dandelion-candy ¡ 7 days
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might just drop my Alex WIP and go back to writing — feeling silly like that.
more oc snz coming soon!
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dandelion-candy ¡ 11 days
Can you do a wav where your inducing with all your allergies at once? (Or most of the them?)
Induced Uncontrollably and Desperately Intense Mostly Stifled Fit
I’m still sneezing while writing this
Contains: Stifles, Half stifles, BUILD UPS, very very breathy, let outs, MESSY AND STUFFY, Cat meowing.
Induced with: Flowers, a dusty closet, pollen covered cat fur shoved up my one nostril with dust in the other nostril
Note: I’m still sneezing writing this, this is queued for later(not posted at the time I recorded) because of how much I’m still sneezing. I couldn’t breathe for the majority of this. They became so UNBEARABLY RAPID. It was so hard to stifle! I had to stifle because I thought I’d be home alone, but my sister was here so I had to hide in a dusty closet.
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dandelion-candy ¡ 11 days
someone having a snzing fit in public that’s gotten so out of their control that they have to leave but they can’t cover up how hard they’ve gotten as they carry out their belongings
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dandelion-candy ¡ 11 days
Hold Still
A BlyFry Snz Fic
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Force Holding, Snz Fet, Smut, WLW
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Description: this fic is based off this prompt!
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Author’s Notes: You have been feeeeddddd!!! I don’t CARE if you don’t want the lesbians /i/ want the lesbians 👹 I love them. Anyway, enjoy BlyFry torture. 🥰 @aller-geez owns Freya and did the cover art!
Freya was curled up in the pit of Blythe’s arm, snuggled close as they enjoyed the sound of a gentle rain from their open cottage bedroom window. “It’s so peaceful out here..” the angel sighs with neutrality as her fingers trace up and down her lover’s exposed torso.
“I agree, lover, there’s nothing quite like laying with you next to the sound of mother nature existing as she comes,” Blythe's voice was a low murmur, vibrating against Freya's cheek where she nuzzled in closer. The scent of petrichor hung heavy in the air, a comforting aroma that mingled with the delicate fragrance of Freya's skin. As the rain continued its soft patter against the window, the world outside seemed to fade away until it was just the two of them cocooned in their intimate sanctuary.
Freya's touch was light yet purposeful, her fingers dancing across Blythe's skin with a feather-light nudge that sent shivers down her spine. Every caress was like a promise, a silent vow of love and devotion that spoke louder than any words ever could. Blythe's breath caught in her throat, her heart swelling with an overwhelming sense of adoration for the angel in her arms.
In that moment, nothing else mattered but the sensation of Freya's embrace, the sound of the rain outside, and the unspoken bond that held them together like two perfect puzzle pieces completing the picture. They laid like this for a few moments before there were light sniffles that started from below. “Snddff…H’h..” Freya quickly shook her head, trying to cast away the irritating feeling that began to make itself known within the passages of her sinuses. “iihh..D-Darling….I th-think the wet pollen is…agitating me…” the fallen finally admitted, Blythe looked down at her girlfriend, concerned at first but her inner monster couldn’t help itself. She wrapped her hand along the underside of the Angel’s jaw and forced her gaze upward into her own.
“Do tell me, Angel,” she asks with a heavy seductive tone. Freya gulps loosely. Bly's eyes gleamed with a predatory hunger as she held the woman’s gaze captive, her hand exerting a firm yet gentle pressure on the angel's jaw. The subtle shift in her lover's demeanor did not go unnoticed by Freya, who could feel the heat rising in her cheeks at the intensity of Blythe's stare. “M-My…l-love…?” she questioned softly, barely above a whisper.
The sensation of the wet pollen irritating her sinuses had been momentarily forgotten, replaced by a different kind of ache that pulsed through her veins. Despite the discomfort beginning to build in her nose, there was an undeniable thrill that coursed through Freya at the dominance displayed by the succubi. It awakened a primal part of her being that yearned for submission, for surrendering control to the one who held her heart in their hands. The forbidden feeling.
With a soft whimper, Freya leaned into Blythe's touch, her breath hitching as she felt a wave of arousal wash over her. The rain outside seemed to echo the rhythm of her racing heart. She knew this situation all too well. “What is it my Angel? Do you need to….sneeze?” She asked curiously, but behind that curiosity was a sick sadist that needed to be quenched.
“K-Kinda…” the fallen mumbled with slight hesitance. As often as she was ready to please her insatiable partner due to her affliction…she wasn’t sure she was ready to submit to the game up the succubus’ sleeves.
Blythe's lips curled into a knowing smile at Freya's hesitant admission. The succubus could practically taste the tension that hung in the air, a heady mix of desire and uncertainty. She leaned in closer, her breath ghosting across Freya's sensitive skin as she whispered, "You know what you need to do, my Angel….Let go for me," Her voice was like silk, smooth and seductive, coaxing Freya to surrender to the inevitable urge building within her.
Freya's chest tightened as she felt the first tickle of a sneeze creeping up her sinuses, a sensation that both thrilled and terrified her. The conflicting emotions warred within her, but she couldn’t just let it out that easily. “h-Heh…” she started but then swallowed it back, hard like a gumball down one’s throat. The succubus raised a brow and quickly flipped their positions so that the angel was below her and she hovered over top.
“What is this hesitation? Shall I induce a punishment for disobedience, my love?” Freya blanched at the thought of Blythe's punishment, her mind conjuring up images of spankings and other torments. The succubi’s eyes narrowed in warning, and Freya could feel the heat of Blythe's body against hers. A wave of nervousness washed over her as she realized she had pushed her partner too far.
“You’re still holding them hostage from me hm? Okay…then I suppose there’s no other choice….hold still,” the woman quickly thrusts her lover’s hands up and attaches them to the handcuffs secured to their headboard already. The angel gasps gently her nose stinging and leaking with the need to release but she couldnt possibly fathom what the succubus had in store for her. The sensation of being restrained only intensified the anticipation that gripped Freya's heart. She could feel Bly’s eyes on her, studying her every move, every twitch of her body as she waited for the storm to unleash itself.
As the seconds ticked by, the pressure building in Freya's nose grew more and more unbearable. She could feel the squishiness of her swelling nostrils, the tickle-turned-itch that threatened to consume her entire face in a sudden burst of sneezes. The rain outside seemed to emphasize the echoing beat of her heart, and Freya felt as though her very soul was being exposed and offered up to Blythe's predatory gaze.
The succubus could see the struggle in Freya's yellow eyes, the tension that twisted her features into a mask of both desire and anxiety. And with a cruel, seductive click of her tongue, chuckled at her girlfriend. “You’re so adorable, chained up at my will,” she teased, the woman then quickly pulled a box out from under the bed with a swift movement. Retrieving the hitachi wand from inside. “You’re going to wish you would have just listened, my dove,” she shakes her head solemnly but her eyes glisten with sin.
The fallen's heart pounded in her chest as the succubus approached her with the Hitachi wand, its vibrations pulsating with anticipation. The scent of her arousal filled the air, mingling with the earthy musk of her sweat and the floral notes of the scented candles scattered around the room. The succubus trailed the wand over Freya's nose, sending a shiver down her spine as the gentle hum against her sensitive skin threatened to precipitate her into a sneeze.
Blythe's eyes held a wicked twinkle as she continued to torment her lover, the vibrating massager teasing Freya's nostrils and the inside of her quivering lips. The crisp sheets crinkled beneath them, the only sound in the room other than the storm outside that seemed to mimic the tempest brewing inside Freya's body. “Now now, don’t you dare, you made the commitment to hold them back, remember? So hold them back,” Bly demanded of her lover with a strict, authoritative tone, while Freya let out an exaggerated, tortured whimper.
“B-But…” she started, her breath catching in her throat, wrists tugging at their restraints and her legs spreading further apart to accommodate for her girlfriend sitting between them.
“Aht, Aht, hold them back,” Blythe mocked, her voice darkening like a storm cloud as she wielded the Hitachi wand with a deft touch. Freya's entire body tensed, her skin prickling with awareness as she felt the vibrations from the wand radiate through her, lingering on her nerve endings. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest, a wild beat that matched the frenzied rhythm of the rain drops hitting the side of their home.
It was as if the elements themselves were conspiring against her, trapping her in a whirlwind of sensations that threatened to overwhelm her. The betrayed smell of her sweat mingled with the heady scent of her arousal that seemed to bloom like a rose beneath her, sweet and intoxicating. The succubus noticed and took a deep inhale of her surroundings. “Delightful…my sweet Angel’s scent is so intoxicating…” The air felt heavy, as if the very molecules around her had been saturated with desire and anticipation.
She clenched her fists on each side of her body, trying her best to keep the explosions she so desperately needed inside her body as her forehead started to sweat. Bly now tracing her free hand across the exposed thighs of her girlfriend who was only sitting in a thin night gown that had fallen behind her hips in this position. “Your skin is so beautiful..” the demon licked her lips as the tips of her fingers drew patterns up Freya’s inner thighs.
The angel moaned, unable to withdraw the desire building within her quim at the touch of her lover’s hand. It was proving too much, holding back her sneezing, and being touched so intimately. “B-Bly…” she tried to protest as the buzzing continued to echo inside her skull. Her nose felt like it was going to explode, every breath seeming to teeter on the edge of uncontrolled expulsion. She could feel the tightness in her head, the gears of her sinuses grating together in their effort to contain the pressure building inside her. Freya's sinuses strained against the vibrations, her nasal cavities expanding and contracting in response to the intense stimulation. The warmth of her lover's touch against her sensitive skin only added to the mix of lust, further fueling the fire within her. The storm outside seemed to act as a mere background to the frenzied game they played, as lightning bolts of pleasure and need struck her from within, threatening to tear her apart in their intensity.
A single tear escaped her blackened yellow eye, trailing down her cheek as she felt herself losing the battle to hold back her sneeze. Her body shuddered involuntarily, her muscles clenching and unclenching in a futile attempt to delay the inevitable moment of release. The scent of her arousal became more pronounced, mingling with the musk of her sweat and Blythe’s own prominent pheromones. “I must taste you…” the Succubus whispered hungrily keeping her arm in position but sliding down the fallen’s body, she used her free hand to pull Freya’s panties to the side to expose her wet folds, sliding a wicked forked tongue against them. The angel wanted to throw her head back and release everything she’d worked hard to hold back, but she didnt. She whimpered, low and long as the sensation of her girlfriend’s lips closed around her throbbing clit.
It was two fold the trouble, the wet, messy mouth now ravishing her sacred treasure, and the wand electrifying the entirety of her brain through her nostrils. She couldn’t form a single thought. The Hitachi wand continued to vibrate against Freya's nose, its hum a constant reminder of the battle she was waging against the sneezes that threatened to escape. She could feel the pressure building in her sinuses, the walls of her nasal cavities were red and swollen, as if they were being stretched to their limits. Her nostrils flared with each inhale, and small droplets of sweat glistened on her skin as she fought to contain herself. Every breath she took felt like a challenge, a fight against the inevitable release that awaited her.
Blythe cooed and hummed against the sensitive throbbing bud, allowing her tongue to massage the underside before teasing her aching hole. “S-Shoot…” Freya ‘cursed’ as the feeling of release was just hiding around the corner.”P-Please…Bly-Blythe…”she pleaded. “I’ll…b-be…go-good…” she stuttered and swallowed trying to keep her promise and hold fast against the vibrating assaults. Her breathing had become short and sharp, her heart pounding furiously against her fingertips as she gripped the bed sheets tightly. Her eyes were wide with lust, her skin flushed with arousal and sin.
As Blythe continued her assault on Freya's swollen bud, her forked tongue dancing around it with expert precision, Freya's resolve began to waver. The pleasure built like a tidal wave, threatening to crash down upon her and obliterate her fragile control. She could feel the storm brewing within her, the electricity of ecstasy striking her from within, igniting every nerve ending in her body. Her breaths came in ragged gasps, her heart pounding in her chest like a war drum. Her scent thickened, filling the air with the heady aroma of raw, unbridled passion.
The Hitachi wand continued its relentless attack on her nose, driving her closer and closer to the edge with every pulse of electric vibration. Her sinuses strained against the intense sensations that plagued her, both from her head to her delicate parts, she was on the verge of insanity. “I’m gonna….Blythe..I’m gonna…” prepared to release, her orgasm built inside of her groin with a persistence that was now unavoidable. Sensing her girlfriend’s approaching release, the succubus pulled the wand away from Freya’s leaking, swollen and reddened face to force a double sensation.
“OH MY GOD…” the angel threw her head back as her orgasm suddenly started to fold her over with Blythe’s tongue still actively working against her but at the same moment it threw her off one edge, the release of the vibrating wand against her face came free and she found herself thrown over a different edge at the same time. “H’IhhSHHHHiew!! essh’IEW!” she finally sneezed, a cloud of spittle falling over cast the both of them, her body convulsing and twitching under the force of her orgasm, but this didn’t stop the succubus, she wanted more, she would drain every last sinful drop off the ethereal.
“B-Ly…iit’SSHHIEW! eh’TnSHiEW!” the fallen throws her head against the headboard, her hands pulling and tugging at the restraints above her, desperate to touch her lover but denied the access. Freya’s sneezes were like bombs, shaking the very walls of the room and sending a shower of droplets spraying across the intimate scene. Blythe, undeterred by the sudden exhalation of her lover's nasal passages, continued to lavish attention on Freya's sensitive regions, her forked tongue swirling and flicking against the angel's needy clit. Every sneeze felt like a blow to Freya's arousal, yet with each release, she found herself growing more and more flushed and overwhelmed with passion.
The Hitachi wand, now abandoned on the bed, hummed softly in the quiet moments between Freya’s sneezes. Its absence was a cruel reminder of the intensity of the sensation it had unleashed, and the angel knew that it would not be long before the agony and ecstasy of her orgasm returned. Blythe's tongue moved to wrap around her throbbing bud, sucking, teasing and while Freya fought to swallow the attack, it only intensified against her pleasure. “EhH’tshiew!” she collapsed with defeat after she sprayed another plume of wet mess. Blythe wanted to speak, she wanted to interject with something spicy, and quick, but her hunger. It drove her as she devoured her lover’s liquids. She knew there was more. Bringing up her hand she inserted her index and middle fingers, curling and twisting inside her twitching and shuddering lover. “h’Heh..iiKKSCH!!” throwing caution and followed by a high pitched moan as her body rolled into Bly’s motions.
The sight of Blythe's fingers buried deep within her was too much for the innocent to bear. Her body convulsed with each thrust, her heart pounding against her ribcage like a wild beast trapped in a cage. The storm within her raged on, the lightning bolts of pleasure and need striking her from within, tearing her apart in their intensity. She couldn't hold back any longer. “I’m gonna...I’m gonna...” she gasped, her voice cut off and swallowed by the burning static that consumed the passages of her nostrils. Blythe now fully thrusting her hand with a speed and intensity that caused the fallen’s eyes to roll back. “Aa-AH Hi’iHHSHHHhiew!” another convulsive sneeze rattled the room, spraying saliva and droplets of arousal in a chaotic arc across the space around them. Blythe released Freya's clit with a satisfied smirk, her tongue now flavored with the sweet nectar of her lover's arousal. “An absolute dish,” She grabbed Freya's ankles, pulling them apart and exposing the angel's dripping core to the cool air. The sudden constriction of the clitoral hood sent another jolt of pleasure coursing through Freya's body, the intensity of which was matched only by the explosive sneeze that followed.
“Eshh’iiiiewww!!” Freya cried out, her back arching off the bed as she convulsed with the force of the sneeze. Blythe took advantage of the momentary breather, leaning in to lick and taste the droplets that lingered on the angel’s lips.
“Good girl,” she whispered breathlessly, herself tired out from the overconsumption. Blythe lowered her head to Freya's chest, feeling the rapid pounding of her heart, the sweat dampening the fine fabric of her dress. The room was now sweltering, heavy with the scent of sex and the faint, earthy tang of the air that had shaken them both to the core. Her fingers traced gentle circles on Freya's skin, seeking to soothe the fiery tension that still lingered between them while the ethereal caught her breath.
As Freya's breathing began to slow, Blythe couldn't help but admire the exquisite beauty of her lover's face flushed and glistening, her eyes half-lidded with pleasure. It was a sight that made her own heart race and her throat dry with longing.
The coolness of the room against the heat of their bodies was a welcome relief, but it also served as a reminder of the urgency to solve a problem. Lazily, the succubus got out of bed and closed the window, looking back at her flushed and spent partner she smiled, sweetly, the hungry demon inside her satiated for now. “Better, my love?” Freya blinked her tear filled eyes allowing them to clear before turning her head to inhale deeply, feeling a sense of calm and clarity now that the window was closed.
“Much,” she breathed, her voice still slightly hoarse from the exertion. Freya's eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered to the afterglow, her body still humming with pleasure. Blythe, ever attentive, crawled back onto the bed to lie beside her, wrapping her arms around Freya's waist.
She nuzzled her nose into the crook of her lover’s neck, inhaling the intoxicating scent of their lovemaking, the mix of their arousal and the lingering traces of musk from the outdoors that had started to dissipate. The room was now filling up with the scent of their passion and the warmth of their bodies, a testament to the depth of their desire.
Blythe traced her fingers along Freya's collarbone, her touch soft and gentle, like the caress of a summer breeze. The angel hummed delightfully, leaning closer into her sadistic lover. “You’re so naughty…” Freya giggled, to which she was met by a dismissive scoff.
“Me? Dont play coy, darling, you’re just as filthy as I,” they giggled together as they spent the rest of the day rolling in between sessions of passion and contentment.
The End
Author’s Notes: another short one for you guys to consume while I try to get my shit together 🫡 I love BlyFry so much idc
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dandelion-candy ¡ 17 days
You can really stumble across some gems over on the blue forum if you get lucky. That's how I found this dragon snz game that everyone here should know about if they don't already.
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dandelion-candy ¡ 21 days
So uhhh.... we're all thinking the same thing, yeah? 👀🙈
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dandelion-candy ¡ 27 days
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He sneeze 🫶
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
Alexander and Solstice, respectively.
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OCs - Character Info + Snz stuff below the cut.
Alexander (Al, Alex) Lovett
Age: somewhere in his 30s. Short and angry.
Height: 5’ 8”
Hair/Eyes: Red(dyed)/Brown
Piercings/Tattoos: None except on his left forearm; the word ‘SICK’ in a messy font above his old scars. Had snakebites once upon a millenia, but let them close when he got older.
The better cook by a long shot.
Elder emo, still occasionally slips up and dresses in pieces from that era. Never let go of the hair-dying thing. (Or the converse.)
Bartender at their city’s local trucker/dive bar. Asshole unless he cares about someone. 
Asthmatic as a child, but grew out of it mostly. 
Chose smoking as his vice instead of alcohol, and therefore smoke is about the one thing he’s not sensitive to. 
Oh let's not kid ourselves - you’re not here for lore, just snz, right? Well too bad you had to read lore anyway so here you go.
Allergies/Snz Triggers:
Has an incredibly sensitive nose that gets set off by any pollen, dust, and tickle that happens across it. 
Has 100% called out of work due to the pollen count, knowing it would be the end of his day if he so much as glanced outside. 
Okay with dogs and cats, somehow. 
Most strong scents, air fresheners, and cleaning supplies also bother him, Sol’s favorite perfume (or anything floral and fruity like it) being one of the WORST.
Always builds up to start, often becoming a hitchy mess, to fits of sharp harsh sneezes. (farther between and itchier sounding when it’s Sol’s perfume doing it.)
Dust/pollen sneezes end in desperate and rapid fits, and anything tickled out of him (or when he’s sick) is more prone to false starts and a bit wetter.
Cannot stifle to save his life.
Solstice (Sol) Angelo
Age: somewhere in his late 20s. Tall and soft.
Height: 6’ 1”
Hair/Eyes: Black/DARK brown
Piercings/Tattoos: Right eyebrow, triple lobe on both ears, septum, labret. A moth across his upper back with runes down his spine, a spider and web across his left bicep. 
Not allowed in the kitchen or anywhere near cooking tools.
AuDHD Gothic fucker. Nails are black ALWAYS. Started wearing black in middle school and never stopped(got worse). Forgets to take off his eyeliner still. 
Works lighting crew at the city’s biggest theater.
Unapproachable in appearance only, the biggest sweetie of a human who will lend a hand wherever it’s needed. 
Has a pet leopard gecko (Cinder) who lives a blessed little gecko life in their apartment. 
Okay lore over thank you for bearing with me.
Allergies/Snz Triggers:
-Less sensitive than Alex, and rarely gets sick outside of a cough.
(Doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to set him off, though~)
Wickedly allergic to cats, dogs, birds, really anything with fur or feathers.
Birds are by far the worst, feathers in any proximity to him cause a lot of hitching and false starts, eventually leading to LONG rapid fits. The tickle will persist for a while afterwards, and inducing with a feather usually causes an hour-long fit, at least. 
Cats are second, less build ups, and much harsher sneezes, though the fit usually ends when he’s cleaned off/out of the building that it’s in.
He was raised around dogs, so they’re the least offensive to his nose, though proximity will still cause a lot of itching and false starts.
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
The Season for Lavender (1/1)
This is a commission for @testblogsss ! (Thank you for being so patient with me and for giving me the chance to write for your OCs!!)
Summary: Lance has a long day at work. His wife, Raenisa, has ways of resolving that. (ft. inducing, allergies to lavender, holdbacks, and mess)
Raenisa notices when she asks him about his work day over dinner.
“It could have been better,” he says, but she knows him well enough to know that this is an understatement. Lance rarely admits dissatisfaction unless something is really bothering him.
“How is the manuscript coming along?” “Unfortunately, I…” Lance tilts his head away, in the way she knows him to do when he’s particularly embarrassed. “I seem to have hit a wall with it.”
“I thought it was going well recently,” she says.
He shakes his head. “I can’t seem to bring myself to write something I’m happy with. The writing just—” he sighs, reaching up with one hand to massage his temples. “Everything has felt… off, these past few days.”
“You’re tense,” Rae notices.
And he is—she sees it as soon as she says it. His posture is stiff, in the way it is when he gets worked up about something—his shoulders drawn, his jaw clenched tight with tension.
Keep reading
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
can’t sleep and so im thinking about someone who gets turned on by the feeling of sneezing & they’re having really bad hayfever and their partner is teasing them relentlessly about it while they try really hard to not sneeze and also to not get horny (it doesn’t work)
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
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no thoughts just the ABSURD amount of dust on my bedroom fan.
No wonder I was so itchy last night…
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
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Pancakes - (OC snzfic, m/m, inducing)
full image and fic under cut.
Alex straddled his hips, effectively pinning him to the bed, one hand still mysteriously tucked behind his back, the other cupping Sol’s jaw as they kissed. 
“Pretty little thing.”
Sol glanced at him, half-lidded, grinning slightly at the compliment. 
Alex’s thumb grazed over his septum ring, drawing him back to consciousness. 
“But prettier when you’re helpless.”
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Alex straddled his hips, effectively pinning him to the bed, one hand still mysteriously tucked behind his back, the other cupping Sol’s jaw as they kissed. 
“Pretty little thing.”
Sol glanced at him, half-lidded, grinning slightly at the compliment. 
Alex’s thumb grazed over his septum ring, drawing him back to consciousness. 
“But prettier when you’re helpless.”
Then Sol was pushed back into the mattress, one-handed, Alex successfully trapping both legs and the taller man’s right arm with the free limbs he had available. 
His nose itched. 
It wasn’t just the touch, right? He wasn’t even close to being as sensitive as his boyfriend, the tap on his piercing shouldn’t have done-
Alex brough his hand out from behind his back, and let the contents come to rest delicately on Sol’s chest - a medium gray-and-white striped feather.
That bastard.
Feathers had always been Sol’s worst allergy, and Alex knew that- was this revenge for the little perfume stunt he’d pulled the other day?
He’d begun to itch before even seeing it, but now knowing its proximity to him, his nose began to react, and he’d have twisted away if Alex hadn’t been holding him down.
“Hihh-hh…wa-ihh-t…I ca-ca-hh-n’t tehh-!”
Alex traced the feather down his body - away from his face, but no less tortuous. “Hiihh-hh-”  
Alex’s eyes had overtaken with lust, and he leaned into Sol, semi-grinding against his hips. “Shoulda thought of that before what you did, hmm?”
The feather hadn’t even passed Sol’s collarbone, and he was sure he’d already fallen apart more than Alex was expecting, given the pressure the shorter man was putting on his lower half. 
He wiggled his arm free to rub away the itch, but the mistake came when Alex’s feather-holding hand was the one that moved to pin it, the offending object whipping by Sol’s face, far closer than he’d wanted. “Hhhh-!” 
A gasp for breath, and a tingle that died out in his nose. Fuck.
“Oh, you weren’t kidding, huh?” Alex’s voice, gone dark with arousal, hand trembling slightly where it had pinned him, “You really are that allergic.”
 A pause, as the tickle persisted. 
“You sound so itchy…” Alex pressed further into him, a soft brush against his sternum and a twitch in his nose telling him the feather was returning. “...but you haven’t actually sneezed yet, have you?”
“I-hhh!...I have t-to…” He was certain it was still nowhere near his face, but he could still feel it , wispy edges clinging to the insides of his nostrils. “A-ahhh-lex…hhh…it tihh-…”
A choked moan from above him, and a slow grind against his hips would have made him grin, had Sol not been focused on how tremendously itchy he was. He was growing hard now too, something about a shared kink -ihhH and knowing his pahh-artner was coming apart from just this-
“Your nose is all pink, and I haven’t even touched it yet,” Alex observed, the grin audible in his tone. “I wonder what happens if I…”
Something horribly soft brushed against Sol’s lips, and the allergic itch increased tenfold. 
His nose crinkled, and
his body jerked against Alex’s hold. “Heuhhh…”
“T-that was fast,” Composure and arousal fought in the older one’s voice, his expression indecipherable through an eyeful of allergic tears. Sol ground up against him regardless, the startled moan enough of a sign that his suffering was definitely having quite the effect.
“W-hhh!-what’s the-hhahhh…ihh…th’matter?”
He knew it came out more desperate than cocky, laced with hitches, but Alex threw all his weight onto Sol’s shoulder, flattening him in the sheets. “You’re- You’re gonna be the death of me, Angelo.”
He was close already, Sol could hear it in his voice, and it was proven seconds later by the feather back up in his face, tracing along his nose, across his septum, the fibers catching as they went, the pink irritation deepening with each swipe. 
“F-hhHH-HHiihh-ck-..you ca-hhHHAhn’t just-”
The delicate tip of the feather caught the inside of his twitching nostril, finally, and it was over.
“F-fuck-! I’m gonna-” 
He felt Alex lose control over him, the feather forgotten, nails pressing into his arm. He couldn’t do much but sneeze for a minute, but eventually opened his eyes to his boyfriend leaning back on his heels, flushed and gasping for air in a much different way than he was. 
Alex’s head lolled to the side, grinning down at him. “S’pose it’s time for me to take care of you now.”
Sol scrubbed harshly against his nose as Alex reached into his pants, knowing the tickle wouldn’t be gone for a while - hell, he could feel the next fit starting deep in his sinuses - but they could at least make use of it while they were here.
“Suppo-hhihH-suppose it is.”
(It was called pancakes cause I was supposed to write a whole breakfast scene first - Oops!)
I was going to wait until I had OC reference sheets but I just couldn't!
They'll get posted soon, though!
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
Hey would you be willing to give some good snz poses? I feel like it’s just so hard to find references
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Yes!! :3 I tried to do a range but ofc there's like an infinite variety! I love gestural art so this was an absolute blast to draw lol
did some hands as well, in case that is needed
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
i deal with customers at work and i don't like to pause to sneeze so i hold back but you can hear the hitches through my voice as it builds and i just try to speak faster and get through my sentence LMAO... i havent yet, im good at holding back, but ive ALMOST gotten there
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
guided masturbation but the snzfucker is being guided by a very sensitive and sneezing partner that loves to see them squirm
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dandelion-candy ¡ 1 month
[light bdsm]
I wanna come up behind someone, wearing that perfume they're allergic to, and grip or hug them really tightly so they keep sneezing and can't escape 😏
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dandelion-candy ¡ 2 months
Was just helping a friend move stuff around her house, and there was a lot of dust everywhere. Got home and really had to bring the strong tickle in my nose to completion. Some hitching, sniffling, and coughing too Minors DNI. Don't reblog to non-snz blogs
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