crowestudies · 5 years
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scenes from the past couple months | oxford, united kingdom
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crowestudies · 5 years
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alignment chart: bookmark edition. tag yourself i’m scrap paper
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crowestudies · 5 years
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“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm’’
- Winston Churchill
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crowestudies · 5 years
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Dr. Bradberry, Travis. (January 15, 2018). “How to make yourself work when you don’t want to.” Retrieved from: https://medium.com/the-mission/how-to-make-yourself-work-when-you-dont-want-to-f4f251a85514
MacLellan, Lila. (January 15, 2018). “How to stop procrastinating.” Retrieved from: https://work.qz.com/1159212/how-to-stop-procrastinating/
Sun, Michael. (February 17, 2014). “Psychological Skills: Changing your Emotions - An Intro to Cognitive Reappraisal.” Retrieved from: https://www.psychologyinaction.org/psychology-in-action-1/2014/02/17/psychological-skills-changing-your-emotions-an-intro-to-cognitive-reappraisal
My masterposts, infographics, printables, + more!
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crowestudies · 5 years
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crowestudies · 5 years
not being able to identify ur own emotions be like. i’m in a mood. a moody mood. the kind of mood that feels…. moody
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crowestudies · 5 years
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i’m just about to go into my third year of university and there’s a lot of things about the non-academic side of the whole university situation that i wish i had known so i’m going to let you in on a few tips!
1. it can get lonely 
i moved into student accommodation when i went to university and i lived with 5 other girls. we were all doing different courses so it was rare that we were all i the flat at the same time and i found myself on my own most days. because i didn’t see my flatmates i started to feel lonely and isolated pretty quickly - i now know that this is super normal! moving to university with a bunch of strangers is a massive change and everyone feels as lonely as each other. i struggled with the loneliness mostly during meal times and at night. i quickly found a solution that made meal times enjoyable.. MUKBANGS!!! yep thats right, youtube videos of other people eating. it might sound silly but it really makes you feel like you’re just hanging out with some friends and eating food together. some of my favourite people to watch are: jenna and julien, the ballingers and trisha paytas
2. dealing with your own finances can be difficult at times
here in the uk, student finance provide us with what’s called a “maintenance loan” to help us pay rent and buy food and student bank accounts are often required to have a hefty overdraft which makes it very easy to think you’re rich all of a sudden. first semester consisted of me blowing my money on things i didn’t need just because i thought i could afford to, i wasn’t budgeting properly and i’m still paying the price for it now a year later. if i have to give any money advice it would be to work out a budget (that includes nice things!! like trips to the movies and some nice take out coffees) and stick! to! it! i now stick to a budget of £30 a week of essentials such as food, drinks and clothes (not including rent or bills) and it’s helping me save a lot of money
3. home cooked meals and meal plans are absolutely vital (and packed lunches too)
when you’re trying to stick to a budget, the easy food option is often fast food cause it’s cheap and it’s bloody everywhere. so the best thing to stop yourself bingeing on everything that’s not good for you, is meal planning! i sit down every two weeks and plan what meals i’m going to have on what days. this way i can buy things in bulk, pre-make meals and freeze them and my time isn’t wasted in supermarkets because i’m unsure of what to buy. i also plan packed lunches into my meals because long days at uni are only made worse if you haven’t got food to hand. personally i recommend buying lots and lots of frozen veg, fresh meat that you can freeze (if you eat meat), LOTS of pasta and LOTS of rice.
4. exercise is super important
if you’re indulging in the above (being on your own, overspending and eating crap) then you’re going to start feeling pretty low, very quickly, so you need to learn to invest time in the little things that can boost a day. exercise is perfect for this! i’m not talking about buying a gym membership and pumping weights for 3 hours a day but setting time aside in the morning or evening to go for a run or walk, do some yoga or even meditation (i know meditating isn’t physical exercise but it’s mental exercise, right?) will make a massive difference to your day and it’ll boost your mood.
5. it’s okay if you don’t love university
i hated my first year of university, i won’t lie to you, and i felt like i was the only one in the world and that i was just throwing money down the drain (£17k to be precise). believe it or not, it’s super normal to not enjoy university at first. university, as a whole, is a massive lifestyle change and it does take a long time to adjust, for me it took a year. you’re spending a lot of money and investing a lot of time in one subject that you’re just hoping is the subject for you! it’s normal to have doubts about your course, if you’re doubting your choice speak to your tutor and they’ll be able to give you some personal tips about how to adjust to the different teaching styles, the more intense content and the emphasis on individual learning. 
if you’re going through a hard time at university then i’m so sorry you’re not feeling the best but it will get better, i promise! university isn’t meant to be easy but it will be so worth it in the end. persevere, believe and most importantly, look after yourself x
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crowestudies · 5 years
ID- A glass of tea with the teabag outlined and lines of steam rising from the cup drawn digitally with white pen. Below it is 3 orange highlighters splayed out on a highlighted newspaper article. An orange and pink post-it note stuck on the paper reads “be inspired”
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💫 Hey there folks of tumblr, how has the weekend treated you? 💫
So- I believe I discussed recently a mental health review that I was having. Well, they’ve put me on two types of therapy within the week and my first appointment is tomorrow! I moved from my hometown to England a few months ago so I had to explain my background after I was transferred. These new people seem a lot nicer.
As for college work I’m still pushing forward. My family has hit some pretty hard financial issues and it makes it hard for me to get transport to class but I’ll find a way to get around it until things improve. Mainly I’m focusing on my crazy amount of essays and catching up on a few class notes.
Oh, another side note- I’m going to add image descriptions to my posts as I want them to be accessible for as many people as possible. I apologise if they aren’t perfect at first but I’m going to continue to research the most affective ways to write them. Any tips would be welcome and very appreciated! Thank you 💛
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ID- Above, a lovely ink set that my best friend bought me. An open wooden box with a metal latch and jars of different coloured inks inside. Some jars are lined up neatly outside of the box. My hand is in frame, holding the pen.
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crowestudies · 5 years
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crowestudies · 5 years
It’s okay if you count on your fingers, if you continually change how you look, if you’re passionate about something you aren’t good at, if you’re confused about your identity, if you score low on tests often. It’s okay if you have an irregular skin tone, moles, frizzy hair, unevenly clipped nails, crooked teeth, acne, eczema. You’re enough, and you’re deserving of love.
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crowestudies · 5 years
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crowestudies · 5 years
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crowestudies · 5 years
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crowestudies · 5 years
The only people who get upset when you set boundaries are the ones who benefited from you having none.
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crowestudies · 5 years
2020 Academia Aesthetic 📚✏️💭
Deadlines met. Positive energy. Goodnight sleeps. Mental health together. Making connections. Coffee because you want it, not because you need it. Studying but not over studying. Good grades. Easy sailing. Building healthy relationships. Staying on top of things. Falling but getting back on track. Never giving up. Keeping your head up.
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crowestudies · 5 years
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a small guide on how i battle my essays! (click on an image to view it clearer) 
(keep in mind: i’m an english major so a majority of my essays are literature-focused!)
these are just some of the methods i want to share that work for me when i write my innumerable amount of essays! i’m definitely a huge planner so it’s no secret that i spend a lot of time on an essay. if you’re a deadline fighter, these tips might not necessarily be helpful (especially the handwriting one). but i hope this gives you an insight on how i write my essays! 🌈
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crowestudies · 5 years
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Urgh. Enjoy??? (I started making this six months ago so I’m obviously v productive) ✩✫✬✭✯✮✶✷
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