#Effectively able to share his memories and thoughts with another
gay-dorito-dust · 2 months
I wanna kiss HSR men on the forehead and tell them I’m proud of them. May I request some HCs of their reaction?
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Aventurine practically melts the moment your hands held his face with a warm tenderness as your thumbs softly caressed his cheeks, causing him to close his eyes and eagerly lean into your touch.
He could feel every ounce of love you had towards him in such a simple touch that he wondered how that could even be possible.
How easy you made it seem to be able to convey all your thoughts and feelings in something small like a touch of a hand, a brush of shoulders, or even a nudging of a foot; something that shouldn’t convey as much heavy emotions but did whenever you were the one performing those small gestures.
Not to mention that most of those small but impactful gestures were directed towards him made Aventurine wonder whatever could he -out of everyone else- have possibly done to even remotely deserving of any of it.
‘I’m proud of you Kakavasha.’ You said as you lifted a hand to push away his bangs and press a loving kiss to his forehead, making him whimper and press further against your lips, silently begging you for more. ‘I’m so proud of you.’ You add as you pressed another kiss to his forehead.
Such simple words and a peck to his forehead shouldn’t have so much effect over Aventurine but it did as his eyes shot open the moment he felt you pull away, looking at you with his pretty eyes with something you’ve never seen before as he muttered under his breath.
‘What was that?’ You then asked as Aventurine sighs, leaning back against the bed. ‘I said I wanted more…please can I have more.’
‘You can have as many as your heart desires.’ You tell him, pressing a third and a fourth kiss to his forehead as he allows himself to properly relax under your seemingly magical touch, letting kiss away his thoughts until only you remained.
Argenti would smile sweetly as he watched you push his bangs back to reveal his forehead, feeling your warm breath fan across his skin as your lips closed the distance between you as you pressed a tender kiss to his forehead.
‘I’m so proud of you Aregenti.’ You whispered but the cherry haired knight hear you clear as day.
‘Whatever for my beloved rose.’ He’d replied as he kept you close, wishing for nothing more than to commit this tender moment to his memory ever more.
You shrug. ‘Am I not allowed to say that I’m proud of you in general rather than say it after you’ve done something spectacular? Don’t that seem a little redundant?’ You asked as Argenti chuckled, bringing his face close and nudging his nose gently against your own.
‘It does indeed.’ He agrees before posing a question of his own. ‘But wouldn’t the words loose their meaning after a while if we were to say how proud we are of each other after everything?’
‘No.’ You answered without hesitation as you looked into his pretty eyes that you loved to see first thing in the mornings you’ve shared together thus far. ‘Not if they come from your lips they don’t. I don’t think I could ever grow tired if you were to tell me how proud of me you were.’ You admit and Argenti made a face.
‘Do I not do that enough already?’ He asks genuinely curious as you smile, kissing his cheek.
‘You do but at least let me return the favour now and then. I want to praise my beautiful knight more often than not.’ You murmured against his skin.
Argenti hums as he kisses your forehead. ‘You already do so just by smiling lovingly at me. I don’t need words of praise to fall from your lips when your actions speak far louder but if that’s what you wish, then it shall be granted my beloved rose.’
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His wings would flutter when you kiss his forehead after a long day of preventing The Family from collapsing in on itself.
‘I’m so proud of you.’ You uttered into his ear, making him gasp as his wings would instinctively twitch at the sound of your voice due to their hyper sensitivity.
Then he would regain composure and smile graciously at you. ‘Thank you my beloved. It is truly a relief knowing that I’m doing right by you to earn your love and your praise, I shall not waste them.’
Sunday lives and breaths on your praises as though they were the only things giving him life. So whenever you do give him praise for anything, Sunday feels more and more validated into continuing whatever he was doing in hopes of earning more in the future.
You had a powerful, powerful man who had an innate need to prove himself to you in order to gain your trust, love and respect and won’t stop until he had it in droves.
All this was within him and locked behind a calm, cool and levelheaded facade.
He may not look like he was heavily affected by your actions and sweet words on the outside but internally his need to keep you happy and proud of him outweighed everything else as the happier you were, the less likely you were to attempt to leave him later on.
He impatiently waits for the days where you bless his face with kisses and whatnot.
It’s his ultimate weakness and you knew that face very well whenever you watched as his cheeks went all flushed, making this shark teethed man looked about as harmless as a puppy dog, when in actuality he was anything but harmless.
‘I’m so proud of you.’
You had this man weak in the knees from that alone, but the fact that you went out of your way to press a kiss to his forehead oh so sweetly had him practically kneeling before you in worship.
‘Whatever for darling?’ He’d ask.
‘Just for being genuine yourself.’ You would response, kissing his forehead a second time and pulling back to watch as he smiled dopily.
‘If me just being myself is enough to earn me some forehead kisses and sweet praises from someone as sweet as you, then count me in sweetheart.’ He would then say as he practically melted he felt your hands as they held his face still as you kissed his forehead for a third time.
Boothill thrived off of your affection.
It was his personal drug that he could never get enough of.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 2 years
König w/ his S/O during a Panic Attack
Warnings: Mentions of panic attacks, in-depth detail of panic attack, angst, comfort, FLUFF, König being the most considerate man on the planet, no pronouns used for Reader except for 'You', words of affirmation, pet names
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König was...confused upon your initial request for him to lay atop you like a weighted blanket.
Why would you want a 250 lbs man to effectively crush you? Especially at a time like this??
König has social anxiety, so panic and anxiety attacks are not unknown to him.
Far from it.
They were the only entity to keep him company whenever he left the house, whenever he thought about how he'd spoken to people that day (if at all), whenever he just existed.
That was before he met you, though.
You'd staved away and starved that monster, keeping it on a short leash and choking it whenever it tried to run away with König.
And he knew that the least you deserved was for him to do the same for you.
He just thought that maybe there was a safer way to go about it?
He was conscious of his mammoth proportions, and how little you were compared to him. He just didn't want to hurt you any more than you already were.
"I just- I--" your words were muddled, you shook your hands as if trying to dry them, trying to shake off the leech-like pinches of anxiety prickling your skin.
Your breathing was short, shallow, your own unique vision of the end of your world, social, physical and mental, playing through your head, shooting a reactor's worth of adrenaline straight into your chest.
You felt as if you were going to pass out and so took a hesitant seat on the edge of your shared bed, knee bouncing the second it was able to.
Tears pricked your throat and eyes, warning you.
You sniffed, trying to keep them at bay, tying to keep the dam within from overflowing.
"I just need this right now." You looked up at him, eyes pleading. "Please."
König needed no more persuasion after that.
Though, he did have some questions.
"Won't I hurt you?" he asked, voice gentle, coaxing you out from the hole you'd dug yourself into. He stroked your hair, handling you like the delicacy you were.
You gave a weak, watery smile, a laugh wanting to break its way through.
"No, no you won't," you promised. You cupped König's cheek with a shaking hand. "I trust you."
König's heart jumped, melted.
He positioned himself above you as you lay flat on your back, caging you. Or protecting you from all that could hurt you.
Slowly, carefully, very carefully, he lowered himself onto you, making sure to avoid any sensitive areas.
His chest was pressed against yours, his legs either side of yours, and his bulking arms lay at either side of your head.
He nestled his face into the crook of your neck, nuzzling you.
You could both feel your heart pounding against his chest, and having something there to almost absorb the anxiety pulsing from it made you feel calmer.
You tried grounding yourself, focusing only on König's warmth encompassing you, his steady breathing against your slim, shaking breaths.
It felt as if he were projecting his calmness onto you, into you. Healing you from the inside out.
"My sweet (Y/N)," König whispered, "Whatever has you in its dastardly grip will have to answer to me before it can reach you."
You knew he was serious; there was nothing König wouldn't or couldn't do for you.
Your happiness was his top and only priority, as his had been yours.
"I'll always be here for you. Even if you feel alone and scared, I'll be there, one way or another."
His voice was soft, silken. He swaddled you in it, cradling you in a rhythm that soothed you.
You burrowed further into König, wanting to be as close to him as physically possible (as if you weren't already).
The longer you remained attached, the less frequent the the tightness in your chest contracted, the slower your breathing became.
You began to feel drowsy, the post-panic attack high - the relief of the ordeal becoming only a memory - tailing off into a lulling low.
König could sense you were growing tired, you nuzzling your nose into his neck, a habit you'd formed when you were ready for bed.
"Thank you, König," you said between sleep.
König couldn't see your face, but he knew you were smiling, he could feel it brushing against his skin.
He smiled, too, and brushed his fingers across your scalp.
"Anything for you, maus." His voice was low. He wasn't long for the world of the conscious, either.
"You will never come to harm as long as I breathe," he whispered. He could tell by your breathing that you were just entering the realms of sleep.
He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
"I promise you that."
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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Late night surprise
Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 12
Prompt: Only one bed
Rated: G
CW: Aftermath of trauma
Tags: Fuff; Humor; Post Vecna; Established relationship; Platonic Stobin supremacy; There may be several beds, but only one of them has Steve in it
Notes: Another collab with the incredible @house-of-the-moving-image, the art is here! They're all so cute and scrungly and eepy, look at them!!!
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The neon letters of the alarm clock read 01:57 when Eddie is startled by the sound of frustrated tossing and turning.
“Grmph?” he makes and sluggishly turns over. 
“Hey,” Steve interrupts his wrestling match with the pillow and smiles sheepishly. “Sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“‘s okay,” Eddie mutters, scooting closer into Steve’s warmth, linking their fingers. Steve lets him in willingly, sighs when Eddie kisses his knuckles. “Have you slept at all?” 
Steve shrugs, even though it ends up as more of a weird, one-shouldered twitch, all mushed together under the covers as they are. Eddie frowns, squeezes his fingers a little tighter. 
“Bad night?” 
“Not really,” Steve smiles. “Just … y’know when you’re real tired, but your brain won’t shut the fuck up?” 
Eddie huffs. “Sure do.” 
They just lie for a while, exploring the shape of each other’s hands, the rise and fall of each other’s chests. 
“You ever tried warm milk with honey?” Eddie asks. In the dim glow of the alarm clock, Steve’s brow furrows. “Wayne used to make it for me when I was a kid. Call it the placebo effect, but it always knocked me right out. I can fix you one?” 
Even in the dark, he can see how Steve’s eyes light up. “You would?” 
Eddie softly kisses the tip of his nose before peeling himself from the sheets. “Sure thing, sweetheart. Anything for you.” 
Nothing will ever quite make up for your home being cleft in half by an interdimensional rift, but Eddie must admit that the house that came with the government hush money has its perks. One of them being two bedrooms, so he doesn’t have to worry about waking up Wayne as he bustles around in the kitchen. 
He stirs the milk in its pot to keep it from burning and watches the little bubbles rising to the top. 
Nights used to be terrifying, right after … everything. For the longest time, he thought he'd never be able to sleep without nightmares again. It was only after weeks, when he passed out against Steve's shoulder during a movie, that Steve told him it was the same for him. For Buckley and Wheeler and most of the others, too. That he didn’t have to suffer through this alone. (“You’re one of us now, Eds. And we take care of each other.”) 
This is how it started. Late night calls after nightmares. Eddie sneaking into Steve’s house in the dark to crawl into bed with him - more often than not to find Robin or one of the kids already there. Steve coming over to Eddie’s if he was too shaken to drive. Holding the memories and the monsters at bay through shared warmth and touch, the feeling of a familiar body close by, the rise and fall of another chest. 
At some point, they stopped going to their separate houses to sleep. At some point, the touches became intentional rather than fleeting, turned into entwined fingers, into hands carding softly through hair, into lingering kisses and whispered confessions. Even the nightmares are slowly starting to fade.
They've come a long way, he guesses. 
He hums to himself while he stirs a generous amount of honey into the mug of warm milk, then pops the spoon into his mouth while he shuffles back to his room. 
“Voilà, ‘ere iz your order, monsieur,” he announces, pushing the door open and slipping into the silly French chef persona that always makes Steve roll his eyes and giggle adorably. “One cup of our finest ‘omemade- what the fuck?” 
The room is still dark. 
Steve is still in bed. 
Only now he's fast asleep. 
He also isn't alone.
There's another person sprawled half on top of him in a heap of gangly limbs. A person with a bird's nest of dirty blonde hair, wearing a checkered pair of boxers and Steve's faded swim team shirt.
“What the hell, Buckley?” Eddie mutters. 
Robin snores. 
“Aw, c'mon,” Eddie grouses. He sets the mug down on the nightstand and crouches down so that he can poke her. “I was gone for what? Five minutes? When did you even- ow, son of a …” 
Because Robin has thrown out a flailing arm, and he just caught an elbow to the face. Eddie cradles his stinging nose and watches how she snuggles closer to Steve with a satisfied huff. Steve sighs and smiles in his sleep. 
“Seriously now,” Eddie grunts, tries to wiggle into what little space is still unoccupied on the mattress. “That's my boyfriend, Bucks. Not to mention my bed. At least lemme- woah!” 
A bony knee hits him in the stomach. He slips and lands square on his ass on the cold floor, taking the comforter with him.
“Eds,” Steve grumbles. “Don't steal the covers.” 
Eddie flies to his feet, snarky remark ready on his tongue-
-and stops.
Because Steve and Robin look … well, they look funking adorable, okay? What kind of guy would he be to wake them? It would be like frightening a cuddle pile of cute little puppies, and contrary to what the general public may think, Eddie isn't the type who harms puppies. Or tears pretty boys who have finally fallen asleep apart from their platonic soulmates. 
Eddie sighs and drapes the comforter back over the pair, leaning over Robin's limp form so that he can drop an awkwardly angled kiss to Steve’s temple. 
“Sleep well, you dumbasses. See ya tomorrow.” 
He grabs an afghan from the desk chair, makes for the door, then turns back and takes the mug of warm milk with him. If he's gonna sleep on the couch, he might as well get cozy. 
He may have to invest in a larger bed.
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All my holiday drabbles
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gh0stbeeee · 7 months
Rise of the Guardians/The Guardians of Childhood is low-key my Roman Empire.
Like, specifically in the movie verse, there's just... so much that was never elaborated on. It's one of the unfortunate side effects of being kid's media, things get dumbed down for no reason.
Like, Jack Frost in general as a character. He died. DIED. He DROWNED in a pond saving his sister and??? Nothing. The entire moment when he remembered became "Oh I'm the fun guy that had a family and saved my sister!" AND DIED. Very important part that is completely glossed over other than the idea of sacrifice. Like, the other guardians were "chosen," did they not die too? Did Jack lose his memories because he died, but the others were chosen while alive, chose to leave their lives and remembered?
And just, what were his early years? For a very long time, at least a decade, he probably thought he was totally invisible, that he could never have a true conversation with another person, because I doubt that he stumbled upon another spirit/legend for a while.
Like, that would have driven him INSANE. There's no way he wouldn't be super socially awkward from the isolation, much less just totally mentally well. Are spirit's brains built different? They'd have to be, but I don't think they should be able to withstand that level. Like what was the mim thinking??? Seriously just abandoned a TEENAGER he resurrected with no memory or possibility of support, that's wrong.
And on that note, let me reiterate that Jack died. In front of his little sister. Who had to go back home and tell her family what happened. Did he have a father too? More siblings? Friends and family? They had a funeral no doubt, mourned him. Because he died.
The worst part? He was right there. The whole time. Jack came back to that pond and settlement for hundreds of years, even when it became Burgress. He probably watched his funeral not knowing what was going on, saw his family mourn him without knowing it was for him. He was there when they died, not knowing who they were to him. Did he realize later on? I can only imagine the devastation.
The worst part is Manny probably had to take his memories, because Jack would have been DEPRESSED. He would've tried everything to make them believe, and they probably never would. His parents would probably never see him again, they were adults. His sister was plausible, but she's still mortal. She would have died, Jack would have seen his little sister grow old and die while he stayed eternally young. He might've not ever recovered from that, mim taking his memories distanced him from the pain for when he remembered 300 years later.
But he also could have moved on, grown and loved her descendants and honored her. The mim took that choice away, and that's pretty fucked up.
Then yeah, 300 years of pretty much no acknowledgement. Going into live blind with no guidance or memories, trying to figure yourself out but being ignored by the once who brought you here. Jack would realistically be a little nutty, because wow. It's shown the even other spirits didn't really talk to him, he made them acknowledge him by playing pranks and pissing them off till they confronted him. Maybe it's in spirit's nature to be recluses, but it's not in Jack's. He wanted attention and to be seen, but no one wanted to or could give it to him.
That's why Jamie seeing him for the first time always makes me tear up. This is the first time for HUNDREDS of years that a human has acknowledged him, not an out of touch spirit, but a regular person Jack can connect with, that chose to see him, to believe. That's beautiful, and special.
There's just so many layers to this story that we never got to see, and I'm forever sad DreamWorks abandoned the franchise.
(If anyone has any good fics that explore topics like this, especially Jack's family, please share)
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floofyroro · 1 month
With my ✨golden birthday✨ approaching, I think I’ll finally post part 1 of my Crosshair/fem!reader fic this week. 👀
I’m itching for feedback so I think this will be good motivation to polish and edit this week so that it’s ready to be uploaded by Sunday evening, CST.
Here’s a sneakpeek in the meantime.
Consider it a small taste of what’s to come. 🤫
The Herbalist
Summary: A year after rescuing Omega from Tantiss, Crosshair is still adjusting to life on Pabu. You're the island herbalist who has just returned from a year-long pilgrimage on Naboo. As you familiarize yourself with the island newcomers, you grow close with Omega, who becomes your little helper in the gardens. Somehow, you continue crossing paths with her intimidating brother and you find that you're drawn to his elusiveness. (Slight AU because Tech is alive.)
His name is called amidst the clamor of the crowd and Crosshair squints as he scans his surroundings, only to find Omega waving from a corner stall. The humidity clings to Crosshair as he parts through a throng of people and he’s lost track of how many times he has cursed the climate. The familiar training blacks he’s worn for most his life were recently confiscated by Omega, in the name of ‘relaxation.’ 
You need a fresh start. I think most things hold memories, whether good and bad, she had argued.
After that, their unconventional squad were given the island’s finest garments made of kelpcotton and linenfiber, courtesy of Shep. The boys knew it was all Omega’s doing as it has her fingerprints all over it. Crosshair shoves thoughts of his beloved training blacks aside when he’s met with Omega’s eager energy as she stands next to another stall.
She’s practically beaming as she holds a jar up to him. It’s seemingly filled with an organic mixture of sorts, the contents rolling to one side due to Omega’s tilted grasp on it. She then pops the lid open and a waft of earthy aroma hits Crosshair’s senses immediately. 
“Do you recognize it?”
Before Crosshair can even respond to Omega’s prompt, his brother interjects.
“Our evening tea!” Tech leans in closer to sniff. “We made our last brew just last night. Excellent thinking, we’re in need of a restock.” He winks at her then, and Omega nods in resolve, snapping the lid shut. 
She then motions behind the stall, bringing attention to you. 
That overpowering aroma of tea hits Crosshair's senses once more. You emit an air of quiet confidence as you stand surrounded by what he surmises is your livelihood; hanging foliage, dry and fresh alike strung together, creating a cascading effect around your stall. Vitality is the word that resounds in his mind, perhaps due to the nature of the items you’re offering to sell. 
And maybe due to the healthy glow of your skin.
Omega tugs at his sleeve, drawing his attention from you. 
“You’ve been sleeping better at night, right?” 
He pauses to consider. It’s been evident that the past two weeks have garnered the most restorative rest Crosshair is able to experience. Nightmares still plague him most nights, but considering his sleep over the past three years, the difference is night and day. He ignored Wrecker’s comment the other evening that he no longer resembles a human skeleton and that his skin has lost that dull, transparent sheen to it. 
One could also blame that on the relentless sun, Crosshair had countered. 
Or on the meditation! Omega had chirruped.
So, Crosshair waits for Omega to continue because surely she has some sort of agenda to share. 
“Well, that’s thanks to the herbalist,” Omega finally says, pointing to you. “She’s been showing me how to take care of the island’s garden plots and greenhouses.” 
A connection is made then; when Omega wants a break from training, whether that be piloting with Tech or hand-to-hand with Hunter, she’ll disappear from the household until it’s time to commune for dinner. She almost always returns with tousled hair and a thin layer of dirt coating her skin. Your name is mentioned in passing during their evening meals but Crosshair has never thought twice about you. Now he’s putting face to name and realizing that she’s been assisting you all along.
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foxilayde · 9 months
Where’s My Goddamn Money? [Marc Spector x Fem!Vampire!Reader]
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: Blood drinking, lack of consent, groping, nudity, suggestive language. Minors DO NOT INTERACT
Summary: Marc Spector wants his wallet back.
A/N: I wrote this fic a long time ago, but removed it in a fit of angst shortly after posting. I’ve been thinking about Ula recently because of spooky season and wanted to share her with y’all. I hope you love her as much as I do!
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“I know you’re here Dracula, you big fucking nerd. Where’s my Goddamn money?!”
Hurried steps and the swish of a crescent-shaped cape accompany the echoing voice of Marc Spector as he descends the slate steps of your abandoned-chapel-turned-temporary-home. Seems ironic to live in the belly of a place so full of crosses, but it reassuringly houses a small family catacomb, and it just might be the last place anyone would think to look for a vampire… unless they knew who they were looking for. And would you look at that, Spector figured it out.
“Took you long enough, Spector.” You sip your wine, curled up on the velvet divan, the ceiling drips steadily above you, and you couldn’t look more like a fucking vampire if you tried. You look like a boudoir photoshoot they’d sell at an alternative gift shop, and if you were able to appear in photographs, you’d consider posing in a calendar for real. Eternal life has it’s disadvantages certainly, but it is easy on the eyes.
“Where’s my fucking money, Ula? I know it was you.”
He stalks closer to you now with a slow intensity. It’s funny; for how rushed he seemed to be making his way down the steps, he appears to have lost some of his impatience upon reaching his destination. The sight of you totally naked in the candlelight on the blood red velvet fainting couch has the desired stunning effect on poor Marc Spector. His steps grow slower, edging closer to you, but scanning his surroundings now with creeping mistrust. Smart boy.
You pick at a button on the sofa and purse your lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Marc.” You smile wickedly at him, taking another sip from your glass.
Marc’s mask dissolves and he flips back his hood to reveal an unamused angular face, inky curls hanging handsomely over his brow. What a tasty looking treat. And so thoughtful. To bring himself all this way.
“My fucking wallet, Ula. Black. Leather. Full of cash. Ring any bells?”
You put an affronted hand on your bare chest, making sure to caress a nipple with your ring finger while you give him a cartoonishly innocent doe-eyed look “Why, whatever could you mean, mister Spector? Are you accusing me of being a thief?”
“You this lonely, huh? You have to take things of mine to lure me down here. You’re obviously not expecting… company.” He shakes his head and gestures to your curled nude form.
“I’m deeply offended, Marc. I assure you, I did not take your wallet.” You set the wine glass down on the lacquered table, next to the flickering candelabra. “Tell you what” You stalk toward him, very slowly as not to frighten him, “You can even search me if it’ll make you feel better.”
Marc gulps and takes one step backwards for every advancing footfall you trod across the damp stone floor. His back eventually reaches a column and he pauses wide eyed allowing you to slowly and carefully close the distance between your bodies.
You thought an avatar might be a little harder to hypnotize, but he was no more of a challenge than any other man. His eyes are effortlessly tractioned by your own and his jaw loosens in wonder as you step between his legs.
He puts up no fight when you grab his hands and place them on your waist. Oh darkness, his hands are warm, warm and sweet like his candied brown eyes. And fuck, the way his panicked heartbeat vibrates through his hot fingers and into the flesh of your ass? The radiance is akin to the memory of sunlight… you can smell he sun on his golden warm skin. Everything in you screams with a bat-shriek to bite into him now, to suck the sweet life out of his sun-kissed neck, with its thick ropes of tense muscle, fatigued from carrying that pretty head around.
He won’t fight now, not while you’re looking at him like this, but you can’t hold his gaze forever… or perhaps you could. You’d wager your hypnotic gaze could theoretically keep him here for as long as his biology could remain stasis without rest and water— but there’s no chance your patience and lust could wait that long. Not while the throbbing vein in his neck, so thick, so appetizing, is inches from your face. You’ve improved upon your restraint in the last few hundred years, but it’s yet to be perfected. And why wait? You don’t want the stupid bird to come looking for him, do you?
Your eyes are heavy on his own when you purr, “search me, Spector.” He nods like a zombie and his hands are rough on your body, zeroing in on the fleshiest part of you— your bare ass, he squeezes and pulls your cheeks apart and his lip curls like a dog when he growls softly. Whether the vocalizations are a demonstration of pleasure or defiance, you don’t care.
“Ooohh,” Your eyes tighten in mirth and you nearly lose the gaze before you widen them again.
“Good boy, Spector.”
You bite your lip, letting your pearly fangs hook on your bottom lip. He’s delightfully obedient to the gaze. You let your long nails scrape along his scalp, scratching him affectionately before you take a handful of his unruly curls in your grasp.
“Such a good boy that I’m going to let you in on a little secret, okay?”
Marc gives no indication that he understood and he continues to stare dumbly into your eyes and pinch and squeeze the softness of your backside in his warm, wide palms.
You huff impatiently and use the reign of his thick strands to nod his head in agreement for him. You smile with satisfaction. “I did take your fucking wallet, Marc.”
Again, no reaction from him, thoroughly caught in the haze and muck of your sticky spell.
“I took it to lure your cute little butt down here so we could have some fun.”
Still silence, hardly a trace of recognition on his dazed face.
You trace a long fingernail down the side of his cheek, poking up the corner of his mouth into a half-smirk. “Gods, I love a man who knows when to shut the fuck up.” You laugh, scraping your nails gently down his neck and down his suit, to the crescent emblemed breast plate. You nearly, very nearly, break the gaze to look at the plate while you tease your fingertips across it. But your gaze is steady.
“But that’s not the secret, Spector. You knew I took it. The secret is this, and I’ll drain you if you ever tell anyone, but the secret—” You pitch your voice down to a breathy whisper, “You know how mortals have to invite a vampire into their home before we are allowed to enter?”
No response, no matter.
“Well, the opposite holds true for mortals entering a vampire home.”
Again, not a flicker of recognition from him, his thumbs are rubbing needy circles at your backside and the closer you step into him, the more pronounced you can feel the pulsing heat between his legs. Fuck, maybe you should drink from him there. It’s been a long time since you feasted on a femoral artery of a man.
“You see, Spector, once you enter a vampire’s lair, you can’t leave without express verbal permission.” You lick your fangs to punctuate your point. “Like a mouse in a glue trap, I could keep you here as long as it pleases me,” you laugh.
You think you see a subtle widening of his eyes, but it could have been a trick of the candle light.
“Oh don’t be scared, Marc. I’m not going to kill you. Not even going to change you. Just going to take a few good mouthfuls of you, and then I’ll let you go.” Your mouth waters at the visual you’ve painted for yourself. Mouthfuls of his thick pulsing blood, straight from the femoral artery. Christ, you need to feed.
“Does that sound good to you, Marc?” His nostrils flare a bit and you grin. “Oh look at you, baby. You’re excited, I can tell.” You place your palm at the inside of his knee and drag it up, up, up, till it’s resting over the booming ventricle at the center of his thick, warm body, it’s playing a quickening beat and you can feel your fangs grow at the temptation of it.
“Eyes on me, baby.” It’s harder to talk the more your throat fills with the analgesic fluid and your fangs thicken and extend. Your tongue gets hard to control in your attempt to swallow the flood of venom that pools in your mouth. You drop to your knees, never breaking eye contact while you kiss his inner thigh. Your lips are right above the searing pulse point he smells like heaven itself. You rip off his stupid loincloth with impatience. Nuzzling your face into his thighs as best you can while still holding his eyes with your own.
Your bare knees sting slightly on the cold wet floor, You grip onto his thighs, nails biting into the grey linen wrapped coverings while you affectionately nip at his clothed inner leg, never breaking the gaze. In your mad craving, you hardly register as a string of venom drips to the floor from your mouth in a debauched display. You admit you can’t remember the last time you went on your knees like this for a warm suck, but Spector looks delicious from this angle, leant back against the cold stone column, legs obediently spread for you. His hands, unable now to “search” and grope you, are balled into fists at his sides.
Your fangs are at full extension and they grow itchy and painful, if you had any patience left you’d have asked Marc to vanish this part of his suit, but he’s likely capable of fuck-all since the gaze kicked in, so you sink your teeth right through the gauze of his leg coverings, hitting that sweet throbbing vein that’s been calling out to you, begging for relief, begging you to slow its rapid pace down.
Your eyes close in relief and ecstasy, and it’s no matter that they do, the damage is done. You don’t have to hold the gaze any longer, your prey is paralyzed. Though, you think briefly you might enjoy it more if he were able to struggle, to vainly wriggle his thick thighs against your predatory hold. He would be so much fun to play with! To wrestle him down, to fight for your meal— for each suck to drag him further and further away from his own strength… but mortals are so fragile, if it weren’t for the gaze, many would perish from a heart attack before you could get to the meal. Only the most unrefined of your kind ever resort to such discourteous practices when feeding.
He tastes so thick and sweet, and so very very warm, much warmer than a neck bite. The heat of his thighs on either side of your head adds to the burning delicacy, the muscles are more tender down here as well… as much as you had fantasized about the ropey texture of his neck under your lips, this holds its own delights. Sure, you can’t taste the sun, salt, and stubble of his neck— but the flesh down here is soft like butter-seared fois gras. Blood syrupy and warm like hot mead. You don’t want to drink too much, but you don’t want to drink too little either. It’s unlikely Marc Spector will be fooled twice and pay you another visit, so you must savor and make this last as long his blood will hold.
When his heartbeat eventually slows to a resting rate, you make an irate little sound against his blood soaked thigh and force your teeth to pull back into your mouth. Fuck, its so painful to do when your lust isn’t slaked, much easier to just drain him… but a promise is a promise.
You nip your finger and squeeze a few drops of your own blood till it pearls on your skin and you swipe the healing blood onto his puncture wounds, effectively sealing him up. It does nothing for the staining though, and the dark red continent is prominent against the light grey of his suit. You wipe your mouth with the back of your hand and smile, rising up to your feet. You step in between his legs and snake your arms around his trim waist, planting a bloody kiss on his dazed mouth. He kisses you back faintly, like one might groggily mouth a kiss in their sleep.
“Mmmm, darling, you tasted even better than I dreamed you would.” You wipe of the stain of blood you transferred to his lips with your thumb and you pout at him.
“Baby is tired, isn’t he?”
Marc blinks slowly at you in response, eyes rolling back in delirium, and he heavily collapses into your embrace. Luckily your senses are heightened from having just fed, so you’re able to support his weight with ease and bring him to rest on the divan. You prop him up comfortably. Poor baby is helplessly unconscious… Perhaps you took a tad too much from him? You climb on top of him, still naked, and straddle his limp form to press your ear to his chest.
Still beating. Strong enough.
You sigh with relief. If he was dying you’d have to change him and then you’d have that fucking bird on your ass for turning his avatar. Nearly 600 years old and you still can’t control your lust to a conscionable level. Just imagine, Spector as a vampire! You laugh at the idea and slap his sleeping chest as if he were the one who came up with the thought. “Ha!” He would make a miserable vampire, he’d never have fun with it. No imagination. He’d be the type to be wracked with guilt at every kill. Sad silly boy. A regular Louie du Pointe du Lac, feeding on cats in shame and writing disconsolate letters to no one with his own blood tears. What a mess he would be!
You prop yourself up in a cobra pose on him, forearms and elbows on his breastplate, laying on him fully, the tops of your feet pointed atop his shins. You shake your head at his handsome face and smooth the curls from his brow. For the first time in a long time you have a whim to sleep for a moment… but you can’t, you haven’t slept in nearly 600 years, so you prop your chin on your fist and stare at the pretty avatar while he sleeps, drinking in his slumber with your eyes, savoring the slow rise and fall of his chest.
You reach under the decorative pillow and pull out a black leather wallet. You grin as you tuck it safely in his belt and you kiss his warm cheek before whispering in his ear, “I grant you permission to leave when you wake, Marc Spector.” You rest your head in the crook of his neck, lips teasing his weak pulse point. You sigh when you close your eyes and pretend that you can dream.
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babyboiboyega · 11 months
Short on Time (Hobie Brown x F!Reader)
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Hobie Brown x f!reader
Summary: Hobie has a weird way of convincing you to sneak out to the roof despite your roommate being home… 
Word Count: 7.3k
Content: nothing but fluff, the very real and very apparent fact that I have an unhealthy obsession with this man, Hobie being an incredibly loveable and hilarious menace, horrible cockney/british slang, a bit of profanity, some rough writing bc it’s been a while
Inspo: All I Wanted - Paramore (paramore never misses)
A/N: heyyyy! Enjoy this Hobie Brown oneshot that took me too long to complete but I absolutely loved writing <3 
The sunset lamp in the corner of your room cast varying hues of purple and blue across the walls of the room, bouncing off of the numerous glass trays and items dotted throughout it. It provided a good backdrop for a night of nothing but deep breaths, slowed thoughts, and mere relaxation- and you were adamant about experiencing all of those and more of the same sentiment. 
It was just…a little hard to do so when the sounds of unhinged and drunken laughter floated from your shared living room and right through your door, effectively putting your plans of relaxation on hold.  
After an entire week of completing assignments and dealing with people who were less-than-pleasant, lacked common sense, and just made everything harder, all you wanted to do was something that required minimal thinking and produced the most amounts of serotonin; But it seemed as if that would be next to impossible.
You dropped your head onto the wooden surface of your desk, your third groan in the last 10 minutes leaving your mouth and joining another chorus of laughter from the living room. Your eyes closed tightly while you blindly reached for your phone, intent on turning your music to the max volume. Your roommate and her friend would be able to hear it, and your neighbors would be able to feel it, but you were desperate. That desperation only grew as your fingers closed around nothing but air. 
With furrowed eyebrows, you lifted your head and look to the spot where you could’ve sworn you put it-
“You’ve got an ace personality, love, but rubbish taste in music.”
The voice was as familiar as ever, but the suddenness of it appearing in your room made you jump slightly, your body rocking back in your chair. Your mouth opened on a yelp as you felt the front two legs of your chair lift off of the ground, and just as your arms instinctively reached out to grab onto something, you felt a slight push to the back of your chair.
“Far from it, actually.” You heard the amusement in Hobie’s voice before you turned to face him, your heart beating rapidly because of his sudden appearance…and because of him in general. 
His smile was familiar, as was his tendency to just show up at your window…or in your room, as was the case tonight. Despite knowing that he could just pop up at any time, there were still a number of times when he had managed to sneak up on you. 
Your room seemed smaller as his lanky frame walked further in, his eyes focused on your phone in his hand as he continued to hit the skip button. With furrowed eyebrows and a breath of exasperation, you stood up, quickly reaching for your phone only for his arm to raise. 
“Not you breaking into my room and insulting my music taste- all in one night. Hobie, gimme my-”
“Now, wait a minute, love, you know I’m only jokin’.” He replied, his smile widening as he watched amusedly while you raised yourself in an attempt to grab your phone. It was no use, as he effortlessly towered over you, and judging by the smile on his face, he was enjoying the sight. 
“This the playlist we listened to ‘round last week, yeah?”
Your movements paused at the mention of the playlist currently pulled up on your phone, and at the memory of you two sitting in the same room the week before, listening to the same music. It had been a rather uneventful day for Hobie, or Spider-Man, but your day had been the exact opposite: hectic and so busy that you’d had no energy to do anything but sit at the head of your bed and talk with him about any and everything- at least until you had fallen asleep, propped up against your headboard, your head tilted back. 
That had been last week and since then, you hadn’t seen the lanky, eccentric man. Well, you had seen him on the news and on the internet, but only as Spider-Man; you had seen him enough times to know that the reason for his lack of visits was because of his ‘job’ as the city’s mostly friendly, ‘take no shit’ Spider-Man. 
But now he was here, and his presence was already making up for those days you had gone without being able to see him. 
“The same one, yes. Why? You tellin’ me I converted you to neo-soul?” Your eyebrow raised as you finally gave up on trying to get your phone, your arms falling only to cross in front of your chest. The corner of your mouth lifted into a knowing smile as you watched his eyes scan the screen of your phone while the next song played. His lips pursed slightly as his eyes met yours.
“I’m tellin’ you…that you could have worse taste.” 
It was slightly laughable knowing that even if he had liked a few songs from the playlist, he’d make sure to keep it to himself…at least as a facade. Despite his very different taste in music, there had been a few songs that he had listened to simply because you had asked him to, and he’d had no problem letting you know that he had liked them. But occasionally, he liked to put on the ‘my music is better’ facade, and you entertained it every time. 
“You didn’t even say hey to me or nothin’; just came in being a straight menace.”
A laugh left his mouth as he finally handed your phone back to you, a song that he had previously stated was ‘okay’ coincidentally playing through your speakers. You didn’t make a move to change it. In fact, your phone was all but forgotten as he gazed down at you, an easygoing smile on his face. 
“You sure about that? I could’ve sworn I said hi when I got here-”
“No, you did not, and you know you didn’t-”
A peal of laughter floated through your bedroom door, and it only served as a reminder of the night’s events leading up to this point. Your shoulders sagged slightly at the sound, and only sagged more as you internally chastised yourself. 
It wasn’t your roommate's fault that you’d had a shitty week and couldn’t seem to relax, and you couldn’t exactly be mad that they were having fun and enjoying their Friday night…
They could be a little quieter though.
Hobie could see it as clear as day on your face, your internal struggle and frustration. It made his smile drop slightly, though it still remained in place and only softened in response. His lanky frame sat on the edge of your windowsill, his legs extending straight in front of him and his arms crossing. His posture expressed nonchalance- indifference, even; but his eyes and his expression showed exactly how attentive he was when it came to you.
“You look rather brassed off. Wanna talk about it?”
Did you want to talk about it? Or would you rather indulge in Hobie’s regular antics in an effort to forget about your own list of shortcomings spanning the week? On one hand, you’d never grow tired of his random tales of breaking past riot police’s defenses or interrupting the most recent, half-assed charity speech done by a corrupt politician. Each account would end with you slightly chastising him for doing something that bordered the definition of dangerous, and each time, he’d only respond with a cheeky grin and a not-so-subtle attempt at changing the subject. Regardless of how many times it happened, you still couldn’t deny the fact that you loved every single one of your conversations. 
“Nah. ‘S just the regular.” You start, joining him on the windowsill with a sigh. It wasn’t lost on you that with only a glance, Hobie knew the state of mind you were in; this time was only a reminder that he possessed that ability, as he had done it multiple times before. He had a talent for exuding the chillest, most indifferent demeanor, but when it had come down to it, he had been there when you needed him. Now was no different.
Instead of leaving your answer as it was, he simply turned towards you, resting his back against the window sill and raising an eyebrow in your direction. His eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at you, his lips pursing as he took in the look on your face. It spoke volumes, as did the look in his eyes. It was the look of someone calling another person’s bluff without any hesitation whatsoever, and seeing it on his face had you smacking your teeth in resignation. You still refrained from continuing. 
“You don’t have to tell me, love,” he starts, bending his knee and setting his foot on the windowsill. His hands fidget with something- an object- that he was able to pull out of his pocket between one second and the next, though his eyes stay focused on you. 
“But, it was you who once told me that I was an ace listener…”
He ends the sentence with a shrug of his shoulders; though, judging by the small grin curving his lips, it's apparent that while his words are said in jest, they still hold meaning behind them. You know as much, because you _do _remember telling him how he was rather easy to talk to. The words, no matter how serious or casual they were, always flowed easily whenever you were in Hobie’s presence. And now was no different.
A heavy breath left your mouth as you mimicked his position, leaning your head against the windowsill and bringing your knee up to bend in the space between you two. Your hands fiddled with a loose thread hanging from the shorts adorning your legs while your eyes flickered from his to the window that he only crawled through a few minutes ago. 
“Here we go.” The rumble of his voice blended seamlessly with the music coming from your speakers and the little bit of comfort it brought made your lips loosen to let out your account of your week, starting from the beginning. 
During the entire recount, Hobie only interjected to offer his own commentary - usually containing weird, cockney insults for the people you described; but aside from that, he sat and listened. Well, that wasn’t exactly true.
His tendency to keep the air surrounding the both of you lighthearted showed itself whenever you seemed to be growing irritated just from recounting the details, and he reminded you of this tendency by methodically and gradually taking off his bracelets and rings, and transferring them to your wrists. As you continued talking, your wrists and fingers had taken on a bit of weight from the metal and leather of his jewelry, though it didn’t stop you from gesturing as you spoke. As soon as he was done with one hand, you’d take it back and use it to gesture while placing your other in his. Now there was just the occasional clink as the rings that fit his fingers perfectly but were a little too big for yours knocked into each other. It only resulted in him taking your hand and sliding the rings back onto your finger should they look close to falling off. 
Had it been a month earlier, you would’ve gaped at the physical affection. It was something small, and something you suspected he did absentmindedly; but the fact remained that he hadn’t always been this comfortable around you. There was a time in you two’s… friendship (?) when you wouldn’t even contemplate unloading your problems onto him under the guise of not wanting to bother him when in reality, it had been an attempt of keeping him around longer. The last thing you had wanted was to run him away with your- in your words- constant nagging, complaining, and non-stop talking.
You could vividly remember the face he made the day you had explained that to him. He had called you ‘silly’ in the nicest way possible before laughing loudly.  Ever since then, he had made it a point to remind you that while he was constantly busy saving civilians and the city, there would always be time for you and him to sit and just talk to one another. He’d kept to that promise since then. 
By the end of your series of misfortunate events, you wore one of his black, spiked bracelets, and 3 of his rings that knocked against each other as you settled your hands in your lap with a sigh.
“So, that’s how my week went.”
What followed was a few seconds of silence, broken only by the soft music emanating from your speaker,  though it wasn’t long before the sound of more shrill laughter joined the noise. Another sigh, a heavier one, left your mouth as you let your head thump against the windowsill behind you. 
“And I came home, just…knowing that I’d be able to chill, relax, get my mind off of the week, but my roommate has her friend over and they’re hellbent on drinking as much as they can and speaking as loud as they can tonight. And I can’t even be mad at ‘em!”
A sharp, almost hollow laugh left your lips as you shook your head, your eyes turning to the view on the other side of your window. The city was wide awake, and as much was clear by the various sounds that usually accompanied living in the city. Closer to the center of the city, there seemed to be some kind of event going on, as the dark sky was cut through with bright lights that waved as if wanting to draw everyone’s attention to it. 
Probably some event for the top 1% to go to and pat themselves on the backs for the ‘good deeds’ they had done for the city; the ‘good deeds’ that only seemed to help those they deemed worthy of it. 
Goddamn…Hobie’s rubbing off on me.
Hobie’s narrowed eyes and slightly pursed lips were the only responses you received at first. While your fingers fidgeted lightly with the rings adorning your fingers, he simply gazed at you… then he was swinging his leg through your window to the fire escape.
You watched in confusion as he stood on the other side of your window, motioning for you to join him with a smirk that not only made your heart quicken but also made your confusion and curiosity grow. Your eyebrow raised in question. 
“Stop being so skeptical- we’re just going to the roof.” 
You gawked at him slightly, your eyes widening and your head tilting. He had said the words with a lighthearted sigh and a roll of his eyes.
“The roof? You said that like it's a normal occurrence for us to go to the roof- the hell we going to the roof for?”
“Well, it’d be a normal occurrence if you weren’t boring, love-”
“Hobie…why are we going to the roof?” You repeated the question, standing and turning to where he stood outside your window. It was easy to ignore the jab; the lightheartedness and teasing in his tone told you that he hadn’t meant them. But that didn’t stop your wariness from growing. 
“You trust me, right?”
The words were simple. 4 words said with a lopsided smirk and a twinkle in his eye that was so uniquely Hobie Brown you couldn’t imagine finding it in anyone else’s eyes, no matter how many variants of him existed, as he had once told you.
They were simply words, but your answer to the question was so much more. 
Of course, I trust you. I honestly don’t know if I trust anyone else as much as I trust you. And I don’t think it's because you’re Spider-Man. It's definitely because you somehow know exactly what to say and what I need to hear even when I don’t. Its also because I can’t go a damn second without thinking about you or your voice or your laugh or your eyes-
“Of course, I do…but I feel like you’re about to give me a reason not to.”
The laugh that left his mouth admittedly made a smile of your own appear on your face. It was loud, and it sounded as if it…belonged in your space. You certainly thought it belonged in your space, as well as thinking that you’d like to hear it more. 
“Now why would I do that? Just wanna show you somethin’, love. ‘S all.”
This time, your look of contemplation was purely for show, as you had already decided to indulge in this little ‘surprise’ of his. There was only one obstacle. Or more like two. 
“I can’t exactly walk out and just say I’m goin’ to the roof.” You motioned to your door, and the sound of your roommate and her friend’s laughter almost ironically emphasized your statement. “They’ll have at least 5 questions - each, and then they’ll probably even follow me up there. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather not have them walking up on me just speaking to Spider-Man.”
Exasperation appeared on his face in response to your words, and when he spoke, his hand gestured between the two of you.
“Who said anythin’ about them seein’ you?” 
If possible, the mischief in his eyes grew, as did the smirk on his face. It was only when he reached a hand through the window towards you, your lights subtly catching the web slingers on his wrists that you understood what he was alluding to, and it made you immediately shake your head. 
“You deadass?”
“I’m deadass, love.”
“You can’t be deadass.”
“You know I won’t drop you! You just said you trusted me-!”
Laughter coated his words as he watched you quickly stand up, your head shaking adamantly. 
You did trust Hobie, there’s no question about it. But being more than 10 feet off of the ground and relying on nothing but a piece of web to hold the both of you up was not an appealing or exciting thought. 
He wouldn’t have bothered offering had he any reservations about the security and safety of his webs, and you were aware of that fact; but still…the thought of swinging through the air, several feet above the ground, and relying on nothing but a piece of web to catch the both of you-
“Nah, you got it.”
“Oh, for bloody-”
“I’ll take my chances with the drunk women in the front room, and I’ll meet you up there since you’re so adamant about going to the damn roof.”
Hobie knew not to take the snide tone of your words to heart. If anything, he only found them amusing, as made evident by the smile on his face and the disbelieving shake of his head. His eyes followed you while you found a pair of slides and a jacket before shrugging it on and turning back to him. 
“I don’t get any type of hint for what's up there?”
“No- but if you aren’t up there in the next 5 minutes, my new name will be Barney Rubble.”
The words made you pause, your lips parting slightly as you replayed his words in your mind. Another one of Hobie’s endearing, and incredibly amusing (and confusing) qualities is that he has no problem letting a Cockney insult or saying slip. It could be in the middle of the most casual conversation one could have, or it could be in response to something outrageous he heard. Or maybe he just felt as if the curse would further enhance whatever he needed to say; you suspected it was more so that third one this go around. 
You were used to it; used to hearing a word you had never heard prior to it coming from Hobie’s mouth in the middle (or beginning…or end) of a statement. Every time you thought you knew every piece of cockney slang- at least the ones Hobie used- he just…lets out another one. You had half a mind to keep a record of them to look back on.
You were used to it. You were also used to the feeling of confusion and amusement that always went through you every time he did it. 
“...the fuck did you just say to me?”
Hobie smacked his teeth and rolled his eyes once more in faux outrage, and it only made your amusement grow. A small peal of laughter left you as you repeated the phrase in a horrible imitation of his strong accent. Pitching your voice low enough was a struggle, but you personally thought that your imitation of his accent was spot on. Judging by the deadpan look on his face, though, he disagreed.
“What even is that? Who even is that- Barney Rubble? Barney got a last name? Didn’t know tha- where you goin?”
Instead of sitting there and taking your teasing, he did something that surely had your body preparing for a heart attack, the way you tensed and quickly jumped into action.
Once he had ducked back into your room, it had only taken him 3, wide steps to reach your bedroom door…the one that would lead straight into the living room.
The living room that was occupied by your roommate and a friend. 
With a hand closing around his wrist, you dug your heels into your carpeted floor, pulling him to a stop. It was barely enough, as you also had to insert yourself physically between him and the door.
You had a clue as to what- or who- Barney Rubble is, and ironically enough, it rhymed with ‘trouble’. 
“What are you doing?! Alright, alright! 5 minutes- I’ll be up there. Damn-”
“Aht- you’ve got 4 minutes and 30 seconds now, love. Better get a move on.” 
And if the mere thought of him walking into your living room in his suit didn’t give you enough of a heart attack, the way his hand landed on your hip and squeezed surely did. 
The flush that went through your body had your eyes widening slightly and your lips parting on a quick breath. The place where his hand still rested emanated nothing but heat as he turned you towards the door, nudging you slightly forward. His steps shadowed yours, except they did so on the outside of your own. It allowed his chest to barely brush against your back, but it was enough to have your heart speeding up in the slightest. 
Hell, anytime Hobie initiated any type of physical contact had your heart beating a little faster. 
“W-well, what am I supposed to tell them when they ask where I’m going?”
You turned slightly once you reached the door, your hand landing on the knob and opening it slightly. The sound of the tv in the front room along with the two women’s voices immediately increased in volume as you did so, but your focus was still on Hobie’s hand and how it turned you slightly to face him.
The proximity between you two had gotten smaller at some point, forcing you to crane your neck back just to be able to meet his gaze; and perhaps it was the reflection of your lights in his eyes that were somehow always intense and soft as they gazed at you, but you could’ve sworn there was something else beneath that usual look of mischief. Something that you continued to convince yourself was simply a trick of the light, or a quick flash of his eyes- anything besides what you hoped it was. There was no point in giving yourself false hope.
It didn’t matter how much you were in denial, and it certainly didn’t matter how sure you were that he only saw your bond as that of a pair of friends, you still found yourself instantly being drawn into him as he spoke to you. His voice was a deep rumble- one that floated over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps on every part of you. His touch was a beacon of something akin to hope as he squeezed your hip again, bringing your attention back to what he was saying.
“Between us two, you got the beau’y and the brains, so use ‘em, love.” You gaped at the compliment he let slip- as if it were the most normal thing. He continued talking before you could fully process his words or the reaction they drew out of you. 
“May wanna hurry up, though; you got ‘bout 4 minutes now. 3:59…3:58…3:57-”
“Goddam- you’re such a menace. You actually make me sick-”
The last thing you heard was his low chuckle as you opened the door, quickly stepping out and leaving it cracked behind you. The sound of laughter and a blaring TV grew as you walked closer to the living room. From your position, you could see the backs of your roommate and her friend, both of them lounging on the couch and talking loudly. Their words ranged from gossip they had gotten from their place of work to whether or not they’d marry someone they had yet to meet- and it wasn’t hard to see that their words only reflected the tv show they were watching. 
For a second, it seemed as if you’d be able to slip behind them unnoticed and make it to the door. Their voices were loud enough to cover your steps, and the tv was certainly loud enough to cover the sound of you opening and closing the door. And for a moment, you though that you’d make it. Your hand closed around the knob of the front door, turning it lightly, only for a quick call of your name to stop you in your tracks.
“Where you goin’?”
Your roommate’s words slurred slightly, and there was a wide and curious smile on her face as the both of them turned towards you. Her words were loud to compensate for the volume of the tv, and it only made you wince slightly as you stopped and turned toward her. You could feel your lips turn into an expression that looked more like a grimace than a smile.
“I think I forgot my charger in my car. Was gonna run down and get it.” 
It was the first excuse to reach the forefront of your mind. It made sense, and it was also something that you’d done multiple times on accident. You surely thought that it would be a valid enough excuse and that you’d be able to slip away… but leave it to your roommate to make things the slightest bit difficult.
“Oh! You can just use my charger. I’m not using it now!”
Your mouth opens to maybe provide another excuse or to even decline her offer, however, your words stop at the sight just down the hallway. It's hard to keep your eyes from widening at the sight of Hobie poking his head out of your door while leaning against the frame. 
With a shit-eating grin, he held up 3 fingers to signify the number of minutes you had left before you truly learned what- or who- the fuck Barney Rubble was. 
Deep down, you knew that his actions were joking; he wouldn’t actually walk out into your living room with his suit on, prompting screams of confusion and questions from the two drunk women in front of you. He wouldn’t. 
He wouldn’t.
It was almost as if the menace himself read your mind, as his eyebrows rose in a challenge and the grin on his face grew. There was the slight sound of your door opening followed by the sight of his foot stepping past your doorframe. And then his hands raised as if he were going to slip his mask on over his face-
“UH! Yeah-I…actually lied. I’m not going to get my charger, I gotta…run to the store. For, uh…floss.”
“...I’ve got floss sticks, Y/N. I can get you one-” Your roommate threw back the cover she used before moving to her feet. The mere thought of her turning and seeing Hobie right at the end of the hallway made you quickly step forward. You weren’t the best when put under pressure, and there were so many different factors of the situation you had found yourself in, and Hobie was still at the end of the goddamned hall, smiling and holding up two fingers, and since when was your roommate so charitable-
“NO, you’ve got the mint ones- I don’t like those. They make my teeth…burn. I mean- hurt.”
By sheer will alone, you didn’t curse at yourself for that response right then and there. Instead, you stood there, ignoring the sight of Hobie doubling over with silent laughter at the end of the wall, and praying to whoever listened that your roommate was drunk enough to write off your excuse as something not worth your time.
Perhaps the universe was on your side, as she tilted her head and regarded you for a second, her eyes narrowing slightly. You had no doubt that she was the least bit suspicious, and you honestly couldn’t blame her. You had no idea what the hell you were saying, each word seeming to miss the filter of sense they usually passed through before leaving your mouth; despite the absurdity of your words, your roommate simply shrugged before lowering herself back into her spot, mumbling something that included the words ‘weird’ and ‘strange’. 
You, however, certainly didn’t waste another second before turning and quickly making your way out of the apartment, your steps quickly taking you to the rooftop. And just as you had expected, the sound of laughter was the first thing you heard once you pushed the door open. 
The sound lead you to a corner of the rooftop that was only illuminated by a string of dusty lights left by someone who’d had an idea for the rooftop but had given up. You had a perfect view of the city, the lights being easier to see from the rooftop. You were sure that you’d see elegant cars and even more elegant dresses and tuxes if you were closer to the event, but you weren’t…and you didn’t want to be.
Despite the laughter that still fell from his lips, at your expense, no less, you found that you still wouldn’t rather be anywhere else than on the rooftop with Hobie…goddamn Brown. 
“I ain’t a dentist, but maybe you should get that checked out, love.”
“Don’t start-”
“Don’t think I’ve heard of someone’s teeth burnin’-”
His words broke off into another rumbling chuckle, one that immediately prompted you to roll your eyes. Nonetheless, you still walked closer to where he leaned against the low wall surrounding the roof.
Your arms crossed in front of you, your facade of being fed up with his antics quickly crumbling as his eyes narrowed at you. The soft lights reflected off of his dark skin, glinting off of each piercing he had and therefore highlighting the skin pierced by them. The action of his arms crossing drew your attention to the sinewy muscles of his forearms as they raised, copying your pose as he gazed down at you. 
“You gon’ tell me why I’m up here, or are you gonna stand there and make fun of me? Because I can definitely turn right back around and go back-”
That was a lie. The fact that Hobie had wanted you there in the first place was enough to ensure that you’d stay until you saw whatever he wanted to show you. It was the emptiest threat. 
“You gonna be patient and let me surprise you, or are you gonna keep askin’ questions, love?”
Another chuckle fell from his lips as he dropped his arms. One of his hands stretched out, his long fingers hooking beneath his loose bracelet that still adorned your wrist before pulling you a tad bit closer. His body turned slightly to the side, allowing space for you to lean against the wall as he jutted his chin towards something you had yet to see, though you kept your eyes on him.
It was your turn to narrow your eyes in suspicion at his actions and his refusal to answer you straightforwardly. It made your curiosity grow. 
This was new, whatever…this was. You could confidently say that you two were close friends, but the softness of his eyes and the way his lips curled fondly into a smile that you liked to think was only for you said differently. It watered that little seed of hope in your chest. Now it was only a waiting game to see what it would grow into. And for some reason, you had a suspicion that tonight would not only give that seed enough room to grow but that it’d also become a little clearer, this bond between you two. 
“You’re bein’ rather skeptical instead of just takin’ in what’s right in front of you.”
“And what exactly is right in front of me, Hobie?” You questioned, raising an eyebrow. You hadn’t meant for your voice to be so soft. You certainly hadn’t meant for your eyes to flicker down to his full lips as they pursed slightly at your question. But you found that maybe it was a good thing, as Hobie used the same loose grip he had on the bracelet to pull you just a few inches closer. 
There was more than one way to take his words, and the realization, paired with his actions, came with a small increase in your heart rate. 
The grin on his face had slowly disappeared, being replaced by a look of contemplation and something else you couldn’t quite put your finger on. His eyes roamed over your features as a heavy silence fell over the two of you. Your room had been a space of familiarity; a space with enough distractions that served in keeping your thoughts from straying to things you were too scared to ask for and too self-doubtful to openly wish for. But now…with nothing but the open city skyline and the two of you alone on a nearly barren rooftop…those same thoughts reared their head. Only this time, you were almost certain that you weren’t the only one being pestered by them.
“Oh, I wish I could show you, sweetheart.” 
His words echoed with every beat of your heart, no matter how irregular it had grown because of his presence. His eyes flickered from one point of your face to your eyes, and back. The subtle feeling of his fingers tightening around the bracelet, pulling you even closer was nearly lost on you as you focused on the way his lips parted slightly, an inaudible sigh lifting his shoulders. Though as they lowered with the same breath, his eyes flickered quickly over your shoulder, the grin you knew all too well appearing on his face once more. 
“But you can see for yourself.”
With a mind that still worked on getting itself through the fog of longing that had been brought on by Hobie, you let him turn you towards the edge of the rooftop that looked over a grassy park. It was one that you sometimes found yourself walking through when you needed or wanted to, but now the usually open area was crowded with people either sitting on blankets or lawn chairs, all of their attention on the stage that sprawled over the park’s pond. 
It wasn’t hard to figure out why, as the sound of music reached your ears no sooner than you had realized that there were people on the stage. And it wasn’t just any music. The opening notes to one of the songs Hobie had recommended to you were as familiar as the sound of your own name, as you had certainly listened to the song more than enough times. Along with the recognition of the song came the realization that the band playing was one that you both were rather fond of. 
“Is that…?”
Hobie’s answer came in the form of a chuckle and a nod of his head that you saw out of your peripheral, but other than that, he simply let the music speak for itself. Despite your distance from the concert itself, the music effortlessly rode the soundwaves before reaching the two of you, making your smile grow. 
You’d had no idea that they were even coming to your area, let alone holding an entire concert. But somehow Hobie had known, and he had made sure to bring you to a view no one else had to watch it. 
“Mate of mine only had 2 tickets, and one was for him.” He shrugged one shoulder as you looked at him, your eyes bright with excitement for the music that just started. 
“Thought that I’d have a better view from here, with someone who’s a lot less annoyin’ and a lot prettier.” 
A sound close to a laugh and scoff left you at his words, your head shaking slightly. Despite the smile he wore, there was nothing else to imply that his words were joking. The music provided a background of harmonies and lyrics that you felt only added to the atmosphere, and you briefly wondered if the feelings going through your body were a result of the music’s bass traveling through the air before settling into your bones, or if it was an amalgamation of feelings you were finding a little easier to put a word to. 
“Hobie, you didn’t have to do that. Giving up a free ticket to watch it from a rooftop?” Your voice still held a bit of disbelief as you questioned him, your eyes flickering between the performance and his features. Your divided attention caused you to miss the way his eyes softened as they landed on you, but you were perfectly aware of the way he turned, leaning his elbows on the wall and letting his arm rest firmly against yours. You may or may not have instantly leaned into the warmth his body emanated. 
“There’s a difference between having to do somethin’ and wantin’ to do something. It’s always the second one when it comes to you, love.”
Your smile grew- if that was even possible- and you leaned more into him, your skin flushing from the combination of his words and the point of contact between you two.
The music switched to one of the band’s slower songs, and it only seemed right to hum along with the music. The opening notes garnered cheers from the crowd and a wide smile from you. Though a tug at your wrist paused your humming, and with curious eyes, you turned to Hobie.
“You trust me, right?” He asked the same question he had posed earlier, yet this time, his words were softer; more genuine. Your answer was the same as before…but softer; more genuine.
“Of course I do.”
His eyes brightened at your answer before looking above the two of you to a slanted roof that jutted out over the edge of the roof. He took a step back, pulling you along slowly as if to give you a chance to change your mind, but you did nothing of the sort. You let him lead you to where the roof’s corner was directly above you, and you could only watch as he let go of you before lithely and quickly jumping onto the same corner.
You’d seen Hobie’s powers in action multiple times, and each time, you could remember your heart speeding up in concern and worry. Especially when you saw the familiar webhead fighting the week’s newest villain on the news, or heard another news station calling him a menace or even a villain himself. Now was no different as you watched him balance precariously on the edge of the roof before crouching and offering a hand down to you. 
You took a breath, one that both steadied you and tampered down your nerves, before reaching for his hand. Hobie was one tall guy, and that length only transferred to his arms as he was able to easily grab your hand and hoist you up to the roof…but that was as far as you got before your nerves got the better of you.
His hand was clenched tightly in yours, and your eyes widened as you noticed just how…far from the ground you were-
“Oi, look at me.” 
Neither his voice nor the sound of the band playing could tear your gaze away from how far away the ground looked. Was the ground moving or was that just your mind playing tricks? Was it getting closer? If the ground was getting closer that meant-
It was only the feeling of his arms wrapping securely around you, your body being pulled into the wide and hard expanse of his chest as he settled the two of you on the roof, that pulled you out of your spiraling thoughts. 
“You know ‘ve got you. ‘M not lettin’ you go anywhere.” He mumbled reassuringly, his arms squeezing lightly around your shoulders where they were still wound around you. Your breath hitched once more, but not because of the height you two had found yourselves sitting at. 
Without a hint of hesitation, your own hands raised, securing themselves tightly around his forearms across your chest. You pushed your back further into the confines his arms made around you until you could feel every point of contact between his chest and your back, and only then did you take a deep breath before letting it out. 
“You good, love?” His breath puffed lightly against the shell of your ear as he lowered his head, and the sensation sent a chill down your spine that you didn’t bother trying to hide. 
Sitting there, watching a band you both enjoyed from a view no one else had, knowing that Hobie had specifically wanted this moment between you two made your words catch in your throat. It made every nerve ending in your body alight as if Hobie held the sun itself in his veins, transferring its heat and fire to you every time you two touched. While his touch was like fire, his voice was like a soothing balm that washed over you, always rumbling from deep within his chest.
The word ‘good’ would never be adequate enough to describe how you felt in his arms. There was only one word that even remotely fit the emotion flowing through you at his touch, his voice- him, except this time, there was no self-doubt holding you back from admitting it. To yourself, at least. 
The slower music reached the two of you, the familiar tune helping you relax into Hobie’s chest and helping you realize just how perfectly the two of you fit together. His feet bordered yours, knees bent and giving the two of you an extra sense of security as they kept you from sliding off of the roof. While one arm stayed wrapped around your shoulders, his other unwound itself so that his fingers could find yours. They gently twisted the rings- his rings- that still adorned your fingers before almost slowly lacing with yours. Your smile grew as your head fell back to rest against his shoulder, his chin nudging slightly against your temple. A content sigh left you in the form of words. 
“Yeah, I’m good.”
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A/N: I hope y’all enjoyed this little oneshot that came from staying up too late and fantasizing about Hobie Brown (its an obsession at this point but can you mf blame me?)
All interactions are greatly appreciated! Likes, reblogs, comments; give it all, I’ll take it all <33
Y’all’ stay safe!
Tag list:
@shinsousliya , @honey-teaaaaaaaa , @tchhairbandhere , @jessiapollo-blog , @zane2408 , @bananasplits-world , @yellowjacketmurder , @barkbarkbo​ , @butterflyybabe​ , @bananafishok​ , @mitsuya-takashi​ , @chaoticevilbakugo​ , @cedeni-beanie​ , @kingstormpostsshit​ , @sailorsolar12​ , @justariellove​ , @angelsmist​ , @eriksjournal , @mermaidchansons​ , @nil-eena​ , @paisholotus​ , @thesecretwriterblog​ , @brain-of-nekoma , @simp4iwaizumi , @bumlyn​ , @jackdrawsjunk​ , @http-twyla , @cedeni-beanie​ , @taleiakirby , @brain-of-nekoma , @borderlineacademia​ , @ventingfanfics​ , @jackdrawsjunk​ , @writesbyriri​ , @serahxney​ , @awolfcsworld​
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flowerandblood · 1 year
[modern! photographer • Aemond x female]
[warnings: mention of sex, domination, sexual tension, fluff]
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[description: Aemond is a photographer dealing with works referring to the painting of the old masters. His sister poses in class for a girl who catches his attention. He decides that she would be a perfect model for one of his photos. Lots of sexual tension and slowly built fascination.]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
This is Part 3 of story: Girl with a Pearl Earring
Aemond and she didn't talk about what happened at the last photo shoot. She couldn't stop thinking about what his mouth and tongue had done to her. How unearthly and sublime the experience was. How hard she came on his face.
She wondered if he did this with all his models. Did he ask her to pose for him just because he was physically attracted to her. She once asked Helaena if he ever had another model to pose for so many photos. His sister thought for a moment.
"I don't recall such a situation. Female models always frustrated my brother very quickly. He often complained that they couldn't focus on their task. He praises you very much in this regard." She added finally. She looked at her surprised.
"Really?" She asked, surprised and intrigued by what he might be telling his family about her. Helena looked at her with a smile.
"Yes. He says that you have amazing facial expressions and gaze. That you are able to show very complex, elusive feelings and emotions. He said that his professor is delighted with the photos you have taken recently. Especially the one where there is no mirror." She said contentedly.
"He said you have an inscrutable, thoughtful, jittery expression on your face that fits the whole composition wonderfully."
She swallowed hard, feeling her face turn red at the thought that his professor appreciated the most picture he took of her at the end of photo shoot.
She shuddered to think that perhaps he was doing it on purpose, deliberately, to get the shot he desired. To get the expression he wanted out of her. She pursed her lips, ashamed to think that she had succumbed to his advances so easily.
Although until now she had always looked for him in the hallway of the university to greet him, she decided to stop doing it. She decided that if all this meant nothing to him then she shouldn't have bothered to get his attention.
Aemond wrote to her a few days later informing her that the next painting they would be copying would be Ophelia painted by John Everett Millais. The studio was not suitable for water photography, so Aemond decided that she would be lying on the floor full of flowers. He booked the studio for next Thursday.
Although she usually wrote him very long messages, sharing her ideas and being inventive, this time she only wrote back that she understood and of course she would come at the appointed time.
She slowly finished painting Helaena's portrait. Her bright, beautiful face and almost white hair stood out against the golden background, her blue eyes and gown blended wonderfully with the yellows around. She was very pleased with the effect she got. Helaena looked light, gentle and happy in her portrait, her face framed by an almost imperceptible smile.
She heard someone enter the room, but no one paid any attention to that - students came and went as they pleased. She jumped in place as Aemond suddenly appeared in front of her, looking at her expectantly. She looked at him, swallowing softly, but didn't speak first. Aemond pursed his lips and cleared his throat.
"Can you give me a moment alone?" He asked unusually softly compared to how he usually spoke.
"Yes, of course". She said surprised, getting up from her seat and following him. They were led away by the curious looks of her classmates.
They went out into the corridor and stand in front of each other. She looked at him expectantly, smiling slightly. She felt her heart pounding hard and swallowed softly as the memory of him kneeling between her legs flashed through her mind. Aemond spoke after a moment.
"My professor is delighted with the photos we have taken so far. He thinks we are going in the right direction. I agree with his opinion." He spoke calmly and matter-of-factly.
She looked at him surprised. She wondered if he was implying something with that statement, wanting to say that what was going on between them should continue for the sake of his art. She swallowed hard at the thought, dropping her gaze.
"Well, I'm glad that you and he are satisfied." She said calmly, trying to smile. Aemond looked at her intensely, concerned. He was clearly struggling to ask her something. He gave up at the last moment, looking away.
"See you on Thursday."
Already two days before the photo shoot, she felt that she had caught a cold. At first she had only a sore throat and a runny nose. She took vitamin C tablets and aspirin, but despite her best efforts on the day they were to meet she woke up with a fever. She looked at herself in the mirror as she changed clothes.
She was pale, there were light circles under her eyes. She thought she really did look like she was dying. That she really looked and felt like Ophelia, inside and out. She decided not to cancel the session.
She came to the set more stressed than ever before. As she entered the room, she and Aemond looked at each other quickly. They nodded to each other without saying a word. Aemond was spreading wildflowers on the floor for her to lie down on. They looked like a large, colorful eiderdown.
She went straight to the room where she could change. She did not consult it with him, but she sewed a dress for the photo. It was white and slightly translucent, a delicate, flowing material. It had puffy, long sleeves, ending at the wrists with embroidered cuffs. The boat neckline of the dress was also decorated with white embroidery.
She decided to take off her bra, knowing it would look bad in the photo. She shuddered at the thought, both terrified and excited that her nipples would be barely visible.
Her head was spinning from the fever.
She deliberately didn't take any pills, wanting to look as pale as possible. She decided that if he wanted her to sacrifice herself for his art, she would.
She left the room after a while, closing the door quietly behind her and headed towards the flowers and plants spread on the ground. Aemond looked at her and raised his eyebrows in surprise, only now noticing how pale she was. His gaze traveled down to her cleavage and froze for a moment. He cleared his throat, looking at his feet, and went straight to the point.
"Lie where the flowers are more piled up. I want them to be visible around your head in the frame as well." He said calmly. She thought he was trying to sound less cold than usual.
She lay down obediently, placing her face where he had directed her. She spread her arms out to the sides as in the painting, placing her fingers as if she was holding a needle. She tilted her head back slightly, feeling waves of heat flowing down her body.
Aemond crouched beside her, camera in one hand. With his free hand, he gently combed her hair as he saw fit. She saw that involuntarily his gaze escaped towards her slightly translucent breasts. He brought the camera up to his face and looked at her through the lens.
"Open your mouth." He spoke softly and she obeyed. She heard the sound of the camera shutter.
"Think of something depressing. Something that keeps you awake at night." He said finally, lowering the camera, looking at her expectantly. "Your gaze must express the emptiness of suffering."
She swallowed softly at his words. She thought about him. That once he took all the photos of her he wanted she would never see him again. That he would find another model and muse. That she was just a moment in his life that he immortalized on his films and nothing more.
She felt her lips quiver at the thought, her body shivering. Her eyes turned painfully red. She inhaled softly, trembling, a tear rolling down her cheek. She stared straight ahead, somewhere to the side, her eyes completely absent. She heard him get up on his knees and take a series of pictures of her.
"God, it's beautiful." He whispered.
After a while he lowered the camera down. She saw out of the corner of her eye that he was staring at her silently. Her chest heaved steadily. She couldn't stop the tears streaming down her face.
It was getting harder and harder to breathe due to the high temperature of her body. She flinched as she felt his cool hand touch her cheek, wiping away her tears. She heard him suddenly draw in a breath.
"Why are you so warm?" He asked worriedly, quickly moving his hand from her cheek to her forehead.
"Do you have a fever?" He asked, but she didn't answer him, looking away. Aemond pursed his lips.
"Why didn't you call me? I would reschedule our session, you should be in bed. Have you taken any meds?" He finally asked, his tone of voice impatient. She swallowed softly, feeling like she was all on fire.
"I thought it would benefit your photography." She spoke calmly, her voice weak and quiet. She felt him staring at her in disbelief. He lowered the camera, running his hand over his mouth and chin. He didn't know what to say.
"I…fuck. Do you think a good picture is all that matters to me?" He finally asked with a note of regret in his voice that surprised her. She turned her head to him with difficulty, the traces of her tears still adorning her cheeks. Her lips trembled.
Aemond stared at her silently. His hand touched her cheeks and forehead again and again, as if he was constantly checking to see if she was getting worse. There was a tenderness and delicacy in that touch that didn't suit him. She had a feeling that if he didn't stop she would start crying again. For some reason she felt that the state she was now experiencing was literally dying before his eyes.
She thought he saw it, because his lips parted slightly, his gaze softer than ever. A pleasant shiver went through her as he stroked her head gently as if she were a small child.
"I wake up thinking about you. I fall asleep thinking about you." He whispered, his fingers running through her hair. She felt her breath go out. She thought she was hallucinating from the fever. She looked at him uncomprehendingly.
"You are my inexhaustible source of inspiration. I adore you, my muse." He whispered softly as if saying the words of some prayer.
She stared at him with wide eyes. She felt like she was about to collapse in this sea of flowers and just pass out. Her body couldn't handle what he was doing to her. Her lips parted slightly, trembling all over. She closed her eyes, burying her cheek in his hand. She heard him suck in a sharp breath and swallow softly.
"Do you have any pills with you?" He asked quietly. She nodded.
"Are they in your backpack?"
She nodded again without opening her eyes. Aemond took his hand from her and stood up. She heard his footsteps and the sound of the door opening.
She did not have the strength to open her eyes. She felt that she had fallen asleep for a moment when he was not there, completely weak. He woke her up by gently touching her cheek. He crouched in front of her, holding paracetamol tablets and a bottle of water.
"Take two at once and drink it." He said calmly, handing them to her, helping her get up slightly so she could drink some water without choking at the same time. She swallowed the pills and immediately fell back down, not having the strength to sit. As soon as she opened her eyes, it seemed to her that everything was spinning. After a moment she heard his quiet voice.
"Do you want to take a nap here?"
She nodded slightly. The smell of wildflowers, leaves and grass filled her lungs. Her body was already refusing to obey, demanding rest and regeneration from the morning, unable to accept any more stimuli. She literally fell asleep before his eyes.
She felt something warm envelop her, some large, pleasant material. She heard the rustle of fabric and felt arms pulling her close, a hand in her hair. His scent filled her lungs. Her fingers tightened on the material of his turtleneck.
"Aemond." She whispered.
If you want to be tagged, leave a comment below. Bold are the ones I couldn't tag. ♥
@zenka69 @melsunshine @opheliaas-stuff @chainsawsangel @tinykryptonitewerewolf @malfoytargaryen @toodlesxcuddles @fan-goddess @bellaisasleep @skikikikiikhhjuuh @douadeer
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wordy-little-witch · 4 months
I need a little sweetness rn so more age regression stuff with regressor Buggy
• upon Cross Guild starting, Buggy had no intentions of telling Mihawk or Crocodile about his regression. It was a vulnerability he wasn't even remotely comfortable sharing with them.
Over time, they eventually start warning up to one another, and things settle down. Mihawk then asks if the island is haunted. When Buggy, confused, says no, Mihawk just guns softly. When asked why he's wondering, he tells Buggy that "on occasion, I will sense a young presence. It's never definitive, and I have yet to he able to find them, but the energy comes and goes rather frequently. It's faint, as if suppressed. I worry for any child who has had to learn such a habit."
Buggy is SWEATING but also kind of... tender, too? Like he never realized he suppressed his signature even regressed, though it's not a surprise to him. Also, Mihawk admitting to worry? For a child?? That's somehow precious.
• Crocodile nearly catches Buggy slip once. The latter had been looking around the 'wani breeding den and was given a chance to play with some of the younger strawberrywanis. Apparently being crawled over and playing with and getting kisses from decently sized dangerous reptiles made a certain clown feel a bit... smaller than he maybe should, outside of his designated Safe Spots. He was relatively alone, safe, and having fun, though, so he didn't force anything, just let himself exist, giggling and playing and snuggling with the babies. Crocodile's chuckles were a surprise (and a wash of ice in his veins), but the logia user didn't seem to notice much difference, only making a comment on how Buggy fit right in, wiggling around in the sand with them. Pushing the Little bits back, Buggy bounced up and carried on.
• the reveal only happens one of two ways.
1) Crocodile and Mihawk have some kind of concern or anger at Buggy for something, go barging into his tent and find Buggy very much regressed and suddenly panicking. Mihaw just has a moment of ".... oh. Ohhhh. Oh this makes sense now" while Crocodile is staring, trying to compute. It ends with Mihawwk setting aside Yoru and kneeling down to ask if he can join Buggy in his playtime. Crocodile gets dragged into it as well because he is not immune to clown puppy eyes.
2) there's a tropical storm hitting Karai Bari. The heightening humidity is already effecting the devil fruit users, and the rain isn't very productive. Everyone is mostly inside for the day and evening, so once Buggy finishes his work for the day, he decides to regress with the extra free time. Things are fine and Dandy until the weather gets even worse.
Big Buggy doesn't like thunder and lightning on a good day. Too many bad memories tied to it ((the Edd War, Roger's execution and what followed, being hunted by enemies, on and on and on-)).
Little Buggy absolutely detests it.
He's alone - Alvida is holed up herself, away from the elements, Mohji and Ritchie are in their tent, too far away, Cabaji is busy or in his own space too- Buggy is by himself, is small, and is scared.
He tries to tough it out, to be brave and strong and a big kid, but... well, he's tiny and it's loud and he keeps thinking Bad Thoughts.
It's too far to Cab and Moh's, to Vida's, and he loves them, but they things he's scared of are really super duper extra strong. They wouldn't stand a chance. ((He thinks about thay too, and he can't stop it, every boom, every flash, red and wet and warm and cold and Voices ebbing and flowing and it's too much too much too much-)).
Buggy is small and scared and he decides to go instead to the people he kinda trusts because they're strong and he thinks they're friends and it's just so freaking loud so-
Crocodile very much did not expect to open his door to a teary eyed blue haired clown in footie pajamas holding a stuffed animal and gnawing on a teether but here we are. The logical course of action is to slam the door.
He's embarrassed to admit the jester had made him soft, so he wordlessly let's the other in, calls Mihawk, and the swordsman arches a brow, nods, comes over, and then immediately jumps into grounding techniques and then makes Crocodile help them set up a little play space with his sand.
They fall asleep in his room that night, and the next day, Buggy is MORTIFIED but he feels he owes them an explanation-
Mihawk beats him to it. "Your Haki reverted to that of a child. I have read before in some books that such can occur in a mental state. This simply confirms to me that it is not am act on your part, Clown. For all intents and purposes, you were but a scared child. I believe I speak for us both when I say I am honored to have had your trust at such a point."
"Yeah, what he said."
".... oh."
"Indeed. Coffee?"
• after that, Mihawk searches for Buggy specifically when he feels the child-like haki. Crocodile refuses to admit that he does his own research. Neither will admit to the sudden influx of little gifts either. Buggy's chewy is getting worn down? Suddenly there's a few replacements in a box on his vanity. He mentions liking a color or animal offhand during a conversation? New blanket or stuffy. And that doesn't begin to discuss the toys or books or outfits, even if the ones from Mihawk are always identifiable by the style having a distinct color scheme. Buggy winds up spoiled, and is bamboozled by it.
• turns out cross guild poly is cute normal way AND with regression topics. Big, Buggy is head over heels. Little? He's so so so happy and safe.
• Alvida, Cabaji, Mohji, Mihawk and Crocodile have to hash out Buggy babysitting duties, but it's more them arguing over who gets Baby Bug time while the baby in question cuddles with Ritchie. Sillies, all around.
• Bug has nicknames for everyone when he's little if only bc words are harder to enunciate, let alone names, and it melts hearts. Momo (Mohji), Cab (Cabaji), Vida (Alvida), Mimi (Mihawk), Didi [pronounced dye-dye] (Crocodile), and Shanks is Red. ((He also slips a little more with other names. It's hit or miss with Roger if he's referred to as cap'n or daddy, and Rayleigh is Ray-san or papa.))
• lil buggy has a lisp
• he likes teether, chewy stim toys, refuses a pacifier bc he's never had one but he might be open to the idea of it down the line.
• blocks blocks blocks he's a building baby. Adores making forts
• the first time Mihawk or Crocodile pick him up while small, he freezes, then melts. Touch starved but being carried (especially by them) makes him feel small and safe and safe to be small.
• semiverbal. Uses sign language when words are too hard
• lower energy little.
That's all I got rn it's late and I'm so heckin tired
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loupy-mongoose · 8 months
Just for the fun of it, I thought I'd share/outline some of the AU branches I've thought of for Linden Roots. None of them are anything near fleshed out. Just fun little potentials~
Some things of note: -If Lavender were to be born as a Mew, then she would have been called Poppy. So when I mention that name, that's who I'm referring to. -Unless I think of or mention a very special case, in any path where Randy survives as a human, Randy and Akoya do NOT end up romantically involved with each other. I think of the canon path as the "True Ending", lol. -In the same vein, Lav/Poppy would not come to see Randy as her dad, and would likely call him Mr. Randy. -The human form of Mo that I shared is a possibility in any path where Mo survives. -Any scenario where Randy and/or Akoya survive, they would likely go to Vivianna's place first.
-Some of these go a very, VERY dark and sad direction. Each one will be labeled appropriately.
1: Randy, Akoya, and Mo leave the lab before Poppy is turned into a Mewtwo. I could see Randy going on to become a trainer and having a team of Mews, starting with Akoya, Mo, and Poppy. Possibly gaining more, like Persim, as well.
2: Randy, Akoya, and Mo leave the lab before Lavender is born. Death Warning I see two possible outcomes with this, as it's highly unlikely that Akoya would survive having Lavender without medical aid. There's the possibility that they take her to a Pokemon Center and she survives, but also the possibility of her giving birth at Viv's place and passing away. :(
3: Randy, Akoya, and Mo leave after Lavender is born Randy is somehow convinced to not destroy the computers, and they leave the lab together.
4: Mo doesn't take Randy's memories Death Warning Without the new memories cluttering his mind and breaking his focus, Mo would be more likely to stop Akoya from rushing into the fire, and thus getting her, him, and Lav out. They may go to visit Viv and break the news to her that Randy died, but eventually Mo would get them to go find Fuji. Due to him knowing about the first Mewtwo, Mo would feel like he would be a good place to go to learn about the second.
5: Randy's mother doesn't accept him as Randy Death/Suicide Warning It was asked once on the Discord server I'm part of, what's the darkest path our stories could go down. (Or something to that effect) This is the one I came up with at the time. If Viv didn't accept Randy as Randy when he told her, then he wouldn't be able to either. He wouldn't be able to be Randy, and he wouldn't be able to be Mo, so he'd probably go off by himself and try to be someone else. But I strongly believe he would give up, and... Well...
6: Randy and Akoya both die in the fire I only just now thought of this for this post, but it's another possibly fun outcome to explore. Mo would have to take Lav by himself, in which case he would've thought of Fuji first. He would have to find him on his own, as he doesn't have access to technology like the other Mews have.
7: Lav's Bio dad survives and somehow takes Randy's memories instead of Mo. I haven't put any thought into this one, but it's an option, so I'll stick it here. XD
There could be more to come, but for now that's all I've got~
It's very interesting to think of all the ways my story could go. I don't know if, when, or how I'll ever expand on any of these, but it could be a fun idea someday! The doodles of human Mo got some gears turning, but I don't want to be distracted too far from the canon for now. >w<
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amberlynnmurdock · 7 months
Blind Faith (Ch. 15)
Chapter Fifteen: Sunday
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Summary: You and Matt wake up on Sunday and talk about what's happened and where to go next.
Warnings: 18+ content, smut, unprotected sex.
A/N: Thank you all for being here since I started this fic in July. This has been my favorite Matt Murdock fic I've written because of the time and planning I put into it. If you've left a like, or reblog, or a comment on here, THANK YOU. It means the world to me to write fanfic and share it with people who want to read <3 Here is the final chapter of Blind Faith. I hope you like it!
Ao3 Link
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Hell’s Kitchen
You stayed with Matt the whole weekend, and the whole weekend seemed to go by just as fast as it had come. One moment, you’re on your way to a date. The next, you’re blacked out and waking up in your savior’s apartment which actually turned out to be your boss’. Yeah, you could say you’ve had a long weekend. 
Your body felt fully recovered from the drug’s side effects, but it was your mind that still needed healing. Despite being saved from that terrible nightmare, you now were taking what you experienced with you everywhere. If it wasn’t you who poured a drink, you wouldn’t have it. 
Bright and dry. Unlike the previous day’s weather of wet, stormy, and dark. 
And of course, the breaking news on Saturday morning. 
You didn’t want to spend more time than you needed to on him, but when you saw the breaking news flash across WHIH’s channel, your heart dropped. Zack was found by police and arrested for illegal drug possession. It occurred to you that you hadn’t seen him since the start of that dreadful night, so to see the footage of him knocked unconscious and bloody, tied to his dining room table, you froze. As soon as the image came on, Matt shut the TV off. 
Now, Sunday, you lay in Matt’s bed, with Matt beside you. Sunlight shone through his windows and onto the bed, lighting up the bottom half. You stretched under his silk blankets. 
Your legs felt sore from all the sex you had with Matt, which was going to be quite unforgettable once you’ve left. You looked around his living room through the half-opened sliding door and put it to memory: the brown, ratty leather couch. A mismatched dark blue chair. A light gray patterned rug. The brick walls. This bedroom that you’ve committed to memory of how soft his silk sheets felt on your skin just as you’ve committed to memory of the way he kissed your entire body.
You felt your heart flutter at the memory of Matt pulling you roughly against his body the night before. His hands tangled in your hair and pulled gently for his lips to find their way to your neck. Matthew, whispering in your ear that he’s wanted this for so long—he’s wanted you for so long. 
And there he was, doing it all over again. 
“Come here,” he murmurs half asleep, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you close. 
He didn’t leave your side once this weekend, and you didn’t want him to. Mostly because you weren’t sure if you’d ever have another weekend like this. A weekend with him. Being with him in general. 
It was a question the two of you were avoiding after that first night: where do we go from here? 
You’ve certainly spent most of the time thinking of this. And you were afraid too much had happened for you and Matt to take things any further. But you haven’t said this to him…because you thought you wouldn’t be able to get the words out. 
You’re damn near close to tears even thinking of it. And you know Matt can sense them in the air. He doesn’t ask you why you’re crying. He just pulls you even closer to his chest and kisses your head. He brushes his fingers through your hair. And you want him, just one more time. Once more, before Sunday is over. 
Matt slowly drags his fingers down your back, slipping under the blanket. He traces over your ass and presses one finger on your wet pussy, a way to ask permission.
You nod your head against his chest, gripping his shoulders. 
Matt gently pushes a finger inside your velvety wetness, feeling your pussy tighten around his finger. He pushes deeper inside you, wiggling his finger to find your sweet spot. He knows he found it when you squirm in the bed and shudder against him. 
“One more time,” you whisper.
You’ve wrapped your legs around Matt’s waist and straddled him in one swift movement. The silk blanket slips off your body, exposing yourself in front of Matt again. 
Matt gasps as he feels your wetness coat his lower abdomen, not quite where he needs you most. His cock is swollen hard under the sheets, and he can hear his own heart beating hard in his chest. You lower your face and kiss him deeply, letting his tongue enter your mouth and lick your teeth. He places a hand on your neck and you place yours on top of his, encouraging him to squeeze lightly, and he does. You move the same hand over your right breast, and he feels how hard your nipple is against his palm. He moves his hand in a kneading motion.
Matt can feel and smell your wetness in the air, it makes him feel an intense need in his chest. You slowly inch your way down and rub your soft pussy over the length of his hard cock. Matt rocks against you and grabs a fistful of your hair, gently tugging. 
You reach for his cock and line it with your pussy. Bracing yourself for the pain, you slowly inch down the length of him, feeling his size stretch your tight pussy until you were completely wrapped around him. You feel full and feel a familiar tightness in the pit of your stomach. 
“Oh, God,” you whine as you feel Matt’s cock fully inside you. You begin to rock back and forth on his cock, the more you do, the more you need to feel him all around, like an itch needing a desperate scratch. Matt bucks his hips up into you, bucks his cock hard into your pussy, feeling you clench his hardness. 
“You feel like heaven,” Matt breathes out, letting you bounce on his cock fast and then slow. You slowly lift your pussy off before coming back down hard and feeling the tip of his cock touch that spot deep inside you. And you keep doing it again, and again, and again, bouncing as much as you need to feel him. 
“Mm,” you moan feeling your pussy clench tightly around Matt’s cock. You tilt your body backward and Matt reaches his hands to cover your breasts. He kneads them and bucks his hips into you, pushing his cock deeper. 
“That’s it,” Matt says in a guttural voice. 
He knows you’re about to come by the way you’re moaning and breathing so fast, so fast he almost doesn’t hear you asking him to come inside you again. 
“Matthew,” you say breathlessly as you keep bouncing on his cock. 
Matt places his hands on your waist and rocks you back and forth on his cock for you, as you’re losing pace from going too fast. You come all over his cock and moan so lightly, it causes Matt to finish at the same time, filling you with his hot come, and feeling it gush inside your pussy. He holds you still as he feels his cock pump come one, two, three, four times so deep, you shiver and fall against his chest. 
“God,” Matt moans against your ear, feeling your pussy squeeze his cock for one last drop inside you. It feels so good to come in you, to feel that tightness in the pit of your stomach, to feel Matt’s warmth fill you. It leaks out a lot, you spread your legs and feel Matt slide out of you and the familiar empty feeling of his size leaving you. You practically collapse on the bed again and watch as Matt finds a towel to clean you with. 
You’re shivering in the bed from your orgasm, and Matt takes no time in holding you against him again, as you come down from your high. 
“Was this all a good idea?” You find yourself asking breathlessly against his pillow. Matt’s next to you, pushing a strand of your hair behind your ear. 
“What we just did.”
“You mean, what we’ve been doing all weekend?” He smirks. You want to wipe it off, but you feel a shiver down your spine as you imagine him covered with a black mask. It was still strange that it was him. 
“Yes,” you say. You’ve come to peace with Matt being your savior, but you weren’t sure it was something you could live with. Perhaps, now was the time to ask Matt: where do we go from here?
“Doesn’t seem like it was necessarily a bad idea,” Matt says lowly, referring to your wetness. You move to lay on your back, staring at the ceiling. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t have found out what we would miss,” you simply say. 
Matt’s gaze moves to you, his brows furrowed. He reaches over to caress your chin, to guide you to look at him. 
“What do you mean?” He asks. But deep down, Matt knows exactly what you mean. 
“Tomorrow is Monday, Matthew,” you state plainly. “Tell me, do Karen and Foggy know you’re Daredevil?”
“Yes,” he answers. 
“Do they know I didn’t know?”
After a small pause, he nods. “Yes.” 
“How in the world do you expect me to walk into work tomorrow after a weekend like this? After they find out about us?”
“They won't think of you differently,” he shakes his head. “They’ll think of me differently.” 
“Matt,” you bite your lip, looking at his hazel-brown eyes. There was a time you were dying to know what his eyes looked like behind those dark red glasses. There was a time you were dying to know who he was behind that mask. “Think about what’s happened—what I’ve been through. We’ve been having this affair since the beginning of summer. We didn’t talk for a month, except at work, before I knew you were you. Friday, I was drugged and you saved me.” 
Matt clenches his jaw at the memory of Friday night. It makes him want to bring you closer to him again. But he doesn’t. 
“Then, I find out the man I’ve been seeing in secret was right under my nose all along,” you explain. “This is a lot for me. I can’t just pack it up and move on,” you reach over and gently run your fingers along his jawline, because this may be the last time you’ll ever be this close to Matt Murdock. 
“So what does that mean for us?” Matt asks, although he knows the answer inside. 
“It means, after today, that’s it. I’m going to resign from Nelson & Murdock tomorrow. I’ll write Foggy and Karen a letter and say—“
“You don’t have to do that. I’ll tell them.”
“They should hear from me,” you gently argue. 
“They will. But I will tell them everything.”
“Okay,” you sighed, “that saves me the awkward part of telling them I’ve been hooking up with you.” 
Matt smiles a little, but it quickly fades as your words echo in his ears. After today, that’s it. 
“Is it really over?” Matt asks. “After I finally reveal myself and we have this weekend, that’s it?” 
“Think about what it took for you to finally reveal yourself, Matt,” you whisper. “Look at how we ended up here.” 
As much as it pained him, it was true. What right did he have, after everything he’s put you through? 
“Okay,” he nodded. “If that’s what you want.” 
“It’s not that I want this to be the end,” you said in frustration, wishing he would understand what you were trying to say. “You’re all I’ve wanted this entire time.” You covered your face with your hands, feeling tears brimming your eyes. Why did it have to hurt so much, to make a tough decision like this? 
“I just—I don’t have the same faith I once did before,” you cry softly. “And I want you so bad. I want more weekends like this, I want to be with you, but—“ 
“Too much has happened,” Matt finishes your sentence, trying to remain composed. “I understand. You don’t have to explain yourself. It’s okay.” 
“Then why am I still crying? Why does it feel like this?” You wipe your tears away and look around his room again—your safe haven for the weekend. You didn’t want to go. 
“Because what I did to you wasn’t fair,” Matt says softly. “I ruined what could’ve been for us. I have to live with that. Not you,” Matt reaches over and places his hand on your cheek, urging you to look at him. He wipes a tear away with his thumb, caressing your cheek. “Not you.” 
After your conversation, the two of you lay in his bed for a few more hours until you decided the longer you stayed, the harder the goodbye would be. You took a shower in his apartment and changed into the clothes his nurse friend left for you. When you finally gathered your things, Matt was waiting quietly on his couch.
“Ready?” He asks. 
“You don’t have to take me home, Matt,” you said, sucking in your tears. “I think it’s best I get a cab.”
“I want to make sure you’ll be safe.”
“I will,” you promised. “Please, Matt. Don’t make this harder for me.” 
Matt nodded, running a hand through his hair. “Let me walk you to the door, then.”
You wanted to smile at his attempts, but it only hurt your heart even more. With every step to his door, you slowed down your pace. Just as you reached for the knob, Matt did too, and your hands touched for a brief moment before Matt is taking your hand and gently pushing you against his wall. 
You close your eyes and let him do what he wants, because you want this, too. He leans down and gently presses his forehead against yours, the tips of your noses touching. Matt’s strong hands are on either side of your waist, and you’re taken back to all those times he’s held you on your roof, under a black mask. His lips ghost over yours, and it takes you to gently nudge him for him to fully press his lips onto yours. 
Matt holds you still as he kisses you deeply, more deeply than he ever has before. He takes this moment to remember your scent, your heartbeat, your breathing because he’s not sure when he’ll be able to be around you again. This is all he has to remember you. This moment that having blind faith has led him to—both of you. He kisses you again and holds your face in his hands. He pulls back to kiss your jaw, to kiss behind your ear, to kiss your neck. Matt will never forgive himself for this. 
“I love you,” you whisper. “I have to go.” 
“I lied to you, that one night,” Matt says with pain in his voice. “I do love. I love you. And I don’t want you to leave. But if it means anything, it’s the most intense feeling I’ll ever have to hold on to be left by you.” 
And with one last kiss, you’re out the door, out of his apartment, out of his life for a long, long time. 
When he hears you get inside a cab, Matt charges up his phone that’s been out of battery the entire weekend and calls Foggy to tell him everything that’s happened. 
TAGS: @starry-night-20 @sumsytee @queerqueenlynnn  @mattmurdocksstarlight @marvelcinematiquniverse @hailey-murdock @yeonalie (please let me know if I missed you!)
P.S. There will be an epilogue!
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ghostofskywalker · 6 months
I saw your winter ficlet thing!!
Could I perhaps request Obi-Wan Kenobi x fem!reader, with the prompt "I need you to kiss me. Right now. Please."?
Happy holidays, and I can't wait to see whatever you write!!
happy holidays to you too! i hope you enjoy this :)
words: 875
summary: a fancy gala + a fake date mission = unbearable romantic tension between you and obi-wan.
This Torturous Tension
obi-wan kenobi masterlist || request a winter ficlet!
The band hadn’t once stopped playing, but to you all their music had faded away throughout the time you spent in this room. All your focus was kept on making the right steps, because you would never be able to forgive yourself if you stepped on the feet of your best friend while dancing.
Obi-Wan wouldn’t really care if you missed a step, and deep down you knew that, but you would still not want to be anything less than perfect. It certainly didn’t help that he was dressed in the fanciest robes you’ve ever seen, and the dress you wore was much heavier than your usual lightweight Jedi robes, which sometimes limited your range of motion.
So many things had already happened on this night, and you honestly weren’t sure how you had managed to survive them. You had been told just mere hours ago that you were going on this assignment with Obi-Wan, and that you would posing as lovers in order to get intel about a potential Separatist faction forming in the very heart of Coruscant. It certainly didn’t help that the outfits provided for both of you were some of the finest and fanciest things you’ve ever seen, and that Obi-Wan Kenobi had the unique ability of making you forget all your thoughts when you looked at him.
And the worst part of it all was the fact that he seemed wholly unaware of the effect he was having on you.
“We haven’t gotten a chance to talk in a while,” he said softly, right before twirling you across the ballroom floor. You were now dancing towards the corner of the space, quiet and secluded. “This is nice.”
“It is,” you agreed softly, fighting back the urge to glance at the hand that was resting so delicately on your hip. Okay, you were lying. As nice as the idea was (and as amazing as he looked in those robes), this entire evening had been nothing but torture, and it was showing no signs of stopping.
“I hate that we haven’t gotten a chance to talk more,” Obi-Wan said.
“I know,” you said. He had that look on his face, the one that you could never say no to. You wanted to kiss him more than you’ve ever wanted anything else.
“Maybe the war will be over soon,” he said, a melancholy smile on his face.
You smiled at his hope, knowing that you shared the sentiment. “And we can go back to causing trouble like we used to do as padawans.”
“Oh I think that’s going to be Anakin’s job from now on,” he responded. “He has informed me that I’m too boring and that I might as well have settled down.”
Your eyebrows shot up. “Didn’t you just blow up a droid factory a couple rotations ago?”
“Yes, well-”
“Without a lightsaber or any kind of backup?”
Obi-Wan looked sheepish, another absolutely adorable expression you never wanted to forget. “I suppose in comparison to my former padawan, I must seem like one of the elders.”
You laughed at the idea as memories of adventures and chaos came back to you, all of which had featured Obi-Wan at your side. That was simply another wound you had to bear right now, because you’ve loved him for as long as you could remember, but the reality of the Jedi Code had been ever-looming above you. And as time went on, you wanted more and more to ignore it, even if it was for a few fleeting moments.
In between moments of comfortable silence, you could feel the tension growing. It had been on a steady incline since you set foot in this gala, but this was unbearable. His face was closer to yours than it had ever been, and you could feel your heart skip beats every time he smiled.
Maybe it was the energy in the air, maybe it was the Correlian wine you had drank two glasses of, or maybe it was fact that you finally had the opportunity to do one of the things you’ve always wanted to do, but in that very moment, you decided to take a risk. "I need you to kiss me.”
He looked at you with surprise in his eyes, but you didn’t want to worry about the potential ramifications until tomorrow morning. “Right now,” you breathed. “Please?”
Now you’ve dreamt of moments like these before (quite possibly more often than you’d like to admit), but there was truly no way to describe the feeling in your body when he actually obliged your request.
And when he pulled away, you couldn’t help the way a breathless sigh escaped your lips. “I was wondering if I was going to regret asking,” you whispered, searching his face for some kind of reassurance.
“And?” he asked, one eyebrow moving upwards. “Do you?
The response came tumbling out of your mouth almost instantly. “I don’t think I’ve ever regretted anything I’ve done, as long as it was with you.”
As you leaned in to kiss him again, you could feel his other hand find your waist and hold you closer. And when your lips met for the second time, it was somehow even more perfect than the first. 
- the end -
i no longer have a taglist! if you're interested in being notified when i post, you can follow my library blog @ghostofskywalker-library and turn on notifications!
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daisyvisions · 1 year
Hate is a Strong Word - Part 2
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Pairing: Enemies with Benefits! Sangyeon x Fem! reader Synopsis: When one kiss sends both of you into a spiral, are you able to resist or give up everything to do it again? Word Count: 6,385 (phew 😮‍💨) Warnings: (18+, Minors DNI), explicit smut (?), unprotected sex, fingering, some coercion (consent is key ALWAYS okay?), heavy sexual tension, lots of cuss words, hot muscley dark-haired Sangyeon (yes that’s a warning), some mutual pining, dirty talk, pet name (sweetheart), lots the word “god” but not used religiously A/N: Finally, a fic where I don’t leave people hanging 😌 I’m so sorry this took longer than it should’ve! I wanted to be sure that the storyline didn’t go far away from the plot of the 1st part! And also, this made me wanna makeout with Sangyeon until I couldn't feel my lips ngl 😵‍💫 Enjoy!
Read Part 1 Here!
“Oh, Sangyeon-” you whimper.
“You have no idea how much I wanted you like this…” he groans into your mouth.
Sangyeon never thought he’d end up seeing you the way you are right now: panting breathlessly, telling him to thrust harder, gripping his shoulders tightly, allowing him to fuck you so good that you’re a babbling mess. Everything felt like a haze, like it was a dream.
“S-Sangyeon, I’m gonna-“
Your shaky voice and contorted face were signaling your approaching climax. He couldn’t wait to see you come undone for him. But just as you were about to, your figure suddenly disappears beneath him in a blink of an eye… What the fuck?
Beep… beep… beep!
The blaring sound of his alarm abruptly wakes him up. His eyes shoot open, staring at the ceiling in confusion. He was covered in sweat, felt like his head was spinning… and was incredibly hard. The front of his boxers was practically drenched in his precum.
Another wet dream.
“Shit, not again…” he flips and groans into his pillow.
He rubs his face vigorously, trying to shake the dream off his mind. Normally he could go about his day as if it didn’t happen, but this dream was the most vivid one by far. It was making him dread seeing you in class today.
It was just a dream, keep it together for fuck’s sake. But he knows himself all too well to know that was a lie.
It had been a few weeks since the incident inside the closet and you’d been avoiding Sangyeon like the plague. Even your friends started noticing you don’t talk shit about him as much as you used to, but you reassured them that you just didn’t have the mental energy to do so anymore.
You’re not going to lie to yourself. Sometimes the memory of that moment randomly plays in your head when you least expect it to. Remembering the warmth that radiated from his body, his strong muscles holding you close, and his soft plump lips against yours. How you secretly wished it could happen again.
But you obviously couldn’t tell anyone about it, you would rather eat dirt than admit that. So you preferred to just suppress whatever the hell you were feeling about him and just move on with your life.
For Sangyeon however, it seemed like the more days passed by, the effects of that incident had gotten worse for him to handle. It’s not like he was harboring any crush on you beforehand, it was more of a weird mix between his carnal desires and his dying curiosity on what could've happened.
Besides his recurring wet dreams, he just couldn't stop thinking about your heavenly lips. How sweet you tasted, how you sounded moaning his name, the way they molded so perfectly into his. He was getting too addicted.
And no matter what he did, those thoughts of you would remain in his mind. He tried to avoid you as much as he could despite sharing almost all classes together. It was even more difficult especially when you’d pass by and the whiff of your scent would linger in the air, baiting him to follow you.
There have been multiple times where he’d end up staring at you from afar longer than he should’ve (in which he almost got caught by one of his friends.) He knew his so-called rivalry with you was already obsessive in nature, but this? It was a whole other level, a game he didn’t know how to play.
Believe me, he did everything he could to forget you and that moment. He even tried to jerk it off but that didn’t help at all! It just made his deep-seeded lust for you grow even worse.
And you didn't even have to do anything to get him this riled up. One glance from you, seeing your figure from the distance, hearing your voice in passing, anything you did had become too addicting than he could bear.
To him, you were like a siren trying to lure him into dark waters and he was slowly starting to drown into depths of desire he knew he shouldn't have gone into… because now he wanted more.
He kept thinking of the many possible ways to try and get you alone like that again, but that was already a challenge in itself.
But he always loved a challenge, especially if it involved you. Sangyeon was incredibly determined to find a way to put an end to this madness once and for all.
No matter what, he’ll do whatever it takes as long as he gets what he wants… you.
Tennis shoes were squeaking against the newly polished floors of the hallway as you sprinted, you were running late to your 8AM class. Juggling your part-time and studies was starting to take a toll on you, causing you to lack sleep and become more forgetful than you ever were before. So naturally, you forgot to set your alarm today.
The moment you reach the door, you’re immediately greeted by the smile of your professor.
“Oh, Miss L/n. There you are! You’re just on time. I thought you weren’t going to make it today.”
“I’m so sorry Mr. Park. It won't happen again,” you reply as you try to catch your breath.
“That’s alright! We’re going to watch a documentary today, nothing to be stressed about. But since your usual spot has been taken, you’re just gonna have to fill in the last seat at the back.”
Your eyes follow where Mr. Park points out. From a distance you see a small shared table at the top of the steps, a secluded area from the other seats in the room.
Your eyes snap at the figure occupying the seat next to yours and your chest suddenly tightens seeing who it was.
Oh god, not beside… him.
It was like the universe was playing another sick joke on you. You sighed and accepted your fate, nodding at your professor before walking up to the back of the room.
You try to keep your eyes glued to the floor to avoid looking at his face. Sangyeon on the other hand hasn’t stopped staring at you the moment you entered the room, especially with the dream he just had the night before burning at the back of his mind.
He was too mesmerized by your aura, as if there was a beautiful glow around you. He was so lost in his own mind he didn’t even realize how fixated his gaze was on you, everything else around him drowning out until you were the only thing visible in his line of vision. Just like a moth to a flame.
Even without looking at him, you already knew he was staring at you, feeling his eyes burn holes right through your figure. You don't know why he kept on staring at you today but the way he did was similar to an animal waiting for its prey, black orbs waiting for your next move before they could strike.
You were used to getting death glares from him before but this? It made you feel different. You started feeling knots form in your stomach, the very same ones you felt when you were with him in that closet.
Get a grip y/n, don’t think of him that way. Not when you’re beside him.
You drop your things on the table, making him snap out of his trance. You try to rile him up like how you used to before, “What are you staring at loser? Like what you see?” You blurt out while avoiding his gaze, trying to play it cool.
“Maybe I do… Would that be a problem?” He raises one of his eyebrows. Oh god, why’d you say that to her?
You whip your head and look at him in confusion, a pink blush subtly appearing on your cheeks. “W-wha-”
But before you even have the chance to reply the classroom lights close and the documentary in front starts playing, signaling you to take your seat.
You inhale and let out a big sigh. Everything’s going to be fine, you think to yourself. As long as you don’t turn your head in his direction and keep a good distance, being in a dark room beside him won’t bother you one bit…
Or will it?
Time passes by agonizingly slower than you thought. You couldn’t wait to get out of that classroom and get as far away from him as possible before you start getting any unwanted thoughts in your mind.
Truth be told, it was really hard keeping your distance, especially when the space between you two is a bit cramped so you have no choice but to be physically closer to one another. Who’s idea was to have only one small shared table at the back of the room?
It really didn’t help the fact that you could smell his intoxicating masculine scent and the warmth radiating from his body being so close to him, making you feel slightly lightheaded.
And it REALLY didn’t help when your eyes accidentally glanced over at his hand on the table. The way his veins moved beneath his tan skin, reminding you how those rough hands had touched you before.
No, no, no! You’re not about to think of him like this again.
While you were internally struggling, the close proximity between you two was also giving Sangyeon an incredibly difficult time. You were so close yet so far from him, it was making his chest tighten. He was so tempted to give into you, but he knew he couldn't right now. So he tried his best to keep his focus on the screen ahead.
The sudden shift in your movement to cross your legs, however, backfired his attempt to resist, currently placing him in a dangerous spot. While you shifted your leg, your foot accidentally nudged him, causing him to glance at your legs under the table. His eyes widened at the view before him.
Shit…he shouldn’t have looked down there.
It only occurred to him just now that you were wearing a skirt today, exposing the soft skin of your legs, the ones he caressed before. He secretly liked it when you wore dresses or skirts to school (even before the incident mind you). But there’s a little detail about the skirt that sets him completely off…
No fucking way. Please no. He internally panics.
Out of all days, you just happen to be wearing the exact same skirt during the incident. (Don’t ask him why he remembers.) All the memories came rushing in his head in a flash. Remembering the hunger in your eyes, your kisses, your moans…
His cock instantly throbs hard at the thought, making it strain against his jeans. He bites his lower lip to refrain from letting out a groan, trying not to think of the events that could’ve happened next if you two had stayed in that closet. But that obviously doesn’t work as his mind drifts into these lewd thoughts.
The thought of how he would’ve taken you then and there, making sure every inch of you felt good under his touch, moaning out his name deliciously, holding onto him for dear life while he fucks the living shit out of you…
He feels his heart rate increase rapidly. All these thoughts have his mind dangling on a string. If he doesn’t do something about it right now, he might go insane.
You sense something’s off with Sangyeon by the way he’s nervously shaking his leg and the whites of his knuckles appearing on his hand as he balls them into a fist. What’s up with him? You wondered.
You never saw him like this before and it genuinely concerned you but you were unsure of what to do. You almost think about tapping his shoulder but hesitate. Should I ask him if he’s oka-
Your inner thought is suddenly cut off by his warm hand quickly gripping your exposed thigh, slowly inching its way near your core. You look at him with frantic eyes.
“Sangyeon, what the fuck!” You quietly gasp.
“Shh… Just keep your eyes on the screen.” his low husky voice instructing you on what to do while his eyes are focused on the documentary playing.
For some reason, you couldn’t find it in you to respond or push back, so you decide to just let whatever this was play out and see where it goes.
As you keep your eyes focused on the documentary, Sangyeon continues to massage your thigh, his fingers kneading the soft skin underneath.
You tried so hard to hold back a whimper from coming out of your mouth at his burning touch. God his hand feels so good.
And honestly, Sangyeon had no clue what the fuck he was doing either. All he was thinking of was wanting to touch you and the next thing he knows his hand is caressing your inner thigh. It seemed his body had betrayed him yet again.
It’s not as easy as it sounds. Trying to remain calm and focusing your attention elsewhere while the man you’ve been secretly lusting for has his hand dangerously near your throbbing core.
His thumb continuously brushes your inner thigh, practically millimeters away from grazing against the wet patch forming in your panties. He could feel the heat radiating from your core, practically calling him to go even further.
Fuck, I wanna touch her so bad, he thinks. His restraint was deteriorating by the second.
He’s so close. You internally cried out of frustration, pressing your lips together.
It pained you how easily he could just slip his fingers inside and touch you where you wanted him to… but he didn’t.
You let out a small whimper out of protest that only the two of you could hear, making Sangyeon’s eyes roll back.
Oh god… It’s the sweet sound he’s been wanting to hear from your lips again, poisoning his ears like they did the first time. His grip on your thigh gets tighter.
“Fuck, you’re killing me right now sweetheart…” he whispers in your ear, the vibration of his voice sending an electrifying throb down to your core.
You couldn't take it anymore, you never felt so desperate in your life. Something HAD to be done or else you’d go insane.
Sangyeon suddenly feels your hand on top of his tightly, gripping them as hard as he was on your thigh. You wanted him to touch you, to have his strong fingers abuse your sensitive bud like he owned it.
“Sangyeon…” you whisper.
You both turn to face each other, only realizing how close your face is to his. Hot breath fanning over your lips, his eyes flickering down to stare at them.
He desperately wanted to kiss you right now. To revel in the softness of your touch, to taste the sweetness of your lips, to be placed under your spell once again and transcend into paradise.
He inches forward a bit more, his bottom lip lightly brushing yours. The proximity between you two makes your breath hitch, waiting to see what he’ll do next.
Just as he thought he’d finally get to feel your lips again, a booming sound of claps echo in the room, making the two of you pull away from each other quickly before the lights turn back on.
“Okay! Don’t forget to turn in your paper on this documentary by Friday. See you all til then!” Everyone starts dispersing out of the classroom, walking to wherever they need to be.
“Y/n…” Sangyeon tries to call for your attention, but you quickly pack your things and bolt out of the classroom, leaving him again like last time before anything could escalate.
“Shit-” he mutters to himself.
Looks getting to you will be harder than it appears to be.
The day isn't even over and you already felt like you were all over the place, feeling so distraught and confused by what had happened this morning. You almost fell into his trap! What were you thinking?
The frustration made you lose your appetite. You kept on poking the food in front of you with your fork, thinking of what could’ve happened next. The thoughts running in your mind were driving you insane.
Jacob plopped down at the seat next to you. He’s noticed something was off with you for quite some time, you weren't your usual self ever since the day of that test you mentioned to him.
“Y/n?” You suddenly hear Jacob’s sweet voice calling out to you, snapping you back to reality.
“Hey… you okay? You hardly touched your food.” he asks, rubbing your back in the process.
“Oh, uhm. Yeah I’m fine. Just not in the mood that’s all. Been lacking sleep lately.”
Your response makes Jacob pout, he knows you more than anyone else. And he definitely knows the difference between when you're lacking sleep and something internally bothering you. Of course, he doesn't try to pry and leaves you be. He gently squeezes your hand to let you know that he’s there for you, you softly smile back at him in response.
Meanwhile, Sangyeon was looking over at your table the whole time during lunch. His eyes were just glued to your figure, thinking of how close he almost got to kiss you again.
His line of vision is abruptly cut when Hyunjae sits down in front of him at his table.
“Hey, are you going to Eric’s party this Saturday?” Hyunjae immediately asks.
“Hm? Oh, uh yeah I think so. Why?” Sangyeon replies, trying to distract himself from thinking of you.
“Cool, cool. So… you think Y/n’s gonna be there too?” There was a quick moment of silence, Sangyeon’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Y/n?” He repeats.
“Yeah!” Hyunjae replies enthusiastically.
“Uh, I don’t really know. Why do you ask?” Sangyeon responds skeptically.
“Oh man, I think she’s REALLY pretty. I’ve talked to her a couple of times thanks to Jacob.” Hyunjae sheepishly says. “I actually might think of asking her out soon, maybe if she wants to come to the party with me.”
Sangyeon’s jaw immediately clenched at Hyunjae’s confession. The thought of someone else getting in the way between you two pissed him off for some reason. He tries to hide this strange feeling bubbling inside him by looking down at his food and taking a bite.
“Oh… okay. Are you sure about that though? Does she like you back or something?” Sangyeon passive aggressively utters.
“I don't know. But I always get good vibes from her when we talk. I know you guys don’t like each other but I swear she’s so fun to be with. Did I mention she’s really pretty too?” Hyunjae rambles.
The way Hyunjae stresses on how pretty you are has Sangyeon gripping his utensil hard, nearly bending it in half. As if he had a chance. If only he knew what happened between the two of you and how he made you feel good. Sangyeon thinks to himself, feeling cocky that you’ll turn Hyunjae’s offer down.
But he was about to find out how incredibly wrong he was.
Hyunjae suddenly stands up from his seat and walks away from the table. Sangyeon whips his head up, wondering where Hyunjae is running off to.
“Hey, where are you going?”
“I’m gonna ask her right now!” Hyunjae shouts back, still walking his way towards you.
Sangyeon watches Hyunjae like a hawk, the unsettling feeling inside him burning through the roof. He sees Hyunjae tap your shoulder and you suddenly give him such a beautiful smile. Why the fuck does Hyunjae get to see that smile?
He keeps watching the two of you talking from afar and you’re suddenly… laughing? Sangyeon’s eyes roll. The nerve of this guy, really. If Sangyeon had lasers for eyes he would've burnt holes in Hyunjae’s head right now.
He's never felt this feeling inside him before. Sure, he’s felt competitive especially when it was with you but this… felt different. He brushed off the thought and continued to observe the two of you.
Just when the conversation looked like it was ending, Sangyeon catches Hyunjae tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear, your body language clearly showing you were getting a bit flustered.
Now he’s done it…that motherfucker. Sangyeon’s jaw clenches way too hard at the sight and snaps the plastic utensil in his hand. Who does he think he is? Touching you and making you react that way?
That damn unsettling feeling bubbling in his veins rises again, but he’s too in denial at the moment to come to terms with it and buries it deep within his gut for now.
He pauses for a moment until suddenly gets a bright idea: He’s got another chance to get you alone during the party this Saturday night.
And this time… he’ll make sure nothing is going to get in his way.
You walk into the party with Aera. Loud music blasting, people trying to talk over one another, and more than half of the people invited were already pissed drunk. When you try to turn to Aera, she’d already left you to go to Younghoon. Some kind of friend…
“Y/n!” You hear someone shouting your name from across the room. Hyunjae makes a beeline for you with a newly opened beer bottle in his hand.
“Hyunjae!” You shout, giving him a friendly hug.
“I’m so happy you made it!” His smile spreading from ear to ear. “C’mon, you’re late. We gotta get you caught up with the drinks.” Before you even have time to protest, he immediately grabs your wrist and guides you into the kitchen.
Sangyeon had caught your figure the moment you entered the house. You looked so beautiful tonight especially with the dress you were wearing, you looked absolutely stunning.
Okay, now I just have to wait for the right moment, he says to himself. But as he was about to get up from his spot on the couch, he saw you suddenly disappear into the crowd with Hyunjae…
He swears he’s never felt his jaw clench so hard in his life, especially seeing Hyunjae’s hand holding your wrist. He eventually gets up from his spot and tries to follow you both while keeping his distance.
“Alright, choose your poison!” Hyunjae utters as you’re seated on top of the kitchen counter.
You playfully tap your finger against your lips. “Hmm, I’ll have whatever you’re having,” you respond.
“If you say so.” He grins, popping open a bottle of beer.
You instantly take a swig at the drink, staring at Hyunjae while he stares back in amusement.
“A little eager aren’t we?”
“Well you did say to catch up right?” you respond.
Hyunjae carefully steps closer to you, your faces inches away from each other. You feel the heat of your cheeks slowly creep in. He’s much more handsome up close.
You’ve always had a tiny crush on Hyunjae if you were being completely honest. He was always fun to hangout with and made you laugh a lot (and you liked it when he would get a tiny bit touchy with you.)
Hyunjae slowly wipes off the droplet of beer from your bottom lip with his thumb and sucks it off, making your breath hitch while he watches your reaction.
“…Can I kiss you?” He whispers. You nod your head in response. Just as Hyunjae was about to lean in, loud shouts and a bottle crashing to the floor stops him and both your heads are directed to the source of the sound.
You realize your face was so close to Hyunjae when you turn your head back to him, making you feel all flustered. “Uh, excuse me for a bit. Gotta go use the restroom.” You mumble.
“Oh okay, sure. Go ahead.” He softly smiles back. You hop off from the kitchen counter and immediately make your way up the stairs.
Thank god for that bottle crashing, Sangyeon thinks to himself. He had been observing the two of you this whole time, nearly crushing the plastic cup in his hand when he saw Hyunjae leaning closer to you. He hated how easy it was for Hyunjae.
He’s snapped out of his own trance when he realizes where you’re heading and waits for you to go up the stairs before following. His window of opportunity was opening itself in front of him.
It's now or never.
Taking a gulp of alcohol wasn’t a good idea as you felt your face warming up instantly. After freshening up in the bathroom, you let out a big sigh before closing the door behind you.
As you were walking down the hallway a hand suddenly grabs your wrist and pulls you into an empty room, making you squeal in the process. Your back pressed up against the door and you hear the doorknob lock.
You’re caged under a taller male figure, his breath fanning over your face.
“Hyunjae, what are you doing?” You giggle, eyes still looking down at the floor.
You hear the figure hovering over you scoff. “Nope. Guess again, sweetheart.”
Oh no, that voice… Your heartbeat quickly increases as you look up, seeing the smug look on his face.
“What the fuck do you want Sangyeon?” You roll your eyes.
“I think there’s something we need to talk about. Something that’s way overdue, hm?” he replies.
You pause, waiting for him to continue talking.
“Look, you and I both know whatever happened that day wasn’t… normal.”
“What day?” You respond, trying to dodge his interrogation.
“Don’t play dumb now… the day we kissed in that closet.” He stares into your eyes.
“Do you wanna know why I did that? It was because you couldn’t shut your damn mouth which you nearly got us caught by the way, idiot.” You spit back.
”I don’t care about that shit anymore- You can’t convince me that you did not enjoy at least one second of that kiss.”
“You sucked a very sensitive part of my neck, of course I’m gonna moan, what did you expect?”
“No, no, no. I bet you were way more into it than you realize. You’re just afraid to admit it. Especially because it was with me.”
You scoff at his words, “You really think you have that effect over me? You’re really stupid if you think if you can make me genuinely moan for you like tha-”
Your words are cut off when Sangyeon’s hand gently grabs your neck, looking at you with fire blazing in his brown eyes.
“…Are you challenging me right now?” Leaning his face closer to yours. You gulp down your saliva by the sudden aggression, feeling a familiar heat between your thighs emerge. Please, not now…
He leans to the side to whisper closely to your ear, his voice dropping an octave lower. “Aren’t you forgetting something that happened that day too?”
Sangyeon slightly pulls away to see your reaction, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He didn't want to do it, but he had no choice but to strike while the iron was hot.
“No? Let me refresh your memory then... I wonder what the whole student body would think when they found out that I caught you sneaking your way to the top, that y/n isn’t the bright student everyone thinks she is…”
Your eyes widen. Shit. How could you forget that?
“Or it could be worse, coming out of the professor’s office looking all messed up… What would they think of you?” giving you his signature devilish smirk.
That last bit made your blood boil, your jaw clenching at his threat.
“You wouldn’t fucking dare-”
“Oh I fucking would.” Sangyeon pauses for a bit, his eyes drifting down to look at your lips then back up at your eyes again.
“Unless… you give me one thing I want.”
Your heart thumps loudly in your chest. Is he serious right now?
“What could you possibly want from me?” You mutter.
“You see, I’ve got this itch that needs to be scratched and only you can do it...”
“Oh for fuck’s sake get to the point Sang-”
“Let’s finish what we started in that closet.”
A moment of silence fills the room. You swear the loud thumping sound of your heart could be heard coming out of your chest.
“A-are you serious?” You stutter. “ I-I… thought you hated me.”
“Oh, sweetheart… I REALLY hate you-”
“But now you wanna fuck? What, are you in love with me or something?” you ask.
“The hell? I never said anything about falling in love-” Sangyeon lets out a big sigh before continuing.
“I’ll get straight to the point. Whether we like it or not, there’s no denying there’s some physical chemistry going on between us. I know it and you know it too.” He looks into your eyes waiting for you to respond, but you remain silent.
“So choose, either you scratch this itch or I tell everyone your little secret…”
Were you really going to allow your rival to use you like that? Or would you rather have your reputation gone in an instant?
Fuck it, you threw your morals out the window the moment you kissed him anyway… What's there to lose?
“Fine… I’ll do it. Just this one time and it will NEVER happen again.” You huff. “If you tell anyone about this, I’ll kill you-”
“Sweetheart, all I needed was a yes…”
Before you know it, Sangyeon moves his hand grabbing your throat to the back of your neck, pulling you close as his plush lips feverishly kiss and suck your sensitive area making you moan just like you did before.
“Shit- Sangyeon…” you breathlessly say.
“You have no idea how much I wanted you like this…” he groans into you neck.
His other hand start grabbing your hip, tightening his grip on the fabric of your dress while your fingers thread through his dark hair.
Sangyeon continues to suck and leave kisses on your neck, trying to desperately leave his mark there for everyone to see. You feel the sting when his teeth slightly nip at your sensitive area, making you pull his head back.
“No marks.” you warn him.
“Too late sweetheart, I already did.” He smirks.
“I fucking hate you so much.”
“Oh yeah?” Sangyeon lowers one of his hands, snaking it under your dress and immediately cupping your clothed mound. The feeling of his warm grip making you gasp loudly.
“Your body seems to love it though.” He whispers against your ear as he squeezes your soft skin, your moan sounding more desperate than the last. His fingers start slipping under your panties, moving them up and down between your folds, his fingers easily coated from your slick.
“Shit, already wet for me? We haven't even started yet.” he groans while circling your sensitive bud.
“She’s practically weeping for me sweetheart, begging to be touched. You’d like that wouldn’t you? Wanting me to touch you so badly like this during class?” the pace of his fingers increasing while the memory of your two earlier this week flashed in his mind.
“Mhmm…” you whimper, your mind incapable of uttering words from how good his fingers feel right now circling your throbbing clit.
Sangyeon’s other hand lets go of your neck and makes its way behind your knee, pulling it up so that you could wrap your leg around him.
Without warning, his fingers travel from your sensitive bud to your wet entrance, easing in his two thick fingers. He pulls his head away from your ear to watch your face form an “O” expression, his erection becoming harder from how beautiful you react to his touch.
“Look at you, taking my fingers so well. Swallowing every inch of it.” Sangyeon coos while he pumps his fingers in and out of you. You let out a whine in response.
He slams his fingers back inside you so deep and starts to curl his fingers inside at an ungodly pace, creating squelching sounds from your wet pussy.
“Mmm, Sangyeon-” you mewl as your hands grip his shoulders for support.
“Fuck, say my name like that again.” He growls in your ear. The vibrations of his voice making your walls clench around his fingers.
“S-Sanggyeoon…” your moans getting deeper, becoming more wanton the more he keeps up the pace. He feels your walls pulsating with every curl of his fingers.
“I-I can’t- oh shit, I’m gonna-” you pant against his ear, feeling the coil inside you snapping any second from now.
“Cum for me sweetheart, let it all out. Tell me, who’s making you feel this good?” he responds.
“Y-you are…” His free hand suddenly flies to grab hold of your neck again.
“No- Say my name- fuck- who’s making you feel this good? hm?”
“You are Sangyeon-oh fu-” your climax bursts out of you like fireworks, your vision blurring and seeing nothing but stars. He pulls out his fingers to inspect your gushed out fluids, instinctively sucking at them while his eyes bore into yours.
“You taste just as good as you sound sweetheart.” he grins.
Just when you think it’s over, he grips the back of your other knee, you furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“Up.” You follow his command without hesitation, both your legs wrapped around his torso as he walks backwards until his legs hit the edge of the bed. He fall backwards sitting on the bed while you end up straddling his lap.
Hands slide your dress up to your waist, exposing your bare legs and soaking panties as he leans forward to kiss your neck once again.
You palm his throbbing erection straining through his jeans, eliciting a very deep moan from him.
His kisses travel from your neck to your collarbone, his fingers quickly pulling down the straps of your dress and exposing your bare chest to him.
“God, You’re so beautiful…” he mumbles into your skin while kissing and groping your breasts as you start grinding your hips onto his aching member. Groans and soft moans echoing around the room.
Sangyeon couldn't take it anymore, he desperately needed you right now. And just like some telepathic signal you help him out of his pants, unbuttoning his jeans and sliding them down along with his boxers down to his knees.
His aching cock slaps against his abdomen, his angry red tip smothered in precum. Your mouth waters at the sight, wondering if he’ll be able to fit all of it inside you.
“We’ll make it fit” Sangyeon grins, as if he could read your mind.
“I hate it when you get so cocky, it’s so annoying…” You roll your eyes.
“And I hate it when you’re a wound-up tight bitch.” he spits back as he aggressively pulls your panties to the side and rubs the tip against your folds and poking in your entrance. It’s only his tip and you’re already starting to whimper.
“I'll take it back… I like it when you’re so tight.” His smug smile makes you want to strangle him on the spot.
“You talk way too much, can you just get on with it alrea-” Sangyeon pushes his whole length inside you until he’s bottomed out, making you both moan in unison. You feel so full of him, something you’ve never felt before in your life.
Meanwhile Sangyeon has never felt this kind of tightness before, breathing deeply to control himself. You haven’t even moved yet and he swears he might cum in seconds.
You start to slowly bounce up and down his length, his hands on your hips guiding your pace. He hisses at the warmth and tightness of your walls, making him tilt his head back in pleasure.
“We’ve should’ve done this a long time ago- fuck- and maybe we wouldn't have been at each other’s throats all the time.” He chuckles, a deep groan following after.
“Y-yeah, oh-” you whine. You push your weight forward, making Sangyeon back lie against the mattress. The tip of his cock starts to nudge your sweet gummy spot, making you rock your hips faster.
You both moan in unison again, your velvety walls clenching harder on his hardened length.
You lean your face closer to Sangyeon’s as you’re rocking your hips. He couldn’t help but stare at your fucked out face. Taking to memory how beautiful you look right now. His eyes slowly travel down to your lips, those heavenly lips.
“Kiss me.” He blurts out.
“W-what?” You pant.
“Kiss me, please!” There’s more desperation in his tone.
You passionately kiss him, just like the first time. His hands cup your face to deepen the kiss. Your lips molding with his perfectly like they were made for each other, forgetting everything around you for a moment in time.
Sangyeon’s tongue swipes your bottom lip repeatedly, desperately asking for entrance. Your tongues moving and twirling harmoniously, more passionate than ever before.
Your bodies were so entwined with one another to the point that if people had watched the both of you right now, not an ounce of hatred or rivalry could be seen.
Everything started to feel overwhelming for Sangyeon, feeling his cock throbbing hard, signaling his approaching climax. He could tell yours was near as your walls were clenching around him harder than ever.
“Sangyeon, I-I’m gonna cu-” you plead.
“M-me too, t-together.” His speech slurred by the second. His hands grip your hips, pistoning himself into you to reach your climaxes faster.
You both reach your highs at an instant, moaning into each other’s mouths so hard. Ropes of his seed spilling into you as you gush out onto his member. His cock doesn't stop twitching inside you after that.
You lift your hips to get off him, plopping your back to the spot beside him. There’s a moment of silence between you two as both try to catch your breath.
“You win…I take back everything I've said” Sangyeon breathes out.
“W-what?” you reply, confused by his words.
“If you allow me to keep fucking you like this…” He gulps down his saliva.
“…you can be the top student all you want from now on.”
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nackrosor · 2 years
"A Tent for Two"
Pairing: Jack Russell x fem!Reader
Warnings: fluff, smut, p*rn with plot, mutual masturb*tion, v*ginal fingering, handjob, oral sex kinda (fem receiving), scent kink (but he's a werewolf so it's not really a kink for him, is it?)
Synopsis: you've teamed up with Jack during the competition and you're now sharing a tent with him in the forest. The events of the hunt have affected you in more ways than one, some more peculiar and embarrassing than others. As you try to play it cool and hide your arousal as best as you can, you eventually find out that you too have quite the effect on him ;)
Word count: 5,7k.
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A/n= another story I started writing with the intention of keeping it nice and short ending up being the longest one yet, wth 😩 but hey, I hope you'll give it a read nonetheless because I'm quite happy of how this one came out (I'll probably hate it tomorrow but for now I'm a proud mom). Anyway, if you've watched Werewolf by Night, you're the best and I love you, if you haven't go watch it and then come back here to read this filth, you won't regret it 🥺 ps: I know the title is shit but I had no idea how to name this story so bear with me. Love yaaaa xx
~ ~ ~ ~
When you begrudgingly agreed to participate in last night competition - literally forced by your parents to honor the family name by winning the bloodstone - you had no idea you would end up teaming up with the monster's friend to save said monster, the one you were supposed to hunt and then get rescued by the latter when his friend turned into a beast and went into a forced rampage and murdered almost everyone. What a freaking night! You still can barely believe all that has happened for real but also that you were able to get out of it alive.
On top of that, to add to the craziness and weirdness of the whole situation, there's the fact that you are now in the middle of a forest, sharing a tiny tent with Jack, the kind man who turned out to be a werewolf and... he's naked. Well, he's covering himself up with a cloak Ted, his friend, retrieved for him from the Bloodstone's mansion but under that? He's 100% naked and you can't pull that thought out of your head. You also cannot stop thinking about his werewolf form, how your body reacted to it when you saw him kill people left and right -who definitely deserved it, by the way- but also when he slightly twitched when you carefully grazed his cheek as he was on top of you pinning you to the floor. You literally can't think of anything else, especially not when you can still feel the consequences of it, being that uneasy dampness between your legs, which you can do absolutely nothing about, at least for the moment being.
Sharing a tent with a stranger - well, you could consider him an acquaintance by now, but still a stranger in most aspects - who has such a strangely strong pull on you, it's such an awkward situation and you're trying really hard to play it cool and not make it as plain as day to him how much he affects you and how the memories of his werewolf body pressing on yours make you feel all tingly inside.
Sure, you could just leave the strange duo and be on your way but you have no idea where you are or where to go; after last night you're more convinced than ever to never return to your parents house, you were never cut for the family business anyway. More so, you don't have the heart to just leave. It's been only a bunch of hours but you already feel attached to the two, especially to Jack and you want to make sure they're ok before you eventually part ways. You also fear you won't ever see him again after today so you're even more willing to fight off the uncomfortable inconvenience that is your arousal to spend a few more minutes in his company.
"Are you sure you don't want it?"
Jack's sweet voice interrupts your trail of thoughts and you turn your head his way. He's holding his cup of tea, hand extended in your direction.
"We weren't prepared to have a guest with us", he gives you an apologetic smile, "I guess we should get a third cup so we won't face the same problem next time... but now we could share mine, if you don't mind?"
You can't help but smile. He's such a kind guy. He's been showing you kindness since you met and peppering you with questions since he's woken up, asking if you're alright, if he hurt you in some way, if you're comfortable, if you're hungry, if you're cold... It made your heart flutter, honestly.
"I'm alright Jack, really. Go ahead, you need that drink more than I."
He looks like he wants to retort but then nods thankfully at you before he grabs the cup with both his shaking hands and brings it to his lips, taking a sip of the hot tea.
"You're still shivering...", you point out with a frown. "Alright. I'm giving you my jacket."
As you swiftly peel the jacket off of you, Jack voices his complaint, hands rushing up to shake frantically in front of him only to quickly move back on the cloak to prevent it from falling down.
"Oh no, please-"
"I don't wanna hear it. Just take it, Jack. You'll warm up faster."
The serious look you're giving him must be effective because he finally sighs and takes the jacket from you with a feeble 'thank you'.
"I think it's best if you wear it under the cloak..."
You notice his eyes widen for a moment before he looks away.
"I- yes, y-you're right. I will... erm- if you don't mind...?"
"Oh, sure. Go on."
You turn away, not without a certain struggle. You wouldn't mind taking a peek, damn you wouldn't mind doing more than that but hey, it's not the time for being a creep. Looking at him wouldn't even help your situation, it would actually make it worse. So you make sure your gaze wanders to the other side of the tent, where the zip is unfastened. You take a look outside. An empty cup lies on the trunk where Ted was sitting only until a few minutes ago, his cards discarded messily on the ground. From Jack's words when he talked to Ted before he left you understood that he was going on a sort of scouting mission inside the forest, probably to get a clearer idea of the area and how to get out of it in the safest way possible. When Ted returns, you're most likely going to part ways; the thought makes you quite sad.
Jack clears his throat and you turn his way.
"It's incredibly warm... thank you."
Your eyes land on him once again. You can see a small bulge on both his shoulders under the black fabric of his cloak but other than that, he looks exactly the same as before. Perhaps only slightly redder in the face.
"Don't mention it."
"Are you going to be OK without it?"
The fairly teared up shirt you're wearing is not exactly the best shield from the chill morning air but you'll survive. The cold is not your main issue, your mind is and right now it's attacking you with a very vivid image of your jacket's fabric clinging onto Jack's naked body. You wonder if it will take up his scent. Oh, you wish it will.
"Are you sure?"
His voice calls you back from your thoughts once again. You see his eyes trail down your torso, his adam's apple bobbing in his throat before he fixes his gaze back on your face. You unconsciously cross your arms on your chest and freeze imperceptibly when you feel the small bulge of your turgid nipple against your arm. Damn. Has he noticed? You hope he hasn't but his flushed face tells you otherwise... or maybe it's because he's feeling warmer already? Nonetheless, you feel a growing heat in your lower belly and the uneasy feeling between your legs getting even more uncomfortable.
"I'm fine, Jack. Don't worry about me." Again, you try to play it cool by smiling at him nonchalantly.
"I don't want you to catch a cold because of me..."
You roll your eyes and playfully shake your head at his words.
"Jack! Stop it! I'm not afraid of a cold. Anyway, the air is not that chilly anymore. The sun rays are getting warmer."
He casts a brief glance outside, lips curling up in a soft pout.
"Yeah... but we could keep each other warmer if you come closer."
The genuine and innocent look he gives you makes his words more allusive than he probably meant them to be. Hell, he's so adorable and he literally has no idea what he's doing to you.
You're silent for a moment, torn on what to do. You would love to get closer to him, feel his warmth against you, maybe even lean on him. At the same time though, that uneasy wet feeling in your core makes any slight movement a real torture. If you try to move your legs the least possible maybe you can make it, though.
"Alright." You eventually sigh and scoot over toward him, until your shoulders touch. You can instantly feel the warmth radiating from his body and unironically a shiver runs up your back as a result.
"See? You're shivering too." He promptly points out and hops even closer, fully pressing his arm against yours.
The sweet smile he gives you makes your heart flutter in your chest, tighs pressing together even tighter.
"Thank you."
He raises his cup and takes another sip before extending it to you once again. This time you gladly accept it with a quick nod and take a long sip of the hot, surprisingly tasty beverage.
His kind gaze lingers on your face, a soft smile hovering on his lips. His facial features are so eye-catching up close. The make-up he's wearing makes his unique beauty stand out even more. You can't help but stare in awe at him.
"What is it?"
A light chuckle escapes his lips and you feel your stomach swell at the sweet sound.
"Have I got something on my face?"
"Oh, no...", you smile softly, keeping your gaze on his face, "I was only admiring your... make-up."
"Oh? Do you like it?"
"Very much."
Feeling particularly bold, you lean forward, moving your hand on his cheek to gently trace the white dash lining his jaw with your fingertips.
"Does it mean anything?"
"Uhm-", he clears his throat, slightly alarmed eyes fixed on your dangerously close face, "n-not exactly. It's a simple design my ancestors would usually wear in battle and I wanted to honor them."
"Well, I don't know about your ancestors but it looks very good on you."
His lips curl up in a cheeky smile which you immediately mirror.
"Thank you, Y/N. You look very good too... I mean-", his eyes widen, heat flushing in his cheeks, "your make-up looks very good, too."
You smirk at him, fingertips tapping lightly on the dash on his chin before you pull back.
"It's nothing like yours but thank you Jackie."
The way he shyly smiles as he looks away makes you want to grab his face and pull him in for a kiss but you try your best to keep your hormones at bay. You don't want to make things even more awkward than they already are. What if he's not attracted to you as you are to him? That would be awful.
You shift uneasily on your bottom, subtly stretching your tensed legs. You can clearly feel your juices slipping out to damp the fabric of your underwear and hurriedly press your thighs back together.
Your head abruptly snaps to the side when the sudden sound of Jack sniffing the air startles you.
He awkwardly glances your way for a brief moment before he averts his gaze, a strange expression on his face that you can't quite decipher.
"What is it?"
"Jack... What is it you smell? Has someone followed us here?"
"No, no...", he trails off, glancing at you before looking away once again, "I-It's your scent."
"My scent?"
"Yes. It's very... strong."
He looks uncomfortable which makes you feel uncomfortable as well. Can he smell any kind of scent even when he is not actually in his werewolf form? You actually have no idea how that works but it makes you incredibly conscious of yourself.
"Well, I mean... I sure need a shower. I'm sorry if it's bothering you. I'll just move back down there-"
You're about to slide back to your previous seat to put some distance between you two but he immediately stops you, gently but firmly grabbing your arm.
"No! Don't! I-It's actually a quite pleasing scent." His adam's apple bobs again as his eyes widen a little. "It's... very sweet."
"Is it?"
Your eyebrow quizzically quirks up as you eye him, confusion written all over your face.
He takes another sniff, more subtly this time but you notice anyway. It's strange to have him sniff the air for your scent but also weirdly attractive, somehow.
He glances at you with that same awkward expression, teeth coming down to graze his bottom lip.
"Too sweet."
He whispers those words as if talking to himself but you're able to hear them and a chill runs up your back.
"Are you...", he stops to swallow, "...by any chance..." He trails off, gaze wandering down your body before shyly setting on your face once again.
Your confusion only grows hearing his nonsensical question.
"W-What do you mean?"
His doe eyes roam over your face. You can feel how tense his body is now, it's like he's trying to hold himself back.
"Mierda..." he hisses in a whisper, shaking his head and averting his gaze.
"Jack, what-"
You gently place your hand on his arm but as soon as you touch him he jerks away and stands up abruptly, inadvertently knocking his still half-full cup of tea down on the ground, making the liquid spill all over the grass and on your feet.
"!Maldición¡, he mutters through his teeth as he instantly crouches down to retrieve the cup, "I'm so sorry Y/n, so sorry-"
"It's fine Jack, really-"
He grabs a corner of his oversized cloak and tugs it down to wipe the wet fabric of your boots, an incomprehensible muttering of spanish words leaving his mouth. You lean forward and take his hands in yours to stop his frantic scrubbing.
"Jack, relax."
He looks up at you with that doe-eyed expression of his. He looks like a deer in the headlights and you wonder what has gotten him so scared and tense all of a sudden.
"I apologize for ruining your boots, I'm-"
"Forget about them, I don't care if they're ruined or not", you interrupt him, squeezing his hands to make sure he listens to your words, "are you OK?"
He swallows dry, wide eyes roaming over your face. His mouth opens and closes as if he's unsure of how to answer.
You're more and more confused by his behavior. What has gotten into him all of a sudden? It all happened so fast, you have no idea what to think of it. You're really trying but failing miserably to understand what is going on.
The soft trembling of his hands makes you lower your gaze. Your attention however is quickly caught by his cloak which falls slightly open at the level of hips, enough to show his quite evident erection. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight, a jolt shakes your stomach.
He follows your gaze and immediately tears himself away from you, standing up and rushing out of the tent while his shaking hands tug at the two ends of his cloak and cross them one on top of the other to fully cover himself.
You're too stunned to speak. Your heart is thumping hard in your chest, the wetness pooling relentlessly between your legs.
You understand now why he was so tense. He was trying to hide his erection. But how did it happen? When? Probably when he was sniffling your scent. That definitely explains his peculiar reaction to it.
You look up. He's standing in front of the now dead fire, his back facing you.
"Jack?" You try to call him but he doesn't turn. "Jack, please..."
He hangs his head. You can hear his deep shaky sigh from where you're still sitting in the tent.
"I'm desolate Y/n, that was...", he groans, shaking his head, "You shouldn't have seen. I'm so sorry."
You can't bear to see and hear him so disconsolate. He's being so hard on himself but he hasn't even done anything wrong. He's embarrassed, you understand the feeling. You've been feeling like that the whole night until only a few minutes ago but now that you know that he's just as aroused as you, well, you can act on it, can't you?
You set your eyes on the back of his head as you move your hand on the inseam of your leather pants and drag down the zip. You do it as quick as you can to make its sound louder. You then peel off on leg after the other and toss your trousers to the side of the tent, making it shake.
You see Jack flinch. If he had wolf ears, they would definitely perk up now. He hasn't turned yet, though so you continue at your attempt of luring him in by spreading your legs wide. A soft moan escapes your lips when your fingers slide through your folds from over the drenching fabric of your panties.
The sound you make instantly propels Jack to turn around. His eyes open wide at the sight in front of him. You smile up at him while you brush your fingers up and down your folds a couple of times before you abruptly press your thighs back together.
He stumbles forward, a confused look on his face.
"Now you've seen me too", you say calmly, crossing your legs and leaning back on your hands, "I am aroused just like you but you knew it already, didn't you?"
You can clearly see his adam's apple bobbing up and down, eyes wandering all over your body, lingering especially on the area you're now so cruelly hiding from him.
"So, are you... coming or not?" You smirk at him, one eyebrow quirking up, "Ted might come out of those trees at any minute now."
He seems to finally snap out of his trance and rushes the remaining steps that separates him from the tent. He crouches down as he enters, then falls on his knees in front of you.
"Y/n..." he whispers, his voice shaky, "...are you sure?"
You lean forward, hand moving on his face to cup his cheek. His eyes flutter shut as he sinks into your palm, taking a long shuddering breath.
"Aren't you?"
He doesn't even need to think about it, he eagerly nods his head in response, pleading eyes setting back on your face.
A wide smile spreads on your lips that you barely contain by biting your bottom lip. You draw him toward you, slowly as to fully savor the feeling of anticipation. He is however quite impatient and rashly leans forward, lips only barely grazing yours as you quickly pull back with a smirk, causing him to huff in protest. The hurt look he gives you goes straight to your core and you wish you had the time to tease him a little bit longer but time, alas, is against you so you move your hands to the back of his neck and pull him toward you, laying your mouth on his. He immediately responds by deepening the kiss, calloused hands finding your sides and squeezing them.
You thread your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck, keening in his mouth when he moves his palms between your thighs to push them apart and pull you closer against him. With a suddenness that surprises you, he gropes your clothed cunt, hand stroking up and down, feeling your arousal. Your hips buckle upward on their own seeking for more friction which Jack generously gives you by pulling the drenched fabric of your underwear to the side and slipping his fingers inside your folds.
Your head spins at the long-awaited touch you finally receive, kiss turning into an open mouthed caress as you pull back a little, a satisfied moan leaves your lips and gets muffled by his.
When a moment later you recover some lucidity, you mirror his actions, hand sliding down his back and delving under his cloak. He breathes a harsh breath of air as you wrap it firmly around him, the shudder you cause in him and the drunken look he gives you, makes your stomach flutter.
He’s rock hard in your hands, head wet with precum. You teasingly slide your thumb on the top of it, smearing the thick fluid to ease your movements along his length. You feel his hot breath against your lips as a guttural moan escapes him, his eyes fluttering close, brows furrowing. A proud and delighted expression spreads on your face which quickly turns into a frown when Jack reciprocate your attention by swirling his thumb on your clitoris, not before he dipped it into the wetness at your core. It’s your turn to moan and shudder and it’s his turn to stare raptured at your face as you contort in pleasure.
“Jack”, you choke out, your voice a little more than a whimper upon his mouth, “it feels so good…”
He bites his lip as he nods softly, eyes lowering on your moist lips.
“I know, cariño” he whispers, laying his lips on yours in a messy open-mouthed kiss before he trails them down your chin and along your jaw, eventually diving into your neck where he lingers to relish in your heady scent. His fingers in the meantime increase their speed around your most sensitive button, making your head spin. Your movements get faster too, hand sloppily stroking up and down, occasionally squeezing his swollen balls then sliding up to swirl around its head, action which you noticed, causes Jack hips to shake more prominently.
His groans are music to your ears and add to the coiling pleasure growing in intensity in your lower belly. You feel the knot is about to snap and Jack must feel it too because he abandons your turgid nub to slide his fingers along your slit and slip them into your heat. A broken cry leaves your throat and blends with his groans.
“Come for me, mi corazón…” he whispers in a breathed caress against your ear, the hoarseness of his voice goes straight to your core, just like the feeling of his teeth grazing your skin and sinking down in the crook of your neck makes you shiver. His fingers thrust relentlessly back and forth, hitting the spongy area deep inside you, while your hand works up and down at a sustained pace. You feel him getting more and more tense against you, his labored breathing warming the side of your neck.
“please, Jack...”, you plead in between pants, "...please, let me look at you!"
You bite your lip while he repeatedly pecks your skin in his climb up along your neck, until his lips linger inches away from yours, gazes finally locking.
Your stomach swells when you see the pure image of lust displayed on his face with his flushed cheeks and furrowed brows. The piercing look he gives you with his heavy lidded eyes, together with the umpteenth twist of his fingers deep inside you mark the reaching of your limit, as you’re dragged over the edge, a wave of pleasure washing over you and a loud throaty sound escaping your lips.
His fingers keep caressing you with the most gentle of touches while he places his other hand on top of yours to help you sustain the steady but now slackening movement of your strokes along his length. As you catch your breathing, you fix your still half-closed eyes on his face, wanting more than anything else to witness the way his beautiful features will contort in pleasure when he reaches his own climax. And you do, only a few strokes later; his eyes squeeze shut, lips part to let out a long shaky whimper, hips buckle forward as his hot semen spills over the inside of his cloak.
His palm loosens its pressure on your hand and you continue to caress his cock, squeezing softly its head as you ease him down from the orgasm, until he becomes too sensitive.
Jack's head slumps down, forehead coming to rest against yours, his hot breath a caress on your cheekbone. His hand moves on the side of your head while the other slides down to hold your waist.
You close your eyes and take a deep breath, relishing in the warmth of his closeness and the still lingering tingling feeling spread all over your body.
A moment later his lips press gently on your cheekbone, nose trailing over your skin as he takes in your scent. The light touch of the tip of his nose against your neck tickles you and makes you jump a little, a chuckle falling from your lips.
"Jack stop!", you try to untangle yourself from him but he holds you still while he continues his sniffling descent, passing over the swell of your breasts, your dishelved shirt, coming to a halt on your pelvis. He presses his nose on the fabric of your underwear, right above your center and takes a deep breath in and hums in satisfaction.
You've pulled yourself up in the meantime, your eyes following his every move. The way he looks so pleased, apparently enjoying the way you smell makes your stomach swell. You've never had any guy smell you like that and normally you would consider it a very weird thing to do but he's making it look so sexy.
He looks up, big puppy eyes locking with yours. A shy smile forms on his lips.
"I'm sorry Y/n, I can't seem to resist", he leans forward to breath in your scent once more, eyes fluttering shut for a moment, "the way you smell is intoxicating."
"Fuck" you huff, teeth sinking in your bottom lip, "that's so hot, Jack... but damn, you're getting me even wetter and my underwear is so soggy already." You groan at the uneasy feeling of the cold damp fabric of your panties tugging to your dripping folds.
He hums softly, fingertips brushing the laced fabric of your underwear, until they find the hem and hook in it as he looks up at you, an earnest look on his face.
"I can help you with that."
You don't answer but your eager expression is enough for him to pursue his intentions. He carefully peels off your panties, sliding them inside the pocket of your jacket. He then bends down and dips his nose in your folds before he takes a solid stripe down your slit making you shudder involuntarily.
"Oh, bloody hell!" you blurt out in a loud moan as you fall backward on your elbows.
Jack swirls his tongue around your clitoris, collecting the liquid gathered there before he dwells hungrily at your core, sucking up all your juices. He's slow with his licks but thorough, jealously cleaning your cunt from every drop of the fruits of his hard work.
Your head is spinning, the knot in your lower belly tightening again and you think you might soon come a second time if he keeps moving his tongue like that but a rustling sound of foliage shaking reaches your ears and makes you jump, head snapping in direction of the source of the noise. Hard steps growing closer can be heard only a moment later and your alarmed look meets Jack's surprised face.
"It's Ted!" you mutter through your teeth. Jack only nods in response and wipes his mouth on the arm of his cloak as he quickly hops up on his feet, not before casting a brief forlorn look at your cunt, then he hurriedly rearranges his dishelved cloak and places himself at the entrance of the tent, giving you cover, privacy and time enough to recompose yourself.
You're still fumbling with the legs of your trousers when you hear Jack's voice, welcoming back his friend and Ted replying in incomprehensible grunts.
In your agitation and hurried state, you're not actually able to follow their conversation, only hearing fragments of sentences here and there and a lot of different pitched grunts from Ted's part. You think you hear Jack mentioning your name at some point but you forget it as you zip up your pants and quickly brush your hands on your hair to make yourself presentable.
When you're done and ready you sit back on the ground and wait for their discussion to end. Luckily you don't have to wait a long time, in fact, only a couple of minutes later you see Jack tilting his head to the side to throw a furtive glance inside the tent. Your eyes lock and you smile cheekily at him. It takes all the will in him to not mirror your smile as he turns back to face Ted and say, "let's see if she's woken up now, so I can ask her."
You stifle a laugh at his words; what a good liar he is! He could almost convince even yourself of having slept through the whole thing, your sexy time with Jack being only a dream your mind fabricated in the excitement of last night's events, if only you didn't still clearly feel on yourself the very unforgettable touch of both his fingers and tongue. Your mind could never make up such bliss.
Jack pops inside the tent and crouches down at your level. A grin soon forms on his face and you let out a chuckle you were so hardly repressing.
"I am fully awake now, Jackie", you tease him, crossing your arms on your chest, "let's hear what you have to ask me."
His grin falters slightly but he keeps smiling at you while his cheeks flush red.
"Uhm, well-", he averts his eyes for a moment, fingers moving to the side of his head to scratch nervously behind his ear, "we've talked, Ted and I, and-" He trails off, looking like he's trying really hard to choose the right words to best phrase what he means to tell you. "We don't know what you plan to do now. You've mentioned how problematic your relationship with your family is and after how the competition went, perhaps you don't intent to return home. Or perhaps you do, I'd totally understand if-"
"No, I'm definitely not going back."
He's taken aback by your confident answer at first but then quickly nods in understanding. "Of course. Do you know already where else to go?"
You haven't thought about it yet. Beside your family you must admit, you don't have anyone else. Those who you erroneously call friends are in fact family friends, not yours, you couldn't ask them to help you even if you wanted to. Elsa is probably the only person whom you've ever had a genuine relationship with, but you've grown distant during the last years, you've only met last night after a very long time and you don't feel like asking her to host you, even if she actually might agree to it. Then again, you're not really euphoric at the idea of living in that horrendous mansion, especially after last night events.
"Not exactly", you admit with a sheepish smile, "I'll have to come up with something."
He nods slowly, looking pensive. Taking advantage of his temporary hesitation with words, you lean forward and take his hands in yours, lips curling up in a small smile.
"You don't have to worry about me, Jack. If you and Ted have to go, don't let me keep you."
You know already where this conversation is going. There's a very hurtful goodbye coming and even though you knew this moment would come eventually, it's nevertheless hard to face it.
"Of course I worry about you...", he whispers vehemently, squeezing your hands, "...and that is exactly what I am trying to say." He sighs, lowering his gaze on your interlined hands before setting it back on your face with more confidence.
"You don't have to leave, if you don't want to. You know... Ted and I share a small cabin in the woods, which is not that far from here. It's not much but it's homey and comfy, and very clean. We both like to keep things tidy. And there's actually enough space for a third roommate if you-"
He cuts himself short as soon as he notices the stunned look on your face.
"A-are you offering me to move in with you?"
"Well, I-" he stutters a little, panic growing on his face, "I know it sounds absurd since we barely know each other but-" He takes a deep breath in an attempt to ease his agitation. "Yes. Yes, I am. You've helped us last night, now let us help you, Y/n. We're simply offering you a roof over your head. You can leave as soon as you find a better accommodation, if that's what you'll want."
The earnest and genuine look he's giving you makes your heart melt. You can't believe how kind he is, how caring! You're sincerely touched.
You can't resist the urge to surge forward and throw your arms around his neck. He puffs out a breath of air at the impact but immediately wraps his arms around you, pulling you close.
"That's so sweet of you, Jack! Thank you so much."
"Is that a yes?"
You pull back a little, eyes locking in his.
"You had me at 'we both like to keep things tidy'. It's a huge yes!"
He laughs heartily and you secure that sweet sound to memory, taking a note to yourself to make him laugh again as soon as possible.
"Then...", he hops up and extends a hand your way, "...shall we?"
You can't suppress the big smile that spreads on your face and eagerly take his hand, letting him help you up.
You follow him out of the tent. Ted is waiting by the firewood, his cup and cards nowhere in sight. He slowly turns around when he hears your steps approaching and his red stare immediately falls on your interlined hands. His eyes then dart from his friend's face, to yours and back to Jack's. He grunts once at Jack then a low, chuckle-like sound comes out of him.
"Oh, shut up." Jack rolls his eye at him but fails miserably to suppress a chuckle of his own.
You turn to him and he does the same. You feel him squeeze gently your hand, his eyes roaming adoringly over your face as he grins at you.
~ ~ ~ ~
Your heart thumpers loudly in your chest. You can't express how happy you are so you simply mirror his grin and squeeze his hand back.
[LIKE, REBLOG AND COMMENT TO HELP A POOR WRITER IN NEED. Also consider leaving a tip here on Tumblr or buying me a coffee, if you particularly like what you read. Thank you! 🥀]
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terresdebrume · 1 month
"You had another nightmare."
Crystal gives Edwin her most venomous glare. She thinks the effect is kind of ruined by the big bag under her eyes, but still. It's the fucking thought that counts. He wasn't even condescending about it this time it's just. He's the wrong half of the boys for this. Just because Crystal figured out how to exist alongside him doesn't mean they're close.
Well, they are. But they're the kind of close that comes from caring deeply about the same person. Not the kind of close that comes from spontaneous appreciation. Crystal sighs, and lets her head fall down on her knees.
"Please go away," she mumbles.
By her side, Edwin scoffs.
"Believe me, I too wish Charles were here instead of me. However, since he very inconveniently decided to take a walk tonight, I'm afraid you'll have to make do with me."
Crystal sighs again, fingers digging hard into the sides of her knees. The problem, of course, is that Edwin isn't wrong. She's not sleeping again tonight, that's a given. She might be able to sleep properly tomorrow, but she hasn't had a full night since she confronted David, so she's not exactly holding her breath. She could wait for Charles, but then what? Think of the way she kissed him and chicken out? Not fucking helpful.
"It's not a nightmare," she admits at last, bumping her forehead against the bones of her knees. "It's memories."
"Please trust that I am deeply familiar with situations when those two things are one and the same."
It still strikes her, sometimes, how weird Edwin's speech pattern sounds to her ears. Not enough to make her laugh, or at least not anymore. Just weird enough to stretch her mouth into a smile. For Edwin to click his tongue.
"I do not feel like my efforts are being properly appreciated."
"So sorry, your highness," Crystal snorts.
She knows he's rolling his eyes from the way he sighs. It does make her feel better, to be honest. She's not sure if Edwin's doing it on purpose, but there's something about annoying him that works very well to take her mind off the new information in her head. It's simple, too.
Things with Charles are. Awkward. Which is probably a bit her fault for sending somewhat mixed signals, but Charles has been a little off ever since Hell, so he's probably to blame too. A little. The point is: even if he were here, Crystal wouldn't go to him.
Edwin is a shit listener, and even shittier at hiding he doesn't care, but he's here. And easy to annoy. And actually being... Okay. For once. With a sigh, Crystal tilts her head sideways so she can glance at Edwin. He's not looking at her, of course. Is in perfect profile from her, actually. Straight nose, frowning brow, stuffy jacket and vest and collar.
"Thanks," Crystal makes herself say, just to remember she can.
"Oh, don't be sentimental," Edwin says, primly. "Now that you are our official psychic, it is merely good business sense to help you digest your new memories."
Crystal bursts out laughing. It's way too loud for this time of night, and shrill, and more than a little fucking hysterical. In her throat, she can still feel the balls pressing against he windpipe, her skin, her bones. She remembers the way they blocked her air, the irrational fear that she wouldn't be able to get them down. The terror washes over her and turns to more laughter, then wheezing breaths.
"Yeah," she manages between two gasps for air, "they were really fucking hard to swallow."
She doesn't think she'll ever be able to tell Edwin why she laughs until she cries.
Reblogs make the world go round. Please share this story if you like it :)
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whydidtheyhavetogo · 7 months
Rengoku x Male Reader
Rengoku is taking a walk within the garden and he stumbles upon his S/O playing with a cat that appeared in the garden, he can’t help but take in their beauty and after a few minutes of staring, decides to approach. The two share a soft moment together
Warnings: Fluff, so much fucking fluff
The breeze wrapped around Rengoku as he took his evening stroll about the Master’s Mansion. He had just gotten done with a meeting with the other Hashira. He sighed deeply. It was always so calm and quiet these days, well, most days. Some days Tengen would find him and follow him, ranting on about how flashy he was, and sometimes asked Rengoku if he would come to his “flashy party”. 
Rengoku huffed out a small laugh at the memory’s that were so similar to each other, a record on repeat. For a while that’s what this started to feel like, just a repeat everyday. He didn’t mind it much, not at first. It wasn't until his father had so wonderfully mentioned that this was to be the rest of his life, and of course when doing so he was in a drunken stupor. That night he couldn't stop thinking about it. It gave him the burden of unraveling his own feelings with that notion. He was only human after all, and spending the rest of his life carrying what felt like the world on his back felt like too much.
And then it passed, he accepted that this would be his life, and that unlike his father, he would live each day without regret. His feet crunched under the loose gravel. He took in a deep breath, the garden smelled so nice. The flowers had just bloomed not too long ago. 
The gravel became a soft percussion to the faint hum that drifted over the plants. That definitely wasn’t there before. Curious he followed, he had a feeling he knew exactly who the voice was. And when he rounded a tree and turned the corner. He was right in who he thought it would be. There sitting on the stone bench, gently petting a calico cat, was Y/N. A beam of light that shone brightly for him every day.
Rengoku felt his chest warm at the sight of his significant other, the two had met years ago, training with one another in their first years of being in the Demon Slayer Core. They did everything together, that was until he became a Hashira. And for a while, Rengoku became a teacher to Y/n, since he became Hashira first, but with his patience and encouragement, in no time at all, he was able to catch up with Rengoku.
Now both of them worked together once more, neither found without the other. His eyes traveled his lovers figure, the man leaning forward and slouching slightly, his hands looked too gentle petting the cat. 
“Kyojuro, it’s not nice to stare…” The man’s soft voice carried out, a gentle song that he could somehow hear even with his bad ears. His eyes continued to be fixated on the cat.
“Ah, sorry my dove! I did not mean to-” All it took was one look, a faint smirk on the mans face as he gazed up from his lashes. Rengoku smiled warmly, he felt blood rush to his cheeks, “Oh, alright…”
Y/n pat the seat beside him as he continued petting the loudly purring cat. Rengoku took up his offer sitting beside him, and held his hand out for the cat to sniff him. Their cold nose touched his fingers, and pulled back, a look of uncertainty in their eyes before they rubbed their fluffy face on his hand. He let out a small chuckle, not wanting to scare the cat while he scratched the cat’s chin, “It’s funny… After all these years you still seem to have an effect on me,” He admitted aloud.
 Out of the corner of his eye he saw Y/n’s head whip up to look at him, “And what effect might that be?”
Rengoku takes a moment to think before lifting his own head to meet their eyes, “You make me feel like I’m floating whenever I’m near you…”
His face lights up and becomes red, “Kyujaro… that’s the cheesiest shit you’ve said to me yet…”
What a beautiful sight he was.
“Mmh… speaking of I think food sounds wonderful!” He exclaims standing up from the bench. He reaches his hand down to Y/n, “Would you care to join me, dove?” 
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