#Bianca Solderini
Ok ok but AU where Pandora finds Marius and they live together in Venice (separate houses, I ship them as a divorced couple) and Marius spends the whole book tearing his hair out in JEALOUSY bc Amadeo and Bianca are just so smitten with her!
Obviously Pandora keeps an open house like Bianca and the two of them host these marvelous parties and sometimes they slip away to a back room where they make Marius get on his knees and watch as they fuck. He’s never allowed to touch, never allowed to join in. The two of them design rooms in their houses with cuck chairs in mind. They tell everyone that they’re real life sisters and the rumors of what those sisters get up to burn through the imagination of every young man in Venice like wildfire
She lets Amadeo fuck her and becomes the coolest big sister to him. He gets to join in the pandora/bianca threesome whenever he wants. Occasionally if Marius has been very/very/ good that week Pandora and Bianca will allow Marius to eat Amadeo out while the two of them take turns kissing/jerking him off and cooing about how he’s their favorite boy. As a special treat he sucks on his toes while Pandora rides him till he feels like nothing but a grease stain on her mattress. She reverse cowgirls it to tease Marius about what a useless perv he is to his face while he has those cute little toesies in his mouth. He won’t even put that Osirian phallus to use and fuck the poor boy - he has to leave it to her to make sure he’s properly satisfied
She and Bianca take turns sitting on Marius’ face. Pandora sits in her mind and gives him a constant stream of feedback about all the things he could be doing better. Sometimes Pandora dresses up like a man and takes Bianca out as her paramour oh god she and Bianca both dress up as men and pretend to be amadeos pimps
I’m too horny for this. Please!
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vamptember · 4 months
𝖁𝖆𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕻𝖗𝖊𝖘𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖘...
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Join us in celebrating the many wives, mothers, lovers, and daughters of The Vampire Chronicles!
In honor of International Women’s Day, Vamptember will be hosting a 3-day mini event taking place the weekend of March 8th to shine a spotlight on Anne Rice's beloved female characters and/or the female versions of your favorite male characters! 🥰
Create fic, art, playlists, moodboards, headcanons, meta, and anything else you can think of that centers the beautiful, brilliant, dynamic ladies of TVC! Base it on the books, the movie, the show, the musical, or even that other movie! Canon or AU!
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘
Each day has FIVE PROMPTS in case one doesn’t speak to you! There's SFW and NSFW options to chose from but be as creative as you want! Pick one or combine them or rearrange them, it's up to you!
Genderswapped and trans versions of canonically male characters are welcome!
The event isn’t femslash exclusive with regards to NSFW content but it is highly encouraged!
As of March 6, our ao3 collection is live!
Tag your posts #vamptember so that we can reblog! If your post isn’t showing in the tag please don’t hesitate to DM it to us!
𝕿𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉! 𝕯𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖞 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖜 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙!
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[prompts & graphics by @lovevamp 💕]
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bubblegum-blackwood · 2 months
Someone please come play in the sandbox with me 😭😭😭
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homospockual · 5 months
do you think the women in anne rice’s books have the same problems lesbians do irl. like do they try for relationships that are blatantly a bad idea because they’re so lonely. do the tulane drafts show gabrielle and bianca having whatever the vampire equivalent of a one-night stand is and then realizing when gabrielle tries to dig them both holes in the ground that it Will Not Work Out
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hekateinhell · 2 months
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early devil's minion
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kaelio · 3 months
The Murder Mystery at the Center of The Vampire Armand
The most important singular event in The Vampire Armand is the death of the titular character. Of course, by the time we first encounter him in Interview with the Vampire, he’s already dead. He’s been dead a long time. How Armand (originally Andrei, then Amadeo) dies is important.  
So, who killed Armand?
The cause in fact is, Marius kills Armand. Marius takes the action (cycling his vampiric Blood with Armand’s living blood) that causes Armand to finally die. He had also offered to be the cause in fact for a mortal death, as Armand will die of his wounds in either case. Armand, on his deathbed, impresses on Marius—as they had discussed before—that he does want to become a vampire, where the process of becoming a vampire is fatal. Armand becomes a vampire and in so doing, he dies, having been killed by Marius.
The proximate cause, however, is Armand’s mortal wounding by Harlech. He is already dying, just not dead.
So, what do we know about Harlech, and what is the significance of what we learn?
The Earl of Harlech feels like a bit of a non-character compared to others in the book. We know he’s wealthy, English, redheaded, and has a violent streak. We never actually learn his given name. Harlech is a bit of a curious figure in that neither Armand nor Marius has an incentive to describe him in anything but unflattering terms, particularly after their reunion in Queen of the Damned, which precedes The Vampire Armand and Blood & Gold. That said, he’s oddly one-note for a character in this series, much less one who is key to the most significant event that the novel describes.
Now, why does this matter?
The first time I read The Vampire Armand, I realized there was something odd, even by Anne Rice standards, about this portion of the novel. Bianca is very obviously more developed, and she comes across as suspicious in some strangely-defined way. Armand, himself, does not seem to find her suspicious and is not suspicious of her in his retelling. However, as a reader, receiving his story, it struck me that it felt like he should have been.
Anne Rice was always ruthless about first-person narratives being realistic. Characters don’t focus on events they don’t care about; they have faulty recollections; and they only know what they actually should know.
Bianca is clearly important to how events unfold in ways that Armand himself fails to realize.
I would argue it’s not just possible, but deeply probable, that Bianca is ultimately and deliberately responsible for Armand’s death.
(done in conjunction with @thecactifindahome !)
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rijinks · 1 year
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oohh signorina bianca ohh
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valenfangs · 3 months
Valenfangs is very happy to announce . . . VamPride!
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transcript and prompts under the cut
We are inviting any fans of the Vampire Chronicles and its derivative works (books, show, movie, that other movie, play – and every colour in between) to have some fun with us in June as we celebrate pride!
Show your colours through a variety of mediums - fics, art, moodboards, playlists, headcanons, edits, cosplays, we want to see it all!
Fill as many prompts or as little as you like! You have three prompts per day, and you can use just one as inspiration or combine multiple prompts into one work
This is a month of celebration and we want to celebrate everything you do! Make sure to tag us @valenfangs so we and all our followers don’t miss your awesome contributions
We're here for you! If you have any questions, our ask box is open!
1 - San Francisco // gay bar // sunshine
2 - beach // ice cream // tough love
3 - drag queen/king // butterflies // asexual
4 - rose garden // Roaring 20s // threesome
5 - rule 63 // art museum // haircut
6 - Omegaverse // sunglasses // stuffed animals
7 - Renaissance // blood-red lipstick // crushed velvet
8 - Greek mythology // handwritten letters // grey hair
9 - glitter // lollipop // ghosts
10 - free day
11 - coffee and cigarettes // impact play // musical theatre
12 - butch/femme // bondage // leather
13 - rainstorm // dom/sub drop // Shakespeare
14 - pirate AU // worn-out sneakers // candlelight
15 - free day
16 - tattoos and piercings // fishnet // hair dye
17 - Old Hollywood // hoop earrings // Hawaiian shirt
18 - high school/college AU // pet play // pearls
19 - gloves // labyrinth/maze // love triangle
20 - free day
21 - apples and pears // stained glass windows // double penetration
22 - burger and fries // Coca Cola in a glass bottle // antique shop
23 - tiara // driving lessons // reality TV
24 - silk pajamas // acrylic nails // enemies to lovers
25 - costume party // black nail polish // waterfall
26 - pencil skirt // smoothie // blind date
27 - murder mystery // slumber party // high-heeled boots
28 - black cat/golden retriever // ballet // sex shop
29 - the zoo // Oscar Wilde // reading glasses
30 - pride parade // daddy/mommy kink // brat
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vcmicroficmay · 3 months
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MicroFic May - A Vampire Chronicles Fandom Event
Four prompts will be given each week, for all four weeks in May, starting on Sunday, May 4. The goal is to use one or more of those prompts to create short fiction for that week: drabbles, ficlets, vignettes, and short works aiming to be between 100 to 1000 words. (Though no one is going to be mad if you go a little over.)
You can post your work on Tumblr, AO3, anywhere you post fic. Please tag @vcmicroficmay and use the hashtag #vcmicroficmay to help us find your work so we can share it, and feel free to message us if you think we missed your entry!
Short fiction is great! It’s challenging to keep things short but that’s part of the fun. A limited number of words can really draw things into focus and can highlight things that might otherwise get lost. It allows writers to explore new ideas or ideas that one would not necessarily write a longer story about. It offers the chance to explore little moments and slices of life without the pressure of turning it into a longer work.
Entries should aim to be between 100 words to 1000 words, though no one is going to be counting and it’s fine to go a little over (or under!)
Works can be inspired by The Vampire Chronicles books, the IwtV movie, the AMC show, the musical, whatever.
Late entries are great!! Creativity doesn’t work on a schedule. We appreciate your fic no matter when it appears.
You can post your work on Tumblr, AO3, or wherever you post fic and link to it from Tumblr. We will have a collection on AO3 you will be able to add your work to as well.
Please consider sharing and commenting on other people’s entries as that’s part of the fun!
We’ll post the prompts at the beginning of April to help everyone prepare and then we’ll repost the prompts for the week on every Sunday in May, starting on May 4, as a reminder.
For now, please share, spread the word, and let us know if you have questions!
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hey-its-sybarite · 15 days
It’s been years since I’ve reread The Vampire Armand but if I recall correctly he has a black hole heart. Dark and consuming, always hungry, and with its own gravitational pull. He’s not normal and he knows it. He doesn’t know how to love in a way that isn’t broken.
Of course, it’s also work separating out Anne’s character-work from Anne’s sometimes incredibly annoying plot-work. One thing I remember hating from TVA was Benji and Sybelle. I recall them being very one-note characters and so I did not like to view them as a reflection on Armand’s character. I wonder if I will feel differently the next read through.
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vamptember · 3 months
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Welcome to MerMay - Vampire Chronicles edition! Vampire lovers, please join us in celebrating another category of mythological creatures and monsters: mermaids, sirens, rusalkas, selkies, and so on, combined with the VC characters we know and love all month long! 🫧🐠
Create fic, art, playlists, moodboards, photo manipulations, and anything else you can think of that relates to the theme of bodies of water and their inhabitants! 💙
Base it on the characters of the books, the movie, the show, the musical, or even that other movie! Genderswapped and trans versions welcome! Whatever ships, pairings, genres, tropes, and ratings you feel like doing! 🐙
𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 & 𝕲𝖚𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘
1. MerMay VC will run for 4.5 weeks with each week featuring FOUR THEME PROMPTS and a bonus FREE SPACE prompt where anything in the spirit of MerMay goes! Prompts can be interpreted as SFW or NSFW — go nuts! Pick one or combine them or rearrange them, it's up to you!
2. Tag your posts #vamptember so that we can reblog! We'll be staggering out our reblogs throughout the month so that we can make the mermaid magic last longer! ✨ If your post isn't showing in the tag please don't hesitate to send us the link in our ask box! Delayed submissions are always welcome!
3. As of 4/24/24, our ao3 collection is now live!
4. Follow @vamptember to see everyone's incredible creations and keep up with our latest fandom events! Our sister blog @priapus-at-the-gate will also be a hosting an exclusively NSFW MerMay event, so feel free to give us a follow there as well for more fun stuff coming soon! And as always, let us know if you have any questions about anything, we're here for you!
𝕿𝖊𝖑𝖑 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖘𝖕𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉! 𝖂𝖊𝖊𝖐𝖑𝖞 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖒𝖕𝖙𝖘 𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖍 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖈𝖚𝖙! 🪼
WEEK 1 (May 1 - 7)
fishing net / stuck on land / gore / pearl / FREE SPACE
WEEK 2 (May 8 - 14)
lighthouse / curse / knots / thalassophobia / FREE SPACE
WEEK 3 (May 15 - 21)
sea cave / pirates / specimen / myth / FREE SPACE
WEEK 4 (May 22 - 28)
rescued / song / bioluminescent / depth / FREE SPACE
WEEK 4.5 (May 29 - 31)
tentacles / under the moon / eggs / shipwreck / FREE SPACE
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bubblegum-blackwood · 8 months
Just for fun
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allhopeislost · 13 days
my brainrot from 2 05 got so strong i had no choice but to do a thing
Lestat De Lioncourt: keeps up with trends, so either wears Diesel to appear laid-back, or Celine to serve cunt. Owns a collection of see-through blouses from Phoebe Philo tenure. Mandatory blood-spill painted tabi boots, he thinks its funny.
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Louis de Pointe du Lac: he got 2 choices - trifted normal college student get-up or the most elegant shit ever made by YSL (all black, he is Goth like that)
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Armand: had an extreme hype-beast fase. Circled around to actually developing taste, so now buys anti-fashion and collects Antwerp 6+1 pieces (still got every item from the gosha yeezy drops. it`s comfy)
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Daniel Molloy: got in too many fights over wearing polyester with Marius. One day discovered his wardrobe full of new Very Normal looking clothes (the catch - every piece is now Bottega Veneta)
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Marius De Romanus: exclusively wears Italian. Ranted about the intellectual genius of Miucca Prada for over a month, everyone hated him. Owns complete F/W 2012 Prada Men collection. Valentino for summer, D&G for loungewear. Gloves.
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Claudia: Blair Waldorf realness, very smart about her choices. Chooses brands that target "younger" women but still keep the sexy in details. Miu Miu, Alessandro Michele Gucci and new Courreges.
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Pandora: thats a McQueen and Gaultier woman. Angry and Feminine. Loves a suit. Mommy, sorry. The best at finding archivals during her travels.
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Bianca Solderini: just Versace. Everything. Versace. Do i need to explain?
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wow...that was a lot haha. I only did the ones i had ideas about immediately so sorry if you haven`t found your fave!
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rijinksiwtv · 1 year
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The Japanese covers for The Vampire Armand novels: Volumes 1 and 2 titled “The Journeys of beautiful young man Armand”, and a combined hardcover edition. 
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kaelio · 5 months
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@thecactifindahome has posted the earliest chapters of this draft (link, and/or search Tulane University), and then I had the next box which continued here. Here are Parts 1, 2, and 3 of a large early draft of The Vampire Armand!
Part 1: Download Link
Part 2: Download Link
Part 3: Download Link
Here are the earlier chapters:
Chapter 1: Download Link
Chapter 2: Download Link
Chapter 3: Download Link
Chapter 4: Download Link
Chapter 5: Download Link
Chapter 6: Download Link
Chapter 7: Download Link
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monstersinthecosmos · 13 days
thoughts on how Marius is still down bad for Pandora when he meets her again in Antioch, in fact still so down bad that it's likely that Akasha basically drew Pandora there so ensure she had loyal caretakers, even though she's twice divorced and even hassling slaves about their boner skills in the slave market, and remains down bad eternally, but still is basically enraptured by Armand's lack of preceding experience
So like something about Marius’s specific flavor of bisexuality is that he seems to like different things in men & women (which feels real to life, tbh!), and part of this is Doylist in the way that Anne Rice wrote about women/what types of women her male characters were attracted to, but in the spirit of meeting the text where it’s at I always tend to think of Marius as someone with just fucking out of control mommy issues who is attracted to strong bitchy confident women (pos).
When you look at Pandora and Bianca they’re both sort of sexually realized women who challenged him, and then you think about his relationship to his mom and his realTIONSHIP TO AKASHA — this is getting into headcanon territory but listen I just know he’s the kinda guy that wants a woman to step on his throat. The way he was a rebellious outsider as a mortal and his complicated social status maybe lends itself to the way he views men & women and his power in between them. It's sort of like an inverse of the power dynamic he might have had in Roman society, and again HEADCANON TERRITORY but it makes me wonder how much of his sexual preference was influenced by taboos in his society and what did his privilege lend to him, vs what ways he might have felt inferior or emasculated.
It seems like he likes women who challenge him and men who will look up to him, right?? How much of it is because of his mommy issues, how much of it is being the spirit of his age and his Ancient Roman sexual hangover, how much is it that he got murdered by a cute guy that took advantage of his barbarian fetish? Idk! Will he ever submit to a man again idk?!
He is in LOVE with women who are either unavailable or who can cut him down to size. And I think he’s also got that flavor of misogyny where he sees women as lesser beings—even as an object of affection, it’s that way people can be well meaning and still infantilizing & condescending to women as like, precious little creatures. I think he sees women as lesser than himself, and his ancient Roman kink finds it thrilling to submit to them. 
And the men he likes tend to look up to him and respect him and need him. He wants Armand to be a pupil. He wants Lestat as a pupil, and they can never be around each other for too long because Lestat can’t behave. He loves Thorne immediately because of how admiring and respectful he is, and he loves feeling useful as a host or as a teacher. Same with Daniel, where it begins with him as a caretaker. With the exception of Akasha, he doesn't really care for women in his life the way he does with men, except we learn again and again that Akasha doesn't actually need him. It turns into worship of her, turning her into a project as her SERVANT rather than her teacher.
But yeah like, Armand really IS the opposite! Armand was going to be his student in all things, not just his education but even encouraging him to be promiscuous and sexually realized, as well! But he sees Armand as a blank slate, someone who’s on borrowed time, A WIZENED FUNEREAL SPIRIT OF A DEAD MAN IN CHILD’S CLOTHES! And like Lestat, Armand also failed (in his own way, in Marius’s estimation) in Marius’s lessons. 
Marius didn’t know what exactly the cult did to Armand to indoctrinate him, all he knows when he finally DOES find Armand is that he’s thriving as a cult leader, and Marius feels betrayed as fuck, and too insecure to risk rejection by reaching out. It doesn’t ignite him the way Pandora and Bianca do. He doesn’t spend CENTURIES obsessing over him and searching for him the way he did for Pandora, he also doesn’t spend TWO THOUSAND YEARS worshipping him the way he does the mother he didn’t have as a mortal. His need for Armand exists in a very specific space and he’s not super interested or capable of of fixing the mess.
AND LIKE I HAVE TO ALSO POINT OUT, we can’t forget that Armand was a rebound from Bianca. He wanted Bianca. Bianca reminded him of Pandora!!! 
Oh, yes, she was to my taste as if I'd made her - the daughter of Pandora - it was as if Botticelli had created her, even to the somewhat dreamy expression of her face. And she did have a seemingly impossible mingling of fire and poise. But I had in my long miserable years seen many beautiful humans, rich and poor, younger and older, and I had not felt this sharp, near uncontrollable desire to bring her to me, to take her to the shrine with me, to spill out to her whatever wisdom I possessed. What was I to do with this pain? How should I be rid of it? How long would it torment me right here in the city of Venice where I had chosen to seek comfort from mortals and give back to the world in secret payment my blessed and well-educated boys? On rising, I found myself shaking loose light dreams of Bianca, dreams in which she and I were sitting in my bedroom and talking together as I told her of all the long lonely paths I'd trod, talking together as she told me of how she had drawn from common and filthy pain her immeasurable strength. Even as I attended the feast with my students I couldn't shake off these dreams. They broke in on me as if I were falling asleep over the wine and meats. The boys vied for my attention. They thought they had failed the Master. When I went to my rooms to paint, I was equally confused. I painted a large picture of Bianca as the Virgin Mary with a chubby Infant Jesus. I laid down the brushes. I wasn't content. I couldn't be content. I went out of Venice into the countryside. I searched for the Evil Doer. I drank blood until I was glutted. And then I returned to my rooms, and I lay down on my bed and I dreamt of Bianca again. At last before dawn I wrote my admonitions down in my diary: This desire to make an immortal companion is no more justified here than it was in Florence. You have survived all your long life without ever taking this evil step, though you know well how to do it - the Druid priest taught you how to do it - and not doing it, you will continue to survive. You cannot bring over this child to you, no matter how you envision it. Imagine her to be a statue. Imagine your evil to be a force that would shatter that statue. See her then in fragments. Know that that is what you would do.
I also gotta share this part because it’s like my fav VC quote lol - 
She looked at me gravely. Then she smiled too but she didn't answer, and all her secrets folded inside her - the sordid things, things to do with blood and gold. For a moment, I thought my powerful self-control would be lost. I would embrace her, whether or not she would have it, and take her rapidly by force from the very middle of her warm and safe rooms to the cold and fatal domain of my soul. I saw her, positively saw her as if the Christian Satan were giving me visions once more - I saw her transformed by the Dark Blood. I saw her as if she were mine, and all her youth burnt out in sacrifice to immortality, and the only warmth or riches known to her those which came from me.
SORRY IM JUST REALLY OBSESSED WITH THE COLD & FATAL DOMAIN OF MARIUS'S SOUL, I GOTTA SHARE IT ANY CHANCE I GET. He choses Armand because he needs a rebound, because he is SO in love with Bianca and knows it can’t end well. She’s too like Pandora, and he remembers what Eudoxia said about how older people don’t take to vampirism as well. He knows he needs a young blank slate to train, and he FINDS Armand while he’s floating around feeling sorry for himself about Bianca. 
So by design, Armand IS the opposite of the types of women he likes, and he treats it like an experiment and treats Armand like a pet. 
Also, something something Akasha didn’t approve of his turning Amadeo, didn’t allow for Marius to rescue him, but allowed Bianca to live in the Shrine with him for like 100 years, I wonder how involved she was with the whole thing. 
My thoughts are a mess but I think, basically, that’s how I feel about it !!!! I ranted about Bianca but TLDR; Pandora is his actual type and Armand was his pet.
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