#the shot one makes me cackle still LOL
mydemimonde · 9 months
'Cherry Bomb' | Michael Gavey x Reader (Part 1)
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a/n: this will have two parts, most likely! english is not my first language and i have no idea how oxford university works lol i just googled some things, also i suck at maths so any explanation here is just me googling shit. no beta reader. hope you enjoy!
Summary: You wake up with a pounding headache, the worst hangover you ever had. You don't even remember how you managed to get to your dorm, until you see a small note on your bedside table, signed by... Michael Gavey.
Words: 4490
Warnings: +18 (minors do not interact!), female reader, no use of y/n, not specific physical description, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, fingering, loss of virginity, masturbation (and more to come in the second part)
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You wake up on a Saturday morning with a pounding headache, your mascara all smudged under your eyes. The sunlight coming from the blinds makes you squint your eyes. You bring a hand to your forehead, sighing. This was the worst hangover you had in a while.
The sound of the door opening and a sudden gasp make you groan and close your eyes shut.
“Oh, here you are!” a particularly high-pitched voice says, making your headache even worse.
“Fuck, Leigh” your voice comes out as croaky and hoarse. “Lower your voice” you ask as she mutters a ‘sorry’ and closes the door carefully. You manage to sit, your back resting against the headboard as Leigh approaches you.
“Next time, be sure to drink water as well. Too many tequilas and shots do this to you” it’s like she’s scolding you, which is fair because she’s two years older than you, she’s like your sister sometimes.
You rub your eyes, smearing more mascara and making you look like a raccoon. On the corner of your eye you notice a glass full of water and some aspirins. You frown.
“How did you get that so fast?” It’s Leigh’s turn to look at you completely puzzled. You point to the glass next to you.
“Uhm, it wasn’t me” she chuckles as you take some aspirins in your hand and drown them with water. Your brows lift in surprise and confusion, your eyes glancing towards a small note next to your lamp. You grab it and read the message in a rushed handwriting.
“What the fuck was Michael Gavey doing in my dorm?” you nearly scream with wide eyes as Leigh takes the note from your hands to read it. She throws her head back and cackles.
“Michael Gavey brought you here last night. You don’t remember?” she looks at your dumbfounded expression trying not to laugh again. “Jeez, you were so drunk you don’t even remember what happened…” she mutters and sits cross-legged in front of you. “Last night at the pub, we were chatting with Felix and his group and you wanted to go to the loo, so you left but on your way you bumped into Bradley and Sam” she wiggles her brows and you scoff.
You dated Bradley during half the second term, then you dated his friend Sam for a brief period of two weeks. You found them too boring, so you rejected any other advance on their part ever since.
“Anyways, I couldn’t see much but I think something nasty happened, because on the other side of the pub was Michael fucking Gavey looking at you. Babe, he was fuming” her lips curve into a devilish smile. “He strode towards you and grabbed your arm, telling them to fuck off. Which they surprisingly did, which is odd because, well… you know… he’s a scrawny awkward nerd and Bradley and Sam are pretty much tall like beasts” she shakes her head while you’re still confused, trying so hard to remember what happened. 
“Why the hell would he even approach me? He hates me” your brows lift and she places a manicured hand on your knee.
“Hmm, maybe they were annoying you. It seems Michael’s your knight in shining armour. I think it was hot, wet my panties a little bit not gonna lie” she sighs and fans her face with her hand, pretending to melt.
Now it is your turn to cackle. “You’ve always said you pictured him like one of those guys who compulsively jerks off to hentai every night in the dark of his room.” You look at her with a knowing look, pouting your lips.
Leigh shrugs. “Maybe I changed my mind. Maybe I like nerds like Michael Gavey now. He looked really good with that shirt” she narrows her eyes and twirls her hair, making you laugh again. She grins and looks at you. “You should talk to him. Ask him what happened, and then you might want to thank him…” she wiggles her eyebrows and you roll your eyes, she slaps your shoulder in response. “You know you want to! I mean, I’ve seen the way you look at him sometimes, and a guy like him will never resist a bomb like you. Who knows, maybe he’s jerking off to the thought of you…”
“Leigh!” you slap her leg and she jumps. You shake your head. “Babe, she hates me. I know it. I’m pretty sure he’s part of that group of guys that slut-shames me in the hallways” Leigh presses her lips, knowing you might be right. Might.
Still, you want to know what really happened last night, so you sigh and get out of bed, Leigh following your movements in the dimly lit dorm. “I’ll take a shower and think about how to talk to him, ask him what happened” your friend gets on her stomach on your bed, her feet up and her chin resting on her palm as you grab your towel, feeling the headache go away, but your empty stomach grumbled.
“Mind if I take a nap here? Kev fucked my brains out last night and I don’t feel like going to my dorm” she sounded quite tired, and you hum in response. She groans as she gets into the covers and you enter the small bathroom, closing the door slowly and undressing to get into the warm shower, letting the water fall all over your body. You close your eyes enjoying the feeling, and you start wondering how to talk to Michael.
You never saw him anywhere else rather than in the great hall of college, as he spent most of the time in the library. Besides, you know deep in your gut he hates you. Every time you walk into the library, he leaves, avoiding looking at you.
One time, you tried to talk to him. It was the beginning of the academic year, you were dating a history student named David, and you saw Michael all alone during lunch, too focused on his books and his crunchies. Feeling bad for him, you grabbed your purse and walked towards him, a smile across your face.
“Hi there” you introduce yourself, extending your hand. He looks up from his book, looking at you with a frown, sneering. He looks at your hand and then back at you. Awkwardly, you move that hand to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear, pressing your lips. “What’s your name?”
“Michael Gavey” he says sharply, clearly annoyed. You stand there, feeling heat creeping on your cheeks as he turns his attention to his book. You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out so you leave, returning to your friends.
That was the first and last time you tried to talk to him, but he refused. You didn’t know why, but you assumed it was because of your reputation there. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your sexuality, and it’s definitely not your fault that most of the guys are horny douchebags who aren’t capable of being in a serious relationship. Plus, they’re too shallow for you, and you get bored easily. You don’t want them to get too attached.
But Michael’s different. He avoids interacting with people when he can, he doesn’t do parties -maybe you saw him once or twice at Felix’s-, he’s very vocal about what he thinks about popular people: he hates them. Vapid cunts, you heard him mutter once. And that’s why you feel attracted to him.
He’s nothing like Bradley, Sam or David. Or Luke. Or Peter. Or even Felix.
You finish showering and drying off your hair, Leigh sleeping soundly on your bed. You are careful not to make any loud noise as you try to dress. You put on a lace tank top and a pair of jeans, your favourite flats and the note he left on your bedside table and head out to the library, hoping to find him.
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Bingo. You see Michael sitting on the other side of the library, fully immersed in his studies. Your flats make the slightest of noises against the floor, you feel your heartbeat get faster as you approach him. You pull the chair in front of him and take a seat, leaning over as you smile and say hi. Michael looks up and nearly chokes at the sight of your tits nearly spilling from your top.
“H-hi” he simply responds in a low voice. He clears his throat and frowns. “Why are you here?”
Ouch. Rude. “I was looking for you.”
“You were?” Silly old me?
“Yes, dummy. I woke up with the worst hangover of my life, and I found this on my bedside table.” You hand him the small note he left. Drink these with water. Hope you feel better. Michael Gavey. He presses his lips and nods, acknowledging the note he wrote.
“You were pretty hammered” he chuckles and you smile, showing your perfect teeth.
“I was. I can’t remember a thing, Michael. Would you help me to fill in the blanks?” you ask sweetly and bat your lashes at him, making him squirm. Michael Gavey squirms.
“Sure, uhm…” he puts the book aside, scratches the back of his neck and clears his throat once again. “You were heading towards the toilet at the pub and I heard you laugh when you bumped into those assholes” he sneers, remembering the events from last night. “The blonde one landed a hand on your ass and you tried to pull him away. You were clearly uncomfortable so just told them to fuck off” he shrugs.
Your heart flutters, he sounds so honest and worried about you. You extend your hand to place it on top of his, and he meets your eyes. “Thank you.”
He nods, looking at your hands. He slithers them away, making you frown. “No worries. Next time though, try not to throw up on my sneakers” your eyes widen in surprise and embarrassment.
“Oh fuck, did I do that?” He nods trying to hide a smirk. You cover your face with your hands, mortified. “Shit, I’m so sorry!” You move your hands away from your flushed face when you hear him chuckle.
“You had too many drinks, you could barely stand on your feet” he reassures you, his sudden kindness taking you by surprise. “I left you in your dorm and just when I was about to leave, you said you felt like throwing up, but you didn’t make it to the toilet and threw up on my sneakers. I washed the stain off the floor and helped you get off your shoes to lie down. I see you took the aspirins I left there.”
“I did, thank you again.” You don’t know how to thank him properly, so you start thinking. You take a moment to study his features. The glasses he wears frame his face and hide his blue eyes. His aquiline nose —oh God, his aquiline nose—, the pronounced cupid bow of his lips, his sharp jaw. You feel the need to run your fingers through his tousled blonde hair. You press your legs together. “How can I thank you?”
“No, it’s ok. No worries” he makes a gesture with his hands and sighs. “Uhm, I really need to study, so…” he trails off, subtly telling you to leave. You blink and nod, standing up.
“Sure, ok, I’ll leave you to it…” you accommodate the chair back and wave at him. “See you around?” He just nods and opens his book again. As you leave, a great idea crosses your mind, but before you open your mouth a pack of students enter the library. You curse internally and leave.
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9:15 AM.
You fix your hair in the mirror, brushing it before going to the calculus lecture. You’re not studying anything related to maths actually, you’re a psychology student and according to the university program you can take a course to complement your studies, so you chose that one.
As you walk down the corridors, you see Michael carrying his notebook and entering the classroom. Your lips curve into a smile and speed up the pace to catch up.
“Michael!” You call him as you finally reach him. You swear you hear him mutter something under his breath, and you follow him as more students fill the room. He smiles at you with pressed lips, greeting you back.
“I didn’t know you were taking calculus” he sounds genuinely surprised. You decide to take a seat next to him, placing your bag on the floor as he opens his notebook and clicks his pen, everything ready to take notes.
“Yeah, I have to take an optional course to complement my studies” you lean down, giving him a clear view of your cleavage as you reach for your notebook and pencil case. You hear him gulp.
“How… dedicated” he replies, to which you smile, taking the end of your pencil in between your teeth.
Michael looks away, his eyes focusing on the board as the professor greets everyone and starts writing.
Half an hour later the lecture comes to an end. You sigh in relief, your brain has melted from all the numbers and formulas the professor explained. Honestly, you paid more attention to Michael’s large hands and long fingers gripping his pen as he took notes, thinking about how they would feel on your body.
You watch as he stands up quickly, nodding at you as a way to say goodbye. “See ya”
“Michael, wait!” You quickly put your notebook into your bag and rush after him. “Shall we study together? We can do the assignment due by next week together” you offer him your signature smile, tilting your head and thinking he wouldn’t say no. Most guys melted when you smiled at them like that.
However, your confidence vanishes when he grimaces and scratches his neck. “Actually, I… I don’t study in groups. Doesn’t work for me”.
Why are you surprised, it is obvious. You always see him alone in the libraries. You curse yourself internally. “Oh, well…”
“I’m sure you will do great though, you seem like a clever girl” the praise coming from his lips make you silently gasp.
“Yeah, you’re right…” Just as he’s about to leave, an idea pops in your head. “Actually, Michael… I’m struggling with this subject.”
Lies. You aren’t a genius like he is, but you can manage. You don’t like maths but you don’t suck at it either, you do good. Enough to pass the subject.
“I was wondering if you could help me” you do your best to sound helpless, knitting your brows and all. “Everyone says you’re a fucking genius, please, Mike?” He swallows hard at the way you practically beg him for help, placing a hand on his elbow.
He doubts only for a few seconds before agreeing. “Ok. I will help you” he yelps as you wrap your arms around him, your tits flash against his chest making him dizzy.
“Oh, thank you Michael!” you pull back, teeth biting down on your lower lip as you smile. “Can we start today? I would tell you to come to my dorm, but my friend Leigh is currently staying there because they found a rat clogging her toilet.” Another big lie.
Michael just nods, he doesn’t really have too many options. “Fine. Uhm, my dorm is on the second floor, 219. I’ll be there at 4pm, bring your notes and a calculator.”
You playfully salute him, like a good soldier. “Yes, Sir” he chuckles softly and shakes his head, turning on his heels to leave.
You can barely contain your joy as you walk towards your dorm, almost singing.
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3:40 PM.
You try on different outfits, grunting when you look at yourself in the mirror for the fifth time. You don’t like any fit, and you continue rummaging through the pile of clothes on your bed. You lift your brow as a red fabric catches your attention. It’s the mini skirt Leigh gave you a few weeks ago. You quickly put it on and look at yourself in the mirror once again, happy with the result. Your white baby tee with ‘cherry bomb’ in red letters written on it makes the perfect match.
You grab your notebook and head towards his dorm.
“Coming” you hear Michael’s voice behind the door. He will surely be coming today. He opens the door, breath hitching at the sight of you in that top, your nipples peeking through the fabric. Suddenly he feels his pants are too tight. “Please, come in” he gives you enough space to enter his dorm, which you do. As you walk past him the smell of your perfume fills his nostrils. Fuck.
You smile at him and as he closes the door behind you, you look around the room. It was just what you expected. Everything was perfectly neat, books organised in two bookshelves, more textbooks and notes scattered over the white desk.
“Take a seat over there” he points at the bed, and you gladly do it. “Do you want something to drink? Eat? I have some crunchies.”
“No, thanks, I’m fine.” You flash him a sweet smile as you open your bag, looking for your notes and your pen.
Michael sits next to you, keeping a safe distance of course, but close enough you can hear his hard breathing. “Ok, we can start with the basics, and then I’ll help you with the exercises, sounds good?” When you nod, he continues. “Cool. So, think of limits as a way to understand what happens to a function as it gets closer and closer to a certain point without actually reaching it.”
“That sounds paradoxical” you cut him off, and he suppresses a smile.
“It does seem counterintuitive, but it's about observing the behaviour of a function as it gets infinitely close to a specific value.” He continues explaining, and you pay attention to every word that comes out from those beautiful lips.
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Michael’s brows lift in surprise as you finish another task quickly, and he’s even more surprised when he checks it and there are no mistakes. He didn’t find any mistakes in the previous 5 exercises he provided for you either. You just look up at him, waiting for his correction.
He looks back at you. “You did perfectly well. Again.” You squeak and he takes off his glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I don’t get it. Most students get the first ten exercises horribly wrong, but you solved all of them perfectly. H-how?”
You lean back on your arms, legs crossed. You tilt your head. “Maybe I’m just a quick study, learning from the best” you start moving your feet up his leg, slowly and carefully. He shakes his head as he puts on his glasses again, sighing.
“No. You’re just wasting my time.”
“What?” It’s actually the truth. You are wasting his time, you weren’t having any issues with the subject, you just wanted an excuse. “Ok, yes, I admit it” you lift your hands in defeat, and he curses.
“Why the fuck would you ask for my help if you don’t need it? Fuck, I have many important things to do and you’re here bothering me, leave please.”
You get on your feet quickly as he’s about to turn the doorknob, and you stop him. “No, Michael, please hear me out.” He glares at you, nostrils flaring as you take his wrist and guide him towards his bed, making him sit on the edge. He looks confused, you sit next to him, your knees touching.
“Look, I just wanted to thank you for what you did the other day. For being my knight in shining armour.” He licks his lips and opens his mouth to say something, but you cut him off by placing your index finger there. “No, listen. I know it’s not a big deal for you, but it is for me. Michael, I want you.”
Michael’s eyes widen at your confession. “W-what?”
There’s no way you wanted him. You, out of all the people on the campus. Slowly, you lean in, wetting your lips with your tongue to press them against his mouth. You give him a soft peck before truly kissing him, your hands finding their way towards his tense shoulders. He doesn’t respond yet, but when you bite gently on his lower lip he whimpers, he fucking whimpers, and moves his lips against yours, trying to follow your rhythm. Your lips taste like cherries, and he loves it.
Kissing him feels good. You tilt your head to the side to deepen the kiss, feeling how he squirmed under your touch and kisses. You wonder how he would react when you have his cock in your mouth.
You slither your tongue inside his mouth, exploring it as he gets more excited, his hands finally touching you, placed on either side of your waist.
You pull back to catch your breath and he chases your lips. You giggle. “Easy there, lover boy. We have plenty of time.”
“Fuck, I- I… I’ve never done this” you frown, and he sighs. “I’ve never kissed anyone. Ever. That felt really good” he chuckles, and you smile.
“You liked it?” He just nods, and you start placing open mouthed kisses across his jaw, down his neck until you reach his ear and whisper. “Wait until I put my mouth on your cock.”
Michael gulps. “W-what?”
“You think I came here just because I wanted to kiss you? No, Michael” his eyes follow your movements, how you rise from his bed to kneel in front of him, hands undoing his jeans, looking for any sign of discomfort. When you find none, you continue, pulling down his jeans and boxers down to his knees, freeing his cock. “I came here because I really, really want this” you purr and lower your gaze to his weeping length, your cunt clenching around nothing already.
Michael’s big. At least, bigger than the ones you had. Curved upward with a protruding vein on the side. You bite your lip as you start stroking him, Michael closes his eyes shut and whimpers. You never heard someone whimper so beautifully. You study every reaction, every microexpression as you continue stroking him at a tantalising pace, as if you are torturing him.
“P-please…” he begs through bated breath, moving his hips as he tries to get some friction, anything.
“You look so beautiful begging, Michael. You’re making me so wet, baby” he cries out your name again, and you smirk. “Michael, open your eyes” you demand, and he does so, breath catching in his throat as he finds you there on your knees, looking at him like you were his predator. It was so fucking sexy.
“I want you to watch as I suck your cock. And you better last more than five minutes. I want you to enjoy it” he nods and swallows hard as you lick your lips before taking him into your mouth.
“Oh fuck” he curses, gripping the sheets beneath him until his knuckles are white. You lick the vein, going from the base upwards, and you hear him sigh. You lick him like you lick a lollipop, and then you take him into your mouth again, hollowing your cheeks as your right hand works its way around the base. He’s so big he doesn’t fit completely into your mouth.
You hum around his cock, your eyes closing as you bob your head up and down his shaft, making Michael squirm. He doesn’t know what to do, he just keeps looking at you, unable to tear his gaze from you.
The soft moans that escape his lips, the way he whimpers your name and bucks his hips ever so slightly, careful not to hurt you but eager to get more are enough to make you wet. Hell, you are sure your panties are soaked by now, leaking through the fabric.
His eyes widen as he catches the movement of your left hand that was on his inner thigh going in between your legs, under the skirt. Were you touching yourself?
You bob your head faster and moan around his cock as you tease your wet folds with your fingers. You push two fingers inside your pussy, the room filling with the most obscene sounds you ever heard.
“Are you… are you touching y-yourself?” asks Michael in a strangled moan, watching you intently. You release his cock from your mouth with a wet pop, your saliva coating it.
“Of course I am, Michael. I’m fucking wet. Here” you take off your fingers from your pussy to grab his hand, and guide it towards your entrance.
Michael almost passes out. You are, in fact, dripping wet on his fingers. You let him touch you for a moment, grinding your hips against his hand, the heel of his palm pressing against your clit so deliciously. “S-shit, Michael” you bite your lip and he grins, happy to earn that reaction from you. You feel him twitch in your hand, the tell tale sign that he was very close to cumming. You remove your hands from your cunt and he frowns.
“Did-did I hurt you?”
“No, baby. But tonight’s about you, ok? I can teach you how to eat my pussy later, yeah? Right now, I want you to cum in my mouth. Whenever you’re ready” you wink at him and he chokes on a sob as you take him into your mouth again, slowly until you feel him in the back of your throat. Some tears well up in your eyes, you moan around his cock and that pushes him.
He bucks his hips and shoots his load deep down your throat, you look at him through your lashes and see how hard he grips the sheets, his chest heaving as he moans your name. He stays still for a while, panting as you swallow his salty cum, wiping the corner of your mouth with your hand.
“Holy fuck” he mutters, still trying to catch his breath. You get on your feet and plant a kiss on his lips, letting him taste himself on your tongue. “Now… shall I… well, uhm” he’s unsure about what to ask.
“Eat my pussy?” you finish for him and he nods eagerly, you giggle. “Another day, baby.”
“But you… you were touching yourself and didn’t get to cum, right? I have to return the favour—”
“No, Michael. Don’t worry” you reassure him with a kind smile, stroking his cheek. You lean in to kiss him again, and then, you whisper in his ear: “I’ll just finger myself until I cum in my bedroom to the thought of you.”
You smirk as he looks at you with his jaw dropped. You blow him a kiss, open the door and leave.
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let me know what you think! and if you'd like to be tagged as well 🫶🏻
1K notes · View notes
doitforbangchan · 7 months
Little Tease - Bangchan
This is a request by the lovely @softkisshyunjin who wanted Chan rizzing up stay and then getting teased my reader <3 I hope it's everything you hoped for my dear
This is soooo delulu, please do NOT do what reader does here :)
Not proofread :)
Idol!Chan x Fan!reader (afab)
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Warnings: Smut, protected p in v, kissing, fingering, masterbation, spitting in mouth, dom! chan, sub! reader, condescending! Chan, he is kind of a cocky jerk here lol
WC: 3k
MDNI 18+
He was an absolute menace. Chan knew exactly what he was doing, sending those messages out for Stay on bubble. You could imagine him kicking his feet like a schoolgirl while sending them out. You guessed it was his favorite pastime, considering every message got more and more teasing. Asking Stay to come over and he would send the address if they were to ask. And that he would even come to us. Yeah right. 
You figured why not try to tease him back? It wasn’t like he would even respond so what was the harm? You decided to send one yourself. 
‘Big talk for someone with no balls, Christopher. We all know you won’t show up.’ that had you cackling, wanting to send more, maybe make it a little flirty. 
‘Its a real shame too, I just know how you would throw me around if you were here.’ 
‘Oh well, guess I’ll have to take care of myself.’ 
That one made you feel a little bold. Before you stop your impulsive thoughts you sent him a picture of you in your bra and panties, and attached your address. Now it was you who was giggling like a schoolgirl. Even if he would never see them you still found it entertaining. It was the only chance you would ever get to tease him back, so who cares? 
It had been 4 days since the messages you sent back on bubble. Honestly you had forgotten it even happened, putting into the back of your mind since you knew nothing would come from it. You had assumed, anyway. 
It was a Friday night around 10:30  and you were just getting back home from a very disappointing first date. You had been set up through a mutual friend so you decided to give it a shot. Unfortunately he turned out to be like every other guy you had been out with recently; pompous and self absorbed. The guy only talked about how great he thought he was, and how any woman would be out of her mind not to fall at his feet. He gave you the ick right away, but you figured you would get free food out of it so whatever. 
You had just closed the door after letting yourself inside,  flipping on the light and barely able to get off your shoes when a knock on your door alarmed you. ‘Who would be at my door so late?’ With your heel in hand like a weapon you slowly creaked the door open just a smidge, keeping the chain locked. 
It was hard to see who it was, the man standing there had a black beanie and a face mask covering their mouth. 
“Are you Y/n?” They asked, voice sounding eerily familiar. 
“Depends who's asking?” You replied, with a touch of snark.
The stranger laughed quietly, again it sounded very familiar to you but you couldn’t place it. 
“Oh just someone who apparently has no balls.” 
Oh my fucking god no way. 
“C-chris?” Fuck why did you stutter 
“The one and only.” He pulled down his mask enough for you to see the bottom half of his face. 
“What are you doing here?” You were so shocked at seeing the idol, your bias no less, at your doorstep, but you still unlatched the chain on your door. 
Chris leaned against the door frame when you opened it wider, giving your body a quick look over, seeing you in your skimpy dress, then coming back to your eyes. “You told me too, even sent me your address.” He smirked at you when the realization dawned on your face. “Can I come in?” 
You hastily stepped aside to let him in. As if you would ever deny him. Chris stepped in and closed the door behind him, then secured the top lock. He glanced around the living room of your apartment, before his eyes found your nervous body standing before him and ringing your hands. 
You could barely breathe, having him so close, in your home no less, was the craziest thing to ever happen to you. So far. 
“Umm w-would you like a drink or something?” The nerves were still racking through you. 
“Sure. Thank you.” 
You nodded and scurried your way to your kitchen, pulling out a few options. Did he like wine? Or maybe he was a sparkling cider kind of guy? You were about to turn and ask him his preference when you felt a presence behind you, a breath on your neck. Not just any presence, it was Chris. 
“You know,” he began, “ that was quite a naughty thing to do. Sending those pics to a man you don’t know and attaching your address.” His fingers lightly brushed your hair away from the side of your neck and you felt him lean on closer. He could feel your breath catch in your throat at his actions. “And telling me I have no balls, if you weren’t so damn pretty I might have let that slide. Unfortunately I am not a strong enough man to resist a pretty little minx who needs to be put in her place.” His voice was getting raspier as he spoke. 
‘He called me pretty!’ The way you focused on that statement was unhealthy, the simple words filling you with a desire for this man you had never felt. Then the other half of his words caught up with you. 
“Put me in my place?” 
“Mmhmm.” Chris hummed and put his hands on your waist, quickly spinning you around to face him as he pushed you up against the counter in your kitchen. You let out a squeak at the sudden force. “Seeing you in those frilly little panties did something to me. I’ve never felt this ravenous for a fan before.  There is something special about you y/n. Will you let me show you?” He held a deep gaze on your eyes, asking for your consent. 
It was an easy answer, “Yes Chris of course.” 
As soon as you answered he put his lips directly on yours, a clash of teeth and spit. It felt like he was trying to consume you with the way he kissed you, tongue wasting no time before shoving itself into your mouth. You wrapped your arms around his neck, needing to be closer. This felt like a fever dream, but you weren't one to look a gift horse in the mouth so you would let him take all he wanted from you. 
Chris tightened his grip on your hips and lifted you to sit on the counter that was behind you. His hands were warm as they ran up your thighs, slipping under your dress. You let out a quiet whimper when he made contact. He was so close yet not close enough. 
“Don’t be shy, now. You weren’t shy when you sent me those pics huh? What happened to that girl?” He pulled back enough to smirk at you, giving a bite to your lip as he went. You couldn’t find your words, too enthralled by him to form a sentence. At your silence he tutted in mock disappointment and let his mouth fall to your neck, mouthing at the skin there and laughing when you moaned. “Tell me sweet thing, why did you tease me like that?” 
“I-i didn’t think you would see it.” you squealed when he nipped at your neck. “ You w-were being the tease, Chris.” 
“You’re right, baby, I was being mean wasn't I?” He let his fingers find the side seams on your panties, hooking his thumbs under the fabric. “I was riling up my poor stays, they don’t deserve that, do they?” He was cooing at you, almost making fun of you.
 Had this been any other man you wouldn’t have taken his menial words and demeanor. But this wasn’t any other guy, this was Bangchan. This was the man you’ve thirsted after for years.Someone you thought would never even know you existed. And for some reason you didn’t mind the way he talked to you. If anything it felt good. Felt like you were letting go of your inhibitions and letting this man, who obviously you don’t know- but it almost felt like you did know him. You had been following his group and him for so long. 
“No, t-they didn’t deserve i-it.” You could not stop stuttering, nor could you catch your breath. 
“Should I atone for that, sweetheart?” His thumbs were slowly pulling down your underwear, so slowly you almost didn’t register it at all. “Should I make up for it right now, with you? With my precious stay?” 
Once your panties were slipped down enough that they dropped off onto the floor, he paused his movements as if waiting for an answer. It took you a moment to gather yourself enough to answer. 
“Yes, please use me to make it up. Please, Channie.” 
That seemed to set him off, his fingers going to your core and finding your clit with ease. You let out a whimper at the contact, hips raising to get even closer. You could feel his mouth back on your neck, sucking the skin and surely leaving hickeys. Reminders that this is real. 
Chris hummed into you as he let the digits find your opening and flick up and down, sloshing through your wetness. You couldn’t find it in you to be embarrassed though. “Do you want my fingers, sweetheart?” He still had that condescending tone, knowing damn well you wanted them. He just wanted to hear you say it. There had always been speculation that Chan was a dominant guy in bed, at least now you could confirm that for yourself. 
“Mmhmm please.” you nodded rapidly. 
He wasted no time in pushing his two fingers into your heat, the thickness of them stretching your walls. You let out a throaty moan, the intrusion feeling delicious. So good it almost made you forget this was all happening on your kitchen counter. Almost. 
“Chris.” you panted, trying to get his attention by tapping on the shoulders you were gripping. 
“Hm?” he mumbled while pistoning his fingers inside you, adding another one as he made the sound. 
You were nervous to ask, but figured it was worth a try. “Can- can we maybe take this to my bedroom?” 
He hummed as if thinking about it, then without a word, he scooped you up into his arms. You pointed in the direction of your room and the man headed that way without a struggle. He didn’t even seem to be straining while holding you, his strength coming in clutch. 
Chris went through the door you pointed to and unceremoniously dropped you on your bed. The sight of you; panting and glassy eyed, dress riding up your hips to expose your cunt to him, made him harder than he cared to admit- the tightness in his pants becoming too much to ignore. 
You really were an exquisite beauty. He knew the second he laid eyes on your form in that picture you sent that he would somehow have to find his way here to you. He would never admit it but the thought had been plaguing him for days. Fuck, the man flew across the world for this. Luckily it hadn’t been in vain, as you seemed to want him as much as he wants you. 
Chris’s gaze felt scrutinizing, as if every twitch you emitted was being memorized by him. Little did you know it was exactly what he was doing. He wasn’t one to fuck around with fans (he left that for Hyunjin and Jeongin) but he was enjoying himself and wanted to commit this to his memory. 
“Tell me, sweetheart,” He drawled out as his hand went to the tent that was present in his pants, “Am I your bias? Have you thought about me like this before?” You couldn’t meet his stare, giving yourself away to him without having to say anything. “Hmm I am huh? I would have thought with the way you act online maybe you would have preferred maybe Lee Know to be here making a mess of you. Or even Seungmin.” You rapidly shook your head in protest to his words. “No? So you don’t want me to leave you here and call one of my boys to come help you instead?” 
He was being patronizing but you still answered earnestly “No please! Only want you!” You don’t know what you would do if he left right now, you were so needy for him you had started to cry. 
“You only want me?” He pointed to himself, grinning when you nodded. “Prove it. Show me what you do to yourself when you think of me.” 
His stare was menacing, almost challenging. He wanted to see if you would follow his orders. You looked like a deer caught in the headlights, scared and frozen. Chris wondered if maybe he was taking it too far with you, but was mistaken when you laid flat on your bed and your fingers nervously trailed down your exposed thighs and to your wet entrance. 
You both let out a whimper when your fingers entered your hole, the slick sounds resonating in the room. If this is what he wanted you weren't going to deny him. Chris stood over you while you played with yourself, his own palm rubbing himself through his underwear, he had pulled his sweats down enough to rub over the opposing fabric. 
He lost it when you whined his name, unable to contain his urges any longer. He shoved his boxers down his legs and let them along with his sweats fall to the floor, before he pounced on you. You gasped as Chris caged you under him and ripped your fingers out of yourself. “Chris?!” 
“You really are a fucking tease arent you?” He went to line himself up before his senses came back to him. “You got a condom, pretty girl?” 
“In th-the bedside t-table.” You pointed to the table beside you. 
Chris reached into the drawer and pulled out an unopened box of condoms, giving you a raised eyebrow. “It’s been a while.” You shrugged sheepishly. 
He chuckled and pulled one out of the box, ripping it open with his teeth and rolling along his hardened length. “Think you can take all this, baby girl?” there was that cocky attitude you were growing to love. 
“Please. Want it Channie.” 
That was the go ahead he needed, lining up to your entrance and pushing into your heat slowly. 
“Fuuuck.” He groaned out while you cried against him. He was breathing heavy, you were so tight he was suffocating within you.It didn’t help that he was the biggest you had ever taken. If you hadn’t been so wet the stretch of him would have been painful for you. But instead it was delectable, a welcome burn. 
When you bucked your hips up into him he took that as his hint to move, and he began a punishing pace. His own hips meet yours as you thrust into the air. You could feel his balls slapping against your ass, you’re arousal coating them and adding to the filthy sounds resonating in your room. It all sounded so wet. 
When you opened your mouth to let out a high pitched moan Chan took the opportunity to grip onto your cheeks, keeping your mouth open for him as he spat directly on your tongue. “Be the good girl I know you can be and swallow it. Swallow my essence, sweetheart.” You did so with no hesitation, opening your lips to show him. “Nnggg so fucking good for me, for your bias.” 
His words alone could make you cum, already feeling yourself on the edge from all the playing he did with you. You clenched on him at the praise he gave you, causing him to groan again and drop his face into your chest, suckling your skin harshly. He wanted you to remember him after he is gone. 
Or maybe he would keep you. 
It sure was tempting to keep a sweet girl with such a sweet pussy. He could even share you with the other boys, he is sure they would love a taste of you once he tells them about you.
“Channie…. ‘M close.” 
Chris nipped your skin once before bringing his fingers down to where you were connected, finding your clit and massaging roughly. “Come on, little tease. Give it to me. Make me proud and cum.” 
At his instruction you fell over the edge, cumming with a deafening cry of his name. Chris wasn’t far behind you, the clenching on his cock sending him to orgasm. You writhed under him as you felt the warmth of his cum filling you up,albeit inside the condom he wore.
Chris pumped himself within you once, twice and a final third time as he rode out his high. After your quaking was over he slowly pulled out of you, both too sensitive for anything else. The idol pressed a final kiss to your mouth before removing himself from you completely. He wandered over to the trash can you had in the corner of your room and disposed of the rubber. 
You laid there on your bed completely fucked out, mind in a haze as you watched him pull his boxers back on. He turned to you with a boyish grin. 
“So tell me you little tease, who has no balls now?” 
Comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!
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meanbossart · 12 days
LORE ASK COMPILATION: "Still not banging Halsin, Squid Games, Sun King, Failing at love quizzes, Bottoms, Tops, and Cats" Edition
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He didn't, Halsin wasnt around for act 3, too busy healing land and saving ghost children or something!
THANK YOU/I'M SORRY, I'm surprised there isn't more Bhaalist Dark Urge/Spawn Astarion stuff out there. Don't get me wrong, I love a good evil power couple, but who can resist the good ol'heartbreak of a vicious unending cycle brought on by your own senselessness!
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That wasn't something I was interested in previously just because acquiring the slayer form isn't part of his canon, but I've been looking at enough fromsoft games' monster designs that I might be a little inspired to try LOL
Also I am just a fan of the canon design and never before thought it needed altering. But I'll let it cook ;)
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God damn it.
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DU drow was VERY antagonizing towards the emperor since the moment he dropped the facade, which made the attempt ESPECIALLY hilarious - that poor guy is so, so lonely.
I don't recall the exact wording in-game, but once the emperor took his shiny squid pecs out and shot his shot, DU drow recoiled and called him disgusting. After having the visions of Stelmane forced upon him to make whatever baffling point the emperor was trying to make, DU drow smugly asserted that he had finally let the mask slip and their very terrible date ended with the Emperor enforcing their reluctant need for one another, for the time being.
In-prose, that would honestly be pretty much it. DU drow would have reacted with absolute revulsion at the prospect of being hit on by a mindflayer, and taken the Emperor's (miscalculated) moment of lashed-out vulnerability as a win - as proof that he was exactly as duplicitous as he always assumed the Emperor to be.
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I can assure everyone that I am as entertained by the thought as the rest of you and it is in the cards for future art, I just have... So many prompts... I have at least 5 different mini-comics I want to make, BESIDES singular pieces, BESIDES the fanfic... I wish I had more time and more hands.
But DU drow's unlikely semi-success as a parental figure is hilarious to me. I think about it constantly.
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I haven't entertained that thought much because its antithetical to DU drow's character. Whether "good" or evil, he wouldn't allow Astarion to ascend because of his fear of no longer being needed and his reluctance to watch his partner be consumed by out-sourced power and changed into something he despises. Realistically, in a world where Astarion is allowed to ascend they could only break up and inevitably kill each other soon after.
That said, I am fascinated by the Sun King and the implications that path has for his character. So far that is an arc that I can only really see Astarion taking on alone, though - that might change in the future, might not. We'll see!
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He got 2 out of 3 questions wrong - which is to say he was way too honest and Astarion didn't like that.
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Except for the "when is he the happiest" question, which he correctly answered with "when he's neck deep in gore".
This is not even a lore-embelishment, this is actually how that scene went for me and I cackled about it for ages.
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He would love to get tied up for old-times' sake. I doubt he knows much about fancy knots but Astarion might (though I might be in a minority that doubts his enforced "sex life" was actually that interesting at all.)
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Thank you so much!
You are mostly correct. Bhaalist drow, both pre and post tadpole would be much more keen on the idea of having people around who fulfill their every desire - EXCEPT for killing. That is a joy they take on for themselves.
"Canon" DU drow values his independence a lot, on the other hand. He's neutral on the idea of slavery (what a sentence) and wouldn't be opposed to temporary servicing, but the idea of having someone around waiting for orders doesn't attract him at all, or at least would get on his nerves quick. He much preffers to do things himself and makes sure that other people see how much he does not need assistance.
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The answer is yes, basically LOL.
DU drow both adores and despises Sceleritas presence and he doesn't know why. It very much reflects the type of relationship they used to have prior to DU drow's memory loss, and it's one of those things that he has conflicting feelings about but not any context for them.
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I sadly doubt that the boys would become parents during Shadowheart's lifetime (it's for the best, they have a lot of work to do before I would trust them not to drop a baby), but honestly she strikes me as really liking kids as long as she doesn't have to, well, have them LOL.
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And thank you so much for enjoying them and humoring me!
I think it is less about bottoming-topping and more about enjoying a more submissive role during sex, as well as in other scenarios. He believes that giving control away is, in a way, a show of devotion that goes both ways - his own for the willingness to do so, and his partner's for not taking advantage of it despite his wanting them to do so.
With one-night-stands (which he occasionally had pre-tadpole) he would still bottom without any of the submissiveness. This is because he didn't have the capacity to understand what it was about bottoming that attracted him, and led him to feeling constantly unfulfilled and frustrated (he just isn't build for no-strings-attatched type of arrangements, lol.)
This means that he really could operate either way depending on the partner as long as he got that fix of docility, whether it be from the bottom or top.
I think of Astarion as being similarly versatile but leaning more in the opposite direction when it comes to power-dynamics - though it being less about dominance itself and more about being pampered and catered to - and, of course, getting to do what he wants. Though he's willing to try most things a partner is particularly enthusiastic for just to see how he feels about it.
That said with DU drow he does prefer to top for a plethora of reasons.
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I didn't have this piece of lore thought-up at the time, but I should have made them look like the lady he lost his virginity to.
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Him and Astarion were gobbling those things up until the emperor reveal, then they both quit it cold-turkey after DU drow stomped the astral-tadpole dead (and back then you didn't have to roll any dice to do it, because otherwise we would have weird veiny DU drow to deal with for sure because he would NOT have suceeded that save.)
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DU drow's feelings towards animals is a constant in every iteration of his character. They are organic little pieces of art wandering about the world that act upon their own laws and regulations, ones which humanoids aren't privy to - except for when they intrude into that world through magic and try to understand it through their overly-complicated systems and concepts. If a cat made the temple it's home, it can stay.
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mvltisstuff · 1 month
hihi so!! would it be possible for a buck one shot from season 2, ep 4 where the drunk girls are flirting with him and reader is kinda jealousy? like when one girl asked buck to put his number in her phone reader is just giving her the nastiest side eye ever or something?
this honestly just made me giggle and if you don’t do that then that is 100% okay! thank you so so much if you do this or even just for reading it! <3333
outside i keep it quiet - e.b
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summary: buck sees y/n’s jealous side for the first time in their relationship.
evan buckley x reader
og gif post
a/n: hello ;)) i love silly little requests like these, and again, im so sorry for how long ago this was requested, but i hope you’ll still enjoy today! also disclaimer, the word bitch is not used in a sexist, derogatory way (at the end at least) don’t get too upset ;) also some things might be a little different from the episode as i haven’t watched in a while lol
the scrunch on y/n’s brows was unfamiliar to buck. she was busy bandaging up one of the girls, who was busy staring at buck. her gentle fingers were more stiff than normal, and buck definitely noticed.
y/n was getting increasingly frustrated with the girl she was working on. her intoxication only making her interested in the firefighters in front of her. buck hated to admit it, but he loved seeing the fiery jealousy coming from his girlfriend. they’ve been dating for quite some time, but she’s never had a good reason to be jealous of him.
she whipped her head around at the words she heard from the other group of women.
“you, like, have really big arms,” one of them mumbled to him.
“oh, thanks,” buck replied, not showing interest and just doing his job.
“like i know it’s a free country, but i don’t know if you can carry those guns around,” the other girl said, giggling to herself and earning cackles from chimney. y/n gave him a death glare, telling him not to entertain them without words.
“why don’t you guys go sit down on the curb, and y/l/n will come check you all?”
“i’d rather stay by you, but, whatever you say,” she winked and walked away. y/n let out a huff as she finished wrapping up her patients arm.
“hey!” she heard a holler from where the group was sitting. “do you have a bitch?”
y/n let out a laugh straight from her chest, not even trying to hide it anymore. the whole team looked at her, seeing a stance in her they didn’t know existed. none of them knew this side of her.
“no, i don’t have a bitch,” buck replied, not even making eye contact with them.
“ooh! did you hear that?” one of the girls further away exclaimed.
y/n was like a ticking time bomb. she was about to slap these girls clean across the face, but it would definitely not end well. so, instead, she gave them picture-perfect smiles that buck could see right through.
buck walked over to y/n, placing his hand on her hip to pass by her. y/n felt chills up her body, loving the fact that the girls were sat completely still at the sight. they were cleaning up some of their tools from the sight and loading them back into the truck, and everyone was fully over this call.
bucks fingers lightly touched her side, making sure she felt him there but also making sure the drunk girls noticed. they surely did, because they couldn’t stay silent if their mouths were sewn. even if they didn’t know they were dating, not a soul on the earth could miss the look in bucks eyes whenever he landed his gaze on y/n. he pecked her cheek rapidly before she ran off to the truck.
“wait, i thought you said you didn’t have one?”
“i did, she’s not my bitch.”
back at the station, buck found y/n standing by her locker, changing into her clothes to head home. she had only gotten to take off her top shirt before buck came in.
buck walked in and couldn’t take his eyes off of her. she’d taken out her braids and let them wave down her back and run her fingers through it. he noticed her waistband landing right on her hips, her undershirt scrunched up to show off her abdomen. he came up behind her, sliding his hands to the front of her, but she stopped him and turned around.
“you should’ve told them i was your bitch.”
“but you’re not-“
“i wanted to see the look on their faces if you had said yes and pointed to me. i wanted them to know you’re mine and only mine, not theirs.”
“o-oh.” buck murmured, as she walked toward him as he backed up.
“call me your bitch, then.”
“no!” buck replied. “i’m not gonna call you that.”
“i just wanna hear it so i can imagine their faces.” she tapped her ear and turned it toward him with her other hand on her hip.
buck sighed and tossed his head back before leaning in closer to her. “you’re my bitch.”
y/n grinned at his hesitation and grabbed the sides of his neck, pulling them chest to chest as her nose pressed against his face. it was almost the most powerful kiss they’ve ever had, other than the first i love you’s.
“don’t make me say that ever again.” buck chuckles.
“i won’t, baby,” she says. “my place tonight?”
“i’ll be there.” buck smiles and she turns to walk out of the locker room. chimney walks in as she leaves.
“oh, bye, bitch!” he waves and smiles at her.
“hey! no.” buck shouts at him and shakes his head urgently.
“sorry,” chim says under his breath.
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pepsiboyy · 5 months
Could you do one where the boys are on a tour (in Australia maybe😏) and the reader gets like a backstage pass for her and he bff and reader is talking to Chris in the meet greet(earlier cause of the pass) and Chris seems to take interest in her so he slips his number in her pocket and she eventually finds and called the number confused and he picks it up and then after awhile of them talking back and forth Chris asks her out and they start dating blah blah blah (sorry for the in Australia maybe lol I just want them to do a tour here so I can meet em)
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pairing: chris sturniolo x fem!reader summary: the triplets are finally having an abroad tour and the reader purchased vip tickets with their best friend to meet them. what happens when she finds a stray set of numbers on her postcard when she gets back to the hotel? warnings: cursing, use of y/n!! a/n: thank u for the request love <3 i hope this is awesome sauce !! i tried so hard to make this enjoyable LOLL but i think it may have come out ok!! <3 lowercase intentional !!
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my fingers anxiously picked at my shoes with one hand as my other hand scrolled through instagram.
"come on, y/n, aren't you excited!?" my best friend, harper, exclaimed as she gripped my shoulder and shook me rapidly.
with a soft nod and a small chuckle, i nodded as i locked my phone and let it fall into my lap. "of course i am. i'm just tired of sitting here."
we had been sitting in the sun on the side of the venue in line for the last hour and a half. it was that point in the day where the sun was beating directly onto us.
i had managed to get my best friend and i some tickets to the triplets' tour with the meet and greet pass. counting down the days was grueling, but we finally made it and the hardest part was now. waiting outside to be let into the building.
"it'll be worth it. who even cares?"
i nodded softly as i looked her up and down. she was decked out in purple, some purple stars drawn on her cheeks under her eyes and some purple cargo pants with a let's trip tee and some white air forces.
i, personally, was drowning in orange. with an orange crop top and deep gray ripped jeans, my outfit was topped off with orange nike high top dunks and an orange belt. my friend had helped me out with the orange stars, mine on the opposite side from harper's.
"y/n, the line is moving!"
i turned my head to harper, being ripped from my thoughts before quickly standing to my feet and moving up in line.
the line moved slow, but it was something.
we still had a long way to go.
the line for the meet and greet felt like it was forever, but as we got closer, i felt like no time had passed at all. i could see them every once in a while through the lit cloth between the line and the boys, and my eyes shifted to harper. "dude, we're almost there." i chuckled, trying to keep myself as calm as possible as harper made noises i didn't even know were humanly possible.
"y/n, i don't know what to do or say, i think i might shit myself."
i slammed a hand over harper's mouth and let out a cackle, shaking my head. "shh, say that less loud." i scoffed and before i knew it, harper was next in line.
my hands toyed with the orange belt that helped my jeans hug my hips, my eyes glued in front of me as i watched the three boys.
the three boys i watched at first every once in a while when they appeared on my for you page, but i quickly became a huge supporter of the triplets, and they were somewhat a coping mechanism for me when things were hard.
and now i'm meeting them.
i shot harper a smile and tapped her shoulder. "you got it!" i smiled brightly and waved as she approached matt.
i felt a lump develop in my throat. this was bad.
it wasn't a crying lump, but an anxious lump. unfortunately, when i get nervous, i can't help but ramble and yap.
no way time flew by that fast. as i approached matt, i swallowed and smiled brightly as i felt like each step that i took was in slow motion.
matt's arms opened and i quickly stepped towards him and hugged him tightly. "hi, matt," i breathed, taking a deep breath as the reality of the situation began to settle.
"what's your name?" he asked softly, picking up his photo and signing it quickly.
"oh, it's y/n," i breathed, the smile on my face so wild you could have probably found me in a horror movie.
"nice to meet you, y/n. i hope we haven't kept you waiting too long?" he questioned, and i quickly shook my head.
"i'm just happy you guys are here," i breathed and smiled brightly at him before my expression fell. "oh my god a picture-" i scrambled to reach and get my phone from my back pocket, opening my camera and lifting it up.
two bright smiles later, matt pulled me into one more hug and smiled brightly, while i wished him luck on the rest of the tour.
i turned to see nick and smiled brightly, pulling him into a deep hug. i always had a theory that nick gave the best hugs of the three. so far, my theory was correct.
"hi, friend!" nick cheered, signing his card and smiling at me. "your star makeup is so cute, your friend had the same thing, no?"
i smiled brightly and nodded, biting my lip. "yeah, she did them for me actually! she's the best." i smiled and pulled out my phone.
"i'm so glad you guys could come." he stated as he wrapped an arm around me and held up a thumbs up in the camera.
i smiled brightly as i pulled away and gave him one last hug. "you guys are amazing. i just thought you should know, i'm proud of you guys. good luck tonight!" i told nick as i pulled from the hug. nick shot me a soft and quick thank you as i was rushed off to the final triplet.
christopher sturniolo.
i felt my entire being crumble the moment i took a few steps forward.
of course, i loved all three of the triplets with everything i had.
but chris.. i related to him in many ways and always found my eyes gravitating to him while watching their videos. he's a silly guy, and it doesn't help that i find him insanely attractive between the three.
"you in there?"
my eyes shot to chris as i let out a breath i didn't know i was holding.
i literally just spaced out in front of chris, who waved his hand in front of me to snap me out of my trance.
not to mention i'm decked out in his color.
"hi!" i squeaked, and he pulled me into a hug.
i bit my lip as i hugged him tightly, taking a deep breath.
the hug lasted for a little longer than needed, but i wasn't complaining.
not sure if it's because it's chris or not, but i think nick has some competition for best hug.
"i like your outfit," chris stated softly as he pulled away from the hug. i smiled brightly at him, and i couldn't tell if i was gaslighting myself or if he licked his lips while looking at my orange self.
"thanks, i don't really wear much orange," i stated and i felt my face heat up.
"it's definitely your color more than it is mine. consider wearing it more often?" he asked, writing on the card and pausing before deciding to hand it to me. "wanna take a selfie?"
i nodded quickly and shakily took out my phone and began to raise it, but chris carefully took it from my hands and raised it himself, wrapping his other arm around my shoulders softly.
he took about four photos and handed me the phone back.
after signing the card, taking a little longer than usual, he looked me up and down one more time.
we stood there for a few moments, simply looking at each other and i noticed my friend waving at me from behind chris, about ten feet away.
"you're gonna do great tonight," i quickly said to him, and he simply smiled at me and nodded, running his fingers through his hair to adjust his bangs.
holy fuck, this guy isn't real.
"i'll do great because you came. thanks for coming." he stated softly, and brought me into a tight hug.
i bit my lip hard as i hugged him back, taking in a deep breath.
the night went incredibly well. the show was enjoyable with the games they all played, and i told harper about the interaction i had with chris.
harper was in the shower. i had just gotten out, my pajama pants and small black tshirt hugging my body perfectly as i laid against my bed in the hotel.
i turned to the postcards, smiling brightly as i took them into my hands and admired them. i turned them in the light to look at the layered marker, holding them towards the lamp. as i got to chris's, i noticed some writing on the back through the light and my heart jumped out of my chest.
i threw myself up off the mattress and flipped the postcard over, feeling my heartrate pick up at the phone number written against the back.
"dude, the shampoo in there is awesome. you weren't kidding." harper stated as she dried her hair in a towel as she sat in front of me, also in her pajamas. "you okay?"
i looked at her and slowly held up the card, pointing at the number.
"holy fuck, is that..?" harper trailed off, and i bit my lip.
"oh my god, i need to call it." i stated as i searched for my phone under the comforter, quickly retrieving it and dialing the number.
i put my phone on speaker as i looked at harper, my leg bouncing anxiously.
my heart sank.
"h- hello?"
i mentally cursed at myself for stuttering.
"who is this?"
"uhh, it's y/n, i found this number on the back of my postcard-" i was quickly cut off.
"y/n!" he cheered. "it's chris."
"are you fucking for real?" i whispered, biting my lip.
"yes ma'am." he chuckled, and i shook my head. there's no way this is fucking happening right now.
"i know it's late and you guys probably have jet lag, so i'm sorry, but i just found it-"
"it's fine, really, i was running fortnite with matt." he stated quickly, cutting me off.
i snorted. it made sense.
"well, get a victory royale ok?"
"for you, i will. save my number, i'll text you." chris stated, and i looked at harper who was in utter shock.
"right, yeah i will." i stated quickly, and hung up afterwards.
silence overcame harper and i before i bit my lip and we both screamed at the top of our lungs at the same time.
there was no way this was real.
my eyes were beginning to shut as the video of the triplets from a few weeks ago seemed to be watching me.
i turned to harper, who had fallen asleep a little while ago and blinked a few times when my phone vibrated and chris's name appeared on my screen.
a bright smile took over my face as i began texting him, and my night was made even more. somehow.
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itslittlegiggle · 2 months
Sun-Kissed Skin
when you just want to show your boyfriend a cute thing you did at the beach, but it turns into a gigglefest
a/n: as per usual, sorry for not posting lol, here’s a Crumb
Class 1A had just returned from a very pleasant and much needed trip to the beach. After working so hard lately, especially in the midst of a sudden heat wave, Aizawa had decided that the students deserved a break - and a little fun.
Some of them swam or played volleyball, like Kirishima, while others relaxed in the sun or tanned, like Kaminari (although he was the only boy who decided to focus on getting a tan; he claimed only the sun’s “healing rays” could relax his body and mind after such an intense training period).
The couple didn’t see each other much during the day, even on the bus ride home; Kirishima sat with Bakugou, who was insistent Todoroki had cheated at volleyball, while Kaminari sat with Sero so they could chat about a video game they had both been playing recently.
Kirishima and Kaminari made it a point to spend some time together once the bus had arrived back to the dorm so they could unwind and talk to each other about their beach activities. When they got back they immediately went to Kirishima’s room, chatting excitedly.
“Man, that was fun. I wish we could go to the beach every week!” Kirishima exclaimed.
Kaminari nodded in agreement. “Me, too. I feel so sleepy now, but definitely refreshed. I guess sitting in the sun all day does that to you.” His eyes suddenly lit up.
“Oh yeah, I was going to show you something on the bus, but I forgot!” He dropped his bag on the floor, excited, and turned to Kirishima, who had taken a seat on the edge of his bed; he’d shower later.
“Look, look!” Kaminari exclaimed, lifting the hem of his shirt and pointing to his torso. “Look what I did!”
Kirishima leaned over to see what Kaminari was showing him. He could now see, starting from slightly above and going down onto the blond’s hipbone, the pale shape of a lightening bolt, contrasting nicely against the rest of Kaminari’s suntanned skin.
“Woah,” Kirishima breathed, smiling at the spot. “How’d you do that?”
“It was Mina’s idea! She wanted to make a little star out of sunscreen on her back so when she tanned, it would leave the shape. Then Ururaka wanted to do a heart on her leg, and Momo wanted to do a flower on her shoulder. I wanted to do one too, and Mina thought a lightening bolt would suit me. Cool, right?”
Kirishima grinned at his boyfriend, finding his excitement cute. “Very cool, and such a manly shape, too!” Almost without thinking, Kirishima reached out and pressed into the pale shape with his index finger.
Kaminari yipped, his body slightly shrinking into itself, and he let go of his shirt in order to slam his hands over his mouth. Both boys’ eyes went wide and Kaminari’s ears flushed a bright red. Kirishima’s eyebrows shot up with a grin. “Oh?” What was that?”
Kaminari only shook his head, eyes never leaving Kirishima’s face. It was like the smaller boy knew what was about to happen but was paralyzed in anticipation.
As soon as Kaminari’s body made the slightest movement indicating he was about to make a run for it, Kirishima lunged and grabbed him around the waist, cackling at Kaminari’s surprised squeal.
“Wait, no - wahait, put me down!”
“Put you down? Sounds good to me!”
Kirishima flopped onto his bed, Kaminari still in his arms, and quickly maneuvered his and Kaminari’s bodies so Kaminari was lying on his back with Kirishima kneeling between his legs.
Kaminari was already giggling, hands out in front of himself defensively and eyes squinted in mirth as he looked at Kirishima hovering over him. “Whyhyhy?”
Kirishima barked out a laugh.
“Why? Because it’s cute!”
Before Kaminari could giggle out any more protests, Kirishima grabbed both of his boyfriend’s hands in one of his own and pinned them to the blond’s own chest. His free hand hovered above Kaminari’s hip near the little lightening bolt shape, and he made a big show of flexing his thumb in the air directly above the hipbone. Kaminari was near hysterical, shaking his head and arching his back and giggling up a storm. “You don’t have to d-do this!”
“On the contrary,” Kirishima teased, “I think I do, especially since this lovely spot has been so nicely highlighted for me. This was obviously meant to be!”
He finally started tickling Kaminari for real, digging his thumb right into the concave area of the boy’s hipbone and kneading the sunscreened shape like dough. Kaminari let out a delicious scream that gave way to boyish belly laughter, head thrown back and legs kicking. “Oh nohoho!” He cried.
“Oh, yes!” Kirishima crowed, laughing along with his boyfriend as he writhed, trying so hard to dislodge Kirishima’s hand or roll away and failing miserably at both. A particularly well placed knead made Kaminari squeal at fever-pitch; small sparks zinged out of his fingertips, startling Kirishima, who couldn’t help but chuckle at his boyfriend; one of his most favourite things about making Kaminari laugh hard was the inevitable and unconscious discharge of his quirk, like the blond’s glee couldn’t simply be contained to his body and needed an escape route.
Kirishima lightened his touch a bit, still poking gently at the pale lightening bolt with his finger. He couldn’t stop giggling because Kaminari couldn’t stop giggling. He thought the two of them must have made quite a sight.
“Mean,” Kaminari whined, before hiccuping once and causing both boys to giggle harder. “So mean!”
Kirishima laughed brightly. “I could be meaner, if you wanted…”
Kirishima made a lobster claw with one of his hands and lightly placed it around one of Kaminari’s knees, not even tickling yet. Kaminari, of course, absolutely lost it, squealing and laughing even harder than he had been, even without actually being tickled there; knee tickles were a whole different level for him.
“Please, plehease, I’m tired!” He shrieked, a snort shooting from his nose. “L-later, okay? You can do it later, I promise!”
Kirishima burst out laughing at that, releasing Kaminari from his clutches and laying down next to him. “Fine, but only because you asked so politely.”
A pause.
“I really like your lightening bolt.”
Kaminari’s giggles died down and he turned on his side to look at Kirishima, eyes still shining with mirth.
“You should do something next time too! Maybe like… a rock, or something.
Kirishima laughed. “Wouldn’t that just be a circle?”
Kaminari laughed too. “Oh yeah, I guess. Maybe, like, the outline of a mountain range?”
“Yeah, that could work! Where?”
“Maybe your chest,” Kaminari offered, “or your back.” He thought for a moment. “Actually, we should do it on your ribcage. It’s only fair to me if we put it somewhere you’re ticklish.” To emphasize his point, he gave Kirishima a pinch to his ribs. The redhead yelped and grabbed his boyfriend’s offending hand.
“Careful, Kami. You wouldn’t want me to hold you to your… promise, before you’ve had a chance to rest, hm?”
Kaminari blushed so red he might as well have not worn any sunscreen at the beach.
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
https://www.tumblr.com/overtake/746762194848563200/your-post-about-max-liking-daniels-ig-just-opened could u write something based on this?
I have had this ask for so long, sorry bestie- my brain was doing a thing at the time lol. lol thank you @secretdonderwolk for the unintentional prompt
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His phone vibrated in his pocket, three times for three messages. He had an idea about who this was, he hoped it was his sister complaining about something. Or even Seb– even though he sat across from him at lunch. Seb could be annoying like that, but that was also because Daniel had been annoying like that first. 
Putting his phone on the table, he saw the screen light up with notification banners from Instagram. There was the broad one about how many thousand likes his post workout selfie had gotten. But then there was the secondary banners about replies and DMs. A familiar user name peaked up at him; 3_MaxV_3. 
Daniel rolled his eyes then flipped his phone on its screen. That kid, because he was a kid, with his scrawny body posing with a sideways cap in one picture, in a couch with dogs in another. But mostly in a race suit at a karting track. That kid had been messaging him for weeks now. He did the same thing repeatedly; Daniel posted a thirst trap photo (he looks damn good and it shows he’s working out) and then Max would be in the replies sending one thing the 💯emoji– three times of course. 
Daniel never responded to him after the first time, which was an accident, but the kid seemed to have taken that interaction as an open door to send Daniel reels of memes he already saw when he scrolled mindlessly through tiktok. He was surprised that a seventeen year old wasn’t on tiktok and was instead using instagram, but that also didn’t matter to Daniel. One less platform for this kid to find him on.
“Your new boyfriend again?” Seb teased with a snort.
“First of all, ew. He’s like still in diapers, mate.”
“I dunno why you let him annoy you so much. He’s harmless, still like in junior formula or whatever.”
“Don’t they call it like formula 3 now or something?”
“Who the fuck knows anymore. They change the names of this shit every year. Come I’m not allowing you make me be late for engineering.” Seb stood from his seat while Daniel cackled.
“I was one time!”
“One time is more than enough I think.”
— - —
Daniel pressed post on the thumbs up selfie. He’d gotten a podium today and wanted to commemorate after a long day. The first notification came quickly after. 💯💯💯 Daniel had become used to the routine by now, he already assumed that the kid had his post notifications on. It was weird but Daniel didn’t think too closely of it.
He did notice a difference this time. His username was different; maxverstappen_33. Daniel clicked into his profile, not something he did but there was a change in the routine and he was curious about why.
Lots of karting pictures met his eyes, pictures on podiums and in the garage. There were a lot more sponsor logos than before and Daniel couldn’t say he wasn’t impressed. He himself knew how difficult it was to even get sponsors to talk to you in karting, much less to invest. 
While he was scrolling through the rest of the profile, careful not to double tap anything of course, another notification banner from maxverstappen_33 popped up. “You are so beautiful Daniel.”
And well… that was new. Normally he’d get a lion or capybara video by now. MaxV had taken to sending him videos of quokkas recently too. Daniel had never given him the impression that these videos were appreciated or cared for– though he had watched a couple of them– so he didn’t understand this step up to shooting his shot.
Daniel closed out of the profile and then the app. He needed to get some sleep.
— - —
They’d told him to record a video for some kid getting his super license soon. That was new, but maybe Seb had been the one welcome in the new drivers in the program. It was quick with well wishes for some kid named Max. 
Daniel had wondered initially if it was MaxV, or rather Max Verstappen. But Vicky had told him nothing more and MaxV was supposed to be going to formula 2 now anyways. No way Red Bull would be making such a stir over a kid.
When he got out of the sim he had a bitchload of notifications. Red Bull had tagged him in something and people were congratulating him. Ace. He went to his DMs to see a new message from Maxverstappen_33;
‘Thank you for the video. It was lovely Daniel.’
Well, shit.
— - —
It happened slower than he thought it would have. But quickly in the grand scheme of things. Daniel stepped out of his motorhome, zipping up his race suit and thanking the handler to his left for his hat. It was shoot day today with the whole team, including the boys from Torro Rosso.
Daniil slotted in beside him and Daniel dapped him up. This would be their second year as teammates and Daniel was excited for the year to come. 2016 felt like the year maybe, to take the championship fight to Mercedes. The car was quick in the sim and Adrian said the wind tunnel tests have been phenomenal. Daniel was ready.
What he wasn’t ready for, was the guy who stepped right in front of him. Blonde hair, electric blue eyes. Familiar as fuck face pulled into a smile. 
“Daniel! It is great to finally meet you after all this time.”
Daniel hadn’t ever considered meeting MaxV in person, the kid that’s been sending him 💯 emoji what felt like weekly for the last maybe two years. If you scrolled through their DM it was very one sided. But here he was, very caught out at the very real and very eager kid waiting for his reply. This would probably be the first time he ever did reply.
“Enchante, Max.” Daniel grinned and glanced over a Daniil when Max’s face flushed with a blush.
He didn’t think about it the rest of the day. Not when Max kept telling jokes and whipping his head around to see his reaction. Not when Max would hold Carlos’ hand and pulling him into close hugs only to turn and look to Daniel’s reaction.
Daniil was having a field day and he knew Seb was going to learn about this somehow.
He didn’t think about it. Because Max was a kid or whatever and it was weird.
Max sought him out fairly regularly after that, bolstered by being in the same company and paddock. Invigorated at the fact that Daniel responded to him every time.
— - —
Daniel heard the news but he hadn’t quite believed it. He knew RedBull did driver swaps, apparently ‘all the time’ but he didn’t think he ever saw it happen mid season like this. 
He walked into the garage to see the host of cameras and mics. The identical RB12 no longer sported Daniil’s number but now had a large 33 plastered over it. The garage was also sporting the new 3|33 decals. Daniel knew that marketing was having a field day.
He stepped off to the meeting rooms to wait for the crowd to clear, fiddling on his phone. He’d never admit it, not even under the pain of a slow as fuck pitstop, that he was interested to see what the hubbub was about. What could possibly be so good about Max that they would do such a public shaming of Daniil.
He didn’t know how much time passed, but he tweeted a bit and posted a new picture to instagram during the time. The notification banner popped up; maxverstappen_33☑️ 💯💯💯
Daniel grinned to himself, still surprised that Max had kept this up. Still apparently had his post notifications on. The door opened. 
“Daniel that picture was lovely.” Max sat in the seat across from him in the conference room. His RedBull polo was a little askew, and he was smiling widely.
Well, shit.
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returquoise · 7 months
ATLALA, aka Avatar the Last Airbender Live Action
Sooooo, I finished the first season and had thoughts (just like everyone else lol). First context, non-spoilery thoughts, and then spoilers under the cut, yadda-yadda.
Why context? Because for a lot of people OG ATLA was their childhood, and they have super strong feelings about it and about any adaptation that exists. I'm not one of those people.
The first time I watched OG ATLA I was over 20 years old, which means I was an adult and had adult viewpoints about the story – worldbuilding, character writing, etc. It was never the hallowed most perfect show ever for me. It was and still is a fucking good show with some amazing writing and worldbuilding but I did have some gripes.
So when ATLALA was announced I remained neutral – I've seen the movie that shall not be named and din't really like it but shitty adaptations have always existed. When we started getting photos and trailers and news pieces, I was feeling pretty positive about the visuals, but neither news pieces or trailers actually tell you shit about what the writing or worldbuilding is like. However, I was about 70% optimistic.
Because what indications I did get about visuals, writing etc, were very reminiscent of another adaptation that had come out recently, about a series that was actually a bit more important to me on an emotional than ATLA. I'm talking about One Piece, and OPLA which came out last August. I've been a fan of that for 10 years longer than ATLA, and while they did a lot of changes, the spirit of the story was there.
So I copied my optimism and good feelings from that, going into ATLALA.
Now, the thoughts.
Visuals are pretty good. There are moments when I can tell they left some visuals out due to trickiness/budget (the "is Zuko's ship real?" review after the premiere). Some things look fake or plasticy, some stuff is too clean. Bending looks a lot better than in the movie that shall not be named.
Writing has issues. Some of it is very expositiony which makes it wooden and the shots uninteresting (there were so many badly framed shots with characters just awkwardly standing and talking). There are some lovely bits of dialogue that gave me feelings, but those moments were in the minority. And some writing choices were also quite childish, even for an adaptation of a kids' cartoon, so I'm a bit confused about the intended age demographic – except there are some really violent bits in there, which leave me even more confused.
Pacing was either frantic or okay-ish. The writers clearly had trouble paring down the OG series, and then ended up cramming stuff together. I could keep up with it (knowing what certain characters roughly meant for the plot, even if they were at a different place and time), but I'm not quite sure if someone uninitiated in the OG series could. The last 2 episodes had probably the best pacing and even then there were some things that made me go "hmmm."
Some actors have issues emoting – main and extras. I agree that the Gaang has lost some of their flaws compared to the OG series. Maybe some of them will make more of an appearance in season two when everyone's more experienced at acting? Especially considering that they'll likely have stuff more spaced out there – there are some episodes I'm pretty sure they'll outright skip, just based on the choices in this season. But we'll see. There were some fun and interesting bonding moments between different characters.
Sokka, Zuko, and Suki were the standouts from the younger cast. Suki is considerably different from the OG but it was acted and written well, and is an interesting choice. Sokka's quips, while not as numerous as in the OG, were fun. Physical comedy is obviously more toned down because real bodies can't do the same shit as cartoons. More about his arc choices later. Zuko was a bit toned down from the OG but IMO also the closest to it. And as someone who's almost finished with a Zuko AU fanfic, I was positively cackling due to the fact that some of the choices made for the character are similar to something I've done in my fic.
As for the rest of the main kids, there'll be more in the spoiler bits, BUT, they're different, and feel less experienced in acting. They're not bad but some choices were definitely different than in the show and they offer interesting opportunities. We'll see how they pan out, but be prepared for some speculation from me.
Fight scenes sometimes had IMO slow moments in the choreo, and they could have been better. Some were excellent, some a bit ehhh.
On the whole, I think this is about 7 out of 10. Some moments were 8 out of 10. It's a passable adaptation
Spoilery thoughts waaaay down.
Whoo boy. Where to start here?
Let's start with the cramming. As far as I can tell from my notes, the episodes are roughly divided like so:
EP1: 3,5 and bits (Boy in the Iceberg, Avatar Returns, Southern Air Temple, half of the Storm, bits of Avatar and the Fire Lord)
EP2: 1 and bits (Warriors of Kyoshi, part of Waterbending Scroll)
EP3: 3 halves (King of Omashu, Jet, Northern Air Temple)
EP4: 1, 4 halves and bits (King of Omashu, Jet, Northern Air Temple, Cave of Two Lovers, half of Winter Solstice P1, bits of the Avatar Day,)
EP5: 2 halves and pieces of 3 (half of Winter Solstice P1, half of Bato of the Water Tribe, part of Southern Raiders, part of the Library, part of Siege of the North) AND timeskip mention of the Great Divide and the pirates from Waterbending Scroll
EP6: 2, two halves and bits (Winter Solstice P2, Blue Spirit, half of Bato of the Water Tribe half of the Storm, part of Siege of the North)
EP7: 2 (Waterbending Master, Siege of the North)
EP8: 2 and pieces (Siege of the North, Return to Omashu, bits of Northern Air Temple, part of the Library)
Waterbending Scroll is a bit of throughline because you see moments of training in pretty much all of the episodes.
Episode 1 was very full, and felt rushed at times. There were a few places where they could have shortened some parts (like the earthbender spy scene at the start) to give more time for other stuff. Biggest gripes are the convenience of timing – Aang going off to clear his head only for everyone to die that very night. HOWEVER, me and my friends talked about it being likely Spirit shenanigans going "fuck, Air Nomads are gonna die now, we need to deepfreeze the Avatar for storage." We also concluded that the sudden current of Sokka and Katara finding Aang was either physics we don't understand, or Spirit shenanigans. Also the thing about all the Air Nomads coming over for the Great Comet festival? And then having so few of them on screen? Sorry, but I ain't buying it. Having such a sparse population in one temple I could have bought (with caveats) but adding in the gathering, nah.
Episode 2, Sokka-Suki was beautiful. I think it works even with the removed downplaying of girls capabilities (this change also brought some other stuff to Sokka I absolutely adored in later episodes but I'll talk about that when I start ranting about the characters). This was pretty close to the OG episode in many ways and I really don't have other problems with it, besides the somewhat childish end discussion about hope and shit with Aang and Suki's mom (Suki having a badass mom is fun). Manifesting Avatars and being able to talk to them only at their shrines will be an interesting take on stuff. Because that will affect some stuff on later seasons and I'm not sure how.
(And considering how scared Aang is of the Avatar State this early on, we might end up skipping the Avatar State in the next season. At least partially. Because we did get a lot of info now.)
That's a very full itinerary and it was hardest to follow at eps 3-4 because there were so many things going on. Jet's and the Mechanist's conflicting storylines made for an interesting drama (though, again, hard to follow) and gave Sokka and Katara something to do – which they didn't really have in the OG Omashu episode, which was what Aang was mostly dealing with here. In my opinion these two episodes didn't get a proper handling, because they're one of the few instances were we get people from the Earth Kingdom doing questionable shit, but we don't really discuss it. And while everyone know marketing is a mistake (it makes no one happy), considering that this series was trying to sell itself as a more mature take, that feeling is left kinda lacking in regards to Jet and the Mechanist. I do appreciate Bumi being fucking bitter, like Yass, you go king, as well as the bit with the Earth Kingdom soldiers speaking of grief and mistreating Iroh. That complexity is what was left lacking with Jet and the Mechanist, and how Katara and Sokka dealt with that emotionally. Also loved Zuko getting hit by a broom and Iroh taking the fall for him. The Zuko-Zhao alliance was an interesting angle to take (after messing it up pfft) and establishing early that Azula is a master infiltrator? I liked that move, also the fact that there are Fire Nation rebels. Although I fucking loved the quick fake marriage.
5 and 6, despite being about as full if not fuller, were weaven together really well in my opinion. My biggest gripe with that two episode storyline was how the Fire Sage Shyu-Aang team-up was done – not that it was any better in the OG to be fair but it is more jarring in live action. I just about died at the 41st twist because holy shit that's an amazing angst take and I appreciate it so much. And while we do get Aang planting an acorn, it feels like a really small moment and I think the Hei Bai issue should have got a bit more attention as the episode was resolved. Koh was fucking terrifying and the appearance of Wan Shi Tong – and in the last two episodes the appearance of the celestial objects calendar machine, as well as the fact that Zhao got his dirt on Tui and La from a Fire Sage – leads me to believe we won't be getting the Library episode next season.
(The only way I can see Return to Omashu happening is if it's remixed with Imprisoned which was totally left out of this season, or we get the important info aka neutral Jing info all from the Swamp, or from a letter Bumi sent. I personally think Return to Omashu-Imprisoned remix is more likely, just so we can prep Teo and the Mechanist for the Day of the Black Sun which we saw flashing by on the celestial objects machine just before we finally got the confirmation that Sozin's Comet is still a thing. Although The Avatar State could also be remixed into this in a sort of "yes, Earth Kingdom needs to free Bumi etc but I can't do it in Avatar State, we need to be smart.")
Episodes 7 and 8 were pretty chill in pacing issues. I thought Yue was a bit too quick in warming up to Sokka but considering how it was explained I can accept it. Also, the fact that Tui and La are intelligent enough to not be fish 24/7/365 is a change that makes sense although the whole Ice Moon (is it the local Halloween?) thing was very out of left field. Women joining the fight was a wild update and definitely more of a modern take than an early 2000s take. Do I have other thoughts? Sure, but I don't want to write bajillion essays and I just want a general overview in one post.
Zuko is, like I said, a standout. Absolutely love his conspiracy board, and as someone who writes a fic with a more scholarly inclined Zuko, I loved him being able to draw, being the foremost Avatar expert in the world (you can't tell me there can be more than one or two people out there who know more than Zuko at this point, look at his research), and having opinions about calligraphy brushes. Ugh, my heart. There's some absolutely wonderful acting happening and he does action really well. Is he a bit less explosive than in the OG? Sure, but one must remember, that adaptations are just licensed fanfics. His abuse background is in the performance, and my biggest question is the Agni Kai. There was a certain desperation in his face, so he must have wanted to make an impression on Ozai, and maybe felt a bit more like he had the right to it – as this show made it clear he had been invited in the War Council and did not needle his way in. Also the 41st twist oh holy smokes I just about screamed. His flaw is still anger and trouble thinking plans through.
Azula (her bangs in the flashback crack me up, was that her emo phase?) is more obviously affected by Ozai's games in this. I know OG Azula has loads of fans and there are loads of deep dives into her character and abuse and etc, but this is actually the first time her writing has made it obvious to me. She's still cold and calculating, but she's affected by more things and that makes her into a more approachable character for me. I know many fans got this from the OG portrayal so I know this is a me thing.
Sokka is another standout. I saw an interview where the actor was like "I tried to interject and ad lib humour where I could" and I appreciate it, because a lot of them made me cackle. There was some really good humour there. As for his arc and conflict; I think it's really interesting that he tries to live up to his dad's image of a warrior, and doing it very much out of duty. It isn't so much that he wants to be a warrior, but he wants to be good enough and I think that came through wonderfully. He can be a warrior, but it ain't his passion. It also offers very interesting bonding possibilities and parallels with Zuko. My heart broke at that ice-dodging scene in episode 5, as well as his heart-to-heart with Katara in episode 4 (fucking SIBLING LOVE TRIUMPHS). Also absolutely loved the fact that he supported Katara being a warrior in the North. His flaws in the OG are self-esteem issues (nailed here), and a certain level of arrogance, that affected his attitude towards girls at times. The latter has been removed but considering it only lasted until episode 4 in the OG series anyway, I don't see it as a terribly big deal. We can still get his "it'll totally work out this way" arrogant moment at pretty much any point in the story in the future.
Katara has trouble emoting. I don't know how much experience her actor has with acting, but I hope she gets better with practice. There are some very nice bonding moments she has with Sokka and Aang that bring emotion out, but she's very stone faced a lot of the time. One could read it as a symptom of seeing her mother being literally burned alive but that depends on how her arc is written in future seasons, and how it's acted. I really like the parallel with Sokka, of him trying to be a warrior out of duty, while Katara wants to be that and has trouble getting the opportunity to do so. This came out really well in episode 4. The fact that she was made a fucking commander of sorts at North was amazing moment of proving to her that she can be, that she is, a warrior. I'm kinda sad her temper has been left out of the writing, because with her being a self-taught water bender (which I'm okay with because we see her practising every fucking episode) there's a threat of her sliding into so-called Mary Sue territory. Hopefully Toph's inclusion brings her temper out next season. She's also missing some of her naiveté, although having a crush on the first good looking outsider (with fucking mirrored shots) just like her brother is hilarious.
Aang is... to mature. He gets a lot of really good and morally and ethically right speeches, and while he expresses that he's scared and doesn't know what he's doing, it still feels too mature. He also doesn't have that many dumbass child moments (what was that episode he just went "oops" in, that was funny and felt childlike, and then there was the water fight he had with Katara). It could be because we're going through stuff so fast but it'll be hard to fix later. I kinda like how his connection with Katara is being the last of their kind and loss – and then the small really good acting in ep7 when Katara says stewed sea prunes taste like home, and you can just see him go "oh, there's still someplace she can belong to, unlike me." I loved his calligraphy brush discussion with Zuko, because there was the beginnings of a bond there. As a friend said, it's nice they removed the Disney princess like love at first sight thing from the OG. If this turns into a romance (I have thoughts on that... later) I feel like it has a better chance to grow organically. No, I never shipped Kataang, please refer to the context part of this post.
Suki had a fun isolated, but curious, and socially awkward vibe to her. She's obviously different from the OG, but it's a fun and interesting difference, as the most characterisation we ever got for her was badass. Yue was interesting, more assertive and playful, which I liked. I also liked the fact that she had obvious duties and was expected to be the next chief. Even if the Northern Water Tribe sexism was kept, this felt like it added some dimension to it. June flirting with Iroh was hilarious, enough said. Mai and Ty Lee are blanks of wood. Their writing, and the direction they were given was horrible, and they're a prime example of that awkward standing and bad framing issue I mentioned way earlier. Ty Lee could have at least been bending herself into a pretzel, and Mai could have been using a knife to dig stuff from under her nails or something. I hope they get better writing and direction in the future.
Iroh was honestly pretty enjoyable. There were some moments of skilled evasive answering, but I was left missing him saying that Zuko was like a son to him. They do have really good chemistry though and you can see the care between the characters. I hated the long monologue at the end of episode 6, that felt very much beneath whatever target audience they were aiming for, and failed show not tell. Not perfect but can improve. Also, that one part where they played Leaves on the Vine, I almost died.
Ozai being a manipulative, abusive game addict is different but offers him some agency and motivation besides megalomania, which I appreciate. He had a peculiar expression when he burned Zuko, and that smells like hidden lore to me.
That's probably every character I feel like addressing at this point. However, I did mention romance in Aang's section, and I have to agree with the other whispers on the net. The fucking scarf scene. At this point, it's more likely for this show to be Zutara than Kataang IMO. BUT before people go and blow up about it, some points; cartoons offer more leeway in visual age differences, I feel like they would need to extend ATLALA plot line to last several years (instead of like, 9 months it's in the OG) to make it visually make sense. The Fortuneteller (as well as Katara's obsession with love?), and Aang's love at first sight have all been written out. Cave of Two Lovers was used for sibling love on the first season, and we ain't visiting that location again, not with how efficiently we did pretty much all of the Omashu stuff this season. Most of the Kataang iconic moments have been left out deliberately. Does this mean we'll get Zutara? Of course not, but due to the scarf scene, as well as that rivals thing they have going (we literally have two fights between Zuko and Katara this season, and the water sprout she used to thwart his fireball in episode one, and if that isn't a traditional beginning of a rivalry, nothing is), it's certainly more likely at this point than Kataang.
But we'll see, just like with everything else. It's an okay start, it's far from perfect, but it does offer new viewpoints that I find fascinating.
What's in the future.
I already explained my Return to Omashu-Imprisoned-Avatar State mash-up idea above, and that we'll likely miss the Library. I also think Avatar Day will be left out. I do however think, that we'll get the Deserter next season. We also need a way for Aang to learn about the Comet coming again and if Library is out (and probably also the Desert), best chances are IMO the Swamp or the Fortuneteller (remixing those two together is also possible). Or maybe Yeong Yeong has spies and they tell him about the Comet and he tells the Gaang. I also think they'll be foreshadowing/setting up White Lotus a bit more than we got in the OG.
I don't quite have my thought together enough to make any other guesses, but we will get Toph, Ba Sing Se, and Azula's Mean Girls Squad, but no clue yet how they'll be remixed. Season 2 has a much clearer timeline structure, whereas season 1 had a lot of episodic stuff that doesn't timeline wise offer too many roadblocks for remixes, as we saw with what they did with Omashu.
I think that's about everything I can think off. If you have comments, please be nice. This was mostly rambling, and tin foil hat baiting.
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gayfanservice · 3 months
Dylan Lenivy x Male Reader
Reader teaches kids archery bcuz I want to learn it and think it’s cool (edited lol)
Putting chairs in place, art supplies in the right area, filling up the towel bin or praying the radio turns on for just one more year, picking up garbage that somehow got there and cleaning away cobwebs. Except Jacob, who refused to go into the cabins until the spiders were gone. Whatever needed to be done to prepare for the kids’ arrival.
There wasn’t much that needed to be prepared at the archery corner of the camp, just a little shack cleaning and inspecting the arrows and testing the bows to make sure they wouldn’t break on a kid. There was one bow in particular that the kids were not allowed to touch, and that bow belonged to (Y/N). It looked like every other bow, only having a different color scheme and being slighter bigger than the others. He even had his full name carved into the wood in case the children can read.
“I’m sure Mr. H. wouldn’t mind if I take a few practice shots. Probably. Hopefully… meh.” (Y/N) shrugged, Mr. H. wouldn’t come this way anyway, and there was still half an hour before the counselors had to meet at the lodge to greet the campers.
He grabbed arrows, not counting the exact amount and dropping them on the ground beside him, disobeying his own rules that he will make the children follow. No one’s here to witness his crimes, so it’s fine. (Y/N) snickered at himself, loading the bow and straightening his stance, taking a deep breath to steady his hands, I wish I ate breakfast. his stomach growled. His hand stretched back, the familiar faint burning creeping up his muscles as he aimed towards the round target.
(Y/N) took another sharp breath, straightening his arms and legs as he pulled back the string. The chirping of birds and rustling of the wind drowning into the background, focusing on nothing but the target in front of him.
With one swift movement, his fingers left the arrow and away it flew into the target, hitting the red inner circle but not smack-dab in the middle. So close to being a cool movie character. He sulked, picking up another arrow from the ground and equipping it to the bow’s string.
“Whoa, good job!” Clapping ensued behind him, the sudden noises making (Y/N) literally jump and land on an arrow he left on the ground with a SNAP.
“Fuck!” From both being startled and breaking an arrow.
The guy, Dylan as (Y/N) saw when he turned, wore a guilty expression has he nervously smiled, “Oh shit, sorry, man,” (Y/N) picked up the broken arrow pieces, groaning and thanking god that was the only damage done.
“Mother- fuck me, man.” He picked up the other two arrows, finally counting how many he had.
“Whoa, you want to fuck your mother?” (Y/N) stopped, staring into the void of dumbass-ness (Dylan).
“I- what- huh? Dude,” He stammered, completely dumbfounded at what Dylan just fucking said him after causing him to break camp equipment, even though it was his fault. Dylan still had that goofy smile on his face, obviously trying to make the mood lighter. A smile broke onto (Y/N) face, then cackling as he gave up trying to stone-face Dylan, “Dude, what the fuck?” He laughed, suddenly remembering how Dylan made him quite literally jump and laughing harder, wheezing almost. Dylan joined in, his dorky grin growing. “Bro, why’d you do that? I could’ve hurt myself!” (Y/N) playfully scolded, walking towards the target and ripping the arrow out of it.
“I just wanted to come see how the others were doing, I didn’t know you were a wuss,” he followed (Y/N) to the shack, “besides, isn’t it, like, your number one rule to not put equipment on the ground?” Dylan held the door open as (Y/N) put his bow and arrows away, deciding to hide the broken one and hopefully blame it on a kid later.
“Three, actually,” (Y/N) replied, walking out and locking the shack with the keys Chris gave him. “No one was supposed to see; no witnesses, no crime.” He shrugged, “I would’ve gotten away with it too if it wasn’t for you meddling kids,” He joked as he walked towards the lodge, Dylan following behind, hands in a surrendered pose, “I won’t tell if you won’t,” (Y/N) rolled his eyes, “Sure, buddy,”
“So,” Dylan started, eyes glancing around the trees and trail, “you arch?”
“Huh?” (Y/N)’s face contorted in confusion, wondering what the fuck is going through his head.
“Archery, you arch, y’know?”
“… uh, yea-s?” (Y/N)’s favorite, socially awkward boys. Cute, socially awkward boys.
“Cool, cool,” He trailed off, “So, how long have you been into it?”
“Oh, uh, well, did it on a school field trip once, like, eight years ago maybe? I don’t know, but I liked it so I begged to do lessons and now I’m here.” Good story telling skills.
Dylan hummed, keeping his eyes to the ground in front of him as they talked. “So, is it fun?” He paused for a moment, “Like, just shooting stuff?”
(Y/N) snorted, Just shooting stuff. Sure. “Well, it’s more than ‘just shooting stuff,” he quoted with his fingers, “It’s, uh… it’s kinda just nice, I guess. Feeling the arrow zoom away and hearing it hit what you were aiming for. It could also be a good stress relief.” (Y/N) shrugged, kicking a tiny rock in his path.
“Cool. I’ve always thought about trying it, seems interesting.” His eyes scavenged the area around them, feeling heat rise up his neck and into his face. Probably the heat.
“Well,” (Y/N) started, sheepishly, “If you want, maybe one of these days I can show you the ropes.”
“Don’t you mean ‘string’? Heh, get it? ‘Cause-” (Y/N) interrupted Dylan with a soft punch to his arm, a grin on both of their faces.
“Yes, Dylan. I get it.” Dylan’s goofy smile stayed on his face as he rubbed his arm in fake pain, “So, you in?”
He pretended to be in deep thought, crossing his arm and rubbing his chin as he hummed, “Y’know what? Sure, it’s a date!”
(Y/N) coughed, suddenly forgetting how to breathe as he felt his face become warmer, “Yeah, okay then, it’s a date.”
Dylan’s face began to hurt from smiling so much, but it was worth it when (Y/N) was the cause of it.
“Fuck, what time is it?” The two panicked, not having phones to check the time didn’t help. “Fuck, run?”
It’s short, its bad, i dont care hope someone likes it and maybe request some quarry
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eww-y-tho · 2 months
Debby Downer here, but I only have one true complaint for S3.
(idk how the books went with their first meeting, but I personally would enjoy it like this. this is essentially my fanfic of how I wanted it to be used lol.)
This is really where the 'show, don't tell' rule rears its head. I understand it would be hard to do, you would need permission for child actors to play the part of Penelope's head covering smacking Colin and him falling to the ground. But you could easily do a quick cut from the head covering flying off from the wind kicking up to some impact sound effect and then a closeup of a hand or foot falling on the ground without actually making the kid fall off the horse. make the covering land somewhere close by so that what happened can be easily interpreted.
It could be really seen as a transparent film tactic to work around the problems with child actors, but it would still at least give us a reference point to their closeness. They mention it twice and go in excessive detail. We needed something to get us to really feel the sweetness of their first meeting and just how special they were to each other since the beginning.
I would shave off the market scene to be like "Do you remember when we first met?" "Obviously, especially the part where I apologized. Why are you bringing this up now? I thought you would have forgiven me at this point." (<- in a sweet/humourous tone) "W-Well- you were teasing me so mercilessly, that it's still fresh in my mind. And do you know why? You were so very charming about it" so on, and so forth.
Then, instead of the frankly stupid balloon scene, I would have Pen wear a similar head-covering during the same event, and Pen wouldn't notice while it flies off in the scene where Pen is trying to win Debling with Cressida and Eloise. Colin would be closer to them and it would smack him in the chest, he would smile, and walk up to return it. Colin wouldn't say anything and Pen would flash her heart eyes at Colin before they would return to their conversations, and Debling would look at her with his "I'm catching the sus vibes" eyes.
Now, personally, do you know where I would put the flashback?
Right at the scene where Colin remembers Pen at his writing desk before going to go to the ball to get Pen from Debling. We would have swelling music (with no other audio) going from the scene where Pen grabs Colin's hand in ep2, to Colin grabbing her hand in s2 in the "come with me" scene, to the back-and-forth shot from when Colin comes back in s2, to Colin grabbing Pen's hand in s1 when she's trying to convince Colin about Marina, to their stare at the "what a barb!" scene, to Colin grabbing her hand to dance in ep1, and then we would have their first meeting.
Have the scene have abruptly no music and a hazy filter like the flackbacks from previous seasons. Start with Colin riding his horse, and then do the two shots, like I said, but have Pen laughing really loud once he falls before covering her mouth and being like "Sorry!" and then he laughs really loud and they both cackle for a bit before Pen quiets down and starts ribbing him about his perceived bad horse riding skills. Colin just keeps laughing until there's a closeup of Pen's face as she looks at Colin. While he gets up she blurts out that her name is Penelope and then he says his name is Colin and then that's where it would end. Colin gets up from his desk, yada yada.
The bad horseriding comment would make Colin's engagement party speech so much cuter, and paired with Pen laughing and then everyone staring at her and being confused about the inside joke would really hammer that part of the scene down as foundational to their relationship.
OH OH OH AND THEN have a continuation when Colin opens the first letter to a cut where, after the whole thing happens, Colin looks at Pen with some awkward silence and he smiles as Pen hesitantly walks away and Eloise approaches her (this is really starting to sound like a fanfic now lol). Smash cut to "Yours Truly, Penelope" and then adult Colin smiling at the letter and the scene is now like 10x more emotional.
Also, you know the scene in ep8 when Colin is staring at the wall while brooding before Pen tells him about the Cressida blackmail? In another flashback, where Edmund died and the news hit everybody, Colin is locked up in his room and Pen goes from comforting a crying Eloise to knocking on Colin's door.
He would get up and open it, looking miserable. Pen would jump to hug him and There would be back-and-forth shots of them both crying silently. Bam, another cut to Colin almost crying as he stares at the wall before Eloise comes into the scene. That would just add a little bit more oomph to Polin's relationship and would make the impact of LW hit harder, IMO.
I'm still happy with the season, but I think that's the one fault that I am still not enjoying about it. I think it was just a bad choice to not carve out some money from promotional stuff for these flashbacks, and I think the romance suffers from not being able to see that. Idk, maybe I'm tripping.
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avelera · 1 year
Random thoughts on the D&D movie in no particular order:
I loved the jokes. All of them. All the stupid jokes. I was their target audience and they succeeded at making me cackle at dumb shit while my partner's soul left his body
The landscape shots were breathtaking and honestly made me tear up at the beauty in places. In the theater, I remember thinking, "Yeah, FUCK yeah, these guys understood the assignment!" Nine out of ten times, I think fantasy should be animated, because if you don't pour millions into the budget, the action looks like crummy LARPers wearing silly costumes in the woods. This movie understood that if you're doing live action fantasy, you owe your audience some damn beautiful landscape shots and damn did they deliver on some beautiful landscape shots.
(cut for spoilers)
I sincerely appreciated Holga and her husband being divorced but still amicable. I'm so tired of the trope of exes being evil or awful. They just seemed like two adults who wanted to love each other but the circumstances of being together doomed them from the start. It was played for laughs but it was just a moment I genuinely enjoyed as divorcee. I also loved her ex's new wife looking exactly like her, both for the gag, and for what it said about both of them being each other's type even if it didn't work out.
I also cackled like a hyena at Holga's halfling fetish while also finding it rather sweet and enjoyed imagining all the reasons why she might have that preference lol
As a basic Drizzt Do'Urden loving bitch, I squeed when I saw Icewind Dale on the map. Then I had a moment between that and the Underdark of wondering, "Am I gonna see him? Even in the distance? Am I going to see my first love, Drizzt Do'Urden??"
And then I realized: the Paladin. The Paladin is Drizzt. Only good person who came out of a nation destroyed by evil. Too good for this world, too pure, to the point of being sanctimonious but is also a hottie. Xenk is Drizzt.
Oh, I also squeed when I saw the Underdark.
I appreciated how knowledge of D&D improved certain story beats (like the gelatinous cube or the displacer beast) but wasn't required to enjoy the plot. That's how references should be done.
The most agonizingly cringe moment for me was when Holga was dying. Just. I appreciated the beat. It couldn't go any other way. They delivered on their set up with the tablet, the only question was ever, "Who besides his wife is going to get saved with it?" And it made perfect sense who it was. I'm glad they didn't try to pull a fast one. But the scene was like... 10 seconds too long of her dying for me to not roll my eyes. We know you're going to use the tablet on her, dipshit, please keep this moving.
BUT I think the reason they did it was to land a sincere moment with the daughter, and I appreciated that. I think the scene could have been improved by Holga being like, "Don't you fucking dare use that tablet on me!" and then smacking him when he did it anyway and then he'd have to explain that he set out to save his daughter's mother, not his wife, who has passed on, etc etc. but I'm not sure that would have been much better so maybe the drawn-out opera death scene and the sincerity was better in the end idk.
I KINDA wanted to see the actors as the players playing D&D BUT I know why they didn't and it was a wise choice, it undermines the drama too much to say it doesn't matter because it's a game. Maybe if instead they'd should the characters playing D&D in universe as normal humans? Idk
I thought there'd be more Xenk? I thought he'd be in the arena with them? A little bummed but I also loved his GM NPC energy.
The combat and camera work was great! Genuinely enjoyable and well made, I appreciated the artistry that went into it.
Loved the bardic distraction scene for truly capturing the chaos of a D&D party's attempt at breaking and entering
Loved the portals bit for truly capturing the strategy and planning that can go into a functioning D&D campaign's clever heist, even if I'm sure it would have taken 5 sessions to plot out IRL
Honestly, it was just a fun, solid film! It's been a while since I've seen such a fun, solid film! I would buy it and put it on in the background to just enjoy and not angst over it! It was worth the price of admission, it was faithful to the spirit of D&D instead of sneering at it the way the early 2000s one did, and I had a good time! It wasn't the highest of art but it would have been weird if it had been! I liked it a lot!
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Louk's Bad Batch rewatch part 10 omg and 10 days until s3 👀
Lets go batchers 🤟
The Bad Batch 1x06
I love reading the aurebesh signs hehe
Omega nearly takes out a stranger and literally goes "teehee oopsie" I love her sm
Echo teaching her how to shoot 🥺
Wrecker: "not exactly a natural is she" Hunter: *vague nod/shrug thing* 💀
I'd love to shoo cid out of the bar "scram" @ cid
Tech is playing arcade games !!!! 👀
"I assume you know what a tactical droid is" *3 voted yes, Omega voted no, Tech panicked*
I used to think cid telling the batch they work for her was a kinda funny scene but rewatching it now knowing what I know it just infuriates me 😡
"weak noodle arms" SHES JUST A BABY
"this old trick?" hehe like the one Han did in ESB 👀
"that's your plan? fly there, land, hope they don't spot us and walk in the door?" ~ Obi-Wan about Anakin's plan - me pretending Echo learned this from Anakin 🥺
poor Wrecker with heights, he's so brave fr I'm very proud 💕
"nighty night" 🤣
everyone is probably gonna hate me for saying this buuuuttt... I kinda wanna see more Martez sisters after this episode lol
Rafa: "grab a weapon" Omega: "I had one 😑"
y'all the banter between Hunter and Rafa 👀 the way he walks behind her with both blasters out
"thanks" hehehe she's so cheeky
sibling banter
Wrecker hits his head count: 7 👀
and he just got shot in the same place on his shoulder for the third time 🙃
"Good soldiers-" screaming sobbing exploding into another dimension
Omega screaming for Hunter 😭
plus Hunter's "hang on Omega!" *checking myself into therapy*
Hunter literally swinging in to save Omega like he's tarzan 👑
that "thank you" was SO sincere I'm going to go cry my eyes out forever
Trace grabbed Omega to pull her behind her 🥺
Rafa: "I still don't like you" Hunter: "I'm used to it" 🥲😂
okay but Wrecker fighting the chip, hearing Tech calling for him sounding so concerned, then Crosshair desperately saying "good soldiers follow orders" is incredibly painful to hear... but it's like he's hearing his brothers both desperately calling him to them, Crosshair's voice is like the chip trying to activate, he's frustrated and confused which is probably exactly how Wrecker feels right now, and Tech's voice is trying to bring Wrecker back away from the chip 🥲 like they're both tugging at his brain to go different directions or smth idk I'm emotional about them always
"is there an echo in here?" "Yes, I'm Echo" *salutes* he's just so silly and goofy and I know the domino squad is absolutely cackling rn 😂
Tech's little swirly flip of the datastick like Hunter does with his knife makes me think Tech can also use Hunter's knife and that is something I would love to see pls
Trace has her arm around Omega again! 🤲
Tech is so sneaky hehe
Omega: "it's all about tuning out distractions" SEE CID SHE TOOK ECHOS ADVICE AND NOW SHE'S FINE pfft "weak noodle arms" NO MA'AM
R7 💕💕💕
Omega is so excited about being in a seedy area lmaooo
Omega and Rafa waving at each other as they leave 🥺
Hunter talking about the right reasons I am feeling emotions again
hmm I wonder who this mysterious person on the holo could possibly be 🤔🤔🤔
yayyyy episide 6 done y'alls 💕 thanks for joining again ilysm
I'm going to be doing a lot more hehe because I was super busy for a few days and now my timing is off 🙃
see y'all next time for when the fit hits the shan 🤟
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arcsimper5 · 7 months
Episode 5 - Rants!
Okay, so, first off WHAT AN AMAZING EPISODE!
Putting spoilers below the cut just in case, and this is gonna be way out of order, but my brain is still firing on all cylinders lol.
So first off - Echo!
Our baby is back! And he is taking no shit which is just perfect. His reaction to Crosshair is interesting though. I imagine, with him having been with the 501st and around Jedi, he may well have heard 'the stories' about Jedi falling to the Dark Side and being welcomed back. He's also probably heard about Slick from Rex, and seeing other clones turn on the empire despite being loyal, he is likely more sympathetic towards Crosshair than the others.
The 'What, no hug for me?' did have me cackling though. Such snark, such sass. Cross and Echo are underrated as friends, honestly.
Omega on Pabu. That opening was so lovely, her cuddled up with Lula and being so happy! And I LOVE how when she leaves to find Crosshair, Wrecker and Hunter have an entire conversation just through facial expressions. They've been through so much together, they can read each other better than ever, and it's wonderful.
Crosshair and AZ! I love how much that little droid wants to help. Crosshair's line about Lyanna and Shep's ability to find him being 'uncanny' also made me smile. Shep is just a homing missile of care, and of course his daughter is going to be the same!
Him explaining sniping to Omega as well, her just being a sponge of information must remind him of Tech at least a little. Then Wrecker and Hunter peeking over the rocks. Sorry, had to laugh!
Wrecker telling Hunter that if Omega trusts Crosshair, that's enough for him. YES! He's not letting things go, but he's giving it a chance, unlike Mr Face Tattoo Grumpy Pants.
Echo hug, and that is just wonderful. Not long enough, but hey, Echo's always been straight down to business.
Batcher's relationship with the moon-yos is also beautiful, them asleep on her by the table is just lovely!
The dining table scene, Tech mention, heartbreaking, but it shows there is still a void there. They're all aware, and all working to fill it, but it's still gaping and raw.
As soon as Crosshair said he knew an outpost, I was like, NO, THEY'RE GOING BACK TO BARTON IV *crying*
Then Wrecker giving him back the armour and the way Crosshair's eyes WIDEN when he sees it. Just UUUUUGH!
The 'little brother' moment and the chuckle made my heart SING. These two are just peak sibling and I AM HERE FOR IT!
And man, did I ever want them to turn up and Mayday be there, alive and having survived thanks to Crosshair and telling them all what he did and how amazing he was.
Sadly no :(
But Mayday's helmet, and Crosshair making a memorial to him with the rest of his squad beside him as well, it shows real growth, and THE MUSIC! Ooof!
Hunter being all side-eye-y by the door, what a dramatic bitch lol
Echo and Omega work so well together, and the tension between Crosshair and Hunter is ridiculous. Just fight already! And make it a good one!
So close, but Mama Echo stopped it lol
The entire scene with the wyrm was wonderful, from the beginning argument (I could write an entire novel on how much I love Crosshair calling Hunter out on his BS in a way no-one else does) and Hunter being an angry boi.
But the innate trust that comes out as soon as Hunter falls in that hole.
Also... 'HUNTER!!!!!' :')
The nods at the end, then loading onto the ship. I REALLY wanted Crosshair to tell Hunter about Mayday, that he shot the officer for a Reg, because they refused to help him. I wanted him to tell him how he was tortured, how he kept them safe.
I only hope Echo goes through the medical records and finds what they did to Crosshair, shows it to Hunter and they finally get a bit more understanding.
Overall, it was AMAZING!
My only gripe is with the perimeter - Hunter has enhanced senses but it seems like they write him like he can turn them on and off lol. If it's high pitched enough to keep the wyrm away AND bother Batcher, he's sure as hell going to be hearing it, helmet or not! And it wouldn't be pleasant!
But no, he has to look through his helmet to pick it up? Yeah, I call BS on that :P
But considering that is the only complaint I really have, 9.9/10!
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strangebutcher · 1 year
Hobart || A Spider-Punk one-shot
[W/C] 325
summary: a stupid ass drabble of Y/N making fun of Hobie’s name
content: poor attempt at British slang, British people with silly names, gender-neutral reader, Miles Morales being a Hobie anti, and literally just stupid shit.
A/N: this was going to be an xreader, but nah. This is also probably the worst thing I’ve ever written lol. Not proofread
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“You’re telling me…you’re sayin’ you don’t conform to labels and you still kept the name Hobart? (..) You got hoe in your name either way and you kept that shit?” Y/N was laughing their ass off as they spoke, quite literally on their knees and holding their gut as an attempt to calm their laughter(it wasn’t working out that well). Hobie on the other hand has his hands stuffed in his vest as he stared down at them, he clearly wasn’t as amused as they were, it only became worse when Miles joined in. 
“Your name is Hobart?” His brows furrowed as he tried to suppress a laugh, though his face was contorting in hilarity. He was extremely amused. You’re telling me he was jealous over some old man named Hobart? Bro doesn’t even have a moanable name.
“Is that like a British thing? Naming people stupid ass names?” Y/N asks again, suppressing their laugh for a few seconds before falling back to the floor again, tears rolling down their cheeks. Maybe you’ve never seen someone roll on the ground in such a state before, hell maybe you’ve never even almost peed because you laugh too hard, but at the moment Y/N was caught in one of those inescapable laughs. Anything and everything would be funny until they ran out of juice. 
“Yeah, laugh it up now, ain’t gonna be funny next time you’re fighten Miguel and I leave, is it?” Hobie’s comment only seems to fuel the fire. Y/N is dying in the floor, Miles is silently cackling, and Hobie is…not exactly pissed off, but he should be right about now. He sneers at the two of them, already clicking on his watch ready to head out.
“No-no, don’t leave, who else am I supposed to make fun of?” Y/N asks, though they can barely leave through their laughter. As they finish their sentence Hobie is already through the portal back to his earth. 
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adoringhrry · 2 years
New Parents
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Notes: I wrote this based off of a TikTok my mother sent me lol. Also imagine Harry in like mid-2022!
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They say children, when you have them, will become the best things in your life. You endure a few minutes of pain to spend a lifetime of happiness with someone who’s a product of you and your other half. Your life will hold smiles, laughs and wonderful memories together.
They will have you on the floor, giggling like a crazy person. Spending months creating a room for them to stay in, making sure your home is suitable so they wouldn’t ever get hurt. Going to doctor appointments to hear a heartbeat, shaking your partner awake in the middle of the night to feel their first kick.
“It’s your turn, Harry!” She spoke, turning over and pulling the satin covers over her head.
“Fuck off,” Harry moaned, begrudgingly slapping his hands over his tired eyes. “But it’s your kid.”
“Yours too.”
No one prepared the new parents for the all hours of the night screaming. The sleepless nights created delusions of their mother’s cackles whizzing around their minds. How the hell could someone put up with these little demons?
Harry grumbled a curse under his breath, throwing the covers off his body and standing. His eyes were closed, hoping to get some sort of more shut eye before he’d be up for hours.
Walking with their eyes closed while still half asleep had become a talent of theirs, having to do it so many times within the last three months does that to people. The mapping of their home has become second nature to him, even in the pitch black of the night.
He would need a cup of coffee, desperately.
Screaming echoed from their daughter’s room, increasing with every zombified step he took. This was how it was the last few months, except for the first week.
The first week they brought their daughter Presley home was heaven, it was everything they had heard about. She was a quiet and peaceful little squished face baby, not a single ounce of fuss at all.
Like an excerpt of the bible, on the seventh day all hell broke loose. That was when the screaming started. As much as Y/n loved her wonderful husband, Harry got on her nerves. And the same would go for him, but he was a little better at hiding it.
His bare feet made it into the room, turning to the crib to console Presley. He held her like glass, something that could break if you made a simply wrong move. A high pitched scream shot through his ear and right out the other side of his head, a need to cry as well punching him in the heart.
“Okay Princess, daddy’s here. Shhh, you’re okay.” He soothed, rocking his bundle of love in his arms. Swaying to a gentle unheard rhythm, he willed her to fall back to sleep. “I understand you love me, but daddy needs his sleep. Please” His words were breathy, pleading not only with the infant but with whatever god could hear him.
Sadly, Presley’s love for her father overpowered his wishes of sleep. Screams and whines continued to pour from the infant's mouth, seemingly for hours.
It only took a few minutes of the gut wrenching noise for Y/n to clamor out of her bed and join her husband. Standing in just black boxers and a white tee with tousled hair, he still looked good enough to bite. Here’s to another sleepless night, she thought.
“Babe, give me her and let's go get some coffee.” She spoke slowly, reaching for the bundle held with his large arms.
“Coffee?” He asked, sleep evident in his husky voice.
Coffee was a safe haven in their home now. Harry wasn’t proud of it, though. He loved to pride himself on only his English breakfast tea and baby-chinos on the off chance he got coffee. He wasn’t a coffee drinker. Well, he didn’t used to be a coffee drinker.
Y/n hummed and grasped onto her daughter gently. She stepped aside so he could shuffle past, rolling her eyes as he hoisted his under pants up and burped on his way out.
“We need a bath.” She pointed out to the wiggling little monster in her arms. “You need to sleep.”
It had been almost two weeks since she had last had a shower, her own smell couldn’t repulse her anymore. That’s when she just knew it was bad. She probably had vomit in her hair, which itself made her wanna crawl into bed and never leave.
After another moment, Presley stopped screaming. She opened her eyes and peered up at her mother, chubby cheeks giving her a permanent fake-grumpy face. They decided to go join Harry, the thought of liquid gold the only thing present on Y/n’s mind.
The hallways were covered in ultrasound photographs and in every room were some sort of baby item. It had taken a month to babyproof the whole home with the help of Kid Harpoon and Lizzo.
Y/n walked into the kitchen to find her husband at the island counter, eyes still closed.
She walked over to him to offer a hand. Her steps halted when she made it behind his shoulder, peering down at what her husband was doing.
Using the coffee scooper, he was plopping spoon fulls of baby formula into the coffee maker. Holy shit. A smile crept up her face, which turned into a giggle. And giggling turned into a hysterical laughing fit of delusion.
When Harry opened his eyes and seen what was so funny, he himself started laughing. It had to have been the no sleep, but this was the funiest thing in the whole world.
Presley was confused as to what was happening, though. Both of her parents were laughing at seemingly nothing, slowly going mad.
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
okay okay wait i have some non-angsty hashira hcs too <3
okay so we know it's canon that sanemi can read but he can't write and given tengen's upbringing there's no way he can't write so when he finds out i bet he uses it against sanemi, he'll tickle him and when sanemi tells him to back off he'll be like "idk what you mean, can you spell that out for me :)"
So MEAN! 😭 Call me sadistic, but I love it lols! I've gotcha covered, Rey! :D
CW: Swearing
“Gah! What the actual- TENGEN!” Sanemi whirled, glaring daggers as the grinning ex-shinobi, arms pressed tightly into his sides.
“Hey Grump-zugawa! Got a question for ya-” He reached out poking Sanemi again and again. “Is it true you don’t know how to write? Like- you read really well, but you can’t write letters?”
“F-Fuhuhuck off, you oversized rock!” Sanemi snarled, stumbling back as he tried fighting off the hands prodding at him. His face burned, both from the tickles and his weakness brought up. “Geheheht the hell oohoohoff me!”
“Can I get that in writing?” Tengen winked, grabbing Sanemi’s fist before it could collide with his face. “Okay, mean- I get it. Still, I didn’t just come over here to bully you.” His free hand shot down, wiggling along the Wind Hashira’s exposed side. “Okay, maybe I did a little.”
“Geahahhahhahaha! T-Tehehehengen, I’ll fuhuhuhuhcking muhuhuuhurder yohuhuhuhou!” Sanemi shot up with a cackle, torn between yanking himself away and throwing another fist into the bigger man’s direction. For now, he had settled on trying to yank the offending hand away from his ribs. “Bahahhahahack ohohohohoohff!”
“Nah, this is too fun. Anyway- I genuinely came over about it. See- I grew up required to write, and I’m fairly good at it.” Tengen changed gears, clawing five fingers along Sanemi’s belly and making him double over with a squeal. “I can teach you how to write!”
“I dohohohoohn’t neehehehehehd yohohohohohur hehehehehelp!”
“They all say that- but in the end, my students are master writers. Here- first lesson’s free! T…I…” He poked out the shapes along Sanemi’s skin, giggling between letters himself at the way the pale haired man doubled over. “Hold still, I’m teaching you to spell! C…K…”
“TEHEHEHEHNGEHEHHEEHEN!” Sanemi cried, unable to fight back the laughter any longer. Figuring he was screwed either way, he reeled his leg back and kicked upward. Tengen’s instincts kicked in as he jumped back, releasing the other. Sanemi was free!
For five seconds. Then his back hit the ground and Tengen was looming over him with a new glint in his eyes.
“Wow, and I thought I was mean! Did you really just try to kick me in the chin?” His hands were back along Sanemi’s torso, making the other swear and scream. “Fine, let’s work on another word. S…O…R…R…Y… Can you spell that one for me?”
“See? Was that so hard?” Tengen grinned, releasing him but stayed hovering. “Really- I do want to teach you, Shinazugawa. I think it’d be nice for both of us.”
“Heheh…hehe..hohow so?” Sanemi groaned out, too tired to do more than push his bangs out of his face.
“I feel accomplished as a teacher, and you get to send love letters to Tomioka!” Tengen grinned, laughing when Sanemi went beet red.
It wasn’t long before their positions were reversed, Sanemi’s fingers flying over Tengen’s armpits and the big oaf cackling for mercy.
Send me a headcanon and character(s) and I'll write a short 300-500 word dabble for it!
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