darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
I literally want to kill myself, like it literally takes everything to justnot.. and like.. the last three yearshave been a mistake and ima n idiot and really the world would be way better without me bothering it with my beeting heart. like omg why do things have to be this crapy all the god damn time, I seriouslt doubt one fucking person in this hell really does care about me, I just need one person to actually truely care.. just one would be enough, and Im an idiot if I ever think thatll happen
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darksky0094 · 9 years
Donald Trump seems to have.. Trumped himself
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darksky0094 · 9 years
Okay so I thought about it and I really really really super hate asking for handouts so instead I will say If you send $10 or more to my Pay Pal one of the family members will personally make a unique sketch just for you, of anything that you want. The more money you send the better the Art will be, or if you want you can donate to the fund, anything helps even $1 and if you cannot donate or cannot afford or want one of our amazing drawings then please share as much as you can! :3 
send money to [email protected] all sketches and art will be in digital format due to limitations also keep in mind I will be emailing you at your Paypal email to determine what you want the sketch to be
Thank you for any support guys!
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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Hi, my name is Ethan, and I am 23 years old. Right now I have found myself in a difficult situation. Despite the fact that I hold a full time job I have too much debt to afford to pay rent on an apartment or mortgage a house. The one place I could call home where my family and i currently reside is now being foreclosed by the government due to our inability to pay the mortgage. I do not want to be separated from them, nor do I want them to be homeless. I have started this fund in the hopes that people would find the time and generosity to help us all out. All and any money raised will be going towards us finding a new place to call home, and help with the paying of bills and groceries for long enough that we can manage to get things settled. Now for a bit more about us all, and some of our current struggles making it so hard to do this on our own; Those of us within the household who struggle with mental illness are currently doing so without any form of medical assistance, making it hard on everyone, but especially those with mental illness, to work, or be consistent in their means of helping out financially, despite how hard they try. My father has recently been released from prison over drug charges, and I'm sure you can already imagine why that's difficult for me especially to be dealing with. As a consequence to this situation, I do not have the support of any other family members within the state, leaving me alone to struggle. My father has also lost his license to work in his field do to his felony charge, making things much more difficult. Another member of the family is currently working on covering immigration charges, and is not yet in a spot where they are able to work, and there's no way I can just turn my back on them. Lastly, the core of our family is currently in the hospital, and will probably soon pass from his dementia. This has been the leading struggle as to what has caused this terrible and unfortunate situation for us all. My family has lived together for longer then i can even remember, and we're just not ready to give up on that. Thank you in advanced to everyone who finds it in their hearts to help us out, literally any amount is a significant help to all of us.
Even if you can’t donate every re-blog helps
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darksky0094 · 9 years
I keep wanting to help people so bad it hurts, it’s kinda annoying and killing me inside
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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wild times at the local coles 
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darksky0094 · 9 years
Now watch as I fade to nothing one day at a time, dwindling till nothing remains.
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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Elephants have amazing memories and thus they make the best teachers. In their natural habitats, even the baby elephants hold class every day, teaching the other animals about the world.
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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—(赤司 征十郎) I haven’t changed. There were two of me to begin with. We merely switched places.
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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darksky0094 · 9 years
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Aditya Ikranegara
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