dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
for insecure angels
your partner still loves you even when they are away.
your friends still loves you even when they are away.
they will sill love you even if they have other friends.
they weill still love you even if you are not okay.
they will still love you even if they don’t reply immediately.
they will still love you even if you don’t reply them immediately.
they will still love you even if they can’t talk in a exact moment.
they will still love you even they are not around you 24/7.
they will still love you even if you don’t love some things about yourself.
“they are not replying!”
they fell asleep.
they are busy.
they don’t feel okay to talk right now.
they had to immediately leave for some reason.
they are studying.
they are working.
they are practicing a hobby.
they forgot to reply by distraction.
“they are distant!”
they are going through a hard time.
they are hurt by something you said or did (don’t get paranoid because of it, try to talk to them).
they are very busy with work or studies.
they are planning something good for you.
“i made a mistake and hurt them.” you can always apologize! everyone makes mistakes.
“they made a mistake and hurt me.” tell your feelings to them.
“they will leave me, i know it.” check if it’s not your paranoid thoughts acting out and tell your feelings to them, we can’t be 100% sure if someone will abandon us.
“they have someone better in their lives.” i personally don’t believe in “someone better”, because we all have good and bad aspects, but it doesn’t even matter if they have someone better, because they are with you because they like you and not because of someone else or whatever.
- Everything I said relates to healthy relationships only. I don’t support abusive relationships and please take care of yourself and look for help if you are being abused.
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
....So I have to wear a shirt to this pub trial, I can’t find mine since I’ve just moved. Do you think I could get away with wearing one of my boyfriend's casual shirts, and the rolling up the sleeves? 
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
Give away winners!
1st place @eitherpeace-orwar​
2nd place @arthurxdayne​
3rd place @satinflcwers​
There’s a small change to the prizes since I know have lest time, but I’ll be messaging all of you as soon as I can. Again THANK YOU to all my followers. 
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
This is the last time I'm reblogging it, this will end tonight and I'll message the winners either tonight or on the morning once I'm back home. I'll be working on the prizes this week.
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                                                     THANK YOU!
I’d Like to thank you all for following my trash Dragon, I truly appreciate the support. Even though I’m a potato and don’t talk to people, it does not mean I don’t love you all. I’m feeling #blessed right now and that’s thanks to all of you. So here it is, my bias list + a giveaway!
My sun and moon
@girlonadyinghorse / @roseamongthevines - Without you, I wouldn’t have ever joined the fandom, you helped me get started in the indie world, and have become a real friend. You constantly hurt my heart with your ridiculously well-written characters and I look forward to more interactions on all my blogs.
People I stalk/admire/feel so blessed that they follow me
@thedragoninthesnow @oftevinter @griffinshand @dornishdrxgon @princessbcrn @dornished @epeolxtry @sunofdorne @theeldestsun   @mothertrgryen   @motherofbearcubs @sunadorned @vcserys   @rhaegxr @arthurxdayne   @killthebxy @rhaclla @mithraiic @dragonmadness @dracaesanguinem @dragonryse @princelyrhaegar @wildwclf @eitherpeace-orwar @unchainedgiant @gcllcnt @arrivedtoolate   @honourofwesterling  @freefolksflame @lysius   @donerowing @stcrfcllen @dickon-tarly  @decreedlore @oathbreakcr @foughthonorably @satinflcwers @sanddaemon   @zaldridarys @bloodthirstyviper @davosshorthand @benjenstcrk @ladybcar @fifthbornforrester    @obuljagon @piousviper @starfallslady   @bird-dove-wolf   @wineinthewidow @worshipsonlydeath @wintercrowned @southronbornwolf @defenderofthegrove
+ everyone else, there’s countless more I’m just very bad a this but I love you all.
Alright, guy’s so here’s the giveaway, it shall run up to the 15th of October since I’m moving house, it will give me some days to set up before I make everything.
Rules are as follows
You have to be a rp blog
Please like only once, but reblog as many times as you’d like (try not to spam your dash)
I will IM everyone either on the 15th or the 16th and ask your preference of prizes. 
Must be following me to win, please don’t then unfollow me after 
prizes under a read more
Keep reading
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
Reblog if your muse has scars.
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
Send me anons as my kid.
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
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please reblog the post if your blog is a part of the a song of ice and fire / game of thrones roleplaying community. please include in your tags: CHARACTER NAME / CANON , OC / ALLEGIANCE ( night’s watch, wildling, etc ). you may also reblog this if you have a VERSE FOR ASOIAF / GOT ( please include it in your tags ) !!! multimuses are also allowed to reblog this post !!!
your blog will be added to the directory.
if you have any questions, please direct them to adoiaf’s askbox.
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
Adding to my Greek myth comparison, Aegon see’s Rhaegar as a Hector figure, the shining prince that outshined everyone, that was whole and completely perfect. This has come from growing up hearing about his father from Jon Con, a man who loved his father and seemed to be blind to his faults. He see’s his father in rose-tinted glasses, something I think he’s bound to break once he gets to know more about his mother. 
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
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“ The world was simpler in those days, Jaime thought, and men as well as swords were made of finer steel. Or was it only that he had been fifteen? They were all in their graves now, the Sword of the Morning and the Smiling Knight, the White Bull and Prince Lewyn, Ser Oswell Whent with his black humor, earnest Jon Darry, Simon Toyne and his Kingswood Brotherhood, bluff old Sumner Crakehall. And me, that boy I was … when did he die, I wonder? When I donned the white cloak? When I opened Aerys’s throat? That boy had wanted to be Ser Arthur Dayne, but someplace along the way he had become the Smiling Knight instead.”
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
How are Elia bashers and Rhaegar Stan's reblogging stuff from my blog...I don't even tag my stuff.
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
I have seen people comparing their characters to figures from Greek mythology in the past. And since I’m SUCH a Greek myth nerd I thought I'd give it a go with Aegon. Now, this is not a complete mirror image, there is variation in both Aegon's story and the figure in Greek mythology yet I can see the similarities in the situation.  
Aegon is most like  Astyanax son of Hector and Andromache. In the play Andromache, once Hector is killed, Oddyseus comes and convinces the council that any son of Hector left alive will one day come and seek vengeance. So after Andromache THROWING herself in defense of her baby, he is thrown off the ruined walls of Troy. cementing the Greek victory on the death of a baby while the rest of the people are taken as slaves. 
This has a similar tone to Roberts reign beginning on the corpses of women and babies. This is just a little thing, and I know I’m comparing a minor character to an even smaller character but eh I can’t help it. I see the similarities between Andromache and Elia (not so much with hector and Rhaegar.)
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
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We’re celebrating my birthday with an ASOIAF Art Giveaway! I had a lot of fun doing this the previous two years, so we’re doing it again this year. 
PRIZE: Commissioned ASOIAF art by i-am-a-lady-damn-it of a scene from ASOIAF with two characters, subject to certain restrictions.
You can see some examples of @i-am-a-lady-damn-it​‘s beautiful artwork on her tumblr and on her deviantart. If you would like to reblog the examples of her art featured above, you can find them here: 1, 2, 3, 4. If you really like her work, you can also support her on her ko-fi or her patreon. 
You must reblog this post to enter, and you must be following me. (I will check!) New followers are welcome, but don’t just follow me for the giveaway, that’s rude.
Likes count as an additional entry. 
You get 1 like + 1 reblog = 2 chances to win. 
No giveaway blogs.
The giveaway closes on my birthday, October 14! You have until 11pm PT to reblog this post, at which time a winner will be chosen via a random number generator.  
The winner must have their askbox open, and they must respond within 3 days, or a new winner will be chosen.
Read the detailed rules & restrictions.
Also, I wanna do another giveaway for my sideblog @pre-gameofthrones after this one on my personal blog is over, so keep your eyes peeled for that in the coming weeks! Thank you all so much for following me, and good luck!
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
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                                                Caring Edition 
‘ Hey when was the last time you slept? ’
‘ Stay in bed, please. ’
‘ Do you want me to get you anything? ’
‘ Let me look. ’
‘ Let me help you. ’
‘ Here, let me bandage that up. ’
‘ I made you something to eat. ’
‘ You’re burning up! Go lay down. ’
‘ Please drink more water. ’
‘ Were you able to keep that down? ’
‘ Does this hurt? ’
‘ You need to stay still. ’
‘ Want more blankets? ’
‘ Do you want to talk about it? ’
‘ Try to breathe slowly. ’
‘ It’s alright I’m here. ’
‘ Here hold my hand. ’
‘ I’m not going anywhere. ’
‘ You can sleep here. ’
‘ Rest as long as you need. ’
‘ Look at me. ’
‘ Tell me what you are seeing. ’
‘ You can rest in my arms. ’
‘ I will make you some tea. ’
‘ Please, take this. ’
‘ You should be resting. ’
‘ I’m just checking in, how are you feeling? ’
‘ Snuggling helps with a lot of things, so come here. ’
‘ Want me to take you to a doctor? ’
‘ I am a doctor, so please listen to me. ’
‘ How long have you been like this? ’
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
Now I'm really curious...Reblog this if you're 20 or older.
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
healthy relationships with fathers? sounds fake
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dcrnishdragcn · 7 years
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Penny for your thoughts?
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