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Remember me.. please
A/N: so I don't really know why I made this. I was just listening to this song and I was like boom let's make this. I love the song but this story is broken down, I will make a longer version, btw I do not own the picture or music just the writing.
Song: Burned By: Grave VanderWaal
Word count: 1,696
Pairing: dabi x reader
⚠️Warning: Angst, attacking??? um that's it
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 You sat in your chair quietly; staring at the sunsetting sky. You heard someone walk in, "Y/N you shouldn't do this. Plus everyone has disagreed with this plan so your crazy doing it alone." You sighed and started to hum. You looked down at the picture in your hand. It was you and him as children but you wished it could be now. That is the reason you've changed everything because of him. 
"You tell me that I'm crazy~. Doing this alone~..."
 You sung quietly as you turned your chair. You looked at her with mixed feelings in your eyes. Pain, unhappiness, pitifulness, anger, disagreement. It all happened so quick. You couldn't believe you found him and he was hiding all this time. Lying all this time and running all this time. It just didn't make any sense, didn't he want to see you.
 "You don't need to save me.
Oh, how I've grown~..."
 You were singing bitterly now. You didn't need saving from this new you. "Please this may be the worst day of you life." Your friend tried to reason with you.You both grew up so fast but yet not together. You wanted to make the change and you know it's was gonna be stupid. Just for a childhood friend who left you heartbroken and never the same. Why would he do this to you tho? Of all people he could hurt, why did it have to be you.
"I am capable of everything you can see...but now I want to change~~!"
 You stood up from your chair and looked down at the picture. How lovely was this memory. You both playing around just like normal kids. Right?
 "Just blow out the candles
Oh little boy, when will you learn?!"
 You were angry at him. For everything he has done to you. You wanted to ruin his life but you couldn't. Tears started to fall slowly. You looked at the picture through blurry eyes. Only if he knew.
  "You don't play with fire
Unless you wanna get burned!"
You gripped the picture tightly. "Calm down Y/N." She spoke again but you ignored. You were tired of waiting. Tired of feeling angry. Tired of feeling sad all of the time. It was unlike you but did you even know you anymore. You were confused daily of how he played you. Well you thought he played you.
 "Wanna get burned
Just blow out the candles...
Oh, how the tables they've turned!
You don't play with fire.."
 You sung through a shaky voice as you started to burn the picture with your quirk. You watched as the paper turned black and folded. Ashes started to fall from it and it was finally gone. You have decided what you've decided and nothing could change your mind.
"Unless you wanna get burned
You wanna get burned...Wanna get burned...Wanna, wanna get burned…" 
 You repeated the words in your head. Burned.. burned. You remembered the first time you saw his first burn. How you were there for him. You remembered when you saw it in action, of how his farther let him burn. He was screaming in horror and his mother couldn't even do anything. They were all scared and you knew it but what could you do? Your quirk wasn't even developed at that time. All you could do is be pathetic and watch it happen. "Get out." You said harshly as the women scurried out of your office.
"Something's just so crazy..Things you'll never know~..
 It was crazy how you didn't know where be went. Where the person who told you they would be there forever and never leave. Never lie. Never hurt you but but yet they did. Now he was going to pay for it. Pay for all the pain and sadness and even anger he had caused.
 "There's always that I would maybe!
That keeps stringing you along~.."
 He stringed you on till you had nothing. You didn't even think you were on his mind. He just wanted to go play villan and kill heroes. Not even take you along of let you know. You wish you knew these things but he never told you. He kept it a secret when you promised to never keep secrets. He broke that to.
 "Cause I am capable of everything..you can see.But now I want to change."
 You whispered this to yourself. Were you really capable of these things. What if you mess up?  What if you freeze? What if he kills you? What if he already has forgotten about you? You walked down the street; avoiding all contact. When you found him he was there. You walked into the alley way and your feet were heavy. You felt like the world was ending but it wasn't, it was just starting for you.
 "Just blow out the candles...
Oh, little boy, when will you learn?"
 He shifted towards you as you stopped. "Who are you? You should probably get out of here." You shook you head no, you weren't running this time. Your head fell and tears started to pull in your eyes, "Touya..do.. do you even remember me?" You asked with a shaking voice. "I don't know who Touya is and I don't remember you." His voice was cold but all you wanted to do was give him a hug.
 "You don't play with fire..
 Unless you wanna..get burned
Wanna get burned."
 You ignited a small fire from your hand. The other was still in your pocket. You lifted the fire to the childhood friend that supposedly forgot you. "Do you remember now?" You said as tears rolled down your face. He shrugged and put on a blank expression. You sighed deeply and tried to hold back the tears. "Well Dabi, your gonna remember me." You said silently.
"Blow out the candles
Oh, how the tables they've turned~~
You don't play with fire!" 
 You lifted your hands and a fire started to burn. It lit the alleyway more then before. You could see his features and face expression more. He didn't look pained but you knew he had gone through pain. Your wings shot up in the air. You took one step and he started to burn his own fire. You smiled at him, he was the same little boy you spent time with and you knew it.
 "Unless you wanna get burned..
Wanna get burned.."
 He was burned younger and it seemed as if he burned more. His life, his heart, and both of your love. You took something out of your pocket. Another picture, another memory that was lost. You walked towards him but he didn't attack. You handed him the paper of you both. Your face was blank as you watched him look at it. His face turned to sadness then nothing. You snatched the piece of paper away from him. 
 "What is that?, that I see
Floating right in front of me~..."
 You saw it all happen. You didn't see how he changed but you knew he has changed a lot. "Y/N." Your face contorted into anger then sadness. You didn't know what to feel.
 "Lock the doors, try to leave
But now it's clear to me."
 It was clear that he didn't remember you. Now he did but it didn't satisfy you. You sighed as you looked at him once more. You hurt remembered when his farther abused him. He tried to hide you from it but you found out. Then you looked at the paper, "why couldn't you tell me where you were going? Or why didn't you bring me with you?" You asked; tears dripping down your face.
 "You didn't blow out the candles..
Oh, little boy, you'll never learn."
 You started to burn the picture but you were looking at him straight in the eye. He didn't blow out the candle, the candle were the lies. He couldn't even tell you why, just to do some stupid villan thing. How pathetic. Your wings set on fire as you saw him take a step back. You were sick and tired of crying and waiting. It was game over.
 "You don't play with fire...
But you're already burned!"
 You screamed at him which sent blue flames. You kept walking towards him, you shot a blast at him. "Do you remember me now! Why did you lead me on when we were kids, huh?!" He was silent which made tears fall like waterfalls. You shot another blast; lifting yourself off the ground.
 "But you're already burned
You're already burned!"
 You screamed down the alleyway as you flapped yourself to him. You touched the ground with you feet as you tilted your face. He was not scared but surprised. "Tell me I didn't make a mistake being friends with you." You fiddled with your fingers. He still stood there silent, did he even care? "Y/N you don't need to be here. Leave." His voice was bitter but you ignored. You didn't care.
"Blow out the candles..Oh, little boy, you'll never learn...You don't play with fire." 
 You whispered to him softly. Your fire died down which was alright. "Just kill me now." You whispered as you looked up at him. You lifted your hand to touch his face. He didn't move he just stood there. His skin was warm. You took both of your hand and started to run your hands up and down on his face softly.You smiled at him. You felt weak so you stopped and started to look down.
 "You don't play with fire..
But you're already burned.."
You leaned in on him. You sighed and stood there;putting your body on his. You were still crying but you didn't care. You just wanted to be in his presence. His embrace was wanted dearly. He smelled smokey but it was better then nothing. "I'm sorry..i'm so sorry." You apologized through hiccups. You then felt two arms around you, they were his. This was all you wanted. He patted your head softly. "No Y/N, i'm sorry." You smiled but you knew this wouldn't last forever.
So I'm making a longer version of this cause this is obviously cut down. I'm a sucker for Dabi I'm sorry butt im making a Bakugou x reader one and that is going to be a series. Maybeee? Well I love you all and I hope you enjoyed.
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Assassin time
A/N: So I was reading this shindo yo assassin fanfic and I really thought I could do a Aizawa one-. Both are assassins and I hope they are but if there spys then that's fine also. Hahaha and this is my first smut-.I hope you all do like it! By the way I do not own any of the images I place in this writing.
Pairing: Assassin Aizawa x Assassin Reader
⚠️ Warning:Smut, language as always, killing (not a lot)
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 "Just get the files and get out." Your boss spoke through your earpiece. You rolled your eyes as you moved quietly. You weren't expecting to go on such a mission today since it was your off day but it was whatever. As long as you got your money you were fine. No harm right? Well you were wrong because this place was locked down. You sighed as you stood in front of a clear room. "Never trust a clear room." You took a step and something came flying. You ducked as the items flew pass you and hit something. 
Pathetic traps.You thought.
You smirked as you moved to the side. "Paralyzing needle." You shook you head as you took a detector out of your bag you would carry around. This came in handy when you were dealing with big assassin groups. You pressed the button and a green light appeared, flashing over the room and detecting traps. You knew the traps were deadly but it was pretty easy for you.
 Not any average assassin could get through or even use such skilled manners as yours. You pressed another button which made the traps shut off. The device took a long time to make but it was worth the wait. You put the device up and smirked. You walked quickly down the room as your shoes tapped on the floor. "The y files are here sir, mission complete." You spoke as you made your way out of the room. You walked up through hallways and up stairs quietly and swiftly. There was no point in getting caught when you have the files and if you got caught well you wouldn't be seeing daylight again. 
You managed to sneak past cameras and even more traps. You made it to the roof where a helicopter had just came in. You sighed in relief as the bubble of worry of getting caught was going away. You got on and signaled for person driving the helicopter to go. You soon would give the files to your boss.
It was a Wednesday and you would always turn in files that day. It was some lucky thing that you had about the day so you made your way into the building. Files in your hand as you greeted everyone. You went up to the front desk and saw Betty. "Hey Betty, did he send for me?" You asked softly and kindly as she looked up. "Oh hey Y/N and yes he did call for you!" She said delightfully.
 Betty was always a good friend and very outgoing. Plus you were lucky to have her and she would tell you anything. "Have a good afternoon then!" You shouted and waved at her before leaving. You press button of the floor you were going to and waited. There was something strange about going to the boss's room today. Yes there was way from the roof up there but it was weird. You sensed something but brushed it to the side. The door dinged and you saw the floor was surprisingly quiet and empty. 
Maybe everyone is working on the other floors. 
You tried to stay calm and see how your approach would be. All you could do was just go and check. You walked down the hallway of the building and knocked on the door. "Sir I have the y files here." You spoke loudly and confident but heard nothing. How strange. You knocked again but still no answer. Worry started to bubble up in your chest and you didn't even have any weapons. How lucky was today. You sighed as you grabbed the handle; pushing it open with your hands shaking.
 You weren't scared it was just the fear of coming in uncalled for or somebody else was behind this door. "Sir I-." You stopped as you found somebody else in his office with him. His frame was way taller then yours. "A-aizawa what a-are you d-doing?" You knew this guy cause you use to go to school together. And 2 you knew his group but you didn't know the files belonged to him. You gulped your spit down hard as you saw your boss's body not moving. 
Did he kill him? 
You watched all his movements. "So your the one who stole my files, huh? I thought we were friends." He said bitterly as he pointed his gun at you. You were getting uncomfortable so you had to do something. You stepped back and slammed the door close. Taking a run for it when you heard him shoot the door. It was only a few seconds that he was running after you, yelling at you. You were happy you didn't wear heels but slides weren't any better. 
The floor was slippery but you were going pretty fast. And you couldn't believe your old friend was trying to kill you! Well you didn't even know if you were referred as friends now and you didn't even know you were stealing from him. Explains why your boss told you nothing and rushed you, he should be dead at this point.
Lying some of a bitch.
You were to deep in your thoughts that you didn't realize you just now fell. "Shit, shit, shit." You mumbled to yourself as he bent down. "Looks like your luck is up kitty." You held the files to your chest like you were holding on to your life. You tried scrabbling back but he just grabbed your ankle and slid you forward. He then grabbed you by your neck; squeezing it tightly. Your air circulation was cut off by this. Which was causing you to become dizzy. "A-aizawa stop.. please." You pleated for your life, "cat got you tongue. What's the matter Y/N?" He said as he snatched the folders away and tossing it along with his gun like it was nothing. 
His grip on your neck did get loser but you would be damned if you spoke another word. His hands roamed around your body;groping in places that you haven't let anyone touch in a long time. You stood stiff in your position. He then caught you off guard by ripping your shirt open and showing off your bra which was nothing special. He then lifted your bra which made your breast fall and jiggle. Your nipples touched the cold air and puckered up for the change of temperature. He sucked on one of them while playing with the other. He then switched sides and gave the same attention to both.
You tried squirming out of his grip but it was useless. He moved himself up,"mmm, you look better like this kitty." He chuckled as he moved his hand down to your lower parts. You grabbed his wrist as you felt tears form in your eyes. He was quick to pin both of your arms down. You then felt the cold seep into your core. You felt your underwear dampening from the action he did earlier. There was only your panties and anything from touching it. "There's a wet spot here. How nasty." You felt his fingers slide up your slit which caused you to let out a moan. You cursed yourself for giving him it so fast. You closed your eyes for a second; trying to figure out your choices when you heard rustling. You didn't even realize he took off your underwear. You snapped your eyes open and saw how massive his cock was. He lined up his cock with your entrance; collecting some of your juices on his tip. He didn't even adjust you and when he slammed into you-you felt yourself stretch deliciously and painfully. You felt air leave your lungs when he started to move, "damn Y/N what made you this tight." He laughed as plunged himself into you at a rough pace. You tried to hold back moans but it was unbearable. His tip was hitting your cervix perfectly and the veins on his dick giving more pleasure which made you see stars. "Should've know you were this dirty kitty. A dirty little slut." He slammed into your harder causing you to squeeze and suck him in more.  "Your squeezing me kitty." Aizawa chuckled as he felt your body being to shutter under him. You were about to cum and he did notice. "Please.. I'm about to cum!" You screamed as you came onto his cock. You screamed his name and let out moans. "That's it kitty. Cum on my dick." He praised you as he was feeling his own release coming. His thrust became more harder and faster which made your tears start to fall. "I'll get pregnant-." He cut you off, "your even more of slut, you knew this was gonna happen." He said as he finally came in you. He let out groans and said your name a few times before calming down from his high. His thrust were sloppier now and when he pulled out he saw his seed dripping out of your cunt. He tucked himself back into his pants and lifted you bridal style. Your breathing was heavy and you felt like passing out. So you do and you fell asleep peacefully. He kissed your forehead, "Y/N,your such a trouble maker", he said as he picked up his gun; putting it back into his gun holder. Then picking up the files and placing them in your arms. "I have the files and she is here." Aizawa spoke through his earpiece as he made his way to the roof.
Maybe you shouldn't join another assassin business after this cause he sure taught you.
Alright guys, tell me that was alright! It was crazy and my first time doing smut. Crazy right? Lmao I'm gonna go now, hope you enjoyed.
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A/N: I was just thinking of how calm or uncalm Dabi would be if your ex showed up. It's probably crappy but I think I did a pretty good job.
Pairing: Dabi x reader
⚠️ Warnings: Profanity,Threat, slight fluff???
Unexpected ex
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  It was a calm afternoon. Dabi was home today so you decided to catch up on some things while he wasn't teasing you.  You were happily cleaning the living room. It wasn't a massive mess, but it did need fixing up. So you decided to clean it. You were twirling and swirling around the room happily. You didn't mind that Dabi was watching you. He was just watching you so it wasn't a big problem, but then he had to escape to your shared bedroom for a moment.
  Knock knock
  You thought you were just hearing things. Or that you had hit something. So you ignored it;going back to cleaning and such. It didn't really bother you and you didn't think you would hear it again so you went back to cleaning.
  Knock knock
 You heard it again and you knew you weren't making a mistake again. So you stopped what you were doing and went to go check. "Coming!" You screamed as you put your cleaning tools down. You then opened your door to find a surprise. It was your ex, right there. at the door. "Hey Y/N." You stared at him and your thoughts were swirling around your head. 
Why is he here? What does he want? What will Dabi say? What if he sees him? What am I going to do?
"You there?" He waved his hand in front of your face which snapped you out of your thoughts. "What are you doing here?"
You crossed your arms as he stepped on a stair close to you. "You wanna go out sometime?" You stepped back in your shared house with Dabi. "No." You held onto the door indicating you wanted him to go. "Please, can we start over."
 As he said that you felt a tall frame hover over you. Dabi was behind you and your heart dropped. His hands found his way to your waist and your ex was watching. "Who's this?" Dabi asked as he looked at the unfamiliar person at the door. "It's my ex, Dabi." Your voice was trembling and you were the definition of nervous. 
"Yes I am Y/N's ex, and you are?"Dabi chuckle as he leaned down to rest his face onto your shoulder. "I'm her boyfriend and I think it's time for you to leave." He lifted his face up and unwrapped his arms from around you. "Excuse me?" Your ex said with a slight annoyed tone. Dabi opened the door more;stepping outside. His hands we're stuffed in his pockets and he was not going to let your stupid ex ruin your day.  
"Leave before I burn your ass to ashes." You didn't know what Dabi whispered in his ear but it sure made him fall and run away away. You laughed at the scene that was happening. Dabi turned around chuckling. A smug look was placed into your handsome boyfriend's face.
 After that day you never saw your ex again...
I hope you liked this little story. Sorry I haven't posted for awhile but I'll try to post. I've wrote so many stories so I'm trying to get them together. My apologies, and I will somewhat start my first series.
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A/N: heh, this came to mind for listening to the song for awhile. Plus there is a theory that Dabi is Touya Todoroki so I added that theory up in there and I got this.
Paring: Dabi x Reader (of course)
⚠️Warning: Angst? Man idk this my first time don't blame me.
Painful lullaby
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 "Please Touya, don't do this!" You spat out a cry as he walks to you slowly. A blue flame burst from his hand as you felt the heat prick your skin. "I am not Touya! It's Dabi, get that in your stupid head." He spat back, getting closer. You scurried back trying to create distance. Tears ran down your face rapidly;he was so cold but why? It all started when he left or they say he was killed. 
He joined the LoV and it changed him but you still saw that same Touya in him, you didn't want to let go. He shot a flame at you as you dodged it quickly. You didn't even want to lay a finger on him, he was your friend, your everything and it was slowly crumbling in front of you. Silence fell upon the area and you could hear the wind whistle slightly. A tune you remembered from your childhood started to play in your head. You and 'Dabi' would dance to it or listen to it if you both wanted a lullaby to fall asleep to. You then started to hum the words as Dabi's face was shifted to a smirk.
"Dancing bears,Painted wings,Things I almost remember..."
You started to sing the tune as you stood up. Your hair was sticking to your face and you were sweating. Dabi chuckles as your face stayed saddened. Please remember. Please come back to me. You thought.
 "And a song someone sings,Once upon a December~.Someone holds me safe and warm..."
You felt memories pop up. Your brain played back the memories where you could see them. You smiled but soon a sad expression fell upon your face You start to walk to him; stumbling a bit. You held your chest from the ache that you yarn to be cured. You wanted to get him back. You wanted to try.
 "Horses prance through a silver storm,Figures dancing gracefully across my memory~..."
You saw your younger selves dancing in light graceful. Your bodies were only ghost like and transparent but you could still see both of your features. Dabi eyed you as you stood in patience looking at the ghost like memory. "Don't be fucking dumb." He shot another flame that reached your hand but didn't manage to burn anything else. You stumbled to the ground;holding your hand and shrinking in pain. You could hear your own heart beat and it seemed as if you would die tonight. All you could was wish for the best. "Worthless. I should've killer you sooner." You stood still at that moment;taking in what he just said.
 "Someone holds me safe and warm,Horses prance through a silver storm~!" 
You then saw a memory that you and Touya were cuddling to the tune. Happily smiling and left worries behind. You smiled at the memory but you bounced back to reality when you realized you had to do something. You were now singing the tune louder. You had to get through to him. One way or another.
 "Figures dancing gracefully across my memory~!"
 You panted heavily and sat up. You looked at him; catching his eye sight. Your eyes were pleading for him to stop but he only shrugged it off with a smirk. You shook your head. This isn't him. I know it. 
"Far away,Long ago,Glowing dim as an ember,Things my heart used to know~!" 
A Touya you use to know was still in there. You only believed that. You softly sang and it seemed to work a little. You smiled a bit but kept your hopes low. You still were hoping tho.
"Things it yearns to remember...And a song someone sings.~"
You wanted him to remember. Nothing would go back the same since was a villain but nothing would be the same if you couldn't at least get through to him. You stood up; walking towards him once more. "Please…" You reached out a hand as he stiffened. You softly rubbed your unharmed hand on his cheek. You smiled;tears still streaming down your face.
 "Once upon a December~."
The month where Touya went missing. December, the song was made just for it. You sung the ending gracefully as you plastered the biggest smile upon your features. You rubbed your hand on his cheek. You could see Touya there. You felt as if you were really touching his younger self. You felt faint but stayed awake longer. "Please Touya. Come back." You sighed as you leaned into him. "Y/N… i-im sorry." Dabi stated as you looked into his eyes. "It's fine." You felt your legs go numb and your eyes go black. Dabi catched you from your falling stance and sobbed quietly. He held you to his chest tightly. 
"Everything is going to be fine Y/N."...
Hahaha. I actually loved this but it's a bit sad sorry. Once upon a December is from Anastasia and it was such a beautiful movie. It just popped up in my mind. I don't know if he actually disappeared around December but I wanted it to be since Y/N and Touya spend most time around December, since Christmas you know! Hope you enjoyed it tho! By the way I do not own the song or any images I put in here. I only own what I wrote. Don't mind the hashtags either I just put it there cause basically this is what's it's about.
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