crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Rebecca Charleston
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She did have quite good life. She has a younger brother with who she isn't really very close. When she was younger she wanted to be a professor but that idea was dropped when she accidentally middle of her university got pregnant and had baby girl Alyssa. So she decided to become Shop owner instead.
She currently owns Charleston’s Theater in Diagon Alley.
Rebecca Charleston
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Pavon Sannesley
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Pavon tries to present himself as a calm, aloof individual. While wishing to appear unfazed by the fact that the present is certainly not as glorious as it once was nor as it should be, his temper often betrays him. He is not unsocial and actually quite enjoys the company of others. He enjoys lingering in the common room as late as they are allowed and will usually seek out a spot where he has a good view of the whole room, while also a good amount of warmth from the fireplace. When the opportunity arises and he finds a way to have others do things for him or instead of him, he will certainly try to exploit it. Since he had to earn some money fast in his 3rd year, he began doing favours for people, in exchange of money. While he had to actually do work, he was still exploiting their willingness to pay for it. He is not generally lazy although it may appear so. He will study diligently and try his best to do well in classes, especially those that require magical skill. Surprisingly he does enjoy classes that deal with magical creatures and beasts, whether hand on, or in theory. His attitude towards muggle-borns is reserved. He does not trust them and generally has a poor opinion of them. He will sweet talk himself out of trouble if he can and sulk, when he fails to succeed. Sarcasm is not beyond him either, though he might try the far too polite and friendly approach, especially with teachers. He would be playing the innocent when guilty, the poor victim, when a perpetrator. Of course, this doesn't work, when the opponent is Mickey Crawford. He has tried it, failed it and had to work the rest of his summer away, while the other boy got rewarded with all sorts of things - at least that is what he is convinced of. He can be stubborn and set in his ways even when all evidence points to the contrary.
He is currently heading into his sixth year at Hogwarts as a Slytherin.
Pavon Sannelsey
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Gideon Fawkes
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Gideon is a very confused boy. He's confused about just about everything in the world. He looks up to those of pure-blood and looks down on muggle-borns and muggles. He's a follower and needs a leader in his life since independence was never encouraged during his younger years.
Gideon is currently heading into his fourth year of Hogwarts as a Slytherin.
Gideon Fawkes
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Mickey Crawford
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Mickey is a happy, outgoing boy. He tries to pay attention during all his classes but its hard when there’s so many distractions. The clown of the year is a good description for Mickey, he’s a prankster and rarely misses an opportunity. He’s quick to laugh and normally slow to anger, but just lately that’s started to change. Females, Beware! This handsome guy is also a half-veela with the allure to prove it.
Mickey is currently off to his first year of University where he will study Broom-making.
Mickey Crawford
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Gilderoy Lockhart III
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Gilderoy doesn't know if it's just part of his family or himself but even he knows he has a massive ego, thinking if he's not the best he's at least in the top ten of anything he does. Unlike his past family members, Gilderoy makes it a habit to remain brave and honest at all times. He loves to boast about what he's done as long as it doesn't conflict with work or would reveal any secrets. He makes sure everything he says is one hundred percent true. The only reason he even does this is to try and give some credibility to his family name. In his off hours he's just a fun loving guy looking for friends to share stories with and a good drink .
He has just returned to being a full-time auror after taking some time off to recover from an injury sustained in the line of duty.
Gilderoy Lockhart III
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Dorjan
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Dorjan likes to think of himself as something of a gentleman. He has a polite but curt nature. His accent is indistinguishable and he is quite softly spoken until he feels anger. He comes across as a man to be respected and highly intelligent. In the wizarding world he is legendary. He has been featured in every edition of Vampires of Our Times, a book that comes out every hundred years. Stories of him are known the world over but which are true and which are false is left for others to decide. Dorjan keeps silent enjoying the fear and awe they bring him. 
Dorjan is the oldest vampire in our world.
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Vincent Grey
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No relation to the previous Professor Gray.
Vincent has plenty of problems and because of that he normally wishes to be left alone. Vincent as rather vicious mood swings which can find him being happy and a decent person to angry and upset if something sets him off of pushes him the wrong way. He'd like to imagine the kinder side of him is what he would normally be like but he could never be sure. On top of that Vincent has a love for fire that has passed the border of obsession. So he's found it best to be alone thought he'd like to make friends it's just harder and they normally don't stick around for long. Due to generations of inbreeding from his family for the sake of keeping their blood pure has let to Vincent being mental unstable in some aspects. While the inbreeding hindered him mentally, his magical ability is stronger than most when it comes to fire but that could also be another mental problem showing through. Vincent loves fire from spells to potions that cause it, anything that could cause a fire has his interest.
Vincent is currently a second year University student.
Vincent Grey
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Alannah Cassidy
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Alannah has an innocent look about her, like none of the world’s evil could touch her. This is almost accurate. While not naive in the least, she is quite innocent in the ways of the world. She doesn’t see the bad stuff, simply because she doesn’t want to. Alannah is quiet, unless excited, but she’s not shy in the least. She is a pretty happy-go-lucky girl. She's generally smiling, even if she wants to cry. Or maybe especially then. She tend to stay calm and patient and, while quiet, not shy.
You can find her at The Leaky Cauldron, where she is a server.
Alannah Cassidy
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Cryptic Conjuring FAQs
Q: How many characters am I allowed to play? A: We do not have a limit, though we do ask that you don't take on more than you can handle. Q: How do students move up a year? Are there different terms? A: Students move up based on years. Every student will advance for the new school year. Here, we use the year-to-year schedule. This means that for every year in real life, there is a year in the game. This is to have adequate time to develop your character and have time for the classes. Q: Okay, so how do I get started? A: The first thing to do at any RPG is to read the rules. Failure to abide by these rules can result in banishment from the site. Once you have read the rules, you can read our plot to understand what is currently taking place. You may also post questions in our question section that is open to guests. When you're ready to join, please visit our Character Section to begin getting your character application approved. Q: May I play a character from the books, like Hermione or Ron? A: No. Those characters don't exist in this world outside of being an old NPC. We're writing about a future universe that focuses on their great-grandchildren’s generation. However, we do have a certain number of characters that can be descendents. Check out Adoptables HERE for one of those. Q: What if the canon last name I want isn't on the list? A: If it isn't on the list, it's totally up for grabs. Just check the Character Lists HERE to make sure no one else is using it. If they are, feel free to contact them about expanding their family. Q: How is my house chosen? A: Your house is chosen by you. As long as there is an open spot for your character, you will get the house you put on your application. If there is no open spot, an Admin will contact you asking for your second choice. Q: My application is complete. What do I do now? A: You post it Here as a New Topic with your character's name as the title. An Admin will then read over your application. If any changes are needed, that Admin will PM you. If no changes are needed, you will receive a PM with your next instructions. Once those are completed, you are free to start posting. Q: How do I become a Prefect and Head Boy/Head Girl? A: The Position of Prefect will be assigned by the Head of House. The position of Prefect is assigned to students of Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Years and will be assigned based on activity and writing ability. Keep in mind – the position of Prefect is primarily one of bragging rights. Similar holds true for the position of Head Boy or Head Girl but that position will be assigned by the Headmaster. Q: How are classes done? A: Class will be able to be role-played and will be posted for interaction, though these are optional. It is a great way for your characters to get to know other characters. However, your character does attend all of their classes, whether posted or not. Besides, some teachers may award points for attendance. Q: Could my student character transfer from another school? A: Yes. Just say so in the app. Q: How can my student earn house points? Q: Your student can earn house points by attending classes and getting caught by teachers doing good things. On the other hand, your student can lose points if they are caught breaking the school rules. NOTE: Points given or taken after June 1st will not be added or subtracted until the new school year. Q: What is this University? What characters go there? A: The University is for characters who want to go further in their magical education. Any character may attend the University if they choose but it isn’t required that they MUST outside of certain careers. Q: What careers do require University? A: You may go HERE for that information. Q: How do I create sub-accounts? A: Make your first account. That will be your parent account. Then, you make your second account. After that, go back to your first account and go to My Controls. Find Edit Sub-accounts. Click on that and it will bring you to a new page. It will instruct you to put in the account name and the account password. Once that's done, clink on the Link Account button and you're done. Q: Is doHTML allowed in posts? A: Yes, it is. We do have a couple of suggestions concerning the template, however. We want to keep CC as mobile-friendly as possible, so we do encourage members not to use hovers. Another wish is that all templates have a readable size text. Thank you. Q: Do I HAVE to use the provided forms for anything? A: No, you don't have to. Just make a note of all of the information needed in the forms and make sure to include it in your post. The forms are only there as a guide.
Cryptic Conjuring - Join Today!
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Lottie Cane
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Very polite to those she trusts or respects but once she is angry she will do her very best to hurt whoever she is arguing with. She is very protective of people she cares about and would defend them to the world. A lot of her traits come from her mother, who was also in Slytherin, but she has a softer side which she believes she inherited from her father. One major trait that she has 'inherited' is her stubborn nature, often not accepting apologies straight away just to watch them stew.
She is currently going into her sixth year as a Slytherin.
Lottie Cane
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Ciara McGee
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She is a friendly and sweet girl. She can be mean too if needed when you bullied her friend or hurt them any other way. She is quite intelligent, she remembers things easily, names. She is good at studying. She even helps out her friends. She never misses any deadlines, she always gets everything done even before it. She is very hard-working. She isn't the bravest one but she tries to be. She has a little bit trust issues, in the past was something that made her like that read background.
She is currently going into her sixth year as a Ravenclaw.
Ciara McGee
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Alyssa Penrose
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Unless you are family, or are considered a friend, the only way Aly is seen is cold, distant, uncaring, and generally mean, more often, very mean if not outright cruel. She has toned her cruelty down quite a bit, in the interest of not getting expelled from school, but she is still mean and nasty to nearly everyone she meets. Aly is violently protective over those that she cares for or claims as friend, case in point she WILL go after anyone that goes after her cousin, whether said cousin asks for the help or not. She knows Amber can fend for herself, but sometimes Aly likes to give an extra reminder, that Amber isn't to be messed with, though it doesn't help as much as she would like, both she and her cousin are still harassed, maybe not every day, but it happens. Aly is not all mean all the time, she can actual be very gentle and sweet, even caring, when she wants to be. She can also be very charming and flirty, she generally reserves this side for tormenting suitors her grandfather throws at her, but since she has several guy friends, she has also been known to playfully flirt at them too. She generally gets brushed off or receives massive eyerolls, as it is well known that she isn't seriously flirting with them...or is she? Aly has a set circle of friends, it is very small and tight knit. She has known these people since her first year, when they were all each other had against the harassment and bullying they were subjected to. A bond like that doesn't break easily, and Aly has high hopes the friendship with stand the tests of time. Where one if them is, the others are generally not far behind and that usually means trouble for someone.
She is currently in her second year of University, studying Potioneering.
Alyssa Penrose
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Rufus Gray
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Once the happiest man you could meat Rufus has now soured. He’s not particularly old for a wizard but because of illness and accidents he has had to live through the deaths of almost every person he’s loved including his own children. He doesn’t take joy from much anymore, just the food he eats, the whisky he drinks and the knowledge he passes on. When it comes to students he’d much rather ignore them so if they’re quiet and get on with their work he has no problem with them but if they misbehave he will make them do the most disgusting menial tasks as detention after verbally tearing them a new butthole.
He is currently Head of Ravenclaw and History of Magic professor at Hogwarts.
Rufus Gray
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Levi Mitchell
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At heart Levi is a good guy. Everything he does comes from goodness. He hates to see the little people being trodden on and he hates to see the criminals go unpunished. He’s straight to the point and has no fear. Fear is not a word in Levi’s dictionary unless it’s someone else feeling it. Because of his heavy workload he doesn’t get the chance to get close to people but that doesn’t mean he’s closed off. Levi approaches most thing in life with almost military precision; he will plan every single detail until he feels it is perfect.
He is currently the Head of Law Enforcement for the DMLE.
Levi Mitchell
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Clyde Parker
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Clyde is neither happy or sad and considers himself to be neither good or evil. He lives his whole life in the grey area taking proper enjoyment out of nothing. But he can smile and laugh, and he will. He understands emotions, he just rarely feels them. Clyde is indifferent to everything he encounters except gold.
He is currently a freelancer and assassin.
Clyde Parker
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Remington Woods
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Remington isn’t so much cold as he just doesn’t care, he doesn’t care to see people hurt and may try to help from time to time but he doesn’t feel it’s his job to help people out all the time. This also extended to a certain extent to his own life, rules and getting in trouble didn’t matter because he just didn’t care about them. While others thought he was doing things just to be bad it was more of just what he felt like doing at the time. While most people don’t matter one bit to him a few catch his interest from time to time and he’ll enjoy their company till he gets bored of them.
He is currently the Seeker for the Chudley Cannons.
Remington Woods
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crypticconjuring · 7 years
Meet Thomas Lightfellow
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Thomas is always in a good mood, or at least tried to make it seem like he is in one. A habit he learned just to make people stop worrying about him in his life. While anything about himself he can normally just brush off as not worth his time or he didn’t care to worry about. Anything that happens to a friend, or anyone else for that matter, is different and he will try to help them the best he can no matter what or just stand by their side. Thomas has always tried to cheer up other people around him at least make them laugh a little. Thomas is a slacker to a tee, preferring to wait to the last minute on most things and instead have a good time.
Currently, he is going into his first year of University, where he will study Magizoology.
Oh, and was it mentioned that he is also a werewolf?
Thomas Lightfellow
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