delharris ¡ 4 years
“No I’m serious, I don’t know what to tell you. I’ve just never really been anywhere long enough to do Halloween.” Delmont took a sip of his coffee. It was rare for the diner to be this full but he didn’t mind sharing a table. Talking about the upcoming festivities was better than awkward silence in his opinion.  “I did it as a really little kid I think, once my ex got me to go to a Halloween party with him but it was like a college party type thing no one was dressed up. Then my last ex she wasn’t in to the whole thing you know, masks creeped her out.” 
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delharris ¡ 4 years
It was late at night and he was exhausted - roaming for days or weeks was never fun for anyone, even if he was used to it. A day wasn’t much to get his bearings, but he’d at least have a bed and a roof over his head. That was enough for now. He could pay for another night if necessary, but he couldn’t stay here for long. 
Did he look like he needed a family room? In a way, that put a pang through his heart. Was it good or bad? He wasn’t sure anymore, his feelings were blurring together. “A really questionable stain and a not working shower? What are these families doing in there?” He understood why the receptionist was telling him this, but damn. Why did he want to laugh? The town was a horrendous mess no matter where you went.
“Nah, just a single room.” It was just him, and he figured it always would be. He wasn’t discontent with that fact - it was a fact that he had to accept.
“Oh, you’d be so surprised at what goes on in here.” Del grinned as he tapped on the keyboard. He gave Bartek up and down cocking a brow as he did Delmont was trying to judge if he could hand this man his employee discount. “I uh don’t speak for the establishment my views are my own when I say this, but we get a lot of nutters running around, hiding from their wives with the other woman you know, breaking the shower. I’ve met bears with more manners and better religions.” 
Delmont opened the drawer of key cards looking for one that didn’t look too busted. One that would probably work after only three tries. “The questionable stain I have my theories that it’s either someone got murdered here or someone threw spaghetti at the wall.” He nodded. 
“I’m thinking murder I mean,” Delmont gestured to the motel. “Shithole. I don’t speak for the establishment. My views are my own blah blah blah.” Delmont pushed a clipboard with a form for Bartek to fill out. “Health conditions blah blah. Usual insurance shit.” He explained. 
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delharris ¡ 4 years
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Somewhat impressed with their common sense, Becca leaned on her folded arms and discerned the man in front of her. She noted his crossbow and had already accepted his excuse without voicing it — if she were with her father, she’d probably be hunting too. “You’re safe, I just have to be sure, y’know how it goes being a teenage girl in the woods alone,” she chuckled. “A crossbow? Don’t see many of those around here. All these hard sons of bitches couldn’t live without something that goes boom.”
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Del wondered what a teenage girl was doing out in the woods by herself. He’d opened his mouth to ask but then changed his mind last minute. If it was anything like what he did in the woods as a teenager....as an adult he didn’t want to know. Instead Del couldn’t help but laugh at her comment. He lowered his crossbow backdown.  “Oh the crossbow? Yeah it’s a little old school I have to admit. It’s quiet, wont scare as much game when you shoot a bolt. Re usable too so long as they don’t crack. Bullets in this town are expensive.
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delharris ¡ 4 years
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Since she was a little girl, Becca was warned away from the Eyes. It was one of the many rules of surviving Eden County — do not go near them, unless you’re keen on being kidnapped into a cult of deranged doomsday preppers, but it was the quietest place she’d found thus far, so she would ride her truck down to the edge of the forest and sit in the bed, watching the trees rustle from above and absorb the nature. She was used to hearing the occasional snap of a twig, the loud rush of wind, but hearing voices was unusual. “Just so you know, I have a loaded 12 gauge back here.” she called out, just as a precaution.
Del cursed when he slipped and snapped a twig. He was hoping to stock up before the winter hit. Last year he hadn’t been as prepared his first winter in Eden county had been rough. If It was up to him he would have been en route somewhere further south to spend the winter. As much as he hated entire state of Florida he’d give anything to be on his way there right now. He heard Beccas voice bark out from behind the hedges and slowly he walked wanting to avoid a trip to hospital.  “Alright don’t shoot me, I wouldn’t be a good meal!” he had his hands held up his crossbow in the air. “I’m just out hunting game I won’t hurt you. I’d pinky promise but you know...” Delmont looked at his two hands a little sheepishly. “I don’t wanna make any sudden moves.” 
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delharris ¡ 4 years
“Seems to be my lucky day then.” Cornelia walked through the front door of the motel. Her jeans were soaking wet and sticking to her legs, even her socks were wet in her boots. She was lucky to be wearing a raincoat. “Hey Del, gotta stay the night.” She walked over to the desk and let her backpack fall down. It landed on a worn-down carpet and would certainly leave a wet spot once she would pick it up again. “Gotta fix my roof. Meant to do it last week but didn’t get to it. Now that annoying drip-drop of rain getting through and filling up every single fricking bucket I own is driving me nuts.” She had hoped for a few more days of sunshine just so she would be able to put off fixing her boat for the winter a bit longer. Instead, she was now forced to also pay for a bed for the night. At least she would get breakfast in the morning and wouldn’t have to prepare some for herself. “Gimme the most quiet room there is and if there isn’t one of those, just take me home with ya.” She joked, pulling the raincoat from her shoulders, careful not to get her sweater soaked from the remaining water the coat had collected.
A half smile appeared on Dels lips he knew all about living with a leaky roof. One year the RV had sprung a leak and the dripping of the water in to the bucket had driven him insane. He’s ended up staying in some run down motel too and he didn’t blame Cornelia in the slightest.  “Yeah that’s always the way. Oh should fix that soon before it rains then boom, starts to rain.” He chuckled. Delmont typed on the keys without having to look down at them to see who staying where. “Honestly I can’t guarantee it’ll be quite there’s three couples. Spending the night.” Delmont didn’t even know how the middle aged housewives in this town managed to cheat on their husbands. 
“Well there’s this couple that show up every week and they’re having a fight. Cornelia I’m so invested you can just take my keys and go to my place. I need to find out if they’re breaking up.” he laughed, you needed to find some kind of entertainment in this place or you’ll go crazy. “Though then you’d have to make your own breakfast. ” 
Quite Hours || Open
The motel was quite, there wasn’t many outsiders stopping in to spend the night. If you got this far you’d be stuck here like Delmont was. Stuck maybe wasn’t the best word for it. He could probably escape Eden county of he tried hard enough. He might get a few nicks on his way out but Delmont was pretty confident he could outrun anyone who’d try to stop him. Stopping him was wanting back everything that was taken from him.
Delmont sighed as the rain battered against the windows. It was going to be a soggy walk home once his shift was over. Maybe he should invest in an umbrella. He looked up from the emails when he heard the ring of the bell from the front door. This wasn’t unusual people usually asked to shelter from the rain in the office if they were walking past and a shower hit.
Even so he began his usual greeting. “Welcome to Riggins motel, how can I be of assistance?” His customer service voice slipped from his mouth. Delmont couldn’t help but always feel guilty when he used it. He hated having to pretend to care about his job to keep the roof over his head. “We have a few rooms free at prices that can’t be matched in the county!” Because no one wants to stay here.
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delharris ¡ 4 years
He didn’t know where else to go. He couldn’t get everyone in trouble if he stopped going right back to the same places and people. Right? If anything, he loved to try and convince himself this on a bad night. No one would expect him here - people probably didn’t know who he was here. That was better than trying to sneak back home or leave. His trail was too hot, he needed to cool off.
So what did be do, initially? Totally snicker at the man’s words. That cheery tone did nothing except add to the ridiculousness of it all. If anything, that was impressive.
“Yeah, thanks,” he started off, brushing off the obviously rehearsed statements of the receptionist. Bartek didn’t even bother to take off his hood, as if it was still raining inside the building. “Just booking a night. How much you need?”
Del politely ignored the snicker that escaped passed Bartek’s lips. He opted to lose the customer service voice. This guy didnt seem like the usual Richard or Karen who came by for an hour to cheat on their spouses. Del tapped on the keys to see what they had available.  He looked Bartek up and down trying to settle on a rate. He didn’t look like he had a stick up his ass. Probably not cult. He was in teh running for getting a discount. Del wasn’t supposed to be handing out his employee discount like it was candy on halloween but what were they going to do? Fire him? No one else wanted to work here and Del had a pretty chaotic filing system that someone else wouldn’t be able to learn.
“SIngle? Double? Family room?” He asked any hint of customer care had vanished. “Though if you’re looking for a family room the shower doesn’t work in one room and in the other there’s this really questionable stain on one of the walls.” 
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delharris ¡ 4 years
“Yeah I know you’d let me know if anyone had brought her in Regina...it’s just.. a little lonely at home without her.”
Delmont cleared his throat as they walked toward the clearing. Setting some snares down would be a piece a cake, then it’d just be playing the waiting game. He tried to shift the awkwardness he felt around people away. “How’s work been treating you? Have you had any trouble with you know who?” Delmont knew Regina could handle herself but he didn’t mind offering his crossbow services to her if she needed a hand. He didn’t mind getting his hands dirty if it meant getting some needed payback.
Del let out a sigh when he got his answer. It wasn’t a frustrated sigh it was just an automatic response. He’d have thought if anyone would have gotten a whisper about Marcie it’d be Regina. It was nearly time for Marcie’s annual check up and Del couldn’t help but think about if she was being well taken care of. It probably sounded a little pathetic to some people that he felt so strongly about his dog but she had been constantly at his side and her absence was deafening. “Thanks for keeping an eye out for me. It means a lot you know.”
“Yeah I could go for some rabbits, small game is still game.” Delmont had never had much in the way of friends. He was always travelling, never staying in the same spot having more than an aqutiances was a forigen concept to him. Talking to people had come so easily to his mother, it was a skill he felt like he lacked. Hunting game with Regina was a nice routine he had somehow fallen in to. He let her take her share first, he was just greatful for the few hours of company that she gave him.
Thrill of the chase|| Regina&Delmont
They’d been doing this for the past few months. Somehow Delmont settled in to this routine easily. Saturday and Sunday were his days off from the motel. He’d fought hard to get them too, pratically foaming at the mouth to get a break from answering the phone. He’d met Regenia out here one of those weekends they’d tracked same game and ended up sharing the profit. As Del walked through the forest silent as a mouse he held his han up for Regina to stop as well. The trail had gone cold and he let out a sigh.
“Cold trail, typical. Maybe you should take up front for a bit.” He turned to look at Regina. Some fresh eyes were probably the best bet to keep going. They’d been tracking a doe, injured from what Del could gather. She could have easily have already been claimed by a predator or another hunter. It wasn’t like Del and Regina were the only two people out in the woods hunting for game.
“If I’d had Marcie she’d be able to pick up the scent no bother,” it was funny how much you didn’t appreciate something until it was ripped away from you. Marcie had been trained to help hunt game. Poodles were normally used for water fowl but in a pinch Marcie could help track bigger game.
“You still haven’t… had her in?” Delmont was asking hopefully. He asked Regina this question eventually every weekend and every weekend he generally got the same answer.
This is a silence that doesn’t unsettle her. It’s not one of danger but of familiarity - a careful step on the damp ground, a breath out through the nose instead of heavy out the mouth, gunmetal warmed in the palm. On muscle memory she pauses behind Del, a jerk to her movements that makes her hope it hasn’t scared off nearby prey. She only lets out a sigh when he gives the news. No luck.
‘ You decided to go for a smart one. ’ She feels frustration just the same. Although not inclined to share, it seemed to work out fine in hashing out the details for who gets what when it came to Del. He doesn’t mind the bartering, or perhaps he’s just unfazed by her selfishness. Regina simply nods, wordless, sidestepping past him to eye the ground. It’s sodden leaves that smell rotten and cloying already, absent of the faint imprints he’d so painstakingly looked for. Maybe he’s just looking in the wrong spot—
That damned dog. She knows that he’ll ask each time now. He knows what the answer will be each time, too. ‘ I’m sorry. ’ For once the apology is sincere. Regina doesn’t look back to see his face, the flash of disappointment move across his face. There’s no heart in her to tell Del it might be a futile request. ‘ I never stop looking, you know. ’
She trudges along quietly then. It’s half-pretend focus, ears attuned to the surroundings. Still no tracks. A hand moves out behind her silently, crouched by a tree greened with lichen. Her chin jerks over toward a clearing, the ground crossed hastily by wild rabbits. ‘ Alright to settle for rabbit instead? ’
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delharris ¡ 4 years
Quite Hours || Open
The motel was quite, there wasn’t many outsiders stopping in to spend the night. If you got this far you’d be stuck here like Delmont was. Stuck maybe wasn’t the best word for it. He could probably escape Eden county of he tried hard enough. He might get a few nicks on his way out but Delmont was pretty confident he could outrun anyone who’d try to stop him. Stopping him was wanting back everything that was taken from him.
Delmont sighed as the rain battered against the windows. It was going to be a soggy walk home once his shift was over. Maybe he should invest in an umbrella. He looked up from the emails when he heard the ring of the bell from the front door. This wasn’t unusual people usually asked to shelter from the rain in the office if they were walking past and a shower hit.
Even so he began his usual greeting. “Welcome to Riggins motel, how can I be of assistance?” His customer service voice slipped from his mouth. Delmont couldn’t help but always feel guilty when he used it. He hated having to pretend to care about his job to keep the roof over his head. “We have a few rooms free at prices that can’t be matched in the county!” Because no one wants to stay here.
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delharris ¡ 4 years
Thrill of the chase|| Regina&Delmont
They’d been doing this for the past few months. Somehow Delmont settled in to this routine easily. Saturday and Sunday were his days off from the motel. He’d fought hard to get them too, pratically foaming at the mouth to get a break from answering the phone. He’d met Regenia out here one of those weekends they’d tracked same game and ended up sharing the profit. As Del walked through the forest silent as a mouse he held his han up for Regina to stop as well. The trail had gone cold and he let out a sigh.
“Cold trail, typical. Maybe you should take up front for a bit.” He turned to look at Regina. Some fresh eyes were probably the best bet to keep going. They’d been tracking a doe, injured from what Del could gather. She could have easily have already been claimed by a predator or another hunter. It wasn’t like Del and Regina were the only two people out in the woods hunting for game.
“If I’d had Marcie she’d be able to pick up the scent no bother,” it was funny how much you didn’t appreciate something until it was ripped away from you. Marcie had been trained to help hunt game. Poodles were normally used for water fowl but in a pinch Marcie could help track bigger game.
“You still haven’t... had her in?” Delmont was asking hopefully. He asked Regina this question eventually every weekend and every weekend he generally got the same answer.
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delharris ¡ 4 years
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[ KANO, CIS MALE, HE/HIM,  ] right, here are the files we have on THE OUTSIDER  ——— HARRIS, DELMONT. 35 years old, RESISTANCE. current employment looks like the RECEPTIONIST AT RIGGINS.MOTEL current residence is an APARTMENT in OLD ASHTON for the past YEAR. current views have been noted as AGAINST THE COTC. current risk level has been listed as MEDIUM.
These woods are lovely, dark and deep.
Heyo I’m Shard (She/they) I haven’t played any far cry 5 but I have played a few of the previous games! I haven’t rped on tumblr in a hot minute so please bear with me! I currently don’t have gifs of Kano and i tend to do longer form interactions. If you’d like to plot hit me up on discord or on tunglr. If the bio is too long to read I’ll give you a TLDR over DMS! 
I’ve Got Promises to Keep
Rosalie Harris was a carefree woman she was always on the move never in the same spot for longer than a few months. Delmont hadn’t been expected his mother wasn’t even really sure who his father was. She’d been in many places and broken the hearts of the many men who couldn’t tie her down. Delmont’s father was one of those men. He grew up transient like his mom, never really staying at a school long enough to make friends. They traveled all over the country staying in some town during the school year and travelling to a new place in the summer. 
Life constantly on the move meant you had to provide for yourself sometimes. Hunting was one of Rosalie's specialties.  She said that her father had taught her how to track, trap and hunt but she never offered Delmont any more information on his grandparents. He’d never really asked as a kid, he assumed the answer would be the same as it was for his father “I don’t know”, but now he wishes he had. 
He was eighteen when they had to stop moving. Rosalie got sick and for those three years looking after his mother were the longest they’d stayed anywhere. Delmont didn’t want to stay after she passed instead he moved on in their RV. It’s what she would have wanted, Delmont told herself. Soon staying anywhere for too long just brought up bad memories and any town he visited was for a brief few months to make some fast cash. 
He had a few dogs while traveling with his mom. but it wasn’t until a few years ago he picked up Marcie. She was only a pup when he got her, picked up when he was travelling the East Coast. She was a poodle, smallest of the litter but as cute as a button with a coat like coal. He’d trained her to hunt just like the dogs he’d had as a child. She was a constant companion always there on the lonely nights. 
Delmont was pretty pissed when he was pulled over in Eden County. Stripped of his RV, his dog and left at the side of the road Delmont did what he usually did when he landed in a town. He got a job, got a place to stay and now he’s looking for a way to get his dog back.
Miles to go Before I sleep
Wanted plots
Troubled Neighbor: You live next door or nearby and always seem to need a helping hand. Delmont’s happy to help you out. He’s a little weary about making friends, he knows he’s going to be gone as soon as he leaves but you’ve managed to latch on and get through a few of his walls. 
Colleagues: You work together or you’re at the Motel often, Delmont walked in one day and announced he’d like to take the open position. He’s not a good receptionist but this isn’t a very good motel to be honest. He’s better than no receptionist. 
Green horns: Delmont likes to hunt, you’re inexperienced but he’s happy to teach you the ropes. He’s teaching you how to shoot and how to track just like his mother taught him. Sometimes you get a couple drinks after and he tells you stories about his life on the road. 
Man’s best friend: You have a lead about who has Marcie and you’re willing to trade that information for the right price. Delmont would nearly do anything within reason to get his beloved companion back.
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