creaturedom · 2 years
You ever just see a man with beautiful lil goldfish eyes and think “Oh yeah, I’m gonna invade your brain” ? 😎
I still shook by this, Cordelia be winning today, look at this amazing disaster mans sidbdidbdb
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Return of the king (it’s so weird seeing him with his hair smoothed down but I kinda dig it for him)
Mentions/doodles OCs from @quosterking @roguesnezblog and @creaturedom
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creaturedom · 2 years
Hey, Hey, L I S T E N
here, on this blog, you do not need permission to slip into my asks. just do it. even if we haven’t interacted before. even if you’ve sent 10 already. send me more. i love getting asks (in character or out of character) and yeah, i’m slow as fuck, but i promise you i will get to them. have at it, fill my inbox with memes or impromptu starters or just tell me how your day is going. it really doesn’t matter. just go ahead and do it. i promise, i don’t get annoyed seeing the same people in my inbox, actually it makes me happy because yAY MORE INTERACTIONS. so just do it.
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creaturedom · 2 years
fall sickfic prompts 🍂 🍁 🍄  🌾
It was chilly this weekend, which means fall is finally here, and I am thinking about every soft fall thing I like around this time of year so… some soft fall prompts, if anyone wants to send some + a ship, or use them yourself!
1. Flannel
2. Pumpkin patch
3. Apple cider
4. Warm drinks
5. Blankets
6. Sniffles
7. Windy
8. Cozy
9. Allergies
10. Colds
11. Changing weather
12. Sunny afternoon
13. Rain
14. Chilly evenings
15. Fevers
16. Holding hands
17. Crunching through leaves
18. Bed and breakfast
19. Long drives
20. Sweaters
21. Cold hands
22. Farmer’s market
23. Tissues
24. Raking leaves/fall gardening
25. Scarves
26. Flushed cheeks
27. Reading together
28. Bonfire
29. Cat/dog/pet snuggling
30. Candles
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creaturedom · 2 years
13 or 15 for father izaak please!! can’t pick!!
Honestly, why not both with a little narrative twist, at least from my usual style?
CW Priest and mess below the cut 🔥
13 and 15. Rain and Fever - Father Izaak
“H-Hih… Ghihh—! Eh’tSCHHHhh—Hih’tschHHXxxt!”
Nine and ten? Your heart was racing as you stared outside at the shivering, soaked form of the new priest. Not long ago you sat captivated like the rest of them, drinking his words of passion and thrown through a loop to see just how shamelessly he powered through each wracking sneeze.
Out here the only thing that seemed to rival the downpour was the mess that sprayed from him, the end of the fit leaving him panting and visibly shaking in the cold. Why he’d be out there during the storm only God could know but you found yourself rushing to the doorway, and pausing as he lifted his head.
Though his skin was darker there was an aggressive redness to his leaking, flaring nostrils, his eyes glazed and puffy, yet that smile of his. That same smile he wore on stage that lit the room and fought against any doubts in the crowd’s mind, it still crept up despite the hoarse tone of his voice.
“Oh, hello there. I don’t… Don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure to meet directly yet…” He was breathless, sniffling uselessly at that which barely washed away in the heavy rain. Unable to think straight you took hold of his hand, pulling him back into the safety of the building, which only made him devolve into a wheezing chuckle.
“I’m sorry, have I worried you…? Seems I’ve made a few people up… Upset today…”
“Come closer, Father.”
“Pardon..?” What were you thinking? Swallowing back doubt you held out your hand expectedly, and though dazed Father Izaak lowered his head to press a hot cheek into your trembling hand.
“My goodness Father, you’re burning up!”
“That I… Ihihh…” A far more glazed look came to his features as his jaw slacked open against your palm, only a squeak managing to escape your throat as his head shot down to your clothes, your eyes widening as dark circles began to spread from the sudden, wet sneeze of the Father. He sniffled yet he only leaned further into your tense hand, those exhausted eyes staring wearily back into yours.
“B… B-Bless…. Bless you, Father Izaak….”
“… And with you, oh lamb of the Lord’s flock.” The way the phrase slipped almost felt sultry, goosebumps similar to his rising quickly as he unknowingly crushed a dripping sneeze against your palm, and too delirious to see both the mess he made and your own reddening cheeks. “Theeee Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… He m… Makes me lie down in green pastures, leads me beside still waters, r… R-Restores my soul…” Sinking, why was he sinking?
In a swift motion you managed to brace the priest before he could collapse, the motion enough to jolt him into a small moment of clarity, but he couldn’t muster much beyond more scripture. “Father, where are your chambers? I… I-I can help you to them.” You insist, feeling your chest tighten with anxiety. Surely this was the clergy’s job, you didn’t know this man, and yet every time he spoke you felt yourself giving more and more into action, and repressed feelings.
Father Izaak wanted to protest, but it was clear he was quickly losing the battle, and eventually gestured towards where he was standing before. “Out… Out back. I was… Trying to go home.”
“Okay then,” you breathe as you hook your arm with his, “home it is, before you get in any more trouble. Father Tully’s old place..?” You catch more of a laugh this time as he leans into you, and you freeze in place at what you see. Beyond plush quivering lips it’s as if… As if there was a sharper row of teeth. A trick of the light, a strange angle surely, but you swear you…
Saw nothing. Your mind drifts as a weak hum, a low but gorgeous tune, manages to rise from his throat into your heart, and you feel yourself at ease again. Leaning deeper into his form than he had been earlier, and gazing with a sense of awe as he feverishly mumbled something about the lord providing help. You couldn’t quite keep up, but slowly you walked with him back into the downpour to his new home, as if you too were consumed by the terrible fever rising from his skin.
Who truly was Father Izaak Hartley, and why did the world dim the moment you both stepped inside..?
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creaturedom · 2 years
27 for Beto…? 🥺
It’s been far too long for one of my favorite boys, so anything for you Anon 🧡
27. Reading Together - Beto and Lucas
It’d been a rather long day at work. While Beto always loved helping out where he could the day just felt like it dragged on so much longer than it should have, and it didn’t help that he’d picked up more shifts the week before to help out the new employees gaining their footing. For any other man this would have been Hell to wake up and repeat all week, but the now drained man had a little trick up his sleeve for motivation.
“Beto, welcome home!” His heart always skipped a beat when he heard that familiar voice. Rounding the corner the shorter, brightly smiling Lu greeted the weary man with a gentle kiss on the lips. How long had they been together now, a few months? They got on like a house on fire, and while they hadn’t moved in together yet, it felt like it with how often Lu came over. “You ready to read more, I’ve been dying to see your reaction for the next chapter!”
Beto chuckled at that, sniffing back a bit as he playfully bumped Lucas’ forehead with his own. “You wouldn’t have to die if you just let me watch the movie with you instead, but if you’re promising cuddles and dual voice acting, theeen…” Lucas only smiled wider, leading Beto by the hand as he allowed himself to be taken to the bedroom.
Everyone got a chance to dress in their finest pj’s before hopping in, Lucas nestled into Beto’s side and propping up his rather bent but well loved copy of The Hobbit. Beto lazily put an arm around his shoulders as they began to read aloud together, something they started doing together a few months back. Started as a jab at the little mumbling Beto noticed when Lucas would get to more exciting parts, but the two quickly set into a routine, and now here they were. Though tonight it seemed Beto was a lot more out of focus.
Quiet sniffling and pawing at his face was making it hard to keep up with the lines on the page. His eyes felt rather puffy and the longer he tried to focus, the more he noticed a dull throbbing sensation in his head. Had he not taken enough breaks, running around with this constant brain fog all day? He perked up when he realized his boyfriend was staring, clearing his throat as he skimmed for whatever voice he needed to use. “Go back? No, not good at all! Sideways? I-Imposs…” Beto’s voice wavered as he drew a shaky breath, turning his head quickly to the side.
“I-Ihh— hihh, hih—Hih’ktsschxx! Hihh….. hITSCHHH! Ghuhh… S’cuse me, um: i-impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!” Lucas blinked a bit owlishly but offered a gentle pat to his chest. “Geez, you been holding that in all day? Bless you babe.”
“Hah, maybe a bit. Where were we..?” He asked with a more watery sniffle, making the other pause but continue with his narration. Beto could feel the dull buzzing rising to a more fiery burn in his nose as he imagined the cold tunnels of the underground, the drip of water off in the distance and just how much Bilbo’s own head must have been swirling with questions as he once more drew a shaky breath.
“Gtschhhh! Huh’tschhhh!”
“Bless you! Those… Sounded rougher than usual, are you feeling okay?” Beto tried to nod but his nostrils were growing pink with irritation, his eyes screwing shut as he rocked with another set of powerful sneezes, three this time, leaving him with soft panting and a sympathetic hand rubbing at his chest. He watched in a daze as Lucas took the time to put the book down and feel at his skin, leaning in to the cool touch of his hands with an unconscious sigh. “You don’t feel warm, that’s good, but you’re looking a little pale… You doing okay babe?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah, just a little worn out. We put up some new decorations before opening today, so maybe the dust j-just… Hah, I feel fine, what’s next? S-Something bout him seeing a l-lake, or…” Beto was lying, and it felt like his nose was punishing him for it. Sucking in another breath he put his head to the side again, gasping for air before exploding with “H-Huh’pTSCHhhh! Hih’tschHHhhh! Tsch, tsch, tSCHhh! H-Hah—! H’PTSCHHhhh!!” That managed to get his boyfriend to sit up again, now encouraging the more limp and panting Beto to do the same. He could feel the other squeezing him as a few more sneezes ripped out, eventually leaving the waiter limp and dripping in Lucas’ grasp.
“Oh hun, I think you caught something real nasty…”
“Lu I’b fide…” Beto winced as the stuffiness reared its ugly head, reluctantly accepting a few tissues offered from the now stern looking man beside him. “Nope, that tears it. I knew you were more sluggish this morning, I should have said something sooner! Poor thing, have you been feeling bad all day?” Ugh, his hand felt so nice brushing back the curls that bounced over his forehead, Beto couldn’t help but lean in to the comfort of it and close his eyes. “Kidda, but I… I thought I was just ready for the weekedd.” He croaked, the sympathetic hands cupping his cheeks with a sigh. “Now do I sound nagging for questioning the overtime? You’ve been working yourself to the bone… I love you, but I think it’s time to admit defeat.”
Beto looked mortified, but soon he found himself nodding, a bit of tears building at the corners of his eyes. Seeing this Lucas’ features softened significantly, peppering Beto’s face with gentle kisses. “Shhh, it’s okay, nothing to feel bad about. I’ll call Valencia in a bit to let her know, but you want anything? Some medicine, more tissues, maybe order some…” At first it looked like Beto was zoning out, but following his gaze the other soon found it was a look of longing and exhaustion, leaving him to chuckle softly.
“… You want me to read to you instead, help lull you to sleep?”
“Wha..? B-But it’s your favorite, I dod’t wadda sleep through it!”
“Which means I’ve read it a million times. I’ll stop the second you doze, cross my heart, so long as you lay back down and let me work my magic. Sound fair?” His question was answered with a thick sniffle and another sneeze, but like a white flag to the wind he simply nodded and got back into position. This time the shorter man settled a bit higher to let Beto rest his head on his chest before continuing, the rumble with each new voice and narration putting that lazy smile back on Beto’s face.
“I love your voices best, Lu…”
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creaturedom · 2 years
13 or 15 for father izaak please!! can’t pick!!
Honestly, why not both with a little narrative twist, at least from my usual style?
CW Priest and mess below the cut 🔥
13 and 15. Rain and Fever - Father Izaak
“H-Hih… Ghihh—! Eh’tSCHHHhh—Hih’tschHHXxxt!”
Nine and ten? Your heart was racing as you stared outside at the shivering, soaked form of the new priest. Not long ago you sat captivated like the rest of them, drinking his words of passion and thrown through a loop to see just how shamelessly he powered through each wracking sneeze.
Out here the only thing that seemed to rival the downpour was the mess that sprayed from him, the end of the fit leaving him panting and visibly shaking in the cold. Why he’d be out there during the storm only God could know but you found yourself rushing to the doorway, and pausing as he lifted his head.
Though his skin was darker there was an aggressive redness to his leaking, flaring nostrils, his eyes glazed and puffy, yet that smile of his. That same smile he wore on stage that lit the room and fought against any doubts in the crowd’s mind, it still crept up despite the hoarse tone of his voice.
“Oh, hello there. I don’t… Don’t believe we’ve had the pleasure to meet directly yet…” He was breathless, sniffling uselessly at that which barely washed away in the heavy rain. Unable to think straight you took hold of his hand, pulling him back into the safety of the building, which only made him devolve into a wheezing chuckle.
“I’m sorry, have I worried you…? Seems I’ve made a few people up… Upset today…”
“Come closer, Father.”
“Pardon..?” What were you thinking? Swallowing back doubt you held out your hand expectedly, and though dazed Father Izaak lowered his head to press a hot cheek into your trembling hand.
“My goodness Father, you’re burning up!”
“That I… Ihihh…” A far more glazed look came to his features as his jaw slacked open against your palm, only a squeak managing to escape your throat as his head shot down to your clothes, your eyes widening as dark circles began to spread from the sudden, wet sneeze of the Father. He sniffled yet he only leaned further into your tense hand, those exhausted eyes staring wearily back into yours.
“B… B-Bless…. Bless you, Father Izaak….”
“… And with you, oh lamb of the Lord’s flock.” The way the phrase slipped almost felt sultry, goosebumps similar to his rising quickly as he unknowingly crushed a dripping sneeze against your palm, and too delirious to see both the mess he made and your own reddening cheeks. “Theeee Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want… He m… Makes me lie down in green pastures, leads me beside still waters, r… R-Restores my soul…” Sinking, why was he sinking?
In a swift motion you managed to brace the priest before he could collapse, the motion enough to jolt him into a small moment of clarity, but he couldn’t muster much beyond more scripture. “Father, where are your chambers? I… I-I can help you to them.” You insist, feeling your chest tighten with anxiety. Surely this was the clergy’s job, you didn’t know this man, and yet every time he spoke you felt yourself giving more and more into action, and repressed feelings.
Father Izaak wanted to protest, but it was clear he was quickly losing the battle, and eventually gestured towards where he was standing before. “Out… Out back. I was… Trying to go home.”
“Okay then,” you breathe as you hook your arm with his, “home it is, before you get in any more trouble. Father Tully’s old place..?” You catch more of a laugh this time as he leans into you, and you freeze in place at what you see. Beyond plush quivering lips it’s as if… As if there was a sharper row of teeth. A trick of the light, a strange angle surely, but you swear you…
Saw nothing. Your mind drifts as a weak hum, a low but gorgeous tune, manages to rise from his throat into your heart, and you feel yourself at ease again. Leaning deeper into his form than he had been earlier, and gazing with a sense of awe as he feverishly mumbled something about the lord providing help. You couldn’t quite keep up, but slowly you walked with him back into the downpour to his new home, as if you too were consumed by the terrible fever rising from his skin.
Who truly was Father Izaak Hartley, and why did the world dim the moment you both stepped inside..?
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creaturedom · 2 years
🪶 Thyemon!
“🪶 Your OC has a stuck sneeze. Someone offers to tease it out for them. How do they respond? Does it depend on the person offering?”
Ooh this is a tough one! I think even if he was desperate he may give a snappy reply to a stranger, but if it’s someone he at least knows… It would be a bit of the usual sass, mixed with some fast caving <u<
He’s a proud man, but having anything delayed like that is actual torture, he’ll at least put up a bit of a fight with a friend or possible loved one before caving super hard.
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creaturedom · 2 years
Snz OC Emoji Asks
I wanted to come up with some questions that were a little different from the usual ones, so some of these are a little out there 😂 I tried to make it fun though!
🪶 Your OC has a stuck sneeze. Someone offers to tease it out for them. How do they respond? Does it depend on the person offering?
🚫 Your OC doesn't sneeze for an entire day. Is this unusual for them? How do they respond? Do they even notice?
💬 How would your OC describe their own sneezes, in their own words?
😵‍💫 Oh no! Your OC's sneezes suddenly cause them to have a personality shift! (And back when they sneeze again.) What's their new personality like? Do they now try to stop themselves sneezing, or might they induce the change?
🏅 Your OC has entered the Sneeze Olympics! The categories are Longest Holdback, Most Sneezes in One Fit, and Most Powerful Single Sneeze. How does your OC do in the events (gold, silver, bronze, doesn't place but gets close, dead last, etc.)?
🤒 While sick with a terrible cold, someone arrives at your OC's home to take care of them. However, it's the person they least expect. Who is it, and how does your OC feel about them being their caretaker?
💰 Your OC gets paid one of whatever their currency is every time they sneeze (i.e. $1, £1, one gold, etc.). At the end of a typical day, how much money do they have?
🥣 Your OC is allowed to have any kind of food or drink they want when they're sick. Doesn't matter how expensive or hard to get it is. What do they ask for?
👃🏼 Your OC is given the opportunity to swap noses with someone else, gaining all of their sneezing habits in the process. Do they take it? If so, whose nose are they switching with?
💐 Your OC gets to choose one flower that they're allergic to, and no other flowers will make them sneeze. What are they choosing and why?
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creaturedom · 2 years
27 for Beto…? 🥺
It’s been far too long for one of my favorite boys, so anything for you Anon 🧡
27. Reading Together - Beto and Lucas
It’d been a rather long day at work. While Beto always loved helping out where he could the day just felt like it dragged on so much longer than it should have, and it didn’t help that he’d picked up more shifts the week before to help out the new employees gaining their footing. For any other man this would have been Hell to wake up and repeat all week, but the now drained man had a little trick up his sleeve for motivation.
“Beto, welcome home!” His heart always skipped a beat when he heard that familiar voice. Rounding the corner the shorter, brightly smiling Lu greeted the weary man with a gentle kiss on the lips. How long had they been together now, a few months? They got on like a house on fire, and while they hadn’t moved in together yet, it felt like it with how often Lu came over. “You ready to read more, I’ve been dying to see your reaction for the next chapter!”
Beto chuckled at that, sniffing back a bit as he playfully bumped Lucas’ forehead with his own. “You wouldn’t have to die if you just let me watch the movie with you instead, but if you’re promising cuddles and dual voice acting, theeen…” Lucas only smiled wider, leading Beto by the hand as he allowed himself to be taken to the bedroom.
Everyone got a chance to dress in their finest pj’s before hopping in, Lucas nestled into Beto’s side and propping up his rather bent but well loved copy of The Hobbit. Beto lazily put an arm around his shoulders as they began to read aloud together, something they started doing together a few months back. Started as a jab at the little mumbling Beto noticed when Lucas would get to more exciting parts, but the two quickly set into a routine, and now here they were. Though tonight it seemed Beto was a lot more out of focus.
Quiet sniffling and pawing at his face was making it hard to keep up with the lines on the page. His eyes felt rather puffy and the longer he tried to focus, the more he noticed a dull throbbing sensation in his head. Had he not taken enough breaks, running around with this constant brain fog all day? He perked up when he realized his boyfriend was staring, clearing his throat as he skimmed for whatever voice he needed to use. “Go back? No, not good at all! Sideways? I-Imposs…” Beto’s voice wavered as he drew a shaky breath, turning his head quickly to the side.
“I-Ihh— hihh, hih—Hih’ktsschxx! Hihh….. hITSCHHH! Ghuhh… S’cuse me, um: i-impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!” Lucas blinked a bit owlishly but offered a gentle pat to his chest. “Geez, you been holding that in all day? Bless you babe.”
“Hah, maybe a bit. Where were we..?” He asked with a more watery sniffle, making the other pause but continue with his narration. Beto could feel the dull buzzing rising to a more fiery burn in his nose as he imagined the cold tunnels of the underground, the drip of water off in the distance and just how much Bilbo’s own head must have been swirling with questions as he once more drew a shaky breath.
“Gtschhhh! Huh’tschhhh!”
“Bless you! Those… Sounded rougher than usual, are you feeling okay?” Beto tried to nod but his nostrils were growing pink with irritation, his eyes screwing shut as he rocked with another set of powerful sneezes, three this time, leaving him with soft panting and a sympathetic hand rubbing at his chest. He watched in a daze as Lucas took the time to put the book down and feel at his skin, leaning in to the cool touch of his hands with an unconscious sigh. “You don’t feel warm, that’s good, but you’re looking a little pale… You doing okay babe?”
“Y-Yeah, yeah, just a little worn out. We put up some new decorations before opening today, so maybe the dust j-just… Hah, I feel fine, what’s next? S-Something bout him seeing a l-lake, or…” Beto was lying, and it felt like his nose was punishing him for it. Sucking in another breath he put his head to the side again, gasping for air before exploding with “H-Huh’pTSCHhhh! Hih’tschHHhhh! Tsch, tsch, tSCHhh! H-Hah—! H’PTSCHHhhh!!” That managed to get his boyfriend to sit up again, now encouraging the more limp and panting Beto to do the same. He could feel the other squeezing him as a few more sneezes ripped out, eventually leaving the waiter limp and dripping in Lucas’ grasp.
“Oh hun, I think you caught something real nasty…”
“Lu I’b fide…” Beto winced as the stuffiness reared its ugly head, reluctantly accepting a few tissues offered from the now stern looking man beside him. “Nope, that tears it. I knew you were more sluggish this morning, I should have said something sooner! Poor thing, have you been feeling bad all day?” Ugh, his hand felt so nice brushing back the curls that bounced over his forehead, Beto couldn’t help but lean in to the comfort of it and close his eyes. “Kidda, but I… I thought I was just ready for the weekedd.” He croaked, the sympathetic hands cupping his cheeks with a sigh. “Now do I sound nagging for questioning the overtime? You’ve been working yourself to the bone… I love you, but I think it’s time to admit defeat.”
Beto looked mortified, but soon he found himself nodding, a bit of tears building at the corners of his eyes. Seeing this Lucas’ features softened significantly, peppering Beto’s face with gentle kisses. “Shhh, it’s okay, nothing to feel bad about. I’ll call Valencia in a bit to let her know, but you want anything? Some medicine, more tissues, maybe order some…” At first it looked like Beto was zoning out, but following his gaze the other soon found it was a look of longing and exhaustion, leaving him to chuckle softly.
“… You want me to read to you instead, help lull you to sleep?”
“Wha..? B-But it’s your favorite, I dod’t wadda sleep through it!”
“Which means I’ve read it a million times. I’ll stop the second you doze, cross my heart, so long as you lay back down and let me work my magic. Sound fair?” His question was answered with a thick sniffle and another sneeze, but like a white flag to the wind he simply nodded and got back into position. This time the shorter man settled a bit higher to let Beto rest his head on his chest before continuing, the rumble with each new voice and narration putting that lazy smile back on Beto’s face.
“I love your voices best, Lu…”
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creaturedom · 2 years
OC Masterlist
It’s time we got a handy dandy OC List, one that I can update regularly with new characters and that can be referred to whenever I reblog prompts, woo! 🧡
Beto Perez
Debut Fic - A Hispanic man with a slender frame and short curly brown hair with some lighter brown highlights to it. His has some nicely maintained scruff along his jawline, and his eyes are a darker brown with a hint of color in certain light. He’s most remembered for his calm demeanor and lazy smile, and may date Lucas Beckett on a later date.
Detective (Marcelo) Corva
Debut Fic - A Hispanic man, long curly hair pulled back into a loose ponytail. His jawline is more squared off compared to Detective Morgan’s, with a bit of scruff lining it, and while playful is usually seen as the more focused of the two. He prefers people call him by his last name, but only Morgan seems to be allowed to say his first name. There seems to be something more beneath the surface beyond a work partnership, but neither of them have confessed to such feelings just yet.
Detective (Grant) Morgan
Debut Fic - A tall, slender man with pale skin and dark freckles covering the upper half of his face. He has brown hair neatly cropped and styled to the side on top, and is used to being referred to by his last name. There seems to be something more beneath the surface beyond a work partnership, but neither of them have confessed to such feelings just yet.
Donovan Blackburn
Debut Fic - An olive skinned man with short brown hair and piercing yellow eyes that seem to glow like a cat’s in the dark. There’s a large scar down the left side of his neck, and has the power to morph his body into any animal he can think of. The only downside to this is that if shifting occurs too frequent or suddenly it can mess with body heat regulation and causes physical fatigue.
Father Izaak Hartley
Debut Fic (CW Priest) - A quieter, averaged sized man with rich dark skin, a short afro, and brown eyes that carry a certain warmth to them. He’s not often seen outside his official robes, but his broad shoulders fill out his cassock nicely and he has strong facial features that make him stand out.
Debut Fic - A shorter, pudgy man with tight yellow curls and deep brown eyes. Oddly his skin is oddly free of blemishes or scars, and he has the power of telekinesis. There’s a lack of control, however, so there are times when a loss of control can lead to him either levitating things around him or floating away himself. His lack of exposure to the outside world has created a weak immune system and lack of knowledge beyond a certain lab’s walls.
Debut Fic - A woman with warm black skin and long hair that’s carefully styled each week. She’s more put together in comparison to her girlfriend Mariana, priding herself on flashier outfits that can catch eyes in a crowd.
Lucas Beckett
Debut Fic - A Caucasian man with short red hair styled similarly to a fohawk, with thick eyebrows and bright blue eyes. His face is clean shaven and jawline is more squared off, but he’s a bit chubbier when compared to Beto Perez; who at the may be set to date at a later time.
Debut Fic - A Spanish woman with long black hair often braided and tawny beige skin. She has brown eyes and is often seen in more comfortable clothes, often fussing with them if they have a specific texture she dislikes. She’s currently dating a woman named Kanna.
Nenna Vuz (D&D)
Debut Fic - A petite tanned skin human with bright green eyes and long, curly brown hair. She always wears a necklace with a charm of a dive carrying a ring, which can be unhooked and worn on her finger. She is currently on the run and engaged to Ravomorn Hegrax.
Ravomorn Hegrax (D&D)
Debut Fic - A powerfully built blue Dragonborn with a deep scar running diagonally from his forehead to his right cheek. He has long tendrils that hang from the back of his head as well as a few protruding spikes lining his jaw, mirroring the pair of long white horns that swipe behind his head. He is currently on the run and engaged to Nenna Vuz.
Somar (D&D)
Debut Fic (N/A) - A shy Half-Orc, Half-Satyr with lavender colored skin and thick black hair, which hangs over the right side of his face. He has green eyes, long white tusks, and leaves his black satyr legs exposed for better mobility when fighting.
Thyemon (D&D)
Debut Fic (N/A) - A dry and rather sassy Tiefling with sky blue skin and dark blue hair swept to the back of his head. He has a set of large ram horns that curl on each side of his face, while his eyes are a deep, pupiless red. He wears long traditional brown robes, provided by his church, which help hide anything from his previous life before becoming a cleric. His tail is a bit longer than most and has a traditional spaded tip at the end, and if one looks closely at his mouth they can spy a sharp tooth in his scowl to the left side.
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creaturedom · 2 years
Gotten really nice messages about the prompt, lemme whip up something special then before prompt reblog >u>
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creaturedom · 2 years
Hi!! Instagram’s been really messing up my sales this month with commissions, I’ve only made 1/3 of what I’m usually able to make this month ;w;;;; any sort of support or sharing of my info would be really appreciated!! I’m trying to be chill about it but I’m actually freaking out 💅
Dm for commission info!! I’ll draw literally anything lol
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creaturedom · 2 years
Real talk, I just saw some real nice fall fic prompts, if I reblogged that for my oc’s would anyone wanna see some writing on that?
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creaturedom · 2 years
Hey if you have OCs that you create kink content about 👀 reblog this with your writing/art/OC tag in the notes…I love people making their OCs sneeze and I would love to pay witness.👏🏼
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creaturedom · 2 years
Youre priest is really hot/cool do you have art of him? Or are you okay with others drawing him?
I have no art of him, but oh wow that’s really flattering thank you! No one’s ever asked if they could try designing one of my own oc’s, that’s beyond flattering um o//w//o
If any of you have a headcanon of what he looks like based on what I described I wouldn’t mind seeing it! I don’t wanna put my art in this space just because I get really nervous about that sorta thing (privacy ya know?), but if you or anyone else ever wants to draw him or one of my other oc’s that would be super cool to see, oh wow!
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creaturedom · 2 years
Hello friendo! What are your favorite d&d races to play as/write for? (Besides dragonborn ofc...)
Oh my god I’m so sorry, I forgot to answer this ask! Let me think… If I’m honest, playing goblins is my favorite thing, they grew on me fast lol. Same for tieflings more recently, alongside elves and genasi, funnily enough! Right now the only races I’ve written a scenario for is my dragonborn lmao, buuuut if people are still interested, maybe I can sneak in a couple more characters you guys might enjoy…~
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creaturedom · 2 years
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AN: 3200 words!! I did it !! I took this massive scenario post I wrote up and turned it into a fic ùwú silley stuff, sneezing while hiding, snzfkr thal being a total stereotypical victorian dandy. Confessional booth stuff is just fun. ALSO heads up for MESS/COLD stuff!! 
Seven Minutes In The Confessional (lol)
It started last month. Thalin was…to put it lightly, he did not consider himself holy. Or righteous. He was so far down the path of hedonism that his mere presence in a cathedral would probably make a man of the cloth shudder in knowing. Truth be told, the only reason he was here was for purely material reasons. 
He’d bumped into a young man at the train station a month ago. Young was only in comparison; he felt downright elderly nice to this…embodiment of Apollo before him. Sturdy jaw, strong brows with an intense stare and a sculpturesque nose. It had squarish angles, but not in that sturdy, roguish way. 
Just…perfect. Touched by the gods themselves. 
Keep reading
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