#admin rina
rinacentral · 1 month
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Hello, Rinas! The admins of @rinacentral are proud to announce that we will be hosting an event prompt each month to encourage the creative pursuits of the wonderful members of our fandom. This month's prompt is FAVOURITES! Create something relating to your favourite rina moments, quotes, seasons, episodes — it can be anything and everything you want! This event will run for the month of May, from the 1st to the 31st!
To participate:
consider joining the rina nation discord
reblog this post
create something that fits the prompt
caption your post: @rinacentral event 1: favourites
tag us in your post with #rinacentral
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out! We cannot wait to see what you create!
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lotsoflovelive · 1 year
mv 4! snow halation! i have a job interview today :3
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stopscammingartists · 13 days
Floraverse admin samaelbretondragon / Samael101 / Sunbe / Creator of So Sorry in Undertale is complicit in the sexual abuse of children and minors - and so is a lot of the fatfur community, frankly
This is a long requested post.
First off, yes, Samael is an admin of Floraverse, a cult that frequently engages in Zoophilia and Pedophilia acts and enables those within the community who are pedophiles and zoophiles.
You can learn more about it at : https://floraverseisacult.com
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In case this post gets screenshotted without the links, I am not talking about drawn pedophilia or zoophilia.
I mean the cult's leader, Glitchedpuppet, has let their cat lick their genitalia, they also claim to have been forced to rape 2 dogs by their ex-husband and former writer of Floraverse Marl, Marl was also sexually abusing and making porn of the family dog Apollo and Glitchedpuppet was aware of it for a very long time before divorcing him, Glitchedpuppets current wife Eevee who lived with them at the time was likely also aware that Apollo was being sexually abused, Eevee also has her own history of arguing child porn made with actual children should be legal to own and that zoophilia is ethical, Marl had sexually abused minors and even tried to convince one to film themselves having sex with a dog for him to distribute, despite always having access to the truth and knowing Marl was sexually abusing Apollo before either these children spoke up, Glip would defend their then-husband for years, slander at least one the children who spoke out as a 'someone who lies to try and entrap men in a CP charge'.
I could go on about the children this group has hurt animals and children for a very, very, very, very long time. This is very well documented, and public information.
But this post is about Samael, a person who has joined this group, funded it, and is now an admin of it despite how well documented this is. I will point out she has two patreon roles and a commissioner role in addition to her admin role. According to Rina, a victim who left 2 years ago, Samael is a frequent commissioner to Glip.
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On 4/9/2024 Samael's connection to this predator group was noted by the general public, and another fatfur by the name of Goth Gator decided to speak up about his experiences with Sameal on twitter. He has close friends and family who were groomed by Floraverse (A common experience) and when he spoke out about it, he was harassed and slandered within the fat fur community.
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Because of twitter's recent api changes, creating archives of twitter posts are difficult if not impossible for around this time, so bear with me, as Gothgators thread was not able to be archived before he was run off the platform by Sameals supporters. So some reliance on screenshots will be necessary, and a lot of this has been deleted into the ether completely.
Because, yes, gothgator was again, slandered, sent graphic imagery, and sent transphobic remarks all in support of Samael, so he had to delete both his twitter and bluesky for his own safety. Very cool things that very innocent people need to do when someone speaks up about sexual abuse.
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Some fatfurs like Deerfats and Pouchprints would argue that people should forgive pedophiles who are still actively hurting children because it just makes everyone more miserable if you don't just...let them keep doing it, I guess?
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Pas / Roundrams would also argue that it's healthier to 'just cut the people off [and let them keep abusing children]'
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Laura / Koboldium would also support Sameal, and would later argue that "It's still cruel harassment, and that's never good even if you think you're doing the right thing [by calling out abusers to protect others from being abused by them.]"
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To be frank Laura, the evidence against Floraverse, Glip, and their orbiters is so publicly well documented and available that the assumption that you stand by Samael still is only because they "draw good art" is a kind assumption towards you and the others.
Because the only other alternative after looking at "both sides" is that you, roundrams, pouchprints, deerfats and adorablimp, all like Sameal, simply have no issue with pedophila and zoophila.
You know, for a 'woke witch' you sure do have some in common the alt-right when it comes to tolerance and enabling of the sexual exploitation of children. Might want to reconsider that title, Laura.
Actually, let me talk about this for a moment, roundrams, pouchprints, deerfats, koboldium all essentially argue that victims of sexual abuse should not talk about this because it causes some sort of "harm". That it's unhealthy for the victim, or those around them, and that's somehow worse then not talking about it. The goal of this argument, is obviously, to stop victims from speaking out.
How is this any different from right-wing politicians who try to take away sex education from minors because sex education gives minors the ability to speak out about being sexually abused?
I'll tell you how: It's not any different. It's two different arguments that achieve the same thing of allowing sexual predators to get away with sexually abusing others scot-free by guilting the victim into never speaking up or keeping the victim ignorant so they physically can't speak up.
Going along with the comparison to right-wing idealism argued here by Sameals supporters would most egregiously be Iggy or adorablimp would put out an entire transphobic thread arguing that Gothgator has to be lying because their cousin used different pronouns throughout the years and arguing that Floraverse was created too soon to have groomed his relative.....ignoring that the people who built Floraverse has been around for a long time and have been grooming children well before Floraverse even existed. I myself was groomed in their previous project, PMD-E.
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Samael, for her part publicly, would only put out a single tweet about the controversy.
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It was essentially a 'this isn't true' statement despite the mountain of documentation and other victims speaking up indicating otherwise.
Because to be clear, these are things the group is still doing. Right now. Said best by another victim of the group, Rina:
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Of course, that was the things that were said publicly, privately the fatfur community ran goth_gator off the platform for uh, daring to speak up about known sexual abusers grooming his relative and close friends!
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It would be pointed out a month later by a few other fatfurs, that things seemed to have returned to business as usual in the fatfur community. People pretend that Sameal isn't an admin in a known documented zoopedo cult, and people who had been pretending to be neutral in the entire situation are now buddying up with Sameal.
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I put out this question to you, furry community, especially the fat fur community.
Where do you really stand when it comes to sexual abuse of children and animals?
Are you fine with it, willing to put out right-wing arguments that you would happily shoot down otherwise to support your favorite pedophile funding fat fur? Or are you not? Are you brave enough to take a stand against the sexual abuse of children and animals? Or would your rather passively ignore its presence in your community to keep some vague sense of peace?
I would hope you would make a choice you would be proud of.
In the meantime, you should consider financially supporting gothgator, he's financially struggling after being run off his social media accounts for speaking out against the sexual abuse of children by people in the fat fur community.
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best-underrated-anime · 7 months
Best Underrated Anime Group J Round 1: #J8 vs #J1
#J8: Teenage girls find a random guy in a river, adventure ensues.
A few young girls with strange powers and a tree that has grown through a railcar cling onto life in a desolate land, searching for its last reservoirs of water. Their routine struggle to survive is interrupted by the arrival of Wakaba, a boy with no memory beyond his own name.
The girls and their new companion commit to a perilous journey across seas of burning red fog—all in order to find what they need to sustain themselves on the more distant, dangerous islands swarming with robotic bugs. Their ultimate fate will be decided by their own strength, along with Wakaba's curious ability to understand the Kemurikusa: mysterious glowing leaves with wondrous powers. Besides the girls, Wakaba, and the hordes of ravenous bugs, the Kemurikusa are the last sparks of life surviving in this land. How did things end up this way? Why are there so many empty buildings with no one to live in them? Wakaba and the girls lack the answers to these questions, which means the truth can only be found within the Kemurikusa.
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#J1: Magical girls kill monsters, find themselves, and yuri it up
Cocona is an average middle schooler living with her grandmother. And she, who has yet to decide a goal to strive for, soon met a strange girl named Papika who invites her to an organization called Flip Flap.
Dragged along by the energetic stranger, Cocona finds herself in the world of Pure Illusion—a bizarre alternate dimension—helping Papika look for crystal shards. Upon completing their mission, Papika and Cocona are sent to yet another world in Pure Illusion. As a dangerous creature besets them, the girls use their crystals to transform into magical girls: Cocona into Pure Blade, and Papika into Pure Barrier. But as they try to defeat the creature before them, three others with powers from a rival organization enter the fray and slay the creature, taking with them a fragment left behind from its body. Afterward, the girls realize that to stand a chance against their rivals and the creatures in Pure Illusion, they must learn to work together and synchronize their feelings in order to transform more effectively.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#J8: Kemurikusa (TV)
Here’s ONE bit of propaganda for you: Kemurikusa is made by Tatsuki, the extremely talented director behind the original Kemono Friends anime by Yaoyorozu. This time, Tatsuki’s really stepped up his game: not only is this an improvement from his original short by the same name, this is also both an animation improvement and a writing improvement from the Yaoyorozu made Kemono Friends.
With Tatsuki’s skill as a writer to tell tight, medium-paced stories centering girls and the apocalypse, Kemurikusa focuses on both the emotions of Rin, Rina, and Ritsu, as well as fleshing out Wakaba to be more than just a simple sidekick, but the heart of the series, providing a very typically feminine role of comfort, care, and nurturing. The subversion of typical masculine and feminine roles in the story, especially from a male director, as well as the well-written, well-developed female characters (of which there are about 7, including a spoiler character), is a bonus for people who don’t like stereotypical “cool tough male character/generic nice boring female character who doesn’t do anything” stories.
The concept of a world sapped of resources by technology is also fascinating. [Admin: this part of the propaganda has been cut out due to possible spoilers.] Sadly, I can’t find a trailer, as this anime is SUPER obscure, but I linked the opening video to show another strength as well: the music. Just listen to it: this song is a total banger.
Trigger Warnings: Flashing lights, Child death (in reference to the characters’ motivation to find water)
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#J1: Flip Flappers
Flip Flappers is a magical girl show that brings its own unique twist to the genre, while still being reminiscent of older classics. It has incredibly creative visuals, good characters, and an absolute banger soundtrack! The deeper messages of the show are about finding the courage to start making your own decisions and living your life the way you want it, growing up, and the struggle against controlling authority figures that entails. While it is a fun show, the emotional moments it has hit hard! It also has a yuri narrative (seriously, they even get taken to an all-girls Catholic school yuri setting one time), which I’m sure the himejoshis on this webbed site would appreciate if they saw the show!
Trigger Warnings: Depictions of child and emotional abuse, both at a side character and a main character. Control over children is a common theme in the show.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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theothin · 2 years
Analysis: Kiyoharu Suirenji
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While I’m back to talking about Magical Girl Site, I think it’s a good time to take a closer look at Kiyoharu. I love her story as a trans magical girl, and I want to put together some thoughts on why.
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Kiyoharu is part of the second group of magical girls introduced, with her item being a ring that lets her connect to the minds of others. Her first scene establishes that she’s trans, and that people around her are very much not accepting of that. Continuing with examples below the cut.
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In Magical Girl Site, magical girls get their powers after something awful happens to them, which in Kiyoharu’s case is the bullying and harassment she faces at school. Which bothers her, but she recognizes the bullies as the problem, not herself.
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There’s a lot of possible trans stories worth telling. Out of other anime/manga I’ve enjoyed, there’s ones where it goes more easily like Lily in Zombieland Saga, and more complex ones like Akira in I Wanna Be Your Girl. But Kiyoharu’s story makes for its own interesting combination: she’s surrounded by all of this and still 100% confident in what she’s about.
It’s worth noting that this is not limited to school.
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For the most part, the other magical girls aren't great about this either, although Kiyoharu does get along better with them than with the people at school. This does muddle the messaging a bit, but it's well established that magical girls in this story are often huge assholes. (Kiyoharu is one of the nicer ones, and still has a delightfully sadistic side.)
Kiyoharu doesn't really assert her gender in this scene, although it plays out a bit differently in the anime. There, Rina is the one to call her a crossdresser, and Kosame is the one who speculates that Kiyoharu getting her powers could have been a mistake. Regardless, the story makes it plenty clear that she’s trans.
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A particularly interesting thing about Kiyoharu's story as a trans magical girl is that no transformations are involved. For comparison, La Pucelle in Magical Girl Raising Project takes a feminine form through transformation, and Fav describes her as "one of the few boys able to become a magical girl". Which makes La Pucelle come off as a trans girl, but also attributes her status as a girl to the transformation. In contrast, most magical girls in Magical Girl Site don’t use any sort of transformation magic, Kiyoharu included - and she’s still presented as a magical girl.
And being a magical girl, specifically, is relevant in this story. At this point we’ll jump to later on the manga, so expect more spoilers, including things from past the events of the anime.
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The King of Magical Girls is apparently only able to make use of energy from girls - when the magic items fall into the hands of guys, she notices and sends people to stop them. Which suggests that if the admins did make a mistake, they’d do something about it. But Kiyoharu has been using her powers for some time before the start of the story, without interference from the admins.
Like with other aspects of Kiyoharu’s story, there are some mixed messages here - when the two of them meet, the King calls Kiyoharu a boy. The overall takeaways regarding Kiyoharu’s magic aren’t entirely clear, which does cost some points in my book, but I’m inclined to give more weight to what we see from the rest of the story.
Another interesting thing from late in the story is the results of Aya’s timeline jumping.
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When Aya starts creating alternate timelines, she goes after the circumstances that caused each of the magical girls to get their powers. In Kiyoharu’s case, that meant doing something about the students and teachers harassing her. The solution feels a bit simplistic, but it clearly supports the messaging from earlier: that the problem in Kiyoharu’s life is the people giving her shit for being trans.
This is more significant than it might sound. There’s a lot of anime where a character is presented as gender-variant in some way, then ends up with the message that what they needed was to feel ready to go back to being how they “originally” were. Chihiro from Danganronpa is a particularly prominent example of this, having a whole storyline about “trying to get the courage to admit to really being a guy”. For a different take in a similar vein, Ruka from Steins;Gate succeeds in rewriting time to get the body she wanted, but then has to give it up as each of the characters have to undo the changes they made to the timeline. Those characters both have their fans, but that sure isn’t what I’m looking for.
It’s not hard to imagine a story where a character identifies as a trans girl, gets bullied for it, and “solves” the problem by detransitioning. Honestly, I’d be willing to bet that there’s already some absolutely awful stories like that. There’s some interesting potential in stories involving detransition, but it’s a delicate topic that tends to be handled extremely poorly, and anime is not where I’d be inclined to look for a good one.
With all that in mind, it’s striking how Magical Girl Site rejects those ideas. For an idealized version of Kiyoharu’s life, it shows a scenario where she gets accepted for being trans.
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In spite of some muddled messaging, Kiyoharu’s story adds up to something I’ve found really compelling. I don’t know of any other stories that handle a superpowered trans character in a way quite like this, and especially any shows that do. Magical Girl Site is a story that leans into extremes, and the results aren’t to everyone’s tastes, but they’re certainly distinctive. In Kiyoharu’s case, that means facing a ton of harassment, staying absolutely confident in spite of it, and being both extremely adorable and ready to annihilate anyone in her way. There’s something really special about that.
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arbitergeneraljy · 17 days
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐬 : online — offline
𝐀𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 : dozing off in the Seat of Divine Foresight
𝐍𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 : rules — carrd — tag directory — promo
𝐀𝐬𝐤𝐬 : open !
𝐃𝐌𝐬 : closed !
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↳⸼⸳ This account is not affiliated with Honkai Star Rail and Hoyoverse in any shape or form. This is a fanmade rp blog purely for entertainment only. No speech or actions here portray the company or game whatsoever, and (almost) all plotlines are complete works of fiction.
↳⸼⸳ This account is manned by admin rina @rinaataruu
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© 𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗮𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘂𝘂
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rinaweek · 1 year
rina fest 2023 guidelines 💜
who can participate in rina fest?
anyone! this event is open to all
because of this, rina fest 2023 is a sfw event. any content deemed nsfw will not be reblogged by the official rina week account
what can rina fest participants submit?
the theme is best of rina. share what you love the most about rina (for example your favourite tropes, favourite moments, favourite dynamic, or anything else!) by posting any form of content you'd like
this could include fanfiction, artwork, gifsets, edits, fancams, manips, social media aus or anything else you can think of. we encourage participants to get creative
please note: it is not necessary to stick to the theme. if you'd like to post other rina related content to celebrate the weekend, then go for it. the more content the merrier!
where will rina fest take place?
content created will be reblogged on tumblr and retweeted on twitter
if you post your content on other websites (for example, if a fanfiction is posted to archive of our own, or if a fancam is posted to youtube), we recommend you create a post with its link on tumblr or twitter so that the official rina week account can promote it
when is rina fest taking place, and when should i post my content?
rina fest 2023 is a weekend long event running on saturday 6 may and sunday 7 may as voted by the fandom, and you are welcome to post content on one or both of these days
however, if you are late posting content for the event, it's totally fine! properly tagged rina fest content will still be reblogged or retweeted by the official rina week account up to a month after rina fest ends - so don't stress too much about meeting those deadlines
why does rina fest exist?
to tide us over during the series hiatus, and to increase content in and to promote the creators of the rina fandom
how do i as a content creator participate in rina fest?
post your content on tumblr or twitter with the hashtag "rina fest 2023" and tag @rinaweek in your post. we will attempt to reblog or retweet every post (unless it is nsfw as mentioned above)
if we happen to miss your post, please feel free to dm us. however, bear in mind that rina week admin may not always be online, and therefore we may not see your post directly after it is posted
faq will be answered on 15 april 2023 for any questions not outlined in the above post. please feel free to leave your questions in the google form linked here if you have any
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districtninewriters · 2 years
welcome (back) to district nine writers' guild!
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Thanks to everyone who applied and expressed interest in joining us. We're excited to welcome our new members and to welcome back our returning members!
Emrys - @hyukxs (formerly Jules!)
Salena - @moonlit-han
Amanda - @lee--felix
Aria - @joshuas
Genny - @spookybias
Ivy - @chogiwow
Izzy - @decembermoonskz
Jas - @crispy-chan
Kat - @straykits
Lia - @mxxndreams
Minnie - @armysantiny
Rain - @petrichor-han
Rey - @saltyboyz
Riel - @starlighthan
Rina - @soulssung
Ti - @sulfurcosmos
Toffee - @neo-shitty
Val - @valreadsfics
If your name is on the list, please reblog this post so that we know you’ve seen it. Remember to tag your fics with #districtninewriters. We've also added everyone listed above to our members page, so go check it out!
If you applied and your name is not on this list, you are welcome to apply again when applications re-open. Before reapplying, please make sure you carefully read our requirements, particularly as they relate to using appropriate warnings. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the admins!
Thanks again, everyone, and we look forward to the network's new era!
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second-string-loser · 11 months
the hulu twitter admin tweeting “if you have a brain you [ship rina]” they’re so funny
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yuna-updates · 1 year
Admin will be coming back around July, sorry for the late update since my schedule is too er er so yeah. Your patience will be very much appreciated right so I'll talk to you soon and yes, admin misses all of you guys.
Tags: @bluejayboys @taehyung-bot @foxpack-cb (channie) @chooseyourmx (Joo and kyunnie) @princeacademybackup (junnie) @killerbots (Rina) @uridealgf-cb (Ryu) @utopiabot (woonie) @idolsam-oc @idolseojun-oc @teyvatcb @lluvrcore (Yuri) @heartbrokenxxheejin @your-au-boys (Jay and Jupiter)
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rinacentral · 11 months
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the rina nation discord server invites you to join us for an hsmtmts rewatch in the lead up to season 4's release, starting today! come chat all things hsmtmts & rina with us, starting from the very beginning
the details
what: daily episode discussions in an episode per day format when: july 10th - august 8th where: the rina nation discord server! join us if you haven't already
we can't wait to see you all there!
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lotsoflovelive · 1 year
mv 10! yume no tobira featuring nijigasaki! so hungry
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forgive-the-sea · 2 years
blame peaky blinders for getting me back into the arctic monkeys
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can you make a re-do of the So Sorry post with a "read more" added &, if you do, the details about bestiality moved below the cut? i'd reblog if that post were more....accessible, for a wider audience.
The reason I have the mentions of bestiality at the top is because people just assume I'm talking about drawn fictional art and not abuse that has actually occurred. That prefacing at the start is really important, and making a post that is completely under a read more feels rather pointless, so I'll meet you in the middle and create a version that is just censored:
Floraverse admin samaelbretondragon / Samael101 / Sunbe / Creator of So Sorry in Undertale is complicit in sexual abuse - and so is a lot of the fatfur community, frankly
This is a long requested post.
First off, yes, Samael is an admin of Floraverse, a cult that frequently engages in various forms of sexual abuse and enables those within the community who are abusers and sexual abusers.
You can learn more about it at : https://floraverseisacult.com
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In case this post gets screenshotted without the links, I am not talking about abuse that is depicted in illustrations. Real children and animals were abused by figureheads in this group.
I mean the cult's leader, Glitchedpuppet, has willingly engaged with sexually abusing one of their pets, was forced to sexually abuse 2 other animals by their ex-husband and former writer of Floraverse Marl, Marl was also sexually abusing of another pet the family had and Glitchedpuppet was aware of it for a very long time before divorcing him, Glitchedpuppets current wife Eevee who lived with them at the time was likely also aware that this animal was being sexually abused by Marl, Eevee also has her own history of arguing that various sex crimes are ethical or even should be legal, Marl had sexually abused minors and even tried to produce CP, despite always having access to the truth and knowing Marl was sexually abusing at least one of their pets before either the children he abused spoke up, Glip would defend their then-husband for years, slander at least one the children who spoke out as a 'someone who lies to try and entrap men in a CP charge'.
I could go on about the children this group has hurt animals and children for a very, very, very, very long time. This is very well documented, and public information.
But this post is about Samael, a person who has joined this group, funded it, and is now an admin of it despite how well documented this is. I will point out she has two patreon roles and a commissioner role in addition to her admin role. According to Rina, a victim who left 2 years ago, Samael is a frequent commissioner to Glip.
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On 4/9/2024 Samael's connection to this predator group was noted by the general public, and another fatfur by the name of Goth Gator decided to speak up about his experiences with Sameal on twitter. He has close friends and family who were groomed by Floraverse (A common experience) and when he spoke out about it, he was harassed and slandered within the fat fur community.
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Because of twitter's recent api changes, creating archives of twitter posts are difficult if not impossible for around this time, so bear with me, as Gothgators thread was not able to be archived before he was run off the platform by Sameals supporters. So some reliance on screenshots will be necessary, and a lot of this has been deleted into the ether completely.
Because, yes, gothgator was again, slandered, sent graphic imagery, and sent transphobic remarks all in support of Samael, so he had to delete both his twitter and bluesky for his own safety. Very cool things that very innocent people need to do when someone speaks up about sexual abuse.
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Some fatfurs like Deerfats and Pouchprints would argue that people should forgive sexual abusers who are still actively hurting people because it just makes everyone more miserable if you don't just...let them keep doing it, I guess?
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Pas / Roundrams would also argue that it's healthier to 'just cut the people off [and let them keep abusing vulnerable people]'
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Laura / Koboldium would also support Sameal, and would later argue that "It's still cruel harassment, and that's never good even if you think you're doing the right thing [by calling out abusers to protect others from being abused by them.]"
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To be frank Laura, the evidence against Floraverse, Glip, and their orbiters is so publicly well documented and available that the assumption that you stand by Samael still is only because they "draw good art" is a kind assumption towards you and the others.
Because the only other alternative after looking at "both sides" is that you, roundrams, pouchprints, deerfats and adorablimp, all like Sameal, simply have no issue with sexual abuse.
You know, for a 'woke witch' you sure do have some in common the alt-right when it comes to tolerance and enabling of the sexual exploitation of vulnerable groups. Might want to reconsider that title, Laura.
Actually, let me talk about this for a moment, roundrams, pouchprints, deerfats, koboldium all essentially argue that victims of sexual abuse should not talk about this because it causes some sort of "harm". That it's unhealthy for the victim, or those around them, and that's somehow worse then not talking about it. The goal of this argument, is obviously, to stop victims from speaking out.
How is this any different from right-wing politicians who try to take away sex education because sex education gives people the ability to speak out about being sexually abused?
I'll tell you how: It's not any different. It's two different arguments that achieve the same thing of allowing sexual predators to get away with sexually abusing others scot-free by guilting the victim into never speaking up or keeping the victim ignorant so they physically can't speak up.
Going along with the comparison to right-wing idealism argued here by Sameals supporters would most egregiously be Iggy or adorablimp would put out an entire transphobic thread arguing that Gothgator has to be lying because their cousin used different pronouns throughout the years and arguing that Floraverse was created too soon to have sexually abused his relative.....ignoring that the people who built Floraverse has been around for a long time and have been sexually abusing people well before Floraverse even existed.
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Samael, for her part publicly, would only put out a single tweet about the controversy.
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It was essentially a 'this isn't true' statement despite the mountain of documentation and other victims speaking up indicating otherwise.
Because to be clear, these are things the group is still doing. Right now. Said best by another victim of the group, Rina:
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Of course, that was the things that were said publicly, privately the fatfur community ran goth_gator off the platform for uh, daring to speak up about known sexual abusers grooming his relative and close friends!
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It would be pointed out a month later by a few other fatfurs, that things seemed to have returned to business as usual in the fatfur community. People pretend that Sameal isn't an admin in a known documented cult that is sexually abusive, and people who had been pretending to be neutral in the entire situation are now buddying up with Sameal.
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I put out this question to you, furry community, especially the fat fur community.
Where do you really stand when it comes to sexual abuse of children and animals?
Are you fine with it, willing to put out right-wing arguments that you would happily shoot down otherwise to support your favorite pedophile funding fat fur? Or are you not? Are you brave enough to take a stand against the sexual abuse of children and animals? Or would your rather passively ignore its presence in your community to keep some vague sense of peace?
I would hope you would make a choice you would be proud of.
In the meantime, you should consider financially supporting gothgator, he's financially struggling after being run off his social media accounts for speaking out against the sexual abuse of children by people in the fat fur community.
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best-underrated-anime · 3 months
Best Underrated Anime Group J Round 3: #J8 vs #J2
#J8: Teenage girls find a random guy in a river, adventure ensues
#J2: Two girls wander the post-apocalyptic world
Details and poll under the cut!
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#J8: Kemurikusa (TV)
A few young girls with strange powers and a tree that has grown through a railcar cling onto life in a desolate land, searching for its last reservoirs of water. Their routine struggle to survive is interrupted by the arrival of Wakaba, a boy with no memory beyond his own name.
The girls and their new companion commit to a perilous journey across seas of burning red fog—all in order to find what they need to sustain themselves on the more distant, dangerous islands swarming with robotic bugs. Their ultimate fate will be decided by their own strength, along with Wakaba's curious ability to understand the Kemurikusa: mysterious glowing leaves with wondrous powers. Besides the girls, Wakaba, and the hordes of ravenous bugs, the Kemurikusa are the last sparks of life surviving in this land. How did things end up this way? Why are there so many empty buildings with no one to live in them? Wakaba and the girls lack the answers to these questions, which means the truth can only be found within the Kemurikusa.
Here’s ONE bit of propaganda for you: Kemurikusa is made by Tatsuki, the extremely talented director behind the original Kemono Friends anime by Yaoyorozu. This time, Tatsuki’s really stepped up his game: not only is this an improvement from his original short by the same name, this is also both an animation improvement and a writing improvement from the Yaoyorozu made Kemono Friends.
With Tatsuki’s skill as a writer to tell tight, medium-paced stories centering girls and the apocalypse, Kemurikusa focuses on both the emotions of Rin, Rina, and Ritsu, as well as fleshing out Wakaba to be more than just a simple sidekick, but the heart of the series, providing a very typically feminine role of comfort, care, and nurturing. The subversion of typical masculine and feminine roles in the story, especially from a male director, as well as the well-written, well-developed female characters (of which there are about 7, including a spoiler character), is a bonus for people who don’t like stereotypical “cool tough male character/generic nice boring female character who doesn’t do anything” stories.
The concept of a world sapped of resources by technology is also fascinating. [Admin: this part of the propaganda has been cut out due to possible spoilers.] Sadly, I can’t find a trailer, as this anime is SUPER obscure, but I linked the opening video to show another strength as well: the music. Just listen to it: this song is a total banger.
Trigger Warnings: Flashing lights, Child death (in reference to the characters’ motivation to find water)
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#J2: Girls’ Last Tour (Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou)
Amid the desolate remains of a once-thriving city, only the rumbling of a motorbike breaks the cold winter silence. Its riders, Chito and Yuuri, are the last survivors in the war-torn city. Scavenging old military sites for food and parts, the two girls explore the wastelands and speculate about the old world to pass the time. Chito and Yuuri each occasionally struggle with the looming solitude, but when they have each other, sharing the weight of being two of the last humans becomes a bit more bearable. Between Yuuri’s clumsy excitement and Chito’s calm composure, their dark days get a little brighter with shooting practice, new books, and snowball fights on the frozen battlefield.
Above everything else, this is a show about how human life and curiosity will continue to exist even in terrible circumstances. The two main characters are super charming, so following them around is fun, but even beyond that it’s just a gorgeous show. The scenery is often awe-inspiring and beautiful, as is the soundtrack. Despite the show taking place after the end of the world, it can be surprisingly uplifting as the girls (and the audience!) find wonder and joy in the world around them. Definitely a show more people should watch!
Trigger Warnings: There are some flashbacks that depict the war that ended the world, but they are not graphic. Some blood is shown, but not much else. Main characters own guns, though they don’t use them on other people.
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When reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
If you want to criticize one of the shows above to give the one you’re rooting for an advantage, then do so constructively. I do not tolerate groundless hate or slander on this blog. If I catch you doing such a thing in the notes, be it in the tags or reblogs, I will block you.
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Know one of the shows above and not satisfied with how it’s presented in this tournament? Just fill up this form, where you can submit revisions for taglines, propaganda, trigger warnings, and/or video.
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cinnamon-bunni · 1 year
15 and 31!
I'll go with the mentees, but focus on certain ones than others, just so i dont go on for forever <3
15. how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now? Most of them have small families! Haydn had his dad, Abigail had her guardian Richard, and the twins had each other and their dad. Matthias is the youngest of five, though, so he has the biggest family! His father was his step-dad, with his siblings being half-siblings. As of right now in present time (after the Gravel War i'd say), Ren and Rina live alone, away from their dad, and Haydn would probably go with them as to leave his father. I'd imagine Abigail would either follow Sniper wherever he goes, or follow Miss Pauling around and what she does (I'm not sure what'd she do though, without the Admin there or with the War over). Matthias I am unsure of; he might head home, only for a while though. i could see him being alone to do some inner self-seeking lol. Maybe he and Haydn would become roommates, if he doesn't go with the Twins (I havent decided yet tbh). Hard to say really, but even though Matthias has a decent relationship with his family, but i feel like he would want to be alone for a while
31. Do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift? Oh, Rina loves to receive gifts. Her family showers her in gifts (Ren does it because he feels bad, her dad as to buy her loyalty). some days she hates them though--its weird for her, because while she likes them, she hates what they stand for; that she isn't useful in her dad's eyes and needs to be bought for her silence, that her brother feels as though he's a burden to her or something and needs to make it up, as if she didn't make the decision to follow him herself. Ideal gifts would always be something related to fashion-making. Mainly textiles, but anything sewing related as well. On an unrelated note, Abigail loves cutesy gifts. She likes being able to indulge in that side, and Rina shares the same sentiment, wanting to be able to indulge in feminine things. But Abigail never got presents while she grew up, not many anyway, so anything she gets nowadays she treasures heavily
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