crimsons-whump-pile · 19 hours
Manhandling--especially done in silence.
Content: manhandling, humiliation, beating
Slammed into the top of a desk with their arm twisted behind them
Whumpee wincing and freezing under whumper's weight as they realize they're trapped; if they move any more their wrist is going to break
whumpee crushing their lips in their teeth to hold back cries of pain that they'd be punished for
Guards shoving in a manacled, stumbling whumpee before the king, kicking him to his knees and forcing him to bow so low his forehead hits the flagstones
Fist in the hair to yank whumpees head up
Or fingernails bruising into the cheeks for the same goal
Whumpee frustrated to rage that they aren't being allowed to just walk straight, instead they have to throw them into walls and slam them down into seats
Looking up with a livid glare at main whumper when they get there
Whumpee starting to speak, "wait, just--" gets yanked so hard the words catch before he staggers forward
"I can walk." Whumpee growls next time they come for him. Snarky guard--"well, you're to be dragged."
When the whumpers step away from whumpee, now tied up and gagged on the floor, panting through his nose
Humiliating punishments like whipping while whumpee is tied up like this, whumpee floundering awkwardly away with a muffled shriek at every strike
Holding whumpee's arms so whumper can punch them over and over in the stomach
A lineup of prisoners, but whumpee is the only one that gets thrown and kicked into position
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whumpees who think their only worth is what they can provide to others my beloveds <3
especially if that’s taken advantage of, whether knowingly or unknowingly! a whumper who makes it clear that they’ll toss whumpee to the side the second they’re not useful? a friend or caretaker who tries to cheer whumpee up by telling them how much they help out, how much they provide to the group, not knowing that they’re only reinforcing whumpee’s mindset? not knowing that they’re making it impossible to convince whumpee they have worth outside of what they can provide?
…ok I was going to continue on this path but then I realized that I might be describing the giving tree, so I think I have to stop now before I have some kind of mental break over that
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I’ve been in a terribly whumpy mood lately, so please for your consideration, imagine a whumpee that’s been so heavily conditioned by whumper that they can’t really function without rules and orders, and now imagine a caretaker that will actually do that. I see so much where the caretaker tries to break whumpee out of that mindset, but what about a caretaker who just doesn’t have the time or resources to break the conditioning, and so their next best option is to just… go along with it?
whumpee won’t eat or drink or sleep without being ordered to? caretaker puts rules in place that require whumpee to do those things at set times, and the consequences for missing one of those times (because you know whumpee won’t accept that there are rules without punishments for breaking them) is to do that thing in the company of caretaker. whumpee misses their lunchtime? now they have to sit with caretaker to make sure they actually eat the food set out for them. it’s a consequence that doesn’t actually harm them, and one that will subtly reinforce that caretaker values whumpee’s wellbeing, without seeming like a cop-out.
caretaker knows that whumpee has been irrevocably changed by their experiences under the hand of whumper, and they know that the trauma incurred isn’t something that can easily be contradicted or fixed. they know whumpee is damaged, and they know it isn’t something they can help with right now, but that doesn’t mean they’re going to give up and leave whumpee behind, or expect whumpee to just bounce back on their own. caretaker wants whumpee to be safe and healthy, so they’re going to do their best to make that happen, even if they have to utilize the very conditioning that whumper put in place to make that happen.
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pinned whumpees are a greatly underutilized category of being. pinned by restraints, like cuffs or straps or chains? excellent! pinned by weaponry, like stakes or knives or swords shoved through them? even better! a cuff can be wriggled out of, if they try hard enough, but the only way out of a sword driven through their hand is to tear it out.
can you imagine how whumper would have to go about pinning whumpee up in the first place? holding them down as they struggle fruitlessly, shoving the blade through their skin as they cry out in pain, but if they struggle now, it’s only going to make the wound worse. if they’re left there long enough, or if they have some sort of healing factor, would the wound close around the weapon that made it? would it be just as painful to remove the offending object as it was to put it there in the first place?
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pinned whumpees are a greatly underutilized category of being. pinned by restraints, like cuffs or straps or chains? excellent! pinned by weaponry, like stakes or knives or swords shoved through them? even better! a cuff can be wriggled out of, if they try hard enough, but the only way out of a sword driven through their hand is to tear it out.
can you imagine how whumper would have to go about pinning whumpee up in the first place? holding them down as they struggle fruitlessly, shoving the blade through their skin as they cry out in pain, but if they struggle now, it’s only going to make the wound worse. if they’re left there long enough, or if they have some sort of healing factor, would the wound close around the weapon that made it? would it be just as painful to remove the offending object as it was to put it there in the first place?
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my wounds are part of my outfit. you wouldn't get it
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Living weapon whumpee. Sorry thats the whole post
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The traitor is double crossed, thrown in the same cell as the team they turned in. Their captors, and the traitor themselves, expect the team to tear them to pieces.
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I’m not usually one for conditioned whumpees, and especially not for recovery, but I think I would really enjoy those types of scenes more if the trauma responses were allowed to be more nuanced and complex.
This isn’t a criticism of anyone specific, it’s just something I think I lack in the community, and I don’t think I’m the one to write it either, but I think that what puts me off is that I know what it’s like to be triggered by something, and it’s such a complicated and not always conscious process.
Like yes they might feel that someone they’re with is angry or upset with them and suddenly try to do anything they can to please them, but that might come with a wave of shame and self loathing once they’ve realised that nothing was wrong and they’ve just embarrassed themselves in front of someone close to them.
Or maybe they’re scared of that part of themself, and they’re so scared that other people will see it or hurt them again that they push them away, maybe they test their boundaries, maybe they hurt the people they love instead because they want to see what happens when they finally do get angry.
Maybe they hate that part of them that makes them become someone else, that makes them get lost in their mind. Maybe they resent how it makes relationships hard, how they try to move on but some small thing ignites a carefully buried spark of fear and the whole thing starts again.
I also wish there wasn’t so much of a power dynamic of whumpee and caretaker, where the whumpee is someone who is mentally ill and traumatised and not expected to ever be independent or live alone. No, I want them to have friends and partners and lovers, and struggle and find joy in equal measure, on their own terms.
There’s absolutely people writing this sort of content, and there are things I will read because I think they capture that complexity, and of course these are my personal feelings but I do urge people to think about this when they write, if they want to.
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I don’t know why, but I love the concept of caretaker being terrified for whumpee’s safety that they just grab them by the arm and yank them. It’s not gentle, it’s not even careful, it’s just a pure forceful yoink.
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crimsons-whump-pile · 15 days
What about a Whumpee who was never allowed to show displeasure and forgot how to cuss???
Whumpee was always cool as a cucumber until one day they drop a glass and cut themselves on a shard and Caretaker hears them cry out “Oh Bother!”
They call from the next room over, “alright Winnie the Pooh, I’m getting the broom.”
In a talk therapy session with Caretaker, Whumpee, through balled fists and clenched teeth, says “ooooh Whumper just, just, burned my biscuits. Ooooh they just STEAMED MY CLAMS!!!”
Caretaker says “ok so first on our list of deconditioning you is teaching you how to cuss correctly.”
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crimsons-whump-pile · 16 days
whumpee’s legs finally give out.
they’re weak, exhausted, maybe been starved or malnourished. what have they escaped? or have they been let go?
one hand might be held to the gaping wound on their side, but they’ve lost so much blood, and their feeble pressure isn’t making much of a difference.
they stumble. they buckle. they hit the ground.
let’s just hope to god they’re somewhere safe…
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crimsons-whump-pile · 18 days
I don't know who needs to hear this (me) but if you're on the fence about participating in Whumptober this year...just remember, there's no need to weigh yourself down with so many personal rules that it's no longer fun. You don't have to be a completionist. You don't have to come up with a theme and stick to that exclusively. You can half-ass stuff or make simple contributions or whatever works for you! You don't have to make a project difficult to make it have value.
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crimsons-whump-pile · 21 days
Daily Whumpy Dialogue
“…help them first….please….”
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crimsons-whump-pile · 22 days
"it's all right, sweetheart. i know it hurts now, but this is what's best for you in the long run."
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crimsons-whump-pile · 22 days
Whumpee that's never had genuine comfort before
(comfort stuff)
Caretaker trying to be gentle and whumpee freaks the fuck out--"what are you doing?!" With paranoid wide eyes
"I'm cleaning your wounds...." "Not like that you're not. Here, give me the needle."
Caretaker trying to comfort them--"fuck, you've had it rough" and reaching out for a hug and whumpee just stares at them
Whumpee trying to be "nice" to caretaker by slapping them on the back painfully hard and making boisterous vague remarks that are supposed to be compliments
Or, whumpee staring at caretaker wondering how to say "thank you" in a way that won't get them beaten up, like last time
Caretaker impulsively hugging or touching them out of kindness and whumpee flinches away and grabs the spot like it burns
"You've always taken care of your own wounds?" Caretaker says. Whumpee frowns, confused. "Who else is supposed to do them?"
"Look, I get that you're trying to be nice, caretaker, but I have it handled," whumpee trying to get themself across the kitchen by leaning on the counters.
"I do not need you. It's okay. I'm not a burden."
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