darksou07 · 2 months
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darksou07 · 2 months
Autistic trauma: School Edition
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Hiding in the bathroom
Feel like social outcast
Constant self monitoring
Know you are not liked but not sure why
Hyper vigilant
Crying at home
Last pick for games
No real friends
Not invited to parties
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darksou07 · 5 months
Tony Stark here. I was very happy with you and I miss you so much. I was very happy that we had a family as well despite my fears relating to parenthood. I hope you are doing well.
I love meaning absolutely nothing to the endless Tony Starks out there. Who cares that we were a family, right? I'm sorry that Morgan and I aren't Steve, or Bucky, or Rhodey, or whoever else you were with. I hope you're happy, though. I'm sorry you couldn't find happiness with us. I miss you. -- Pepper Potts.
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darksou07 · 5 months
Tony Stark here.
Doctor Strange here. From the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I'm not looking for anyone from my canon anymore (at this point it feels like a lost cause)-- more just from my source. I'm looking for Tony Stark, Wong, and Christine Palmer. Reblog this post if you're interested in talking, and I'll shoot you a message.
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darksou07 · 6 months
I'm a catkin with very dog-like behaviors. No shame, honestly.
One of the funnier instances of not researching one's own theriotype is when people will be like "how I long to be among my own kind again" and then post an image of like, a polar bear or an owl. I'm sorry but if you were a wild jaguar you would not be hanging out in a treehouse with your seven jaguar BFFs. That's a solitary species, my friend.
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darksou07 · 6 months
Just passing by to mention that trans people can experience phantom body parts (like me) as part of their own dysphoria, so that's not even an exclusive term to PLS.
Why can't we call phantom shifts "phantom limbs"?
I might make a video about this in the future, but I'd like to make you all aware of a recent development in alterhuman terminology. The use of the medical term "phantom limbs" is heavily tied to Phantom Limb Syndrome (PLS) which is a medical condition that affects amputees and those born with congenital differences in anatomy. It can be similar but is vastly different from what otherkin and therians experience during phantom shifts. People experiences PLS have made it known that comparing phantom shifts to the actual loss of a limb or PLS is offensive, so this will not be done again. We recommend using the words phantom shifts, parts or appendages, or specify that appendages such as phantom paws, wings, tails, etc. instead.
I personally take responsibility for having made this comparison in the past, and I'd like to apologize to people who experience PLS or have lost a limb for doing so. It was not my place to make this comparison, as I cannot know what the experiences is actually like.
I urge everyone who may own an Alterhuman platform (whether that be a Discord server or social media platform) to spread the word about this. You are free to use part of this text to explain things.
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darksou07 · 6 months
"low support needs disabled people are often not believed to have a disability at all and therefore struggle to get accommodations."
"high support needs disabled people's accommodations are often seen as 'too much' and therefore are not met."
"neurodivergent people's needs are often dismissed because nothing is physically wrong with them."
"physically disabled people people often cannot physically access buildings and people refuse to do anything about it."
"invisibly disabled people are seen as lazy by society."
"visibly disabled people are ostracized from society."
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darksou07 · 6 months
what people think self diagnosis is: “lol I saw a tiktok of this disorder and it looks super fun so I’m gonna tell people I have it”
what it actually is: “I’ve had all these really bad symptoms for such a long time and i don’t have access to proper healthcare so I’ve been doing a lot of research and cross checking and talking to people who have this condition/disorder and they agree that I seem to have it. I’ve also looked into other disorders and conditions with similar symptoms but this one seems to match up with my experiences perfectly and learning about other people who live and deal with it makes me feel so seen so I’m going to self diagnose with it but I still understand that I may be wrong and if I ever do receive proper medical treatment I will be fully open to accepting it’s something else.”
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darksou07 · 6 months
I guess what I think is that suicide is a symptom of a problem and not the problem to fix, you know what I mean? To stop suicides you have to stop people’s mental health from getting to the point where they consider it, you have to treat the disease, trying to treat the symptom itself is almost completely useless.
For instance, Japan has spent a great deal of money on anti-suicide infrastructure, doing genuinely cartoonishly things like putting rollers on bridge railings so you can’t climb over them and slide right off, putting blue lights in the subway so it’s harder to see to throw yourself in front of a train. It’s not working. Japan’s suicide rate rose again in 2022. They are not addressing the root causes and stressors in their citizen’s lives and social barriers to mental health care and psychiatric medication.
It’s the same with universities in America, many have spent an exorbitant amount of money on turning their dorms into psych ward like environments. Anti-hanging chairs that you can’t stand on, bunks you can’t hang yourself from, slanted doorknobs etc. And yet suicide is still the second leading cause of death for college students. They make no attempts to make college easier, to make pausing and resuming your studies better, to make the pressure of an academic environment feel less life or death. They make no accommodations for the individual. They just make it a little harder to hang yourself in a few rooms on campus and call it a day, say they’re being proactive in terms of mental health.
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darksou07 · 6 months
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darksou07 · 6 months
i love being fictionkind and having fictionkind friends. i love seeing fanart of our fictotypes meeting each other and sending it to a friend, or when a friend sends it to me. i love seeing posts like "i need to see group therapy with these two" oh we're already Besties. i love the simple joy in being a fictional character who is friends with other fictional characters and frankly that makes the Horrors worth it
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darksou07 · 6 months
Feel like such an outlier as someone who’s fictionkin and doesn’t see their canon as sacred or uniquely special/correct or The Only way people can interpret things. I like when people make weird ships with me in them. I think it’s cool when other people are also me. Not at all uncomfortable when things in or outside the fandom don’t match my canon. Kinda dig when people do extreme/problematic things with my character. Maybe it’s the flexibility of vocaloid canon but I am so chill with people going buck wild with my likeness I almost get self-concious about it talking to other fictionkind.
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darksou07 · 8 months
Quite unfriendly reminder that alterhuman as a label is supposed to include everyone that feels like it fits them, endogenic plurals included. The creator of the damn label itself said as much. Go get your gatekeeping jollies on somewhere else 😑
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darksou07 · 9 months
The audacity of anon to think that otherkin cannot be trans. XD
How the fuck are people like you getting on HRT sitting here disconnected from reality thinking you’re not a human being but actual trans people are waiting for literal years if not longer to even be considered for it
Is someone seething with jealousy because I not only managed to finally get on T after three years of waiting but also am so much more secure in my identity and who I am than you'll ever be
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darksou07 · 9 months
Look, be very grateful that I currently do not act like most of my kintypes in the way you see on my sources. Trust me on that.
"But you don't even act like your kintype" I don't know what you're talking about, I think I act exactly like Ben Tennyson, if he had the soul of a bison and the brain of a gnoll, had been socialized as a girl, grew up in Europe, and was a divorce child with menthol illness whose only comfort growing up was the local pony riding school and weird fantasy books. And he only remembered he was Ben Tennyson when he was 21.
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darksou07 · 10 months
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darksou07 · 10 months
Feminism isn't "Women vs Men"
Feminism is "Us vs The Patriarchy"
And "Us" includes everyone.
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