dahbi ¡ 4 years
if anyone ever wants to reach me, my disco is spook-o-lantern#3188 ! i rp on there mostly nowadays so if anyone still wants to write, hit me up there!
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
if anyone ever wants to reach me, my disco is spook-o-lantern#3188 ! i rp on there mostly nowadays so if anyone still wants to write, hit me up there!
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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STARTER CALL! (except dabi probs won’t play nice)
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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STARTER CALL! (except dabi probs won’t play nice)
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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indie dabi from mha / bnha.   cremated by sky.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
(snow-in-summer) “You’re welcome, by the way.”
something’s wrong.
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THE QUESTION CIRCLES AROUND IN HIS HEAD as his world keeps spinning. waking up someplace new ... was pretty alarming. an unknown place --- lightheaded cognition --- DAZED for a few minutes before the world starts piecing itself back together. he even finds the strength to look around the room. huh. it’s a small ... nice place. definitely wasn’t where he was before. could someone have ... brought him here? it seems LAUGHABLE, in a sense. who’d help him? some nobody? someone who looks the way he does? really ... he doesn’t know whether or not to be pissed that his outward appearance doesn’t drive someone away.
but where was he ... before here? he remembers going on his nightly strolls. he had already been feeling bad at that point. stomach churning, getting hard to make out left from right. he hadn’t expected a FAINTING SPELL right then and there. he can usually fight it, delay it until he somewhere alone. but something sparked it. something ...
familiar ...
the voice. it makes his eyes trail to the other body in the room. he must have been blanking out after finally coming to. but who ... ?? was this ... the person who found him?
he locks eyes with the other, then. and like deja vu ... something about this situation feels like ALL THOSE YEARS AGO ... where two brothers only had each other, the younger always finding himself left with what remained of the older by the end of the day. the older brother, so weak, always trying to comfort his little brother. the older brother, so softly, calling out for his brother ---
❛ natsuo ... ❜
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
quick things to note regarding dabi:
- seeing how his face is burnt and his hair was dyed black, there is no guessing why no one (especially family members) hasn’t recognized him. seeing how his death was also faked as a preteen/early teenager, it’s clear he’s an entirely different person. no one will ever be able to identify him if he doesn’t want them to. - dabi is underweight. maybe even severely so. burn victims encounter hypermetabolism, meaning their body eats away at nutrition and fat way faster. and seeing how he’s been out on the streets and hasn’t been able to keep up with meals almost his entire life, he isn’t getting the proper nutrients to keep up with his metabolism. - as a result: he can get sick easier. it’s not uncommon for him to get a fever or experience other symptoms of sickness. he usually likes to keep his distance when that happens. - that, and when it comes to battle, it’s important he keeps his distance with his fire. he would not win in hand-to-hand combat with a pro. only when he knows he’s at the advantage he gets close. - dabi is distant pretty often. he doesn’t let people get too close, even people in the league. it’s why he carries this uninterested demeanor. it’s also why he likes scouting alone. no one in the league knows who he is, his background, or his true intentions with bringing down endeavor and exposing the safety commission/hero association.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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indie dabi from mha / bnha.   cremated by sky.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
“Yeesh, you look like shit.”
something’s wrong.
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--------- ‘thanks’ IS THE FIRST GUTTURAL REACTION HE HAS. it’s hushed by his almost prideful march into their hideout, even if it’s accompanied by a limp. he has a few scrapes here and there, but there are no major injuries. well. maybe except for his SHOULDER. gash running along it, dried and fresh blood trailing down his arm.
he doesn’t really feel it. feel any of his injuries. there’s a more BITTER reaction, knowing he had been bested. he strides over to somewhere he can sit himself. hand comes to his shoulder, then, finally noticing the wound. he thought it would have stopped bleeding by now. just ... great.
❛ just ... get me some first aid, will ya? ❜ not really a ‘pretty please’, but, in his own way, he IS asking nicely. pride or none, dabi would be needing some help.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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episode 44 || dabi 
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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Fall to the Earth.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
‘Something's Wrong’ Sentence Starters
Something’s Wrong With My Muse
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding. You’re bleeding a lot.”
“Stop squirming, I’m trying to help.”
“Hang on, I got you.”
“Just lean on me, I’ll help you walk.”
“We should get that looked at.”
“Don’t tilt your head back, you’ll make your nosebleed worse!”
“Just sit up and breathe, ok?”
“Eh, you’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Whatever you do, don’t go to sleep. Stay awake.”
“Oooooo. That looks painful.”
“Oh, thank God! Don’t scare me like that!”
“How the hell did you do this to yourself?”
“Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?”
“You stopped breathing.”
“Oh look, it’s alive.”
“Take deep breaths, you’ll be fine.”
“Arms shouldn’t move like that��”
“What happened to your leg?!”
“Yep, that’s broken alright. How’d you manage that?”
“Here’s some ice for that.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Yeesh, you look like shit.”
“Wait, you were mugged?!”
“Is that a stab/gunshot wound?”
“Ok, ew. I’m not cleaning that up.”
“Easy, easy! Just lay down, you hit your head.”
“You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn’t be moving around too much if I were you.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?”
“Can you walk on your own?”
“You’re getting blood on my clothes!”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Something’s Wrong With Your Muse
“Is that three fingers you’re holding up?”
“I’m so sorry for getting blood on your clothes!”
“I’m not sure I can walk on my own.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain’s at least an 8.”
“You thought I was dead?”
“Do you think I have a concussion?”
“I hit my head; now I don’t feel so good.”
“I’m so sorry. Do you mind cleaning up?”
“I think I’ve been stabbed/shot.”
“I just got mugged!”
“Do I look as bad as I feel?”
“Could I maybe get an ice pack for this?”
“Thank you, by the way.”
“I think my leg is broken.”
“I can’t feel my arm.”
“I’m going to need more than deep breathing to calm me down.”
“I’m not dead yet!”
“Oh, God, I’m bleeding. I’m bleeding a lot.”
“Are you really trying to help?”
“Please help me.”
“Can I lean on you? I don’t think I can walk.”
“I think I need to get this looked at.”
“I can’t get my nose to stop bleeding!”
“I can’t seem to catch my breath.”
“I’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Please help me stay awake.”
“This hurts just as much as it looks like it does.”
“Sorry - did I scare you?”
“I don’t know how I managed to do this to myself.”
“I don’t know if I can stay awake.”
“I stopped breathing?”
Note: Revamp of an older sentence starter post found here.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
thinkin bout ua/hero dabi,,, how he has a mental block and has his doubts about being a hero bc he has constant thoughts bout killin his dad. (((:
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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i wanna talk about dabi’s life after the “incident”.
he fakes his death and successfully runs away. but what happens after that? dabi’s a tween, if not JUST entering his teenage years when he runs away. he’s young, he’s scared, and it’s logical that he tries to seek refuge somewhere. so let’s say he does. let’s say someone does take him in, seeing how he’s critically injured from burning himself. he starts treatment without anyone telling who he is. everyone seems nice to him until the one question occurs:
“what happened to you?”
he’s gotten this far without needing to say anything. really, he’s not sure what to say. going through something so traumatic built with years of trauma on top of that makes it hard to explain. not to mention he’s been taught to “keep quiet” and “look away” from his siblings and his mother.
so when he says that the pro hero, endeavor, did this to him, it took a lot of courage and a lot of trust. and he was laughed at for it.
perhaps not “laughed at” literally, but it might as well have been. they disregarded what he said, clearly doubtful that endeavor could do something to such a young kid. a hero couldn’t do this to a child, right?
this plays into a lot of things. firstly, his second escape. secondly, adding into his hatred for heroes and their system. thirdly, his reluctance to tell anyone who he was. it was also from then on that he thought he couldn’t do anything about what happened to him. that he was forced to stay quiet about it forever because who would even believe him? endeavor was a hero. one people loved and adored and praised. for some kid to tell them what they thought about their hero was wrong ... clearly, it couldn’t be done.
so years after, he retreated into a life of crime. he would be in groups here and there, contributed to crimes, and left burnt corpses in his wake. he went by many aliases and completely detached himself from his life before. he never really had a purpose but to survive. there would be times he wished that he could get back at endeavor and heroes in general, but he never thought it was possible.
until stain.
stain had done it. stain’s philosophy was nearly identical to the one he had developed. stain showed him that it WAS possible to show people who heroes truly were. it was possible to expose endeavor.
joining the league, helping them, contributing to their cause, everything he’s done and will do. he’s found his purpose. and he’ll do anything to accomplish it.
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dahbi ¡ 4 years
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STARTER CALL! (except dabi probs won’t play nice)
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