dannymolloy · 10 months
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dannymolloy · 2 years
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dannymolloy · 2 years
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More AMC eyebleach. This one I call Coven Master
HEY HEY!!! Controversial thought, but- what if… what if- ARMAND was actually ARMAND! :’D
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dannymolloy · 2 years
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Here. Eyebleach for the shitshow AMC is throwing up.  I call this one ‘Monster’ More to come, as this fuckery is making my soul ache for canonical portrayals of our beloved blood suckers. ♥
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dannymolloy · 2 years
“That’s still pretty old...“ he murmered seemingly to himself, staring at the black mark, unceremoniously just off-center of the rug. “Oh- no!“ his violet gaze immediately shot up, meeting her pretty face. It always seemed to catch him a little off guard, but he knew better in this situation than to compliment her. “I tried to light the fireplace, but I guess my aim was off.“ his hand went up to scratch the back of his head in an embarrased and rather mortal kind of way. “I’ll gladly buy you a new one.“
“Sorry for the scorched carpet.“ Daniel’s face showed a grimace of regret. “Is it replacable or was it a souvenir from your time alive?“
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dannymolloy · 2 years
“Sorry for the scorched carpet.“ Daniel’s face showed a grimace of regret. “Is it replacable or was it a souvenir from your time alive?“
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dannymolloy · 3 years
//Also my account ♥
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//Over two years ago, @perladivenezia​ won a contest for which I would make her a drawing of her choice. She asked for Marius and Bianca. Sorry it took so fucking long. Been a tough two years. ♥
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dannymolloy · 4 years
come for my throat pls
This perked Daniel’s interest. “I must put out the disclaimer first that I don’t do the Little Drink well...“
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dannymolloy · 4 years
What’s your typical day like?
i wake up. i malfunction. i call it a day
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dannymolloy · 4 years
If you receive this you make someone happy. Go on anonymous and send this to ten of your followers who make you happy or someone you think needs cheering up. If you get some back, even better
//Wow, this must have been here for ages. THANKS ANYWAY!! ♥♥
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dannymolloy · 4 years
“Oh, no.“
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dannymolloy · 4 years
reblog this and put in the tags how many alarms you have on your phone, including the ones that aren’t set
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dannymolloy · 4 years
“I don’t know. I didn’t ask their name. Should I? Is that a new thing?“ he asked,  looking down at the blood, before passing Lestat out of the room, into the big, open hallway, with it’s big staircase at the end of it. But that is not where Daniel lead him. Instead, he walked to a door on the main floor that had a big lock hanging from the handle. It was open and Daniel went down the stone steps into the basement. 
The room was spacious, but the ceiling was only fifteen centimeter above the tall blonde’s head. There was a couch, facing a TV with VCR and DVD player. Somewhere in the corner were some music devices and piles of CDs and records. On the right there was a coffin and all the way in the back was a table, supporting a miniature version of Night Island. It was not switched on. The room was lived in but not particularly cosy.
Daniel moved to a pile of clothes, peeling his dirty shirt off and picked another one to hoist over his head, while turning to Lestat again.
The quiet also expressed in Daniel’s eyes, seemed to dissipate like rising smoke when Lestat’s cold hands pressed to his shoulders. It was not a secret that Daniel had always had a soft spot for Lestat, being perhaps one of the few lingering, die-hard fan of the former rockstar. Receiving compliments from the guy made a little, indulgent smile curl around Daniel’s lips.
“Blood.“ he admitted without much care. “They struggle sometimes. I don’t think Marius is home right now.“
“Well, that’s quite alright,” Lestat said, brushing some of Daniel’s hair out of his face. “Show me around, s’il vous plaît? This is a magnificent home that Marius has chosen, I was already impressed when I saw the outside visage.”
Surveying Daniel once more, he pursed his lips. “First, let’s get you cleaned up and throw this into the wash. Who was on the receiving end of your thirst tonight?”
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dannymolloy · 4 years
He looked at the picture on her phone. “...“ then he bursts into laughter. “Well- I found my shoes, at least.“
Want to take a..... Walk
“Yes! If I can find my shoes...“ he muttered, searching for his shoes and returning to the door five minutes later.
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dannymolloy · 4 years
Come at me bro, cmon I'll beat you to a crisp, fight. Me.
“...Rather not, though...“
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dannymolloy · 4 years
I will fight you
“I- Well... this sort of depends on who’s asking to fight me. Age, height, amount of fists...“
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dannymolloy · 4 years
Want to take a..... Walk
“Yes! If I can find my shoes...“ he muttered, searching for his shoes and returning to the door five minutes later.
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