dekumidoriyall · 1 year
she done did it
she got marrried to ykw.
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dekumidoriyall · 2 years
Guys will be like “I’m so romantic” and then they won’t even do a courtship display dance by hopping around and flapping their wings. They won’t even toss a twig in the air for you with their beak 😒
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dekumidoriyall · 3 years
I guess I got hacked on my facebook or something but theres nothing I can do about it. It’s not that I really care about my facebook, I was about to deactivate it anyway, but I did care about my insta. I know that God can build something better from nothing and I should have nothing to worry about. But I will say it was kind of annoying to see that today. I don’t know if I should wait for instagram to do the review to get a new insta. Or just do another one just in case anything like this happens again. I dunno what happens from here but I know I just have to trust God in the midst of it.
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dekumidoriyall · 3 years
Hello yall, its been a while. I wonder if anyone who regularly followed me will read this, or if anyone uses tumblr anymore for that matter? I kind of miss writing to an audience, writing in general perhaps? I’m a bit rusty, however, I’ll do my best.
My parents have been married for 26 years, the number of  years I have been alive. You could say I was at my parents wedding, in the womb of my mother. If you’ve read my previous writings, I held a strong resentment towards my dad and would have claimed to have a bad childhood. But I met Jesus and he has changed my life and my perspective on almost everything. SO there may have been some resounding failures on my parents part, I know now that I don’t have to be a byproduct of them. I am a child of the Most High God, the Creator of the universe itself has adopted me by the blood of Jesus Christ.
When God revealed himself to me as Everlasting Father, i understood why all parents fall short. When our parents fail us, it wounds us deeply because we have placed our trust in them. We expect perfection from our parents, but they are merely human.
It’s funny because I had some strife with my mom in my young teenage years, as most daughters do; but my latter teenage years into young adulthood, my mother has been my best friend. I have confided in her, brunched with her, and she has always been there. She wrote me a lullaby when I was young and would play Greensleeves on the piano and I can hear it now in my head as if I were there.
Two days ago my dad saw a message pop up on my moms phone from a man that was not him. The illusion was shattered. For 2.5 years (so she says) she has been living a double life. Going on out of state trips, the renaissance, with another man who is not her husband. And with a child who is not her son. I am still in disbelief.
As of right now, she is staying with a friend who knew of her infidelity (which is no true friend at all) and life continues. There is no better way to put how I feel  except for 2 Corinthians 4:8 “ We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed “
There is no other way to describe the perplexity I feel right now. My flesh knows its in pain, I want to be crushed, and in despair, yet God has given me strength. I haven’t cried this much, yet I know I would be crying much more if i were not hidden in christ. He is supernaturally giving me a peace I do not understand. I somehow know things will be okay, that things are presently okay despite what my eyes see. When I am focused on eternity, these troubles truly are momentary and the eternal glory before me, outweighs it all. (2 Corinthians 4:17)
1 in 4 marriages are affected by infidelity and I don’t know how many of those families are “quote unquote, christians” But christ has ransomed me, and my father also professes the faith, and so does my younger brother. My hope is that someone may be going through something similar, and maybe they are without christ; and I want to shed a light on this epidemic, and use it for the Glory of God. Because If god were not with me now, I would be inconsolable. So I cannot imagine how this tragedy would effect an unbeliever. But God will still use brokeness and I will continue to update this story and how it is affecting my life, and how my God is Stronger.
Praying that god blesses you with his supernatural peace. He is a shelter and mighty fortress.
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dekumidoriyall · 4 years
Lonely Places | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
It truly hurts my heart when God's people put him in a limited box. As if they're scared of all the wonders and miracles God can do and use people for. Like prophecy and visions and healing and tongues, he has so many gifts that utilize his supernatural power. Even I am guilty of being scared or embarrassed of His power... But lately every since my shrooms trip, my eyes are just opened. There's so much more to God than I thought possible and I'm sure so much more than I currently think right now. And I pray God uses me and that I have the courage and confidence to step out boldly into His love and power. How silly of me to think of things as impossible - everything is possible for God. He always makes a way. I'm just now starting my quest for his supernatural abilities and I pray my gifts get strengthened by His word and by my pursuit of Him.
I pray for all those who have yet to experience His fire and all.consuming love get the chance to feel and know Him. I pray that those who have felt it have the courage to set out what God has called you to do, to seek him earnestly and with an open heart. I pray that God blesses you with his presence and awakens your hearts and minds to the limitless glories He has in store for us. I pray for boldness in our lives and fulfillment in Christ and of Holy Spirit. In Jesus mighty name, amen.
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
24! :) 💛 good guess though!
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
“But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.”
— Matthew 24:13
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
Well... 🤷🏻‍♀️
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
How old are you?
Before I tell you, how old do you think I am? Like how old do I look?
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
I'm just kinda tired of being put on pause or held on reserve. Like does he get how putting me on layaway makes me feel? Bc idk if he's just a coward or I'm not good enough. And if I'm not then he should just let me know. I'm just tired of lying to myself and living this fake fantasy where it feels a shit ton like we are dating but we aren't. According to the groomer I'm such a good roomate, so that's all I am apparently. It's like I'm good enough to live with and sometimes even good enough to fuck. But oh dating? Nahh. Idk. It's probably not like that but that's how it feels. /: I feel like shit. Idk I don't want to bring it up bc we've had this convo before and it just doesn't go anywhere and I'm still stuck in limbo. I dunno honestly. And would dating fix anything. I would like to believe this is going somewhere but damn idk. I think about how God tells us to keep moving and right now it feels like I'm in gridlock traffic. I dunno. I think the biggest thing is just I feel so devalued. And it's bringing me so down bc I know I'm pretty cool and funny and smart and have got a good fuckin heart. And idk i hate questioning my own self worth when I know I'm worth so much more. Idk /: I guess I'll just keep going with everything else.
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
i need *bangs fist on table* intimacy
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
your hair is super pretty im obsessed with the colour !!
Awh! Thank you so much! It's box dye that's faded! Lmao 💕✨
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
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follow @isnt​ for more funny memes
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dekumidoriyall · 5 years
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