#why am i so slow
cereal-killahh · 2 months
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Fuckin pony sona because MLP is cool asf
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skyward-floored · 10 months
So the Incredibles au was officially a year old on Sunday
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hedwyn-here · 5 months
I just found this great website that lets you see roughly how long it will take you to read a book based on your words-per-minute. I'm a pretty slow reader (I score anywhere between 200 and 250 wpm when I take a test) I put in the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy out of curiosity and I see it would take me a bit over 24 hours to read, a big chunk! But that's not bad, that's three fairly sizeable books right there! A fantasy epic!
Then I decided to test one of the books I'm currently reading. The Way of Kings by brandon Sanderson.
Almost a full Lord of the Rings trilogy, Mr Sanderson!
And this is just the first of a planned TEN BOOK SERIES!? MR SANDERSON!?!?
I figured what the fuck I'll check the rest of the Stormlight books that are currently released, and realised that The Way of Kings is the shortest one. They have got l o n g e r, with each release.
It will take me just over 107 hours to read the first 4 books.
I'm still going to try read them all becuase I love Sanderson but I'm starting to think I might not survive long enough to finish them.
Anyway here's the website. https://howlongtoread.com/
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palmtreepalmtree · 11 months
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I am very behind in my progress. I have two days to finish this project. My hands are gonna be so cramped by Monday.
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headedoutleft · 3 months
Trying to balance my desire to look at BG3 fanart with the immense amount of spoilers out there because I’m still in Act 1 😭
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amerasdreams · 6 months
Pet sitting client canceled this weekend as well! Someone canceled a few weeks ago-- a long weekend that would've given me $ enough to tide me over to the next. I have only had a few pet visits in like 3 weeks. My money is dissipating. And it is Christmas time.
Efforts so far to get new clients have failed
Idk what to do.
I could get other job. Use this time to look but I need money ASAP! I have never been able to get a job ASAP.$ hasn't been this low for a while. During covid at least I had money from the government.
I want to do my own businesses but they take time
If I can have some part time gigs + online part time and then get my other businesses going the rest of the time.... sort of been doing that but want more regular schedule (make my own hours so that my optimum hours are doing what i want to do most, that is my goals and purpose not meaningless rote/menial jobs)-- I have been getting closer to what I want and I don't want everything to collapse now right when I'm figuring things out and moving slowly forward
But I needmoney. If I could make some really cool things for on etsy and launch my business under pressure-- in time for holidays--
And/or something to tide me over, something that is regular until I can get main going (not interfere wih main and not make me so tired and stressed I can't so anything even enjoy small things I like... problem is! Everything makes me tired and stressed).
Somehow I can get before my money runs out
What's more dad is retiring this month. I had this pressure already and realize I really do need to move out and realllly want to--
It doesn't help tho that I'm sick or something and my mind isn't working and i can't concentrate well and my mind is slow so it can't make decisions and gets confused (maybe it's best I'm not doing a lot and I need rest to recover but idk how long I'll be sick! It's been like weeks already, maybe covid, mom had this weird semi/erratic/mind sickness too)
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its the fact that i only just realized why ellen pompeo and mariska hargitay were in the bad blood music video. it was like my brain woke up from a coma and i felt like a god until i told my friend and she was casual about it. now i just have complete and utter confirmation that im slow as hell.
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maigo-san · 7 months
one more assignment huhhuu it's still midnight, i can catch my sleep 🥲
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delcakoo · 1 year
hAlf way done this txt reacts hehegejd help
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 26 days
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Heroes of Millennium (HoM) AU
Act 1, Omake (Extra): Master of Time - (here)
Act 1: What was left behind. - read here
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couchcushions-art · 2 years
did you guyx know thzt saying the mooon looks pretty to someone means you love them
becahe i didnt
how do i take back a sentence bcs i said that to someone and i didnt knoe if meant that and uh they think i like thme
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ranna-alga · 2 months
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"Do the Evolution" - Pearl Jam
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isjasz · 2 months
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[Day 270]
Putting them thru the horrors of "it's April fgs why is there still sm snow"
(I was working on smth else but again couldn't get it done in time 🫡😭)
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okkotszn · 2 years
currently working on my next little saiki k ficlet 🙏🙏 should be releasing today
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selenekallanwriter · 4 months
Every single time
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sillyfairygarden · 11 months
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they’re a world class singer, with a sold out show
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