demonbloodteen · 6 years
Charlie’s eyes slowly opened. They darted across the room, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Why was everything covered in pink? It was that moment that he realized he was in Caitlyn’s room, not his own. He got up, glancing over to his side to find the teenage girl still fast asleep. The boy dug into his pocket, taking out his phone to see what time it was. 6:50 AM.  He quietly got off the bed, heading for the door when he noticed his reflection in the mirror. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. He had changed back to normal. His hair was brown again, his eye had turned teal. He glanced back at Caitlyn, feeling his heartbeat begin to increase. Oh, please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up. Charlie gulped. He could feel his breathing becoming heavier by the second. He knew that would increase the chances of waking up Caitlyn, but he didn’t know how to stop it. He glanced over at her window. Maybe he could leave through there. He began to walk towards it, when suddenly he stopped. Fuck. He couldn’t go out there wearing the diving suit! Then everyone would know he was Wolfgang. He then made his way over to Caitlyn’s closet, desperately looking for something to wear.
He hastily picked out a pair of frilly, pink pajamas. Good enough. He headed into her en-suite bathroom, quickly changing into the pajamas. 
“Wolfgang? Wolfgang, where are you?” Caitlyn’s voice could be heard asking.
Fuck. He bit his lip nervously, not sure what to do. Should he answer? He decided to. “Uhhh, I’m in the bathroom. I’ll be out in a few minutes! You go ahead and make yourself breakfast so long,” he answered. “Okey dokey! See ya later, hun!” she exclaimed, exiting the room.
Hearing her bedroom door shut, he breathed a sigh of relief. He exited the bathroom, taking the diving suit and stuffing it into one of the various tote bags the teenage girl owned. He quickly opened the window, grabbing the bag and hopping out of it. He began to walk back home, when he was stopped by a fellow classmate of his.
“Woah! What’s with the outfit, Ridenour? You look even lamer than usual!” Jake mocked. “I was guess Mrs. Horrorfield was right about him thinking he’s a girl!” Oscar said. Charlie bit his lip, looking down at the ground in embarrassment. Jake smirked, taking out his phone and snapping a picture of the teen. “We’ve gotta show this to everyone!” Jake grinned, the two of them laughing and walking off. Charlie stood there silently, a tear dripping from his eye.
“Ugh. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Don’t make yourself look like an even bigger loser than you already do,” he thought to himself, wiping the tears from his eyes and quickly running off to his house. 
Meanwhile, Veer had sleeping comfortably on a dog mat, when suddenly the screeching of a nosy alarm clock woke him up. He groaned, glaring at the alarm clock. “Ugh...why couldn’t I have landed in a dimension with no alarm clocks?” he thought to himself. He glanced up at Reed, who simply slammed his hand down on the snooze button and continued to sleep. 
It was at minute that Reed’s mother entered the room. “Reed, sweetie, it’s time to get up. You need to get ready for school,” she said.
“Ugh...do I have to go to school today?” Reed asked, groggily sitting up on his bed.
“Reed, you already know the answer to that question,” his mother answered. 
“No?” he asked, a grin on his face.
His mother just stared him at him with a deadpan expression. 
“Ugh...fine,” he said, getting out of his bed and petting Veer.  “Bye bye, buddy! I have to go school now. I’ll be back soon!” he said, grabbing his clothes and walking out the room. Watching as the door behind them closed, Veer quickly got up.
“I better get back to Charlie now,” he thought to himself, running over to Reed’s window and beginning to open it He then stopped, glancing at the corner and spotting a small ziplock bag full of pet food. He grinned, quickly running over to the bag and snatching it, then jumping out the window. 
Upon doing so, he immediately felt his body colliding with a frilly pajama leg, knocking himself onto the floor and the other person on top of him. “Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!” Charlie apologized, quickly getting off of the other. “I didn’t mean to- Wait. Veer?” he asked, a confused tone in his voice.
“Charlie? Why are you running around wearing girls’ pajamas?” Veer asked.
“...It’s a long story. I’ll tell you when we get back to the house,” Charlie answered.
“Sure. I can’t wait to hear this one,” he said, picking up his ziplock bag from the ground and hopping into Charlie’s tote bag.
Later That Day
Charlie had been walking to school, now in his regular clothes, when he heard his name being called out. He stopped, turning around to see that it was Paris.
“Yo Charlie! What’s going on?” Paris said, waving at his friend and walking over to him.
“Oh, uh, h-hey Paris. How are y-you doing?” Charlie asked.
“I’m doing alright. Just started working on a new project yesterday,” he said.
This made Charlie smile. Maybe this meant he had moved on from the whole interdimensional portal thing. “Oh, really? What are you working on now?” Charlie asked.
“A truth potion. Soon the asshole that sabotaged my interdimensional portal will have no choice but to fess up,” Paris said.
This made Charlie’s heart sink. Fuck. 
They then entered Mrs. Horrorfield’s class. Charlie’s eyes wandered over to Jake and Caitlyn, who were the only two other students in the classroom. A frown spread across his face as he realized Jake was showing Caitlyn the picture of him in her pajamas. 
“Oh, hey! I have a pair just like that!” exclaimed said, turning her head over to Charlie. “Charlie! I had no idea we wore the same pajamas!” she giggled.
It was that moment the closet door slammed open, Mrs. Horrorfield bursting out of it. “Gah!” Charlie gasped, grabbing onto Paris for protection. 
“Erm...Mrs. Horrorfield. Why were you in the closet?” Paris asked.
“It’s simple, Paris! I was hiding in there so that I could secretly listen in to my students’ conservations! You know, see what they’re saying when they think I’m not here,” Mrs. Horrorfield explained.
“...And how often do you do this?” Paris asked, a perturbed tone in his voice.
“Well, this is the first time I’ve done in the morning. Usually I do it at lunch. At least once per week,” she answered.
The four students simply stared, disturbed expressions on their faces. 
“Yep. I’ve heard some pretty strange things during my time in there. Weirdest was probably when I had to listen to these two kids fuck on my desk,” Mrs. Horrorfield said. 
The students continued to stare, blinking at her.
“And good lord, they made such a mess. I sentenced them to detention for the rest of the year and gave them an F. So let this serve a warning: I don’t ever wanna catch see any of you hooligans fucking on my desk. I’m talking to you, Caitlyn,” she said.
“Me?! What makes you think I would do that?!” Caitlyn asked.
“I don’t know. It just seems like something you’d do. But I”m going off on a tangent! Let’s get back to the point! CHARLIE! Is it true?!” Mrs. Horrorfield questioned.
“Is...Is what true?” Charle asked.
“IT IS TRUE THAT YOU WERE WEARING FEMALE PAJAMAS?!” Mrs. Horrorfield questioned, grabbing Jake’s phone out of his hand and showing it to Charlie.
“Y-Yes...” Charlie answered.
“UNACCEPTABLE!” Mrs. Horrorfield shouted, slamming his fist down on the desk. “Charlie Ridenour...I hearby sentence you to detention for the rest of this week!”
“But I didn’t even break any ru-” Charlie began.
“SO NOW YOU’RE BACKTALKING ME, HUH?! PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE!” Mrs. Horrorfield shouted, pointing towards the door. 
Charlie glared at her, tears beginning to form in his eyes. “Fine then,” he said angrily, picking up his backpack and storming out the door.
Friday Morning
Finally. Friday. After an absolutely godawful week (even moreso than usual), Charlie was glad that it was all finally coming towards an end. He entered his classroom, promptly sitting down and glancing towards the seat next to him. It was empty. That was strange. Paris wasn’t one to be late to class.
The bell then rung, and Mrs. Horrorfield could be seen strutting into the classroom and sitting down at her desk. Hm, maybe Paris was sick.
Nope. It was at that moment that Paris suddenly burst into the room, holding a briefcase in his hand and with visible bags underneath his eyes. “I HAVE ARRIVED!” he announced loudly, slamming the briefcase down onto his desk.
“Paris! You’re tardy!” Mrs. Horrorfield pointed out.
“You are correct, Mrs. Horrorfield. And I sincerely apologize for that. But I do have a justification. You see, I spent the entire night working on something very important. Oh yes, something very important indeed,” Paris said.
“And let me guess. By ‘working on something very important’, you mean you spent the whole night watching porn and jacking off to it. Am I right?” Jake pondered.
“No, Jake, that is not what I meant. While that may be how you choose to spend your time, it is certainly not how I choose to spend mine. Rather, I chose to spend my time working on a new project. As you may know, my interdimensional portal was destroyed during the Science Fair. Well, now I’ve come up with a new invention - a truth potion. Contained in this briefcase are vials for every single person attending this school. By that, I don’t just mean students. I also mean teachers, cafeteria workers, janitors, and everyone else as well. I am finally going to discover which one of you scroundels sabotaged my portal once and for all. So if the saboteur is in this room, I recommend you fess up right now. It’ll just be easier for everyone that way. Because: let’s face it. I’m going to find out either way. So - anyone who wants to admit to wrongdoing?” Paris asked.
The entire class remained silent. 
“No one? Well, here we go then,” Paris chuckled, opening up his briefcase and taking out a vial. “Jake, how about you go first?” he asked, handing it over to him.
“Sure. I’ve got nothing to hide,” Jake shrugged, putting the vial to his lips and gulping down the purple substance. “Shoot,” he said.
“Did you mess up my portal?” Paris asked. 
“No,” he answered succintly.
“Do you have a small dick?” Veer shouted through Charlie’s backpack.
“YES!” Jake answered quickly. 
The entire class burst out out laughing at this, as Jake looked down at the floor in shame.
“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention: The effects of this potion last for an hour. So you better hope no one asks you anything invasive after I’m done with my questioning,” Paris said, handing over the vial to the person sitting beside Jake.
By the time the class was over, all the students had drunk the truth potion and told Paris that they had nothing to do with the portal incident. Except one. “Now there’s just one more person in this class to test,” Paris said.
Charlie gulped hardly, his eyes glancing down at his desk, his body shaking in nervousness.
“Mrs. Horrorfield!” Paris said, handing the teacher a vial.
“WHAT?! You’re gonna make me take it?! I had nothing to do with your damn portal being broken!” Mrs. Horrorfield complained.
“Then prove it,” Paris said.
“Fine,” Mrs. Horrorfield said, grabbing the vial from Paris and quickly gulping it down. “I didn’t mess with your damn portal,” she said.
“Hm, well it looks like no one in this class had anything to do with the portal incident. Time to check the other classes!” Paris said, beginning to march towards the door.
“WAIT!” Mrs. Horrorfield shouted out urgently.
“What?” Paris asked, turning back to her.
“You didn’t test Charlie!” she pointed out.
“I don’t need to. Charlie is my best friend - he’d never do anything to mess up my portal,” he said.
“YOU DON’T KNOW THAT!” she shouted, ripping Paris’ briefcase out of his hands and quickly taking out a vial. She quickly rushed over to Charlie, grabbing his head and forcing him to drink the potion. “Now answer this me, Charlie Ridenour! Are you secretly a member of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant?!” Mrs. Horrorfield questioned.
Charlie blinked at the question. “...N-No, no I’m not,” he answered. 
“WHAT?! PARIS! There must be something wrong with this potion! It’s not working!” Mrs. Horrorfield exclaimed. 
“Or perhaps it is working and Charlie’s just not a member of ISIS,” Paris said, a deadpan tone in his voice.
“IMPOSSIBLE! I know for a fact he’s a part of ISIS!” Mrs. Horrorfield exclaimed, pointing at the brown-haired boy.
“Yeah, yeah, if you insist,” Paris said, rolling his eyes and taking his briefcase back, before beginning to walk towards the exit.
“Did you fuck up Paris’ portal?” Mrs. Horrorfield asked.
“...Yes,” Charlie admitted.
It at that moment that whole class (excluding Mrs. Horrorfield) gasped.
“I ALWAYS KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING UP WITH THIS KID! He can't be trusted!” Mrs. Horrorfield exclaimed. “TAKE THIS CHARLIE!” she shouted, attempting to smack his head with her ruler.
Charlie’s eyes widened, quickly dodging the hit and then jumping out of his seat. “What the hell is wrong with you?!” he questioned. 
“That is a very long list, Ridenour!” she answered, this time swinging the ruler flying towards him. 
He once again ducked it, the door of the classroom all of a sudden slamming open.
“Hey guys! New student here! The name’s Tyce! I’m so sorry I’m late, it’s just-” the student began to explain, when they were interupted by the ruler smashing right into their face, knocking them out.
Charlie stared down at the unconscious child laying down on the floor for a moment, before quickly running out of the classroom, Paris following shortly behind. 
“YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN’T HIDE RIDENOUR! I’LL GET YOU SOMEDAY!” Mrs. Horrorfield shouted out the door, her attention quickly turning over to Tyce. “...Alright, kids. Today we’re going to be learning about how to hide to a body,” she announced.
Charlie rushed into the bathroom, slamming the door behind them and breathing heavily. Shortly after, the door opened, Paris entering.
“Alright, Charlie. You have a lot of explaining to do.”
“Oh, I know, I know. Paris, I’m so sorry I broke your portal! I didn’t mean to - I really didn’t. It’s just that - okay, well it opened up and, and well - this dem-” Charlie began to explain, but was interupted by one of the students in the stalls.
“COULD YOU GUYS SHUT UP?! I’m trying to jack off in here!”
“Why the fuck are you doing it in the school bathroom?! Wait until you get home, Chuck!” Paris shouted.
“Why don’t you just mind your own fucking business, Paris?! If I want to the jack off in the school, fuck, I’ll jack off in the school bathroom!” the student shouted back.
“Whatever. Enjoy yourself, Chuck. Charlie, let’s go talk about this somewhere else,” Paris said.
“Oh, I’m definitely enjoying myself alright,” Chuck said through the stall.
Paris rolled his eyes, opening the door and exiting the bathroom, Charlie following shortly behind him. “Here - let’s talk in the janitor’s closet,” he said, the two quickly running in there, slamming the door shut.
“Alright. Go on,” Paris said.
“Okay, well...This-this demon jumped out of your portal! I was shocked, and so I-I spilt the soda I was drinking on your portal. I’m so fucking clumsy...I’m s-sorry...” Charlie whimpered, glancing down at the floor in regret.
“Yep! And it’s all true too!” Veer exclaimed, suddenly popping out of Charlie’s backpack.
“GAH!” Paris gasped, dropping his briefcase on the ground.
“See, accidentally dropping stuff is perfectly normal reaction to randomly seeing a demon pop out of nowhere! You can’t really blame ol’ Charlie here,” Veer said, ruffling the superpowered teen’s hair.
Paris simply blinked at the demon, before picking his briefcase back up and taking out a vial from it, handing it to Veer. “Here. Take this. I wanna get your side of the story too,” Paris said.
“Sure, kid,” he said, grabbing the vial and gulping it down. “What’s up?” he asked.
“Are you evil?”
“WHAT?! Me, evil?! Dude, I regularly help stop a mob boss! You really gonna ask if I’m evil?! It’s cuz I’m a demon, isn’t it? Be honest. That’s why, isn’t it? That’s why. Geez, you fucking bigot. Go fuck yourself,” Veer said.
“But yeah. That mob boss is always tryna get my blood. He has some kind of sickness - and he needs my blood in order to help rejuvenate himself. He finally ended up getting it the other day - he had it in a syringe in everything. I took it back before he was able to inject himself with the stuff though. He got his goons to start chasing after me, and all of a sudden this random portal popped out of nowhere. So, you know, I decided to hop in. Ended up in this weirdo universe. Me and ol’ Charlie boy started off on the wrong foot. Accidentally stabbed the guy with the syringe. He ended up inheriting my demonic powers and used to them to save some chick that goes here from this guy in the dark alley who wanted to steal her purse. And then-” 
“Wait a minute. Saved a girl from some a guy in a dark alley who wanted to steal her purse? Are you...are you saying that C-Charlie’s Wolfgang Steel?!” Paris questioned.
“No, I’m saying he’s Bernie Sanders. OF COURSE I’M SAYING THAT CHARLIE’S WOLFGANG STEEL, YOU FUCKING IDIOT!” Veer shouted.
Paris quickly turned to Charlie, who by now had transformed into his superpowered form. His eyes and hair were once again purple.
“Holy shit,” Paris gasped.
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demonbloodteen · 7 years
“Not that long. I’ve been doing it about a month now,” Charlie answered.
{🔥}—; The little dragon waited for him, leaning back on his haunches and looking up at the sky a moment until he returned. He was curious now, after just finding out Charlie was actually a crime fighter of sorts around here, Spyro thought it was a good thing cause a place like this could use a hand. “So, how long have ya been doin’ this dude?”  
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demonbloodteen · 7 years
“Yeah, yeah, sure. Uh - here. Let me just get my bag. I’ll be right back,” the boy said, running back to the crime scene and turning the corner. He was back in a few minutes, stuffing the blue suit into his backpack as he walked over toward Spyro.
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{🔥}—; “Well I was headin’ back home to the Dragon Realms, but I’m not really in any rush.” He could stick around a while, after all he hadn’t seen Charlie in a while and he thought they could probably catch up. So long as he stayed out of sight for the most part, making sure the cops that came to pick up the downed thief didn’t notice him even.
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demonbloodteen · 7 years
“Yeahhh, I do that stuff pretty often these days,” Charlie shrugged, a police car stopping a few feet behind him. Two cops stepped out of the vehicle, picking up the unconscious criminal and placing him in the back of the car, before getting back in and driving off. Charlie glanced back briefly to watch the police officiers, turning his attention back to Spyro shortly after.
“So...what’s up with you?” he asked.
{🔥}—; It had been an eventful visit here to the human world as usual visiting some of his friends here in this realm, but just as he was headed back to the portal to get back to the Artisan home. He heard some kind of commotion going on, after hearing someone scream out for help. The little dragon didn’t ignore it and hurried in the direction of the noises only to find she was already being helped and before he could step in, the hero whom she called Wolfgang finished off the thief.
Seemed like a relatively simple crime to deal with around here, but if he’d learned something from this realm it’s that it wasn’t as peaceful as the Dragon Realms were aside from the big villains coming to attack or attempt a takeover. 
“Hey Spyro, looks like he already took care of the bad guy.” Sparx said, but stayed at his friend’s side while they watched him but saw him transform into a kid he saw once before around here, a boy named Charlie. Truth be told, he didn’t see that coming and so he went around to go and meet him but he ended up bumping into him, taking him by surprise and knocking him back onto his haunches but he got back on his feet quick. “Hey! long time no see! I was just on the way outta here but I heard someone callin’ for help and saw all that stuff ya did.”
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demonbloodteen · 7 years
“AH! Someone help! Someone help me!” Caitlyn could be heard shouting. Her purse had been stolen, and the thief currently had her backed against a corner, a gun pointed towards her head. It was at moment that Wolfgang entered the scene. 
“Seriously? You again? Why are you always getting your purse stolen?” he asked, rolling his eyes and quickly two blasting fire beams at the criminal, knocking him down to the ground. 
“Wolfgang! You saved me again! Thank you so much!” Caitlyn grinned, quickly running up to the other and hugging him tightly. “Wanna come over to my place again?” she asked, her hand drawing circles around his chest.
“Eh...not tonight, Caitlyn. Maybe some other time,” he said.
“Oh! Sure, sure! Just tell me when! See you later, cutie!” she said, kissing his cheek and then skipping off.
Wolfgang rolled his eyes once again, getting out his cellphone and dialing up the local police. “Police? Wolfgang Steel here. I’ve got another thief for you,” he said, promptly hanging up. He then transformed back to his normal sate, his hair becoming brown and shorter, and one of his eyes becoming turquoise. 
He then stripped himself off the blue diving suit he was wearing, leaving him in his civilian clothing. He folded the suit up, and began heading towards his house. It was at moment that he bumped into Spyro, realizing that the dragon had been watching the scene the whole way. “Uh...hey there...N-Nice to see you again!” he grinned nervously. 
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demonbloodteen · 7 years
Demon Blood Teen: A New Persona
Episode Three. Veer convinces Charlie to form a new persona revolving around his newfound powers.
“Blasting people with laser beams! How rude!” Veer complained, walking over to Charlie, his body now charcoal-black. 
“Sorry, you’re just very annoying,” Charlie said. 
“Yeah, I get that a lot,” Veer admitted. 
“So…now what? Should I kill myself?” Charlie asked. 
“WHAT?! Why would your mind go to that?!” Veer questioned. 
“Sorry, I guess I’ve just thought about doing it so much that it’s become my natural go-to choice when I don’t know what to do,” Charlie explained. “Well..that’s disturbing,” Veer responded. 
“Oh, that’s just the surface level. Dig just a tiny bit deeper and things get much more disturbing. Much more disturbing,” Charlie grinned. 
“The fact that you’re grinning while saying this makes it even more disturbing,” Veer pointed out. 
“Oh, sorry about that. Smiling is just one of the many coping mechanisms to deal with my crippling anxiety and depression,” Charlie explained, the grin still on his face. 
“Hehe…okay then…” Veer said awkwardly, glancing down at the ground.
Alternate Dimension
“UGH! I had that blood right in my hands! I was seconds away from being cured! SECONDS! We have to somehow manage to find another portal into that dimension! Before it’s too late! Now, who here thinks they’re up to the task?” Treznor stated. 
“Ooh! Ooh! Me! Pick me!” Renita begged, raising her hand. 
“Alright, Renita. You have three months to find a way into this dimension. Otherwise, you’ll be sent to our torture chamber. I already have you microchipped, so there’s no reason in trying to just run and hide. I’ll find you,” Treznor said.
“You have me microchipped?” Renita asked, a confused tone in her voice. 
“I have everyone here microchipped,” Treznor stated. 
“Wow…someone has trust issues. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to get him, sir!” Renita promised, saluting and then scurrying out of the place. Main Dimension “So I’ve got an idea. Why’d don’t you go ahead and create a new persona?” Veer asked. 
“New persona? Why would I do that?” Charlie asked. 
“Charlie! You’ve got a great opportunity here! All your life you’ve dealt with anxiety, worrying about what other people think about you!” Veer said. 
“Well, gee. You don’t have to remind me about it,” Charlie said, crossing his arms. 
“I wasn’t finished yet! This - this is your chance to change all of that! You can create a new identity and start all over! Become confident in yourself!” Veer exclaimed. “Veer, I can’t just completely give up on this identity and start a new one! I mean, where would I live?! I can’t just randomly disappear from home and then move back in as someone that my dad thinks is a drug addict! Granted, not very many people would miss me had I just disappeared, but still! I can’t do it!” Charlie pointed out. 
“No, no. I’m not saying just completely abandon your old identity for a new one…Rather, have like a side persona! You know, one that you use every once in a while - when you feel like it. Build confidence in that persona, and it’ll eventually transfer to your main one!” Veer explained. “Hmm, I see. Interesting idea. Have there been studies by psychological experts that show this works?” Charlie asked. 
“I have no idea - I literally just came up with it right now,” Veer said. 
“Well, it’s not as appealing an idea as committing suicide, but I suppose I’ll try it,” Charlie said. Later That Night Charlie had been sitting in bed, browsing through the internet. “Looking at porn?!” Veer questioned, popping out of nowhere. 
“Gah!” Charlie gasped, jumping slightly in fear. 
Veer glanced at the computer screen - it was currently on a Skype chat between Charlie and Paris. 
“So you’re not watching porn. Hm, you must’ve known I was coming,” Veer said. “N-No, I just…don’t watch that kind of stuff,” Charlie said. 
“Mhm. Ssssuuuurrrrreee you don’t,” Veer rolled his eyes. 
“I’m serious!” Charlie growled. 
“Charlie, Charlie, Charlie. It’s okay. You don’t have to lie about it - I understand. It’s perfectly normal for a teenager to experience those kinds of urges,” Veer said. 
“Is it perfectly normal for a teenager to experience the urge of wanting to murder themself? Because I get that urge quite a lot,” Charlie said. 
“…N-No, I don’t think that’s normal…” Veer answered. “Really? You sure? Hm, other teens are weirdos,” Charlie commented. 
“Yes…they’re the weirdos…So Charlie, you know right now would be a perfect time to go ahead and try out that new persona of your’s!” Veer encouraged. 
“Really? You think so? I mean…I still have homework to do,” Charlie said. 
“Pft, so you don’t do your homework one night. What’s the big deal?” Veer asked. 
“Mrs. Horrorfield will probably get really mad at me…” Charlie said. 
“Well, Mrs. Horrorfield can go fuck herself. Come on, go change into that diving suit of your’s and let’s go!” Veer grinned. Outside “You know, I’m not sure having my new persona wear a diving suit out is really the best way to make me more confident,” Charlie said dryly, now in his transformed self. 
“I for one think you look extremely attractive in that diving suit,” Veer commented. 
“Uh…thanks, I guess?” Charlie asked. “No problem! You know, I don’t look half myself,” Veer said, looking down at the black full-body suit he was wearing.
Suddenly, a scream could be heard. “Someone! Quick! Help! Help me!” a female voice could be heart shouting. “Someone’s in trouble! We’ve gotta go save her!” Veer exclaimed, beginning to run towards where the call was coming from. 
“Someone’s in trouble! We better leave because we’re in trouble as well!” Charlie said, beginning to run back home. 
“CHARLIE!” Veer shouted, quickly running back over to him. 
“W-What is it?” Charlie asked. 
“What are you doing?! We have to save this person!” Veer said, grabbing onto him. 
“We have to save ourselves! You’re gonna get us killed!” Charlie exclaimed. “Didn’t you say you wanted to be killed?” Veer asked. 
Charlie’s eyes widened at this. “We’ve gotta go save that woman!” he suddenly announced, running to the scene of the crime. 
“Shut up, you spoiled brat! Before I silence you myself!” the criminal said, pointing a gun at the girl as he tore her purse away from her. 
“HEY THERE! Hold on just one second!” Charlie shouted. The criminal’s eyes widened, quickly turning towards the teenager. “Oh, hey! A drug addict! Do you happen to have anything on ya at the moment? I can pay - I just stole this purse from this rich snob,” the criminal said. 
“I am not a drug addict! Why does everyone think that?!” Charlie questioned. 
“Well, you have crazy messed up purple hair and you’re running around the streets at night in a diving suit. Clearly you’re smoking something,” the drug addict stated. “I have not been smoking anything! Though, I do think that people have the right to do what they want with their own body and that we should not be throwing people in jail for doing so!” Charlie said. 
“Come on, kid. Quit with the act. You ain’t foolin’ anyone. Just hand me over some of those good ol’ drugs. I already told ya I have the money,” the criminal said. “And I already told you I’m not a drug addict! I don’t have any drugs! I’ve never taken any drugs! I’ve never even been near any drugs! And I never will! Well, unless I can attain enough so that I can overdose and thus die, in which case I will!” he exclaimed. 
“You know, you’re getting really annoying. Give me the drugs or else I’ll shoot,” the criminal said, pointing his gun at the boy. Charlie blinked, a grin forming on his face. “Oh, finally! This is the moment I’ve been waiting for! The moment I’ve been waiting for my entire life!” Charlie exclaimed. 
“Seriously? You’re still not gonna hand over the drugs?! Welp, here goes nothing!” the criminal said, pulling the trigger and thus launching the bullet. 
“WAIT!” Caitlyn shouted, tackling Charlie onto the ground, and thus causing the bullet to miss. Veer had been wandering throughout the streets, searching for his friend. “Charlie? Charlie? Where are you?” he asked, when suddenly the bullet from earlier flew by, lodging itself into his tail. “GAH! MY TAIL! MY TAIL!” Veer cried out, falling down to the ground. 
“Mommy! This animal looks hurt! Can I keep and take care of him until he gets better?” a child asked, picking up Veer. 
“Are you sure that’s an animal, Reed?” the mother asked. “Hey! What was that for?!” Charlie questioned. 
“You saved me, so I only thought it was fair that I return the favor!” Caitlyn explained. 
“Well now I’m wishing I hadn’t of saved you,” Charlie said dryly. 
“Haha! You’re so funny!” Caitlyn giggled, messing with his hair. 
“Don’t don’t touch me,” Charlie said dryly. “You may of dodged that one, but now you’re both going down!” the criminal said, pulling the trigger. Caitlyn gasped in fear, meanwhile the grin of Charlie’s returned. But nothing happened. 
“What the?!” the criminal gasped, pulling the trigger again. 
“Ugh! I must be out of bullets! Well…see ya, kids!” he said, quickly beginning to run away. Charlie quickly got up, pointing his hands up and shooting laser beams at the criminal, causing him to fall to the ground. “My hero!” Caitlyn grinned, hugging him. 
“I thought I told you not to touch me,” Charlie said, a deadpan tone in his voice. She just kept hugging him though. He glanced away awkwardly, before a small smile and blush spread across his face, hugging her back. 
“Hey! You wanna come over to my place?” Caitlyn asked, grinning up at him. “Well, actually I have homewo- Well, I guess,” Charlie accepted the request. 
“Great! Let’s go now!” she said, grabbing ahold of his hand and beginning to march forward. 
“Wait! What do we do with this guy?” he asked, pointing at the unconscious body of the criminal lying on the floor. 
“Just bring him with,” she said. “If you insist,” he said, picking up the unconscious body and heading towards her parents’ house. He rung the doorbell, the door quickly opening. 
“Why hello there, Caitlyn! Who’s this young man you’ve got with you?” Caitlyn’s father asked. 
“And who’s this unconscious man you’ve got with you?” Caitlyn’s mother asked. “Oh, well let me explain. So I was going on my normal late night stroll in a dark alley, when all of a sudden this guy pops out and tries to steal my purse! I mean, who would’ve thought that stuff could happen in a dark alley late at night? It was totally unexpected! Anyway, to make things even worse, he then takes a gun out and tries to shoot me! Luckily, this incredibly attractive teenage boy came to rescue me just in time! If it wasn’t for him, I’d probably be dead by now!” Caitlyn explained.  “WOW! Thanks a lot, Mr. Incredibly Attractive Teenage Boy!” Caitlyn’s father said, shaking Charlie’s hand. “You know, this is actually a huge story. We oughta get this on the news!” Caitlyn’s father exclaimed, quickly getting out his cellphone and dialing up a local reporter. “Hello? Mr. Reporter? We’ve got a huge story for you to report over there! We need you to come over straight away! You will? Great!” Caitlyn’s father exclaimed, hanging up the phone.
“How do you attain such easy access to the media?” Charlie asked. 
“Oh, we’re rich. We pretty much own the media,” Caitlyn’s father explained. 
It was that moment the reporter arrived. “Okay, okay! I’m here, I’m here, I’m here! What’s the big story?” he asked. “Oh, you’ve gotta hear this!” Caitlyn’s father exclaimed, walking over to the reporter and whispering the story into his ear. 
“WOW! That is a great story! We better get this on the news as soon as possible!” he grinned, quickly setting up his camera and rushing in front of it, explaining the story to the audience.  “And here with us tonight, we have the very same teenage boy that saved this young girl from certain death!” the reporter exclaimed, pulling Charle into the scene. “So let’s start with the basics. What’s your name?” the reporter asked.  “Oh! Uh, well, um...my name is...it’s....it’s uh...Wolf...Wolfgang. Wolfgang Steel. ...Oh geez, that sounds stupid. It sounded a lot cooler in my head,” Charlie muttered.
“And so, tell us Wolfgang. How long have you doing this?” the reporter. “Doing what? Contemplating suicide? I’ve been doing that for as long as I can remember,” Charlie answered rather bleakly. “No, no! I’m talking about vigilante justice! You know, going out of your way to save people and stop criminals despite not being formally associated with any type of law enforcement,” the reporter clarified.  “Oh! Hehe, can we take that ‘contemplating suicide’ part out? Um, I just started. Tonight. Like a few minutes ago. Literally,” Charlie answered.  “Fascinating! And is this a one-time thing, or are you planning to continue on this path of vigilante justice?” the reported asked. “Well, um, I don’t know. I guess I’ll do it if people want me too? Or if I see something bad happening and no one’s stopping it,” Charlie said. “You’ll continue it if the people want to, you say? Great! We’ll conduct a poll over the next few days and see what the nation thinks about you. Then you can make your decision! Welp, you heard it here first folks! On The Substantial Scoop With Kane Robinson!” the reporter exclaimed, closing out the show. Reed’s House “Don’t worry, little fella. I’ll take care of you!” Reed grinned, setting Veer down on his bed. Veer blinked, his eyes wandering the room before glancing back up at the child. “Here, let me get you some bandages to help with that boo boo of your’s,” Reed said, leaving the room. Veer quickly hopped off the bed, beginning to wander around the room. He walked over to the book shelf, glancing at the action figures placed on top of it. He then took a book from off the shelf, opening it and beginning to read it. Suddenly the door opened, causing Veer throw to quickly throw the book back at the book shelf and get down on his fours.  Reed entered the room, holding some bandages in one hand and a bowl of food in the other. He then placed the two down on the floor, right next to where Veer was. He placed the bowl of pet food on the ground, and then took the bandages, wrapping them around Veer’s tail. “There you go! Here, I brought you some food too,” Reed said, pushing the bowl closer towards the other. Veer glanced down at the dog food, a disgusted expression on his face. 
“Is he seriously gonna make me eat this stuff?” Veer thought to himself. 
“Come on, boy! Eat! You want to be nice and strong now, don’t you?” Reed asked.  “Well, I guess I have too...” Veer thought, sighing, and using his tongue to scoop up a single bit of the food into his mouth, nibbling down on it rather slowly. His eyes soon widened. “Oh my gosh...this stuff is delicious!” he thought. He grinned, diving into the bowl of pet food and beginning to devour it all. 
“Atta boy!” Reed cheered on, watching as his new pet hurriedly ate all his food. Caitlyn’s Room The two teenagers entered the room, Caitlyn quickly shutting and locking the door behind them. “So we’re all alone. Just the two of us,” Caitlyn said. “Yep! Just me, you, and the countless voices in my head,” Charlie said. “Wait, what?” Caitlyn asked. “Nothing,” Charlie answered. Caitlyn walked closer to Charlie, placing her hands on his shoulders. “W-What are you doing?” he asked. “Oh, you know...” she said, pushing him down on her bed. She smirked, taking her hand and slowly beginning to unzip his suit. “Hold on one second,” Charlie interrupted. “What is it?” she asked. “Aren’t we both 14?” he asked. “Yep.” “And isn’t the age of consent 18?”
“Correct.” “So aren’t we both four years too young to be doing this legally?” “You’ve got it!” Caitlyn answered peppily, continuing to pull down his zipper. She licked her lips as Charlie’s boxers came into sight, quickly moving her hand towards them. “WAIT!” Charlie asked. “What is it?” Caitlyn asked, pulling her hand away and glancing at the other. “I-I don’t really feel c-comfortable with uh, you know...” he stuttered.  “Oh! Sorry! So you’re one of those ‘take it slow’ guys. Yeah, yeah. That’s fine. That’s totally okay with me,” Caitlyn said, getting off of him.  “Well, I don’t care if it’s okay with you. It’s about what’s okay with me,” Charlie said, getting up. 
“Oh! Yeah, well that’s what I meant,” Caitlyn said. “Sure it is,” Charlie said, zipping his suit back up and yawning.  “Wanna cuddle?” Caitlyn asked. “Eh...” Charlie hesitated, shifting away from Caitlyn a bit. “Oh come on! Please! I won’t do anything weird! I promise!” Caitlyn begged. “Ugh, fine...But only if you keep your promise!” Charlie gave in. “Pft, of course I’ll keep my promise! I mean geez, come on, Wolfgang! What do you think I am? A politician?” Caitlyn said, hopping over to him and beginning to cuddle, causing a blush to spread across his face.
0 notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
Fourteen: A Boy’s Changing Body (Demon Blood Teen)
Episode Two. Veer attempts to teach Charlie how to control his newly gained powers and abilities. Meanwhile, Paris tries to figure out who sabotaged his interdimensional portal. 
Content Warning: Strong language, sexual references, depiction of anxiety and suicidal thoughts, KKK references (all done in comedic light)
A grin formed on Charlie’s face. He was back to normal. Finally. He turned away from the mirror, placing his hand on the doorknob when suddenly his eyes widened. He quickly turned around, finding Veer’s unconscious body laying on the bathroom room. His eye twitched, feeling his heart begin to beat a bit faster and his breathing becoming deeper. 
“Oh no...Oh no. What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do? There’s nowhere to hide the body! Ugh, why did this all happen to me? Why does this stuff always happen to me? Why can’t it happen to anyone else?” he thought to himself, nervously walking in circles. He sighed, picking up the demon’s body and placing it into the cabinet. “I really hope no one looks in here...” he thought, quickly changing back into his normal clothes. 
It was at that moment that one of his eyes switched back over to its’ previous purple color, leaving the other one its’ original teal. He then opened the bathroom door, walking out. “CHARLIE!” his father shouted. “Gah! W-What is it?!” the teenager asked, looking up at his parent, still startled from the sudden scream. “Have you seen a drug addict lately? He’s about the same age as you. He wears a blue suit and he has purple hair and eyes...Hey...Speaking of purple eyes, what happened to your left one?” Mr. Ridenour questioned. 
“W-What do you mean what happened to it? N-Nothing happened to it,” Charlie said. “Mate, I can tell when you’re lying. It’s just like how I was able to figure out that white stuff in the bathroom was cum,” Mr. Ridenour stated. “It wasn’t cum!” Charlie shouted. “Now, now, Charlie. It’s alright. It’s perfectly normal for you to experience that urge. Almost all teenagers do,” the parental figure said, patting his son’s head. “You seem to take a bit long though. Here’s something to help you out,” Mr. Ridenour, tossing Charlie a magazine. 
Quickly grabbing ahold of it, Charlie glanced down at the magazine. The title read as “How To Be A Good Little Christian Boy: Learn How To Control Your Animalistic, Unholy Urges”. Charlie stared at the magazine, glancing back up at his dad with a confused expression on his face. “Yeah...that’s all I had back in the day. My parents were religious extremists. In fact, they were actually a part of the KKK. They tried to get me to join, but that outfit was just way too dumb. I mean, seriously. Have you seen it? They look like the Coneheads,” Mr. Ridenour explained. 
“...Are you sure you’re the not the drug addict?” Charlie asked. “Aha, of course I’m not son. I wanted to take them but my parents took them before I could and burnt them and a few black people at one of their weirdo ceremony things,” Mr. Ridenour said. “Um...okay then. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll be going back to my room now,” Charlie said. “Sure thing, buddy! Dinner’s at seven!” Mr. Ridenour grinned, waving at his son before walking off back into the kitchen. 
The Next Day 
The house was completely silent. Not even the rustle of the trees outside could be heard, it was refreshingly peaceful. Of course, it was until the silence was suddenly broken by the high-pitched screeching of the alarm clock. “Gah! Don’t hurt me, Jake! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it!” Charlie whimpered, before his eyes opened up. “...Oh. It’s just the alarm clock. Well, time for another terrible day,” he muttered to himself, getting out his bed and heading into the bathroom. 
If the alarm wasn’t enough, suddenly the sound of extremely bad harmonica playing was heard. “Ooh! I’m trapped in this cabinet! Trapped in this cabinet!” Veer could be heard singing. Charlie groaned, quickly opening the cabinet doors. “At least I’m not all alone. I have this acne cream and some deodorant! Together, we can make the best of it! The best of it!” Veer continued to sing, until eventually realizing the doors had been opened. “Oh. Hello there!” the demon grinned. 
“What are you doing?” Charlie asked. “Singing a song about my imprisonment, of course! It helps lighten the mood!” Veer explained. “Interesting. You know, now that you mention it, my old therapist did tell me that singing could be a good outlet to express your expressions. I wanted to sing a song about my anxiety, but I got too anxious to do it,” Charlie said. “Your old therapist? What happened to them?” Veer asked. “She got run over. She’s in desperate need of surgery. ...What if she doesn’t make it? W-What if the doctors make a mistake? What if she doesn’t have the money to pay? Oh no!” Charlie suddenly burst out. “Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid?” Veer asked. “Yes! I’m so very paranoid! That’s why I hate myself! Why do I have to be like this?!” Charlie growled. “GOD MADE YOU THAT WAY, CHARLIE! EMBRACE IT!” an elder woman could be heard shouting.”I hate that woman,” Charlie said dryly. 
Later That Day
Charlie entered Mrs. Horrorfield’s classroom, placing his backpack down and taking a seat. He glanced over to his right, noticing a rather upset Paris. “H-Hey Paris, are you okay?” Charlie asked. “No...some idiot destroyed my inter dimensional portal! It took me months to build that thing! It would’ve been revolutionary! Ugh...when I find the person who did it...” Paris growled, snapping his pencil in half. “ABUSING THE CLASS MATERIALS, EY, PARIS?!” Mrs. Horrorfield questioned, quickly appearing at the boy’s desk. “This is my pencil,” Paris said, a deadpan tone in his voice. 
“Well, you’re abusing it either way! Kind of like how I abuse my students emotionally! Anyway, I know who destroyed your portal!” Mrs. Horrorfield. “You do? Who?” Paris asked. “It was...CHARLIE!” Mrs. Horrorfield shouted, pointing her ruler at the superpowered teen. “You always blame everything on him. None of the claims you’ve made about him have been proven to true. Why should I believe this time?” Paris asked, crossing his arms. “Because I’m your teacher! Don’t you know what teachers are for, Paris?! They help guide your life!” Mrs. Horrorfield grinned. “I thought they just tried instill their idiotic ideas inside of you while at the same time preventing you from coming up with any of your own  ideas,” Paris said dryly. “Touche,” Mrs. Horrorfield responded. 
Charlie had been walking through school when suddenly he was confronted by a red-haired student of his own age. “CRYBABY!” the student shouted. “Oh, u-um, h-hi there Jake...” Charlie grinned nervously, turning towards the other, starting to shake a bit nervously. “Woah! What the hell happened to your eyes?! One of them’s purple now! Pft, it makes you look even dumber than usual! And that’s saying a lot, considering how dumb you used to look before!” the student smirked, throwing a punch at the other. “Gah!” Charlie flinched, attempting to slap the other’s hand away, he instead ended up throwing the student to the wall. 
“Ow! Oh, god...Ugh...I think I need to go to the hospital...” Jake murmured in pain. Charlie gulped nervously, quickly running off. He then headed into the boys’ locker room, slamming the door shut and snatching Veer out of his backpack. “Yo, Charlie! Waz up?” Veer asked. “Veer! I think your blood is messing up my body! I tried to slap Jake’s hand away and instead I ended up throwing him into the wall instead!” Charlie said tearfully. “Why are you crying about it? That sounds awesome!” Veer grinned. “It’s not awesome! I don’t know how to control these powers! What if I end up revealing them by mistake?!” he questioned, his strands of hair slowly starting to grow and become messier, at the same time beginning to turn purple. 
“Woah, you just became really hot,” Veer pointed out. Charlie blinked, glancing up at his newly transformed hair. “Gah! I changed again! I didn’t mean to! I can’t just have this happening randomly! What am I gonna do?!” Charlie panicked. “Relax, man. We can take care of this. I’ll teach you show to control it,” Veer said. “O-Okay, what do I do?” Charlie asked. “Well, first, you’ve gotta take off your clothes,” Veer said. “...What?” Charlie asked, a disturbed expression on his face. “I said ‘take off your clothes’. Didn’t you hear me?” Veer asked, crossing his arms. 
“How is that gonna help me control my powers?!” Charlie questioned. “Ooohhh. You want me to teach you how to control your powers? I thought you wanted me to teach you how to control your sexual urges,” Veer explained. “How do you even get that from- Nevermind. Just show me please,” Charlie said, visibly starting to get a bit frustrated. “Show you what?” Veer asked. 
Paris entered in the office, heading up to the principal. “Mr. Marks? Could I have access to the security cameras of the lunchroom? I want to see the footage from yesterday,” Paris requested. “Sorry, no can do. Whoever fucked things up yesterday at the science fair deleted all the evidence to go with it. All the cameras have been destroyed,” Mr. Marks denied. Paris groaned when he heard this news. 
“Maybe now you can invent a time machine. Or some sort of truth potion,” Mr. Marks chuckled. “Hm...perhaps so. Perhaps so...” Paris said. “That was a joke,” Mr. Marks said. “Your joke has inspired me,” Paris said, walking out of the classroom. “So if that joke inspired Paris to create some sort of new device, that also means a joke could inspire someone to rape! This is just proof the patriarchy exists!” a teenage girl standing right next to Mr. Marks shouted out. “This kind of stuff is why you’re failing all your classes,” Mr. Marks dryly. 
Locker Room
Charlie had been fully transformed with his purple eyes and hair, wearing his blue wetsuit as well. “I-I think I got it!” Charlie grinned, glancing towards one of the lockers, suddenly being able to see all the items inside of it. “Woah...” Charlie gasped. “X-ray vision, huh? That’s a power a lot of teenage boys would like to have. Consider yourself lucky. Maybe soon your dad will start finding cum in the bathroom,” Veer commented. Charlie glared at the demon, pointing his hand at the other and blasting him with a laser beam. 
0 notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
He just stood there, not sure if he should go or stay to talk to the person. 
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
“I, uh...I have anxiety,” the teenager said quickly, half of him hoping the other hadn’t heard him. 
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
Charlie blinked, he wasn’t really sure if he should tell the other or not. 
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
He just stood there, grinning nervously at the other. He really didn’t know how to respond. 
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
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demonbloodteen · 8 years
“Am I?”
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
“N-Nervous? I’m not nervous!” Charlie insisted. 
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
“...You sure?”
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
18 notes · View notes
demonbloodteen · 8 years
“Y-You sure?” he asked, glancing up at the adult. This was just great. Why did he always have to bump into everyone? He just hoped the other wouldn’t say anything about his eyes...
Charlie had been walking home from school when he felt his body accidentally press up against the other. His eyes widened, quickly backing away. "Gah U-Um, t-terribly sorry sir! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he apologized.
{♚}—; Philip brushed himself off, “It’s okay kid it’s not a problem.”
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demonbloodteen · 8 years
“So...what now?”
Spyro had been exploring the city for a while in the early morning and decided to take a rest on the roof of a school and when the students began coming he watched the kids go in, no one appearing to notice him neither did the teachers, at least so far.
Charlie had been walking towards his school, Veer hiding inside his backpack when suddenly he came to a stop. “Hey! Charlie! What’s the hold up? You’re gonna be late for class! I mean, not that it really matters, since all the stuff taught in school is pointless, but you don’t want to risk getting sent to the principal’s office again! Do you?” Veer ranted. 
“T-There’s a dragon on top of the school’s roof…” the freshmen stammered. “Dragon? Maybe that white stuff in the bathroom is cocaine. Or at least it’s some type of drug. It’s giving you hallucinations,” Veer responded to the claims. 
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