#oc ask prompt
imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Send in a question you would like to ask of my OC and I'll answer in-character!
Thought about this for a while, now, and think that it would be a good prompt.
Reblog to your hearts content and get people asking your OCs questions!
The ONLY rule is this: answer it as your OC.
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darth-caillic · 6 months
Send me one of my fics + 🗑 and I’ll tell you a concept that was trashed or something that likely won’t make the final cut of the story.
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cheesy-che · 1 month
for mizu: 🔵 Blue, 🪩 Disco Ball, 🟢 Green. and for emy: 🔴 Red, 🎱 8 Ball
OC Ask Meme
Waaaa thank you for asking, my lovely friend. UwU <3
🔵 Blue- How would your OC spend a single day of interrupted peace? Where would they go or who would they be with?
In general, she’d be alone or with friends who don't require a lot of energy to be with. She’d probably read a book or two, listen to some calming synth/electronic music and cozy up in a blanket. BIG bonus if it’s rainy outside during the summer. If we’re talking specifically in the TMNT 2003 universe where I put her often, she’d be delighted to spend a day at the farm house. Mizuiro loves a night walk in the forest in the hopes of seeing the stars clearly and stumble upon some fireflies. 
🟢 Green- What is considered a weakness in your OC that is actually a strength? What is a strength in your character that can be twisted into a weakness?
WOWEEE Big question lol.
Self-doubt in general is absolutely her biggest weakness, but I personally think it’s some kind of strength. Because she unfortunately doesn’t have high confidence, she always assumes that her mind could be changed. Extreme open-mindedness, if you will. It has proven to be a strength in the way that she nevers assumes that she’s right about something unless she has done hours of research to prove her point. Yes, she is a victim of a lot of self-doubt because of that and it is difficult to live with, but it also means that she’s always open to discuss any subject… unless it diverts from her basic values ofc.
As for a strength that could be twisted in a weakness… I guess it could be considered a weakness not to express her emotions often or to stay silent most of the time. It’s a strength in a way that she can take the time to think clearly before answering a question and it can be helpful not to show someone how you truly feel. At least, she herself sees this as a strength. She values her secrecy a lot and is quite happy about establishing her boundaries about who’s allowed to see which sides of her. Although, it has proven to be quite difficult for her to make new friends or to express herself correctly because of this self-inflicted social restriction.
🪩 Disco Ball- What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them?
Mizuiro doesn’t like to get the attention centered on herself, but that doesn’t mean she won’t celebrate alone if the occasion arises. I’m not at that part yet in my story (minor spoiler alert for anyone reading Space Echoes… oops), but when she realizes that her cardio and overall form has improved while practicing physical training, she feels amazing. It’s probably her friends who make her realize that she, in fact, has improved. Your girl loves a warm bath, and she would love to celebrate her training session by indulging in hours-long baths and self-care. So, definitely small personal victories. For Mizuiro to be proud of herself, it takes a lot!
🔴 Red- What is a trait your OC has that those around them don't see very often? Is it seen by a rare few or completely overlooked?
The average person ™ doesn't see how kind she can be. Really, that’s mostly all there is to it. Emy has what we call a “resting bitch face” and she’s a “matter-of-fact” kind of person whenever you address her. Even when tries to show that she cares, it’s mostly going to be shown with a mocking snicker or sarcasm. So yeah, her true kindness, without her “tsundere attitude”, is only seen by a few. 
🎱 8 Ball- What situation was your OC lucky to escape from or get out of? What or who helped them unexpectedly?
Emy hides stuff from her parents, like any teenager does. For example, her brother knew about her brief romantic relationship with Mizuiro… her parents didn’t. Not that they would care about Emy being in a relationship with another girl, but Emy didn’t want them to know. She feared they wouldn’t let her sleep at her best friend’s place anymore or think that their relationship was more serious than it actually was. Mizuiro and Emy ended up preferring to stay friends after showing some skinship to one another. It strengthened their bond, but they realized they weren’t interested in having more than a platonic friendshippy love for each other. Her parents would’ve been super awkward about it (at least, according to Emy) and she had her brother swear that he wouldn’t tell because he had found out… in exchange for her doing the dishes in his place for a year. Thanks bro. 
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rainecloud020604 · 4 months
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Mud he/him
his name is licherally mud,,,dhsfkashdkfjh how could i not, one of petunias little ones, he has an interest in books and likes to stay indoors hes also missing a few fingers as a birth defect
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cityandking · 11 months
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
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grumpy-triceratops · 8 months
🌸My Super Long Hopefully Fun Character Ask Game:
What is your character's favorite physical trait they possess?
What would your character wear if they were told they had to gussy up?
Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
Does your character have a favorite material they like to wear?
What are your character's opinion on scars?
How much interest does your character take in trends?
Is there someone your character tries to look similar to?
Does your character have a physical trait that they're known for?
What does your character smell like?
If your character could splurge on a particular garment, what would it be?
Is your character's favorite color a color they wear often?
Has your character gone through major stylistic or physical changes?
What is something your character would refuse to wear?
Is there a style your character is afraid they can’t pull off?
Would your character wear something someone else picked out for them?
Is your character's appearance more telling or deceiving?
What are your character's thoughts on wearing costumes?
Does your character have a favorite outfit?
If your character had to get a tattoo what would it be?
Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
What gift would your character give to someone they didn't like but felt obligated to?
What type of object is likely to catch your character's attention?
Is there an item your character liked that they can’t get back? 
Would your character ever try to haggle?
What is something your character is proud to own?
Does your character ever spend more than they have?
What would it take for your character to give up an item they really like?
Does your character prefer to give or receive gifts?
Is there a type of object your character doesn’t like?
What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character?
Does your character personify objects?
What does your character most enjoy shopping for?
Is there an item your character is embarrassed they own or want?
Would your character prefer something bought or made personally?
Is your character willing to ask for things?
What is most important to your character when shopping?
🍽️Food and Drink
What flavor would your character say their personality is?
Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
Is there a food or drink your character is unwilling to try?
How big is your character's appetite?
Does your character consider eating fun?
Would your character eat or drink something they didn't like to appease someone?
Is there food that has made your character sick?
What is your character's favorite food group?
Does your character like to try new foods?
What is a childhood meal your character cherishes?
Is your character food motivated?
Which mealtime is your character's favorite?
How much does your character care about wasting food?
Does your character prefer restaurant food or home cooked food?
What food or drink does your character consider a treat?
Is there a food texture your character doesn't like?
What kind of drinks does your character prefer?
🌤️Weather and Nature
What would your character do if they were suddenly caught in the rain?
Has your character had a meaningful encounter with an animal?
What season would your character say they're most similar to?
Is there a natural phenomenon that scares your character?
Has your character ever had an animal phase?
Would your character enjoy sky gazing?
Does your character have a good sense of direction?
What type of environment does your character like best?
Is your character good with animals?
How would your character react to snow?
What part of nature would your character most resonate with?
Could your character survive in the wilderness on their own for a week or more?
What element best represents your character?
Does your character prefer hot or cold weather?
Is there a creature that scares your character?
What celestial body would interest your character the most?
Is your character good with plants?
How willing would your character be to nap outside?
What animal would your character say best represents them?
🤝Community and Relationships
Does your character prefer company or solitude when sick?
What is your character's favorite kind of social event?
How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Is your character upfront about their feelings?
Who would your character first seek if they needed medical help?
How willing would your character be to go to a party with people they don't know?
Who is your character most honest with?
How likely is it for your character to initiate a friendship?
Where is your character's comfort place?
Is there a habit your character has that they learned from someone else?
Does your character have people they think would worry about them if they got injured?
How would your character react to being put in a position of leadership?
Would your character be good at providing medical assistance?
Who would your character say knows them best?
Is there a person your character would turn to for backup in a fight?
Who would your character most want to sign their cast if they got one?
How well does your character work with others?
What is your character's favorite form of affection?
Does your character enjoy celebrating holidays?
What would it take for your character to get into a fight?
💓Mind, Body and Soul
What is a habit your character has that others might find cute?
Are there particular sounds your character is fond of?
Is your character more prone to fight or flight?
Does your character believe in myths and fairy tales?
What words could tear your character down?
How well does your character act under pressure?
Is your character good at practicing self-care?
What scents does your character find comforting?
Does your character have any allergies?
Is your character a light, medium or heavy sleeper?
Does your character have strong willpower?
Is your character more likely to give advice or seek it?
How does your character relax?
Is there a secret thing your character longs to hear?
Does your character have a sleep routine?
Would your character feel confident in a fight?
Is your character more energized in the morning, afternoon or at night?
How often does your character have nightmares?
Are there scents your character dislikes?
Is there a fear your character wants to learn to overcome?
If your character had to act in a play what role would they think they’d best perform?
Does your character have a high pain tolerance?
🎲 Hobbies and Activities
What kind of games does your character most enjoy playing?
Does your character have a secret hobby?
What is a talent your character wishes they had?
Is there an activity your character used to enjoy that they now dislike?
Which does your character try to prioritize more, work or hobbies?
Does your character work better with creative or technical endeavors?
What is a talent that your character is proud of?
Is your character more outdoorsy or indoorsy?
What is a topic your character would be excited to talk about? 
Is there a skill your character doesn’t know they’re bad at?
Does your character have any injury stories?
What kind of music does your character enjoy?
Has your character ever made something for themselves or someone else?
What is your character’s opinion on cheating in games?
How good is your character at following through on projects?
What’s an activity that reminds your character of someone else?
Does your character prefer music or silence?
What is a topic your character wouldn't want to talk about?
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whoiskt · 7 months
Questions about two of your original characters about their relationship. Should work for friends/lovers/coworkers/enemies/etc, maybe not so much for family, but you're welcome to try!
How did they meet?
How long have these two characters known each other?
What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
How would they describe each other if asked? Physically? In personality?
Do they get along? Why or why not?
Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
How often do they see each other? Where do they usually meet?
How do they communicate with each other? Are there any recurring phrases or gestures unique to their relationship?
What is one quality they have in common?
What is one major difference between them?
Does one act as a narrative foil to the other? How so?
Do they have any affection for each other? How do they show it?
Do they have any disdain/contempt for each other? How do they show it?
Do they share the same goals in life?
Do they trust each other? Why or why not?
Is one of them keeping secrets from the other? Why? How would they react if the secret was revealed?
Are they keeping a secret together? How do they feel about that?
Do they view their relationship as temporary or permanent?
Are they satisfied with their relationship? Do they wish they were closer/more distant?
What is their best memory together?
What is their worst memory together?
When were they the most vulnerable with each other?
Do they have any mutual friends? Mutual enemies?
How do these two interact with each other in public versus in private?
If a stranger saw them together, how would they describe their relationship?
How would these characters react to being stuck in a small room with each other?
How far would they go for each other? Would they risk their own lives for each other?
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moroseprose · 4 months
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Red Emoji OC Asks ❤️‍🩹
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❤️ (heart) - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
🥀 (wilted flower) - How does your character deal with stressful situations? Is their fear response fight, flight, freeze or fawn?
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
💋 (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent?
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
🍎 (apple) - Does your oc go to school or take classes? Did they go to college? What was/is their favorite subject? Did/do they get good grades? Did/do they enjoy school?
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
🥊 (boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
👠 (heels) - How does your oc dress? Are they stylish or casual? Do they keep up with trends or do their own thing? Do they prefer designer clothes or going to the thrift store? Do they have a signature item of clothing?
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
🩸 (blood) - Is your oc squeamish? Are they disturbed by the sight of blood? Have they ever been in a situation where they had to overcome being squeamish?
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
🎸 (electric guitar) - What’s your character’s music taste like? Do they have one or two artists they play on repeat or do they have a varied and eclectic collection of music? Do they like mainstream artists or prefer underground musicians? What genres do they enjoy?
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
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coldresolve · 2 years
Edgy/misc OC ask meme ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
Send me a number and an OC, and I'll answer.
What memory would your OC rather just forget?
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
How does your OC behave when enraged?
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
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Draw your characters like this
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darth-caillic · 1 year
Send me a 👁️‍🗨️ + an OC and I'll share a piece of writing from one of my Potential Dialogue docs
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yueliie · 19 days
I created some fun questions for your selfships! please do reblog and remember to have fun!
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🍧 — if you has to put a label on your relationship with f/o, childhood sweetheart? married? tell me!
🔥 — who gets jealous easier?
💋 — if you two were a romance trope, what would it be?
🎂 — how do you two celebrate each other's birthday?
🧊 — who sings in the shower?
🔮 — who is more protective?
🩰 — who is the better dancer?
🎈— what is your most precious memory with them?
🐇 — what kind of pet do you think you could raise together with them?
💍— what is their view on marriage?
🎀 — do you have any matching clothes with them? If so, what does it look like?
🧸— favourite gifts from each other?
🌱 — how do you make up with each other after an argument?
🩹 — if you or your f/o got hurts, how would the other react?
❄️ — how would you spend Christmas with them?
🎃 — what is your Halloween costume? Do they match with your f/o?
🌠 — if you or your f/o could make one wish come true, what would it be?
📸 — do you have any photos of your f/o? do you use it as your wallpaper?
🫕 — camping together seems fun, who cooks and who set up the tent?
🍝 — do you two share your foods with each other? have you try feeding them yourself?
🔪 — if they were a yandere, would you still love them?
💄— what nicknames or pet names do you two use for each other?
💎 — if you and your f/o were in a fake relationship/marriage, who do you think would lose at falling in love first?
🍿 — your perception of them and their perception of you?
🌹— if the roles were reversed, your f/o selfship themselves with you, would you two still be obsessed with each other as usual or stronger?
🍒 — what would your contact names be for each other?
🏷️ — what is you and your f/o's ship name? how did you decide on that name?
⏳ — if you or your f/o travel back in time, is there anything that you want to change in your relationship? maybe some regrets for your actions towards the other in the past?
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alannah-corvaine · 1 year
1. What kind of person is your OC in a crisis? Are they calm and collected? Do they panic? Or are they chronically the cause?
2. Is your OC a loner or a social butterfly? Are they satisfied with how they come across to other people?
3. What is your OC's financial status? Are they just scraping by, making enough to live comfortably, or wealthy? Has there ever been a drastic change in their status? If so, what happened?
4. Does your OC have a failed friendship or relationship they still think about? What happened? Is it an unresolved regret or is there a chance for reconciliation?
5. Does your OC have a signature weapon and/or attack? How long did they train to master it?
6. Does your OC know magic? Were they born with magical ability or did they train to acquire it? What is their favorite type of magic? Least favorite?
7. Does your OC like their natural hair color or do they dye it? What styles do they prefer?
8. What was your OC's most embarrassing moment? Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
9. Is your OC laid back or do they thrive on drama? What role do they play in their group of friends/associates?
10. Is your OC sentimental or pragmatic? Do they keep mementos or only what they need to survive? Have they always been this way or did something happen to make them change?
11. What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters? Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?
12. Is your OC cynical or optimistic? Who or what shaped their outlook on life?
13. How important are romantic relationships to your OC? Do they prefer casual sex, short flings, or long term relationships? Do they want to get married or are they content with what they have? Or do they have no interest in romance whatsoever?
14. How important is friendship to your OC? Do they prefer to have one or two close friends or a large group of casual friends? Or do they prefer their own company over that of others?
15. What places hold significant meaning or memories for your OC? Do they have a positive or negative association with those places?
16. How does your OC make money? Do they have a respectible profession or work a series of odd jobs? Are they a criminal? Or do they get creative in the pursuit of coin?
17. Does your OC have an enemy? What happened between them? Is it mutual or one-sided? Is it petty or serious? Is one party seeking revenge? Does one person want the other dead or are they content to hate them from afar? 
18. Has your OC ever had a prophecy made about them? Was it a big deal or did they ignore it? Was it straightforward or cryptic? Did it ever come to pass or did they circumvent it?
19. Has your OC ever had an experience with the paranormal or the divine? What happened? Was it a one time encounter or is it a normal part of their life? Did they find it terrifying or thrilling?
20. Has your OC ever done something terrible and lied about it? Did they run away or blame someone else for it? How long did they maintain the lie and did the truth ever come out?
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rainecloud020604 · 4 months
winged, finned, scaled
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Marshall He/him designed by iceflurry on toyhouse
he's a fallen angel, trying to regain his place back as a normal angel after he lost his soul he was guarding and is on an adventure to get them back so he can regain his rights as an angel
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FSH it/its design by @calibrijack
FSH is just a guy chilling, it wants to be in the ocean but is also scared of the fact it might get attacked as its got fish swimming inside it
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Ushukee he/him
guardian of Anashujis temple the deity of snakes and mischief, as they raised him to guard it as people tend to destroy it often or try to vandalize it and thats rude >:( Ushukee is also a bit violent and is just trying to do a good job to appease his god
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ninjagecko72 · 2 years
Ever just make an OC and you think they’ll just be a one-off character but then all of the sudden, whoop. You dive into the character to understand how they handle a situation you put them in, you help them succeed, develop their personality more than you planned and you’re just attached to your little baby now so you’ve got to see them grow and flourish and make it to the happy ending they deserve?
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creation-help · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈PRIDE THEMED OC ASK GAME🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️
Bc I wanted one and didn't find it so. Here
[Send ask aimed at a specific character]
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
2. What's your oc's orientation? (Romantic/sexual/platonic alterous ect) Do they have opinions about it?
3. How did your oc discover themself? Did something cause them to question, or did they always know?
4. Is your oc's environment supportive about their identity? How does this impact them?
5. How did you figure out your oc's identity?
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
8. Have they had struggles with their identity, be it due to internal or external reasons?
9. Are there cultural or lore specific aspects to their identity? If applicable, does their species affect it?
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
11. Is your oc open about their identity? Are they more lowkey or more blunt about it? Why or why not?
12. Does/did your oc ever wish they could change the way they are? Why? If it's in the past, how did they get over the feeling? (this can be about internalized homo/transphobia)
13. Would your oc be open to a poly relationship? Why or why not?
[Not aimed at a specific character] / [Aimed at creator]
14. Do you have ocs on the aro or ace spectrum?
15. Do any of your ocs use neopronouns? Which ones?
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
17. Do you share identity with any of your ocs? Which ones?
18. Do you prefer to give your ocs specific labels, or keep it unspecified? Why? If applicable, do you change their labels depending on circumstance?
19. Do you have preferences about depicting homo/transphobia in your stories? What, and why? Does it vary by story?
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
21. Free ramble card wee
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