crimsonswordsman · 11 years
bladeparallelism => crimsonswordsman
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URL is being transferred to new blog, multimuse AU.
Um, so please feel free to unfollow this if you wish.
I'll be roleplaying a Lloydo there.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
At the top of the post screen, you have your name and icon. It might be your main? So you click on the little arrow and...
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...and you've posted on a side blog.
Um, is that what you needed to know? Because I may have gotten a bit confused with that question, in which case, sorry. orz
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I’m trying to set up a personal but this is really tedious…))
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
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"there’s darkness in all of us….even you" I did a thing. why can i never get nice lines? i dont know if its me my tablet (which is new) or photoshop. but it always stutters. and the men is weird too. the last tablet was like it as well. like like i would press down and it just get s a ring around the curcer and opens a menu thing. thats not what i wanted. it also stutters and lags. ;; why does this always happen to me.  *sigh* on the bright side i have learnt to draw noses. and.. forgotten how to body. wat is drawing i dont even. :/
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
"I couldn't wait to see Sebastian again." He grinned at that. After all this, and there wasn't any problem in poking fun at Zelos. And he did usually think Sebastian was kind of cool, even if he went along with calling him 'Sir Bud'.
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After the situation with Ratatosk and the Ginnungagap was settled, he had ended up returning to his goal of collecting exspheres again. Maybe he should have stayed longer. He didn't think he needed a reason to go and see a friend.
"I was in the area." Which was the actual truth behind the decision. He used to talk about building a boat, two years ago, but he didn't have time for that lately. 
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"So I was hoping I could steal you away from your hunnies for awhile."
"You have no idea…" Zelos laughed, though the laugh was somewhat bitter. He missed the days when they had traveled together, official leave from Meltokio and freedom to do whatever he wanted under the guise of ‘keeping tabs on Sylverant’s Chosen.’ "Busy" was an understatement on some days, with all the social obligations he was expected to fulfill. Instead of less duties, he seemed to have acquired more, despite his position being technically dissolved. The ‘Chosen’ title would die with him, but he doubted it would lose prominence any time soon.
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"Did you miss the wonderful me?" he asked, his laugh less bitter this time. "Couldn’t wait to come see me again, hm?" He wondered what Lloyd was actually doing in Meltokio. Surely he hadn’t come just to see Zelos.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
Captain Lloyd! Have you thought about a submarine of sorts? The sea is probably all travelled now, so maybe the only way to go is down? (or up, but yer dad went first)
"Submarine? I don’t think I’d find any exsphere’s down there."
"Sure. I wouldn’t mind trying one day."
"I think I understand about what you’re trying to say. With dad, I mean… We talked it over, after the new world tree was planted. I know my place is down here, and his with Derris Kharlan. I still watch the stars at night, though."
[whoops what happened to this question? forgive me, orz.]
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
Are you a coffee or tea kind of guy? Or maybe water is more your thing?
"I’m not really picky. I could drink anything. Although on the Journey two years ago, we drank tea more often. It was a lot easier to find tea leaves growing naturally in places."
"I have to agree with that, though."
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
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He was finding a bit in relief that he hadn't been called 'Hunny' that time, and smiled as he so casually brushed off Zelos' arm.
"You're looking well. Yeah, it has been awhile. Things have been really busy, haven't they?"
It was good to catch up on how his friends were doing. Being on the roads alone so much has been making him nostalgic. Even for the aimless chatter.
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"Bud! Long time no see!" Zelos called out cheerfully, slinging an arm casually around his friend’s shoulder. It hadn’t actually been that long, but sometimes even a day felt like an eternity when there were not friendly faces around to talk to.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
He was unsure what came first: the sudden surprise at his familiar expression, or the smile to appear so simply on his face.
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There was a lot of questions he wanted to ask him: how did he return, had he decided his job on Derris Kharlan was finished, or was it postponed? How long had be been back?
Those thoughts weren't all that relevant at the moment, one thing at a time. And what he wanted to have the chance to do, before that moment became lost to him, was just appreciate a chance like this.
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"Welcome back."
To say those two words to Kratos Aurion.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
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He almost was a bit concerned that the maps being sold in this area were still rather ... off. The lines were drawn with a bit of a shakey hand, as if it were done cautiously.
With the way that the worlds were placed back together, he'd have been stupid to think that these things would be immediately sorted out, yet he was almost tempted to grab a piece of paper and draw some lines as he traveled.
He prepared the amount of gald for purchasing the gels he was wanting to buy and waited in line.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
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Well, this was a surprise from the norm. Okay, not really.
He was still as happy as ever to see a friend.
"Zelos! Glad to see you!"
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
I can always call you something else. What would you like?
"You can just use my name. Lloyd's fine."
"I won't bite you or anything so you should have no problems just talking to me like anyone else."
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
Can I call you Captain Red?
"It's always the red, isn't it?"
"I still haven't gotten that ship yet, but sure, go ahead? It's not the strangest thing you could have asked to call me."
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
Hiatus OVER (Kind of)
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I've decided that until I really get into his character, that I will be sticking to short responses, lots of one liners and icon based roleplays.
I will definitely enjoy questions.
Just please note that this is very experimental and so I will have to just keep trying at this, okay?
Thanks everyone.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
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Blog officially on hiatus!
I need to do some things before I try this again.
Sorry for all the troubles.
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
You eat nails...? How does that not damage the inside of your stomach or is your stomach acid that strong it can dissolve it without any issues?
"I ALMOST ate one! I don’t think nails taste well anyways. Too much iron."
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crimsonswordsman · 11 years
What is your favorite food to eat? Or will you eat just about anything (well, other than Raine's cooking)?
"Dwarven Potluck Surprise! Although…"
"I think I accidentally added one nail too many to the last one."
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