datmysticmessenger · 7 years
for the prompts can you do “I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately.” with yoosung? thank you !!
After finding out that MC went to the same university as Yoosung, it made sense that the two of them would take a class together. It was a class that fulfilled one of the university requirements, but MC never expected that they would have to do improv for part of it. 
So there they were, with Yoosung, being given acting prompts and having to go through with them. It was fun, actually. Especially when MC had to act like a pompous businessman and were purposely pretending to act like Jumin. MC suspected Yoosung almost peed himself.
Today, though, it was a little bit different. The assignment for class was that for the full 50 minutes, they had to act out your specific roles and couldn’t break character. Each pairing got a sheet with their role and a few suggestions of prompts for scenarios. Of course, MC chose Yoosung as their partner, but neither of them were expecting to get the role of ‘newly wed couple with baby’. The baby turned out to be a really ugly doll that the department had been using for years, and MC quickly shoved it into Yoosung’s arms. He cringed while looking down at it. Peak father material right there.
The first fifteen minutes weren’t terrible, as MC and Yoosung kept giggling and making it into a joke. However, after the Professor had given them the stink-eye twice, they decided to take it a bit more seriously.
“Oh, honey, could you feed the baby?” MC asked, glancing down at the prompts sheet. With a very determined face, Yoosung nodded and pretended MC’s water bottle was a baby bottle, pressing it against the dirty doll’s mouth. MC winced and made a mental note to clean their water bottle later. 
A few minutes later, Yoosung declared the prompt, “Alright, I’m off to work, sweetheart!” 
With that, he leaned down, presumebly to give MC a fake kiss on the cheek as the prompt told him to, but for some reason, MC decided, ‘Hey. Let’s turn this the fuck up.’
They turned their face so that instead of Yoosung’s lips meeting the air centimeters from their cheek, their mouths collided. 
Then MC put their hands on Yoosung’s cheeks and gave it all they had. Yoosung didn’t pull away; in fact, he melted into the kiss, prompt paper fluttering from his limp grasp to the ground below. 
“Nice job getting into character! So passionate!” called the Professor. This startled them into breaking apart, both blushing bright red and avoiding eye contact. Their professor gave them a thumbs up before turning to another pair.
“I’m sorry that I got way into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately,” MC blurted, cheeks flushing at the memory. Yoosung gave MC a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Would I be a creep if I said I didn’t mind it?” 
A slow smile came across MC’s face and they shrugged, trying to act nonchalant.
“I dunno, are we out of character?” MC asked.
“Oh, yeah, totally,” Yoosung said. “Yoosung Kim really liked that.”
“So did I,” MC said.
So they did it again, this time out of character. 
~Admin MP
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
I'm salty because I was ONE guest away from getting the good ending
dude I am so so sorry!!!
Because I’m a big baby I used an email walkthrough (I really wanted to get the good ending on my first try ^^;)
But what I’ve heard some people doing is they’ll save right before the party and then go back and unlock chats to get more party guests if they have to? Idk, it’s an idea? 
My friend Abby and I are gonna replay it soon so we can get Saeran’s ending so wish us luck. We’re probably going to cry.
~Admin MP
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
May I please have “Please put me down it’s just a sprained ankle" with Vanderwood?
MC was currently carrying Vanderwood on their back.
Vanderwood had to admit, they were impressed; MC was much stronger than they seemed. It was still embarrassing though, considering Vanderwood knew that they could just walk if MC would put them down.
“Please put me down, it’s just a sprained ankle,” Vanderwood said for around the fifth time that night. With a considering hum, MC brightly responded with a simple, “Nope!”
There was a few more seconds of awkward, tense silence where Vanderwood tried not to scowl and failed. MC continued to steadily plod along, arms tucked behind Vanderwood’s knees to keep them in place. 
“I can walk,” Vanderwood insisted.
“At what cost?” Mc asked dramatically, confusing Vanderwood, but they wouldn’t stay fazed for long.
“Please-let-me-” Vanderwood began squirming, attempting to get off MC’s back, and although MC was strong, they weren’t invincible. They felt Vanderwood start to slip, and in a panic, gripped their legs tighter.
“Wait hold on-”
Both MC and Vanderwood went tumbling to the ground, neither of them refusing to back down. Thankfully, they had just landed on grass, but it was still a bit of a fall. 
As they raised themselves on their elbow, MC caught sight of Vanderwood’s pissed off face, grass and twigs stuck in their brown hair. It was so ridiculous looking that MC couldn’t help but laugh, and Vanderwood’s face melted into resigned amusement.
“Alright, alright, enough,” grumbled Vanderwood, but they were fighting a smile. The two gazed at each other for a few seconds until MC shifted and winced.
“Uh...I think I sprained my ankle now...”
Vanderwood groaned as MC smiled sheepishly. 
~Admin MP
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
“You need to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen.” With Vanderwood please?
I kind of accidentally made a random AU that I sort of like??? oops
~Admin MP
When MC walked into their kitchen late at night, a yelp escaped them at the sight of a two black figures, one slumped on the ground and the other in a chair.
When they flipped on the light and saw Vanderwood, the grip they had on their throwing knives (in discreet armbands) loosened. 
The brown-haired person named Vanderwood was sitting in a chair, leaning it back precariously as they smoked. With a scowl, MC marched over to the window, opening it to let the acrid stench out.
Oh, and there was a dead body. Again.
“You need to stop leaving dead bodies in my kitchen,” MC said, pointing a threatening finger in Vanderwood’s face. In response, they just blew smoke out towards the ceiling, clothing impeccable despite the fact that the corpse near the radiator looked pretty worse for wear.
“This dead body was on its way to kill you, I hope you know. I did you a favor.”
MC scoffed, rolling their eyes. Since it seemed like Vanderwood wasn’t going anywhere, MC turned to the coffee maker, flipping it on and enjoying the burble it made as the water began to heat up.
“Yes, I need your help when it comes to making dead bodies.” MC’s voice was incredibly sarcastic, and it was almost too loud in the quiet of the night. Silence prevailed after their statement until the coffee was ready. Then MC doled it out evenly between two cups, adding sugar and a dash of milk the way Vanderwood liked it.
“So, what are you here for? I assume it’s not for pleasure,” MC said, handing Vanderwood their coffee. It was in their favorite mug, the one with cats all over it.
“Nope, just for work. You have another mark.” Vanderwood took a sip of the coffee, even though it was probably too hot. 
MC sighed softly. There was no rest for the wicked, was there?
Especially if you were one of the best assassins in a spy agency.
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
Can you guys do any scenarios or hc or somethin where Saeran gets a happy ending in Vs route? I havent personally started but ive heard that poor Saeran doesnt reslly get a great ending either way :c
Yoooo this ask spoke TO MY SOUL. I was in literal tears several times during V’s route because I literally just wanted Saeran to be happy. Like he fucking deserves it but he gets fucked over in almost every single route I’ve ever seen. If we don’t get a Saeran route where we can get him treatment and he becomes stable I’m suing Cheritz. 
So here’s my idea of a Saeran route:
MC realizes that Saeran is being used by Rika and decides:
Hey. I’m going to take this boy with me!!!!
Instead of leaving him behind, MC takes Saeran with them
They speak to Saeran in a soft voice, telling him that he needs treatment
And that they’ll visit him every single day while he’s there
The entire RFA supports this idea, realizing that Saeran did shitty things under the influence of literal drugs that Rika gave him and severe mental illness
(Mental illness does not excuse bad behavior, but combined with drugs and a manipulative person, it can be understood a little bit more)
V comes clean about everything regarding Saeran to Seven
Things are very chilly between Seven and V for a while, but V understands why
With support from MC, who is one of the only people Saeran trusts, he goes to treatment
It is very scary at first for him, especially when the drugs start to wear off and he’s going through withdrawls
But after the drugs leave his system and they begin to wean him off them, he begins an intensive treatment combined with therapy and medication
As MC promised, they are ALWAYS there for him, visiting as often as they and sneaking him in ice cream
Bringing him flowers for his hospital room
Introducing him to video games on an old Nintendo DS (courtesy of Yoosung)
Eventually, Saeran asks if Seven can come visit
MC brings Seven along with them one day and it’s very awkward and hesitant at first
But Seven gives Saeran a calendar with kittens on it, saying that he doesn’t want Saeran to lose track of the days and oddly enough, it’s comforting for Saeran
He even writes down the days MC and Seven will visit, getting excited as the days come closer
After trial and error, his medication starts working, and he becomes more stable in his mental health
He apologizes to all of the RFA and actually breaks down crying (MC holds him close during this, letting him cry onto their shoulder while Seven grips Saeran’s shoulder, tears in his own eyes)
The entire time Saeran is in treatment, MC is a rock for him
Someone to rely on; someone that he knows won’t leave him
They assure him time and time again that they aren’t going to leave, that they’ll be there for him, and they will never use or abuse him
And Saeran...believes them
After months of treatment, Saeran is cleared to leave, but it’s so daunting
He doesn’t know how he can go into society when before, he was part of a fucked up cult
He doesn’t know what to do, and the panic almost overwhelms him
But then MC is there, giving him a smile and he realizes that he can do it
He went through treatment and he’s getting better every day
He can do it. He can do anything if MC is with him.
Two years later, Saeran is happy and recovering. There are bad days, as there always are in recovery, but they are much fewer than they used to be. For the most part, he is stable and happy and he is surrounded by his friends and family. 
~Admin MP
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
Hiii💛 could u do hcs of the rfa+saeran reacting to an mc that's like really horny(? Like they don't stop mdkd but she doesn't want it to be boring so she's always dressing up and buying new lingerie and surprising them ndjs love u guys
Because of the 2 people rule MP and I decided to just do 2 of our favorites for this ask! Thank you for asking sweetie
Admin Rina ;3c
Jumin is a very horny person himself so he is very much okay with MC being the way that they are
Sometimes it can turn into a somewhat
sticky situation
Like when MC will show up at the office wearing an oversized coat zipped up all of the way
With black heels on
Jumin knows what is going to happen and it takes everything in him to not just take MC right there in the office space
When MC asks Jumin to come to his office Jumin almost tripped over his own two feet
When the pair got into the office Jumin locked the door behind him and closed all of the blinds to the windows
When he turned around MC had already dropped their coat, revealing the lacy lingerie that they had been hiding
MC didn’t even have to say anything before Jumin was on them, kissing every inch of their body.
He also couldn’t help but shamelessly rub his clothed cock against their thigh
Now let’s just say that MC can no longer wear that outfit and Jaehee was very confused when she had to go get new clothes in MC’s size
She was even more angry when she saw MC walking some walking funny out of Jumin’s office, the two of them got a very strongly worded email about “Inappropriate relations happening in the office during business hours”
Honestly at first it took her by surprise
It made her a bit flustered as well
But she wasn’t complaining tbh
Every time MC would show up with a new set of lingerie Jahee is not afraid to break it in
(Her favorite is lace and pearls on MC)
Whenever Jaehee walks into the room and MC is lounging on something naked
And is all like “hello, Jaehee~”
It takes Jaehee like
 two seconds to get into it
She stands there, processing it, then is immediately there to smooch MC
One of the few things that gets Jaehee REALLY flustered tho: sexting
If MC ever sexted her when she was at work l i k e
I’m pretty sure she would combust
Even if she was straightfaced while making coffee
You know she’s screaming on the inside
She ends up excusing herself to the back so she can respond
MC is constantly buying new sex toys to try out with Jaehee
And Jaehee is actually a big fan of trying them all out
Sometimes they spend hours in the bedroom together
~Experimenting~ and trying new things
(That’s how Jaehee discovers she likes ropeplay)
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
About NSFW Saturday/Sunday
Hey guys! So just something about NSFW Saturday/Sunday:
+We will not be taking nsfw asks about Saeran/Unknown/Ray. 
The admins of this blog do not feel like Saeran is in the right state of mind right now to engage in any sexual acts. We are not comfortable writing things about him when he (as he is in the story) is still recovering from his abuse and mental illness and he needs to work on his recovery.
However, if we ever get a Saeran route, perhaps we can! (We also just headcanon him as asexual.)
+We will be working on them slowly, please remember that we are busy and will get to your request as soon as we can! If you sent in a NSFW ask about Saeran, feel free to send in another one about a different character or a non-NSFW ask about Saeran.
+If you send in an ask with more than 2 people we will not be answering it, you are more than welcome to re-send the ask with just the 2 people! We just don’t want to keep it to 2 people (MC does not count so you can do like Zen, Yoosung, and MC but you can not do RFA+V+Saeran!)
+Our tag for this will be mmnsfw if you need to blacklist this event for our blog If you have any questions about what is okay or not okay please read our rules! If you still don’t know you can always message us and ask!
~Admin MP and Admin Rina
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
I just finished V’s route and I got the good ending....... I’m so happy for me boy ;v;
Feel free to message us if you want to talk about V’s route or ask for tips!
~Admin MP
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
NSFW Saturday!!
Yoooo!! I'll be going to bed soon but we decided we'll be doing a NSFW Saturday special!! Feel free to send in your requests, scenarios, imagines, headcanons and more!!
(If you've sent in a normal ask, we will have it done within the next few days!! <3)
Goodnight everyone!
(Also I'm about to finish V's route and I'm emotionally compromised af)
~Admin MP
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
Prompt: “I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately.” Characters: MC and your choice
“I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately.” with either of the choi bois?
I decided to put these two together since I probably would’ve chosen Seven anyways (he will always and forever be my fav boy)
I hope you enjoy!!
~Admin MP
It was perfect. Jumin was out of town on a business trip. Seven was in a maid costume and had disabled all of Jumin’s cameras. Not to mention Jumin’s security trusted MC completely. 
That was their first mistake.
Trying not to giggle, the two of them got into Jumin’s penthouse, the laughter erupting as soon as they got into the kitchen.
“Oh man, they had no idea!” Seven wheezed, wiping a tear from his eye. The long red wig was immediately discarded on the counter.
“I know! It was almost too perfect,” MC agreed, grinning. Then they saw Elizabeth the 3rd and immediately fell to the ground, coaxing the fluffy white cat over to them.
“Aww, she’s so precious! If I had a daughter, I’d want her to be just like Elly,” MC cooed, scratching the feline under her chin.
“Then let’s pretend like Elly is our child!” Seven crowed suddenly, eyes lighting up with the idea. “I can be the mom/maid and you can be the dad!” 
It was so brilliant that a startled bark of laughter escaped MC’s lips, startling Elly a bit. 
“Oh, hell yes!”
A few minutes later found Seven making “lunch” for Elly, which was basically just Seven combining three different types of her wet food into one lump. MC was sitting at the kitchen table, pretending to read the newspaper. 
“Stocks are lowering,” grumbled MC, shaking their head in mock disappointment. 
“Here you go, Elly, our sweet daughter! Lunch is served!” Seven set the bowl on the ground and Elly pounced on it, scarfing down the food. 
“What about you, dear? What would you like?” Seven turned towards MC, batting his eyelashes exaggeratedly. Although it was meant to be silly, MC’s heart couldn’t help skipping a beat at the endearment. Their crush was ridiculous.
“Some caviar would be wonderful, sweetheart,” they replied instead, clearing their throat and blushing a bit. Even Seven’s cheeks looked a bit pink.
There was a few more minutes of silence as Seven got together whatever MC’s “lunch” was. It turned out Jumin had no caviar, so it was just some yogurt and granola he had found in the very back of the cabinet. 
“Here’s your caviar,” he said, leaning down to place it on the table. When he did, the two got so close that MC could count all the faint freckles on his nose. And see just how red his plump lips were. 
“Thanks, babe,” MC whispered, unable to tear their eyes from his lips. Instead of responding, Seven closed the distance between them and pressed their mouths together. Although it came as a surprise, MC’s lips instantly parted, welcoming the presence of SEven’s tongue, and then--
He was pulling back.
There was an awkward silence as the two stared at the table where the sad yogurt and granola sat.
“I’m sorry that I got way too into playing house and accidentally kissed you passionately,” Seven mumbled suddenly. Reaching out, MC took his hand and grinned.
“You can do it again if you want...just as long as we’re not playing house,” MC said. Seven gaped, but a smile quickly overtook his face, and he leaned back in for another kiss.
Elly meowed happily.
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
Hi yes hello, could I get an RFA + V + Saeran where MC is sick and they've had no appetite, so they haven't eaten anything all day? I'm glad you guys are back btw!
We hope you like this! We really love doing “what if” asks so this was a lot of fun to do. Admin MP did Jaehee, 707, Yoosung and I did Zen, Jumin, and V!
Admin Rina ;3c
While Zen was on set he got a call from MC saying they couldn’t get out of bed
Zen could hear it in there voice, MC was as sick as a dog
Zen was 100% ready to leave the set and go take care of MC, but MC was very instant that he didn’t need to come over
They just couldn’t get up to get anything to eat or drink
Zen told MC that he would call them back in a couple of minutes
As soon as they go off the phone Zen called Yoosung, the only person he knew would be free at this time of day
After telling Yoosung to head over there Zen ordered MC soup and some other food from their favorite diner down the road from their apartment
He starts with texting MC and Yoosung non stop, like he is texting them so much that the director of the show/movie just tells him to go back home if he is just not going to pay attention.
Zen ends up back home where Yoosung is on the phone with his mom asking her what in the world he should give them to make them feel better
Zen feels kind of bad making the kid come all the way there without really telling them what to do
But he knows that MC was in good hands for the 3 or 4 hours that Zen was gone.
Yoosung had class all day and MC was sick but they insisted he go
So the whole day he was texting them, worried
They slept for a solid four hours (and he quietly freaked out but they were okay)
By the time he got home, they were awake and sniffling on the couch
He gave them a smooch on the forehead, grimacing at how hot it was
As he put his school things away, he asked them about their day, moming them pretty hard
When they revealed that they hadn’t eaten anything all day because of how tired they were, he essentially freaked out
He started fussing over them, insisting that they needed to eat something and called his mom
Thankfully, he had a can of chicken noodle soup hidden in the back of his cabinets
As MC dozed on the couch, Yoosung made them the soup and some tea, frowning in concentration
(It’s not that hard, Yoosung, it’s just soup)
He brought it all over to MC on the couch on a laptop tray (it’s all he had, okay)
Then, he made sure MC took their medicine and began feeding them the soup, blowing on it to make sure it wasn’t too hot
MC leaned against his shoulder, grateful for the food and the warmth Yoosung was providing
After they ate, they sipped their tea, already feeling loads better, especially since they were tucked up against their cute boyfriend
Eventually, they fell asleep, resting in Yoosung’s arms, content and happy
(Yoosung got sick the next day and they were both miserable)
If you thought Yoosung was a mom
Wait until you meet Jaehee Kang
Before she left for work in the morning, she would have made MC soup and put it in the fridge, leaving them a note telling them where everything was and laying out their medicine and everything
She left, giving a sleeping MC a smooch on the forehead and making sure that she sent MC a detailed text about the soup and medicine and everything
MC doesn’t respond until a few hours later, saying that their medicine wore off but they’re just too tired to get up and get it
So, of course, on Jaehee’s break, she rushes home, helping MC get the medicine (but forgets to get the food because she’s rushing)
A few hours later, when she goes home, MC is still in the same place Jaehee left them, cuddled up in bed, attempting to read on their tablet (although they keep sneezing)
Jaehee perches on the edge of the bed, quietly asking MC how they feel
(She doesn’t want to get sick even though she loves MC; she has a coffee shop to run)
While she’s getting MC some more medicine, she asks them if they liked the soup
They sheepishly admit that they hadn’t eaten it because they were too sick to get out of bed
Jaehee goes into Mom Mode, rushing around to get them new blankets, a wet cloth for their forehead, nasal spray, cough drops, the works
Then she goes into the kitchen to heat up the homemade soup, worried about MC (she almost leaves the soup to check on them but knows it’s not good to leave the stove unattended)
As soon as the soup is ready, Jaehee brings it and some bread into the bedroom
Usually, they don’t eat in bed, but this is an exception
Because Jaehee doesn’t want to get sick, she doesn’t cuddle MC and takes some Airborne
But MC looks so sad that Jaehee can’t help it and she scoots closer, running her fingers through MC’s hair
When Jumin finds out that MC has not eaten all day because of being sick he is at work
Too be exact he was in a meeting with a new investor to the company
It was just a small text from MC saying “Hey I’m just letting you know that I’m really sick right now, I’m going to sleep in the other room tonight so I don’t get you sick”
Well needless to say he completely forgets about the investors and calls a doctor's
And by doctor it isn’t just like one, he calls like a whole medical team to go check on MC
He can’t afford to get sick, but he will make sure that MC has everything that they need
When the doctors tell Jumin that MC had not eaten it takes a lot out of him not to get mad at them
He knows that they can’t help but not eat but he still wishes that they would have told him sooner that they weren’t feeling well
Jumin ends up leaving work early to go make sure the MC was starting to feel better
He gets a medical mask on the way home.
At home he doesn’t really know what to do, he has never really been sick before so he just kind of lets the doctors take care of MC
Seven would be pretty busy with work, though he knew MC was sick
The good thing about working from home was that he could check on them constantly
Everytime he checked on them, though, they were just sleeping
He vowed to keep an eye on them, though, and make sure they were good
Although he had a tendency to get enveloped in his work and spend hours on his computer

..which was what he did that day on accident
By the time he checked on MC again, it was pretty late in the day and they were awake, tapping on their phone, coughing
Seven felt pretty bad about not checking on them so he checked how hot they were and got them an extra blanket, also fetching them some water
He isn’t very good at taking care of himself when he’s sick so he’s also not great at it with MC
But he is determined to Try His Best
As he’s giving them a bendy straw to put in their water, he realizes that neither of them have eaten all day
Since he has almost nothing for sick people to eat, he goes to a nearby convenience store, grabbing a bunch of bullshit
(He has no idea what sick people eat wtf!!!!)
When he comes back, he gives them chips and tokoyami, and although MC knows it’s not what’s good for them, they eat it (because who can resist tokoyami honestly)
The two cuddle together eating tokoyami and watching anime
MC wouldn’t have a chance to not eat
This is because at the first sign of MC getting sick V goes into Mom Mode and starts taking care of her
He makes them homemade soup and would drive to the closest store to make sure that they got the meds that they need
He always asks Jumin to call a doctor for MC, not really to keep an eye on them, just to make sure that their sickness isn’t going to turn into anything worse
When he sees that MC isn’t really eating that much he always has crackers handy to make sure they can at less eat something
Honestly he takes such good care of MC that he would end up getting sick himself, sadly MC is still sick at the time that he is sick now.
They end up having to call Jumim to send the doctor over to take care of the two of them
While it isn’t the ideal ‘date’ for the two of them, but at less the two of them are together
MC didn’t even tell him they were sick because they didn’t want to worry him
But he figures it out when he comes to visit and knows that he totally wants to help
Of course he has no fucking idea what he’s doing
(He tries to call Seven but then remembers Seven has no fucking idea what he’s doing and hangs up)
So, instead, he just puts MC to bed and helps around the place, cleaning up a bit because it got dirty while they were sick
He opens windows, wipes down countertops, throws away tissues, the works
All in the hopes that MC feels better
Whenever they need tissues or cough drops, he gets some for them
He also really wants to show some affection but is still a little awkward about it
Since he arrived later in the day, he asks what they want for dinner but they admit they haven’t eaten yet
At a loss, he orders take-out, not wanting to cook and dirty the clean kitchen
He manages to help MC to the kitchen and they sit together, eating their take-out and talking about everything and nothing
If they started coughing while eating, Saeran moves their food to the side and rubs their back gently
Afterwards, he cleans up all the food and goes back to their bedroom with them
They insist on cuddles, while sniffling, and he can’t say no to that so the two cuddle together until they fall asleep
(Somehow Saeran doesn’t get sick and MC is salty)
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
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@datmysticmessenger an art for you guys to celebrate that you’re back!
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
We will be going to bed now! Admin Rina has to get to work at 8:30 tomorrow and Admin Mp is sleepy AF! So keep sending in the asks and we will get back to you all tomorrow! We have some really great ones right now and we really can’t wait to show you all them!
Night Smellies <3
Admin Rina ;3c
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
“Quick catch that cat it stole my wallet!” With jumin please? I just feel like it fits 😂 :)) thank you
Admin Rina: *Is half asleep and really should be getting to bed* What if Zen WAS the cat.
Sorry if this is kind of weird, I am half asleep but this was funnier in my head.
This was the worse day in Zen’s life, he was really hoping that he was dreaming. Because if he wasn’t then he was the 5th circle of hell or something like that. He was in the middle of Jumin’s house, and he was about 9 inches, with silver fur. Zen had become his worst nightmare, he was a cat. Before he had time to think about what to do next he heard loud foot steps coming in the room, those steps could only belong to one person.
“What in the world
Elizabeth did you bring a friend home or something?” Zen heard a loud voice booming over him, everything was so much louder when you were this small. Zen felt himself being lifted up, it was the most gentle of touches under his belly. Zen felt Jumin cradle him in his arms and start rubbing the top of his head. Was Jumin always this gentle?
“Where in the world did you come from? Zen was just in here a minute ago, and I know he didn’t bring a cat with him.” Jumin said, his voice was very soft now it was almost as gentle as his touch.
While Zen was really loving all of this attention, he was really hating being allergic to himself. Zen took this time to look around the room, he had to do something to get Jumin to know it was him. As he looked around he saw a photo on the dresser of Jumin, V, and himself, maybe if he got to the picture he could point to himself
or at less put his paw on his face. He just needed to get Jumin over there
but how?
Just as Jumin was moving to scratch under his chin he saw Jumin’s wallet on the table in front of them. It wasn’t the best of plans to come to Zen’s mind, but it was a plan. In one quick motion Zen jumped out of Jumin’s arms onto the table, and picked up the wallet off of the table, and just did the only thing he could think of doing. He ran.
“Quick catch that cat it stole my wallet!” Zen heard Jumin yell to someone in the room, most likely a bodyguard. Zen ran and jumped over everything in that room, with Jumin not too far behind him.
Just as Zen was about to jump up onto the counter he started feeling weird, almost like he was floating. Before he knew it he was opening his eyes in his own bed. Zen sat up quick to look over his body, placing his hands on either side of his face to look for any signs of fur. Thankfully there were none to be found, with a sigh of relief he placed his head back down on the pillow.
“That’s it, no more tuna sandwiches before bed.”
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
Hi there! Would it be alright if I could request V and Jumin with an MC for the ridiculous sentence prompt "So what if I broke my arm I'm still doing it" please? Also I wanted to say that you three are so sweet and all of your writing is phenomenal!!
Aaaahhh thank you so much!! Your words are so kind :3 Also I lOVE this prompt and I hope I delivered what you wanted!!
~Admin MP
When V suggested that him, Jumin and MC go on a nice, calming trip to the woods to celebrate the fact that V had gone through with his eye surgery, they all readily agreed. After all, Jumin assured them both that it would be a wonderful trip with all expenses paid for. There would be no worries for any of them, Jumin promised.
After they arrived at the cabin, they decided to take a small hike to scope out the area before riding some four-wheelers that Jumin had bought especially for this occasion. MC was super excited to try out the four-wheelers; it was the only thing they could talk about for fifteen straight minutes. 
They began talking to Jumin and V about all the tricks they wanted to learn with the four-wheeler, until they saw a tree. It was a good climbing tree, MC said, and while MC scurried up the tree’s branches, V pulled himself up onto a lower branch, sitting comfortably. Jumin watched them both affectionately from the ground.
It was fine until MC slipped, scrambling to catch themselves, banging their arm on a branch painfully before flopping onto the ground with a ‘thump’.
V hopped down as fast as he could while Jumin kneeled next to MC, asking if MC was alright and hovering above them. MC brushed them both off, claiming that they were alright, giving both of them a pained smile. Even though the two men weren’t convinced, they let it go as MC kept reassuring them that they were fine.
Thirty minutes later, they had forgotten about the incident, not noticing how MC seemed to be favoring their arm a lot. But it was time for the four-wheelers. MC was so excited that it was palpable. 
“Finally,” they said, a huge grin coming over their face. V was happy that they were so passionate about the four-wheelers. So much, in fact, that he offered to ride in the back part of the four-wheeler with them. Jumin had his own four-wheeler and followed alongside them, the wind blowing his dark hair back, tousling it perfectly. 
As they moved along, going faster with each second, V noticed that MC was holding their arm awkwardly, wincing as they pushed on the gas with their thumb.
“MC? Is your arm okay?” V asked, narrowing his eyes at the look of discomfort on their face.
“Yeah, no, it’s good. Might be broken, but it’s fine,” MC replied, gritting their teeth. “Now, I wanna jump that dip up there. It’ll be fun.” 
“What,” V said.
“Did you say your arm is broken?!” Jumin shouted alongside them, face creased with worry. 
“I said it might be, but I still wanna jump that dip!” MC called back, shrugging a bit then hissing through clenched teeth at the pain. 
“No! Pull over, you are not doing that!” Jumin ordered, beginning to slow down. In response, MC just went faster. V clung onto them for dear life.
“What,” he said again, still attempting to process what was happening. 
“SO WHAT IF MY ARM IS BROKEN, I’M STILL DOING IT,” yelled MC, gunning it and hurtling towards the dip they wanted to jump at full speed.
“WHAT,”, V shouted, turning back to lock eyes with Jumin. His teal-colored eyes screamed, ‘please fucking help me.’
Jumin could only watch as their four-wheeler jumped the dip in the ground, arcing into the air gracefully.
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
Would you be willing to do “I can’t believe I’m sitting in space jail with you of all people.” With vanderwood, please? Thanks 😊
Yea I’m kind of actually a slut for Vanderwood lmao
~Admin MP
Going lasertagging sounded like a good idea at first. 
In fact, it sounded like an amazing idea! It would be fun. MC loved lasertag. It was one of their favorite activities. They knew they would have a great time.
That was before Seven invited Vanderwood along. 
It wasn’t that MC didn’t like Vanderwood, no-- it was the opposite. But they were both so... competitive. MC just knew that things would end badly.
And they did.
MC had a bloody nose and Vanderwood had a black eye. 
Okay, listen, it wasn’t MC’s fault that Vanderwood had started mocking MC and well...MC got a little bit carried away. Throwing their gun at Vanderwood probably wasn’t...the best idea. Not to mention that when Vanderwood stumbled and tripped, they dragged MC along, causing them to crash into a wall and get a bloody nose. 
Then they had been escorted by some workers to what they called “space jail”, which was basically a small room decorated with glow in the dark stickers and white paint, which shone in the blacklight. Troublemakers were sent there. MC half expected there to be grafitti with the words ‘help me’ scrawled on the walls, but there was nothing there except for a crudely sketched dick.
“I can’t believe I’m sitting in space jail with you of all people,” Vanderwood muttered, arms crossed. MC had to admit, with that black eye, Vanderwood looked...kind of cool.
“Oh, shut up,” MC muttered, refusing to think any more thoughts of that vein.
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datmysticmessenger · 7 years
“Who wouldn’t be angry you ate all of my cereal and faked your death for three years!” With Zen please! :))
I had come fun with this one, and I made it kind of cute. I hope you like it!
Admin Rina ;3c
It was just a normal day in the apartment of Zen and MC, MC had taken to just laying on the couch watching tv. It was a very lazy day with them, with Zen being gone for the day at a tryout. It was close to 5:30 by the time MC heard the door open, their head looked over to meet Zen’s eyes.
“Hey sweetie! How was your tryouts?” MC asked with that normal happy go lucky smile on their face. Sadly MC did not see the same smile on Zen’s face, it was quiet as he slipped off his shoes and walked over to the couch. They heard a small sigh escape from Zen’s lips as he fell face first into the couch.
“MC this is awful.” Was the first muffled sentence MC heard from him. Oh no, MC could only assume the worse.
“Oh sweetie, I’m sorry. Did you not get the part?” MC asked running their finger through Zen’s long silver hair.
“No I got the part.” Zen told MC looking up to face them. Well MC was now very confused, why was he so sad if he got the part?
“Ryu why are you so sad then? You got the part! Isn’t that a good thing?” MC watched as Zen pulled his phone out from his back pocket, they saw him open up an e-mail and then open up a document in the e-mail.
“Yeah I thought it would be great too, but just read the summary! MC I have worked on some very awful, low budget movies and shows before but they are NOTHING compared to this shit show!” MC grabbed the phone from his hand and read over the script slowly, and Zen was 100% right. If MC was reading this right the move was about a
father that faked his death? But he also had a twin sister that he
slept with because he didn’t know that
he was related to her? And they ended up have a child together? But it wasn’t actually his, or something like that. It really just got worse and worse from there on out.
well I mean, it could be fun! Something that is out of your range you know?” MC was still trying to stay positive for Zen but they could see it wasn’t really working.
“Read the first line of page 33.” Zen said, before promptly placing his head back into the couch.
“It says
”Who wouldn’t be angry you ate all of my cereal and faked your death for three years!”
Wow that line sure is
something.” MC said, it getting harder and harder to keep their smile going.
“MC tell me the truth, this is the worse thing you have ever read isn’t it?” Zen asked muffled into the couch.
“Yeah, Ryu, this is the worse thing I have read if I’m being honest with you.” MC said locking the phone and placing it on the table next to them “But you can always tell them no! Just tell them you have something else come up!” Zen looked back up to MC
“I guess I could, I just hate saying no to roles. What if nothing else comes along?” Zen asked MC with the saddest puppy dog look in his eyes
“Zen there will always be more roles! You are Zen, you are the best actor I know!” MC told him, the smile coming back to their face.
“MC I’m the only actor that you know.” Zen said with a smile finally gracing his lips. It made MC happy to finally see him smiling again.
“Yeah and that is why you are the best in my book!”
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