deepseapotato · 3 months
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Twitter is loving these quick Minecraft block gijinka lesbians, I hope you do too. 🌈
Edit: My twitter refugee ass has been informed the OG post of the meme was by @/fionacle here on tumblr! Although twitter is where I personally saw it first.
Based on this tweet:
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deepseapotato · 4 months
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deepseapotato · 5 months
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His in-game birthday was 2 sessions ago, but 4/20 is the real world equivalent so a belated happy birthday to my D&D genasi rogue boy c:
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deepseapotato · 5 months
Another KOSA update:
Sadly, it is true that today, 04/10/2024, KOSA has been introduced to the House BUT! That doesn’t mean it’s game over just yet!
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Friendly reminder that there is much less support for KOSA in the House than the Senate. And even if it does pass the House—God forbid, it’s not over until the President signs it.
Here is the phone number for the Committee that’ll be holding the hearing on April 17th (Use the top number), and of course keep calling your Senators & House Representative.
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I know this is scary for a lot of people, but we have to keep fighting. Please spread this around & don’t give up!
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Don’t lose hope.
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deepseapotato · 7 months
The end of online privacy
Now, this isn't something I usually post about from my silly goofy k1nk account (reminder to minors to not follow or scroll this acount).
But I have more followers on here than main, and this is extremely important. Like, scary shit.
This applies to everyone. If you're reading this? It's going to effect you.
I'm sure perhaps some of you have seen around about a this thing going around... KOSA, is one of the ways it's being referred to.
If this shit passes, lemme tell you...
LGBTQ+ adults and minors seeking help and community,
people looking for abortions,
people organizing protests,
anyone using their free speech to voice concerns about injustices, 
Even people reading fan fiction...
And for the purposes of where I'm posting from... people sharing and enjoying their k1nks, wanting to post things with safety and privacy... smut artists and writers, people even LOOKING for smut...
It's all gone. No privacy.
They'll have your face, your name, your age, where you live.
You'll need an ID to use any US-based platform, even if you're NOT in the United States.
Instead of dooming, here's what you can do to stop this shit in it's tracks 👍
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Here is a website where you can sign a letter just by filling out a form, (it takes less than 30 seconds) and where you can call reps.
I HIGHLY suggest leaving calls if you're able, and if you have phone shyness, do this after 6pm, since it will leave messages instead.
I'm shy, but I did it!
Here's another letter to sign, takes less than 20 seconds.
Here is a form you can fill out sharing how the social media has POSITIVELY effected you.
Share all of this with as many people as you can. Our safety, freedom, joy, and protection online is at risk more than ever.
(Here is the thread where I found all of this information.)
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deepseapotato · 7 months
taking the moment to archive my entire blog tonight! trans people i recommend y'all do too. you know. just in case.
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deepseapotato · 7 months
Red hot actionable news: the website StopKOSA.com will send a letter from you about this godawful bill to your legislators. Zero effort. You literally just give them your e and mailing address.
You can see the text they’re going to use, and it’s editable, so you have the option (and it’s much easier than writing from scratch) to add a few words up front or tinker and paraphrase if you like, but you very much don’t have to. They will also offer you your legislators’ phone numbers — WITH handy talking points notes — for optional follow-up after the letter is taken care of.
(Hat tip to Julia Serano for alerting me to it. She has more to say about the potential of this bill to effectively eradicate LGBTQ+ content from the internet. If you thought FOSTA/SESTA was bad…)
KOSA is a censorship bill that won’t make kids safe. Instead, it'll put all internet users at risk, especially LGBTQ+ youth. If you believe in a free and open internet, tell your lawmakers to reject #KOSA! https://stopkosa.com/
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deepseapotato · 8 months
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My annual awful D&D Valentine's Day cards are back.
Have some Big Titty Dommy Drow Sorceress, Human DMPC Bard Baby, Changeling Monk who loves sexually harassing the Rogue, and a married man on fire - coincidentally named Valentin.
Additional variations of my boy based on campaign jokes:
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deepseapotato · 9 months
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deepseapotato · 9 months
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Happy Public Domain Day!
⭐Prince Marine: The Dandy Robot / Art Commission / Ko-Fi / Itch.io / Bluesky⭐
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deepseapotato · 9 months
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deepseapotato · 9 months
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Something like this would be so colossally helpful. I'm sick and tired of trying to research specific clothing from any given culture and being met with either racist stereotypical costumes worn by yt people or ai generated garbage nonsense, and trying to be hyper specific with searches yields fuck all. Like I generally just cannot trust the legitimacy of most search results at this point. It's extremely frustrating. If there are good resources for this then they're buried deep under all the other bullshit, and idk where to start looking.
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deepseapotato · 9 months
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my 120 page digimon fanbook 'ALL STAR' BY SMASH MOUTH WAS A DIGIMON SONG FIRST* is now up for pre-order!!!!
i know i keep saying it but im shocked my existing stock ran out so quickly yesterday....2nd printing run to the rescue! im happy people like fanbooks and doubly happy people like digimon!
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deepseapotato · 10 months
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Gifts are the love language of the heartless.
Words are the love language of the naive.
Context: Nits said something incredibly hurtful and out of line and thinks dinner is an appropriate apology (because talking was the problem in the first place, right?). Sid disagrees, but he's a noble so he knows to not ask for love from people who prefer to throw money. Their awkward not-sibling-dynamic continues.
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deepseapotato · 10 months
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You don’t suck at Lineart, you’re just not familiar with line weight👍🏼!
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deepseapotato · 10 months
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A strange dream has started haunting my boy last D&D session.
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deepseapotato · 10 months
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A short D&D comic about my rogue's feelings for a particular small town, and a particular group of adventurers c:
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