daisugaweek2019 · 4 years
regarding Daisuga Week 2020
So I’ve had some questions asking whether Daisuga Week 2020 will be going ahead. The short answer is, there is only one mod doing this and I just don’t think I have the capacity to do this with the current situation and other factors.
I’d rather state this now so whoever wants to can run daisuga week 2020 this year - please go ahead! 
Thank you for understanding and for everyone’s contributions to past daisuga weeks - wouldn’t be here without your work!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Thank you!
Hi everyone!
The mod just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who participated in and engaged with Daisuga Week 2019. Your enthusiasm and hard work are what make this week so great!
Late entries will still be accepted - please tag these as #daisugaweek2019 so these can be picked up.
Thank you!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
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for @daisugaweek2019 Day 1 Journey. Day 2 Wish. Day 3 Music. Day 4 Flowers. Day 5 Nostalgia. Day 6 Fashion. Day 7 Free Day 🖤🖤🖤
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Day 7: Free Day
Day 7 of @daisugaweek2019
Read on AO3~
Daichi’s mom called him a “Late Bloomer.”
He hated that.
Late bloomer.
It sounded like he didn’t hit puberty until he was eighteen. It sounded like he wore diapers well into adolescence. It sounded like an excuse moms give about their embarrassingly socially awkward kids as to why they have no friends.
None of those things applied to Daichi.
He had gone through puberty and was toilet trained at the normal ages, thank you very much. He also had plenty of friends and wasn’t socially awkward in the least. (Unless you counted that time he told pizza delivery guy, “I love you,” instead of “thank you.”)
No, Daichi wasn’t that kind of late bloomer. According to his mother, he was a late bloomer because months had passed since he confessed to and started dating his best friend and still… he hadn’t had his first kiss.
According to his mother, a few months was much, much too long to wait to get to first base.
Well how was Daichi supposed to know that? Sugawara was his first boyfriend, after all.
And it’s not like there were any books or instruction manuals on how to date your best friend. When and how to have your first kiss sure wasn’t included in the sex talk his father had ho-hummed his was through back when he was thirteen, and then again when he was fifteen and started his high school life at Karasuno where he met Sugawara and realized the heterosexual sex talk just wasn’t going to cut it.
That being said, now that he understood that he was behind, a total late bloomer, he was determined to remedy that before graduation.
Read the rest on AO3!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
relationship: Sawamura Daichi/Sugawara Koushi
rating: mature (ch 6), warnings: no archive warnings apply
main tags: Alternate Universe - Star Trek Fusion, Captain Sawamura Daichi, Chief Medical Officer Sugawara Koushi, Established Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Self-Indulgent
Daichi accepts a commission that will send him into deep space. Suga is not about to let him go alone.
A collection of chronological one-shots written for @daisugaweek2019
read chapters one through eight on ao3
[for funsies: previous works for daisuga fan weeks: 2018, 2017 one + two, 2015]
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Slow Dancing in the Darkness Chapter 2
@daisugaweek2019 Day Seven: Free Day Fic: Slow Dancing in the Darkness Rating: T Chapters: 2/6 Summary:  When Sugawara Koushi was a young boy on vacation, he met a strange boy named Daichi with a secret. Twenty years later, Koushi is reunited with Daichi after randomly meeting him at the library and learns all about Daichi’s secret and his own connection to it. Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19209790/chapters/51387007
This is something of a nontraditional posting for DaiSuga week, but I wanted to use this day to return to a passion project I started over the summer.  I hope you all enjoy what’s posted so far.  I also wanted to give a huge shout out to the folks behind DaiSuga week.  This is my third year participating, and I just wanted to say thank you for all the hard work you put into making this fanweek possible.  You rock! 
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Day 6: Fashion
Day 6 of @daisugaweek2019
Read on AO3~
Sugawara couldn’t tell whether he was too drunk or not quite drunk enough for this.
It was for a good cause, he told himself.
That good cause, of course, being that he could only keep his job if the club at which he worked remained in business.
A responsibility that, for some reason, was suddenly in his hands.
“C’mon, Suga, you got this.”
Tanaka massaged his shoulders, giving him a pep talk as if he was on his way into a boxing ring instead of onto a stage to literally sell his ass to the highest bidder.
“They’re going to expect sex,” Sugawara said dully, barely listening to the auction going on through the curtain while he waited for his turn.
“Well they’re not going to get it,” Tanaka moved to the back of his neck, fingers rough and not quite as comforting as he probably thought they were. “Me ‘n Asahi will make sure of that.”
Sugawara groaned, head falling back.
“Why couldn’t we sell Asahi?”
The man in question, who had been passing by at the moment, paused and turned towards them, eyes wide with terror.
“Please no,” he said, voice shaking. “Please don’t. I’ll cry.”
“We’ll get more money for you,” Tanaka told Sugawara, giving his shoulders a little pat. “Horny dudes will pay way more for a sexy kitten than a cowardly lion.”
Asahi let out a sigh of relief, clearly unbothered about being called cowardly so long as he got to escape being auctioned off for the night.
“We just need like four more grand,” Tanaka said. “Then we’ll hit our mark for the night and be able to pay off the old man’s debts. You’re our best shot at getting it.”
Sugawara grumbled and slicked his hands through his hair. The outfit Tanaka had practically put on him himself was much too tight and hot for the stifling temperature of the packed club. Sure, the tight leather pants looked damn good on him, but how sexy would he be if he went out on stage with sweaty pit stains?
And anyway, where did Tanaka get leather pants in his size at such short notice in the first place?
“And now, for our last item of the night!” Saeko’s voice echoed through the club and Sugawara moaned in dread that his time had finally come.
“You’ve got this,” Tanaka said again. “Just wrangle up a few more grand and we’re golden!”
“’Kay,” Sugawara muttered and shook out his arms, getting out the rest of his tension before Saeko announced him.
“An exclusive, one-on-one date with our very own Sugawara Koushi!”
Read the rest on AO3!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Ōmagatoki  - Day 7
@daisugaweek2019​ | Day 7 - Free day!
Chapters: 7/7
Summary: In the Kamakura period, a fallen samurai undertakes a journey to pray for the mountain god’s mercy as a famine threatens his people, but instead meets an enchanting tree spirit. Daichi knows that the kodama is possibly the most dangerous being he has ever encountered, and yet, he falls.
“What if I told you that there’s a price to pay for saving your people?”
“What kind of price?”
“A sacrifice.”
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
It clicked into place as Daichi stepped through the threshold of his house after mulling over it the entire walk back. Dream condensed into memory which supported a conjecture which materialised into elucidation. 
A sacrifice.
Sitting alone at his table in the pitch black, fear sank its claws into Daichi’s heart as he strove to weigh the truth of Suga’s statement from the scene playing in his memories. If he was right, then perhaps his dreams were no longer simply illusions to be waved away in the day, but a warning. 
The questions that Suga had posed, passed off in jest; the ominous words that Tooru had uttered; and the final tip off, a magnificent robe that was donned in preparation for something drastic, or something final. 
Unease pushed through logic and burrowed in, festering into a myriad of half conscious chimera as he dosed where he sat, his candle flickering out and dowsing the room in moving shadows. Through the veil of closed lids he caught flashes of green, sparkling with dew in the sun and the telling lock of long silver hair. 
He heard laughter, the indistinct swell and hum of conversation and suddenly, in perfect clarity, Suga’s voice. 
“I couldn’t. I couldn’t kill him and I couldn’t keep him.”
Another sound, a gasp, before the sky began to shrink and the creaking of wood surrounded Daichi. All he could see was a patch of blue sky that was being swallowed by the hard darkness. He was being compressed, impossibly so, and his breath came short, shorter still. Pushing desperately at the confines, all he felt was solid bark as he was encased in an unyielding prison, trapped in a massive tree.
Darkness, in its most absolute form, so thick that it felt liquid, pouring into his lungs. What remained were the staccato of his breaths and the wild pounding of his heart before a single word was exhaled. 
Only in the instance that he lurched awake did it register that he had not been Daichi in that dream sequence. He let out a distraught noise, knuckle pressed to mouth and fingers digging into flesh. No, in that unreal torment, he had been Suga.
Keep reading on AO3
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
@daisugaweek2019 day seven: free day!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
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strawberries on a summer evening
Word Count: 500
Rating: T
Additional Tags: Day At The Beach, Strawberries, Kissing
Chocolate and strawberries are sweet, but Suga is sweeter.
for @daisugaweek2019
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Vampiric Statement Piece
@daisugaweek2019 Day Six: Fashion or History Rating: M for suggestive themes and blood drinking Summary:  “Why are you going through my closet, anyway?” Daichi asked. “Because you are the least vampire-looking vampire I’ve ever met,” Koushi replied. “What’s wrong with the way I dress?” “Nothing,” Koushi said.  "Just, when you think of vampires, the first thing that comes to mind isn’t plain white or black T-shirts and athletic jackets.“ Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21538816
Fic under the cut!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
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Daisuga Week : Day 6 | Fashion
Daichi, freelance photographer, has built his career on fashion shoots, but his true facination is in unique street fashion : there’s nothing he loves more than taking picture of people expressing themselves through their looks, and having fun with what they wear, and with how they pose. He’s just fascinated with the boldness, the transparency that they show.
And every week, without a doubt, he finds his eye caught by the same guy, his fun fashionable, and sometimes experimental, fashion, but maybe also his sly grin and beautiful mischievous eyes.
While he knows for sure that his online audience loves the pictures of the  pretty man as much as he loves taking them, he has no idea that they just as much enjoy the ones from the other hand, taken of him in secret any moment he’s distracted in the middle of a “session”…Until…
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
For @daisugaweek2019 day 6!!
Prompt: Fashion/History
Rating: G
Word Count: 900
Suga comes to keep Daichi company while he’s grading papers, just like he does every week. At some point, someone has to acknowledge what’s going on between them, right?
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Ōmagatoki  - Day 6
@daisugaweek2019​ | Day 6 - Fashion/History
Chapters: 6/7
Summary: In the Kamakura period, a fallen samurai undertakes a journey to pray for the mountain god’s mercy as a famine threatens his people, but instead meets an enchanting tree spirit. Daichi knows that the kodama is possibly the most dangerous being he has ever encountered, and yet, he falls.
“What if I told you that there’s a price to pay for saving your people?”
“What kind of price?”
“A sacrifice.”
One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven
Daichi’s legs jerked into a half step, wooden and uncoordinated as his heart lurched ahead of him, pulling onward to where Suga was. 
It took another clumsy jolt before Daichi was tumbling over himself, cursing his bad leg as he discarded his last tool in the grass and ran. 
Or tried to at least. The months of building and plowing had made him stronger than ever, but an old wound was still a wound. He began with a trot, then throwing dignity to the wind along with all reason, broke into a slightly unbalanced jog that favoured his injured leg. Around him, workers carried on, eager to finish and get home, uncaring that their young lord had decided to take his leave in an urgent manner or if he had simply lost it and sprung for the hills. 
Only a handful raised their heads to watch as the third son raced across the plantation grounds, sunlight bouncing off gleaming, sweaty, tan skin, and Daichi, breathless more with the anticipation than the exertion, drew close to a smiling Suga. 
He could see the faint summer breeze ruffle light hair and even without that distinctive trait, he would know the figure anywhere, would recognise the tilt of that head, the glow of that smile. 
And he watched, aghast, in the last several strides that would have taken him there, as the wind collected all those features in a gentle gust. Feeling the back of his throat close up, Daichi arrived just as the silhouette fragmented into a flurry of leaves and petals that were cycled upward and away. 
Thrusting a desperate hand upward, his fingers closed on nothing more than air and a single, pale pink petal. 
“He’s in danger." 
Daichi spun in a circle, struggling to locate the voice that tickled at the back of his mind.
"He’s in danger and so are you.”
The fog thinned enough for Daichi to orient himself and he found himself somewhere resembling the clearing that he had last seen Suga in, all those months ago. 
Stepping out of the mist-like shroud, the speaker looked immaculately divine and yet, the slightest bit worn. 
“Tooru?” Daichi squinted. Tooru seemed to throw a disdainful glance over before promenading over to the edges of the cliff, almost disappearing from sight. 
“You both are fools. I’m only trying you because that imbecile is not heeding my words,” Tooru appeared to grow in height and presence. The sense of power that diffused from him threatened to overwhelm and drown Daichi, “The mountain god will discover what he has done for you and then you will both suffer his wrath. It is only a matter of time.”
As Tooru vanished into the mist, Daichi started forward, mouth open with questions overflowing and woke with a jerk, hand stretched above him as though still reaching for the dream figure that he sought. 
He buried his face in his hands, only looking up when something fell from his hair, shaken loose by his movement. Illuminated by the moonlight, a limp leaf, yellowing at the edges sat in his palm. 
Keep reading on AO3 or after the cut
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
Day 3 of @daisugaweek2019: Drama/Music
Daichi has two tickets to the concert of Suga’s favorite movie score composer and invites him, but may have forgotten to mention it is supposed to be a date.
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
@daisugaweek2019 day six, fashion!
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daisugaweek2019 · 5 years
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out of my limit
Word Count: 500
Rating: G
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Famous Suga, First Meetings
Daichi swears he doesn’t hate his job.
for @daisugaweek2019
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