deepsearailway · 4 years
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♕  shinjuwahime  ♕
Comin’ at you live from Inkopolis Square! 
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deepsearailway · 4 years
(( Important news! I feel accomplished. ))
(( I am pleased as punch to inform you all that…! 
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I got all of the mem cakes in Octo Expansion!! TINY CONDUCTOR HAT IS NOW MINE ))
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deepsearailway · 4 years
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deepsearailway · 4 years
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Squids, octopuses and Salmon, oh my!
I’m Silver Sheep, AKA Mod Stinky, and I’m looking for more people to interact with and follow!
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deepsearailway · 5 years
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We’ve received a special message from our International Squid Research Lab, who are wishing us a happy “White Day”. Apparently this gift-giving holiday involves the exchange of a diminutive train conductor? Curious!
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deepsearailway · 5 years
(( Maybe I should try and pick up C.Q. again... Muse kindof died out a little bit after Chaos Vs. Order, but I think my love for this little fella is starting to come back. ))
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deepsearailway · 5 years
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deepsearailway · 5 years
Your kewl and awesomee, by the way, Did someone rebuilt you?
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i think he might have only done it for business reasons
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deepsearailway · 5 years
“Yeah he’s not a pet, he’s my conductor actually. I’m his boss.. sorta.” Indigo gave a shrug of his shoulders. He listened intently to what the special was that day and the idea of it made him perk up visibly. It sounded great despite never having it before, how strange. The sensation made him all the more mad about being stuck in this body, but that didn’t show any. “Sure, I’ll get that.” He said nonchalantly, continuing to look at the menu despite already figuring out what he wanted.
He’d go on more about himself but chose not to considering his bad reputation elsewhere, lord help him if they ever found out his true identity.
"I’ll take a bread bowl too, Chuck.” Stinky spoke up. 
“Aye, that’ll be two, and what about the li’l fella?” Chuck hummed, leaning over the counter.
C.Q. shook his head, “I will pass,” he replied, “I am a bottom feeder, even a small serving would be a bit much for me. Thank you, however.”
“Eh? Alright. Perhaps you’d do well with some crumbs, at least!” the fish pushed away from the counter and immediately went to work, pulling out a few round loaves from a heater. With slick movements he cut the tops open, pulled them out with his fins and placed them on a tray. Propping it over one fin he filled the bowls to the brim with delicious-smelling hot soup. 
With a bit of flourish Chuck returned and served the bowls on plates, “Soup’s on!” he sang, “Please enjoy!~”
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deepsearailway · 5 years
He looks at the squishy little sir before him and ducks down, holding out a finger to ‘shake‘ hands “I’m Rhine Oever, I’m an Octarian soldier, yeah… Long story“ he smiles “I’m quite happy with my job however! But please don’t mention to anyone “
He figures his secret is safe in the metro, tons of soldiers pass trough here, and if anything he can easily crush the little guy under his boots. “I’m here to investigate for the Octarian king, DJ Octavio. My partner should be here soon“ He leans back in his seat, feeling a little out of place, he hopes she’ll arrive soon. Talking to strangers is so awkward. “So uh… tell me anything you know?“
The sea cucumber wrapped an arm around Rhine’s finger and gave it a polite shake. It wasn’t often that people tried to give him a handshake--he appreciated the gesture! 
“Please do not worry, Rhine,” C.Q. replied with a tip of his hat, “If I had lips, I would say they were sealed--either way, your secret will remain as such.” he was curious about how an Inkling would become an Octarian soldier... But this was a time to keep his professionalism, not pry into some kid’s history.
Now climbing up on a nearby wall, the conductor appeared pensive before he spoke up again, “As I’ve mentioned before I don’t know very much, and I fear what little I know won’t be very sufficient,” he mused, “However of what I do know...” 
C.Q. Cumber relayed what information he had to Rhine; about Tartar taking individuals and turning them into soldiers, how they appeared robotic due to “Sanitation,” and how Tartar seemed to want to take over Inkopolis, and perhaps the entire world, with this process.
“I’m terribly sorry I don’t know more,” he concluded, “I have reason to believe Tartar was altering my memories... He knew I would not agree with his actions in Kamabo, and to keep me quiet and compliant, he removed select memories, particularly of previous test takers.” there was a twinge of woe in his small voice.
The train was slowing down now, and C.Q. perked up a little, “Ah, this should be the stop.” he declared.
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deepsearailway · 5 years
“Well normally I wouldn’t be here, but now I am, starving and ready to eat whatever I can take.” He paused. “Well actually, it has to be healthy. I don’t want to put that nutrient-lacking garbage you all call food into my body.” It seemed as though the tall one was fairly adamant on getting something healthy, and that he sure had it out for anything that wasn’t healthy. He’d refuse to eat it otherwise, no matter how much his body told him to.
“Ah.. allow me to better introduce myself..” He said, feeling a little awkward for snapping again. “My name is Indigo, I’m just looking for something to eat that.. isn’t going to clog up my system.”
Chuck chuckled darkly upon the adamant response of the Octoling, claws drumming on the counter while his other fin was on his “hip.” A smirk could be seen under his mask, “Ah, hah. I see. It is rare that we see someone so keen on eating healthy.” his large eyes fell upon the sea cucumber in Indigo’s hands, “I welcome you with open fins, however I do not allow pets on the counter.” he added sharply.
“... Pardon me, I am no pet.” C.Q. spoke up.
Chuck blinked. He shot a glance to Stinky, who merely gave a shrug. Seemed as though they were both a bit surprised at a talking sea cucumber, but just about anything was possible these days.
“He was the one who asked about a restaurant,” Stinky replied, “Uh, I just kindof take things in stride these days...” he added under his breath.
The Salmonid shook his head, “Right, then you are welcome here, too!” he straightened his back and clapped his fins together, grinning once again. He seemed to shift moods quickly, “Today’s special is home-made chicken and vegetable soup! Served in bread bowls that I baked this morning!” he gave Indigo a wink and waved a claw at him, “You are in luck, we still have a few bowls left!”
“That sounds wonderful,” C.Q. replied, glancing up at Indigo, “Vegetables and meat are very healthy.” he looked around for a menu, wondering if there was something smaller he could handle, but all he could find was a chalk board pinned to the side of the truck, which listed the day’s specials. There wasn’t much for him listed, and he couldn’t help but sigh. He’d wait until he got home to eat.
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deepsearailway · 5 years
If you pick him up, your hands will be covered in glitter, too.
Be sure to wipe your feet after leaving the train, you might have a little bit of glitter on your shoes!
C.Q. leaves a fine trail of glitter wherever he goes. He can’t really help it; it’s much like a snail’s slime. So wherever he goes the walls and floors are covered with a sparkling layer. It can be cleaned away, but even if the slime dries up the glitter remains.
His hats are constantly coated. There is no hope of getting the glitter off of any of them.
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deepsearailway · 5 years
C.Q. leaves a fine trail of glitter wherever he goes. He can’t really help it; it’s much like a snail’s slime. So wherever he goes the walls and floors are covered with a sparkling layer. It can be cleaned away, but even if the slime dries up the glitter remains.
His hats are constantly coated. There is no hope of getting the glitter off of any of them.
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deepsearailway · 5 years
Indigo continued to look at C.Q. with a fretful expression, still feeling rather bad about making him scared. The poor guy was so scared he’d gone pale.. and that made him feel even worse than he already did. “Well alright then..” He muttered quietly, taking his gaze away from the sea cucumber.
However that attention was immediately returned when he was asked to be carried, and in response the octoling bent down and picked him up in his hands. He found it cute how small this version of his conductor was, he could hold him so easily in the palm of his hand. He wondered if he was ever afraid of heights… the thought made him hold the sea cucumber a little closer so that, on the off chance that he wasn’t too keen on heights, he wouldn’t be so suspended.
While he didn’t have a fear of heights--he did crawl all over walls after all--C.Q. did stick himself to Indigo’s hands for an extra anchor. A fall from this height wouldn’t hurt him much, but it was better to be safe than splat on the ground.
Stinky lead the two into an alleyway. He’d glance over his shoulder now and again to make sure that Indigo was still behind him, not wanting them to get lost. It didn’t take all that long before they reached an empty lot that had been nearly scrubbed clean. A food truck, much larger than the Crust Bucket, sat in the center, surrounded by a few stout tables and chairs. A few Inklings and Octolings were her scattered about, enjoying some food and chatting among themselves.
Waving his hand in the air Stinky called, “Hey, Chuck! I’ve got you a couple new customers!” 
A dark brown head poked into view within the truck. The figure had a tall purple mohawk and wore a mask over his long snout. It was a Salmonid! Here in Inkopolis! Though no one here seemed particularly bothered by this.
He gave the newcomers a sleepy look before a grin could be seen on either side of the mask. He wrung his fins dry on a cloth and said, “Welcome, welcome! Ceph, you always do me well!~” he had a noticeable southern accent, “Please, come! It’s not often I get such a well-dressed customer!”
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deepsearailway · 5 years
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Just messing around.
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deepsearailway · 5 years
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you, I know that must’ve been scary given who I am but.. please, know that it’s alright. I’ll never be angry at you for something like that.” Indigo’s tone was considerably softer now, in fact he sounded a little upset at making the tiny creature fear him. “I don’t know what kinds of awful things your Commander has done to you, but I’m not going to do the same… I genuinely care for you, despite not knowing you much..” He spent the next few moments looking away from C.Q. and instead just looking towards the ground with his ears drooping somewhat. He’d learned to be fairly expressive with them.
“As long as it has healthy foods, I’m all for it.” At this point he didn’t really care what it was, as long as it was healthy, he’d eat it. He’d gone more than 24 hours without eating at this point and frankly all he wanted was something to help ease the ache of his stomach. Hunger was his least favorite feature of this body by far. “Where is this place?” He asked curiously.
C.Q. finally looked up to Indigo’s face when he continued his apology. He was considerably less tense now, however his body’s colors had turned a bit pale. His memories of Tartar were not fond, and he felt a little bit ashamed that he reacted so poorly to the anger of someone he knew to be the exact opposite of that phone. He usually took the anger of others quite well, so what was it about Indigo’s rage that struck fear into his glittering core? Was it the voice? The tone? He wasn’t entirely sure...
“It’s alright, sir.” C.Q. reassured the other, “That reaction was compulsory, I don’t mean to worry you.” he lifted his hat a little bit, “I know you mean well, so please don’t be hard on yourself. I’m fine.”
He knew how Indigo felt about being compared to his counterparts, so C.Q. thought it best to not bring up the nasty phone, even if they both knew well that he was the reason the conductor had a bit of a scare just then. 
When Indigo responded, the Inkling nodded, “Yeah, they’re healthy,” he explained, “If there’s anyone in Inkopolis that can get an Inkling to eat their vegetables, it’s gonna be Chuck.” he chuckled, “Uh, by the way, people around here call me Stinky, but um... I’d like it if you’d call me Ceph.”
He stood up, revealing his full height--C.Q. was a bit surprised, for this kid was as tall as Indigo! After pocketing his phone and adjusting his shirt, which seemed a little too short for him, he motioned for them to follow.
“It’s not really far, but it’d be easier for me to take you,” Stinky explained, “He’s gotta move now and again so it’s never at a consistent spot.”
“Oh,” C.Q. piped up, “Wait, we’re not interrupting you, are we?”
Stinky gave a dismissive wave, “Nah, I was just waiting for the maps to change.” he shrugged, “Besides, I like giving my friend some business.” 
Before following after Stinky, he tried to grab the attention of Indigo and whispered, “Er, I’m terribly sorry, but would it be much trouble to ask you to carry me...?” he asked, clearly a bit embarrassed, “It’s a little hard for me to keep up with two people with such long legs.”
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deepsearailway · 5 years
Indigo made a face at the Crust Bucket suggestion, and promptly shook his head when he spoke again. “No, I won’t be putting that greasy filth into my body. I don’t care how much my body demands it, you will never get me to eat that.” It seemed as though he already had it out for fast food, understandably. He’d watched so many kids just go by eating nothing but fast food and drinking nothing but soda, it made him wonder how on Earth they managed to stay healthy consuming such things so often.
He seemed to clam up a little after saying all of that, only then realizing how forceful all that had sounded. He hadn’t meant to snap at him or anyone, he just felt strongly about putting the right things in his body, and it was currently still screaming for those things, whatever they were. “Ah.. sorry. I didn’t mean to snap, I suppose that feeling this way is wearing my patience thin..”
The sea cucumber shrank back instinctively upon Indigo’s reaction. “Terribly sorry, sir. I won’t suggest it again.” he sputtered compulsively.
He avoided looking Indigo in the eye briefly, until his voice turned softer and he gave an apology. C.Q. realized he had been pressing himself tightly against the ground and released his tension, causing his body to jiggle a little. 
“It’s alright, sir. I should have known better than to suggest it.” he replied, “Er... Let’s ask around.” as he took a glance around the square he found himself wishing that 8 was around somewhere. However he did spy an Inkling nearby--one who was remarkably tall even when sitting on a bench. He had a mohawk and a sleepy look about him.
“Excuse me!” C.Q. tried to project his voice enough for the Inkling to hear him. When the boy looked around in confusion the conductor waved an arm high in he air, “Terribly sorry, I’m down here.”
The Inkling blinked slowly, “Oh, hi there. Uh... What’s up?”
“Do you perchance know a place that serves good food that isn’t... Swimming in grease?” 
“Huh,” the Inkling smiled a little, “Yeah, I know a great place. But it’s uh, a little out of the way,” he ran a hand over his mohawk, looking up to Indigo, “Might seem a little sketchy to new people but I promise, it’s the best food in Inkopolis.”
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