crimsonphoenixguild · 8 years
jishakuojo application accepted
Name: Angelina “Angie” Moray
Age: 23
Date of birth: November 13th 
Ethnicity: Fiore-an
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Year they’re joining the guild: X790
Place of residence: A small house hidden by trees right outside of Aster
Occupation: Mage at Crimson Phoenix
Face claim: Nami from One Piece
Parents: Evangeline and Kristofer Moray (deceased)
Siblings: Older Brother named Sora (deceased)
Children: None
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Orange
Height: 5'6"
Body build: Slender, yet very curvaceous 
Tattoos/piercings: Tattoo on left bicep resembling a pinwheel and a tangerine at the ends
Scars/noticeable trait: Scar across back resembling a burn
Guild mark location and colour if accepted: Orange, right wrist
PERSONALITY: Angie is a very closed off person. Suffering the loss of her parents at a very young age in the Deliora attacks, it’s something that scarred her even into this day. It’s a big reason that she does not like getting close to people. However, through the years and as she got older, she learned to survive on her own through sheer manipulation alone. It’s how she learned to survive before she learned that with her magic she can take jobs and survive off of the money she made off of those jobs. Closed off, she has no intention of truly getting close to any of her guild mates. It’s more of a place for her to return to after a long day and have a drink or two than anything.
Type of magic: Magnekenisis
Strengths: Ability to manipulate magnetic fields around her. She can magnetize various things around her and virtually become a human magnet. She is able to block weapons that are metallic based and reflect them back at the user.
Limitations: Human magnetization. She cannot take a humans blood and use it to magnetize them, not because there isn’t enough iron in the blood, but because it’s very taboo to the point where there is no information about how to do so anywhere that she has found. She also has to use an immense amount of magic energy in order to utilize her full potential.
Class: B class
Name: Elodie “Elle”
Age: [/taylor swift voice] i don’t know about you, but i’m feelin 22
Country: united states
Any triggers: roaches, animal abuse, pitbulls, trypophobia/tryophobia, needles
i have this weird obsession with mcdonalds and i say “lmao” a lot. even when something isnt funny. also i manage a barnes and noble and shit goes from 0-100 real quick
URL of blog: it this one.
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
An old, and extremely rare, material called Gemcopper has resurfaced in south/west, any amount would suffice since it is to be used for research purposes however the reward will be increased based on higher quantities.
They are found more specifically in the Banyan Mountains, closest to the Howling Forester nests, which are monsters that vaguely resemble a dragonfly, covered in royal purple scales. It resonates a high pitched howl that targets the senses to disable their prey before attacking and have so far rendered everyone who has approached helpless.
Reward: 300,000 Jewels ( 3 points )
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
Now that we are getting a fair amount of members, we would like to explain how the requests will work a little more...
What the requests are is like in any guild there are job requests that Mage’s take to earn Jewels, in this guild to promote interactions with people you might not normally rp with we will be posting requests ( we’re not sure how many yet ) but we will try to get at least one out a week depending on our schedules.
An example of a request might be: two muses needed to fend off some wild Wyverns straying to close to the town of Linaria, please help!
What will then happen is that the first TWO group members to like the post will then be considered as going on the job together and are expected to make a thread around that prompt. This is all to promote interactions, you don’t have to take any requests however it’s highly recommended but it’s a good way to start interactions if you’re shy!
Once a request is accepted, we will not take anymore likes on that post.
In order to gain something out of it, other than interactions and new friends, we will also set up a points system for your muse, this will not be the only way to earn points but it will be the most common. In order to actually earn points though you must FINISH the thread and then send us an ask saying that you have!
These points can go towards certain things, the reward for each request will be at the bottom of the post itself and after you get a certain amount of points you can redeem them for:
Banners/Promo’s of your muse Theme backgrounds Full themes S-Class trials
We are still currently working out the points system, in particular how much each reward costs points wise, however once you redeem the points, they are wiped from your record. 
So, say you have 40 points and a theme background costs 20 points, once you ask for that background you will only have 20 points left and will have to start building up again. The more points you have at the time we announce s-class trials though, the higher chance your muse has to being included in them.
This is so that we know both you and your muse are invested in the guild, the points themselves will not go towards the OUTCOME of which members become s-class however, we have a different system for that.
You must tell us about finishing threads for job requests to earn points, if you have any questions let us know. We will keep a tally on the blog for those who have points, so no one forgets!
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
Just some reminders~
Take a look at our members page! It’s highly encouraged that you all follow each other.
Don’t forget to track our tags-
Cprp: announcement
Cprp: open
Cprp: new member
Cprp: requests
And if you’re not using the default theme, please just make sure you have a link to our group somewhere on your blog.
Also have fun! Your muses are all super great :’)
We will be hopefully posting some ‘job requests’ later today so keep an eye out. Remember that the first two people to like a request post have ‘accepted’ the job.
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
aleaxdice application: accepted
Name: Tesserae “Tess” Mancini
Age: 19
Date of birth: 24 June X773
Ethnicity: Fiorean
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Demiromantic
Sexual Orientation: Demisexual
Year they’re joining the guild: X790
Place of residence: An apartment in Aster a decent walk away from the marketplace
Occupation: Mage of the Crimson Pheonix Guild
Face claim: Seo Yuzuki- Monthly Girl’s Nozaki-kun
Parents: Vittore and Lily Mancini; alive
Grandfather: Hermes Mancini; deceased 
Siblings: N/A
Children: N/A
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Reddish Brown
Height: 5'5"
Body build: Slender, mildly toned
Tattoos/piercings: Two on each of her ears. On her lobes and upper ears
Scars/noticeable trait: N/A
Guild mark location and colour if accepted: Left hand and dark red
PERSONALITY: Acts pretty laid back, and only looks bored because she does not know how to open up to new people. Once she is comfortable with someone she’ll talk excitedly and even invite them to play a game. Though, if she is hurt she’ll use sarcasm instead of admitting she is (easily accomplished if she’s accused of cheating). With that said, she takes rules very seriously and is extremely hesitant about breaking them without a justifiable reason.
Type of magic: Holder- Dice Magic. Uses magical dice to cast a spell and another to determine the strength of it.
Strengths: Tess has seven magic dice inherited from her grandfather. Her spell die allows her to choose from six different spells. At this point she has mastered the two strength dice and she can use her magic to manipulate which face turns up. She can do this with all three.
Limitations: The strength of the of the spell is only as powerful as the mage’s abilities and too many consecutive high number spells quickly drain her. She also needs to know the purpose and possible combinations of certain dice in order for them to work properly or at all. At this point she does not know four of them.
Class: Just a little above average. It would take her learning how to use her four other dice before she would have a chance to become S-class.
Name: Jane
Age: 20
Country: USA
Any triggers: blood, gore, and highly sexual content
Little about yourself: I’m a student getting ready to transfer to a university in the fall. So I may be busy when school is in session. I have three years of RP experience on tumblr and Tess will be my fourth muse.
URL of blog: aleaxdice
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
Application : accepted
Name: Louella Saenz
Age: 21
Date of birth: August 14th
Ethnicity: Fiorean
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Year they’re joining the guild: X790
Place of residence: A little apartment near the center of Aster, near the marketplace or commonplace
Occupation: A mage of Crimson Phoenix 
Face claim: Shinoa Hiragi from Owari no Seraph
Parents: Yuria Saenz and Anders Saenz – both alive
Siblings: None
Children: Ella Saenz – girl, two years old, and father is unknown.
Eye colour: Warm brown
Hair colour: A medium purple
Height: 5 feet and 4 inches
Body build: She’s definitely muscled, just not overly. You can just barely see her abs, her legs and arms aren’t too bulky. But it’s clear that a good amount of muscle mass is present.
Tattoos/piercings: Wheels with fire coming up from behind them on her upper right arm, a big flower on her left foot, and her daughter’s name (Ella) written on the backside of her right wrist with a blue flower connected to it. She has her ears pierced like most girls usually do in the usual place, but then she has three cartilage piercings in each ear.
Scars/noticeable trait: Lou has a scar on her right cheek, it’s not very big, but it’s noticeable only because the surgery to patch it up didn’t go so well so it’s more jagged than what most people like. She’s chill with it though. And she has a few smaller scars around her body from miscellaneous injures.
Guild mark location and colour if accepted: On her stomach on the left side and it would be black.
Lou is a girl who’s used to being mistaken for 12-year-old. And that causes a bit of saltiness, if you will. She’s oh so sweet and kind, at least that’s what it seems like. This girl only looks out for herself and her daughter ( depending on the situation ). And it’s not because of her childhood or anything from her past, she just doesn’t trust humanity. But she does open up to select people in Crimson Phoenix and each guild mate has a higher stage of “trust” or even friendship than a normal person she would meet at a bar. She’s actually quite a push-over when it comes to her, but not when it comes to Ella. She strives to please people even if it’s not in her best interest. Despite all that, she has a sharp tongue and is not afraid to call people out.
Type of magic: Light magic/Light manipulation. Currently learning acceleration magic.
Strengths: Her magic can be used to blind her opponent temporarily, letting her strike fast and quick. It can also be used to fire short bursts of light ( think of a bomb instead of erupting into blames it causes a great white light. The explosion and damage part of it stays true. ) One thing she uses is a scythe to display her magic. Like if she swings it, such small bursts of light would fly from the weapon and attempt to hit her opponents. Her magic can also be used to illuminate dark areas, of course, it’s wonderful on missions.
Limitations: Without her scythe, she’s incredibly off. It’s like ripping a half of her away. So her magic is not as explosive and effective. She’s working on trying to be independent of it, but progress is slow. Even when she attack with “laser beams” or those light bombs, they are actually concentrated amounts of her magic power. So she can’t use them very often or she will be incredibly drained. Also, since these two attacks take actual form and are touchable ( would NOT recommend that ) they can be deflected back or onto another person.
( This is INCREDIBLY scattered and oh so vague, do excuse that ! It’ll be so much more in depth on her actual blog )
Class: I want to say she’s higher middle class, if that makes sense. She’s not like Erza or Laxus, but incredibly weak in power either. Maybe think of Gray but a step down ?
Name: Nihi
Age: 15
Country: United States
Any triggers: Just tag spiders and abuse of any sort ! Also I block the tag ‘ nihidontlook ‘ so if you don’t know if it should be tagged a certain way, then just use that !
Little about yourself: Ooh, well, I’m currently in my second year of high school. I plan to become a surgeon, and I’m incredibly obsessed with space. Learning about the universe is basically a huge treat for me. I’ve been roleplaying for a good five years now, almost six ! I also really enjoy spicy foods, I don’t know why lmao. Even though I’m probably crying while eating those chicken wings, I’m still going to do it. Also I’m more than a little obsessed with Sabertooth, more so Yukino Aguria and Sting Eucliffe, but that’s warranted. ;D
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
weaponnize application : accepted
Name: Rhys Albern
Age: 26
Date of birth: August 5th
Ethnicity: Pergrandan {Pergrande Kingdom, farthest east here } 
Gender: Male
Romantic Orientation: Undecided/Unsure
Sexual Orientation: Asexual [Sex-repulsed]
Year they’re joining the guild: ( anywhere between X783 - X792 ) X783 (joined at the age of 17)
Place of residence: Unknown [He hasn’t shared his location with others, but he lives in an apartment in town]
Occupation: Guild Mage
Face claim: Byakuya Kuchiki from Bleach
Parents: Alicia and Stefan Albern; deceased
Siblings: None
Children: None
Eye colour: Steel gray
Hair colour: Black
Height: 6'1"
Body build: Slender, athletic
Tattoos/piercings: None
Scars/noticeable trait: Small scar under left eye, source unknown. 
Guild mark location and colour if accepted: Black, on the back of his left shoulder.
PERSONALITY: Rhys tends to be very quiet, often seeming aloof or cold. He tends to mind his own business, and expects others to do the same – although this is far from a common occurrence, much to his annoyance. He is softspoken, his voice low and each word deliberately chosen and enunciated clearly. Although his true anger is rare, it brings out a very different side of him – one that is loud, brash, and tends to rush in before thinking of his situation or any consequences of his actions.
Type of magic: Weaponize – he is able to take small objects (such as flower petals or leaves, twigs, plates, and other such things) and sharpen their edges into blades, using abilities resembling telekinesis to strike his opponent with whatever is available
Strengths: Can attack from a long range, can have hundreds of projectiles at a time as long as his focus is not interrupted
Limitations: Cannot lift larger objects (such as tables or furniture, bulkier/heavier objects, etc), cannot defend himself well if the enemy is in close range, his ability requires a lot of focus so he can be caught unawares 
Class: Likely a candidate for S-Class mage, may or may not make it through the trials depending on his partner and the sort of challenge.
Name: Niko
Age: 21
Country: United States
Any triggers: No real triggers, but I’m very uncomfortable with the mention of suicide or self-harm.
Little about yourself: I’m probably more scared of you than you are of me. I’ve had a few Fairy Tail muses in the past (along with many other fandoms), but I’m probably most known for my Laxus (currently inactive, at molniiya )
URL of blog: weaponnize; url is saved but no work has been done to the blog as of yet.
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
PLEASE remember that there are instructions of something you have to do so that we know you have read and agreed to follow our rules!
We will not accept any applications from people who have not done this, if you have not yet done this and have sent an application please make sure you do so!
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
Atsuryokuojo Application : Accepted
Name: Julia Rose Mathieu
Age: 20
Date of birth: 20 FEB X772
Ethnicity: Alakitasian
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Year they’re joining the guild: X785
Place of residence: An apartment near Crimson Phoenix
Occupation: Guild Mage of Crimson Phoenix
Face claim: Maria Sarushima from Yamada and the seven witches
Parents: Crystal Mathieu - Mother, father - unknown
Siblings: N/A
Children: N/A
Eye colour: Gold/brown
Hair colour: Light pink
Height: 5 foot 1
Body build: Slender but toned
Tattoos/piercings: Ten piercings, five on each ear
Scars/noticeable traits: Small scars all over her back
Guild mark location and colour if accepted: Lower left side of her back, white with a purple outline
Julia is an extremely happy person, something which she mainly got from her mother who had to always appear happy for her job, the difference between the two is that Julia simply genuinely happy. It takes quite a lot to actually sadden her as most insults just bounce right off her, though she can be rather insecure at times as well.She is also a very bright person despite her ‘air head’ personality however her intelligence is not what one would call ‘book smart’ but it is just as beneficial when it comes to taking on jobs and trying to think out of the box.
Type of magic: Pressure Manipulation
Strengths: Can literally be used on anything so long as there is existing pressure and is very versatile in its use.
Limitations: Julia has to be concentrating properly in order to use her magic the most effectively, she often will need to decide whether or not she is using offensive or defensive fighting BEFOREHAND unless she has absolute concentration otherwise she gets distracted too easily.
Class: Normal guild mage - needs more training and high levels of concentration to be bumped up to s-class however with that she has the power in her.
Name: Isy
Age: 20
Country: Australia
Triggers: Spiders and certain ships
Hi, my name is Isy and I have a gazillion Fairy Tail muses and a few oc’s already. My interests are anime/manga, html coding, playing on photoshop, drawing and writing.
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
Kinzokumeiji Application : accepted
Name: Alec Argall
Age: 23
Date of birth: 28th August
Ethnicity: Bosconian/Icebergian
Gender: Male
Romantic Orientation: Heteromantic
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Year they’re joining the guild: x792 (he is a very recent member)
Place of residence: A house in Aster
Occupation: Guild Mage
Face claim: Ryuu Yamada from Yamada and the Seven Witches
Parents: Gianna (mother), Camden (father)
Siblings: Chase and Asher (oldest brothers, 29), Mason and Adrian (older brothers, 27 years old), Nolen (older brother, 25), Evan (younger brother, 20)
Children: N/A
Eye colour: Dark blue
Hair colour: Dark Blue almost black
Height: 6 feet
Body build: tall, muscular, particularly in his upper body
Tattoos/piercings:Three small silver hoop earrings along his right ear.
Scars/noticeable trait: Small scars all over his hands, arms and chest and a few on his neck.
Guild mark location and colour if accepted: Dark Blue on his right side over his ribs.
PERSONALITY: He is very quiet, observant and thoughtful, though most people tend to be intimidated by him or see him as a threat because of his appearance. He is easily flustered by women and can at times ramble on excessively if he’s excited about something, but he will shut up completely once he realises how much he’s been talking as he’s used to people telling him to shut up.
Type of magic: Metal-make
Strengths: It’s very versatile and can be used very creatively in battle and outside of it
Limitations: His metal creations are destroyed fairly easily by mages who can use extreme temperatures, eg heat or ice could melt or shatter the metal
Class: With a little more training and experience with fighting, he could become S-class
Name: Morgan
Age: 20
Country: New Zealand
Any triggers: Trypophobia, Eyes (injuries etc), sloths
I have a billion muses and probably shouldn’t take on more but oh well :’) I’m the one that started this whole oc guild thing and I hope everyone likes it and has fun!
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crimsonphoenixguild · 9 years
Tumblr media
Crimson Phoenix Guild
Open Fairy Tail group for OC’s that will be made based around the fact they are joining the guild Crimson Phoenix or have joined in the past, meaning they are not part of any of the canon guilds. A fun way to gain more interactions for OC’s, there will be guild events for those who want to participate, requests (prompts) that people can use to interact with each other and more!
Please read RULES and ABOUT before APPLYING.
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