deepwatercomic · 20 days
Updates from the Desk of actual Sorrows
first off, I'd like to thank everyone who responded to my polls. It really did help and I did get some great suggestions from other users. It really feels strange to feel like I have to apologize for being MIA on a blog and website I don't think anyone (besides my husband) reads. Honestly life gets in the way sometimes. And we can't all be on the all the time. We're human, we need rest.
My paternal Grandmother died. She was a wonderful, faithful woman who loved her family fiercely and was a faithful Catholic who died peacefully in her sleep on the feast of Mary's Solemnity- which I think she would have found incredibly fitting. It was a long haul with heart failure and just, well, old age. But I will always remember the blue house dresses she wore, the way her massive cross, scapular and medals would click together when I would hug her, the way the Jasmine and lemon trees in her backyard would smell. She would try to tell jokes, but would start giggling before she could even get through the first sentence, and no one could understand what she was trying to say- but her laughter was so infectious that we couldn't help but laugh along. I do hope that with the march of time I don't forget her French-Canadian accent when she would end every phone call or general conversation with "I'll pray for you." And she meant it. I like think Grandma had a direct phone line to the holy trinity, and was frequently discussing matters with Mother Mary. But she did miss my Grandpa very, very, much. And its my sincere hope is that he was there to hold her hand and lead her into the afterlife.
I sincerely want to thank my Aunts, Uncle and cousins for taking such good care of her so she could spend her last days at home with loved ones. You couldn't ask for better or more adoring care.
To make matters more complicated my dear cat, Loki, has a malignant tumor on his face. It was written off as a sinus issue during his yearly wellness exam, and developed into a horrible abscesses (yes multiple) only a few months later. Thanks to a different vet and a lot of pain meds we have a few more weeks with him. He perked right up as soon as we put him on a schedule of gabapentin! Its like having him back to his (mostly) old self for a little while- Its just a matter of when, not if. Which SUCKS, it absolutely fucking SUCKS to have to make the decision of euthanasia. He was supposed to die in his sleep at twenty after gorging himself on all the tuna and goat cheese his tiny heart desired. But, my little trickster familiar will be at home with us when he goes and that is really, the best outcome in a situation like this.
So its right now after major surgery, with family death, pet sickness that I'm still going to school to complete my Bachelors. (I swear, if I don't do things on hard mode- apparently they're just not worth doing AT ALL.) I mean, obviously Deep Water has been pushed to the back burner- and its frankly, this uncomfortable place for it to be (for me at least). Its a story I had hoped would be done about a year ago. I have other projects that I want to move on to. I would just hate to push through it right now and then look back and hate the end result, realize I could do better. Because it is my story, and it is worth telling. This isn't a group project that has deadline or grade. So I'm going to take a few weeks off here, make sure I'm caught up on my school work and try to aim at posting near the end of May.
I hope to see you then. Until then, have a picture of my Familiar happily sleeping while we were watching Golden Girls in better times. And tell a joke that you can't finish because you're laughing to hard in honor of my grandmother.
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deepwatercomic · 1 month
Part of my ongoing poll series to see how I can encourage people to buy my comics at conventions
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deepwatercomic · 1 month
Part of my ongoing poll series to see how I can encourage people to buy more comics at conventions.
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deepwatercomic · 1 month
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deepwatercomic · 1 month
Hey all, despite my hissy fit earlier this month, tumblr is the only place that I can do a poll and I need ask a few questions about people buying comics at conventions. I was vendoring recently and realized that people were hesitant to buy physical comics- and it wasn't just at my booth. So I'd like to see if there's something I can do to make a physical comic more appealing.
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deepwatercomic · 2 months
From instructions on how to opt out, look at the official staff post on the topic. It also gives more information on Tumblr's new policies. If you are opting out, remember to opt out each separate blog individually.
Please reblog this post, so it will get more votes!
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deepwatercomic · 2 months
Well, Shit.
This was not the update that I wanted to post. And this is just more crappy news on top of other crappy news. But yeah, I really would prefer if tumblr didn't feed all our blogs and data to midjourney. Who the hell makes these decisions? I'd say a trained monkey, but honestly at this point I think a Monkey could make better choices.
Its not spelled out what they're selling- is it personal data AND creative data? Because the official deep water website is hosted by wordpress, so I'm kind screwed either way. But I can't imagine that selling creative data that I PAY THEM to host would be kosher.
I'm holding off until I know more- but apparently this is happening soon. I can't imagine this wouldn't be a death keel for this site (but who knows! its survived a whole lot of death predictions). If you're interested in following me elsewhere I'm on instagram as @clabrieart As for this blog and the website- I don't know. I'd like to know more- because I've had this blog and site for so long it would suck to delete them, I've been putting a lot of work into the website, its been a lot of time and money. But screw tumblr and wordpress if they want to feed my comic to an AI.
That's just a undeserved kick in the whooha that I don't need.
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deepwatercomic · 3 months
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Hey all!
This was the original title page design I finished but decided not to use for Volume 3 of Deep Water.
You can keep up with my "Updates from the desk" blog on the Deep Water website. I'm doing my best to post weekly with my progress or just a check-in. The website will be a one stop shop for all the info about the comic with tumblr being a second back-up (since I am a artist, not a website designer it doesn't hurt to have a back-up).
I hope you are all doing well, drinking water and getting yourself a treat once a day. Take care of yourselves!
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deepwatercomic · 3 months
Updates from the desk of sorrows
Hey all!
You might have noticed that a few pages are missing- I wish I could say that's tumblrs fault- but no. No indeed, the comic is currently undergoing a rewrite. I hit a wall, a frustratingly stupid wall. Its not writers block, its worse, the realization that the rising action of the story made no sense and was just . . . not good.
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The good news is that the month of February is going to be devoted to getting the comic back on track. I've found some old notes that breathe some life back into the storyline- its funny that the revisions I made to the story actually took away from the theme and heart of my funny little comic.
So, here's to a fresh start and a good finish in 2024.
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deepwatercomic · 5 months
Page 197 is missing on your blog, it just goes from page 196 to 198. Was it removed? Censored? You might have to appeal it.
Thanks for letting me know. tumblr doesn't let me know if something is taken down, I'll try reposting it !
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deepwatercomic · 8 months
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“Star Trek” star LEVAR BURTON shares a message to studio executives while picketing Paramount Studios (September 8, 2023).
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deepwatercomic · 9 months
if you’re a new tumblr user from tiktok or IG or something and only like posts and dont reblog them yeah people will think you’re a bot and block you but you will also make this website actively worse. they want “algorithmic” users like you, served recommended posts through likes, not people who just follow each other and respond to the direct chronological feed. there is a reason this website is still better than the rest, even with all its problems, do not ruin this
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deepwatercomic · 10 months
FYI, for anyone who wants to donate!
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deepwatercomic · 10 months
what if instead of getting legs he just learns to get really good at crawling
OR! Hear me out:
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From head to tail he is 15ft long so it'll take at least three to get him really moving.
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deepwatercomic · 1 year
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Pg 186
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I really, really tried to capture the essence of what Ben here was feeling.
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deepwatercomic · 1 year
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Pg 184
Our former scanner developed a blurry spot, which I wasn’t aware they could do until I compared the pages previously scanned to some of the newer ones. But hey, now I know!
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deepwatercomic · 1 year
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I’ve been working on the buffer. I don’t want to post until the comic is finished, which should be soon. I’m starting school again at the end of this month to finally get my BFA, and I didn’t want to delay the comic further while I’m in school. But in the meantime I did manage to get the first volumes published! Both of these combined encompass the first 112 pages of the comic. It’s kind of surreal holding the physical finished comic in my hands. Just seeing how the art has changed from when I started the comic to what the art looks like now is a trip.
I’ll be selling these at our local convention Squatch-con! the remaining copies will be for sale in my etsy store.
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