dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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you highbloods grew up a bit I see
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
support nonbinary people who aren’t completely androgynous
support femme trans men
support masculine trans women
just because someone doesn’t fit into the stereotype of their identity doesn’t mean they aren’t valid
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
decrescendo for what
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
Satan and Me: thisiskindagross
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Nat: Jess
Lucifer: myself
Editing: both of us (more TZ)
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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Let’s all help college students get knowledge they deserve for free:)
More Here
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
Okay for real..
Just because the other person has yet say anything after you type something super lame and hard to start a conversation off of  "hello" doesn't mean they aren't going to say anything at all. The other person is probably trying to carry on the rp besides just a simple greeting. Tbh if you're impatient for a start the person who typed hello could send another line to make it seem like they're trying to carry on a conversation don't just disconnect.
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
The Kankri struggle is real...
This is a script style, not safe for work chat.
Kankri [KANKRI] joined chat. ~~ 1 ~~
carcinoGeneticist [CG] joined chat. ~~ 2 ~~
carcinoGeneticist [CG] disconnected.
KANKRI: Salutati9ns Karkat. I take it with having s9me time t9 pass since 9ur last lect- I mean discussi9n, y9u have finally f9rmulated y9ur 9wn 9pini9ns and p9ssi6le arguments t9 any su6ject matter that was pri9r t9 9ur 9ther discussi9n, which was f9rmulated f9r an 9pen de6ate 6ut I supp9se y9u were n9t prepared t9 give a s9rt 9f re6uttal t9 any statements made 9n such sh9rt n9tice. With just having met and all. 6ut n9w is the m9st 9pp9rtune m9ment t9 state what is ever 9n y9ur mind fr9m previ9us times, as I am prepared t9 listen and 9f c9urse pr9p9se 9ther facts and 9pini9ns t9 the 96jective 9f which y9u may want t9 lead. Speaking 9f 96jective, if y9u have any triggers that y9u w9uld like t9 menti9n 6ef9re engaging in casual c9nversati9n I w9uld suggest y9u d9 s9 n9w, which will make c9ntinuing this chat easy g9ing-..
KANKRI: 9r y9u can just leave and n9t say anything at all as per the status qu9.
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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Somewhere over the rainbow, it’ll be better this way.
27.04.2013 - 27.04.2014, 1-year progress update.
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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I just really wanted to draw this fool tonight even though the only thing I should be doing is sleeping. 
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
Part of the reason people don't pick up on Gamzee's quirk as to where he is on the timeline is because a hella lot of gamzees StIlL UsE ThIs qUiRk even when playing him sober. It's like a really confusing, frustrating, guessing game. I've run into way more sober gamzees still using the sopor quirk than I have sober using his sober quirk.
Ah, the sober Gamzees. Really that’s all that needs to be said, because I’ve run into ‘sober’ Gamzees doing the same before. I had figured that Gamzee RPers who used the sopor quirk usually stuck to the sopor attitude. But then of course there’s the sober flippers however, that’s another story. I guess if push comes to shove I’ll start using a SoPoR! modifier.
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
Just saying..
If you ever run into me as Gamzee using ThIs qUiRk aka sopor!Gamzee, it's going to be before he goes sober. So when people mention things about his sober and post sober incidents, he won't know what someone is talking about because it's almost like telling his future.
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
Well I’m not paralyzed But, I seem to be struck by you I want to make you move Because you’re standing still If your body matches What your eyes can do You’ll probably move right through Me on my way to you
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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I can explain.
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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this is always a scary experience when you like my personal things because more often than not it ended quite spectacularly and now im always so scared
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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i spent the day bonding with random college girls at the mall, all because one of them and i were wearing similar shirts we got matching manicures and she wanted a picture with me
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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dat-makara-rp replied to your photo “when youre my friend i draw important art for you”
What is going on??? Jfc. Kwallitie. Amaze.
no shhh youre not invited to my pickle party
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dat-makara-rp · 10 years
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In other news, never let me be Cronus.
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