a worse foe
The blaster bold freezes in mid air, and Krell and the clones all stare at it as it crumbles to nothing.
"Fives," a voice, filtered through a voice modulator, says softly. "Take Dogma's blaster."
Lord Revan is standing at the entrance to the cellblock, tall and imposing and crackling with the energy they know as the Force. Fives takes the blaster from Dogma and unarms it, then tosses it aside. Dogma looks small at his side as Revan approaches, and lays a gloved hand on the side of his neck, thumb brushing just above where Dogma's blacks end.
"It's alright," Revan says softly, and leans forward slightly. Dogma meets him, resting his forehead against the cool, emotionless metal of Revan's helmet. "Fives, take your little brothers back to the barracks. Rex, can you stay?"
"Yes sir," Rex says. "Jesse? Kix?"
"We can stay, sir," the troopers answer.
"Good," Revan says, and everything is quiet as Fives gathers Tup and Dogma and heads to the barracks.
Once they're gone, the rumbling Rex has felt in the air becomes a roar, and then Krell is slammed against the wall.
"You don't scare me," Krell snarls. "You carry his name, but you are just a knight wearing old armour."
"Is that so?" Revan says, quiet. His hands go to the release clasps on his helmet, there's a hissing sound as the suit depressurises, and Revan lifts the helmet free.
It falls unceremoniously to the floor, and the sound echoes out across the room.
Rex sees Krell's throat contort as he swallows.
Revan's eyes are burning, flickering from red to gold to green, every line of his handsome face twisted in rage. His hands are clenched, muscles shaking, the Force roiling around him like a cloak. "You believe you can control the Dark?" Revan asks, and he pulls an unfamiliar lightsaber from inside his robes. "You believe you could be a Sith? You are nothing. You are an insect, vermin, compared to the Sith I have known. Have trained. Have inspired!"
The saber lights, and a ruby blade illuminates the room.
Krell's body is lying smoking and decapitated only a few hours later, tortured with lightning and lightsaber and terrible mind tricks that leave him screaming and babbling for mercy. For death.
Rex doesn't feel sorry for him as he picks up the decapitated head and hands it, smoking stump and all, to Revan, whose eyes still flicker between red and gold and green, but he's relieved to see the green appear more often than any other colour.
"Did Wolffe tell you?" Revan asks, taking the head and shoving it into a cryo-bag. "About-"
He holds up the lightsaber with the red blade, giving Rex a pointed look.
"You being a four thousand year old Dar'Jetii who is also the hero of the bedtime stories Fett used to tell the CC's?" Rex says. "No. General Skywalker complains about you a lot, some of that confidential information slipped out and Ahsoka filled in the rest."
Revan nods. "I want Dogma transferred," he says. "The 104th would be better for him that the 501st, he's lost his trust in the Jedi...Plo will be good for him."
"Permission to speak freely, sir?" Jesse asks.
Revan nods, and picks up his helmet.
"You'd be better for this army if you took command," Jesse says. "If you're really...really the Conquering Jedi-" Revan sighs at the title "-then you should be leading us, not the Council, not the Senate. You...you've done this before. You beat a better army than Grievous and Dooku."
"Mand'alor the Ultimate was a challenging opponent, yes," Revan says. "But after, the Republic faced a worse foe, one I could not defeat."
"Who?" Kix asks, always one for the stories. His eyes are big and full of wonder.
"Me," Revan says, and puts his helmet on. "The reason the Jedi don't want me heading an army is because they're worried I will turn it against them, like I did the last time someone gave me an army."
"But you wouldn't!" Jesse exclaims.
"Maybe I might," Revan says. "Perhaps I might start a war over you all."
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An Activity
When the Fleet eventually limps into the Core, everyone is looking forward to the Leave they’ve been promised in the wake of their generals all needing medical attention (and Skywalker’s relationship with the Chancellor).
Wolffe is chewing on a ration bar as he reads some holonovel Sinker has loaded onto his personal datapad, it’s aimed at teenagers, all romance and angst and saving the galaxy but it’s at least better than the trashy romance novels Boost prefers. He’s sitting on Revan’s bunk, and the Jedi is sitting on a mat on the floor making things float as he meditates.
He doesn’t notice things settling back to their proper places, and almost jumps when Revan says “do you have plans for your leave?”
His head snaps up from his holopad, and he finds the Jedi kneeling on the floor, head propped on his folded arms that are resting on the mattress. His eyes are big and bright and warm, a soft smile on his face.
Little gods, this man is beautiful.
“No,” Wolffe says. “Why?”
“Do you want to have dinner with me?” Revan asks. “I know a place, the owner and I are friends and he likes taking my credits, no matter what.”
“Meaning he’ll let me in even though I’m a clone,” Wolffe says, and Revan’s eyes grow sad.
“Yeah,” he says softly.
Wolffe bites his lip. “Why can’t we just have dinner in the mess?” He asks. “Or in my quarters since you don’t take your helmet off...”
“Dating,” Revan says, tilting his head. “Is generally done by going on outings called dates, where we do an activity and learn more about each other.”
“An activity,” Wolffe says.
“A recreational pursuit or pass time,” Revan says. “Typically a date is a shared meal in a public environment followed by an activity; dancing, seeing a holofilm, a walk through a park or garden.”
“And you want to take me on a date?” Wolffe says.
“I do,” Revan grins, and Wolffe feels himself melt a little because it’s a cheeky boyish expression that suits him far better than the serious and stern scowls that often grace his features. “Very much so.”
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Canderous: Where do you keep the liquor?
Carth: at 11AM?
Canderous: why? Does it move around during the day?
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Like I'm trying to imagine that conversation.
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heart of the force
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Moon Tree
There’s a tree up on the hill outside the academy on Dantooine. It’s an old tree from another planet, another sector. Apparently on the planet it’s from, it’s just a tree, brown bark and green leaves and little animals playing in its branches.
But here on Dantooine, under its different sun, the tree is different too. It’s bark is purple-red, the leaves blue like Master Vrook’s lightsaber and shaped like crescent moons.
Bastila grabs the vine roots hanging off the outcrop and pulls her small form up the hill, her new boots still stiff and slippery on the wet grass as she climbs up to the tree.
As she reaches it, she sees a familiar book bag resting by the trunk and grins, dumping her own beside it and pulling out one of the books she got to take from the academy archives, sitting in the roots of the tree and opening it up to the first chapter.
“That’s a new one,” a familiar voice says, and Bastila looks up to meet brown-and-green eyes.
“I got to go up a level!” Bastila says, pointing at the embossed level print on the cover. “Now I’m a whole three levels above the rest of my age group!”
Jacen is hanging out of the tree by his knees, dark hair a mess and his Padawan braid dangling far enough down that Bastila can almost touch it, kyber beads gleaming in the summer sun. He’s holding his glasses with one hand while his other holds open a thick leather book with a gem on the cover.
He tilts his head at her, smiling enough that the dimple in his left cheek is visible. “Do you want to come up or should I come down?” He asks.
She considers it for a moment, then grins. “I’d like to come up, please,” she says, and he disappears up into the branches before she feels the pressure wrap around her chest and she’s lifted up into the blue canopy, until she’s sitting on a thick branch beside her friend.
They sit for a while, playing Pass-Back with the wooden ball Jacen brought with him, and then he helps her with her force jumps from branch to branch, before they race to the top of the tree to practice.
The sun is setting as Bastila’s head pops above the blue leaves, the sun going from red to orange to purple as stars begin to appear around them.
As she watches the sky change, she realises she’s going to miss this place.
“They’re sending me to Coruscant,” Bastila tells Jacen as the sky grows dark. “The High Council wants me to take some tests, I don’t know when I’ll be back. They’re saying there’s something going on in the Mandalore Sector.”
“It’s just rumours, the Mandalorians won’t be a problem,” Jacen assures her, but she can sense he’s not sure. “They just want to make sure you haven’t got any rare abilities; all Initiates go through it before they get chosen as Padawans.”
“Yeah,” Bastila says, but even if that’s true, she doesn’t want to leave. “I’m going to miss the Academy. Miss our tree.”
“It’ll still be here when you return,” Jacen says, giving the smile that she’ll miss more than anything else. “Just like Master Vandar’s lectures about etiquette if we’re late for dinner again! Come on!”
Daylin Tundros is standing at the base of a purple-red stump, ankle deep in brown moon shaped leaves that crunch under her worn boots when Bastila arrives. His new robes are brown and grey, boots new and shiny, and the lightsaber on his belt is a plain steel hilt that houses a green kyber crystal.
“It’s not here,” Bastila says to herself.
“Pardon, ma’am?” Daylin says, perfectly polite, in a voice that doesn’t belong to him. His new personality is agreeable, soft spoken and cordial.
A perversion of the boy she knew an age ago, and the man he became.
“Nothing,” Bastila says. “The Council wants us to find and deal with some Mandalorians spotted somewhere in the hills as a test of your new abilities.”
“They won’t be a problem,” Daylin assures her. “Ready, ma’am? We don’t want to leave Master Vandar waiting, do we?”
Bastila looks at the stump of the Moon Tree, and doesn’t look at the face of the boy who used to play with her in its branches.
“No, we don’t,” she says. “Come along now.”
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Revan, gesturing to Mission: this is a child
Zaalbar: yes.
Revan : is the child going to help?
Zaalbar: if you don’t want her, give her back
Revan, already attached: no
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Commander Fox wearing a cap with “Foxy Grandpa” written on it with “y grandpa” crossed out.
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Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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one of my favorite stupid things to do in fanfic is to throw two characters together who literally never interact. and then give them an entire, fleshed-out relationship dynamic that exists nowhere but my own head. yes they’ve literally never spoken. yes their relationship is important to me. hope this helps.
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kotor as vines part (1) of (as-many-as-i-feel-like-drawing)
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omg "tell me you have a clone dad without telling me you have a clone dad" memes
"i was two when my dad started teaching me self defense"
"he put together some of the weirdest ingredients and told me to eat it and he wouldnt listen when the rest of the family said it was inedible"
"it's never even just 'rules' it's duty"
"i told him my SO cheated on me. tell me why this man is sadder than me now"
"*picture of living space where everything is ramrod straight and barely decorated*"
"my dad looked at me and said 'i think you're old enough to learn to pilot' I'm 8"
"my dad keeps forgetting my age"
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Hey guys come play KOTOR with me!
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Revan, Wolffe and Jaime, @darthrevan-lord-of-the-sith 's babies
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Fox and Rhea
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i don't know how a beskar mask broke in half, but it's for the aesthetic.
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