Georgia 2.7%
(Guinea Equatorial)
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This is the ranking of the worst schools in the world. What's about the best schools in the world?
1.South Korea.
4.Hong Kong.
6.United Kingdom.
(South Korea)
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In the world there are 244 million young people and children, between 6 and 18 years old, who do not go to school. This was announced by Avvenire, which points out that, of these, 40% live in sub-Saharan Africa, of which 20.2 million only in Nigeria.
So now we know the baddest and best schools in the world, but what's the school system more stressful?
Stress, especially when prolonged over time, can lead to many health problems, from the simplest to the most serious, because it alters the immune system: skin diseases, dry mouth and memory lapses, and, in the most serious cases, even heart problems.
The WeWorld report highlights how the Italian school system is one of the most stressful in the world: more than half of students say they feel nervous while studying, compared to an OECD average of 37%.
Among the 3651 students surveyed, 9 out of 10 confirm that they experience anxiety and/or stress before taking written and oral tests.
I'm an Italian student. I can confirm it.
But why do I think that is really bad the organization?
Is outdated and overly theoretical curricula, inadequate technological equipment, poor teacher motivation, school buildings and overcrowded classrooms. These are the 5 main weaknesses of the Italian school system, beyond the Coronavirus emergency that has further complicated the situation.
How is the Italian school system organized?
State compulsory schools are free and divided as follows: Primary school (elementary) - from 6 to 11 years, compulsory; Lower secondary school (middle) - from 11 to 14 years, compulsory; Upper secondary school from 14 to 19 years, compulsory up to 16 years old.
How toxic is the Italian school?
The European Commission brings us back to our difficult reality: Italy is among the five worst in Europe (out of 28) for dropouts: 17.6% of pupils leave their desks too early against the EU average of 12.7%.(-23 Oct 2016.)
My Testimony:
Italian school is really though, not because we have more hour to do but because teachers never said thing that can motivate us. They kick our butt if we aren't what they want us to be. If aren't good in their subjects we are a bunch of losers.
They insult us saying that we are going to make anything in our life. They said that to children, kids and teenagers.
For the new generation they have reserved us a bullshit.
Teachers don't teach us to live. They teach us about somethings that we have to know but they don't tell us how to survive.
In Italian we have two different options for saying teacher. "Maestro" is the one that teaches you life lessons explaining traditional lessons, "Professore" is the teacher that teaches you traditional lessons without a lesson . And I met only two teachers that are "Maestri".
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crazylucciola · 1 year
Is this future?
In italy an extremely racist and homophobic woman has come to power. She said that the gay people are enemies. She said that Emigrants steal jobs and must be contained. She said "they are criminals".
She affirmed that:anorexia, bulimia, autolesionism, smoke, being gay or trans are deviances. The deviance is something that can be cured with gym activity. That's just bullshit.
I'm ashamed to be in this Country of ignorant people who voted her. They voted not thinking about us, about the poor young people. If this is the future i will live i don't wanna live it. We are ruining a beatiful country with this government.
I'm afraid now 'cause I am not legally insured if someone verbally assaults me for who I love. If someone hits me because for them i'm not supposed to dress in that way i am not legally insured. Who are going to protect people?
Where are we going?
I want that people from other countries know what's going on, because we are remarking the same errors. When are people going to learn from history?
Humans are stupid. We always be.
Just look what people did when John Gotti He was sentenced to life imprisonment. They defended an assassin, they called "hero" a person who was found guilty of 9 murders, conspiracy to murder, blackmail, obstruction of justice, theft, illegal gambling, extortion, tax evasion, usury and other crimes.
They called "hero" to a dictator that thought about races.
Are we going to the back of history? What are we doing?
Here are some protests against the new Italian government:
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"NO government Meloni, school of the masters"
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