daw64 · 1 month
“ Ik groei in kleine stapjes,
En dat is oké, want een boom heeft ook meerdere kleine wortels nodig om zich te gronden in de aarde.
Wanneer deze boom van kleine stapjes omvalt,
weet die zich stapje voor stapje,
Wortel voor wortel,
Weer langzaam omhoog te trekken.
Groei in kleine stapjes,
Want een boom is ook niet in één dag gegroeid.”
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daw64 · 1 month
“ being alone is great,
But lying in bed alone gets boring real fast.
I miss the passion in someone’s eyes,
I miss the body heat pressing against mine,
And I really know myself very well,
But exploring with another person is always better.
The view atop the mountain is always prettier and more worth the hike when sharing it with someone else.
Because it wasn’t about the view,
It never was.”
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daw64 · 3 months
“ I want a boyfriend
But I don’t want a boyfriend,
I want to have somebody’s full attention.
I want to be somebody’s priority.
I want to be somebody’s first thought in the morning and last thought when they go to sleep.
I want somebody to want me.
I want somebody to like spending time with me.
I don’t want a boyfriend
I want a boyfriend.”
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daw64 · 4 months
“I’m over you.
I don’t miss your voice,
I don’t miss your presence,
I don’t miss the jokes that you made.
But when I smelt your scent, I almost missed you. I almost wasn’t over you.”
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daw64 · 6 months
“Na tegenwind zou er meewind moeten komen, toch?”
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daw64 · 6 months
“ it was raining.
He said we only needed one umbrella, we could share one.
I said: ‘let’s take two.’ “
That was the moment I realised I moved on. Because I didn’t want to get wet
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daw64 · 7 months
“Walking to clear my head
But my feet can’t walk any more”
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daw64 · 7 months
“Talking,talking and talking
Except it feels like we aren’t”
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daw64 · 7 months
“ life goes on
And I will too
It won’t be the same life anymore
But that is life as well”
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daw64 · 7 months
“Life has got to stop throwing shit at me. I will start throwing shit back to life.
No seriously stop throwing shit at me. I might cry.”
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daw64 · 7 months
Words that make me think
“ Words make me think and at times that is great.
At times that is the rope that pulls me further, the step to improvement.
But right now I don’t want to walk. I don’t want the words that make me think and help me improve myself.
I just want to be myself and love myself without having to improve it.
I don’t want the words that make me think.”
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daw64 · 7 months
“I am drowning”
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daw64 · 7 months
“Words cannot keep me floating with the waves life is giving me
I don’t want to drown”
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daw64 · 7 months
“My safe place is myself.
A haven where I don't have to fear the lighthouse is gone.
Where my 2 arms can best embrace me.
Where my thoughts and peace recharge me.
But secretly, I hope another boat docks on my safe haven.”
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daw64 · 7 months
“I loved the silliness that was normal
I loved the normal that was silent
I loved the silence that was comfortable
I loved every moment that was spent with you. “
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