creamybutterbread · 3 years
this is so cuteeee
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tfw when Sensei finds a great deal
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
An Unforgettable Scene
Harry Stamper : "For god's sakes, think about what you're doin'. Why are you listening to someone that's a 100,000 miles away? We're here, nobody down there can help us. So if we don't get this job done, everybody's gone."
Chick : "One minute."
Harry Stamper : "I have been drilling holes in the earth for 30 years. And I have never, NEVER missed a depth that I have aimed for. And by God, I am not gonna miss this one, I will make 800 feet."
Chick : "42 seconds."
Harry Stamper : "But I can't do it alone, Colonel. I need your help."
Colonel William Sharp : "Do you swear on your daughter's life, on my family's, that you can hit that mark?"
Harry Stamper : "I will make 800 feet. I swear to God I will."
Colonel William Sharp : "Then let's turn this bomb off."
Armageddon, 1998.
A fight between Harry Stamper and Colonel William Sharp is a fight wich we face between feeling and thought.
And Chick, he remains me of the time that getting closer and closer, day by day. The momment in our life that always thrilled us.
Need you to know, we all are Harry Stumper here. We might live a wild cowboy's life for years. But remember when we reached the depths we've aimed for.
Today, we are not going to miss it.
Since today and forever, we are heroes, austronaut! 🚀
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
is it?
“The only way to overcome sadness is to consume it.” - Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything Is Illuminated
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
Okay, let's do this and make it a lil bit jazzy.
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
Happy Birthday to me, i have no pretty selfie to post and i accidently still awake till 00:00
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
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Once my friend filled her fish jar too much of water. The day after, the fish was found under her bed, died. All she wanted was to let her love could freely swim. But it jumped in the night before because it saw a better place out of the jar, also there is an opportunity to go there—the water was full enough, right? Oh, poor tiny little fish. We all knew, my friend is an artist, and she painted a beautiful ocean behind the jar.
dedicated to Dinar and her deceased loved one.
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
im about listening to this for 24/7
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
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creamybutterbread · 4 years
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
If I die, I'm gonna leave what I love but I meet somebody I miss.
The girl who ready to die (not yet)
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
honestly, lebih suka gayanya kak ziggy yang ala2 novel terjemahan <3
Kak,, cerita awal perjuangan bikin novel donh XD
Woh menarik pertanyaannya :3
Apa ya? Mungkin kalau di awal, yang agak berbau ‘perjuangan’ itu menyesuaikan diri dengan selera pasar. I.e., menulis romance/heavy drama dengan gaya lokal, padahal sama sekali ga suka :’) Tapi akhirnya memutuskan untuk cari penerbit yang mau menerima gaya penulisan saya dan tema-tema yang saya sukai, dan dari sana ternyata malah lebih banyak yang berhasil diterbitkan hehe :) Intinya sih, meskipun memang tetap harus memperhatikan selera pasar, kalau kita gak nyaman ya harus cari jalan berputar. Mungkin akan lebih banyak obstacle-nya (kalau saya, orang-orang yang protes karena tulisan saya kayak buku terjemahan dan pilihan nama pena), tapi menulis sesuatu yang malah bikin gak senang, ngapain :’)
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
Horny faces aff😂😰
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That faces.
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
I'm 14 and I'm gonna dye my hair
I was dyed my hair when i was 14.
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
There is no difference between playing music and writting stories. You enjoy it then others also enjoy it.
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creamybutterbread · 8 years
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creamybutterbread · 9 years
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"You can run, but you can't hide" - BMTH
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