I will build a house for the emptiness in me and then with my wounded hands pour warmth into the hearts of everything inside me that cries.
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Have you ever been so lonely you start to wish the monster in the dark would hug you tight until both of you fell asleep??
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"It's like I'm reading a book, and its a book i deeply love. But I'm reading it slowly now. So the words are really far apart and spaces between the words are almost infinite. I can still feel you, and the words of our story, but its in this endless space between the words that I'm finding myself now. Its a place that's not of the physical world. Its where everything else is that i didn't even know existed. I love you so much. But this is where I am now. And this is who I am now. And i need you to let me go. As much as i want to, I can't live in your book anymore."
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Does the sun promise to shine?
No, but it will—
even behind the darkest clouds,
and no promise
will make it shine longer or brighter
for that is its fate,
to burn until it can burn no more.
To love you is not my promise
but my fate—
to burn for you
until I can burn no more.
-Atticus Poetry, Love Her Wild
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"Like Hephaestion who died, Alexander's lover"
Alexander and Hephaestion went together to visit the captured Persian royal family. Its senior member, the queen Sisygambis, knelt to Hephaestion pleading for their lives. She mistook him for Alexander because they both were young men, and wore almost same cloths. After she realised she mistook Hephaestion as Alexander, she was embarrassed for this mistake, but Alexander said, "You were not mistaken, Mother, this man too is Alexander".
Alexander and Hephaestion were said that they were lovers. They grew up together and loved and trusted eachother unconditionally. When Hephaestion died, Alexander was so much in pain that he could not let go of Hephaestion's body for 2 days. He wept and did not eat at all. Their tutor Aristotle described them as "one soul abiding two bodies". Alexander died shortly after Hephaestion's death. It is believed that he died mostly out of grief.
Imagine being in love with someone so much to the point where you call them by your name. To a point where you see yourself in them. Reading this made me feel another heavy emotion. I finally understand the reference on the song on a deeper level. The book, the movie and this song are art. Damn my heart. I dont think i can recover from this information
Source: random comment on YouTube video
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"I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door"
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Have you ever turned up the volume of music not to enjoy it but to make it louder than the voices inside of your head? To numb all the pain inside of you so that you could not feel a thing? To get away with the helplessness creeping inside of you?
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I believe its a blessing that most of us have the ability to find peace and happiness in the small things around us 🍃
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Somedays i wish i wasn't your girlfriend,
But the sunset that you adored the most.
Or maybe that warm sweater that keeps you from the cold.
I wanted to be the coffee that gives you peace.
Or the wind that blows onto you to give you ease.
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my mom says she’s not a hugger. but when i put my arms around her on a gloomy day or after bad news she’s the last to let go. my dad says he doesn’t want gifts on his birthday, but i see the way his face lights up when i get him a card with a nice message and a box full of chocolate anyway. he’s just a kid inside, still. it makes him giddy. my brother never says i love you. but when i tell him “i just need to finish the dishes before i vacuum!” he wordlessly goes to vacuum the entire house before i can, and if he sees me struggle with a wrapper or a jar or a bottle he mutters ‘c’mere’ and opens it for me without even sparing me a glance. the thing is, people love you quietly, and you love them quietly, and the air is buzzing with tiny but grand gestures & once you look for them, you find them everywhere. i think that’s really beautiful.
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There are millions of stars in the sky. Yet we choose the shooting star that burns to dust to wish upon.
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Why does everything around me seems so bewitching? Is it because I'm doomed more than everyone and everything? Or because I'm blessed enough to see the beauty in everything?
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I tried to teach my eyes to lie just to realise how much of a fool i was. The eyes, as pure and vulnerable as it is; is meant to see things as true and veracious as it is.
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