Some Danganronpa babes confessing to their long-time crushes
Holy shit, I've been very inactive! I'm super-duper sorry! I've been very, very busy, and now that summer is finally here I'll be more active, yay! So, as an apology, I'm going to post my second scenario, and I hope that at least one person actually reads through it! Hopefully, the Danganronpa community isn't dead yet!
Makoto Naegi-
♣Although he had planned for this for weeks, he was still anxiety-filled.
♣This could go two ways, assuming his luck didn't play into it as well. A simple yes or no, it wouldn't hurt him too much, right?
♣Wrong. He wasn't sure what he'd do if you said no, nor if you said yes.
♣He wanted to do it the classic way- confessing to you after school behind a cherry-tree. It had worked for all of those anime characters, why not him?
♣He was observing the tree when you arrived, so his back was to you. He turned around-
♣He tripped, abort mission
♣After a bit of laughing, you helped him back up, and asked him why he wanted to talk, although you thought you knew already.
♣After a bit of stuttering, he managed to get it out.
♣”Y/N, you've been one of my best friends for a long time. No matter what my luck manages to do, you're always there with me to help me up, quite literally! I've liked you for such a long time, and I was wondering if you'd like to go out?” He said, in a very fast pace. You could barely understand him.
♣Whether or not you said yes was up to you, but he hoped that his luck would finally work it's magic.
Byakuya Togami-
♕Honestly, he wasn't too concerned. He figured that his money could help buy you over, since his wealth was clearly one of his best attributes.
♕But, he was too aloof to just ask you in person. And, since he clearly couldn't write his feelings for himself, he asked for help.
♕Specifically, he asked Naegi for help, which in retrospect wasn't the best choice for him.
♕After successfully obtaining the note from Naegi, he sealed it up and signed his name on it.
♕The next day at school, just before class started, he slipped it into your locker, which was convieniently close to his.
♕During class, he was a bit quieter than usual, not bothering to shoo Touko, as his mind was completely focused on you, and how you'd respond.
♕Of course, he hoped you would accept, but he did also realize that he could easily replace you if you said no, though it would pain him a bit.
♕After class was over, you went to your locker to grab your books. A letter fell out.
♕You opened it, and read it through.
♕It read- ‘Dear Y/N. My heart has found its way to you with all my love. I want you and no one else because you mean everything to me. I think we should try and make this work. I hope you know you're the one and only one that I want. You're the perfect friend, and I hope we can and will grow to be more. I could never ask for better than what we already have. I hope you're feeling the same way because my heart is set on you and only you.’
♕You already knew it wasn't in his own words, but you were touched nonetheless. It took you awhile to think about it, but you soon had your answer.
Kyouko Kirigiri-
♢You two had been close for a while, and you had managed to be one of the few lucky people to get to know her.
♢She adored everything about you for quite a while, though it never showed. ♢Since she had recently found out that you both enjoyed the same book series, she figured she could confess through that. ♢You were on the second book, almost done and ready to go onto the third. ♢She had checked it out before you, though, and paid the librarian for the damages she would cause, although small.
♢She flipped through the pages until she found the last one, in which the main character confessed to the love-interest. She underlined the words the character had said, and opened to an empty page which was right after the end. She grabbed a purple ballpoint pen. ♢’Y/N, I’d greatly enjoy it if the two of us could be as close as protagonists in this book. I'm hoping you already know who I am, so you can come and speak with me.’ ♢She closed the book and went back to return it. ♢A few days later, you went to go check out that exact book, and in a week you managed to finish it.
♢However, what caught your attention was the bold underline on the confession. You flipped to the last page and read the note, which was addressed to you, surprisingly.
♢Knowing fully well who it was, you decided to go confront it about her, your answer completely clear to you now.
Hajime Hinata-
☞He was a bit afraid to tell you how he felt. What if you didn't like him back because he was too plain? What if he messed up? ☞So, he asked Chiaki to help him, and she delivered, like any good friend would. ☞After a while of her rambling about a hard dating sim she had heard about, she tried giving him advice. ☞”Well, in dating sims they usually ask them out on a date to their favorite place. Do you know Y/N’s favorite place?”
☞”Their house?” He asked. As if that was a good place to go on a first date. ☞”No, like a restaurant or something.” Chiaki sighed, already getting too tired to deal with this love-retarded boy. ☞”I mean, they like to go to that one park with all the cherry blossom trees..” He thought. ☞After talking to Chiaki for a while, he agreed on asking you out to said park. ☞So, after school one day, he pulled you aside. You looked confused. Your best friend, Mahiru, was waiting for you, since you always walked home together. ☞”Hey, Y/N, I like you a lot, and I was wondering if you'd like to go to the park with me tomorrow?” He silently prayed you said yes. ☞Though it was short, your heart warmed a bit after hearing the confession. You had to give him your decision quick, or Mahiru would get angry, so you thought for a second and spoke.
Nagito Komaeda-
♧He knew you'd say no, it's just that some kids from his class had been pressuring him into telling you. ♧He liked you a lot, and hoped you could be more, but he knew it wouldn't happen because who would love trash like him? ♧Nekomaru had given him a pep talk before he went to tell you, hilariously enough. It mainly consisted of him making Komaeda yell his (and your) name. It embarrassed him even further, his face already tinted red. ♧So, after class one day, he tapped your shoulder in an attempt to get your attention. ♧However, his luck had decided to strike, and once you turned around someone pushed you into his chest, officially making the both of you red faced.
♧He pulled back quickly, and apologized profusely. ♧”Bro, it's okay, it wasn't your fault anyways.” You giggled.
♧”Anyways, there's something I'd like to tell you.” he began, nervously fiddling with his thumbs.
♧”Y/N, I've found myself liking you with a passion that friends shouldn’t have. I know you'll say no, since it's impossible for someone to like trash, but I'd like to ask if you want to go out?” ♧You didn't hesitate to respond, since you've already been thinking about how you'd respond to something like this, and because your second class was about to start. Hopefully you don't put this boy into despair.
Chiaki Nanami-
(Some clarification in this- You're the ultimate game designer in Chiaki’s scenarios) 🎮Sure, Chiaki was good at video games. But there's one genre that's hard for her.
🎮Dating sims. And, because of this, she wasn't too sure about how well she’d be able to confess.
🎮Taking it upon herself to study a bit more, she downloaded a dating sim labeled as ‘Mildly easy’.
🎮After a day or two of attempting to beat it, she stumbled upon a character that eerily resembled you. It's name was (Your name but with some letters swapped). She decided that she had to go that route, since she figured it would help her confess.
🎮It took her about fourteen hours to finish, but the confession at the end made it all worthwhile..
🎮It read, ‘(Your name but with some letters swapped), Ever since I met you I've been endeared to you. From your looks to your personality, I like it all. You're all that I want, and I hope you feel that way too?’ 🎮And, from the way the character responded, Chiaki supposed that the exact same confession should work for you.
🎮So, Chiaki decided to tell you immediately at school tomorrow.
🎮You were walking through the halls until Chiaki walked up to you, looking determined as ever. 🎮She recited the confession, using your name instead of the character’s, and your response was a short, simple giggle. 🎮”Nanami, did you find my dating sim? I knew you'd play it someday!” You smiled, although the girl in front of you was very, very confused. 🎮After having a short laugh, you gave Chiaki your answer, either letting her down immensely or making her day even better.
Shuichi Saihara-
🔎He may or may not have cried while thinking about how you'd respond.
🔎He was obviously too shy to tell you in person, even after Kaede’s inspiring pep-talk. 🔎So, he wrote a letter that conveyed all of his emotions, though it might be a bit long.
🔎It read, ‘Dear Y/N. Every word you confide in me, every wonderful and terrible moment you share with me, melts me inside.
You let yourself be vulnerable with me and trust me beyond my comprehension. I never imagined I would truly find another who I would want to spend so much time with, who could truly touch my life the way you have, even without trying. I look forward to many more special moments together. When I see you, I see my future. This is not just talk. It truly comes from the heart. I am consumed by the desire to be with you, to talk to you and to feel you near me. I want to hold you, talk to you, laugh with you, cry with you. I want to play, walk, dance and just be one with you. I think you could become my everything. I know I want to be everything to you. I love you, Y/N L/N.’ And he signed it at the bottom. 🔎But, last second, he chickened out, leading to Kokichi stealing the letter, reading it and laughing. And Shuichi’s ego deflated even more, if possible. 🔎Kokichi ran up to your locker and put it in for the other boy. 🔎Y’see, Kokichi was a hardcore shipper of you two, and wanted to help- 🔎And so, after class you opened your locker and read it. It made your heartbeat pick up its pace, and your face turn red. 🔎You confronted Shuichi immediately. 🔎If you say yes, he’ll probably cry. If you say no, he’ll probably cry AND become depressed. Good luck. Kokichi Ouma- ♖He isn’t nervous at all. He was SURE you'd like him back. ♖But that's a lie, of course. He was scared. There's a small chance of you liking an asshole like him, so he only had a small amount of certainty. ♖He's not necessarily shy, so he decided to do it in person, since that's the most head-on way to do it. ♖So, like most of the others, he chose to tell you after class. ♖You were walking out of class when you were caught off-guard by him jumping on you. ♖And you fell over, as a result, and you ended up in a weird position in which he was straddling you, and his hands were on your stomach. ♖At this point, there's absolutely NO going back. So, in a state of rushed panic, he suddenly yells out- ♖”Y/N, I LIKE YOU A LOT” ♖And now you're both blushing a deep red. ♖Before you could answer, he gets up and runs away, which surprised you immensely. ♖Now you need to go find a flustered boy and tell him if you like him or not. Good luck with that, and don't die. Kaede Akamatsu- ♬She was DETERMINED. ♬Nothing could stop her now. She was literally on her way to your house right now to go and confess to you. ♬At 2 AM. ♬On a Sunday. ♬But she didn't even care. True love was worth it, right? ♬So, when she burst through your window, effectively breaking the glass and ripping the curtains, you were surprised, to say the least. ♬”Kaede what the FUCK are you doing in my house at 2 AM?” ♬”Y/N I’M HERE TO PROCLAIM MY LOVE FOR YOU” ♬On comes a long, and passion-filled confession. It was so early that you weren't thinking when you responded. You either made a decision that would literally keep you bound to her for life, or make her day horrible and make her gross sob to Shuichi. It all depends on how your dreary form at 2 AM responded.
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DRV3 boys kissing their S/O for the first time
HOo bOi, hEreS my fiRst scenario-
I procrastinated a lot the past few months, but uh, here you gO
-This poor boy
-He didn’t know what to do.
-Like, he wanted to kiss you very badly-
-But he didn’t want to straight up ask you.
-So he just, kinda.. Stared at your lips?
-You, thankfully, got the hint, and kissed him.
-It was kinda awkward. He didn’t know where to put his hands, and he just stared at you the whole time-
-He’s a bit straightforward
-He stares at you, but then says “Kiss me.” -You kissed him, since you didn’t want to anger him.
-It was passionate, yet sweet.
-It was pretty long--
-But you enjoyed it thoroughly.
-He didn’t even ask you
-He just,, kinda,, slammed his lips onto yours??
-You went along with this, and kissed him back.
-It was short, but sweet.
-Overall, it was a nice kiss
-This man knows just when to kiss you
-You were getting a bit angry, so he kissed you to make you shut up
-You mEltEd into the kiss
-He’s a good kisser
-You kissed for a long time
-You were kind of addicted to his lips-
-What was that weird feeling in his chest???
-He knows what love feels like, but this was more intense than that??
-You took notice immediately, so you kissed him
-It was weird, and cold
-His lips were hard, so it was hard to enjoy the kiss
-Seems like Kiibo liked it though ;)
I’ve decided nOT to do all of the boys, since that’s too long smh
Sorry about that, to all of the Korekiyo, Gonta and Ryoma fans.
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Hey there!
I’m Mod Kotoura.  Welcome to my Tumblr Page!
As you can see, this is a Danganronpa scenario blog. 
As we go on, I will start accepting mods. I’ll need help, of course.
Anyways, requests are open, so feel free to send a few in!  Thank you! Bye!
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