#So get off your high horse
darkcrowprincess · 7 months
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
Rick accidentally creates a books series that has way more incest than the vc andrews books like flowers in the attic. Than he back tracks so hard because he was afraid of angry parents, and wanted his books to sell. But in a way that makes no sense and honestly is super obvious that hes making shit up to please angry parents and people to stop asking questions. To bad Rick the pandora's box was already opened.
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coy-lee · 27 days
Some dork felt the urge to rewatch BBC Sherlock again and threw herself back down a rabbit hole.
Mycroft is legitimately one of my favorite fictional peeps of all time and Mark did an amazing job playing him.
Just a smol offering of my current work~
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abirddogmoment · 3 months
Maybe an unpopular opinion but I don't think non-herding breeds should be allowed to take herding tests.
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vulgarcunt · 1 year
Maybe YOU aren’t the bitch with aspd/npd/bpd that’s a bad person but I am
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ohmerricat · 7 months
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when you order your thoschei from wish
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yaralulu · 29 days
you always gush about tamcien but does it not bother you how obviously abused lucien was by tamlin?? physically and emotionally? lucien deserves way better than that...
I could write you a very long winded answer about why you’re wrong or how I just don’t see their relationship like that but quite frankly I do not care lol 😄.
was tamlin a shit friend ? yeah. was there a power dynamic going on ? yeah. do I care ? NO.
Lucien is also not real and tamcien is literally never gonna happen so why are you sending me this.
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unlikecharlie · 1 year
every comment or post that I see yelling about sympathy, empathy, and reminding us that those people are humans with lives and families only makes me wish they're dead even harder. matter of fact, I hope they all suffer as much as possible and then go to hell and suffer even more. there
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shibusawaz · 1 year
am i the only one who finds tiktok hate on tumblr a little like. excessive.
let's be real here. tiktok is, by majority i'd say, teenagers. yes, those teenagers sometimes do and say stupid things. but a lot of you guys here are in your twenties, or older. and like, as a teenager who also does and says stupid things, not cool! it's not cool to be an adult making fun of teenagers doing things you know DAMN WELL you'd be doing too if you were our age.
you guys wanna preach and preach your live and let live lifestyle until oh! people on tiktok do something that copies you, and do it differently. oh no! oh my god! it's the end of the world!!! shut up
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ruffboijuliaburnsides · 4 months
note to the general public:
If you're trying to make an official complaint of some sort of marginalization or discrimination, don't insult the person helping you even if you think they made a mistake. They're trying to help you, and you can request a correction without insulting their intelligence.
And when they ask you to verify something simple like the date of birth you informed them was incorrect in their record, repeating "just correct it" without actually providing your correct DOB, while also telling them they don't know how to do their job and insisting they give your case to someone who knows what they're doing, is not going to help, as you've still not verified the information and now that person is significantly less invested in helping you.
And maybe don't declare that they must be trying to blow you off (by asking you to verify information) and have a right-wing MAGA agenda.
Because the person you're insulting may be the most senior/experienced person you can work with about this, and also a disabled trans lesbian socialist with a meaningful job that they're very passionate about, and you're an asshole with anger issues and a deep disrespect for anyone not you, apparently, who can't get a job at a grocery store.
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total-drama-brainrot · 6 months
people who don't like owen astound me. because they'll always use the excuse of "oh well i just don't like all of the fart jokes" and it's like. hun. this is total drama. the show itself is built on the foundation of gross humour. owen's literally the embodiment of everything total drama is all about. if you don't like him do you even like the show??
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sad-scarred-sassy · 8 months
Jesus I need to vent because I saw someone say Eluciens are anti Elain because she is currently uncomfortable with Lucien.
And they were saying Feyre was right to be uncomfortable with Rhys at first because he was a villain and Nesta “never hated Cassian”. But that Elain is uncomfortable with Lucien because she doesn’t like him so that makes it different.
First of all how the fuck do you know WHY she is uncomfortable towards him and how does it make it different from her sisters? We don’t know a single thing that’s happening in her head but I can assure you, it’s not as simple as she doesn’t like him, and we have CANON evidence that she at least was curious and concerned about him, he even made her smile in a truly devastating moment.
She could be reluctant for so many reasons, his connection to her traumatic experience, her powers, wild attraction, guilt, anger, not wanting to let the mating bond win, fear, not wanting to commit to something so big again, fear of vulnerability, him seeing right through her façade, etc etc. As this person said Lucien isn’t a villain, but that doesn’t mean the only possible explanation is that she doesn’t like him.
AND WHY can’t I be a Pro Elain and a Pro Elucien just because Elain is “uncomfortable” with him right now, it doesn’t mean it’s because he disrespected her or did her wrong, the opposite is true actually, and also ELAIN IS NOT A REAL PERSON.
This take is so stupid, these are characters in a novel which hasn’t even finished yet. We do not know what Elain’s motive is, and if you believe its a simple as shes not attracted to him let me ask HAVE YOU READ ANY OF THESE BOOKS?
Being scrutinized for seeing her potential with the character she is reluctant about is like saying you are anti every single female character in a reluctant allies/enemies to lovers/arranged marriage trope because she is uncomfortable with them at first. Make it make sense.
The real Anti Elains are the ones who do not care about the character’s growth and arc, who are advocating for her to change her WHOLE personality and romanticizing the moments in which her wants and needs are not accounted for (like when certain characters speak on her behalf and limit her on things she explicitly said she wanted/didn’t want), and wanting her to stay put in a place where she is not valued as an individual. Thats an actual anti. Believing she could be happy if she got to know the goodest flaming red head in existance that happens to be her mate and that embodies all that her as a CHARACTER has been written to like and appreciate and who has never done wrong by her IS NOT.
Be fucking for real and get off that high horse.
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fandomfuntimem · 4 months
Been getting harassed by my fellow Christians for joking about fighting god for making me blind. (Athiests have also been assholes but not for the joke, just for believing in god)
This one took the cake tho. I got a lot of angry messages but this one both made me laugh and pissed me off. So idk. I thought my response was funny.
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divinebunnii · 5 months
I’m here for love, for sharing in physical and emotional beauty with the bodies and sexualities of those I follow and reblog from. im here to love you in your skin and your desires. I’m here to be your friend and biggest supporter, your best ally and advocate for making changes to benefit you and your mental health.
so if other queers want to pretend that behaving the same, excluding way that some straight people behave, then they need to check the fuck out of themselves, learn some perspective, and maybe open their third eye.
treat others how you want to be treated, right?
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lostwanderer42 · 2 months
Im actually really fucking annoyed about a post i just saw calling voting biden (when it was still going to be an option) sacrificing black and brown people for the comfort of white liberals and im like hello???????? Thats not how this fucking works. Thats not how this fucking system works. Project 2025 is a real fucking threat and voting for biden/democrat isnt about white liberal comfort it's literally about protecting POC, queer people, disabled people, etc etc etc from what fucking Republicans are going to do if they win. And if you dont vote Democrat it's a fucking vote for the goddamn Republicans. Its not about white liberal comfort it's about the fucking LIVES and LIVELIHOOD of every single fucking person that lives in this godforsaken country. Obviously I'm bot going to convince anyone at this point because I've seen that theyve made up their minds but im so fucking angry. Do you understand how much worse it's going to be if you dont fucking vote Democrat??? Do you fucking understand???? Suck it the fuck up!!! Idc if you dont like it, it's going to be so much fucking worse if you dont. For EVERYONE. ESPECIALLY for the minorities you think are being thrown aside for white liberal comfort. Like what the fuck are you on???? Why do you think not voting is going to help minorities and vulnerable people. fucking SUCK. IT. UP
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jcsontodd · 1 year
Think it's kinda funny that some of you are happy to spout "eat the rich" until actually faced with a situation befitting of that phrase
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armenianwriterman · 7 months
I just saw dozens on people on here celebrating the Rooster Teeth shutdown news because they hate RWBY. Nice job celebrating hundreds of people losing their jobs due to corporate interest because the show the internet told you to have a hate boner for got canned, you dicks.
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