dawnofanewblue · 7 years
What’s New in February
Happy February everyone. It’s crazy quick January went by it feels like New Years Day was yesterday. Anyway, I hope you’re as excited as I am about all this new content for February. I’ll be continuing my Out-of-State College Survival Guide Series, as well as posting some discussion questions so I can get to know you all better. Feel free to comment and give your opinions. I’d love to hear from

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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
5 Smart Tips on Staying Organized in College
Most people attending college out of state are full-time students. But this doesn’t necessarily mean this is all you do. Going to college out of state can be very costly tuition wise so many people live off campus to lower that price. If this is you then, you’re probably also working so you can pay rent. Or, living on campus and working to save up to pay rent. With school, work, trying to have a

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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
Out-of-State University Survival Guide
This is a series I’m starting to explore important things that make the out-of-state university experience (or actually any university experience) easier to manage. So let’s jump right into some key things I will further elaborate on. Staying organized. This is sort of a given when it comes to anything regarding school. This is one of the most important things when it comes to time and stress

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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
Update on my last post
Hi guys, I noticed that the link to my podcast on my last post was not working. It is now fixed so give it a listen if you’d like. Thank you xo
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
Dawn of a New Blue
Hi guys
So I started a blog /podcast called Dawn of a new blue.
I’d really loved it if y’all would go check it out. I’m really excited about do this and seeing where this will take me 😁
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
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breakfast 1.5.18
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
I hope love finds you in 2018
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
How to manifest peace and serenity while also accepting fear and depression?
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
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Today I start a relationship with the universe that is much overdue. Today I start my strides into independence and self appreciation Today I start to feel more than I ever allowed myself to feel Today is great
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
Y’all buy my dumb mugs please!!!!
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
Masterlist of Studyblrs
http://paulatriestostudy.tumblr.comhttp://paulatriestostudy.tumblr.comHey guys! I have compiled a list of studyblrs and organized them both by year and major (if they’re in university or college). The studyblrs with * by the urls are the ones that I currently follow!
As you can see, this  list has gotten quite long  and for those who don’t know i go to school in Canada meaning I don’t understand how grades work in the UK or other countries so when it comes time that i post this masterlist and I put you in the wrong year please feel free to message me and ill change it to the proper year asap!!
If you reblogged the post with the information and I did not add you, I apologize but I lost track sometimes where I was in the lists and might have skipped you.
Feel free to add what year you are or what you’re studying in the reblogs or tags!! Follow those who are in the same year as you or studying the same subject, or follow anyone if you’re looking for new people to follow.
Grade 7 @angiestudy
Grade 8 @aesthetically-study * @smallbeanstudies * @moonlightstudiess
Grade 9 @applesstudy @studyskylar* @studyingsian * @rhubarbstudies  * @bujowithmere * @solagratiastudies * @studywalex @studyflorals @3mpty-notebooks
Grade 10 @pastelbella-studies @thestudyables @intcllectual * @peaceofstudy * @studytune * @typicalstudyblr * @byeolstudy * http://stannous.co.vu * @bookmrk * @swiftstudying @jadesnotes @phthalostudies @sunlightstudys @studylilou @lynnsstudycorner @studydel @nxtxnh @worldsandtea
Grade 11 @dancingstudyblr @ineverstudy * @studydivine * @notebooking * @thestudysite* @intellectuil* @astudyology * @witchlingstudies * @boostudies * @alistudys * http://cardiacstvdies.co.vu * @artstdy * @academicatelier * @studyblr * @revisingh * @studierx * @memoirs-of-a-high-school-student * @studyandschoolhelp @elanstudies @away-i-gogh @iterumnata @studysaviour @toomanypens @sunglow-studying @studyingdork @feminist-study @study-literature @intellectual-rose @thestudylovingpotato @thestudiousstudyblr @sarahsdesk @citronstudies @thats-poetic-thats-pathetic @foxscarf @heidi-and-coffee
Grade 12 @helensometimesstudies @studiedblack * @platosnotes * @ill-try-a-studyblr * @fragmentstudies * @colbystudies * @study-matters* @studylightly* @writelearnrepeat* @study-harder* @kimberlystudies* @carolinetriesstudy* @val-hpf @mystudyblr01 @langstudics @emptystudent @lovesociology @studyingdante @rebeccasstudies @chickencursivecalligraphy @joyfuljennyberry @maz-studies @ofpencilsandpens @onthestudyingspot @problematicprocrastinator
Grade 13
@sweeterthanstudying * @studyblr-gem *
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
I'm a sophomore in college and I study Music Business Entrepreneurship and Technology (that's all one major it's MBET for short)
I think I’m going to make a masterlist of studyblrs which is organized by what they study or the year they are in.. if you want to be included reblog and add what grade you are in or/and what you’re studying
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
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Here’s some weapons for your essay writing arsenal!
Hemingway Editor Calmly Writer  The Most Dangerous Writing App Purdue O.W.L. One Look Thesaurus JSTOR Google Scholar
Reply with your favourite or other great websites I didn’t include!
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
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Thank you for 1k followers! I’m no longer a baby blog, how crazy is that? Well to celebrate I’m going to do a Baby Blog Feature
Must be a sfw blog
Must have less than 1k followers
Reblog & follow (Don’t have to but I’d appreciate it!)
How to Enter:
Send me an ask with (⭐ ) telling me what your blog is about & direct me to your original content
I’ll queue up 50 posts from each featured blog. You don’t have to be a studyblr to enter!
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
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Hey babes! August is here, which means that the first day of class isn’t far for a lot of us! The first day is exciting, but it can also be pretty scary. Here’s your guide to tackling the first day with grace, and setting yourself up for your best year yet!
be prepared
Having the best first day means putting in some work beforehand! This way you can wake up the day-of and have a relaxing morning, instead of rushing around trying to find your textbooks. 
Save your class schedule to your phone
I like to add each class (including details like the room #) as an individual reminder in my iPhone. That way all you have to do is swipe right on the lock screen and everything you need to know is there! If you have another type of phone, setting a picture of your schedule as your home screen works as well. 
Prepare your supplies
Make sure you have everything you’ll need for the first day, and pack your backpack completely the night before. 
Think of some ice breaker answers
I don’t know about you, but for me the worst part of the first day is sharing “a fun fact about yourself” or “one word that describes you” in every class. Save yourself some stress and think of those now!
Pick out your outfit
First impressions are important, so show up on your first day feeling confident about how you look! Make sure everything is ironed and laid out the night before so all you have to do is put it on!
Pack a lunch and prep breakfast
Make sure you have a healthy lunch packed and ready to go before you go to bed the night before, and go ahead and get a head start on breakfast too. Lay out the ingredients on the counter so all you have to do is fire the waffle iron up and go. 
Get a good night’s sleep
Go to bed a little earlier than you normally would. Nerves about the first day mean that you may not get to sleep as fast, and you’ll probably be waking up earlier than you’re used to anyway. 
the first day!
Wake up early
If you wake up a little earlier than you need to you can start your day relaxed, and that sets the tone for the whole day! Take your time getting ready & eating breakfast, and avoid using your phone (or you’ll totally find yourself on Twitter instead of getting dressed)
Get to school early
It usually takes me a little while to get my bearings on the first day of class, especially if my first class is in a new building. Show up early so you have time to scope out the halls and find your way.
Bring a planner
You’ll be getting a lot of dates thrown at you the first day, so be sure to bring your planner to write it all down!
Introduce yourself
Before class, say hello to the person you’re sitting next to and get to know them a little! After class be sure to introduce yourself to your teacher (or say hello if you’ve had them before). It’ll leave a good impression and may help you out with your participation grade!
First days can be scary, but they can also be fun! Try to relax and enjoy it and know that you’ll have the best year ever!
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
Parlo un po' italiana
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dawnofanewblue · 7 years
small and easy health tips that make a lot of difference
wash your face every night - washcloth, warm water, and a simple cleanser will do wonders. plus, warm water helps make you all sleepy for bed
take a multivitamin every day - and keep an eye open for coupons for them. usually multivitamins have some pretty great coupons
if you can, open the windows every once in a while. fresh air does a lot of good for your body (and state of mind)!
keep a few cleaning supplies in the bathroom. every so often after having a shower, give things a quick wipe-down. the steam from the shower dislodges any sink guck, making the job much easier - and never underestimate the power of a clean bathroom for both physical and mental health
keep a water bottle by the bed and drink some water when you wake up. it’ll help you greet the day a little easier, and plus - whose mouth ISN’T as dry as the sahara when they wake up?
it’s not always easy, but try to make doing dishes before turning in for the night a habit. i can’t express how lovely it is to wake up and walk into a clean and tidy kitchen
keep snacks in the fridge that are delicious and healthy - my faves are strawberries, cherry tomatoes, and grapes. i love snacks. plus, there’s not really much prep involved with those kinds of things
sweep! sweeping takes up a bit more physical energy, but it’s become one of my favourite things to do. i put on some nice music and visualize sweeping out not only dirt, but anything else clouding up my space - negative energy, self doubt, etc. it’s a nice, witchy little ritual for me now.
light a candle, specifically one that smells delicious
identify the things that make you feel better about yourself and your surroundings and prioritize them and only them when you’re feeling sucky. that way, you still feel accomplished, but you aren’t using up all your mental and physical energy trying to run through all your tasks/cleaning/etc
remember that you’re doing these things for you, and not anyone else. you deserve to feel happy and at ease!
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