autopiaz · 1 year
Do you wanna know the madness of Elon.
Watch it!!!
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autopiaz · 1 year
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Who is Smart and Wise?
Google vs ChatGPT
I'll go to the conclusion after considering some topics:
What is it?
Their jobs:
Popularity of those
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What is Google?
The mission of Google: organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
Google is a vast company. If we just hold it as a search engine and then go to a conclusion, it will be good for us. It is difficult to find a person who doesn't use Google search. Without some old citizens and babies, most people use Google search in their daily life.
Google's job is to:
When we search for something, we usually make mistakes like misspellings. Google automatically fixes it and views the desirable websites and information. Also google automatically chose the right answer to a question from other websites and then views it to their user. It helps us to find the right knowledge in a second.
The popularity of Google:
If we just noticed daily Google searches. It is 8.5 billion! So we can easily understand the popularity of Google searches.
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What is ChatGPT and what is its job?
Fun fact: ChatGPT means Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer. Do you know it before? Write down in a comment.
When we chat with ChatGPT. It mainly focused on our texts and then reply it smartly. Like if I wanna know about physics it gives us a basic description and then use some sub-categories of physics. Then we can again ask what is "x"(sub-category). It will also answer that question. But the question is how it can answer those questions. Actually, ChatGPT is pre-trained from other websites, books, etc.
Popularity of ChatGPT:
ChatGPT has 60 million visits per day.
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My words: After studying for a bit. I could understand that it is so easy to find any information on ChatGPT. But ChatGPT doesn't have any option for Links, Pictures, Videos, etc. on its free plan. But when it includes those features it will be more popular. Because it already has options to understand something to someone.
On the other hand, we can't find everything on google.com. We need to visit one or more websites. Which is so irritating. But we can get everything on chat.openai.com!
So, the winner is ChatGPT.
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autopiaz · 1 year
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AutopiaZ is a platform where you can find complete resources for Web development. I am learning web development and will tell you more about it.
Also, I'll publish posts/blogs about recent and new information.
It's all about fun and learning. Make sure that you follow AutopiaZ.
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autopiaz · 1 year
Hello world,
I'm from AutopiaZ. Today I'm gonna talk about what is AutopiaZ?
AutopiaZ is a platform where you can find complete resources for Web development. I am learning web development and will tell you more about it.
Also, I'll publish posts/blogs about recent and new information.
It's all about fun and learning. Make sure that you follow AutopiaZ.
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