dearindira Ā· 3 years
Ga terasa 2021 dateng juga. Sudah setahun berlalu dan pandemi belum juga usai. Sedih? Yaiyalah. Keselā€¦udah capek. Apalagi dulu yang kena covid masih jauh dari circle semakin hari semakin deket circle yang kena Covid bahkan orang serumah. But, life goes on. Survival mode on. Kita harus adaptasi dengan new normal.
Selama ini satu hal baru terjadi. Being in fandom. Dari dulu selalu ya suka sama boyband. Jaman SD-SMP sukanya Westlife. Terus ganti One Direction pas kuliah-dokter umum. Banyak boyband baru tapi ga tertarik. Sampai akhirnya pandemi dateng. Dari yang rutin berangkat ke RS jadi cuma 2x seminggu. Gila gak? Awal-awal sih seneng ya tapi lama-lama pengen balik awal. Berjanji bakal dateng tepat waktu tiap absen. Tapi dunia sudah berubah. Sampai tamat sekolah spesialis pun, pandemi belum juga berakhir. But this fandom kindly give me something to hope for. Nonton konser, apalagi dong.
Siapa lagi kalo bukan BTS. Dulu singkatan ini pasti erat banget ya sama Behind The Scene. Tapi semenjam BTS mendominasi chart lagu dunia, udah beda sekarang. Baca BTS pasti langsung kebayang 7 Korean Boys. Temen-temen banyak yang nanya kok jadi suka K-pop? Hello! I was never into K-pop. Bahkan pertama kali discovee BTS i didnā€™t know they were actually Korean. Hahaha! Blame to YouTube recommendation. Jadi ternyata, pas sekolah spesialis dulu adek paling kecil demen banget sama BTS. Inget banget ditunjukin MV lagu DNA-nya BTS dan langsung judgemental sama K-pop. Apaan sih? Mukanya sama semua? Apaan sih? Ga ngerti lagunya pake bahasa korea tanpa dengerin sampai akhir. Maafkan. But yeah, people changed. Especially when youā€™re in survival mode.
Tengah malam, sendiri di kamar sambil berdoa dapat Suami yang baik hatinya dan tidak sombong (hehehe). Bolak-balik liat YouTube entah nonton apalagi (baru tamat, nunggu wisuda, belum bisa kerja, lagi pandemi, ga ada kerjaan, dan udah malem loh ya gabisa keluyuran COVID lagi heboh). At this situation, muncul recommendation video YouTube Americanā€™s Got Talent BTS-Dynamite. Ya, sebelumnya lagi nonton golden buzzer AGT trus muncul lah pop up ini dan gw klik. Dan saat ituā€¦ ngerti gak kayak perasaan jatuh cinta šŸ˜‚ Lagunya bener-bener ear catching with all in english jadi ngerti artinya, penampilannya eye catching banget dan ada 1 bias gw yang entah siapa namanya (V aka Kim Tae Hyung setelah baca komen) super duper ganteng kayak jatuh dari surga šŸ˜‚ Maafkan lebay šŸ˜…. Ya, jadi beginilah awal mula kenapa gw masuk ke fandom dan jadi ARMY. Akhirnya satu demi satu video dan MV gw tonton dan walaupun mereka nyanyi pake bahasa korea ga masalah say. Di bawahnya ada subtitles. Dan jadi paham mereka nyanyi tentang apa dan musiknya juga emang bagus dan ternyata sering gw denger di radio dong!
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Tepatnya 42 minggu yang lalu atau sehari setelah gw jatuh cinta sama V, gw upload lah ke instagram cuplikan video Dynamite ini. Dan ternyata banyak dong yang uda suka sama mereka dan jadi ARMY tapi kagak pernah karena.. you know why? Karena banyak kayak gw yang sebelumnya.. judgemental. K-pop itu fandomnya toxic lah apa lah itu lah. I donā€™t understand ya gw kan ga peduli yang penting gw sukaaaaaaa! Bagi gw mereka tuh bukan sekedar K-pop ya. Mereka udah global superstar jadi gausah malu di judge atau apa pun. Karena sudah open mengakui gw suka sama BTS banyak info dari temen2 yang ternyata beberapa sudah jadi ARMY dari lama. Kasi info apa saja yang harus di upload kayak weverse, vlive, dan OK juga join telegram grup buat dapet segala konten mereka yang banyak banget loh! Sumpah. Awal yang bikin makin jatuh cintrong sama mereka itu BTS In The Soop yang saat itu masih on going jadi nungguin tiap minggu.
Pelan-pelan tapi pasti jadi baby army ye kan. Dari suka 1 bias, akhirnya nonton konten mereka dari BTS In The Soop tentang masa rileksasi mereka, isolasi dari dunia luar karena konser yang di cancel. Lanjut ke BTS Bon Voyage Season 1-4 tentang healing holiday mereka tiap habis tur. Belum BTS Documentary Movie mereka tentang behind the scenes saat mereka konser tur dunia. Ada RUN BTS juga games2 seru yang sumpah menghibur sekali karena lucu gesss! šŸ˜‚ Yaudahlah, udah kecemplung dan basah. Akhirnya berenang sekarang. Semakin hari semakin cinta semakin hari semakin bangga sama mereka dan tanpa sadar bikin harapan baru di hati yang sebelumnya jenuh, lelah, kesel. Bener loh. Bisa dibilang pelarian ya? Ya bisa juga. Di balik orang suka sama sesuatu atau ngefans sama sesuatu pasti ada alasan dibaliknya. Tentunya yang jadi idola ini bikin healing dan bikin nyaman ya tanpa menuntut apa-apa šŸ˜‚ Dari sinilah akhirnya gw sadar dan jadi orang ga boleh judgemental karena sudah mengalami sendiri. Semua pasti ada alasannya. Gausah kita nyirnyir dan urus hidup orang yang suka sama sesuatu atau join fandom karena pasti ada healing process dibaliknya dan ada alasan yang buat mereka begitu jadi gausah paksa-paksa jalan pikiran kamu di orang lain. Mind your own bussiness!
BTS ini siapa sih sebenernya? Ada YouTube series bagus yang dibikin sama ARMY judulnya The Rise of Bangtan, wajib nonton kalo pengen tau kenapa sih bisa mendunia banget BTS. Mungkin itu video terbaik yang pernah gw nonton tentang kilas balik BTS. Jadi, BTS ato englishnya Beyond The Scene dan koreannya Bangtan Sonyeodan (Bulletproof Boy Scouts) atau barisan cow-cow antipeluru alias tahan banting terdiri dari 7 Korean Boys yaitu Kim Namjoon aka RM as a leader/rap, Kim Seokjin aja Jin as the eldest/vocal, Min Yoongi aka SUGA as 2nd eldest/vocal, Jung Hoseok aka J-HOPE as rap, Park Jimin aka Jimin as vocal, Kim Tae Hyung aka V as vocal, dan Jeon Jungkook aka JK as golden maknae, the youngest/vocal. Mereka berasal dari agensi yang bisa dibilang mau bangkrut. Mereka udah ngerasain kerja sampingan lain sebagai backing dancer di MV/fashion show buat nambah2 duit agensi supaya ga jadi bangkrut. Dan diantara ber-7 yang aslinya kaya cuma Jin. Sisanya hidup cukup dan sederhana. Mereka mulai debut dari tahun 2013 dan di YouTube mereka bisa lihat sendiri gimana mereka growing up kayak lihat anak sendiri berkembang sampai sekarang. Satu hal yang bisa ditarik kesimpulan dari mereka adalah tidak pernah hilang harapan supaya musik mereka didengar dan kerja keras. Kebanyakan musik mereka diproduksi dan ditulis liriknya oleh mereka sendiri dan relate sama tahun-tahun kehidupan mereka saat itu. Misalnya tahun awal-awal debut tahun 2013-2016 lagu-lagunya tentang kehidupan sekolah, bullying, jatuh cinta dan patah hati, tentang generasi muda. Kemudian 2017-2019 lagu-lagunya tentang menemukan jati diri dan pada akhirnya love yourself is the answer. Saat ini lah mereka meledak banget dimana-mana (gw belum sadar karena masih sibuk sekolah dan judgemental). Dan baru saat 2020-sekarang lagu2 mereka lebih ke menerima diri sendiri, life goes on, harapan, kesedihan, di tengah pandemi yang kita alami semua. Relate banget sama kita-kita.
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How BTS affect me? Yes, they did. Kebayang ga selesai sekolah di rumah aja dan malah pandemi? Padahal udah beli tiket buat jalan-jalan begitu selesai sekolah udah mengkhayal karena ga sempet jalan-jalan soalnya masih sekolah. Sekarang udah kerja punya duit sendiri tapi gabisa kemana-mana karena lagi pandemi?? Satu sisi harus banyak bersyukur. Banyak orang bahkan mikir cari duit makan. But still, this pandemic really affect most of people including me. Belum lagi berita di medsos semuanya tentang kehilangan seseorang yang dekat sama mereka bahkan gw pun kehilangan guru dan teman yang kita kenal sendiri. Sedih banget. But, life goes on. Instead of sedih gabisa jalan-jalan, uang yang kesimpen bisa dibuat investasi untuk rencana ke depannya aku bikin skin care line sendiri. Namanya Love Myself. Yaaaa, BTS inspires me sooooo much. Dan gimana di setiap lirik mereka menentang Toxic Masculinity. Jadi harapannya produk ini bisa dipake oleh perempuan atau laki-laki untuk kulit yang lebih sehat ya bukan putih. Thatā€™s my vision through my skin care line. When you change your mind set, your perception of solving problem would change too. Thatā€™s life. Mungkin orang lain sudah memiliki mind set ini saat berusia 20 tahun dan apakah gw telat? No. People grow up depends on how they face their problem. Walaupun lu baca sana sini, nonton sana sini, tidak akan lebih namplok jika kalian mengalaminya sendiri. Bener banget sih. Tapi berdoa aja ya supaya ga ngalamin yang berat-berat banget. Ga boleh berhenti berdoa untuk selalu dilindungi dan diberkati setiap langkah dan rencana kita. Ya, doa itu penting banget.
How BTS affect me? Yes, they did positively. Kalo hater bilangnya mereka plastik dll. Hello, kalian tau John Cena? Orang semaskulin itu aja appraisal dan respect sama BTS. Yaudahlah ya, mau dibilang gimana pun ga suka ya tetep ga suka. Gausah ribet n susah-susah ngurusin cara berpikir orang lain. Yang terpenting adalahā€¦ bagaimana kita menjalani hidup kita masing-masing. Kayak kata BTS bilang.. we donā€™t need to worry and dream about that moment when you look yourself right in the eyeā€¦ Living like weā€™re golden. Yes, you are! Thankyou, BTS. Harapan melihat mereka secara nyata itu jadi tujuan hidup dan ga bakal pernah pudar sampai kapan pun. Semoga suatu hari itu bisa tercapai dan semoga pandemi ini segera berakhir. Terimakasih sudah membaca sampai selesai ya. Stay happy, stay healthy. Borahae šŸ’œ
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dearindira Ā· 4 years
2020... all you need is to survive.
Banyak banget yang ngomong ato nge-jokes kayak gtu. But sadly, itā€™s true.
2020 memang aneh. Graduation but no ceremony. Graduation but no more travelling.
2020.. kehilangan sahabat bahkan guru. Ya. 2020 adalah tahun yang berat.
Sekolah.. rasanya hal yang paling akrab bagiku krn hampir seumur hidup kayaknya aku pergi ke sekolah.
Jadi dokter itu ga mudah dan ternyata jadi dokter spesialis lebih ga mudah. Tapi, aku salah satu yang beruntung karena di sekolah ada sosok yang akrab dan aku kenal sejak kecil.
Dari dulu selalu panggilnya om prof. Ada yang panggil kak made ada juga om dokter. Dari kecil, om prof adalah orang yang disegani. Kalo ada yang sakit pasti telfon om prof. Ga nyangka bisa ikutin jejak beliau dan jadi dokter kemudian lanjut jadi dokter spesialis.
Selama sekolah spesialis, sering banget ke ruangan beliau. Kalo kesel pasti curhat, kalo dapet perlakuan yang ga adil, curhat sm beliau. Apa pun itu pasti cerita sm beliau. Manja ya. Ya memang. Diskusi apa pun sama beliau. Ide nulis bilang dulu sm beliau. Bagusnya gimana. Bener-bener bagian besar dalam perjalananku sekolah spesialis. Beliau selalu melihat dari 2 sisi. Sisi aku sebagai anak yg sedang sekolah, dan sisi dia sebagai bapak yang sudah melewati segala macam hal-hal di dunia yg bisa terjadi Walaupun kamu ga percaya itu terjadi. Beliau orang yang sukaaaaa banget cerita. Dia selalu menimpali setiap curhatanku entah apa itu dengan cerita hidupnya yang ga mudah. Beliau sosok bijaksana. Selalu mengingatkan untuk tidak boleh menyerah dan membalas ketidakadilan dengan ketekunan & fokus pada tujuan. Bagiku, begitulah sosok om prof.
Masuk ke ruangan beliau dan cerita bagaimana tentang hari itu udah kayak kewajiban. Kalo sekarang masih sekolah dan beliau ga ada di ruangannya, uda ga bisa bayangin gimana. Karena uda jadi kebiasaan. Beruntung sekali bisa dibimbing oleh beliau hingga tamat spesialis. Cara menulis makalah yang baik dan benar. Cara menyusun penelitian dan mengumpulkan data-data dari seluruh universitas di Indonesia. Beliau senang sekali kalo tulisan saya dimuat di majalah ato maju paper presentasi. Itu semua karena beliau. Beliau yang buat saya semangat untuk menulis. Terimakasih om prof. Terimakasih banyak. Terakhir om prof whatsapp untuk nulis lagi dan lagi. Seorang guru yang ga lelah ingetin muridnya untuk ayo nulis. Ayo nulis! Walaupun sering banget kita malas.
Dimanalagi dapat guru seperti beliau. Kehilangan yang sangat besar buat kita semua. Terlalu mendadak dan seperti tidak nyata. But life goes on. Mungkin ini yang terbaik buat beliau. Semoga semua amal dan ibadah beliau yang sudah membuat kita menjadi dokter spesialis yang handal dan segala kerja sosial yang beliau lakukan diterima di sisi Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa.
You will be forever missed, Om prof.
See you again, Om Prof.
In memoriam of Prof. dr. Made Swastika Adiguna, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV
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dearindira Ā· 4 years
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Itā€™s been a very long time since the last time I wrote here, tumbling.
I want to share my memories, sweet memories. About my pretty kind loveable and brilliant friend. Her name is Ujex (she wrote her name that way)
Pertama kali ketemu Ujex itu pas SMA. Pas acara MOS dan kita ketemu karena jadi pasukan khusus senior. Waktu itu jadi pacar-pacarnya Torpas (šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚). Torpas itu terdiri dari ketua osis dan kedua wakilnya. Nah mereka pilih lah junior murid baru buat jadi pacarnya (boong2an loh ya). Ada banyak! Lupa jumlahnya.
Previliegenya itu ya cuma gini. Yang lain kan lagi panas2an pas istirahatnya nah kita istirahatnya di Ruang Torpas yg sejuk adem ber-AC dan banyak makanan (hehe). Nah salah satu tugas pasukan pacar Torpas ini adalah beres2 makanan ini sesuai jenisnya dan boleh cemil juga (hoho). Ujex salah satunya, kita bareng. Dy dari kelas I-2, aku dari I-1. Kenalan karena bareng disini. Dy kenal hampir semua orang. Karena yang masuk Smansa kebanyak dari SMP 1. Sedangkan aku dari SMP 2. Sheā€™s charming and loveable. Mudah bergaul dan ramah. Murah senyum dan mau ngajarin, ngasi tau siapa2 aja nama kakak kelas yg aku lupa. Baik hati dan ringan tangan.
And here we goes, udah kuliah aja. Bareng lagi. Sama-sama kedokteran lagi. Ujex ini seringnya duduk di bawah kita. Jadi ada 3 undakan gtu di kelas. Nah dia sering yang di bawah, kalo kita di undakan ketiga (suka telat soalnya). Dulu bareng-bareng juga bikin grup namanya The Gembuls. Sebelum punya pacar sering makan siang bareng tapi pas semenjak punya pacar jadi lebih sering makan sama pacar masing-masing (haha). Intinya kita suka pergi bareng, arisan bareng, ada tempat lucu kesana bareng, bolos bareng. Ujex ini modissss banget orangnya. Selalu up to date fashionnya. Sama-sama suka nonton Gossip girl. Dia suka Serena kalo aku suka Blair. Dan kiblat baju kita-kita dulu TV series Gossip Girl (gadddd). Pokoknya kalo ada Ujex pasti deh rameee. Dia suka hiperbolis bilang kita cantik, paling cantik, lebih kurus dari dia, dia jelek, gendut, kayak gtu. Selalu bilangnya mukanya bulet. Always. Kalo ketemu pasti bilang kita cantik. Padahal dia loh cantik! Cantik banget malah. Senyumnya manis. Matanya selalu berbinar. Cantik banget Ujex šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ„°
Bahkan dulu kita sempat ikut konser bareng. Ke Jakarta bareng. Tidur bareng. Ujex ni kiblat kita-kita semua. Entah baju, tas, dia selalu up to date. Bahkan dulu kita pernah ikutan seminar bareng karena sama-sama mau cari Spesialis Kulit. Jadi tau deh Ujex ni doyaaann banget belanja (šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚). Sampai kita bilang jek jek udahan udahan. Hahahaha. Ga ada sama sekali memori sedih-sedih tentang Ujex. Semuanya indah-indah. Semuanya bahagia. Ujex always seems so happy with her almost perfect life. Pernah sih juga sedihnya tapi she can handle it.
Ujex ni pinter dan ga gampang menyerah. Selalu ga enakan dan baikkkkk banget. Selalu gampang bantuin kita dan ga pernah bilang engga kalo dimintain tolong. Pintar pokoknya pintar banget. Kalo belajar mau ujian pasti kita minta jawaban sama dia buat belajar soal-soal.
Waktu kuliah, masalah terbesar dalam hidup palingan cuma Ujian OSCE. Hiks. But life goes on. And problem gets difficult and seems unbearable. But you gone too soon, Jx. Maybe youā€™re an angel. Ga pantas lama-lama di dunia yang kejam ini. Udah beberapa hari ini sering bengong. Pikirin kamu, Jx. Are you happy now? Must be rite. Wish you happy now. Jagain Cikei dan Cikna dari atas. Cikei anaknya cerdasss banget. Kayak Ujex. I canā€™t believe this happen may time will make me believe that you gone already.
Youā€™re everyone best friend. Youā€™re so humble. Youā€™re still our bestfriend. Unheard, unseen, but seems so close. In our own heart. Someday, somewhere, weā€™ll meet again. Sing again. Together with The Gembuls (ā¤ļø).
Weā€™re a proud friend of you. We love you, Jx. You are loved, donā€™t you know it? You are loved and you are enough. You can go now. Be happy. Take care of your children and family from up above. Cause now youā€™re an angel. Youā€™ll be in my prayer.
Oį¹ atma tattwatma naryatma Swadah Ang Ah
Oį¹ swargantu, moksantu, sĆ¹nyantu, murcantu.
Oį¹ ksāma sampurnāya namah swāha.
In memoriam of our beloved dearest friend, dr. Ida Ayu Tri Wedari (ujex).
May your beautiful soul rest in peace. Eternally.
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dearindira Ā· 7 years
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dearindira Ā· 8 years
Thankyou darling! My best trip of 2015 loveyou!
Road Trip in The End of 2015
hi! well, havent posted anything lately even though i have a lot of stories and events to share (the laziness is always win).
okay! so i decided to post a lil bit stories and few photos from our (my best friends nd i) roadtrip in November 2015.
ya because of our greatest love to our magical and beautiful hometown, and because of the fact that we never been in every places/districs in Bali, so we decided to have a roadtrip, to go to (almost) every districts in Bali for one week non stop. we went to every places with Siwiā€™s car and took a turn as a driver (except Siwi, because the fact is she canā€™t drve)
iā€™ll make it short, so our first stop is :
1. Hidden Canyon Beji, Guwang, Gianyar, Bali
it was pointed as our first stop coz we never been there before and the place like theĀ ā€œIT-placeā€ that time, and that was the nearest place from our start point. we had to walk and climb between the canyon and the river about 2 hours. we got 2 local guides to accompanied us and led the way. the view was amazing, that was really hot, but we love to having the sun shining among the happiness of togetherness between us.
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2. Batur Lake,Kintamani, Bali
AfterĀ ā€œsweatingā€ ourselves in Guwang, we went straight to the cooler place, yep its Kintamani. we spent a night there, in not fancy but comfy hotel, we rented one huge room for five of us. well no matter how bad the bed/room is, you wonā€™t count it if you have to share it with your favorite people.
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in day two, we woke up early (not too early) coz we were planning to catch a pretty view and having a mini photo session for ourselves (being a model and a photographer at the same point) and soak up in the natural spring (a must thing to-do). here some the photos.
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soak up the natural spring water, in Toya Devasya Natural Hot Sprinng
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3. Amed, Karangasem Bali
After mountain to the beach, cold to hot, we were still on fire and were waiting for another fun. we ever been there together, but still we cant never get enough of the beach. initially we were planning to snorkeling at Amed, but eventually we decided to spent the ā€œour-timeā€ more at the villa. we rented a 2 room with private pool villa in Amed. Spending time laughing, swimming, dancing, recording a video, watching, having lalapan as a supper, sharing stories, taking shower together, and another fun thing more. in the morning we were swimming at the beach and watching the sunrise.
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and another photos
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4. Kroya Waterfall, Buleleng Singaraja
from Karangasem we headed to Singaraja. we went to a waterfall, which is need an extra effort to reach that place (the road was unexpected, our car plus us almost felt to the brink (thx to the local people who help us!)) to reach the waterfall we had to walked the steep track for almost 45 minutes (sweats everywhere). but we got the reward in the end (pretty vibe, amazing view) unfortunately we didnā€™t go swim there, because itā€™s almost in the dusk and we were afraid to spent much time in the waterfall and went through the track at noon. so we just take a photo! (but if you want, you can swim there and go to some water sprot (they provide the equipments there).
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5. Lovina, Singaraja Bali
we spent a day in Singaraja, in Suliā€™s House (a way to save your money) we woke up at 5 and went to the beach, rent a boat and ready to see my spirit animal, Dolphins! we say many group of dolphins, we can swim withĀ ā€˜em if we want, but my friends and i prefer to just sat and watched.
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6. PalasariĀ Jembrana, Bali
two days left for our road trip, finally here, in Jembrana (my real hometown). we just went to palasari, a water dam. not too good at that moment, but everything would be good wen you were with ur besties. and the photo session was started.
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gossiping while exploring?
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possing with our hero! thanks to Swifty, the car which bring us and keep us save
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Love are Ā us!
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7. Seminyak, Bali
Yea the time was over for our road trip we set this region as our last place to go in this road trip, FUN is the word we can tell. we really enjoy every single second in our road trip and we exactly want to repeat from the beginning. so in seminyak we spent the night in Hanaā€™s house and had a great dinner and a lil bit fun night! sharing stories and of course sharing bed.
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we spent our dinner inĀ rumors restaurantĀ , Ā they have a great food, great music and great vibes.
Okay! fiuh that was the last place we visit for 2015 road trip, hopefully we will have another trip soon! see ya!
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dearindira Ā· 8 years
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She is an adorable wife, mother, lecturer, and aunty. I still remember when I visit her house. She told me that she shared about her strength to face her cancer and someday after finished her Doctoral she really want to publish her book, surviving with cancer. I learned from her that we have to survive. We donā€™t give up. We must struggle. I still remember when I visit her in ER and told a story about my problem. My problem isnā€™t a big deal but I worry too much. Iā€™m not as strong as her. But I will. And she still give me an advice. Seeing me like iā€™m still a kid. Yeah, i miss her now. I really miss her. Tante Ngah, i know youā€™re not sick anymore now. You rest in peace with your kind heart. Iā€™m sorry iā€™m not visiting you more frequent. Iā€™m not buying you book as a gift. Last time I was just giving you gift from Korea. Iā€™m sorry Iā€™m not such a good nephew. I miss you and I love you so much. I re-read my messages from you and I really miss you. The last time you said to me that You will always wish that all my dreams will come true. I really miss you now. Thankyou for every memories since childhoood till last 2 days. I know you're smiling now, in heaven. Om Sura, Derry, and Parren surely know that you will always stick around and give them hope to live even better. Youā€™ll be missed and forever in our heart. Forever ā¤ļø
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dearindira Ā· 8 years
This, is a REALLY good article.
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dearindira Ā· 8 years
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It's so happy to hear that both of you are getting married very soon. I wish you love our Bridal Shower Party surprise! Loveyou to the moon and back ā¤ļøšŸ‘°šŸ»šŸ‘°šŸ»ā¤ļø (at Jemme Bali)
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dearindira Ā· 8 years
ā›· #skiresort (at Eden Valley Resort)
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
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We should thank God for every blessing that we still have a chance to do our duty in our lovely island. May the government re-think again about our fellow in remote area & give them proper rights, physically & mentally. This is just a fresh start, well see you again and thankyou for every learning & memories, my intern mate! šŸ„šŸ‘‹šŸ»#greysanatomy #doctorslife
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
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CURATIVE CONCEPT STORE @curativebali So here we are! A chic concept store is finally revealed in Bali, in Denpasar exactly. Our concept simply to offer curated & creative goods to fulfill urban lifestyle in Bali. Since most of people are concerned about their appearence today, this concept store will satisfied you with all the premium local brand. Brand is such an important thing and get blinded with the price or quality since they're already fall for the brand. And most of people didn't know that our locals have such a premium quality. That's why we're selected all the premium brand which exactly move the same as our concept : Curated & Creative. Curative is a concept store located in Denpasar, Bali ā€“ Indonesia. Precisely at Merdeka Raya street Renon. The location is in the centre of Denpasar, not only governmental but also business. Renon is one of the elite area in Bali. In several years, Renon has growth as the centre point for youth, business people, and expatriate. You could find more about their premium brands here in Instagram @curative Or just stroll their website : www.curativebali.com Wish you a good day, and let the positive vibe surrounds.
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
Hey, itā€™s good to write again. I just woke up this morning and thank God for everything I had right now. But then, I feared. I have regrets, sometime I hate my self, I fear of the uncertainty. Iā€™m damaged people. I did wrong in the past. I disappointed people. I took bad decisions. I hurted somebodyā€™s feeling. I donā€™t deserved anything better. I made mistakes. Iā€™m damaged people.
But I have such a great family and friends who sending me love a whole year, every day, every time I needed. Maybe thatā€™s the main reason why I still survived. Someone told me that Iā€™m living in a fairy tale, which is, nobody is gonna hurted you because you never hurted them. Iā€™m too naive.
Weā€™re all damaged in our own way. Thatā€™s so true. I feared of uncertainty, well, everyone does. I felt so stable right now but who knows tomorrow? The truth is we never know. Why iā€™m wasting my time, in a beautiful morning, with this kind of fear?
Well iā€™m trying. I wish everyone who has the same feeling will get over it as soon as possible and let the positive vibes come in. Nobodyā€™s perfect. Weā€™re all screwy, every single of us. Weā€™re damaged people. We made mistakes. But weā€™ve learned.
I donā€™t know what kind of doctor iā€™m gonna be but I have a dream to be a Dermatologist. I donā€™t know whoā€™s Iā€™m gonna spend my life with but I have someone who I always love, think of, and working on manage all the differences between us. I donā€™t know where Iā€™m gonna live but I want to live near by people who I loved so much.
So, letā€™s be busy to love our self more, our life more, our inner circle more. Letā€™s help other while we can. We have no time for hate, regret, or fear. Iā€™m damaged yeah I know but Iā€™m beyond blessed. Thatā€™s all matter.
Have a goooood morning!
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
Why do you love me?
I found this and this is just beautiful and such a waste if i'm not sharing this to you... ā€œWhy do you love me?ā€ he heard her whisper in the night. He closed his eyes, a tear forming sure to stain his pillow. I love you because I do. I love you because the Universe showed me the way to you. I love you because my heart beats your name, my mind drowns in your eyes, my soul feels yours even when we are miles apart. I love you because I have no choice; I didnā€™t ask to love you. I didnā€™t need to love you, but I love you just the same. My arms arenā€™t filled unless youā€™re in them and my thirst is not quenched unless you are the drink. I love you because I feel comfort in being out of my comfort zone with you by my side. I love you because every cell of my body responds to your touch, to your look, to the way you move and the way you sound. I love you because something, somewhere, directed me to you. It was my soul and you are its mate. Through the paths we have taken to one another, I have loved you. Iā€™ve played in comfortable places among comfortable people until I had no choice but to leave there to come to you here. I battled the gods themselves and faced the raging storms of hell until, one day, the clouds parted and your eyes met mine. I waited, impatiently, for you until that shock from my heart announced your arrival. I know you are scared, my sweet Angel. I know you feel the pangs of fear and the dread of a journey of which no arrival is guaranteed. But I promise you this: when the demons come I will stand strong with you at my back and you will be protected. When the brimstone comes raining from the sky I will shield you until each storm passes. When the swine and malcontent arrive, I will fight them and when the battles are over and the storm clouds are gone I will hold your face, look into your eyes,and you will know why I love you. Source : http://www.elephantjournal.com/2014/02/why-do-you-love-me-a-real-mans-reply/
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
Amazing Flores : The Preparation
Well, finally I decided to tell you about my adventure going to the east of Indonesia, a beautiful island called Flores, since a lot of my friends asked me about how to get there. So, waiting for freaking long time to get my internship after that freaking exhausted final exam called UKDI, I wonder where to go while waiting. I donā€™t have enough money to go overseas since I just bought 2 concertā€™s ticket that time, yikes!Ā 
Ā  1. Know your budget, decide where to goĀ 
Like me, I only have 5-6million, not so many. But, I surely can go overseas, maybe ASEAN country, but I decided not to. I re-think about my own country, someplace that I never seen before, that someday will be a center of worldā€™s attention. I chose Flores! There are pretty mountains, breathtaking beaches, untouchable culture, and amazing Komodo! So yeah, I want to go there so bad since in college!Ā 
Ā  2. With who you travel, family or friendsĀ 
Why not both? Yes! Since my brother always asked me, where weā€™ll go to travel again, and bla bla. So of course, I asked him and he definitely say yes. He really wanna go there before taking his scholarship to London for Master Degree so he said heā€™s gonna miss the beaches so much. Well, my sisters canā€™t join cause their holiday is not the same like mine. Poor them. Friends? Cingur, as always. Heā€™s always join. And my girls! Theyā€™re definitely coming too. Last but not least, the unexpected Gemma is finally join since we got a cheaper package if we travel in 6 (only need 1 car).Ā 
Ā  3. Travel agent or just by yourselfĀ 
Without travel agent, it will save more money of course. I always did it if I travel overseas. But this time, I travel to my own country that I know wellā€¦ Hard to believe. Actually if you want to go by yourself, thereā€™s a lot of writing about that, and they survived! But, I donā€™t know, not for me this time. So, me and my brother find the travel agent. Luckily, I found it at kaskus. Itā€™s called DALadventure, a travel agent from Jakarta. We bought everything except the flight tickets. Theyā€™re nice and recommended. My broā€™s travel agent is lost because itā€™s more expensive and not covering all that we wanted. Mine is only 2.525.000/pax, a 6days5night to travel the Amazing Flores. I did everything about the travel agent and my bro did the flight tickets. Well, yeah. You need a friend like us, indeed. Hahaha. Just kidding. That time with flight ticket (Denpasar-Maumere, Labuan Bajo-Denpasar), we need to spend 4.552.300/each. So, itā€™s on my budget! I think thatā€™s the cheapest you can get with a medium coverage of travelling the amazing Flores! Yay! I felt so happy!Ā 
Hereā€™s the details : DALadventure.com Email : [email protected] Pin BB : 263ED574 Text : 08129040702/082110611300Ā 
Ā  4. Prepare your self!Ā 
Weā€™ll go on April 11th-16th , 2014. Itā€™s summer, I think. Less rain, more sun! Donā€™t forget all the beach outfit and your warm outfit too cause weā€™ll go to some chill place too. So excited. All you need to do before is prepare your health. Since Flores is endemic with Malaria, we need to get the prophylaxis medicine. Desy did it. We chose Doxycycline since itā€™s way too easy to find with less side effect. We have to drink it 1 week before, while travel there, 2 week after. Pretty long time. Donā€™t forget to bring your anti-mosquito lotion. Hana brought the waterproof camera. Prika did it too. Gemma brought the Pro camera. And Cingurā€¦ I donā€™t know what is he doing hahaha! Oh yeah! He brought Tongsis! Very useful! Lols.Ā Well, you can bring this essential drugs beside your own specific drug :
Antimo - itā€™s a must. trust me.
Tremenza/aldisa/telfast plus - common cold or allergic rhinitis
Demacolin/Sanmol/Panadol - headache or fever
Epexol/Bisolvon - cough
Hansaplast/Betadine - first aid
Formuno/Ester-c - immune booster, have it everyday while you travel
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
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MARC JACOBS O!MEGA BRONZE This high-end brand will be my fav too! Since I already had their Eyeliner (350k) & Nude Lipstick (360k), let's try their freaking gorgeous bronzer! I bought it at Sephora for 450k++. Yes, I don't have bronzer for contouring so let's try with this baby. It's a powder texture, easy to apply, yet so handy. Play this on your face with the foundie brush. Countouring technique is not that hard. As you know, my cheek is already thin but I need to make it bold by using this bronzer. Mostly, the site to apply the bronzer is below your blush on cheek, forehead, and your nose to make it bold. You'll see the differences and it has an amazzzzzzing effect on your face. My ingredients are already complete and i'm still working here to be my own personal make up artist. Before, i really hate make up and don't have time to apply but now it's soooo differences! As we grow up, we actually need them! But, for daily activities you already know how I look & what to wear. This bronzer will be needed in some special occasion for sure I still don't know where to go haha. So, have fun pretty girls! You know the best make up is your smile and your kindness. You should wear those everyday! Xoxo, Iloveyou šŸ’“
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
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Hey girlsss meet my new Chanelā€™s babiessss! Theyā€™re Chanel Les Beiges & Chanel Mat Lumiere Perfection and both of them in shade 20. Iā€™m planning to buy compact powder since I already have loose powder from Estee Lauder in shade Light. Ohyeah I love their Rouge Coco Lipstick too. I have Mademoiselle Lipstick, it's brown-nude lipstick. Texture is creamy a lil bit glossy and shimmering. Not my fav but worth the money too. Since it cost almost 48$. I bought it in Singapore. Back to topic. Well yeah letā€™s talk about their differences
CHANEL LES BEIGES It has a soft texture, translucent, medium coverage & glowing finish. Itā€™s soo useable for everyday occassion. I fall for this since the first time but still thinking about having this high end brand. But now theyā€™re mine! I bought it in Changi for 62$, cheaper than any online shop for sure. But if you bought it in retail store it cost for 74$, yikes! For addition, once you stroke this to your face, you really donā€™t need touch up for almost 12hr!
CHANEL MAT LUMIERE PERFECTION Well this one is harder. Itā€™s still soft but already contain foundie on it. So yeah itā€™s full coverage but no glowing finish. Itā€™s perfect for night occasion or any other party. Just apply your Chanel Le Blanc first as primer and then use this one. Itā€™s so natural and not so heavy. Perfect! I really love this one. Itā€™s more expensive, you need 68$ to make it yours but worth the money anyway! You actually donā€™t need touch up for your face if you used this, make sure with your lips!
So both of them are irrisistibly fun and soft. What you need is where & when do you want to go. I prefer use Les Beiges on Day & Mat Lumiere for Nightā€™s occassion. And theyā€™re worth the money too! Soooo, always be comfort & classy pretty girls!
Xoxo, I love you!
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dearindira Ā· 9 years
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Well, have you watched your dream singerā€™s concert already? I think you should cause you only live once! I donā€™t know since when going to a concerts get me so excited. My first concert was Paramore. I won a meet & greet ticket. Merlinā€™s beard yeah Iā€™m so freaking lucky. Since that, Iā€™m keeping update for whoā€™s gonna held a tour to Indonesia.
Well, watching a concert is not an easy thing. You have to be in a fit body health, strong vision, and get ready for a worst case. Letā€™s take an example.
If youā€™re going alone, you need to blended in the crowd. Make some new friends & helping each other. Donā€™t be shy and be a fearless! If youā€™re going with some group remember this that you have to stick together always. Worst case, you guys will split up and mostly thereā€™s no signal in concertā€™s place. So you need to prepare the worst case if you guys split up, for example : meeting point.
Is it indoor or outdoor? Itā€™s not going to rain. Donā€™t believe. Like One Direction On The Road Again Tour that held in GBK. Itā€™s outdoor & raining! You will always prepare a raincoat in your bag. Always. I went to Jason Mraz & Paramoreā€™s concert with raincoat in my bag too even thereā€™s no rain that time. Yep, thatā€™s for outdoor. How about indoor? Is it going to be so cold? Well, depends on. If you bought a festival ticket, nope you donā€™t need anythinh to warm you up. Maybe if youā€™re sitting in VIP or Tribune you will need a warm outfit though.
What to wear? Anything that comfort. Especially your shoes. Cause you will stand up like a very loooooong time. Trust me. Comfy shoes leads to a comfy concert too. Beware of pickpocket. Thatā€™s why you need a small sling bag that you can easily handle. Donā€™t bring a backpack please!
How to handle your hunger? Well, yeah. This is my big problem too. They will not always prepare a food stand. Or maybe youā€™re just too busy and stuck in line for a good spot inside. Thatā€™s why you need a chocolates or candies. Always. You canā€™t go inside & bring mineral water. So you will be soooo thirsty. But they will give you additional mineral water in Festival not in Tribune. Maybe some small dining for a VIP.
Just stay strong & enjoy the show. Mostly it will end for like 2hr but the waiting is so freaking long. But trust me, when your star is on the stage, all the tiredness and boredom will fly like a bird. And all you need to do is enjoy! It feels so exciting, magical, & full if blessing cause finally you meet your star by your self!!! Itā€™s worth the wait & money too!
Hereā€™s my concertā€™s list that I already attended. Theyā€™re all held in Indonesia only. Perhaps I still have time & money to watch another concert! You could see them all in my Instagram with hashtag #diraconcert
Paramore Live in GWK-Bali (free) Jason Mraz Live in Taman Bhagawan (free) Katy Perry California Dreams Tour (free) Maroon 5 Live in Istora Senayan (free) Taylor Swift RED Tour Ellie Goulding in Sunny Side Up Festival One Direction On The Road Again Tour Katy Perry Prismatic Tour
Well yeah, I really want to watch Coldplay. Really. Crave for it. Letā€™s see if I could make it comes true! Yes, mostly I can and you shouldā€™ve too!
I still make my list here and how about you? Letā€™s make it comes true guys!
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