cutebean-123 · 11 months
If this isn't too weird: I love belly snuggles given and received. Who from the Hobbit would be the best giver and receiver?
This is not too weird! I love bellies lol! 
The best givers of belly snuggles would be Bilbo, Bofur, and Kili! 
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Bilbo would be a little shy to it at first, but once he was exhausted enough he’d crawl into bed lay his head on your tum tum and close his eyes. He’d match your breathing and just let his stress from the day go. 
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Bofur would snuggle your tum any time he had the chance to. In private, he’d lift up your shirt and press kisses all over your belly. He might sing softly to you making up lyrics about your belly and divine beauty. 
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Kili is the sweetest when it comes to placing kisses all over your face and belly, giving you a cheeky smile as blows raspberries on the soft skin. He’d definitely grab your hand and placing it on his head, letting you know he wanted you to play with his hair. 
The best receivers of belly snuggles would be Dwalin and Fili! 
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Dwalin is an action not words man and laying in bed with you, you lying across his chest, and belly. He’d gently rub your shoulders and sides, the two of you falling asleep like that
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Fili, much like his uncle, feels the most loved when you are loving on his belly. He’d massage your scalp and tell you how much he loves you and appreciates you. He’s very soft in private and very loving. 
Honorable Mention - Thorin! 
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@dabisburntnut has talked a lot about body worship with Thorin, he’s just bomb at giving and receiving belly snuggles, so go love on the King himself. 
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
Based on: this imagine from @middle-earth-imagines + this imagine from @imaginexhobbit.
Warnings: self-esteem issues. 
Dedicated to all those people who are insecure about their body and appearance, for whatever reason: you are not too thin or too fat, too short or too tall… You are perfect the way you are!!!!
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You waited for the Dwarves to settle down in their bedrolls in the hay and to start snoring. Even Thorin seemed asleep, while Gandalf was absent, as usual. You quietly sat up and crawled as silently as you could towards Bilbo, who had been curled up under his blanket in the most obscure corner of Beorn’s stable. He was lying on his side, facing the wall but, from his breathing, you could say that he was still awake.
“Hobbit?” you whispered, squeezing playfully his arm through the blanket. Bilbo didn’t answer, he simply turned his head to looked at you and smiled meekly. You smiled back and kissed tenderly his ear, reaching for his hand and interlacing your fingers with his; his hand, as his whole body, was warm and soft, not used to hold weapons or to hard journeys like the one he had courageously joined.
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
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#2395 I want to go clubbing with Bilbo so badly. I bet he’d be hella killer on the dance floor. After a couple of shots he goes on stage and raps, “Started from the shire now were here.” Then after we go back to my place and snapchat all the dwarves and mirkwood elves and get down to business.
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
My Arkenstone
So, I was hit by a sudden urge to right this  Thorin imagine. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. The reader is gender neutral but I do use “My Queen” as I thought it fit, but I don’t put any gender towards it.
Warnings: Thorin’s anger and dragon sickness is about it.
Master list
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You stood under the moonlight on what was once the battlements of Erebor. The chill in the air caused the hair on your arms to raise up. The nights were getting cold and you felt for the people of Lake Town, their homes destroyed due to the actions the dwarves you travelled with. You looked behind you towards the light coming up from the treasury where the dwarves still searched for the cursed Arkenstone. The stupid gem that caused Thorin to change, to become so cold that the winter chill on the air was warmer. You turned back around when a shadow moved against the glare of the fire. You had a feeling that it could only be one dwarf.
“Why are you up here alone?” Thorin’s deep voice came from behind you. He soon stepped up beside you in the clothing he had adorned. You thought he looked ridiculous and he had tried to get you to wear different clothing but you refused. Your refusal had him turning stone faced and you were worried that you had made a massive misstep.
“I needed some fresh air,” you responded eyes still staring at the moon. You could feel Thorin’s gaze on you, you steeled yourself for the cold look that was permanently there. You missed the look of fire and promise that was in them when you met him.
You turned to meet his gaze and your breath left your lungs as you saw the look in his blue eyes. They were alight with a look of wonder, the fire from before was there again as was the look of fondness. His face had grown soft as he gazed at you in the moonlight.
“My love,” he reached out brushing some of your hair behind your ear. “I had almost forgotten how you shine in the moonlight.” You smiled and leant your head into his palm where he had cupped your cheek. He leant forward and kissed your lips softly.
“Thorin,” You whispered leaning your forehead against his. You had heard from Balin that Thorin had moments like this, moments when the Dragon sickness was gone, you wished you knew how to keep it gone. The other dwarves stepped on eggshells around him, even Dwalin. You knew if anything was to be done it would be you to do it. Thorin needed to come back, the people of Lake Town would come eventually for what was promised and this Thorin wouldn’t keep his word. You needed the true Thorin, King Under the Mountain back.
“My King,” you started. Even before Erebor you had called him that, at first it was a teasing thing and once your relationship changed it became less teasing and more loving. “Would you take a walk with me in the Moonlight?” Thorin looked around and you feared the moment of clarity had gone but his lips still smiled and his eyes still held the love of a lifetime in them when he looked at you.
“It would be my honour to escort my Queen,” Thorin offered you his elbow, you softly chuckled and placed your hand in the crock of it. He walked across the top of the battlement and down to the broken doorway, they had started to fill it in with rocks but had stopped for the night to continue the search for the Arkenstone.
He lifted you up onto the rocks there and followed up behind you.  Without asking he lifted you up and carried you bridal style across the rocks before setting you down. He jumped down and turned to face you. He placed his large, strong hands around your waist and lifted up and down from the rocks. The display of strength had you flustered, as it always did. Thorin aways lifted and carried you with ease. This time he grabbed hold of your hand, interlocking your fingers together. You smiled up at him and moved close to his side. There was no particular direction or destination as the two of you walked but you noticed Thorin becoming more like himself the further you got from the entrance to Erebor.
“This land was once bountiful with flowers and green grass and trees,” Thorin started, his voice full of sorrow and loss.
“Perhaps one day it will heal, now that Smaug is dead,” you suggested. “Perhaps…the people of Lake Town can rebuild Dale and assist with growing the fields?” It was a risk to mention the people of Lake Town but you figured it was better to dive head long into your plan, Thorin always did prefer straight forward conversations.
Thorin’s steps faltered but he didn’t stop, you watched his face closely looking for the dragon sickness coming back. You couldn’t see any sign of it but you knew it could come back with no warning. Instead, you could see him looking towards the ruin of Dale and around at the barren landscape.
“They would need help with Dale,” Thorin murmured. “Supplies, gold to purchase supplies and aid.”
“They would,” you nodded. “However, rebuilding Dale would be to the benefit of Erebor as well. Trade would come back from both Dwarf and Men, allowing Erebor to flourish.” Thorin did stop walking at that and turned to look at you.
“And I suppose you think we should give the gold and supplies and work force to them?” he demanded, his eyes slowly becoming cold again. You removed your hand from his and faced him as well.
“You gave them your word that they would have a share,” your tone had hardened preparing for the fight you knew was coming. The mention of gold was a mistake but there was no way to talk about Dale and the people of Lake Town without mentioning the promise of gold. “Thorin Oakenshield keeps his word, or at least I thought you did. I thought you were honourable.”
“I am King of Erebor!” Thorin roared. “I am honourable.”
“If you were you wouldn’t be blocking the gates, you would have sent word to the people of the Lake Town that they had a place in the Halls when Lake Town was destroyed,” you shouted right back. You had never backed down from an argument not even with Thorin, it was one of the things that he had said had drawn him to you, that had made him slowly fall in love. He had said a King needs a partner that challenges him, and a Durin needs someone to knock some sense into them. “You are no longer the Dwarf I fell in love with Thorin, this mountain and the cursed gold have changed you. You are becoming the very thing you feared!”
Thorin took a threatening step towards you growling and with fists clenched, and for the first time since knowing him you felt a flash of fear at the look in his face. You took a step back, your hand going to your side to rest near the hilt of your blade. Thorin paused, a voice in the back of his head cried out in anguish at seeing that look on your face, a look he swore he would never let adorn your face.
“Thorin Oakenshield, is the King Under the Mountain, the Dwarf standing in-front of me is no such thing,” You continued, regardless of the risk to yourself you knew that you had to try to get through to Thorin, for the sake of the Company and Erebor but most importantly for his own sake. The Thorin at the start of this journey would be ashamed and would never forgive himself, although it is not his fault. “The Dwarf I love is not standing before me but I know you are in there and I know you would not allow the people of Lake Town to starve or be without shelter.”
You wanted desperately to look away from his eyes, cold as they were but forced yourself to stare him down. You believed that if you backed down even the slightest you wouldn’t be able to break through to him. Thorin felt a voice echoing in his head as he stared into your bright fierce eyes, though he could still see the fear in them. Fear that he had placed there. He fell to his knees and grabbed his head, feeling the crown on his head he ripped it off and threw it to the side. His fingers gripped his hair as he yelled, cursing in dwarfish. You stood there unsure of what to do, your heart was pounding and the fear had left when Thorin yelled, it sounded like he was in so much pain. That sound pulled at your heart, you wanted nothing more than to pull him to you and sooth him. You gasped when Thorin looked up at you, his blue eyes so clear and bright, they were no longer cold but rather full of pain.
“My love,” he whispered, tears filling his eyes before they fell down his cheeks. “What have I done? Please forgive me for putting such a look into your eyes.”
That was enough for you, you took two steps towards him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders he leant his forehead against your stomach, his arms gently come up around your waist. You threaded a hand through his hair as you lent down and placed as kiss to the top of his head.
“My King, you are already forgiven,” you whispered feeling your own tears start to fall. “I am merely glad to have you back. As I know your nephews and the rest of the company would be as well.”  
Thorin nuzzled into your stomach his tears continued to wet the shirt you wore. You tightened your hold on him and kissed his head again, before releasing him. You placed your hand under his chin and raised his head. His eyes were stormy with guilt, tears continuing to well and fall from them but he did not look away from you.
“You are too good for me,” Thorin looked up at you in wonder, he slowly stood up taking hold of your hand and placing a kiss on your knuckles. “I will spend the rest of my life working to be worthy of your love.”
“Thorin, my King, you need not do that,” you tugged on his jacket, pursing your lips. Thorin grinned, a chuckle leaving him as he leant down and kissed you softly. His hands gentle on your waist, pulled you closer. You pulled away leaning your forehead against his and rubbed your noses together. “We should get back, and perhaps tell the others they can stop looking…” you trailed off unsure if you could mention the Arkenstone.
“The Arkenstone can stay lost, I have no need for it anymore,” Thorin said.
“Oh?” You asked, a small part of you didn’t know if he truly meant that.
“Of course,” Thorin nodded. “I have no need for a stone when I have you, my true Arkenstone.”
You smiled; cheeks flushed with more then just the cold. You knew what the stone meant to the Dwarves, the right to rule, the kings jewel.
“I’m your right to rule?” you teased untangling yourself from him and walking back towards Erebor.
“Of course, my Queen, without you I would have been trapped in the sickness, and I would have brought further ruin upon my people,” Thorin’s voice held no teasing tone. You stopped and turned to face him. The light from the moon seemed to shine down onto him. “You brought me back, made me see. I believe you will keep me on track, although I cannot ask that-”
“You need not ask, your people are my people Thorin,” you said. “And like to you told me, a Durin needs someone to knock some sense in to them.”  
Thorin joined you as you continued the journey back to Erebor. He stopped and looked back towards the ruins of Dale.
“Tomorrow we will go to the people of Lake Town and invite them to Erebor, and discuss the restoration of both Erebor and Dale,” snow started to fall landing on his black hair as he looked back at you. “The people of Lake Town will not be without shelter during the winter that is to come.”
“My King,” you reached out for him. “I am glad you are back.”
He carried you across the rocks blocking the entrance. This time he didn’t put you back down but carried you to the room that he had decided was his own. You giggled wrapping your arms around his shoulders and placing a kiss on his cheek.
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
Based on: this request by Anonymous (I hope you like it dear!!!!) + this imagine from @imaginexhobbit.
Warnings: attempted mousicide.
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You yawned as you placed the last, heavy volume on the shelf; finally even this part was clean and in order! You and Ori had been working really hard since the end of the Battle to restore Erebor’s huge library: it was a way to keep your minds occupied, while you waited for the King and his Nephews to recover from their wounds. It was still something incredible… The whole Company had survived and the quest had been successful! Even if more and more Dwarves arrived every week from every kingdom, the Mountain was far from been considered peopled and there weren’t still enough scribes and librarians to work with you and Ori in this part of Erebor.
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
Gandalf: where is Thorin?
Bilbo: here I got this. *cups hands to make microphone* (Y/N) IS GOING TO DIE
Thorin: *jumps out* WHO DARES HARM HER
Bilbo: there he i-
Fili: *comes out of nowhere* YOU SHALL NOT LAY A HAND ON HER
Kili: *sprints up* NO ONE HURTS (Y/N)
Dwalin: *falls from the sky* WHO NEEDS TO DIE
Bofur: *runs up* AAGGHHHHHGGH
Ori: *trying his hardest* I WILL PROTECT HER
*The rest of the company shaking with rage with weapons drawn and ready to attack*
You: *voice crack* ...guys
Inspired by @writer-inwonderland
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
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+ this imagine from @imaginethorin: Imagine How It  Would Feel to Make Thorin Laugh
Songspiration: New Soul by Yael Naim || Setting: a village Fall Carnival, stumbled upon during the Company’s quest
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cutebean-123 · 11 months
"Imagine how the Company would react to your 'vulgar modern slang'
magicalgirlpanda || imagine
To say this morning had been terrible was putting it lightly. Sure, you were used to fighting and travelling every day with the group of dwarves (plus a wizard and a hobbit) since you came to this odd world, but today had just been ridiculous. When you first set out in the morning, you had to avoid a sword as Dori was renacting a story for some of the younger dwarves. While Gandalf laughed, Dori (who was at least two heads shorter than you) apologized profusely until you left at first light. Then, when you ran into some bandits at one point in the early morning, one of them put a decent gash in your arm. It wasn’t as bad as it could be, but it was still enough to freak everyone out for the better part of the ten minutes it took to clean it up.
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
Hi I'm really sorry that I havents posted in a long time. School started in August and well, it's draining and I hate it so bad. I would love to post more but at the end of every single I feel so drained and I still have work to do. I'm so sorry if I disappointed people. I really am
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
My thoughts on Powder/Jinx transition
So before I saw Arcane, I had no idea about anything from League of Legends. I've never played it before so I had no idea of anything that happened in it or anyone called Jinx. When Arcane came out, I was hesitant to watching it since it was rated TV-14. I grew up in a somewhat firm household but then after a while I got to watching and I loved it.
You all know my favorites are Claggor and Jinx but I wanted to dive in to why I like Jinx. I've seen others dive into an analysis of Jinx and I want to do my take of her. Please if you have your own opinions and analysis on Jinx, please don't hate on me
I'm good with constructive criticism but please don't hate on my analysis, this is just ideas and opinions and I don't hate on others analysis. Even if I don't agree on it, I can see why they think that way even though I don't see it.
Like if someone says Jinx is selfish, I don't really see her that way but I'm not gonna hate on that person for it causes it there opinion so I'm good with that.
Anyway on to my analysis
So when I first saw Powder, I saw some of my self in her, I always wanted to help others and in some way I was behind on some things but I was still included
All she wanted was to feel like a valued member of the family and to be useful and make her family proud. It wasn't easy though since Mylo always called her a Jinx (not trying to make Mylo a bully but he did call her that but I'm not hating Mylo, I think he's a good guy but if you have another opinion that's fine).
So in episode three, I knew that Powder had attachment issues and it broke my heart to see her have her break down and it hurt more seeing how her bomb killed her family. I know how some people said that things would have been different if she had only put one orb in but she didn't know what would've happened. She just wanted to help.
Now I'm not saying that Vi was 100% right with hitting Powder, but I can see why she did it, she had lost more than half her family and she had a lot of emotions going through her and she was going to come to powder if Marcus hadn't arrested her.
So when Powder became Jinx, I was fine with it because she still Powder just different. People change and some changes are more drastic than others but even though she's changed she's still Powder and whether she's Jinx or Powder. She's still the same person
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
Hi I would like to ask followers if they want to help on some headcanons on one of ideas
I was thinking of making some headcanons on Claggor and very clumsy S/O
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
My headcanons for how Vander and the kids would go on a road trip and it doesn't exactly go as planned. This is set in a modern Au and it's based on a episode from a show called Family Reunion. Great show, 8/10 would recommend
So since many believe that in a Modern Au, Vander and the kids would live in New York City, the trip starts from New York
Here's how it goes, Vander was thinking of taking the kids on across the states road trip so he began saving up for trip
After a while, shortly after the kids finsh school for summer vacation, Vander surprises the kids with an RV and telling them they're going on a road trip
The kids were so happy that they quickly packed and settled in the van
Vander told them that they're going from New York to Seattle and then back
Vi was in charge of navigation along with Claggor while Mylo and Powder stayed in back of the van
The trip was quiet at first until Vi somehow messed up the navigation and they ended up in Texas
They decided to set up camp in Texas after a while on the road trip and they settled just fine but when it came time to sleep. They all were cozy in the tents until they got woken up by a roar
Claggor, Mylo, and powder stayed at camp while Vander and Vi investigated
They were out with their flashlights when they heard another roar
Vi: "Alright whatever you are, come on out and show yourself
Vander:"Calm down Vi, it could be a woodland creature in need of help"
The woodland creature Vander meant, happened to be a Cougar which just so happened to roar behind them and they ran to back to camp while screaming
Claggor, Mylo, and Powder were sitting in the tents when Vi ran to them screaming
Vi:"Aaaaahh! We got to go now! We got to go
Claggor: "Now Vi what happened?
Vi: "No! RUN NOW!
Claggor, Mylo, and Powder quickly got all their camping stuff and while a screaming Vander helped them
They screamed until they got in the RV and Vander started the car, but they forgot something
Powder: "Where's Vi?
They looked and Vander saw that she was right outside and Claggor pulled her in the car
It was quiet again until they reached Seattle were they saw the Space Needle, the Chiluly Garden and Glass, the Seattle Art museum, and the Seattle Aquarium and tons more
Mylo and Claggor enjoyed the Aquarium, Vi and Powder the art museum, but everyone loved the Space Needle
After the fun day out, they stayed at a motel and after two days, it was time to go back home
Just before they got home, they ran into a little trouble in West Virginia
They were on the road when they ran over a raccoon and Powder convinced everyone to hold a funeral for it.
When they heard something in the bag that the raccoon was in and Vander looked in
Vander: "Kids, I think the raccoon is still alive", the next thing you know, the raccoon sprang up on Vander and began attacking him
Vi went in tried to get off of him but it only caused her to get thrown back and then Mylo tried to but he got his hands on it when he also got thrown back
Claggor went in and he was able to get it of Vander but then it started attacking him and that's when Powder stepped in but she ended up getting scratched too
Finally Vander got the raccoon of and threw it over to some trees
Vander while panting: "I've had my fair share of beatings from animals, but that bloody pest was something
Every one was scratched up badly but no one was seriously hurt but they didn't stop driving until they reached their home in New York City
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
So hear are my headcanons for how Claggor handles horror games and movies (modern Au)
Claggor will definitely be one of those horror gamers who don't easily get jumpscared and doesn't succumb to what I like to call "markiplier moments"
The moments where the gamer goes full rage and cusses the game a lot
That being said to games like fnaf security breach and maybe poppy playtime, there might be some moments
For example
Claggor playing though fnaf security breach trying to get to escape Vanny without getting caught by the security guards
Claggor: "Okay I had just made through the vent and now all have to do is just make it to the elevator without getting caught"
He makes his way to the elevator and then Bam he gets caught and jumpscared by the Security guards and then Vanny comes towards him
Claggor: "What no no no no, please I'm only a few inches away please"
He got caught by Vanny and died
Claggor holding his head feeling very pissed off but trying to calm down but fails
Claggor: "I was so close, I nearly made out but that f****** guard just had to be a snitch and call the hell out to that bunny lady
It's safe to say that while he's level-headed, even he has his limits
As for horror movies, I'd say he would be scared but he only fliches and silently screams as he's watching
But it's definitely the surprise ones you never see coming that gets him to turn white and scream like banshee
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
For the Mylo and Claggor parts, I definitely believe that they are polar opposites when it comes to hugs
How (I Think) Arcane Characters Would React if You Hugged Them (Part 3/3)
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
Oh I also have some headcanons for Claggor
He is definitely a libra considering how level headed he is and not so quick to lose he's cool
He's definitely the cook of the family considering how many believe that Vander is not great at cooking
For strength, I think that since he's stronger, he's the main one to carry all the heavy boxes, cargos, and other things
He was born in Zaun but he's parents were probably desperate for anything to make things easier on them so they left to the streets
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cutebean-123 · 2 years
Hi I'm new to the fandom of Arcane but I'm in love with it especially these two
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I know what some may think, "oh Jinx is a psycho or he is just a minor character."
And you are entitled to your opinions and I'm fine with them. But for me, I love them and that's all I'm gonna say for now
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