daemonology101 · 6 years
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daemons | RED FOX
individuals with red fox daemons tend to be ambiverts. they are loyal, cautious, adaptable and independent. they value those that can achieve their goals, cleverness, and safety.
requested by @jennjennwrites
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daemonology101 · 6 years
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We have castings for Lord Asriel and the Master of Jordan College!
Yes, James McAvoy has been cast to play Lord Asriel, and Clarke Peters has been cast as the Master of Jordan College (Dr. Carne, for those keeping up). 
These are some big castings (and names), and there have been reports that filming might start very soon! 
What are your thoughts on this casting? Need some time to think about it? Which casting left are you most excited about? 
Either way, things are moving, and we expect to hear more soon!
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daemonology101 · 6 years
How would the daemons of long-lived beings work? For example, if Thor (Marvel) had a daemon, would it most likely be a prehistoric or mythical or Asgardian creature, seeing as the daemon most likely settled back when modern animals (Midgardian) did not exist? If he did not get a daemon until he was banished to Midgard, would the same logic apply? Or would he most likely get a daemon of modern, Midgardian era? What would vacations of this be? Debates?
i think thor - or any characters from other planets - would either have daemons or not regardless of what planet/realm they visited (bar some weird traumatic process ala will crossing into the land of the dead)
with forms i think they’d be more likely to settle as something native to their homeworld/worlds they’d spent a great deal of time on - i also think that settling might not necessarily work the same for other worlds/cultures. 
ive mentioned before i think, that settling at puberty might not be the norm anymore/for all cultures - that settling at all might not be the norm for some. for example, since asgardian - and viking culture - was quite battle driven, daemons might only settle after the first big triumph someone has or might resettle to reflect that. like thor’s daemon might have been “settled” before going to midgard as something proud and cocky but resettle after his experiences           
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daemonology101 · 6 years
In fiction and media, primarily: For advanced AI (for example, JARVIS and Ultron from MCU), would they be "human" enough to have souls? What is the line between human and nonhuman that seperates those with daemons from those without? What about the undead? Would vampires have daemons? Would different rules apply to vampires such as as Dracula and those from those in Twilight?
wow okay lots to unpack here - also, i have no idea how old this ask is so sorry if it’s been a minute (or a year)
first: would advanced AI be human enough to have souls? 
so first off, we know from the books that not all beings with a soul have daemons, that daemons are only human’s manifestation of souls and will/iorek/the mulefa aren’t soulless for their lack of being so there’s that. 
as for them having souls, i honestly have no idea?? in the case of Vision, i think he probably does but Ultron i’m not too sure about. i could definitely see there being some sort of rule being passed that artificial daemons for ais are not to be created on sacred-ish grounds and to prevent “stealth ais” 
rubbish first answer, but.
second: what is the line between human and nonhuman that separates those with daemons from those without?
i think the only line between those with and those without daemons is imaginary - in the context of other sentient beings/humans from worlds without daemons at least e.g. people with daemons would generally view those without with suspicion at first and, in the case of non-human beings, as somewhat inferior bc of their perceived lack of a soul
finally: what about the undead/vampires?
i think in the case of anything that has died and returned they’d have no daemon. there’d definitely be spells and such that “promise” to bring daemons back - some of which might succeed but in my mind not well i kind of imagine undead daemons as being sort of drifting apart, cobbled together from pieces of whatever daemons atoms happen to be in close proximity
for those who dont brave a spell i imagine a lot of vampires would carry protective insect daemon cases to blend in 
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daemonology101 · 7 years
types of writers
The Lore-ist 
has detailed if not meticulous notes on the universe they’ve created, down to the food eaten and language quirks, they use mythos and setting to bring it all together
most of the character’s backstories are already loving laid out, though may not be all connected yet. 
Has yet to write a full chapter. (But they’re getting there!)
The Bae
Story is centered around a complex and engaging OC that they’ve spent years developing
said OC has been through A Lot, the love is real, so is the pain
OC may sort of be a loser? ie the story is a character-driven piece where the plot is moved ahead by said character’s bad decisions and questionable habits
The Researcher
akin to the lore-ist but spends more of their time on wikipedia articles jotting down notes and things like how much a watermelon weighs 
Everything from knowing Too Much about child-care to how a body decomposes or flapper chest-binding is on the table, their breadth is large and Should Be Feared
takes a long time to start but make the most of their words, from spot-on sci-fi to history to murder, readers will learn something on the way
The Lemon Flavored Factory
alright take it back now y’all, this writer has written enough smut to make a tom cat blush, they can write other things too, and often well, but there will inevitably be bed-rattling at some point (or car or shower)
either unusually creative or just sticks to classics like Aliens Made Them Do It, neither is necessarily bad but there is oddly little in between
their author’s notes tend to be hilarious or at least very self-aware
The Word Vomit Canoe
action oriented writer who spews out the words before they know what is happening, no plans, no outlines, 10k of the first thing that comes to mind, sometimes things like ‘maybe dragons?’ & they go with it
their strengths are productivity, weaknesses are not knowing what the hell is going on
style is marked by fast-paced tone and downright impressive word count
The Muse
their inspiration doesn’t come as often, but they are always listening for her & redy 2 go
update schedule is…sporadic at best, but makes up for it with long chapters and clean editing
Will write 30 pages in a day and then take a few months off, enjoys one-shots but can do longer works
doesn’t have the best sense of time and when they are in The Zone may forget to eat or shower
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daemonology101 · 8 years
Hello! Hope you're having a good day. :) Just wondering, do you reblog or accept submissions for daemon AUs for other fandoms, or are you an HDM blog only?
daemon aus are fine :)
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daemonology101 · 8 years
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daemonology101 · 9 years
What do you think about trans people's daemons? Would their daemon's gender reflect their assigned gender or their real gender? Would their daemons also have to transition?
sorry this took so long! ive been crazy busy lately. i got two asks about this so @somnolentsphinx this is for you too!
so i wanna preface this by saying im not trans and though i dont really think about gender the way most people do i dont have much experience dysphoria so im really sorry if im unintentionally offensive!
now thats out of the way i guess we should break it down a bit:
first, gender
so im pretty sure somewhere philip pullman stated that a daemon’s gender doesnt have any baring on a person’s sexuality and im assuming that’d cover trans/nb people as well (eg, not all transmen would be born with female daemons and so forth)
i do think though that people with daemons that match their true gender would be more accepted when they transitioned because it’d be seen as righting them i guess? 
i think for some trans/nb individuals their daemon not reflecting their true gender would be a constant source of pain until they reconciled it and it’d probably be used by other people as proof they werent trans
there might even be back alley surgeries etc that claim they could “fix” those daemons (which wouldnt work of course)
but the other thing is i dont think daemons have gender the same way we do (through genitals etc) so i dont think theyd transition per se in the sense that they’d change gender pronouns etc purely because gender doesnt have the same meaning attached to it that it does for us
i absolutely think that daemons can be genderless though society would probably be rather sceptical and think it was just a way of standing out or whatever they tell themselves these days
second, form
so a lot of this will depend on your personal feelings about settling (eg when and why it happens) i personally believe that while for most people it would have happened at puberty (as it does in the book) as things in society have changed it might happen later nowadays for a variety of reasons and that it has more to do with your sense of self than your body and that your daemons form can change
like everything about gender though i think it’d vary by person and there’d be no blanket daemon guide
some people’s daemons would probably be unchanged either because gender doesnt really have that much to do with personality and who you are but i think lots of peoples daemons would change
for some people they might not settle until they’ve started to transition - choosing to either lie or convince themselves they have settled 
some people might have been truly settled before transitioning only to have their daemons cycle through forms and resettle
hormones might have a cosmetic effect on a daemons form, changing fur colour etc 
kids who transition young and went on puberty blockers might settle a lot later
it would be interesting to think about how daemons felt about their potential changes? like they might really like being a hummingbird and end up being idk a fish or something? but like i said, i think daemon settling is a lot to do with personality and psychology rather than biology and body chemistry so im not sure if the changes would be that dramatic
thoughts guys?
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daemonology101 · 9 years
HDM TV Series: Things We Know So Far
It was commissioned by BBC One (hell yeah motherfuckers)
It’s an initial eight-part series (fUCK YEAH)
It will NOT be a mini series!
It’s the first commission from Bad Wolf, a U.K./U.S. production company founded by former BBC executives Jane Tranter and Julie Gardner
Those two ladies will be the producers
You might know Julie Gardner from small stuff like DOCTOR WHO, TORCHWOOD AND THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES
Jane Tranter was a small name when she worked on BBC: she was only THE CONtROLLER OF DRAMA COMMISSIONING, where she was ultimately responsible for overseeing the Corporation’s ENTIRE DRAMA OUTPUT ACROSS THE CHANNEL.
SHE ALSO WORKED AS HEAD OF FICTION at the BBC. This made her responsible not only for DRAMA, but for COMEDY, FILMS and acquired programmes from overseas.
The show is New Line’s first move into British television
The series will be executive produced not only by these two amazing ladies, but also by PULLMAN HIMSELF
AND Deborah Forte (she only CREATED Scholastic Media, a division of Scholastic Inc MOTHERFUCKER).
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daemonology101 · 9 years
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BBC One has commissioned an initial eight-part based on Philip Pullman’s epic fantasy trilogy His Dark Materials, which has been published in more than forty languages and has sold more that seventeen million copies worldwide.
The first part of the series, Northen Lights, introduces Lyra, an orphan who lives in a parallel universe where science, theology and magic are entwined: Lyra’s search for a kidnapped friend uncovers a sinister plot involving stolen children and turns into a quest to understand a mysterious phenomenon called Dust. In the second novel —The Subtle Knife— she is joined by Will, a boy who possesses a knife that can cut windows between worlds: as Lyra learns the truth about her parents and her prophesied destiny, the two young people are caught up in a war against celestial powers that ranges across many worlds and leads to a thrilling conclusion in The Amber Spyglass.
“It’s been a constant source of pleasure to me to see this story adapted to different forms and presented in different media.“ said the author. "It’s been a radio play, a stage play, a film, an audiobook, a graphic novel — and now comes this version for television. In recent years we’ve seen how long stories on television, whether adaptations (Game of Thrones) or original (The Sopranos, The Wire), can reach depths of characterization and heights of suspense by taking the time for events to make their proper impact and for consequences to unravel.”
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daemonology101 · 9 years
Would self garners maybe accidentally self sever or stretch their bond like witches
im assuming you meant to type self harmers? if you didn’t my apologies.
i think it’d be very difficult to severe yourself accidentally, im pretty sure in the books it can only be achieved with a special knife/guillotine that i dont think would be easy  to come by or “tearing” (i think) which is essentially being torn apart until the bond snaps, i guess? but from the agony lyra experiences i highly doubt that anyone could go through with that willingly
i think its likely they used intercision in the treatment of psychiatric patients ala lobotomy
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daemonology101 · 9 years
I'm writing a thing where my characters have daemons and the two brothers in it touch each others daemons. It's mostly because they were all each other really had when they were teenagers, but also because one of them is extremely affectionate and the other doesn't like rules. It's a recipe for disaster really, and I can't figure out how other people (like their parents) would react to it, even though it's not sexual in the slightest, it's just a comfort thing.
okay so there are a few things to consider here and obv, a lot of this is based on assumption (also note, im mostly talking about consensual daemon touching) so here goes: 
one thing is time period. now it’s not stated explicitly in the text (in fact i might remember someone saying that lyra and will’s world are actually the same time period) but lyra’s story is kind of set in the equivalent of the victorian era (right?) so a lot of the sentiment on daemon touching might be driven by that, remember psychology wasn’t really a thing back then so i doubt anyone would do studies into the psychological impact of trauma and how it might affect daemons/bonding with other’s daemons so it’s possible that at least some of the stigma might have fallen away as they learnt more about themselves/psychology
the magisterium and the culture resulting from it definitely had a hand in how daemon touching is perceived eg. religions introducing the idea that sex is something sinful etc, etc. so again, as time went on some people might become a little understanding/starting to see it as something not inherently sexual 
would be interesting to see if other cultures in that world had the same hang ups!
i also think that daemon touching between kids/younger people would be way more common than the book makes it out to be just out of pure curiosity
that being said, im pretty sure most people would still react with revulsion we’re told very clearly that it’s taboo i feel like (depending on how the parents are generally) they might be in this position where they’re trying to understand and want to believe their kids but 
thoughts guys?
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daemonology101 · 9 years
What do you think happens with twins? Do they usually have the same daemon? Similar daemons (different species of canine, for example)? Can they touch each other's daemons?
i think this would depend on the type of twin, eg. fraternal twins who develop independently in the womb would probably only have similar daemons if ended up with similar personalities. I think they might be more likely than other siblings to have similar daemons (probably not the same tho) just because they’re likely to have been raised that way? like parents who dress them similarly etc, etc.
now, identical twins would be slightly different like i think there’d be a slightly higher chance that they end up with the same/similar/corresponding daemons (i like to imagine that mirror twins end up with one twin having a male daemon and one twin having a female daemon regardless of their gender so lion and lioness) but again, it’d have a lot to do with personality because i know a lot of sets of identical twins but even with the most similar ones they have their differences, even if it’s something small like one being more shy than the other or one being slightly more musically inclined.
conjoined twins would be a whole different story though, like would their daemons be conjoined? 
as for the daemon touching thing i think it would be more likely. here’s the thing, i sort of headcanon that children ~experiment~ with daemon touching when they’re young, sort of like in the northern lights when lyra talks about them trying “tugging” (the daemon seeing how far they can get from their person without it hurting too much) and who better to try it with than a twin? this would of course depend on how daemon touching is portrayed in the world, like if it’s seen as inherently sexual (which i dont think it was? could be wrong) then maybe not so much) but i think with very close twins it’d be more likely than with normal siblings.
the lannister twins would totally be all over each others daemons can you even imagine
thoughts guys?
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daemonology101 · 9 years
so one of the things that endlessly fascinates me about  world with daemons is how it would change our relationship to animals because imagine going to a zoo or something and seeing what is essentially your daemon behind bars? and imagine eating your daemon
 some thoughts:
i doubt that we’d have pets in the manner we do i dont doubt that we’d keep cats around for mousing and dogs for hunting/guarding but theyd be treated more as workers/independent creatures than as companions because we’d have daemons to keep us company
eating meat would be a whole other issue like im pretty sure most people with herbivore daemons would be vegetarian so vegetarianism would be far far more prevalent
animal rights would be a bigger issues to because for all that daemons arent animals it’d be hard for someone with a rat daemon not to feel something when seeing all the horrific research being carried out on their soul’s form 
i think in general we’d have a lot more respect for animals but then again maybe since we’d have daemons as companions we’d not be so attached to animals? maybe we’d disregard them completely as less than us especially under magisterium rule - their lack of daemons would prove they had no soul right?
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daemonology101 · 9 years
Any thoughts on what happens with people with a disability? Like, do blind people have daemons that are also blind or do their daemons compensate for their lack of sight? As the person's soul they might be untouched by any later onset disabilities Vs someone born with a disability and their daemons match that because they've never known anything else?
okay, so  this is a really big topic (which is why i took so long to reply sorry!) and i want to preface this by saying that i am not disabled so i am definitely not an expert but here goes:
let’s tackle blindness/deafness first:
first off it would definitely have a lot to do whether a person was born with their disability eg. i do think someone who was born deaf/blind would have a deaf/blind daemon mostly because to them there wouldn't be another way of existing (though cochlear implants etc would be a whole other ball park)
but i also really like the idea of the four eyed way of seeing sailorPtah uses in her wtnv/daemon fics where cecil’s daemon helps him see in situation, which i think would be the case of someone losing their sight/hearing later in life (though something like that would take loads of practise)
i also think the age at which their sight/hearing was lost would play a big role, a kid might take less time to get used to it and accept it as part of themselves so their daemon might reflect that, eg. losing their sight/hearing as time goes on where older people might have more trouble which their daemon would also reflect
more physical disabilities are a little more difficult
by and large i think daemons would mostly be untouched by more physical things but people born with them (eg from spina bifida who have less use of their legs) might have daemons that dont really walk about (like birds) because its always been part of their lives
i think disabilities that come on later in life might be reflected by a limp or something but i think unless whatever happens goes on to define that person their daemon might stay ablebodied 
but this brings up a lot of questions regarding how physical daemons are and whether they get injured/healed the same way as humans do
i do like the idea that daemons sometimes manifest psychological trauma physically though im not sure if it’d extend to missing limbs
thoughts guys?
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daemonology101 · 9 years
I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how do you figure out what your daemon is? I am very new to this whole concept, but it intrigues me so much! Thank you for your time!
hey :)
Well, obviously there’s not sure fire way of knowing and a lot of it, in my opinion anyway, comes down to your own feelings on the matter. but there are a few tests you can take (this one is probably a good starting point since it focuses more on narrowing down the type of person you are and gives you a few suggestions 
or there’s this site  which has a page on form finding and analysis  they used to do reverse analyses as well (which is basically where you’d say ‘im like this’ and they’d discuss what form would suit you) which idk if they still do but im sure you can find somewhere to do that :D
but  it does essentially come down to your own opinion of yourself which changes a lot. like previously i thought my daemon would be a manned wolf but now, i tend to think of myself as either a sand cat, fennec fox or rarely some type of otter
anyone else have any suggestions?
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daemonology101 · 9 years
Jesus as a scruffy hare? Naaah. He'd have a fruit dove before the transfiguration ad after He'd have an african hawk eagle. (Check out my daemons tag i have a whole series on biblical daemons) (also the one mythic daemon i can think of rn would be the dalai lama's snow lion which has been the same each lifetime)
oh, interesting! i must admit, you probably know a bunch more about this stuff than i do! but idk, i just like the idea of  lot of “saviours” having really unassuming daemons.
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